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Hybrid Integration of III-V Solar Microcells for High-Efficiency Concentrated Photovoltaic Modules

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Alford, Charles A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Okandan, Murat; Sweatt, W.C.; Jared, Bradley H.; Saavedra, Michael; Miller, William; Keeler, Gordon A.; Paap, Scott M.; Mudrick, John; Lentine, Anthony; Resnick, Paul; Gupta, Vipin; Nelson, Jeffrey; Li, Lan; Li, Duanhui; Gu, Tian; Hu, Juejun

The design, fabrication, and performance of InGaAs and InGaP/GaAs microcells are presented. These cells are integrated with a Si wafer providing a path for insertion in hybrid concentrated photovoltaic modules. Comparisons are made between bonded cells and cells fabricated on their native wafer. The bonded cells showed no evidence of degradation in spite of the integration process that involved significant processing including the removal of the III-V substrate.

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Ultrafast all-optical tuning of direct-gap semiconductor metasurfaces

Nature Communications

Shcherbakov, Maxim R.; Liu, Sheng L.; Zubyuk, Varvara V.; Vaskin, Aleksandr; Vabishchevich, Polina P.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Pertsch, Thomas; Dolgova, Tatyana V.; Staude, Isabelle; Brener, Igal B.; Fedyanin, Andrey A.

Optical metasurfaces are regular quasi-planar nanopatterns that can apply diverse spatial and spectral transformations to light waves. However, metasurfaces are no longer adjustable after fabrication, and a critical challenge is to realise a technique of tuning their optical properties that is both fast and efficient. We experimentally realise an ultrafast tunable metasurface consisting of subwavelength gallium arsenide nanoparticles supporting Mie-type resonances in the near infrared. Using transient reflectance spectroscopy, we demonstrate a picosecond-scale absolute reflectance modulation of up to 0.35 at the magnetic dipole resonance of the metasurfaces and a spectral shift of the resonance by 30 nm, both achieved at unprecedentedly low pump fluences of less than 400 μJ cm-2. Our findings thereby enable a versatile tool for ultrafast and efficient control of light using light.

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Optomechanical spring effect readout in resonant micro-optical Sagnac gyroscopes design and scaling analysis

International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics

Grine, Alejandro J.; Siddiqui, A.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Shaw, M.J.; Eichenfield, Matthew S.; Friedmann, Thomas A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Wood, M.G.; Dagel, D.J.; Hains, C.; Koch, L.F.; Nordquist, C.D.; Serkland, Darwin K.

We propose and theoretically analyze a new cavity optomechanical oscillator gyroscope. Mechanical frequency acts as a sensitive readout of rotation through the optomechanical spring and Sagnac effects. Remarkably, reducing device size improves scale factor.

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Submicrometer Epsilon-Near-Zero Electroabsorption Modulators Enabled by High-Mobility Cadmium Oxide

IEEE Photonics Journal

Campione, Salvatore; Wood, Michael G.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Parameswaran, Sivasubramanian P.; Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Luk, Ting S.; Wendt, J.R.; Geib, Kent M.; Keeler, Gordon A.

Epsilon-near-zero materials provide a new path for tailoring light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. In this paper, we analyze a compact electroabsorption modulator based on epsilon-near-zero confinement in transparent conducting oxide films. The nonresonant modulator operates through field-effect carrier density tuning. We compare the performance of modulators composed of two different conducting oxides, namely, indium oxide (In2O3) and cadmium oxide (CdO), and show that better modulation performance is achieved when using high-mobility (i.e., low loss) epsilon-near-zero materials such as CdO. In particular, we show that nonresonant electroabsorption modulators with submicron lengths and greater than 5 dB extinction ratios may be achieved through the proper selection of high-mobility transparent conducting oxides, opening a path for device miniaturization and increased modulation depth.

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Resonantly enhanced infrared detectors based on type-II superlattice absorbers

Goldflam, Michael G.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Campione, Salvatore; Campione, Salvatore; Kadlec, Emil A.; Kadlec, Emil A.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Coon, Wesley T.; Coon, Wesley T.; Fortune, Torben R.; Fortune, Torben R.; Parameswaran, Sivasubramanian P.; Parameswaran, Sivasubramanian P.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Klem, John F.; Klem, John F.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Shaner, Eric A.; Shaner, Eric A.; Davids, Paul D.; Davids, Paul D.; Warne, Larry K.; Warne, Larry K.; Wendt, J.R.; Wendt, J.R.; Kim, Jin K.; Kim, Jin K.; Peters, D.W.; Peters, D.W.

