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In situ TEM investigation into the thermal stability of nanograined FCC metals

Hattar, Khalid M.; Knapp, J.A.

Nanostructured materials often display very unique properties related to their far-from-equilibrium nature. Due to these unique structures, many of these materials transform into other, more stable microstructures with minimal thermal excitation. This work will highlight examples of the unexpected routes taken during the microstructural evolution of pulsed-laser deposited (PLD) free-standing face-centered cubic (FCC) thin films as a function of deposition condition and annealing temperatures. A direct comparison between the grain growth dynamics observed during in situ TEM annealing experiments in PLD films of high-purity aluminum, copper, gold and nickel films, as well as aluminum-alumina alloys shows a multitude of kinetics. For high-purity systems film thickness, void density, grain size distribution, and deposition temperature were found to be the primary factors observed controlling the rate, extent, and nature of the grain growth. The growth dynamics ranged from nearly classical normal grain growth to abnormal grain growth resulting in a bimodal grain size distribution. The grain growth rate was found to be highly dependent on the materials system despite all of the films being nanograined FCC metals produced by similar PLD parameters. The investigation of the aluminum-alumina alloys produced under various compositions and deposition parameters suggests that particle pinning can be used to maintain nanostructured films, even after annealing treatments at high homologous temperatures. In addition to investigating the grain growth dynamics and the resulting grain size distribution, the variety of internal microstructures formed from thermal annealing were evaluated. These structures ranged from intergranular voids to stacking-fault tetrahedra. An unexpected, metastable hexagonal-closed packed phase was indentified in the high-purity nickel films. These in situ TEM observations have provided key insight into the microstructural evolution of nanograined free-standing metal films and the defect structure present in the grains resulting from various growth dynamics, in addition to suggesting multiple methods to tailor the structure and the resulting properties of nanostructured free-standing films.

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Nanomechanics and nanometallurgy of boundaries

Boyce, Brad B.; Clark, Blythe C.; Foiles, Stephen M.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Holm, Elizabeth A.; Knapp, J.A.

One of the tenets of nanotechnology is that the electrical/optical/chemical/biological properties of a material may be changed profoundly when the material is reduced to sufficiently small dimensions - and we can exploit these new properties to achieve novel or greatly improved material's performance. However, there may be mechanical or thermodynamic driving forces that hinder the synthesis of the structure, impair the stability of the structure, or reduce the intended performance of the structure. Examples of these phenomena include de-wetting of films due to high surface tension, thermally-driven instability of nano-grain structure, and defect-related internal dissipation. If we have fundamental knowledge of the mechanical processes at small length scales, we can exploit these new properties to achieve robust nanodevices. To state it simply, the goal of this program is the fundamental understanding of the mechanical properties of materials at small length scales. The research embodied by this program lies at the heart of modern materials science with a guiding focus on structure-property relationships. We have divided this program into three Tasks, which are summarized: (1) Mechanics of Nanostructured Materials (PI Blythe Clark). This task aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the mechanical properties and thermal stability of nanostructured metals, and of the relationship between nano/microstructure and bulk mechanical behavior through a combination of special materials synthesis methods, nanoindentation coupled with finite-element modeling, detailed electron microscopic characterization, and in-situ transmission electron microscopy experiments. (2) Theory of Microstructures and Ensemble Controlled Deformation (PI Elizabeth A. Holm). The goal of this Task is to combine experiment, modeling, and simulation to construct, analyze, and utilize three-dimensional (3D) polycrystalline nanostructures. These full 3D models are critical for elucidating the complete structural geometry, topology, and arrangements that control experimentally-observed phenomena, such as abnormal grain growth, grain rotation, and internal dissipation measured in nanocrystalline metal. (3) Mechanics and Dynamics of Nanostructured and Nanoscale Materials (PI John P. Sullivan). The objective of this Task is to develop atomic-scale understanding of dynamic processes including internal dissipation in nanoscale and nanostructured metals, and phonon transport and boundary scattering in nanoscale structures via internal friction measurements.

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Evolution of mechanical properties in ErT2 films

Knapp, J.A.

