
84 Results
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Measurement and thermal modeling of sapphire substrate temperature at III-Nitride MOVPE conditions

Journal of Crystal Growth

Creighton, J.R.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Figiel, J.J.

Growth rates and alloy composition of AlGaN grown by MOVPE is often very temperature dependent due to the presence of gas-phase parasitic chemical processes. These processes make wafer temperature measurement highly important, but in fact such measurements are very difficult because of substrate transparency in the near-IR (~900 nm) where conventional pyrometers detect radiation. The transparency problem can be solved by using a mid-IR pyrometer operating at a wavelength (~7500 nm) where sapphire is opaque. We employ a mid-IR pyrometer to measure the sapphire wafer temperature and simultaneously a near-IR pyrometer to measure wafer pocket temperature, while varying reactor pressure in both a N2 and H2 ambient. Near 1300 °C, as the reactor pressure is lowered from 300 Torr to 10 Torr the wafer temperature drops dramatically, and the ∆T between the pocket and wafer increases from ~20 °C to ~250 °C. Without the mid-IR pyrometer the large wafer temperature change with pressure would not have been noted. In order to explain this behavior we have developed a quasi-2D thermal model that includes a proper accounting of the pressure-dependent thermal contact resistance, and also accounts for sapphire optical transmission. The model and experimental results demonstrate that at most growth conditions the majority of the heat is transported from the wafer pocket to the wafer via gas conduction, in the free molecular flow limit. In this limit gas conductivity is independent of gap size but first order in pressure, and can quantitatively explain results from 20 to 300 Torr. Further analysis yields a measure of the thermal accommodation coefficients; α(H2) =0.23, α(N2) =0.50, which are in the range typically measured.

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Nonpolar InGaN/GaN Core-Shell Single Nanowire Lasers

Nano Letters

Li, Changyi; Wright, Jeremy B.; Liu, Sheng L.; Lu, Ping L.; Figiel, J.J.; Leung, Benjamin; Chow, Weng W.; Brener, Igal B.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Luk, Ting S.; Feezell, Daniel F.; Brueck, S.R.J.; Wang, George T.

We report lasing from nonpolar p-i-n InGaN/GaN multi-quantum well core-shell single-nanowire lasers by optical pumping at room temperature. The nanowire lasers were fabricated using a hybrid approach consisting of a top-down two-step etch process followed by a bottom-up regrowth process, enabling precise geometrical control and high material gain and optical confinement. The modal gain spectra and the gain curves of the core-shell nanowire lasers were measured using micro-photoluminescence and analyzed using the Hakki-Paoli method. Significantly lower lasing thresholds due to high optical gain were measured compared to previously reported semipolar InGaN/GaN core-shell nanowires, despite significantly shorter cavity lengths and reduced active region volume. Mode simulations show that due to the core-shell architecture, annular-shaped modes have higher optical confinement than solid transverse modes. The results show the viability of this p-i-n nonpolar core-shell nanowire architecture, previously investigated for next-generation light-emitting diodes, as low-threshold, coherent UV-visible nanoscale light emitters, and open a route toward monolithic, integrable, electrically injected single-nanowire lasers operating at room temperature.

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Intrinsic polarization control in rectangular GaN nanowire lasers


Li, Changyi; Liu, Sheng L.; Luk, Ting S.; Figiel, J.J.; Brener, Igal B.; Brueck, S.R.J.; Wang, George T.

We demonstrate intrinsic, linearly polarized lasing from single GaN nanowires using cross-sectional shape control. A two-step top-down fabrication approach was employed to create straight nanowires with controllable rectangular cross-sections. A clear lasing threshold of 444 kW cm-2 and a narrow spectral line width of 0.16 nm were observed under optical pumping at room temperature, indicating the onset of lasing. The polarization was along the short dimension (y-direction) of the nanowire due to the higher transverse confinement factors for y-polarized transverse modes resulting from the rectangular nanowire cross-section. The results show that cross-sectioned shape control can enable inherent control over the polarization of nanowire lasers without additional environment requirements, such as placement onto lossy substrates.

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Electrically Injected UV-Visible Nanowire Lasers

Wang, George T.; Li, Changyi L.; Li, Qiming L.; Liu, Sheng L.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Brener, Igal B.; Luk, Ting S.; Chow, Weng W.; Leung, Benjamin L.; Figiel, J.J.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Lu, Tzu-Ming L.

