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Inspecta Annual Technical Report

Smartt, Heidi A.; Coram, Jamie L.; Dorawa, Sydney D.; Hannasch, David A.; Honnold, Philip H.; Kakish, Zahi K.; Pickett, Chris A.; Shoman, Nathan; Spence, Katherine P.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is designing and developing an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled smart digital assistant (SDA), Inspecta (International Nuclear Safeguards Personal Examination and Containment Tracking Assistant). The goal is to provide inspectors an in-field digital assistant that can perform tasks identified as tedious, challenging, or prone to human error. During 2021, we defined the requirements for Inspecta based on reviews of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) publications and interviews with former IAEA inspectors. We then mapped the requirements to current commercial or open-source technical capabilities to provide a development path for an initial Inspecta prototype while highlighting potential research and development tasks. We selected a highimpact inspection task that could be performed by an early Inspecta prototype and are developing the initial architecture, including hardware platform. This paper describes the methodology for selecting an initial task scenario, the first set of Inspecta skills needed to assist with that task scenario and finally the design and development of Inspecta’s architecture and platform.

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Remote Monitoring Systems/Remote Data Transmission for International Nuclear Safeguards

Smartt, Heidi A.

The use of remotely transmitted data from a nuclear facility under international nuclear safeguards to an inspectorate headquarters has been rapidly growing since inception as its value in reducing inspection effort and cost is demonstrated. There are opportunities for further growth moving forward including (1) the number of spent fuel casks in dry interim storage are increasing, leading to strain on inspection resources and potentially increased radiation exposure to inspectors, (2) the frequency of encapsulating spent nuclear fuel for final disposal in geological repositories occurs at a rate that may lead to the need for on-site inspectors unless systems can be developed to remotely transmit data, and (3) new facility types such as small modular reactors may rely heavily on remotely transmitted data due in part to remote locations of operation and mobility. Challenges need to be addressed too and include (1) hesitancy to implement remote data transmission by states, (2) data collection, transmission, security, and analysis, and (3) reliable power and communications. This report examines the evolution, equipment deployed, status, and opportunities/challenges of remote data transmission moving forward.

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Tamper-Indicating Enclosures with Visually Obvious Tamper Response (Final Project Report)

Smartt, Heidi A.; Benin, Annabelle L.; Corbin, William C.; Feng, Patrick L.; Jones, Amanda; Myllenbeck, Nicholas M.; Livesay, Jason D.; Pickett, Chris A.

Sandia National Laboratories is developing a new method for detecting penetration of tamper - indicating enclosures (TIEs). This method incorporates the use of "bleeding" materials (analogous to visually obvious, colorful bruised skin that doesn't heal) into the design of TIEs. As designed, it will allow inspectors to use simple visual observation to detect attempts to penetrate the external surfaces of a TIE, without providing adversaries the ability to repair damage. A material of this type can enhance tamper indication of current TIEs used to support treaty verification regimes. Current TIE inspections are time - consuming and rely on subjective visual assessment by an inspector, equipment such as eddy current or camera devices, or involve approaches that may be limited due to application environment. The complexities and requirements that volumetric sealing methods (or TIEs) must address are: (1) enclosures that are non - standard in size/shape; (2) enclosures that may be inspectorate - or facility - owned; (3) finding tamper attempts that are difficult and time consuming for an inspector to locate; (4) enclosures that are reliable and durable enough to survive the conditions that exist in the operating environment (including facility handling); and (5) methods that prevent adversaries from repairing penetrations. Early project R&D [1] focused on encapsulated transition metals. Due to the challenges associated with the transition metal - based approach, a mitigation approach was investigated resulting in two separate research paths — one that involves fabricating custom TIE molds that meet the specific (size and shape) needs of safeguards equipment a nd one that can be deployed as a sprayed on or painted coating to an existing TIE or surface. The "custom mold" approach is based on creating thin layers of materials that , when penetrated, expose an inner material to O2 which causes an irreversible color change. The "in-situ coating" approach is based on applying a sensor solution containing color changing microcapsules that bleed when the microcapsule is ruptured. The anticipated benefits of this work are passive, flexible, scalable, robust , cost-effective TIEs with visually obvious responses to tamper attempts. This provides more efficient and effective monitoring , as inspectors will require little or no additional equipment and will be able to detect tamper without extensive time - consuming visual examination. Applications include custom TIEs (cabinets , equipment enclosures or seal bodies ), or spray-coating/painting onto facility-owned items, walls or structures, or circuit boards. The paper describes research and testing completed to-date on the method and integration of select system components.

