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Vapor transport analysis of a chloride molten salt flow control valve

AIP Conference Proceedings

Armijo, Kenneth M.; Mendoza, Hector M.; Parish, Jeffrey

This investigation explores thermal-fluid flow phenomena in a proportional flow control valve (FCV) within a 2 in. ID high-temperature piping transport system. The FCVs are critical components to ensure flexible nominal operation of a 2 MWth concentrating solar power (CSP) pilot-scale system in present development at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) / finite element analysis (FEA) model was developed in ANSYS that investigates multifluid phase-change transport within various sections of an FCV to explore plating and subsequent thermal-mechanical stress challenges that can exist with operations as high as 730°C. Results from the thermal-fluid model in development suggest salt vapor phase change in the N2 gas purge lines as low as approximately 476°C, which can have a negative impact on valve reliability.

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Analysis of a chloride molten salt pump and tank interface for high-temperature operation

AIP Conference Proceedings

Charley, Derrick; Armijo, Kenneth M.; Mendoza, Hector M.

In this investigation, heat transfer analysis of cold and hot pump-tank interfaces for a 2 MWth pilot-scale system is assessed using a developed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model using ANSYS Fluent. A DOE Generation 3 concentrating solar power (CSP) ternary chloride molten salt mixture is used as the working fluid of each system and evaluated at different temperatures and pressures. In this CFD model work an analysis was performed for a pump assembly at the interface between the test loop and a storage tank. The model was developed for three scenarios with molten salt inlet temperatures set at 500 °C, 720 °C, and 730 °C. The real-world complex geometry was simplified and evaluated as a two- dimensional model with the purpose of estimating overall heat transfer and velocity profiles for the respective system configurations. Preliminary results indicate that pump field insulation absorbs most of the heat from radiating from the molten salt region at a max temperature of 39.48 °C and that heat transfer within the N2 ullage gas region is primarily due to natural convection and radiation.

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Fire-Induced Pressure Response and Failure Characterization of PCV/SCV/3013 Containers - Phase 3

Mendoza, Hector M.; Baird, Austin R.; Gill, Walt; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; McClard, James M.; Sprankle, Ray S.; Hensel, Steve H.; Michel, Danielle M.; Adee, Shane M.

Several Department of Energy (DOE) facilities have materials stored in robust, welded, stainless - steel containers with presumed fire - induced pressure response behaviors. Lack of test data related to fire exposure requires conservative safety analysis assumptions for container response at these facilities. This conservatism can in turn result in the implementation of challenging operational restrictions with costly nuclear safety controls. To help address this issue for sites that store DOE 3013 stainless - steel containers, a series of ten tests were undertaken at Sandia National Laboratories. The goal of this test series was to obtain the response behavior for various configurations of DOE 3013 containers with various payload compositions when exposed to one of two ASTM fire conditions. Key parameters measured in the test series included identification of failure - specific characteristics such as pressure, temperature, and whether or not a vessel was breached during a test . Numerous failure - specific characteristics were identified from the ten tests. This report describes the implementation and execution of the test series performed to identify these failure - specific characteristics. Discussions on the test configurations, payload compositions, thermal insults, and experimental setups are presented. Test results in terms of pressurization and vessel breach (or no - breach) are presented along with corresponding discussions for each test.

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Continued Investigations of Respirable Release Fractions for Stress Corrosion Crack-Like Geometries

Durbin, S.G.; Pulido, Ramon P.; Perales, Adrian G.; Lindgren, Eric R.; Jones, Philip G.; Mendoza, Hector M.; Phillips, Jesse P.; Lanza, M.L.; Casella, A. C.