There is strong interest in minimizing the volume of lasers to enable ultracompact, low-power, coherent light sources. Nanowires represent an ideal candidate for such nanolasers as stand-alone optical cavities and gain media, and optically pumped nanowire lasing has been demonstrated in several semiconductor systems. Electrically injected nanowire lasers are needed to realize actual working devices but have been elusive due to limitations of current methods to address the requirement for nanowire device heterostructures with high material quality, controlled doping and geometry, low optical loss, and efficient carrier injection. In this project we proposed to demonstrate electrically injected single nanowire lasers emitting in the important UV to visible wavelengths. Our approach to simultaneously address these challenges is based on high quality III-nitride nanowire device heterostructures with precisely controlled geometries and strong gain and mode confinement to minimize lasing thresholds, enabled by a unique top-down nanowire fabrication technique.

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GaN nanowires with pentagon shape cross-section by ammonia-source molecular beam epitaxy

Journal of Crystal Growth

Lin, Yong; Leung, Benjamin L.; Li, Qiming; Figiel, J.J.; Wang, George T.

Ammonia-based molecular beam epitaxy (NH3-MBE) was used to grow catalyst-assisted GaN nanowires on (11¯02) r-plane sapphire substrates. Dislocation free [112¯0] oriented nanowires are formed with pentagon shape cross-section, instead of the usual triangular shape facet configuration. Specifically, the cross-section is the result of the additional two nonpolar {101¯0} side facets, which appear due to a decrease in relative growth rate of the {101¯0} facets to the {101¯1} and {101¯1} facets under the growth regime in NH3-MBE. Compared to GaN nanowires grown by Ni-catalyzed metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, the NH3-MBE grown GaN nanowires show more than an order of magnitude increase in band-edge to yellow luminescence intensity ratio, as measured by cathodoluminescence, indicating improved microstructural and optical properties.

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Continuous and dynamic spectral tuning of single nanowire lasers with subnanometer resolution using hydrostatic pressure


Liu, Sheng L.; Li, Changyi; Figiel, J.J.; Brueck, Steven R.J.; Brener, Igal B.; Wang, George T.

We report continuous, dynamic, reversible, and widely tunable lasing from 367 to 337 nm from single GaN nanowires (NWs) by applying hydrostatic pressure up to ∼7 GPa. The GaN NW lasers, with heights of 4-5 μm and diameters ∼140 nm, are fabricated using a lithographically defined two-step top-down technique. The wavelength tuning is caused by an increasing Γ direct bandgap of GaN with increasing pressure and is precisely controllable to subnanometer resolution. The observed pressure coefficients of the NWs are ∼40% larger compared with GaN microstructures fabricated from the same material or from reported bulk GaN values, revealing a nanoscale-related effect that significantly enhances the tuning range using this approach. This approach can be generally applied to other semiconductor NW lasers to potentially achieve full spectral coverage from the UV to IR.

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Nonpolar InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well core-shell nanowire lasers

CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015

Li, Changyi; Wright, Jeremy B.; Liu, Sheng L.; Lu, Ping L.; Figiel, J.J.; Leung, Benjamin L.; Luk, Ting S.; Brener, Igal B.; Feezell, Daniel; Brueck, S.R.J.; Wang, George T.

Lasing is demonstrated from nonpolar III-nitride core-shell multi-quantum-well nanowires. The nanowire lasers were fabricated by coupling a top-down and bottom-up methodology and achieved lasing at wavelengths below the GaN bandedge. © OSA 2015.

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Gallium nitride nanotube lasers

Applied Physics Letters

Li, Changyi L.; Liu, Sheng L.; Hurtado, Antonio H.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Xu, Huiwen X.; Luk, Ting S.; Figiel, J.J.; Brener, Igal B.; Brueck, S.R.; Wang, George T.

Lasing is demonstrated from gallium nitride nanotubes fabricated using a two-step top-down technique. By optically pumping, we observed characteristics of lasing: a clear threshold, a narrow spectral, and guided emission from the nanotubes. In addition, annular lasing emission from the GaN nanotube is also observed, indicating that cross-sectional shape control can be employed to manipulate the properties of nanolasers. The nanotube lasers could be of interest for optical nanofluidic applications or application benefitting from a hollow beam shape.