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Tamper-Indicating Enclosures with Visually Obvious Tamper Response

Smartt, Heidi A.; Corbin, William C.; Benin, Annabelle L.; Feng, Patrick L.; Myllenbeck, Nicholas M.; Humphries, Matthew H.; Custer, Joyce O.; Jones, Amanda

Sandia National Laboratories is developing a way to visualize molecular changes that indicate penetration of a tamper-indicating enclosure (TIE). Such "bleeding" materials (analogous to visually obvious, colorful bruised skin that doesn't heal) allows inspectors to use simple visual observation to readily recognize that penetration into a material used as a TIE has been attempted, without providing adversaries the ability to repair damage. Such a material can significantly enhance the current capability for TIEs, used to support treaty verification regimes. Current approaches rely on time-consuming and subjective visual assessment by an inspector, external equipment, such as eddy current or camera devices, or active approaches that may be limited due to application environment. The complexity of securing whole volumes includes: (1) enclosures that are non-standard in size/shape; (2) enclosures that may be inspectorate- or facility-owned; (3) tamper attempts that are detectable but difficult or timely for an inspector to locate; (4) the requirement for solutions that are robust regarding reliability and environment (including facility handling); and (5) the need for solutions that prevent adversaries from repairing penetrations. The approach is based on a transition metal ion solution within a microsphere changing color irreversibly when the microsphere is ruptured. Investigators examine 3D printing of the microspheres as well as the spray coating formulation. The anticipated benefits of this work are passive, flexible, scalable, cost-effective TIEs with obvious and robust responses to tamper attempts. This results in more efficient and effective monitoring, as inspectors will require little or no additional equipment and will be able to detect tamper without extensive time-consuming visual examination. Applications can include custom TIEs (cabinets or equipment enclosures), spray-coating onto facility-owned items, spray-coating of walls or structures, spray-coatings of circuit boards, and 3D-printed seal bodies. The paper describes research to-date on the sensor compounds and microspheres.

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Effects of Note-Taking Method on Knowledge Transfer in Inspection Tasks

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Stites, Mallory C.; Matzen, Laura E.; Smartt, Heidi A.; Gastelum, Zoe N.

International nuclear safeguards inspectors visit nuclear facilities to assess their compliance with international nonproliferation agreements. Inspectors note whether anything unusual is happening in the facility that might indicate the diversion or misuse of nuclear materials, or anything that changed since the last inspection. They must complete inspections under restrictions imposed by their hosts, regarding both their use of technology or equipment and time allotted. Moreover, because inspections are sometimes completed by different teams months apart, it is crucial that their notes accurately facilitate change detection across a delay. The current study addressed these issues by investigating how note-taking methods (e.g., digital camera, hand-written notes, or their combination) impacted memory in a delayed recall test of a complex visual array. Participants studied four arrays of abstract shapes and industrial objects using a different note-taking method for each, then returned 48–72Â h later to complete a memory test using their notes to identify objects changed (e.g., location, material, orientation). Accuracy was highest for both conditions using a camera, followed by hand-written notes alone, and all were better than having no aid. Although the camera-only condition benefitted study times, this benefit was not observed at test, suggesting drawbacks to using just a camera to aid recall. Change type interacted with note-taking method; although certain changes were overall more difficult, the note-taking method used helped mitigate these deficits in performance. Finally, elaborative hand-written notes produced better performance than simple ones, suggesting strategies for individual note-takers to maximize their efficacy in the absence of a digital aid.

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The Impact of Information Presentation on Visual Inspection Performance in the International Nuclear Safeguards Domain

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Matzen, Laura E.; Stites, Mallory C.; Smartt, Heidi A.; Gastelum, Zoe N.

International nuclear safeguards inspectors are tasked with verifying that nuclear materials in facilities around the world are not misused or diverted from peaceful purposes. They must conduct detailed inspections in complex, information-rich environments, but there has been relatively little research into the cognitive aspects of their jobs. We posit that the speed and accuracy of the inspectors can be supported and improved by designing the materials they take into the field such that the information is optimized to meet their cognitive needs. Many in-field inspection activities involve comparing inventory or shipping records to other records or to physical items inside of a nuclear facility. The organization and presentation of the records that the inspectors bring into the field with them could have a substantial impact on the ease or difficulty of these comparison tasks. In this paper, we present a series of mock inspection activities in which we manipulated the formatting of the inspectors’ records. We used behavioral and eye tracking metrics to assess the impact of the different types of formatting on the participants’ performance on the inspection tasks. The results of these experiments show that matching the presentation of the records to the cognitive demands of the task led to substantially faster task completion.