The formation of a stress corrosion crack (SCC) in the canister wall of a dry cask storage system (DCSS) has been identified as a potential issue for the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel. The presence of an SCC in a storage system could represent a through-wall flow path from the canister interior to the environment. Modern, vertical DCSSs are of particular interest due to the commercial practice of using relatively high backfill pressures (up to approximately 800 kPa) in the canister to enhance internal natural convection. This pressure differential offers a comparatively high driving potential for blowdown of any particulates that might be present in the canister. In this study, the rates of gas flow and aerosol transmission of a spent fuel surrogate through an engineered microchannel with dimensions representative of an SCC were evaluated experimentally using coupled mass flow and aerosol analyzers. The microchannel was formed by mating two gage blocks with a linearly tapering slot orifice nominally 13 μm (0.005 in.) tall on the upstream side and 25 μm (0.0010 in.) tall on the downstream side. The orifice is 12.7 mm (0.500 in.) wide by 8.89 mm (0.350 in.) long (flow length). Surrogate aerosols of cerium oxide, CeO2, were seeded and mixed with either helium or air inside a pressurized tank. The aerosol characteristics were measured immediately upstream and downstream of the simulated SCC at elevated and ambient pressures, respectively. These data sets are intended to demonstrate a new capability to characterize SCCs under well-controlled boundary conditions. Modeling efforts were also initiated that evaluate the depletion of aerosols in a commercial dry storage canister. These preliminary modeling and ongoing testing efforts are focused on understanding the evolution in both size and quantity of a hypothetical release of aerosolized spent fuel particles from failed fuel to the canister interior and ultimately through an SCC.

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Fire-induced pressure response and failure of 3013 containers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Mendoza, Hector M.; Gill, Walt; Baird, Austin R.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Hensel, Steve; Sanborn, Scott E.

Several Department of Energy (DOE) facilities have nuclear or hazardous materials stored in robust, welded, stainless-steel containers with undetermined fire-induced pressure response behaviors. Lack of test data related to fire exposure requires conservative safety analysis assumptions for container response at these facilities. This conservatism can in turn result in the implementation of challenging operational restrictions with costly nuclear safety controls. To help address this issue for sites that store DOE 3013 stainless-steel containers, a series of five tests were undertaken at Sandia National Laboratories. The goal of this test series was to obtain the response behavior for various configurations of the DOE 3013 containers when exposed to various fire conditions. Key parameters measured in the test series included identification of failure-specific characteristics such as pressure, temperature, and leak/burst failure type. This paper describes the development and execution of the test series performed to identify these failure-specific characteristics. Work completed to define the test configurations, payload compositions, thermal insults, and experimental setups are discussed. Test results are presented along with corresponding discussions for each test.

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Development and validation of radiant heat systems to test ram packages under non-uniform thermal environments

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Mendoza, Hector M.; Gill, Walt; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Sanborn, Scott E.

Certification of radioactive material (RAM) packages for storage and transportation requires multiple tiers of testing that simulate accident conditions in order to assure safety. One of these key testing aspects focuses on container response to thermal insults when a package includes materials that decompose, combust, or change phase between-40 °C and 800 °C. Thermal insult for RAM packages during testing can be imposed from a direct pool fire, but it can also be imposed using a furnace or a radiant heat system. Depending on variables such as scale, heating rates, desired environment, intended diagnostics, cost, etc., each of the different methods possess their advantages and disadvantages. While a direct fire can be the closest method to represent a plausible insult, incorporating comprehensive diagnostics in a controlled fire test can pose various challenges due to the nature of a fire. Radiant heat setups can instead be used to impose a comparable heat flux on a test specimen in a controlled manner that allows more comprehensive diagnostics. With radiant heat setups, however, challenges can arise when attempting to impose desired nonuniform heat fluxes that would account for specimen orientation and position in a simulated accident scenario. This work describes the development, implementation, and validation of a series of techniques used by Sandia National Laboratories to create prescribed non-uniform thermal environments using radiant heat sources for RAM packages as large as a 55-gallon drum.

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Correlating incident heat flux and source temperature to meet astm e1529 requirements for ram packaging components thermal testing

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Baird, Austin R.; Gill, Walt; Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.