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Gallium nitride based logpile photonic crystals for visible lighting

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Subramania, G.; Li, Q.; Lee, Y.J.; Figiel, J.J.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Wang, George T.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Biswas, R.

Photonic crystals (PC) can fundamentally alter the emission behavior of light sources by suitably modifying the electromagnetic environment around them. Strong modulation of the photonic density of states especially by full threedimensional (3D) bandgap PCs, enables one to completely suppress emission in undesired wavelengths and directions while enhancing desired emission. This property of 3DPC to control spontaneous emission, opens up new regimes of light-matter interaction in particular, energy efficient and high brightness visible lighting. Therefore a 3DPC composed entirely of gallinum nitride (GaN), a key material used in visible light emitting diodes can dramatically impact solid state lighting. The following work demonstrates an all GaN logpile 3DPC with bandgap in the visible fabricated by a template directed epitaxial growth. © 2012 SPIE.

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Top-down fabrication of GaN-based nanorod LEDs and lasers

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Wang, George T.; Li, Qiming L.; Wierer, Jonathan W.; Figiel, J.J.; Wright, Jeremy B.; Luk, Ting S.; Brener, Igal B.

Although planar heterostructures dominate current optoelectronic architectures, 1D nanowires and nanorods have distinct and advantageous properties that may enable higher efficiency, longer wavelength, and cheaper devices. We have developed a top-down approach for fabricating ordered arrays of high quality GaN-based nanorods with controllable height, pitch and diameter. This approach avoids many of the limitations of bottom-up synthesis methods. In addition to GaN nanorods, the fabrication and characterization of both axial and radial-type GaN/InGaN nanorod LEDs have been achieved. The precise control over nanorod geometry achiveable by this technique also enables single-mode single nanowire lasing with linewidths of less than 0.1 nm and low lasing thresholds of ∼250kW/cm 2. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).

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Optical performance of top-down fabricated InGaN/GaN nanorod light emitting diode arrays

Optics Express

Li, Qiming L.; Crawford, Mary H.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Figiel, J.J.; Cross, Karen C.; Wang, George T.

Vertically aligned InGaN/GaN nanorod light emitting diode (LED) arrays were created from planar LED structures using a new top-down fabrication technique consisting of a plasma etch followed by an anisotropic wet etch. The wet etch results in straight, smooth, well-faceted nanorods with controllable diameters and removes the plasma etch damage. 94% of the nanorod LEDs are dislocation-free and a reduced quantum confined Stark effect is observed due to reduced piezoelectric fields. Despite these advantages, the IQE of the nanorod LEDs measured by photoluminescence is comparable to the planar LED, perhaps due to inefficient thermal transport and enhanced nonradiative surface recombination.

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A revolution in micropower : the catalytic nanodiode

Creighton, J.R.; Baucom, Kevin C.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Figiel, J.J.; Cross, Karen C.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Heller, Edwin J.; Bogart, Katherine B.; Coker, Eric N.

Our ability to field useful, nano-enabled microsystems that capitalize on recent advances in sensor technology is severely limited by the energy density of available power sources. The catalytic nanodiode (reported by Somorjai's group at Berkeley in 2005) was potentially an alternative revolutionary source of micropower. Their first reports claimed that a sizable fraction of the chemical energy may be harvested via hot electrons (a 'chemicurrent') that are created by the catalytic chemical reaction. We fabricated and tested Pt/GaN nanodiodes, which eventually produced currents up to several microamps. Our best reaction yields (electrons/CO{sub 2}) were on the order of 10{sup -3}; well below the 75% values first reported by Somorjai (we note they have also been unable to reproduce their early results). Over the course of this Project we have determined that the whole concept of 'chemicurrent', in fact, may be an illusion. Our results conclusively demonstrate that the current measured from our nanodiodes is derived from a thermoelectric voltage; we have found no credible evidence for true chemicurrent. Unfortunately this means that the catalytic nanodiode has no future as a micropower source.

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Final LDRD report : development of advanced UV light emitters and biological agent detection strategies

Crawford, Mary H.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Figiel, J.J.; Schmitt, Randal L.; Serkland, Darwin K.