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Maintaining Continuity of Knowledge on Nuclear Waste Destined for Geological Repositories. A Case Study of Plutonium Shipments to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)

Haddal, Risa H.; Finch, Robert F.; Smartt, Heidi A.

This study examines methods that can help maximize confidence in maintaining Continuity of Knowledge (CoK) on plutonium-bearing wastes, from a final safeguards-verification measurement through emplacement underground. The study identifies Containment and Surveillance (C/S) measures that can be applied during packaging of plutonium wastes at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina, USA, through shipment to, and receipt and disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA. Results of this study could apply to countries with a Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) that plan to dispose in a geological repository plutonium or other non-fuel nuclear materials that are under international safeguards.

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Energy Harvesting RMSA Field Test

Smartt, Heidi A.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is investigating photovoltaic (PV) cell configurations, integrating them with the battery-operated Remotely Monitored Sealing Array (RMSA), and testing and evaluating performance for enhanced battery life under various environmental conditions at the K-Area Material Storage (KAMS) facility at the Savannah River Site (SRS). Unattended safeguards equipment (e.g. seals) incorporates many low-power electronic circuits, which are often powered by expensive and environmentally toxic lithium batteries. These batteries must periodically be replaced, adding a radiological hazard for both safeguards inspectors and operators. An extended field test of these prototype PV energy harvesting (EH) RMSAs at an operational nuclear facility will give additional data and allow for an analysis of this technology in a variety of realistic conditions, which will be documented in a final report. RMSAs are used for this testing, but SNL envisions energy harvesting technology may be applicable to other safeguards equipment.

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Maintaining Continuity of Knowledge of Spent Fuel Pools: Field Testing (Final Report)

Smartt, Heidi A.; Benz, Jacob B.; MacDougal, Matthew M.

Maintaining Continuity of Knowledge (CoK) of spent fuel throughout its life cycle is a key objective of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This report describes a project in which two specific technologies, cameras with infrared (IR) imaging capabilities and imaging sonar, were tested to determine their effectiveness in augmenting optical surveillance cameras currently used for maintaining CoK for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) staged in spent fuel pools. Furthermore, the project identifies any modifications required to the technologies to facilitate deployment for international safeguards purposes. This report presents results for the imaging sonar tested at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in a mockup spent nuclear fuel pool and for the IR-capable cameras tested by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in the Oregon State University Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics (TRIGA) research reactor.

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Developing reliable safeguards seals for application verification and removal by State operators

Finch, Robert F.; Smartt, Heidi A.; Haddal, Risa H.

Once a geological repository has begun operations, the encapsulation and disposal of spent fuel will be performed as a continuous, industrial-scale series of processes, during which time safeguards seals will be applied to transportation casks before shipment from an encapsulation plant, and then verified and removed following receipt at the repository. These operations will occur approximately daily during several decades of Sweden's repository operation; however, requiring safeguards inspectors to perform the application, verification, and removal of every seal would be an onerous burden on International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA's) resources. Current IAEA practice includes allowing operators to either apply seals or remove them, but not both, so the daily task of either applying or verifying and removing would still require continuous presence of IAEA inspectors at one site at least. Of special importance is the inability to re-verify cask or canisters from which seals have been removed and the canisters emplaced underground. Successfully designing seals that can be applied, verified and removed by an operator with IAEA approval could impact more than repository shipments, but other applications as well, potentially reducing inspector burdens for a wide range of such duties.

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Brain Science and International Nuclear Safeguards: Implications from Cognitive Science and Human Factors Research on the Provision and Use of Safeguards-Relevant Information in the Field

ESARDA Bulletin

Gastelum, Zoe N.; Matzen, Laura E.; Smartt, Heidi A.; Horak, Karl E.; Moyer, Eric; St. Pierre, Matthew E.

