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Exploiting Multiple Levels of Parallelism in Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Ballard, Grey B.; Azad, Ariful A.; Buluc, Aydin B.; Demmel, James D.; Grigori, Laura G.; Schwartz, Oded S.; Toledo, Sivan T.; Williams, Samuel C.

Sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (or SpGEMM) is a key primitive for many high-performance graph algorithms as well as for some linear solvers, such as algebraic multigrid. The scaling of existing parallel implementations of SpGEMM is heavily bound by communication. Even though 3D (or 2.5D) algorithms have been proposed and theoretically analyzed in the flat MPI model on Erdös-Rényi matrices, those algorithms had not been implemented in practice and their complexities had not been analyzed for the general case. In this work, we present the first implementation of the 3D SpGEMM formulation that exploits multiple (intranode and internode) levels of parallelism, achieving significant speedups over the state-of-the-art publicly available codes at all levels of concurrencies. We extensively evaluate our implementation and identify bottlenecks that should be subject to further research.

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Parallel Tensor Compression for Large-Scale Scientific Data

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2016

Austin, Woody; Ballard, Grey B.; Kolda, Tamara G.

As parallel computing trends towards the exascale, scientific data produced by high-fidelity simulations are growing increasingly massive. For instance, a simulation on a three-dimensional spatial grid with 512 points per dimension that tracks 64 variables per grid point for 128 time steps yields 8 TB of data, assuming double precision. By viewing the data as a dense five-way tensor, we can compute a Tucker decomposition to find inherent low-dimensional multilinear structure, achieving compression ratios of up to 5000 on real-world data sets with negligible loss in accuracy. So that we can operate on such massive data, we present the first-ever distributed-memory parallel implementation for the Tucker decomposition, whose key computations correspond to parallel linear algebra operations, albeit with nonstandard data layouts. Our approach specifies a data distribution for tensors that avoids any tensor data redistribution, either locally or in parallel. We provide accompanying analysis of the computation and communication costs of the algorithms. To demonstrate the compression and accuracy of the method, we apply our approach to real-world data sets from combustion science simulations. We also provide detailed performance results, including parallel performance in both weak and strong scaling experiments.

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A high-performance parallel algorithm for nonnegative matrix factorization

Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPOPP

Kannan, Ramakrishnan; Ballard, Grey B.; Park, Haesun

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is the problem of determining two non-negative low rank factors W and H, for the given input matrix A, such that A ≈ WH. NMF is a useful tool for many applications in different domains such as topic modeling in text mining, background separation in video analysis, and community detection in social networks. Despite its popularity in the data mining community, there is a lack of efficient distributed algorithms to solve the problem for big data sets. We propose a high-performance distributed-memory parallel algorithm that computes the factorization by iteratively solving alternating non-negative least squares (NLS) subproblems for W and H. It maintains the data and factor matrices in memory (distributed across processors), uses MPI for interprocessor communication, and, in the dense case, provably minimizes communication costs (under mild assumptions). As opposed to previous implementations, our algorithm is also flexible: (1) it performs well for both dense and sparse matrices, and (2) it allows the user to choose any one of the multiple algorithms for solving the updates to low rank factors W and H within the alternating iterations. We demonstrate the scalability of our algorithm and compare it with baseline implementations, showing significant performance improvements.

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Diamond sampling for approximate maximum all-pairs dot-product (MAD) search

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM

Ballard, Grey B.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Pinar, Ali P.; Seshadhri, C.

Given two sets of vectors, A = {a1→,... , am→} and B = {b1→,... , bn→}, our problem is to find the top-t dot products, i.e., the largest |ai→ · bj→| among all possible pairs. This is a fundamental mathematical problem that appears in numerous data applications involving similarity search, link prediction, and collaborative filtering. We propose a sampling-based approach that avoids direct computation of all mn dot products. We select diamonds (i.e., four-cycles) from the weighted tripartite representation of A and B. The probability of selecting a diamond corresponding to pair (i, j) is proportional to (ai→ · bj→)2, amplifying the focus on the largest-magnitude entries. Experimental results indicate that diamond sampling is orders of magnitude faster than direct computation and requires far fewer samples than any competing approach. We also apply diamond sampling to the special case of maximum inner product search, and get significantly better results than the state-of-theart hashing methods.

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Reducing communication costs for sparse matrix multiplication within algebraic multigrid

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Ballard, Grey B.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Hu, Jonathan J.

