
110 Results
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Mechanical Strength of Composites with Different Overlap Lengths

Jin, Huiqing J.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Werner, Brian T.; Briggs, Timothy B.

This work is to characterize the mechanical performances of the selected composites with four different overlap lengths of 0.25 in, 0.5 in, 0,75 in and 1.0 in. The composite materials in this study were one carbon composite (AS4C/UF3662) and one glass (E-glass/UF3662) composite. They both had the same resin of UF 3362, but with different fibers of carbon AS4C and E-glass. The mechanical loading in this study was limited to the quasi-static loading of 2 mm/min, which was equivalent to 5x10( -4 ) strain rate. Digital cameras were set up to record images during the mechanical testing. The full-field deformation data obtained from Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the side view of the specimens were used to understand the different failure modes of the composites. The maximum load and the ultimate strength with consideration of the location of the failure for the different overlap lengths were compared and plotted together to understand the effect of the overlap lengths on the mechanical performance of the overlapped composites. 4 6

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Mechanical Properties of Woven Composites at Ambient Temperature

Jin, Huiqing J.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Nissen, April E.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Briggs, Timothy B.

This report describes the mechanical characterization of six types of woven composites that Sandia National Laboratories are interested in. These six composites have various combinations of two types of fibers (Carbon-IM7 and Glass-S2) and three types of resins (UF- 3362, TC275-1, TC350-1). In this work, two sets of experiments were conducted: quasi-static loading with displacement rate of 2 mm/min (1.3x10^( -3 ) in/s) and high rate loading with displacement of 5.08 m/s (200 in/s). Quasi-static experiments were performed at three loading orientations of 0deg, 45deg, 90deg for all the six composites to fully characterize their mechanical properties. The elastic properties Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, as well as ultimate stress and strain were obtained from the quasi-static experiments. The high strain rate experiments were performed only on glass fiber composites along 0deg angle of loading. The high rate experiments were mainly to study how the strain rate affects the ultimate stress of the glass-fiber composites with different resins.

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Mechanical Characterization of Woven Composites at Different Temperatures

Jin, Huiqing J.; Briggs, Timothy B.; Nissen, April E.; Nelson, Kevin N.

This work is to characterize the mechanical properties of the selected composites along both on- and off- fiber axes at the ambient loading condition (+25 o C), as well as at the cold (- 54 o C), and high temperatures (+71 o C). A series of tensile experiments were conducted at different material orientations of 0 o , 22.5 o, 45 o , 67.5 o , 90 o to measure the ultimate strength and strain f, f, and material engineering constants, including Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio , The composite materials in this study were one carbon composite carbon (AS4C/UF3662) and one E-galss (E-glass/UF3662) composite. They both had the same resin of UF 3362, but with different fibers of carbon AS4C and E-glass. The mechanical loading in this study was limited to the quasi-static loading of 2 mm/min (1.3x10 ^(-3) in/s), which was equivalent to 5x10 (-4) strain rate. These experimental data of the mechanical properties of composites at different loading directions and temperatures were summarized and compared. These experimental results provided database for design engineers to optimize structures through ply angle modifications and for analysts to better predict the component performance.

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Dynamic high-temperature characterization of an iridium alloy in tension

Song, Bo S.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Jin, Huiqing J.; Lipinski, Ronald J.; Bignell, John B.; Ulrich, G.B.; George, E.P.

Iridium alloys have been utilized as structural materials for certain high-temperature applications, due to their superior strength and ductility at elevated temperatures. The mechanical properties, including failure response at high strain rates and elevated temperatures of the iridium alloys need to be characterized to better understand high-speed impacts at elevated temperatures. A DOP-26 iridium alloy has been dynamically characterized in compression at elevated temperatures with high-temperature Kolsky compression bar techniques. However, the dynamic high-temperature compression tests were not able to provide sufficient dynamic high-temperature failure information of the iridium alloy. In this study, we modified current room-temperature Kolsky tension bar techniques for obtaining dynamic tensile stress-strain curves of the DOP-26 iridium alloy at two different strain rates (~1000 and ~3000 s-1) and temperatures (~750°C and ~1030°C). The effects of strain rate and temperature on the tensile stress-strain response of the iridium alloy were determined. The DOP-26 iridium alloy exhibited high ductility in stress-strain response that strongly depended on both strain rate and temperature.

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3D deformation field throughout the interior of materials

Jin, Huiqing J.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.

This report contains the one-year feasibility study for our three-year LDRD proposal that is aimed to develop an experimental technique to measure the 3D deformation fields inside a material body. In this feasibility study, we first apply Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) algorithm to pre-existing in-situ Xray Computed Tomography (XCT) image sets with pure rigid body translation. The calculated displacement field has very large random errors and low precision that are unacceptable. Then we enhance these tomography images by setting threshold of the intensity of each slice. DVC algorithm is able to obtain accurate deformation fields from these enhanced image sets and the deformation fields are consistent with the global mechanical loading that is applied to the specimen. Through this study, we prove that the internal markers inside the pre-existing tomography images of aluminum alloy can be enhanced and are suitable for DVC to calculate the deformation field throughout the material body.