We present the results of a three year LDRD project which has focused on the development of novel, compact, ultraviolet solid-state sources and fluorescence-based sensing platforms that apply such devices to the sensing of biological and nuclear materials. We describe our development of 270-280 nm AlGaN-based semiconductor UV LEDs with performance suitable for evaluation in biosensor platforms as well as our development efforts towards the realization of a 340 nm AlGaN-based laser diode technology. We further review our sensor development efforts, including evaluation of the efficacy of using modulated LED excitation and phase sensitive detection techniques for fluorescence detection of bio molecules and uranyl-containing compounds.

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Final report on grand challenge LDRD project : a revolution in lighting : building the science and technology base for ultra-efficient solid-state lighting

Simmons, J.A.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Crawford, Mary H.; Abrams, B.L.; Biefeld, Robert M.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Figiel, J.J.; Creighton, J.R.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Mitchell, Christine C.; Kerley, Thomas M.; Wang, George T.; Bogart, Katherine B.; Seager, Carleton H.; Campbell, Jonathan C.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Norman, Adam K.; Kurtz, S.R.; Wright, Alan F.; Myers, S.M.; Missert, Nancy A.; Copeland, Robert G.; Provencio, P.N.; Wilcoxon, Jess P.; Hadley, G.R.; Wendt, J.R.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Shul, Randy J.; Rohwer, Lauren E.; Tallant, David T.; Simpson, Regina L.; Moffat, Harry K.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Emerson, John A.; Thoma, Steven T.; Cole, Phillip J.; Boyack, Kevin W.; Garcia, Marie L.; Allen, Mark S.; Burdick, Brent B.; Rahal, Nabeel R.; Monson, Mary A.; Chow, Weng W.; Waldrip, Karen E.

This SAND report is the final report on Sandia's Grand Challenge LDRD Project 27328, 'A Revolution in Lighting -- Building the Science and Technology Base for Ultra-Efficient Solid-state Lighting.' This project, which for brevity we refer to as the SSL GCLDRD, is considered one of Sandia's most successful GCLDRDs. As a result, this report reviews not only technical highlights, but also the genesis of the idea for Solid-state Lighting (SSL), the initiation of the SSL GCLDRD, and the goals, scope, success metrics, and evolution of the SSL GCLDRD over the course of its life. One way in which the SSL GCLDRD was different from other GCLDRDs was that it coincided with a larger effort by the SSL community - primarily industrial companies investing in SSL, but also universities, trade organizations, and other Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories - to support a national initiative in SSL R&D. Sandia was a major player in publicizing the tremendous energy savings potential of SSL, and in helping to develop, unify and support community consensus for such an initiative. Hence, our activities in this area, discussed in Chapter 6, were substantial: white papers; SSL technology workshops and roadmaps; support for the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA), DOE and Senator Bingaman's office; extensive public relations and media activities; and a worldwide SSL community website. Many science and technology advances and breakthroughs were also enabled under this GCLDRD, resulting in: 55 publications; 124 presentations; 10 book chapters and reports; 5 U.S. patent applications including 1 already issued; and 14 patent disclosures not yet applied for. Twenty-six invited talks were given, at prestigious venues such as the American Physical Society Meeting, the Materials Research Society Meeting, the AVS International Symposium, and the Electrochemical Society Meeting. This report contains a summary of these science and technology advances and breakthroughs, with Chapters 1-5 devoted to the five technical task areas: 1 Fundamental Materials Physics; 2 111-Nitride Growth Chemistry and Substrate Physics; 3 111-Nitride MOCVD Reactor Design and In-Situ Monitoring; 4 Advanced Light-Emitting Devices; and 5 Phosphors and Encapsulants. Chapter 7 (Appendix A) contains a listing of publications, presentations, and patents. Finally, the SSL GCLDRD resulted in numerous actual and pending follow-on programs for Sandia, including multiple grants from DOE and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with SSL companies. Many of these follow-on programs arose out of contacts developed through our External Advisory Committee (EAC). In h s and other ways, the EAC played a very important role. Chapter 8 (Appendix B) contains the full (unedited) text of the EAC reviews that were held periodically during the course of the project.