Abstract not provided.

Huygens' Metasurfaces Enabled by Magnetic Dipole Resonance Tuning in Split Dielectric Nanoresonators

Nano Letters

Liu, Sheng L.; Vaskin, Aleksandr; Campione, Salvatore; Wolf, Omri; Sinclair, Michael B.; Reno, J.L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Staude, Isabelle; Brener, Igal B.

Dielectric metasurfaces that exploit the different Mie resonances of nanoscale dielectric resonators are a powerful platform for manipulating electromagnetic fields and can provide novel optical behavior. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate independent tuning of the magnetic dipole resonances relative to the electric dipole resonances of split dielectric resonators (SDRs). By increasing the split dimension, we observe a blue shift of the magnetic dipole resonance toward the electric dipole resonance. Therefore, SDRs provide the ability to directly control the interaction between the two dipole resonances within the same resonator. For example, we achieve the first Kerker condition by spectrally overlapping the electric and magnetic dipole resonances and observe significantly suppressed backward scattering. Moreover, we show that a single SDR can be used as an optical nanoantenna that provides strong unidirectional emission from an electric dipole source.

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Next-generation infrared focal plane arrays for high-responsivity low-noise applications

IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings

Goldflam, Michael G.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Parameswaran, Sivasubramanian P.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Warne, Larry K.; Peters, D.W.; Campione, Salvatore; Coon, W.T.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Shaner, Eric A.; Wendt, J.R.; Kadlec, Emil A.; Fortune, Torben R.; Klem, John F.; Davids, Paul D.; Kim, Jin K.

High-quality infrared focal plane arrays (FPAs) are used in many satellite, astronomical, and terrestrial applications. These applications require highly-sensitive, low-noise FPAs, and therefore do not benefit from advances made in low-cost thermal imagers where reducing cost and enabling high-temperature operation drive device development. Infrared detectors used in FPAs have been made for decades from alloys of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT). These infrared detectors are nearing the believed limit of their performance. This limit, known in the infrared detector community as Rule 07, dictates the dark current floor for MCT detectors, in their traditional architecture, for a given temperature and cutoff wavelength. To overcome the bounds imposed by Rule 07, many groups are working on detector compounds other than MCT. We focus on detectors employing III-V-based gallium-free InAsSb superlattice active regions while also changing the basic architecture of the pixel to improve signal-to-noise. Our architecture relies on a resonant, metallic, subwavelength nanoantenna patterned on the absorber surface, in combination with a Fabry-Pérot cavity, to couple the incoming radiation into tightly confined modes near the nanoantenna. This confinement of the incident energy in a thin layer allows us to greatly reduce the volume of the absorbing layer to a fraction of the free-space wavelength, yielding a corresponding reduction in dark current from spontaneously generated electron-hole pairs in the absorber material. This architecture is detector material agnostic and could be applied to MCT detector structures as well, although we focus on using superlattice antimonide-based detector materials. This detector concept has been applied to both mid-wave (3-5 μm) and longwave (8-12 μm) infrared detectors and absorbers. Here we examine long-wave devices, as these detectors currently have a larger gap between desired device performance and that of currently existing detectors. The measured structures show an external quantum efficiency exceeding 50%. We present a comparison of the modeled and measured photoresponse of these detectors and compare these detectors to currently available commercial detectors using relevant metrics such as external quantum efficiency. We also discuss modeling of crosstalk between adjacent pixels and its influence on the potential for a dual-wavelength detector. Finally, we evaluate potential advances in these detectors that may occur in the near future.

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III-V dielectric metasurfaces: Enhanced nonlinearities and emission control

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Liu, Sheng L.; Vaskin, Aleksandr; Vabishchevich, Polina V.; Addamane, Sadhvikas; Keeler, Gordon A.; Reno, J.L.; Yang, Yuanmu Y.; Staude, Isabelle; Balarishnan, Ganesh; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.

Using III-V dielectric metasurfaces, we experimentally demonstrate resonantly enhanced harmonic generations up to the 4th order. Moreover, we observe large enhancements and spectral tailoring of the photoluminescence of quantum dots embedded inside dielectric metasurfaces. © OSA 2017.