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Quantifying the debonding of inclusions through tomography and computational homology

Foulk, James W.; Jin, Huiqing J.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Mota, Alejandro M.

This report describes a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project to use of synchrotron-radiation computed tomography (SRCT) data to determine the conditions and mechanisms that lead to void nucleation in rolled alloys. The Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has provided SRCT data of a few specimens of 7075-T7351 aluminum plate (widely used for aerospace applications) stretched to failure, loaded in directions perpendicular and parallel to the rolling direction. The resolution of SRCT data is 900nm, which allows elucidation of the mechanisms governing void growth and coalescence. This resolution is not fine enough, however, for nucleation. We propose the use statistics and image processing techniques to obtain sub-resolution scale information from these data, and thus determine where in the specimen and when during the loading program nucleation occurs and the mechanisms that lead to it. Quantitative analysis of the tomography data, however, leads to the conclusion that the reconstruction process compromises the information obtained from the scans. Alternate, more powerful reconstruction algorithms are needed to address this problem, but those fall beyond the scope of this project.

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Stress wave propagation in a composite beam subjected to transverse impact

Song, Bo S.; Jin, Huiqing J.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.

Composite materials, particularly fiber reinforced plastic composites, have been extensively utilized in many military and industrial applications. As an important structural component in these applications, the composites are often subjected to external impact loading. It is desirable to understand the mechanical response of the composites under impact loading for performance evaluation in the applications. Even though many material models for the composites have been developed, experimental investigation is still needed to validate and verify the models. It is essential to investigate the intrinsic material response. However, it becomes more applicable to determine the structural response of composites, such as a composite beam. The composites are usually subjected to out-of-plane loading in applications. When a composite beam is subjected to a sudden transverse impact, two different kinds of stress waves, longitudinal and transverse waves, are generated and propagate in the beam. The longitudinal stress wave propagates through the thickness direction; whereas, the propagation of the transverse stress wave is in-plane directions. The longitudinal stress wave speed is usually considered as a material constant determined by the material density and Young's modulus, regardless of the loading rate. By contrast, the transverse wave speed is related to structural parameters. In ballistic mechanics, the transverse wave plays a key role to absorb external impact energy [1]. The faster the transverse wave speed, the more impact energy dissipated. Since the transverse wave speed is not a material constant, it is not possible to be calculated from stress-wave theory. One can place several transducers to track the transverse wave propagation. An alternative but more efficient method is to apply digital image correlation (DIC) to visualize the transverse wave propagation. In this study, we applied three-pointbending (TPB) technique to Kolsky compression bar to facilitate dynamic transverse loading on a glass fiber/epoxy composite beam. The high-speed DIC technique was employed to study the transverse wave propagation.

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Experimental study of voids in high strength aluminum alloys

Jin, Huiqing J.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Korellis, John S.

The ductile failure in metals has long been associated with void nucleation, growth and coalescence. Many micromechanics-based damage models were developed to study the effects of the voids sizes, shape and orientation to the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids. However, the experimental methods to quantitatively validate these models were lacking. This paper is aimed to experimentally investigate at the microscale and nanoscale the effects of the shapes, sizes, orientation and density to the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids and their relation to the ductility of the metal. In this work, notched tensile specimens with various radii were designed along different orientations. These specimens were tensile loaded up to different percentage of ultimate failure strain. The deformed specimens were then sectioned both along and perpendicular to the loading direction to microscopically study the voids size, shape and density. On the other hand, microtensile specimens were made out of these already deformed specimens. Using the advanced imaging capabilities of AFM and SEM combined with in-situ loading, the growth and coalescence of voids were in-situ studied at the microscale and nanoscale.

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A new method for characterization of nonlinearity in AFM scanners using the digital image correlation technique

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Nanotechnology.

Jin, Huiqing J.

It is essential to characterize the nonlinearity in scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) in order to acquire spatial measurements with high levels of accuracy. In this paper, a new characterization method is presented that combines a high-resolution image processing technique used by the experimental mechanics community known as Digital Image Correlation (DIC) with digital images from a standard type of SPM known as an atomic force microscope (AFM). The characterization results using this new method match those from the conventional method using micromachined calibration gratings. However, the new method uses the texture of a specimen surface and not a precisely micromachined calibration grating. As a consequence, the new characterization technique is a more direct method for measuring scanning errors that can be conducted in situ when imaging a specimen surface at any scale within the scanning range of the SPM. It also has the advantage of reconstructing the position error curve more continuously with less noise than the conventional method.

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110 Results
110 Results