The mechanical properties of rare earth tritide films evolve as tritium decays into {sup 3}He, which forms bubbles that influence long-term film stability in applications such as neutron generators. Ultralow load nanoindentation, combined with finite-element modeling to separate the mechanical properties of the thin films from their substrates, has been used to follow the mechanical properties of model ErT{sub 2} films as they aged. The size of the growing {sup 3}He bubbles was followed with transmission electron microscopy, while ion beam analysis was used to monitor total T and {sup 3}He content. The observed behavior is divided into two regimes: a substantial increase in layer hardness but elasticity changed little over {approx}18 months, followed by a decrease in elastic stiffness and a modest decease in hardness over the final 24 months. We show that the evolution of properties is explained by a combination of dislocation pinning by the bubbles, elastic softening as the bubbles occupy an increasing fraction of the material, and details of bubble growth modes.

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In situ TEM straining of nanograined free-standing thin films reveals various unexpected deformation mechanisms

Clark, Blythe C.; Knapp, J.A.

In-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) straining experiments provide direct detailed observation of the deformation and failure mechanisms active at a length scale relevant to nanomaterials. This presentation will detail continued investigations into the active mechanisms governing high purity nanograined pulsed-laser deposited (PLD) nickel, as well as recent work into dislocation-particle interactions in nanostructured PLD aluminum-alumina alloys. Straining experiments performed on nanograined PLD free-standing nanograined Ni films with an engineered grain size distribution revealed that the addition of ductility with limited decrease in strength, reported in such metals, can be attributed to the simultaneous activity of three deformation mechanisms in front of the crack tip. At the crack tip, a grain agglomeration mechanism occurs where several nanograins appear to rotate, resulting in a very thin, larger grain immediately prior to failure. In the classical plastic zone in front of the crack tip, a multitude of mechanisms were found to operate in the larger grains including: dislocation pile-up, twinning, and stress-assisted grain growth. The region outside of the plastic zone showed signs of elasticity with limited indications of dislocation activity. The insight gained from in-situ TEM straining experiments of nanograined PLD Ni provides feedback for models of the deformation and failure in nanograined FCC metals, and suggests a greater complexity in the active mechanisms. The investigation into the deformation and failure mechanisms of FCC metals via in-situ TEM straining experiments has been expanded to the effect of hard particles on the active mechanisms in nanograined aluminum with alumina particles. The microstructures investigated were developed with varying composition, grain size, and particle distribution via tailoring of the PLD conditions and subsequent annealing. In order to develop microstructures suitable for in-situ deformation testing, in-situ TEM annealing experiments were performed, revealing the effect of nanoparticle precipitates on grain growth. These films were then strained in the TEM and the resulting microstructural evolution will be discussed. In-situ TEM straining experiments currently provide a wealth of information into plasticity within nanomaterials and can potentially, with further development of TEM and nanofabrication tools, provide even greater investigative capabilities.

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Science at the interface : grain boundaries in nanocrystalline metals

Foiles, Stephen M.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Holm, Elizabeth A.; Brewer, Luke N.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Knapp, J.A.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

Interfaces are a critical determinant of the full range of materials properties, especially at the nanoscale. Computational and experimental methods developed a comprehensive understanding of nanograin evolution based on a fundamental understanding of internal interfaces in nanocrystalline nickel. It has recently been shown that nanocrystals with a bi-modal grain-size distribution possess a unique combination of high-strength, ductility and wear-resistance. We performed a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the structure and motion of internal interfaces in nanograined metal and the resulting grain evolution. The properties of grain boundaries are computed for an unprecedented range of boundaries. The presence of roughening transitions in grain boundaries is explored and related to dramatic changes in boundary mobility. Experimental observations show that abnormal grain growth in nanograined materials is unlike conventional scale material in both the level of defects and the formation of unfavored phases. Molecular dynamics simulations address the origins of some of these phenomena.

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Radiation microscope for SEE testing using GeV ions

Villone, J.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Doyle, Barney L.; Knapp, J.A.

Radiation Effects Microscopy is an extremely useful technique in failure analysis of electronic parts used in radiation environment. It also provides much needed support for development of radiation hard components used in spacecraft and nuclear weapons. As the IC manufacturing technology progresses, more and more overlayers are used; therefore, the sensitive region of the part is getting farther and farther from the surface. The thickness of these overlayers is so large today that the traditional microbeams, which are used for REM are unable to reach the sensitive regions. As a result, higher ion beam energies have to be used (> GeV), which are available only at cyclotrons. Since it is extremely complicated to focus these GeV ion beams, a new method has to be developed to perform REM at cyclotrons. We developed a new technique, Ion Photon Emission Microscopy, where instead of focusing the ion beam we use secondary photons emitted from a fluorescence layer on top of the devices being tested to determine the position of the ion hit. By recording this position information in coincidence with an SEE signal we will be able to indentify radiation sensitive regions of modern electronic parts, which will increase the efficiency of radiation hard circuits.