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Broken Symmetry Dielectric Resonators for High Quality Factor Fano Metasurfaces

ACS Photonics

Campione, Salvatore; Liu, Sheng L.; Basilio, Lorena I.; Warne, Larry K.; Langston, William L.; Luk, Ting S.; Wendt, J.R.; Reno, J.L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Brener, Igal; Sinclair, Michael B.

We present a new approach to dielectric metasurface design that relies on a single resonator per unit cell and produces robust, high quality factor Fano resonances. Our approach utilizes symmetry breaking of highly symmetric resonator geometries, such as cubes, to induce couplings between the otherwise orthogonal resonator modes. In particular, we design perturbations that couple "bright" dipole modes to "dark" dipole modes whose radiative decay is suppressed by local field effects in the array. Our approach is widely scalable from the near-infrared to radio frequencies. We first unravel the Fano resonance behavior through numerical simulations of a germanium resonator-based metasurface that achieves a quality factor of ∼1300 at ∼10.8 μm. Then, we present two experimental demonstrations operating in the near-infrared (∼1 μm): a silicon-based implementation that achieves a quality factor of ∼350; and a gallium arsenide-based structure that achieves a quality factor of ∼600, the highest near-infrared quality factor experimentally demonstrated to date with this kind of metasurface. Importantly, large electromagnetic field enhancements appear within the resonators at the Fano resonant frequencies. We envision that combining high quality factor, high field enhancement resonances with nonlinear and active/gain materials such as gallium arsenide will lead to new classes of active optical devices.

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Enhanced infrared detectors using resonant structures combined with thin type-II superlattice absorbers

Applied Physics Letters

Goldflam, Michael G.; Kadlec, Emil A.; Olson, B.V.; Klem, John F.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Parameswaran, Sivasubramanian P.; Coon, W.T.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Fortune, Torben R.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Wendt, J.R.; Shaner, Eric A.; Davids, Paul D.; Kim, Jin K.; Peters, D.W.

We examined the spectral responsivity of a 1.77 μm thick type-II superlattice based long-wave infrared detector in combination with metallic nanoantennas. Coupling between the Fabry-Pérot cavity formed by the semiconductor layer and the resonant nanoantennas on its surface enables spectral selectivity, while also increasing peak quantum efficiency to over 50%. Electromagnetic simulations reveal that this high responsivity is a direct result of field-enhancement in the absorber layer, enabling significant absorption in spite of the absorber's subwavelength thickness. Notably, thinning of the absorbing material could ultimately yield lower photodetector noise through a reduction in dark current while improving photocarrier collection efficiency. The temperature- and incident-angle-independent spectral response observed in these devices allows for operation over a wide range of temperatures and optical systems. This detector paradigm demonstrates potential benefits to device performance with applications throughout the infrared.

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2D and 3D all dielectric metamaterials made from III-V semiconductors

2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016

Liu, Sheng L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Reno, J.L.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.

We present all-dielectric 2D and 3D metamaterials that are monolithically fabricated from III-V semiconductor nanostructures. The active/gain and high optical nonlinearity properties of the metamaterials can lead to new classes of active devices.

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Efficient second harmonic generation from GaAs all-dielectric metasurfaces

2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016

Liu, Sheng L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Reno, J.L.; Yang, Yuanmu Y.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Brener, Igal B.

We experimentally observe large enhancement of second-harmonic generation (SHG) from GaAs metasurfaces. The SHG polarization when excited at the electric and magnetic dipole resonances is orthogonal and can be attributed to different nonlinear generation mechanisms.

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Resonantly Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation Using III-V Semiconductor All-Dielectric Metasurfaces

Nano Letters

Liu, Sheng L.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Saravi, Sina; Keeler, Gordon A.; Yang, Yuanmu Y.; Reno, J.L.; Peake, Gregory M.; Setzpfandt, Frank; Staude, Isabelle; Pertsch, Thomas; Brener, Igal B.

Nonlinear optical phenomena in nanostructured materials have been challenging our perceptions of nonlinear optical processes that have been explored since the invention of lasers. For example, the ability to control optical field confinement, enhancement, and scattering almost independently allows nonlinear frequency conversion efficiencies to be enhanced by many orders of magnitude compared to bulk materials. Also, the subwavelength length scale renders phase matching issues irrelevant. Compared with plasmonic nanostructures, dielectric resonator metamaterials show great promise for enhanced nonlinear optical processes due to their larger mode volumes. Here, we present, for the first time, resonantly enhanced second-harmonic generation (SHG) using gallium arsenide (GaAs) based dielectric metasurfaces. Using arrays of cylindrical resonators we observe SHG enhancement factors as large as 104 relative to unpatterned GaAs. At the magnetic dipole resonance, we measure an absolute nonlinear conversion efficiency of ∼2 × 10-5 with ∼3.4 GW/cm2 pump intensity. The polarization properties of the SHG reveal that both bulk and surface nonlinearities play important roles in the observed nonlinear process.