Today’s international nuclear safeguards inspectors have access to an increasing volume of supplemental information about the facilities under their purview, including commercial satellite imagery, nuclear trade data, open source information, and results from previous safeguards activities. In addition to completing traditional in-field safeguards activities, inspectors are now responsible for being able to act upon this growing corpus of supplemental safeguards-relevant data and for maintaining situational awareness of unusual activities taking place in their environment. However, cognitive science research suggests that maintaining too much information can be detrimental to a user’s understanding, and externalizing information (for example, to a mobile device) to reduce cognitive burden can decrease cognitive function related to memory, navigation, and attention. Given this dichotomy, how can international nuclear safeguards inspectors better synthesize information to enhance situational awareness, decision making, and performance in the field? This paper examines literature from the fields of cognitive science and human factors in the areas of wayfinding, situational awareness, equipment and technical assistance, and knowledge transfer, and describes the implications for the provision of, and interaction with, safeguards-relevant information for international nuclear safeguards inspectors working in the field.

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An Overview of Chain of Custody Options for LETTERPRESS

Smartt, Heidi A.

This purpose of this document is to provide an overview of Chain of Custody (CoC) technology options that could be made available for the LETTERPRESS exercise as part of the Quad Working Group. The Quad Working Group comprises five sub-working groups (Management, Protocol, Simulation, Technology, and Training) with members from the U.S., U.K., Norway, and Sweden having the goal of providing a repeatable, realistic arms control exercise (dubbed LETTERPRESS) to be executed in representative facilities and using non-proliferative but representative treaty items. The Technology Working Group is responsible for supporting the technology requirements of the LETTERPRESS exercise and as such the technologies presented here are possible options to meet those requirements.

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Ceramic Seal

Smartt, Heidi A.; Romero, Juan A.; Custer, Joyce O.; Hymel, Ross W.; Krementz, Dan K.; Gobin, Derek G.; harpring, larry h.; Martinez-Rodriguez, Michael M.; Varble, Don V.; DiMaio, Jeff D.; Hudson, Stephen H.

Containment/Surveillance (C/S) measures are critical to any verification regime in order to maintain Continuity of Knowledge (CoK). The Ceramic Seal project is research into the next generation technologies to advance C/S, in particular improving security and efficiency. The Ceramic Seal is a small form factor loop seal with improved tamper-indication including a frangible seal body, tamper planes, external coatings, and electronic monitoring of the seal body integrity. It improves efficiency through a self-securing wire and in-situ verification with a handheld reader. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), under sponsorship from the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D), have previously designed and have now fabricated and tested Ceramic Seals. Tests have occurred at both SNL and SRNL, with different types of tests occurring at each facility. This interim report will describe the Ceramic Seal prototype, the design and development of a handheld standalone reader and an interface to a data acquisition system, fabrication of the seals, and results of initial testing.

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Magnetic Smart Tags (MaST) for Arms Control and Treaty Verification

Langlois, Eric L.; Pillars, Jamin R.; Monson, Todd M.; Arrington, Christian L.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; St John, Christopher S.; Smartt, Heidi A.

The ability to track nuclear material is a challenge for resiliency of complex systems, e.g., harsh environments. RF tags, frequently used in national security applications, cannot be used for technological, operational, or safety reasons. Magnetic Smart Tags (MaST) is a novel tag technology based on magnetoelastic sensing that circumvents these issues. This technology is enabled by a new, cost-effective, batch manufacturing electrochemical deposition (ECD) process. This new advancement in fabrication enables multi-frequency tags capable of providing millions of possible codes for tag identification unlike existing theft deterrent tags that can convey only a single bit of information. Magnetostrictive 70% Co: 30% Fe was developed as the base alloy comprising the magnetoelastic resonator transduction element. Saturation magnetostriction, S , has been externally measured by the Naval Research Laboratory to be as high as 78 ppm. Description of a novel MEMS variable capacitive test structure is described for future measurements of this parameter.

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Processing large sensor data sets for safeguards : the knowledge generation system

Thomas, Maikael A.; Smartt, Heidi A.

Modern nuclear facilities, such as reprocessing plants, present inspectors with significant challenges due in part to the sheer amount of equipment that must be safeguarded. The Sandia-developed and patented Knowledge Generation system was designed to automatically analyze large amounts of safeguards data to identify anomalous events of interest by comparing sensor readings with those expected from a process of interest and operator declarations. This paper describes a demonstration of the Knowledge Generation system using simulated accountability tank sensor data to represent part of a reprocessing plant. The demonstration indicated that Knowledge Generation has the potential to address several problems critical to the future of safeguards. It could be extended to facilitate remote inspections and trigger random inspections. Knowledge Generation could analyze data to establish trust hierarchies, to facilitate safeguards use of operator-owned sensors.

