Analysis of pressure/flow response data from the EGS Collab Project
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As part of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I shallow chemical detonation series, multiple surface and borehole active-source seismic campaigns were executed to perform high- resolution imaging of seismic velocity changes in the granitic substrate. Cross-correlation data processing methods were implemented to efficiently and robustly perform semi-automated change detection of first-arrival times between campaigns. The change detection algorithm updates the arrival times, and consequently the velocity model, of each campaign. The resulting tomographic imagery reveals the evolution of the subsurface velocity structure as the detonations progressed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Dan Herold, Bob White, Kale Mc Lin, Ryan Emmit, Maggie Townsend, Curtis Obi, Fred Helsel, Rebekah Lee, Liam Toney, Matt Geuss, and Josh Feldman for their direct and invaluable contributions to this work. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Note that a more detailed manuscript for this work is being prepared for publication in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA).
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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
The quality of automatic signal detections from sensor networks depends on individual detector trigger levels (TLs) from each sensor. The largely manual process of identifying effective TLs is painstaking and does not guarantee optimal configuration settings, yet achieving superior automatic detection of signals and ultimately, events, is closely related to these parameters. We present a Dynamic Detector Tuning (DDT) system that automatically adjusts effective TL settings for signal detectors to the current state of the environment by leveraging cooperation within a local neighborhood of network sensors. After a stabilization period, the DDT algorithm can adapt in near-real time to changing conditions and automatically tune a signal detector to identify (detect) signals from only events of interest. Our current work focuses on reducing false signal detections early in the seismic signal processing pipeline, which leads to fewer false events and has a significant impact on reducing analyst time and effort. This system provides an important new method to automatically tune detector TLs for a network of sensors and is applicable to both existing sensor performance boosting and new sensor deployment. With ground truth on detections from a local neighborhood of seismic sensors within a network monitoring the Mount Erebus volcano in Antarctica, we show that DDT reduces the number of false detections by 18% and the number of missed detections by 11% when compared with optimal fixed TLs for all sensors.
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Geophysical Research Letters
Cross correlations of seismic noise can potentially record large changes in subsurface velocity due to permafrost dynamics and be valuable for long-term Arctic monitoring. We applied seismic interferometry, using moving window cross-spectral analysis (MWCS), to 2 years of ambient noise data recorded in central Alaska to investigate whether seismic noise could be used to quantify relative velocity changes due to seasonal active-layer dynamics. The large velocity changes (>75%) between frozen and thawed soil caused prevalent cycle-skipping which made the method unusable in this setting. We developed an improved MWCS procedure which uses a moving reference to measure daily velocity variations that are then accumulated to recover the full seasonal change. This approach reduced cycle-skipping and recovered a seasonal trend that corresponded well with the timing of active-layer freeze and thaw. This improvement opens the possibility of measuring large velocity changes by using MWCS and permafrost monitoring by using ambient noise.
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This document describes a conceptual Data Model for use in the IDC Re-Engineering development project.
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During the initial phase of this SubTER project, we conducted a series of high resolution seis- mic imaging campaigns designed to characterize induced fractures. Fractures were emplaced using a novel explosive source, designed at Sandia National Laboratories, that limits damage to the borehole. This work provided evidence that fracture locations could be imaged at inch scales using high-frequency seismic tomography but left many fracture properties (i.e. per- meability) unresolved. We present here the results of the second phase of the project, where we developed and demonstrated emerging seismic and electrical geophysical imaging tech- nologies that characterize 1) the 3D extent and distribution of fractures stimulated from the explosive source, 2) 3D fluid transport within the stimulated fracture network through use of a contrasting tracer, and 3) fracture attributes through advanced data analysis. Focus was placed upon advancing these technologies toward near real-time acquisition and processing in order to help provide the feedback mechanism necessary to understand and control frac- ture stimulation and fluid flow. Results from this study include a comprehensive set of 4D crosshole seismic and electrical data that take advantage of change detection methodologies allowing for perturbations associated with the fracture emplacement and particulate tracer to be isolated. During the testing the team also demonstrated near real-time 4D electri- cal resistivity tomography imaging and 4D seismic tomography using the CASSM approach with a temporal resolution approaching 1 minute. All of the data collected were used to develop methods of estimating fracture attributes from seismic data, develop methods of as- similating disparate and transient data sets to improve fracture network imaging resolution, and advance capabilities for near real-time inversion of cross-hole tomographic data. These results are illustrated here. Advancements in these areas are relevant to all situations where fracture emplacement is used for reservoir stimulation (e.g. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) and tight shale gases).
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Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council
The first experiment of the Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Collab (a.k.a Stimulation Investigations for Geothermal Modeling Analysis and Validation (SIGMA-V)) project is designed to comprehensively monitor a series of hydraulic fracture stimulations and subsequent flow tests. This experiment is planned for the 4850 Level in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), located at the former Homestake Gold Mine, in Lead, South Dakota. The target host rock for these stimulations and flow tests is a phyllite schist known as the Poorman formation. This paper discusses at a high level the engineering design for the stimulation and fracture monitoring system, the considerations for the test bed construction, and the preliminary stimulation modeling. Furthermore, this paper will highlight the intricate ways that predictive modeling can be used for testbed and stimulation design. This project is funded by the United States Department of Energy, Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO).