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Experimental verification of epsilon-near-zero plasmon polariton modes in degenerately doped semiconductor nanolayers

Optics Express

Campione, Salvatore; Kim, Iltai; De Ceglia, Domenico; Keeler, Gordon A.; Luk, Ting S.

We investigate optical polariton modes supported by subwavelength-thick degenerately doped semiconductor nanolayers (e.g. indium tin oxide) on glass in the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) regime. The dispersions of the radiative (R, on the left of the light line) and non-radiative (NR, on the right of the light line) ENZ polariton modes are experimentally measured and theoretically analyzed through the transfer matrix method and the complex-frequency/real-wavenumber analysis, which are in remarkable agreement. We observe directional near-perfect absorption using the Kretschmann geometry for incidence conditions close to the NR-ENZ polariton mode dispersion. Along with field enhancement, this provides us with an unexplored pathway to enhance nonlinear optical processes and to open up directions for ultrafast, tunable thermal emission.

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Thermal Design and Characterization of Heterogeneously Integrated InGaP/GaAs HBTs

IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology

Choi, Sukwon; Peake, Gregory M.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Geib, K.M.; Briggs, R.D.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Shaffer, Ryan A.; Clevenger, Jascinda C.; Patrizi, G.A.; Klem, John F.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Nordquist, Christopher N.

Flip-chip heterogeneously integrated n-p-n InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) with integrated thermal management on wide-bandgap AlN substrates followed by GaAs substrate removal are demonstrated. Without thermal management, substrate removal after integration significantly aggravates self-heating effects, causing poor $I$-$V$ characteristics due to excessive device self-heating. An electrothermal codesign scheme is demonstrated that involves simulation (design), thermal characterization, fabrication, and evaluation. Thermoreflectance thermal imaging, electrical-temperature sensitive parameter-based thermometry, and infrared thermography were utilized to assess the junction temperature rise in HBTs under diverse configurations. In order to reduce the thermal resistance of integrated devices, passive cooling schemes assisted by structural modification, i.e., positioning indium bump heat sinks between the devices and the carrier, were employed. By implementing thermal heat sinks in close proximity to the active region of flip-chip integrated HBTs, the junction-to-baseplate thermal resistance was reduced over a factor of two, as revealed by junction temperature measurements and improvement of electrical performance. The suggested heterogeneous integration method accounts for not only electrical but also thermal requirements providing insight into realization of advanced and robust III-V/Si heterogeneously integrated electronics.

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Near-Infrared Strong Coupling between Metamaterials and Epsilon-near-Zero Modes in Degenerately Doped Semiconductor Nanolayers

ACS Photonics

Campione, Salvatore; Wendt, J.R.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Luk, Ting S.

Epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) modes provide a new path for tailoring light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. In this paper, we analyze a strongly coupled system at near-infrared frequencies comprising plasmonic metamaterial resonators and ENZ modes supported by degenerately doped semiconductor nanolayers. In strongly coupled systems that combine optical cavities and intersubband transitions, the polariton splitting (i.e., the ratio of Rabi frequency to bare cavity frequency) scales with the square root of the wavelength, thus favoring the long-wavelength regime. In contrast, we observe that the polariton splitting in ENZ/metamaterial resonator systems increases linearly with the thickness of the nanolayer supporting the ENZ modes. In this work, we employ an indium-tin-oxide nanolayer and observe a large experimental polariton splitting of approximately 30% in the near-infrared. This approach opens up many promising applications, including nonlinear optical components and tunable optical filters based on controlling the polariton splitting by adjusting the frequency of the ENZ mode.

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VCSELs for interferometric readout of MEMS sensors

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Serkland, Darwin K.; Geib, K.M.; Peake, Gregory M.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Shaw, Michael S.; Baker, Michael S.; Okandan, Murat

We report on the development of single-frequency VCSELs (vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers) for sensing the position of a moving MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) object with resolution much less than 1nm. Position measurement is the basis of many different types of MEMS sensors, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, and pressure sensors. Typically, by switching from a traditional capacitive electronic readout to an interferometric optical readout, the resolution can be improved by an order of magnitude with a corresponding improvement in MEMS sensor performance. Because the VCSEL wavelength determines the scale of the position measurement, laser wavelength (frequency) stability is desirable. This paper discusses the impact of VCSEL amplitude and frequency noise on the position measurement.

