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Machined phononic crystals to block high-order Lamb waves and crosstalk in through-metal ultrasonic communication systems

Applied Physics Letters

Sugino, Christopher S.; Gerbe, Romain G.; Baca, Ehren B.; Reinke, Charles M.; Ruzzene, Massimo R.; Erturk, Alper E.; El-Kady, I.

For systems that require complete metallic enclosures (e.g., containment buildings for nuclear reactors), it is impossible to access interior sensors and equipment using standard electromagnetic techniques. A viable way to communicate and supply power through metallic barriers is the use of elastic waves and ultrasonic transducers, introducing several design challenges that must be addressed. Specifically, the use of multiple communication channels on the same enclosure introduces an additional mechanism for signal crosstalk between channels: guided waves propagating in the barrier between channels. This work numerically and experimentally investigates a machined phononic crystal to block MHz Lamb wave propagation between ultrasonic communication channels, greatly reducing wave propagation and the resulting crosstalk voltage. Blind grooves are machined into one or both sides of a metallic barrier to introduce a periodic unit cell, greatly altering the guided wave dispersion in the barrier. Numerical simulations are used to determine a set of groove geometries for testing, and experiments were performed to characterize the wave-blocking performance of each design. The best-performing design was tested using piezoelectric transducers bonded to the barrier, showing a 14.4 dB reduction in crosstalk voltage. Overall, the proposed periodic grooving method is a promising technique for completely isolating ultrasonic power/data transfer systems operating in a narrow frequency range.

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Parallel Solver Framework for Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimization

Phillips, Cynthia A.; Chatter, Michelle A.; Eckstein, Jonathan E.; Erturk, Alper E.; El-Kady, I.; Gerbe, Romain G.; Kouri, Drew P.; Loughlin, William L.; Reinke, Charles M.; Rokkam, Rohith R.; Ruzzene, Massimo R.; Sugino, Chris S.; Swanson, Calvin S.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.

ROL-PEBBL is a C++, MPI-based parallel code for mixed-integer PDE-constrained optimization (MIPDECO). In these problems we wish to optimize (control, design, etc.) physical systems, which must obey the laws of physics, when some of the decision variables must take integer values. ROL-PEBBL combines a code to efficiently search over integer choices (PEBBL = Parallel Enumeration Branch-and-Bound Library) and a code for efficient nonlinear optimization, including PDE-constrained optimization (ROL = Rapid Optimization Library). In this report, we summarize the design of ROL-PEBBL and initial applications/results. For an artificial source-inversion problem, finding sources of pollution on a grid from sparse samples, ROL-PEBBLs solution for the nest grid gave the best optimization guarantee for any general solver that gives both a solution and a quality guarantee.

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Ultrasonic communication through a metallic barrier: Transmission modeling and crosstalk minimization

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS

Sugino, Christopher; Gerbe, Romain; Reinke, Charles M.; Ruzzene, Massimo; Erturk, Alper; El-Kady, I.

For systems that require complete metallic enclosures (e.g., containment buildings for nuclear reactors), it is impossible to access interior sensors and equipment using standard electromagnetic techniques. A viable way to communicate and supply power through metallic barriers is the use of elastic waves and ultrasonic transducers, introducing several design challenges that must be addressed. The objective of this work is to investigate the use of piezoelectric transducers for both sending and receiving power and data through a metallic barrier using elastic waves at ultrasonic frequencies above 1 MHz. High-fidelity numerical and simplified analytical models are developed for ultrasonic transmission and novel strategies are explored to eliminate crosstalk between channels.

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Acoustic waveguiding in a silicon carbide phononic crystals at microwave frequencies

Applied Physics Letters

Ghasemi Baboly, M.; Reinke, Charles M.; Griffin, Benjamin G.; El-Kady, I.; Leseman, Z.C.

Two dimensional SiC-air phononic crystals have been modeled, fabricated, and tested with a measured bandgap ranging from 665 to 693 MHz. Snowflake air inclusions on a hexagonal lattice were used for the phononic crystal. By manipulating the phononic crystal lattice and inserting circular inclusions, a waveguide was created at 680 MHz. The combined insertion loss and propagation loss for the waveguide is 8.2 dB, i.e., 39% of the energy is guided due to the high level of the confinement afforded by the phononic crystal. The SiC-air phononic crystals and waveguides were fabricated using a CMOS-compatible process, which allows for seamless integration of these devices into wireless communication systems operating at microwave frequencies.