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Hydraulic fracture stimulation of low permeability reservoir rocks is an established and cross-cutting technology for enhancing hydrocarbon production in sedimentary formations and increasing heat exchange in crystalline geothermal systems. Whereas the primary measure of success is the ability to keep the newly generated fractures sufficiently open, long-term reservoir management requires a knowledge of the spatial extent, morphology, and distribution of the fractures-knowledge primarily informed by microseismic and ground deformation monitoring. To minimize the uncertainty associated with interpreting such data, we investigate through numerical simulation the usefulness of direct-current (DC) resistivity data for characterizing subsurface fractures with elevated electrical conductivity by considering a geophysical experiment consisting of a grounded current source deployed in a steel cased borehole. In doing so, the casing efficiently energizes the fractures with steady current. Finite element simulations of this experiment for a horizontal well intersecting a small set of vertical fractures indicate that the fractures manifest electrically in (at least) two ways: (1) a local perturbation in electric potential proximal to the fracture set, with limited farfield expression and (2) an overall reduction in the electric potential along the borehole casing due to enhanced current flow through the fractures into the surrounding formation. The change in casing potential results in a measurable effect that can be observed far from fractures themselves. Under these conditions, our results suggest that farfield, timelapse measurements of DC potentials can be interpreted by simple, linear inversion for a Coulomb charge distribution along the borehole path, including a local charge perturbation due to the fractures. This approach offers an inexpensive method for detecting and monitoring the time-evolution of electrically conducting fractures while ultimately providing an estimate of their effective conductivity - the latter providing an important measure independent of seismic methods on fracture shape, size, and hydraulic connectivity.
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We present findings from a novel field experiment conducted at Poker Flat Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska that was designed to monitor changes in active layer thickness in real time. Results are derived primarily from seismic data streaming from seven Nanometric Trillium Posthole seismometers directly buried in the upper section of the permafrost. The data were evaluated using two analysis methods: Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) and ambient noise seismic interferometry. Results from the HVSR conclusively illustrated the method's effectiveness at determining the active layer's thickness with a single station. Investigations with the multi-station method (ambient noise seismic interferometry) are continuing at the University of Florida and have not yet conclusively determined active layer thickness changes. Further work continues with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to determine if the ground based measurements can constrain satellite imagery, which provide measurements on a much larger spatial scale.
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts
We investigate a novel application of Fŕechet derivatives for time-lapse mapping of deep, electrically-enhanced fracture systems with a borehole to surface DC resistivity array. The simulations are evaluated for a cased horizontal wellbore embedded in a homogeneous halfspace, where measurements are evaluated near, mid-range, and far from the well head. We show that, in all cases, measurements are sensitive to perturbations centered on the borehole axis and that the sensitivity volume decreases as a function of increased measurement offset from the well head. The sensitivity analysis also illustrates that careful consideration must be taken when developing an electrical survey design for these scenarios. Specifically, we show that positive perturbations in earth conductivity near the wellbore can manifest as both positive and negative measurement perturbations, depending on where the measurement is taken. Furthermore, we show that the transition between the regions along the wellbore of positive and negative contribution results in a "pinch point", representing a region along the wellbore where a given surface measurement is blind to any changes or enhancement of electrical conductivity.
Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council
During the initial phase of this Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) SubTER project, we conducted a series of high-energy stimulations in shallow wells, the effects of which were evaluated with high resolution seismic imaging campaigns designed to characterize induced fractures. The high-energy stimulations use a novel explosive source that limits damage to the borehole, which was paramount for change detection seismic imaging and re-fracturing experiments. This work provided evidence that the high-energy stimulations were generating self-propping fractures and that these fracture locations could be imaged at inch scales using high-frequency seismic tomography. While the seismic testing certainly provided valuable feedback on fracture generation for the suite of explosives, it left many fracture properties (i.e. permeability) unresolved. We present here the methodology for the second phase of the project, where we are developing and demonstrating emerging seismic and electrical geophysical imaging technologies that have been designed to characterize 1) the 3D extent and distribution of fractures stimulated from the explosive source, 2) 3D fluid transport within the stimulated fracture network through use of a contrasting tracer, and 3) fracture attributes through advanced data analysis. Focus is being placed upon advancing these technologies toward near real-time acquisition and processing in order to help provide the feedback mechanism necessary to understand and control fracture stimulation and fluid flow.
50th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2016
During the initial phase of this SubTER project, we conducted a series of high resolution seismic imaging campaigns designed to characterize induced fractures. Fractures were emplaced using a novel explosive source that limits damage to the borehole. This work provided evidence that fracture locations could be imaged at inch scales using high-frequency seismic tomography but left many fracture properties (i.e. permeability) unresolved. We present here the methodology for the second phase of the project, where we will develop and demonstrate emerging seismic and electrical geophysical imaging technologies that characterize 1) the 3D extent and distribution of fractures stimulated from the explosive source, 2) 3D fluid transport within the stimulated fracture network through use of a contrasting tracer, and 3) fracture attributes through advanced data analysis. Focus will be placed upon advancing these technologies toward near real-time acquisition and processing in order to help provide the feedback mechanism necessary to understand and control fracture stimulation and fluid flow.
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