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Third harmonic generation in ultrathin epsilon-near-zero media

CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO-SI 2015

Luk, Ting S.; De Ceglia, Domenico; Keeler, Gordon A.; Prasankumar, Rohit P.; Vincenti, Maria A.; Liu, Sheng L.; Scalora, Michael; Sinclair, Michael B.; Campione, Salvatore

We demonstrate efficient third harmonic generation from a 21.6nm-thick indium tin oxide film on glass substrate for a pump fundamental wavelength of 1350nm using the field enhancement properties of optical modes supported by epsilon-near-zero media. © OSA 2015.

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Enhanced third harmonic generation from the epsilon-near-zero modes of ultrathin films

Applied Physics Letters

Luk, Ting S.; De Ceglia, Domenico; Liu, Sheng L.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Prasankumar, Rohit P.; Vincenti, Maria A.; Scalora, Michael; Sinclair, Michael B.; Campione, Salvatore

We experimentally demonstrate efficient third harmonic generation from an indium tin oxide nanofilm (λ/42 thick) on a glass substrate for a pump wavelength of 1.4 μm. A conversion efficiency of 3.3 × 10-6 is achieved by exploiting the field enhancement properties of the epsilon-near-zero mode with an enhancement factor of 200. This nanoscale frequency conversion method is applicable to other plasmonic materials and reststrahlen materials in proximity of the longitudinal optical phonon frequencies.

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High-speed reflective S-SEEDs for photonic logic circuits

2009 International Conference on Photonics in Switching, PS '09

Keeler, Gordon A.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Overberg, Mark E.; Geib, K.M.; Gill, D.D.; Mukherjee, Sayan M.; Hsu, Alan Y.; Clevenger, Jascinda C.; Baiocchi, D.; Sweatt, W.C.

We demonstrate the operation of low-power reflective S-SEEDs with 6-ps switching times at a 2-Volt bias. Efficient refractive micro-optics are used to optically interconnect multiple S-SEED gates. The technology platform is expected to enable dense photonic logic circuits for high-speed telecommunications-related applications. © 2009 IEEE.

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Growth, fabrication, and characterization of high-speed 1550-nm S-SEEDs for all-optical logic

ECS Transactions

Keeler, Gordon A.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Overberg, Mark E.; Klem, John F.; Geib, K.M.; Clevenger, Jascinda C.; Hsu, Alan Y.; Hadley, G.R.

We describe recent advances in the development of 1550-nm symmetric self-electrooptic effect devices (S-SEEDs). S-SEEDs are semiconductor optoelectronic devices used to implement ultrafast all-optical logic functions: for optical fiber communication applications. In this paper, basic S-SEED operation is described, followed by a detailed explanation of the optimization techniques used to improve DC and high-speed performance in these long wavelength devices. Both epitaxial strain and quantum well design are shown to be important for S-SEEDs grown in the InAlGaAs quaternary material system. The device fabrication approach is outlined, and DC electrical and optical performance is discussed. Finally, we describe the high-speed optoelectronic measurements used to determine S-SEED switching characteristics. The devices described herein are the first known S-SEEDs to operate at telecommunications- compatible wavelengths and demonstrate record switching speeds with rail-to-rail switching rates faster than 6 picoseconds. © The Electrochemical Society.

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Final report on LDRD project : advanced optical trigger systems

Serkland, Darwin K.; Mar, Alan M.; Geib, K.M.; Peake, Gregory M.; Roose, Lars D.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Hadley, G.R.; Loubriel, Guillermo M.; Sullivan, Charles T.