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Issues associated with the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of ScGaN and YGaN alloys

Koleske, Daniel K.; Creighton, J.R.; Crawford, Mary H.; Cross, Karen C.; Knapp, J.A.

The most energy efficient solid state white light source will likely be a combination of individually efficient red, green, and blue LED. For any multi-color approach to be successful the efficiency of deep green LEDs must be significantly improved. While traditional approaches to improve InGaN materials have yielded incremental success, we proposed a novel approach using group IIIA and IIIB nitride semiconductors to produce efficient green and high wavelength LEDs. To obtain longer wavelength LEDs in the nitrides, we attempted to combine scandium (Sc) and yttrium (Y) with gallium (Ga) to produce ScGaN and YGaN for the quantum well (QW) active regions. Based on linear extrapolation of the proposed bandgaps of ScN (2.15 eV), YN (0.8 eV) and GaN (3.4 eV), we expected that LEDs could be fabricated from the UV (410 nm) to the IR (1600 nm), and therefore cover all visible wavelengths. The growth of these novel alloys potentially provided several advantages over the more traditional InGaN QW regions including: higher growth temperatures more compatible with GaN growth, closer lattice matching to GaN, and reduced phase separation than is commonly observed in InGaN growth. One drawback to using ScGaN and YGaN films as the active regions in LEDs is that little research has been conducted on their growth, specifically, are there metalorganic precursors that are suitable for growth, are the bandgaps direct or indirect, can the materials be grown directly on GaN with a minimal defect formation, as well as other issues related to growth. The major impediment to the growth of ScGaN and YGaN alloys was the low volatility of metalorganic precursors. Despite this impediment some progress was made in incorporation of Sc and Y into GaN which is detailed in this report. Primarily, we were able to incorporate up to 5 x 10{sup 18} cm{sup -3} Y atoms into a GaN film, which are far below the alloy concentrations needed to evaluate the YGaN optical properties. After a no-cost extension was granted on this program, an additional more 'liquid-like' Sc precursor was evaluated and the nitridation of Sc metals on GaN were investigated. Using the Sc precursor, dopant level quantities of Sc were incorporated into GaN, thereby concluding the growth of ScGaN and YGaN films. Our remaining time during the no-cost extension was focused on pulsed laser deposition of Sc metal films on GaN, followed by nitridation in the MOCVD reactor to form ScN. Finally, GaN films were deposited on the ScN thin films in order to study possible GaN dislocation reduction.

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Ion-luminescence properties of GaN films being developed for IPEM

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Rossi, Paolo R.; Doyle, Barney L.; Vizkelethy, G.; McDaniel, F.D.; Knapp, J.A.; Jauregui, H.; Villone, J.

Radiation effects microscopy (REM) for the next generation integrated circuits (ICs) will require GeV ions both to provide high ionization and to penetrate the thick overlayers in present day ICs. These ion beams can be provided by only a few cyclotrons in the world. Since it is extremely hard to focus these higher-energy ions, we have proposed the ion photon emission microscope (IPEM) that allows the determination of the ion hits by focusing the emitted photons to a position sensitive detector. The IPEM needs a thin luminescent foil that has high brightness, good spatial resolution and does not change the incident ion's energy and direction significantly. Available organic-phosphor foils require a large thickness to produce enough photons, which results in poor spatial resolution. To solve this problem, we have developed thin, lightly doped n-type GaN films that are extremely bright. We have grown high quality GaN films on sapphire using metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), detached the films from the substrate using laser ablation, and made them self-supporting. The smallest foils have 1 mm2 area and 1 μm thickness. The optical properties, such as light yield, spectrum and decay times were measured and compared to those of conventional phosphors, by using both alpha particles from a radioactive source and 250 keV ions from an implanter. We found that the GaN performance strongly depends on composition and doping levels. The conclusion is that 1-2 μm GaN film of a 1 mm2 area may become an ideal ion position detector. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Defect structures created during abnormal grain growth in pulsed-laser deposited nickel

Acta Materialia

Hattar, K.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Knapp, J.A.; Robertson, I.M.