We consider the sequence of sparse matrix-matrix multiplications performed during the setup phase of algebraic multigrid. In particular, we show that the most commonly used parallel algorithm is often not the most communication-efficient one for all of the matrix-matrix multiplications involved. By using an alternative algorithm, we show that the communication costs are reduced (in theory and practice), and we demonstrate the performance benefit for both model (structured) and more realistic unstructured problems on large-scale distributed-memory parallel systems. Our theoretical analysis shows that we can reduce communication by a factor of up to 5.4 for a model problem, and we observe in our empirical evaluation communication reductions of factors up to 4.7 for structured problems and 3.7 for unstructured problems. These reductions in communication translate to run-time speedups of factors up to 2.8 and 2.5, respectively.

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Improving the numerical stability of fast matrix multiplication

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Ballard, Grey B.; Benson, Austin R.; Druinsky, Alex; Lipshitz, Benjamin; Schwartz, Oded

Fast algorithms for matrix multiplication, namely those that perform asymptotically fewer scalar operations than the classical algorithm, have been considered primarily of theoretical interest. Apart from Strassen's original algorithm, few fast algorithms have been efficiently implemented or used in practical applications. However, there exist many practical alternatives to Strassen's algorithm with varying performance and numerical properties. Fast algorithms are known to be numerically stable, but because their error bounds are slightly weaker than the classical algorithm, they are not used even in cases where they provide a performance benefit. We argue in this paper that the numerical sacrifice of fast algorithms, particularly for the typical use cases of practical algorithms, is not prohibitive, and we explore ways to improve the accuracy both theoretically and empirically. The numerical accuracy of fast matrix multiplication depends on properties of the algorithm and of the input matrices, and we consider both contributions independently. We generalize and tighten previous error analyses of fast algorithms and compare their properties. We discuss algorithmic techniques for improving the error guarantees from two perspectives: manipulating the algorithms, and reducing input anomalies by various forms of diagonal scaling. Finally, we benchmark performance and demonstrate our improved numerical accuracy.

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Reconstructing Householder vectors from Tall-Skinny QR

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Ballard, Grey B.; Demmel, J.; Grigori, L.; Jacquelin, M.; Knight, N.; Nguyen, H.D.

The Tall-Skinny QR (TSQR) algorithm is more communication efficient than the standard Householder algorithm for QR decomposition of matrices with many more rows than columns. However, TSQR produces a different representation of the orthogonal factor and therefore requires more software development to support the new representation. Further, implicitly applying the orthogonal factor to the trailing matrix in the context of factoring a square matrix is more complicated and costly than with the Householder representation. We show how to perform TSQR and then reconstruct the Householder vector representation with the same asymptotic communication efficiency and little extra computational cost. We demonstrate the high performance and numerical stability of this algorithm both theoretically and empirically. The new Householder reconstruction algorithm allows us to design more efficient parallel QR algorithms, with significantly lower latency cost compared to Householder QR and lower bandwidth and latency costs compared with Communication-Avoiding QR (CAQR) algorithm. Experiments on supercomputers demonstrate the benefits of the communication cost improvements: in particular, our experiments show substantial improvements over tuned library implementations for tall-and-skinny matrices. We also provide algorithmic improvements to the Householder QR and CAQR algorithms, and we investigate several alternatives to the Householder reconstruction algorithm that sacrifice guarantees on numerical stability in some cases in order to obtain higher performance.

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Brief announcement: Hypergraph partitioning for parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication

Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures

Ballard, Grey B.; Knight, Nicholas; Druinsky, Alex; Schwartz, Oded

The performance of parallel algorithms for sparse matrixmatrix multiplication is typically determined by the amount of interprocessor communication performed, which in turn depends on the nonzero structure of the input matrices. In this paper, we characterize the communication cost of a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm in terms of the size of a cut of an associated hypergraph that encodes the computation for a given input nonzero structure. Obtaining an optimal algorithm corresponds to solving a hypergraph partitioning problem. Our hypergraph model generalizes several existing models for sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and we can leverage hypergraph partitioners developed for that computation to improve applicationspecific algorithms for multiplying sparse matrices.

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A framework for practical parallel fast matrix multiplication

Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPOPP

Benson, Austin R.; Ballard, Grey B.