Advanced optically-activated solid-state electrical switch development at Sandia has demonstrated multi-kA/kV switching and the path for scalability to even higher current/power. Realization of this potential requires development of new optical sources/switches based on key Sandia photonic device technologies: vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) devices. The key to increasing the switching capacity of PCSS devices to 5kV/5kA and higher is to distribute the current in multiple parallel line filaments triggered by an array of high-brightness line-shaped illuminators. Commercial mechanically-stacked edge-emitting lasers have been used to trigger multiple filaments, but they are difficult to scale and manufacture with the required uniformity. In VCSEL arrays, adjacent lasers utilize identical semiconductor material and are lithographically patterned to the required dimensions. We have demonstrated multiple-line filament triggering using VCSEL arrays to approximate line generation. These arrays of uncoupled circular-aperture VCSELs have fill factors ranging from 2% to 30%. Using these arrays, we have developed a better understanding of the illumination requirements for stable triggering of multiple-filament PCSS devices. Photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) devices offer advantages of high voltage operation (multi-kV), optical isolation, triggering with laser pulses that cannot occur accidentally in nature, low cost, high speed, small size, and radiation hardness. PCSS devices are candidates for an assortment of potential applications that require multi-kA switching of current. The key to increasing the switching capacity of PCSS devices to 5kV/5kA and higher is to distribute the current in multiple parallel line filaments triggered by an array of high-brightness line-shaped illuminators. Commercial mechanically-stacked edge-emitting lasers have been demonstrated to trigger multiple filaments, but they are difficult to scale and manufacture with the required uniformity. As a promising alternative to multiple discrete edge-emitting lasers, a single wafer of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) can be lithographically patterned to achieve the desired layout of parallel line-shaped emitters, in which adjacent lasers utilize identical semiconductor material and thereby achieve a degree of intrinsic optical uniformity. Under this LDRD project, we have fabricated arrays of uncoupled circular-aperture VCSELs to approximate a line-shaped illumination pattern, achieving optical fill factors ranging from 2% to 30%. We have applied these VCSEL arrays to demonstrate single and dual parallel line-filament triggering of PCSS devices. Moreover, we have developed a better understanding of the illumination requirements for stable triggering of multiple-filament PCSS devices using VCSEL arrays. We have found that reliable triggering of multiple filaments requires matching of the turn-on time of adjacent VCSEL line-shaped-arrays to within approximately 1 ns. Additionally, we discovered that reliable triggering of PCSS devices at low voltages requires more optical power than we obtained with our first generation of VCSEL arrays. A second generation of higher-power VCSEL arrays was designed and fabricated at the end of this LDRD project, and testing with PCSS devices is currently underway (as of September 2008).

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Electronic/photonic interfaces for ultrafast data processing

Keeler, Gordon A.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Hsu, Alan Y.; Geib, K.M.; Overberg, Mark E.

This report summarizes a 3-month program that explored the potential areas of impact for electronic/photonic integration technologies, as applied to next-generation data processing systems operating within 100+ Gb/s optical networks. The study included a technology review that targeted three key functions of data processing systems, namely receive/demultiplexing/clock recovery, data processing, and transmit/multiplexing. Various technical approaches were described and evaluated. In addition, we initiated the development of high-speed photodetectors and hybrid integration processes, two key elements of an ultrafast data processor. Relevant experimental results are described herein.

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Multi-filament triggering of PCSS for high current utilizing VCSEL triggers

PPPS-2007 - Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2007

Mar, Alan; Serkland, Darwin K.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Roose, Lars D.; Geib, K.M.; Loubriel, Guillermo M.; Zutavern, Fred J.

We are developing advanced optically-activated solid-state switch technology for Firing Sets. Advanced switch development at Sandia has demonstrated multikA/kV switching and the path for scalability to even higher current/power, resulting in good prospects for sprytron replacement and other even higher current pulsed power switching applications. Realization of this potential requires development of new optical sources/switches based on key Sandia photonic device technologies: vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) devices. The key to increasing the switching capacity of PCSS devices to 5kV/5kA and higher has been to distribute the current in multiple parallel line filaments triggered by an array of high-brightness line-shaped illuminators.1 This was limited by commercial mechanically-stacked edgeemitting lasers, which are difficult to scale and manufacture with the required uniformity. In VCSEL arrays, adjacent lasers utilize identical semiconductor material and are lithographically patterned to the required aspect ratio. However, we have demonstrated that good optical uniformity in rectangular-aperture (e.g. 5-by- 500μmu; m) VCSELs is difficult to achieve due to the lack of optical confinement in the long dimension. We have demonstrated line filament triggering using 1-D VCSEL arrays to approximate line generation. These arrays of uncoupled circular-aperture VCSELs have fill factors ranging from 2% to 40%. Using these arrays, we are developing a better understanding of the illumination requirements for stable triggering of multiple-filament PCSS devices. In particular, we are examining the dependence of filament formation versus the illumination fill factor and spatial brightness along the length of the filament. Ultimately, we will apply effective index techniques, pioneered at Sandia for leaky-mode VCSELs, to create a lateral photonic lattice that selects a single transverse mode with high brightness and uniformity for even higher fill factors and illumination unformity.2 These sources will be developed and tested with complementary PCSS designs employing interdigitatedmulti-filament contacts for high-power switching. ©2007 IEEE.