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Optical spectroscopy of ingan epilayers in the low indium composition regime

Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings

Crawford, M.H.; Han, J.; Banas, M.A.; Myers, S.M.; Peterscn, G.A.; Figiel, J.J.

Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy was carried out on a series of Si-doped bulk InGaN films in the low indium (In) composition regime. Room temperature PL showed a factor of 25 increase in integrated intensity as the In composition was increased from 0 to 0.07. Temperature dependent PL data was fit to an Arrhenius equation to reveal an increasing activation energy for thermal quenching of the PL intensity as the In composition is increased. Time resolved PL measurements revealed that only the sample with highest In ( x=0.07) showed a strong spectral variation in decay time across the T=4K PL resonance, indicative of recombination from localized states at low temperatures. The decay times at room temperature were non-radiatively dominated for all films, and the room temperature (non-radiative) decay times increased with increasing In, from 50-230 psec for x=0-0.07. Our data demonstrate that non-radiative recombination is less effective with increasing In composition. © 2000 Materials Research Society.

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Near ultraviolet optically pumped vertical cavity laser

Electronics Letters

Zhou, Hailong; Diagne, M.; Makarona, E.; Nurmikko, A.V.; Han, J.; Waldrip, Karen E.; Figiel, J.J.

Optically pumped near ultraviolet vertical cavity laser operation (VCSEL) has been obtained under quasi-continuous wave conditions at room temperature near 383 nm from shallow InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs). Low loss optical resonators were fabricated by using in-situ grown (Al,Ga)N distributed Bragg reflectors that featured strain engineering design for high optical morphology, in combination with low-loss dielectric multilayer mirrors.

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Control and Elimination of Cracking of AlGaN Using Low-Temperature AlGaN Interlayers

Applied Physics Letters

Han, J.; Waldrip, Karen E.; Figiel, J.J.; Peterscn, G.A.; Myers, S.M.

We demonstrate that the insertion of low-temperature (LT) AlGaN interlayers is effective in reducing mismatch-induced tensile stress and suppressing the formation of cracks during growth of AlGaN directly upon GaN epilayers., Stress evolution and relaxation is monitored using an in-situ optical stress sensor. The combination of in-situ and ex-situ. characterization techniques enables us to determine the degree of pseudomorphism in the interlayers. It is observed that the elastic tensile mismatch between AlGaN and GaN is mediated by the relaxation of interlayers; the use of interlayers offers tunability in the in-plane lattice parameters.

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OMVPE Growth of Quaternary (Al,Ga,In)N for UV Optoelectronics (title change from A)

Han, J.; Figiel, J.J.; Peterscn, G.A.; Myers, S.M.; Crawford, Mary H.; Banas, Michael A.; Hearne, Sean J.

We report the growth and characterization of quaternary AlGaInN. A combination of photoluminescence (PL), high-resolution x-ray diffraction (XRD), and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) characterizations enables us to explore the contours of constant PL peak energy and lattice parameter as functions of the quaternary compositions. The observation of room temperature PL emission at 351nm (with 20% Al and 5% In) renders initial evidence that the quaternary could be used to provide confinement for GaInN (and possibly GaN). AlGaInN/GrdnN MQW heterostructures have been grown; both XRD and PL measurements suggest the possibility of incorporating this quaternary into optoelectronic devices.

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Design and performance of nitride-based UV LEDs

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Crawford, Mary H.; Han, J.; Chow, Weng W.; Banas, Michael A.; Figiel, J.J.; Zhang, Lei; Shul, Randy J.

In this paper, we overview several of the critical materials growth, design and performance issues for nitride-based UV (<400 nm) LEDs. The critical issue of optical efficiency is presented through temperature-dependent photoluminescence studies of various UV active regions. These studies demonstrate enhanced optical efficiencies for active regions with In-containing alloys (InGaN, AlInGaN). We discuss the trade-off between the challenging growth of high Al containing alloys (AlGaN, AlGaInN), and the need for sufficient carrier confinement in UV heterostructures. Carrier leakage for various composition AlGaN barriers is examined through a calculation of the total unconfined carrier density in the quantum well system. We compare the performance of two distinct UV LED structures: GaN/AlGaN quantum well LEDs for λ<360 nm emission, and InGaN/AlGaInN quantum well LEDs for 370 nm<λ<390 nm emission.

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84 Results
84 Results