The thermal stability of nanograined pulsed-laser deposited nickel was studied by annealing free-standing thin films in situ in a transmission electron microscope. The observed grain growth was sporadic and catastrophic, as expected for abnormal grain growth. The large grains contained a variety of defects that included twins, dislocation lines, small dislocation loops and stacking-fault tetrahedra. This microstructure was developed at annealing temperatures as low as 498 K and was stable at the annealing temperature. The proposed source of the defects and especially the stacking-fault tetrahedra is the grain boundaries, which have excess free volume. This defect source provides insight to the structure of the deposited grain boundaries, which has important consequences for the macroscopic mechanical properties of nanograined pulsed-laser deposited nickel. © 2007 Acta Materialia Inc.

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Response to comment on "grain boundary mediated plasticity in nanocrystalline nickel"

Proposed for publication in Science.

Follstaedt, D.M.; Knapp, J.A.

Our study (1) reported on the deformation response of nanocrystalline Ni during in situ dark-field transmission electron microscopy (DFTEM) straining experiments and showed what we view as direct and compelling evidence of grain boundary-mediated plasticity. Based on their analysis of the limited experimental data we presented, however, Chen and Yan (2) propose that the reported contrast changes more likely resulted from grain growth caused by electron irradiation and applied stress rather than from plastic deformation. Here, we give specific reasons why their assertions are incorrect and discuss how the measurement approaches they have used are inappropriate. Additionally, we present further evidence that supports our original conclusions. The method Chen and Yan employed to measure displacement merely probes the in-plane (two-dimensional) components of incremental strain occurring during the very short time interval shown [figure 3 in (1)] instead of the accumulated strain. As we noted explicitly in the supporting online material in (1), the loading was applied by pulsing the displacement manually. After each small displacement pulse, the monitored area always moved significantly within or even out of the field of view. Clear images could be obtained only when the sample position stabilized within the field of view, and at that time severe deformation was nearly complete. Thus, little incremental strain occurs during this short image sequence [figure 3 in (1)], as one might expect. We believe that the images shown in figure 3 of (1) are particularly valuable in understanding deformation in nanocrystalline materials. In general, the formation process of grain agglomerates simply occurred too fast to be recorded clearly. Moreover, instead of remaining constant after formation, the sizes of the grain agglomerates changed in a rather irregular manner in responding to the deformation and fracture process (see, for example, Fig. 1, B to D). This indicates that strong grain boundary-related activity occurred inside the grain agglomerates. Figure 3 in (1), a short (0.5 s) extract from more than 6 hours of videotaped experimentation (imaged ahead of cracks), not only reveals the formation process of a grain agglomerate, but also shows conclusive evidence for grain rotation and excludes the effect of overall sample rotation. It should be noted that other small grains still exhibit some minor contrast changes in figure 3 in (1). Hence, using them as reference points yields measurements that may not be accurate to {+-}1 nm [as Chen and Yan (2) claim in their analysis] and limits the accuracy of their conclusions. Chen and Yan also claim that no deformation has occurred, yet simultaneously state that the analysis has a deformation measurement error of 0.5%. This is simply not consistent; even small strains of this order may cause plastic deformation. In contrast with previous in situ TEM experiments (3-5), the special sample design adopted in our investigation (1) ensured that all deformation was primarily concentrated in a bandlike area ahead of the propagating crack. We found that these grain agglomerates were observed only in this bandlike thinning area as a response to the applied loads (Fig. 1B). No similar phenomena were detected under the electron beam alone or in stressed areas apart from the main deformation area, and these phenomena have not been reported during in situ observations of this same material made by other researchers (5). Subsequent cracks were always observed to follow this deformation area upon further displacement pulses (Fig. 1, C and D). This clearly indicates that the enlarged agglomerates do not result simply from electron irradiation plus stress, but rather from stress-induced deformation. In their comment, Chen and Yan claimed a linear relation between 'grain' area and time based on their measurements made from figure 3 in (1) and claimed that these measurements are exactly consistent with the classical grain growth equation. However, as we noted (1), the growth in size of this agglomerate is not isotropic and occurs in an irregular manner. For example, after bright contrast emerged from a grain about 6 nm in diameter, it remained well defined in size as a single, approximately equiaxed grain until t = 0.1 s (fig. S1). We have reproduced the 'grain growth' plot of Chen and Yan (Fig. 2) using our entire video image sequence (fig. S1). Clearly, the growth in area of the agglomerate is not consistent with linear grain growth. (Unfortunately, only a portion of these data could be included in the original paper for reasons of space.) Notably, Chen and Yan did not apply a similar 'grain growth' analysis to nearby grains; this would have yielded no information in support of their argument, as those grains show essentially no growth.

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Grain boundary mediated plasticity in nanocrystalline nickel

Proposed for publication in Science.