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Phonon-based scalable platform for chip-scale quantum computing

AIP Advances

Reinke, Charles M.; El-Kady, I.

We present a scalable phonon-based quantum computer on a phononic crystal platform. Practical schemes involve selective placement of a single acceptor atom in the peak of the strain field in a high-Q phononic crystal cavity that enables coupling of the phonon modes to the energy levels of the atom. We show theoretical optimization of the cavity design and coupling waveguide, along with estimated performance figures of the coupled system. A qubit can be created by entangling a phonon at the resonance frequency of the cavity with the atom states. Qubits based on this half-sound, half-matter quasi-particle, called a phoniton, may outcompete other quantum architectures in terms of combined emission rate, coherence lifetime, and fabrication demands.

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Demonstration of acoustic waveguiding and tight bending in phononic crystals

Applied Physics Letters

Ghasemi Baboly, M.; Raza, A.; Brady, J.; Reinke, Charles M.; Leseman, Z.C.; El-Kady, I.

The systematic design, fabrication, and characterization of an isolated, single-mode, 90° bend phononic crystal (PnC) waveguide are presented. A PnC consisting of a 2D square array of circular air holes in an aluminum substrate is used, and waveguides are created by introducing a line defect in the PnC lattice. A high transmission coefficient is observed (-1 dB) for the straight sections of the waveguide, and an overall 2.3 dB transmission loss is observed (a transmission coefficient of 76%) for the 90° bend. Further optimization of the structure may yield higher transmission efficiencies. This manuscript shows the complete design process for an engineered 90° bend PnC waveguide from inception to experimental demonstration.

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Frequency Translation to Demonstrate a Hybrid Quantum Architecture: Final Report

Clark, Susan M.; Fortier, Kevin M.; El-Kady, I.; McGuinness, Hayden J.; Stick, Daniel L.; Reinke, Charles M.

The Frequency Translation to Demonstrate a Hybrid Quantum Architecture project focused on developing nonlinear optics to couple two different ion species and make their emitted UV photons indistinguishable. Successful demonstration of photonic coupling of different ion species lays the foundation for coupling drastically different types of qubits, such as ions and quantum dots. Frequency conversion of single photons emitted from single ions remains a "hot" topic with many groups pursing this effort; however due to challenges in producing short period periodically poled crystal it has yet to be realized. This report details the efforts of trying to frequency convert single photons emitted from trapped ions to other wavelengths. We present our theoretical studies of candidate platforms for frequency conversion: photonic crystal fibers, X(2) nonlinear crystals in optical cavities, and photonic crystal cavities. We also present experiment results in ion trapping X(2) nonlinear crystals measurements and photonic crystal fabrication

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A Summary of the Theory and Design Team Efforts for the Sandia Metamaterials Science and Technology Grand Challenge LDRD

Basilio, Lorena I.; Brener, Igal B.; Burckel, David B.; Shaner, Eric A.; Wendt, J.R.; Luk, Ting S.; Ellis, A.R.; Bender, Daniel A.; Clem, Paul G.; Rasberry, Roger D.; Langston, William L.; Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Dirk, Shawn M.; Warne, Larry K.; Peters, D.W.; El-Kady, I.; Reinke, Charles M.; Loui, Hung L.; Williams, Jeffery T.; Sinclair, Michael B.; McCormick, Frederick B.

Abstract not provided.

Thermal conductivity manipulation in lithographically patterned single crystal silicon phononic crystal structures

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS

Kim, Bongsang; Nguyen, Janet; Reinke, Charles M.; Shaner, Eric A.; Harris, Charles T.; El-Kady, I.; Olsson, Roy H.

The thermal conductivity of single crystal silicon was engineered using lithographically formed phononic crystals. Specifically, sub-micron periodic through-holes were patterned in 500nm-thick silicon membranes to construct phononic crystals, and through phonon scattering enhancement, heat transfer was significantly reduced. The thermal conductivity of silicon phononic crystals was measured as low as 32.6W/mK, which is a ∼75% reduction compared to bulk silicon thermal conductivity [1]. This corresponds to a 37% reduction even after taking into account the contributions of the thin-film and volume reduction effects, while the electrical conductivity was reduced only by as much as the volume reduction effect. The demonstrated method uses conventional lithography-based technologies that are directly applicable to diverse micro/nano-scale devices, leading toward huge performance improvements where heat management is important. © 2011 IEEE.

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Results 1–50 of 123
Results 1–50 of 123