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Nexus of technologies : international safeguards, physical protection and arms control

Jordan, Sabina E.; Blair, Dianna S.; Smartt, Heidi A.

New technologies have been, and are continuing to be, developed for Safeguards, Arms Control, and Physical Protection. Application spaces and technical requirements are evolving - Overlaps are developing. Lessons learned from IAEA's extensive experience could benefit other communities. Technologies developed for other applications may benefit Safeguards - Inherent cost benefits and improvements in procurement security processes.

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Systematic evaluation of satellite remote sensing for identifying uranium mines and mills

Stork, Chris L.; Smartt, Heidi A.; Blair, Dianna S.

In this report, we systematically evaluate the ability of current-generation, satellite-based spectroscopic sensors to distinguish uranium mines and mills from other mineral mining and milling operations. We perform this systematic evaluation by (1) outlining the remote, spectroscopic signal generation process, (2) documenting the capabilities of current commercial satellite systems, (3) systematically comparing the uranium mining and milling process to other mineral mining and milling operations, and (4) identifying the most promising observables associated with uranium mining and milling that can be identified using satellite remote sensing. The Ranger uranium mine and mill in Australia serves as a case study where we apply and test the techniques developed in this systematic analysis. Based on literature research of mineral mining and milling practices, we develop a decision tree which utilizes the information contained in one or more observables to determine whether uranium is possibly being mined and/or milled at a given site. Promising observables associated with uranium mining and milling at the Ranger site included in the decision tree are uranium ore, sulfur, the uranium pregnant leach liquor, ammonia, and uranyl compounds and sulfate ion disposed of in the tailings pond. Based on the size, concentration, and spectral characteristics of these promising observables, we then determine whether these observables can be identified using current commercial satellite systems, namely Hyperion, ASTER, and Quickbird. We conclude that the only promising observables at Ranger that can be uniquely identified using a current commercial satellite system (notably Hyperion) are magnesium chlorite in the open pit mine and the sulfur stockpile. Based on the identified magnesium chlorite and sulfur observables, the decision tree narrows the possible mineral candidates at Ranger to uranium, copper, zinc, manganese, vanadium, the rare earths, and phosphorus, all of which are milled using sulfuric acid leaching.

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Wireless networking and its application in nuclear safeguards

Smartt, Heidi A.; Caskey, Susan A.; Glidewell, Donnie D.

Wireless networking can provide a cost effective and convenient method for installing and operating an unattended or remote monitoring system in an established facility. There is concern, however, that wireless devices can interfere with each other and with other radio systems within the facility. Additionally, there is concern that these devices add a potential risk to the security of the network. Since all data is transmitted in the air, it is possible for an unauthorized user to intercept the data transmissions and/or insert data onto the network if proper security is not in place. This paper describes a study being undertaken to highlight the benefits of wireless networking, evaluate interference and methods for mitigation, recommend security architectures, and present the results of a wireless network demonstration between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

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Wireless networking for international safeguards

Smartt, Heidi A.; Caskey, Susan A.; Smartt, Heidi A.

Wireless networking using the IEEE 802.11standards is a viable alternative for data communications in safeguards applications. This paper discusses the range of 802.11-based networking applications, along with their advantages and disadvantages. For maximum performance, safety, and security, Wireless networking should be implemented only after a comprehensive site survey has determined detailed requirements, hazards, and threats.

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WIPP Transparency Project - container tracking and monitoring demonstration using the Authenticated Tracking and Monitoring System (ATMS)

Schoeneman, J.L.; Smartt, Heidi A.

The Authenticated Tracking and Monitoring System (ATMS) is designed to answer the need for global monitoring of the status and location of proliferation-sensitive items on a worldwide basis, 24 hours a day. ATMS uses wireless sensor packs to monitor the status of the items within the shipment and surrounding environmental conditions. Receiver and processing units collect a variety of sensor event data that is integrated with GPS tracking data. The collected data are transmitted to the International Maritime Satellite (INMARSAT) communication system, which then sends the data to mobile ground stations. Authentication and encryption algorithms secure the data during communication activities. A typical ATMS application would be to track and monitor the stiety and security of a number of items in transit along a scheduled shipping route. The resulting tracking, timing, and status information could then be processed to ensure compliance with various agreements.

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114 Results
114 Results