Often in fire resistance testing of packaging vessels and other components, both the heat source temperature and the incident heat flux on a test specimen need to be measured and correlated. Standards such as ASTM E1529 require a specified temperature range from the heat source and a specified heat flux on the surface of the test specimen. There are other standards that have similar requirements. The geometry of the test environment and specimen may make heat flux measurements using traditional instruments (directional flame thermometers (DFTs) and water-cooled radiometers) difficult to implement. Orientation of the test specimen with respect to the thermal environment is also important to ensure that the heat flux on the surface of the test specimen is properly measured. Other important factors in the flux measurement include the thermal mass and surface emissivity of the test specimen. This paper describes the development of a cylindrical calorimeter using water-cooled wide-angle Schmidt-Bolter gauges to measure the incident heat flux for a vessel exposed to a radiant heat source. The calorimeter is designed to be modular to be modular with multiple configurations while meeting emissivity and thermal mass requirements via a variable thermal mass. The results of the incident heat flux and source temperature along with effective/apparent emissivity calculations are discussed.

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Determining airborne release fraction from dot 7A drums exposed to a thermal insult

International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE

Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Gill, Walt; Sanborn, Scott E.

Fire suppression systems for transuranic (TRU) waste facilities are designed to minimize radioactive material release to the public and to facility employees in the event of a fire. Currently, facilities with Department of Transportation (DOT) 7A drums filled with TRU waste follow guidelines that assume a fraction of the drums experience lid ejection in case of a fire. This lid loss is assumed to result in significant TRU waste material from the drum experiencing an unconfined burn during the fire, and fire suppression systems are thus designed to respond and mitigate potential radioactive material release. However, recent preliminary tests where the standard lid filters of 7A drums were replaced with a UT-9424S filter suggest that the drums could retain their lid if equipped with this filter. The retention of the drum lid could thus result in a very different airborne release fraction (ARF) of a 7A drum's contents when exposed to a pool fire than what is assumed in current safety basis documents. This potentially different ARF is currently unknown because, while studies have been performed in the past to quantify ARF for 7A drums in a fire, no comprehensive measurements have been performed for drums equipped with a UT-9424S filter. If the ARF is lower than what is currently assumed, it could change the way TRU waste facilities operate. Sandia National Laboratories has thus developed a set of tests and techniques to help determine an ARF value for 7A drums filled with TRU waste and equipped with a UT-9424S filter when exposed to the hypothetical accident conditions (HAC) of a 30-minute hydrocarbon pool fire. In this multi-phase test series, SNL has accomplished the following: (1) performed a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) on various combustible materials typically found in 7A drums in order to identify a conservative load for 7A drums in a pool fire; (2) performed a 30-minute pool fire test to (a) determine if lid ejection is possible under extreme conditions despite the UT-9424S filter, and (b) to measure key parameters in order to replicate the fire environment using a radiant heat setup; and (3) designed a radiant heat setup to demonstrate capability of reproducing the fire environment with a system that would facilitate measurements of ARF. This manuscript thus discusses the techniques, approach, and unique capabilities SNL has developed to help determine an ARF value for DOT 7A drums exposed to a 30-minute fully engulfing pool fire while equipped with a UT-9424S filter on the drum lid.

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A verified conformal decomposition finite element method for implicit, many-material geometries

Journal of Computational Physics

Roberts, Scott A.; Mendoza, Hector M.; Brunini, Victor B.; Noble, David R.

As computing power rapidly increases, quickly creating a representative and accurate discretization of complex geometries arises as a major hurdle towards achieving a next generation simulation capability. Component definitions may be in the form of solid (CAD) models or derived from 3D computed tomography (CT) data, and creating a surface-conformal discretization may be required to resolve complex interfacial physics. The Conformal Decomposition Finite Element Methods (CDFEM) has been shown to be an efficient algorithm for creating conformal tetrahedral discretizations of these implicit geometries without manual mesh generation. In this work we describe an extension to CDFEM to accurately resolve the intersections of many materials within a simulation domain. This capability is demonstrated on both an analytical geometry and an image-based CT mesostructure representation consisting of hundreds of individual particles. Effective geometric and transport properties are the calculated quantities of interest. Solution verification is performed, showing CDFEM to be optimally convergent in nearly all cases. Representative volume element (RVE) size is also explored and per-sample variability quantified. Relatively large domains and small elements are required to reduce uncertainty, with recommended meshes of nearly 10 million elements still containing upwards of 30% uncertainty in certain effective properties. This work instills confidence in the applicability of CDFEM to provide insight into the behaviors of complex composite materials and provides recommendations on domain and mesh requirements.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase II-A

Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Gill, Walt; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Sanborn, Scott E.