Follstaedt, D.M.; Knapp, J.A.

The plastic behavior of crystalline materials is mainly controlled by the nucleation and motion of lattice dislocations. We report in situ dynamic transmission electron microscope observations of nanocrystalline nickel films with an average grain size of about 10 nanometers, which show that grain boundary-mediated processes have become a prominent deformation mode. Additionally, trapped lattice dislocations are observed in individual grains following deformation. This change in the deformation mode arises from the grain size-dependent competition between the deformation controlled by nucleation and motion of dislocations and the deformation controlled by diffusion-assisted grain boundary processes.

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Monte Carlo simulations of multiple scattering effects in ERD measurements

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Arstila, K.; Knapp, J.A.; Nordlund, K.; Doyle, Barney L.

Multiple scattering effects in ERD measurements are studied by comparing two Monte Carlo simulation codes, representing different approaches to obtain acceptable statistics, to experimental spectra measured from a HfO2 sample with a time-of-flight-ERD setup. The results show that both codes can reproduce the absolute detection yields and the energy distributions in an adequate way. The effect of the choice of the interatomic potential in multiple scattering effects is also studied. Finally the capabilities of the MC simulations in the design of new measurement setups are demonstrated by simulating the recoil energy spectra from a WCxNy sample with a low energy heavy ion beam. Published by Elsevier B.V.

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Elastic recoil detection analysis of 3He

Knapp, J.A.; Knapp, J.A.; Wampler, William R.; Banks, J.C.; Doyle, Barney L.

We give the results of a study using Monte Carlo ion interaction codes to simulate and optimize elastic recoil detection analysis for {sup 3}He buildup in tritide films. Two different codes were used. The primary tool was MCERD, written especially for simulating ion beam analysis using optimizations and enhancements for greatly increasing the probabilities for the creation and the detection of recoil atoms. MPTRIM, an implementation of the TRIMRC code for a massively parallel computer, was also used for comparison and for determination of absolute yield. This study was undertaken because of a need for high-resolution depth profiling of 3He and near-surface light impurities (e.g. oxygen) in metal hydride films containing tritium.

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Hall-Petch relationship in pulsed laser deposited nickel films

Proposed for publication in Journal of Materials Research.

Knapp, J.A.; Knapp, J.A.; Follstaedt, D.M.

Thin-film mechanical properties can be measured using nanoindentation combined with detailed finite element modeling. This technique was used for a study of very fine grained Ni films, formed using pulsed-laser deposition on fused silica, sapphire, and Ni substrates. The grain sizes in the films were characterized by electron microscopy, and the mechanical properties were determined by ultra-low load indentation, analyzed using finite element modeling to separate the mechanical properties of the thin layers from those of the substrates. Some Ni films were deposited at high temperature or annealed after deposition to enlarge the grain sizes. The observed hardnesses and grain sizes in these thin Ni films are consistent with the empirical Hall-Petch relationship for grain sizes ranging from a few micrometers to as small as 10 nm, suggesting that deformation occurs preferentially by dislocation movement even in such nanometer-size grains.

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Microscale Modeling and Simulation

Redmond, James M.; Reedy, Earl D.; Heinstein, Martin W.; De Boer, Maarten P.; Knapp, J.A.; Piekos, Edward S.; Wong, Chungnin C.; Holm, Elizabeth A.

The Microsystems Subgrid Physics project is intended to address gaps between developing high-performance modeling and simulation capabilities and microdomain specific physics. The initial effort has focused on incorporating electrostatic excitations, adhesive surface interactions, and scale dependent material and thermal properties into existing modeling capabilities. Developments related to each of these efforts are summarized, and sample applications are presented. While detailed models of the relevant physics are still being developed, a general modeling framework is emerging that can be extended to incorporate evolving material and surface interaction modules.

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Surface Hardening by Nanoparticle Precipitation in Ni(Al,O)

Myers, S.M.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Knapp, J.A.

Ion implantation of O and Al were used to form nanometer-size precipitates of NiO or Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} in the near-surface of Ni. The yield strengths of the treated layers were determined by nanoindentation testing in conjunction with finite-element modeling. The strengths range up to {approximately}5 GPa, substantially above values for hard bearing steels. These results agree quantitatively with predictions of dispersion-hardening theory based on the precipitate microstructures observed by transmission electron microscopy. Such surface hardening by ion implantation may be beneficial for Ni components in micro-electromechanical systems.