Matrix multiplication is a fundamental computation in many scientific disciplines. In this paper, we show that novel fast matrix multiplication algorithms can significantly outperform vendor implementations of the classical algorithm and Strassen's fast algorithm on modest problem sizes and shapes. Furthermore, we show that the best choice of fast algorithm depends not only on the size of the matrices but also the shape. We develop a code generation tool to automatically implement multiple sequential and shared-memory parallel variants of each fast algorithm, including our novel parallelization scheme. This allows us to rapidly benchmark over 20 fast algorithms on several problem sizes. Furthermore, we discuss a number of practical implementation issues for these algorithms on shared-memory machines that can direct further research on making fast algorithms practical.

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Brief announcement: Hypergraph parititioning for parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication

ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing

Ballard, Grey B.; Druinsky, Alex D.; Knight, Nicholas K.; Schwartz, Oded S.

The performance of parallel algorithms for sparse matrix-matrix multiplication is typically determined by the amount of interprocessor communication performed, which in turn depends on the nonzero structure of the input matrices. In this paper, we characterize the communication cost of a sparse matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm in terms of the size of a cut of an associated hypergraph that encodes the computation for a given input nonzero structure. Obtaining an optimal algorithm corresponds to solving a hypergraph partitioning problem. Furthermore, our hypergraph model generalizes several existing models for sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and we can leverage hypergraph partitioners developed for that computation to improve application-specific algorithms for multiplying sparse matrices.

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Communication-avoiding symmetric-indefinite factorization

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Ballard, Grey B.; Becker, Dulceneia; Demmel, James; Dongarra, Jack; Druinsky, Alex; Peled, Inon; Schwartz, Oded; Toledo, Sivan; Yamazaki, Ichitaro

We describe and analyze a novel symmetric triangular factorization algorithm. The algorithm is essentially a block version of Aasen's triangular tridiagonalization. It factors a dense symmetric matrix A as the product A = PLTLT PT , where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular, and T is block tridiagonal and banded. The algorithm is the first symmetric-indefinite communication-avoiding factorization: it performs an asymptotically optimal amount of communication in a two-level memory hierarchy for almost any cache-line size. Adaptations of the algorithm to parallel computers are likely to be communication efficient as well; one such adaptation has been recently published. The current paper describes the algorithm, proves that it is numerically stable, and proves that it is communication optimal.

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Reconstructing householder vectors from tall-skinny QR

Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS

Ballard, Grey B.; Demmel, James; Grigori, Laura; Jacquelin, Mathias; Nguyen, Hong D.; Solomonik, Edgar

The Tall-Skinny QR (TSQR) algorithm is more communication efficient than the standard Householder algorithm for QR decomposition of matrices with many more rows than columns. However, TSQR produces a different representation of the orthogonal factor and therefore requires more software development to support the new representation. Further, implicitly applying the orthogonal factor to the trailing matrix in the context of factoring a square matrix is more complicated and costly than with the Householder representation. We show how to perform TSQR and then reconstruct the Householder vector representation with the same asymptotic communication efficiency and little extra computational cost. We demonstrate the high performance and numerical stability of this algorithm both theoretically and empirically. The new Householder reconstruction algorithm allows us to design more efficient parallel QR algorithms, with significantly lower latency cost compared to Householder QR and lower bandwidth and latency costs compared with Communication-Avoiding QR (CAQR) algorithm. As a result, our final parallel QR algorithm outperforms ScaLAPACK and Elemental implementations of Householder QR and our implementation of CAQR on the Hopper Cray XE6 NERSC system. We also provide algorithmic improvements to the ScaLAPACK and CAQR algorithms. © 2014 IEEE.

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Efficiently computing tensor eigenvalues on a GPU

IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and Phd Forum

Ballard, Grey B.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Plantenga, Todd P.

The tensor eigenproblem has many important applications, generating both mathematical and application-specific interest in the properties of tensor eigenpairs and methods for computing them. A tensor is an m-way array, generalizing the concept of a matrix (a 2-way array). Kolda and Mayo [1] have recently introduced a generalization of the matrix power method for computing real-valued tensor eigenpairs of symmetric tensors. In this work, we present an efficient implementation of their algorithm, exploiting symmetry in order to save storage, data movement, and computation. For an application involving repeatedly solving the tensor eigenproblem for many small tensors, we describe how a GPU can be used to accelerate the computations. On an NVIDIA Tesla C 2050 (Fermi) GPU, we achieve 318 Gflops/s (31% of theoretical peak performance in single precision) on our test data set. © 2011 IEEE.

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26 Results
26 Results