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. However, POCs are now being used to store combustible Transuranic (TRU) waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), SNL started conducting a new series of fire tests in 2015 to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to overpressurize and release its inner content. In 2016, Phase II tests showed that POCs tested in a pool fire failed within 3 minutes of ignition with the POC lid ejecting. These POC lids were fitted with an all-metal (NUCFIL019DS) filter and revealed that this specific filter did not relieve sufficient pressure to prevent lid ejection. For the test phase discussed in this report, Phase II-A, the POCs are exposed to a 30-minute pool fire, with similar configurations to those tested in Phase II, except that the POC lids are fitted with a hybrid metal-polyethylene (UT9424S) filter instead. This report will: describe the various tests conducted in Phase II-A, present results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs based on the test results.

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Insights into lithium-ion battery degradation and safety mechanisms from mesoscale simulations using experimentally reconstructed mesostructures

Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage

Roberts, Scott A.; Mendoza, Hector M.; Brunini, Victor B.; Trembacki, Bradley T.; Noble, David R.; Grillet, Anne M.

Battery performance, while observed at the macroscale, is primarily governed by the bicontinuous mesoscale network of the active particles and a polymeric conductive binder in its electrodes. Manufacturing processes affect this mesostructure, and therefore battery performance, in ways that are not always clear outside of empirical relationships. Directly studying the role of the mesostructure is difficult due to the small particle sizes (a few microns) and large mesoscale structures. Mesoscale simulation, however, is an emerging technique that allows the investigation into how particle-scale phenomena affect electrode behavior. In this manuscript, we discuss our computational approach for modeling electrochemical, mechanical, and thermal phenomena of lithium-ion batteries at the mesoscale. We review our recent and ongoing simulation investigations and discuss a path forward for additional simulation insights.

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Mechanical and Electrochemical Response of a LiCoO2 Cathode using Reconstructed Microstructures

Electrochimica Acta

Mendoza, Hector M.; Roberts, Scott A.; Brunini, Victor B.; Grillet, Anne M.

As LiCoO2 cathodes are charged, delithiation of the LiCoO2 active material leads to an increase in the lattice spacing, causing swelling of the particles. When these particles are packed into a bicontinuous, percolated network, as is the case in a battery electrode, this swelling leads to the generation of significant mechanical stress. In this study we performed coupled electrochemical-mechanical simulations of the charging of a LiCoO2 cathode in order to elucidate the mechanisms of stress generation and the effect of charge rate and microstructure on these stresses. Energy dispersive spectroscopy combined with scanning electron microscopy imaging was used to create 3D reconstructions of a LiCoO2 cathode, and the Conformal Decomposition Finite Element Method is used to automatically generate computational meshes on this reconstructed microstructure. Replacement of the ideal solution Fickian diffusion model, typically used in battery simulations, with a more general non-ideal solution model shows substantially smaller gradients of lithium within particles than is typically observed in the literature. Using this more general model, lithium gradients only appear at states of charge where the open-circuit voltage is relatively constant. While lithium gradients do affect the mechanical stress state in the particles, the maximum stresses are always found in the fully-charged state and are strongly affected by the local details of the microstructure and particle-to-particle contacts. These coupled electrochemical-mechanical simulations begin to yield insight into the partitioning of volume change between reducing pore space and macroscopically swelling the electrode. Finally, preliminary studies that include the presence of the polymeric binder suggest that it can greatly impact stress generation and that it is an important area for future research.

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47 Results
47 Results