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Hall-Petch hardening in pulsed laser deposited nickel and copper thin films

Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings

Knapp, J.A.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Banks, J.C.; Myers, S.M.

Very fine-grained Ni and Cu films were formed using pulsed laser deposition onto fused silica substrates. The grain sizes in the films were characterized by electron microscopy, and the mechanical properties were determined by ultra-low load indentation, with finite-element modeling used to evaluate the properties of the layers separately from those of the substrate. Some Ni films were also examined after annealing to 350 and 450 °C to enlarge the grain sizes. These preliminary results show that the observed hardnesses are consistent with a simple extension of the Hall-Petch relationship to grain sizes as small as 11 nm for Ni and 32 nm for Cu.

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Adhesion hysteresis of silane coated microcantilevers

Acta Materials

De Boer, Maarten P.; Knapp, J.A.; Michalske, Terry A.

The authors have developed a new experimental approach for measuring hysteresis in the adhesion between micromachined surfaces. By accurately modeling the deformations in cantilever beams that are subject to combined interfacial adhesion and applied electrostatic forces, they determine adhesion energies for advancing and receding contacts. They draw on this new method to examine adhesion hysteresis for silane coated micromachined structures and found significant hysteresis for surfaces that were exposed to high relative humidity (RH) conditions. Atomic force microscopy studies of these surfaces showed spontaneous formation of agglomerates that they interpreted as silages that have irreversibly transformed from uniform surface layers at low RH to isolated vesicles at high RH. They used contact deformation models to show that the compliance of these vesicles could reasonably account for the adhesion hysteresis that develops at high RH as the surfaces are forced into contact by an externally applied load.

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Fundamental mechanisms of micromachine reliability

De Boer, Maarten P.; Sniegowski, Jeffry J.; Knapp, J.A.; Redmond, James M.; Michalske, Terry A.; Mayer, Thomas K.

Due to extreme surface to volume ratios, adhesion and friction are critical properties for reliability of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), but are not well understood. In this LDRD the authors established test structures, metrology and numerical modeling to conduct studies on adhesion and friction in MEMS. They then concentrated on measuring the effect of environment on MEMS adhesion. Polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) is the primary material of interest in MEMS because of its integrated circuit process compatibility, low stress, high strength and conformal deposition nature. A plethora of useful micromachined device concepts have been demonstrated using Sandia National Laboratories' sophisticated in-house capabilities. One drawback to polysilicon is that in air the surface oxidizes, is high energy and is hydrophilic (i.e., it wets easily). This can lead to catastrophic failure because surface forces can cause MEMS parts that are brought into contact to adhere rather than perform their intended function. A fundamental concern is how environmental constituents such as water will affect adhesion energies in MEMS. The authors first demonstrated an accurate method to measure adhesion as reported in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 through 5, they then studied the effect of water on adhesion depending on the surface condition (hydrophilic or hydrophobic). As described in Chapter 2, they find that adhesion energy of hydrophilic MEMS surfaces is high and increases exponentially with relative humidity (RH). Surface roughness is the controlling mechanism for this relationship. Adhesion can be reduced by several orders of magnitude by silane coupling agents applied via solution processing. They decrease the surface energy and render the surface hydrophobic (i.e. does not wet easily). However, only a molecular monolayer coats the surface. In Chapters 3-5 the authors map out the extent to which the monolayer reduces adhesion versus RH. They find that adhesion is independent of RH up to a threshold value, depending on the coating chemistry. The mechanism for the adhesion increase beyond this threshold value is that the coupling agent reconfigures from a surface to a bulk phase (Chapter 3). To investigate the details of how the adhesion increase occurs, the authors developed the mechanics for adhesion hysteresis measurements. These revealed that near-crack tip compression is the underlying cause of the adhesion increase (Chapter 4). A vacuum deposition chamber for silane coupling agent deposition was constructed. Results indicate that vapor deposited coatings are less susceptible to degradation at high RH (Chapter 5). To address issues relating to surfaces in relative motion, a new test structure to measure friction was developed. In contrast to other surface micromachined friction test structures, uniform apparent pressure is applied in the frictional contact zone (Chapter 6). The test structure will enable friction studies over a large pressure and dynamic range. In this LDRD project, the authors established an infrastructure for MEMS adhesion and friction metrology. They then characterized in detail the performance of hydrophilic and hydrophobic films under humid conditions, and determined mechanisms which limit this performance. These studies contribute to a fundamental understanding for MEMS reliability design rules. They also provide valuable data for MEMS packaging requirements.

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49 Results
49 Results