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A novel method for the on-center turning of tightly toleranced micro arrays

Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ASPE Meeting, ASPE 2007

Gill, David D.; Hsu, Alan Y.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Sweatt, W.C.

Sandia National Laboratories has developed a means of manufacturing high precision aspheric lenslet arrays turned on-center. An innovative chucking and indexing mechanism was designed and implemented which allows the part to be indexed in two orthogonal directions parallel to the spindle face. This system was designed to meet a need for center to center positioning of 2μm and form error of λ/10. The part utilizes scribed orthogonal sets of grooves that locate the part on the chuck. The averaging of the grooves increases the repeatability of the system. The part is moved an integral number of grooves across the chuck by means of a vacuum chuck on a tool post that is mated to the part and holds the part while the chuck repositions to receive the part. The current setup is designed to create as many as 169 lenslets distributed over a 3mm square area while holding a true position tolerance of 1μm for all lenslets.

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VCSEL polarization control for chip-scale atomic clocks

Keeler, Gordon A.; Geib, K.M.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Peake, Gregory M.; Wendt, J.R.

Sandia National Laboratories and Mytek, LLC have collaborated to develop a monolithically-integrated vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) assembly with controllable polarization states suitable for use in chip-scale atomic clocks. During the course of this work, a robust technique to provide polarization control was modeled and demonstrated. The technique uses deeply-etched surface gratings oriented at several different rotational angles to provide VCSEL polarization stability. A rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) model was used to optimize the design for high polarization selectivity and fabrication tolerance. The new approach to VCSEL polarization control may be useful in a number of defense and commercial applications, including chip-scale atomic clocks and other low-power atomic sensors.

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Control of VCSEL polarization using deeply etched surface gratings

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2006 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, CLEO/QELS 2006

Keeler, Gordon A.; Geib, K.M.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Peake, Gregory M.; Wendt, J.R.

We demonstrate a robust approach to VCSEL polarization control using deeply-etched surface gratings oriented at several different rotational angles. A RCWA model is used to optimize the design for high polarization selectivity and fabrication tolerance. © 2006 Optical Society of America.

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In-situ optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) for VCSEL-based communication systems

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Keeler, Gordon A.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Geib, K.M.; Klem, John F.; Peake, Gregory M.

Optical lime-domain reflectometry (OTDR) is an effeclive technique for locating faults in fiber communication links. The fact that most OTDR measurements are performed manually is a significant drawback, because it makes them too costly for use in many short-distance networks and too slow for use in military avionic platforms. Here we describe and demonstrate an automated, low-cost, real-time approach to fault monitoring that can be achieved by integrating OTDR functionality directly into VCSEL-based transceivers. This built-in test capability is straightforward to implement and relevant to both multimode and single mode networks. In-situ OTDR uses the transmitter VCSEL already present in data transceivers. Fault monitoring is performed by emitting a brief optical pulse into the fiber and then turning the VCSEL off. If a fault exists, a portion of the optical pulse returns to the transceiver after a time equal to the round-trip delay through the fiber. In multimode OTDR, the signal is detected by an integrated photodetector, while in single mode OTDR the VCSEL itself can be used as a detector. Modified driver electronics perform the measurement and analysis. We demonstrate that VCSEL-based OTDR has sufficient sensitivity to determine the location of most faults commonly seen in short-haul networks (i.e., the Fresnel reflections from improperly terminated fibers and scattering from raggedly-broken fibers). Results are described for single mode and multimode experiments, at both 850 nm and 1.3 μm. We discuss the resolution and sensitivity that have been achieved, as well as expected limitations for this novel approach to network monitoring.

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Final report on LDRD project :leaky-mode VCSELs for photonic logic circuits

Serkland, Darwin K.; Geib, K.M.; Peake, Gregory M.; Hadley, G.R.; Hargett, Terry H.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Blansett, Ethan B.; Diaz, Melissa R.; Sullivan, Charles T.

This report describes the research accomplishments achieved under the LDRD Project ''Leaky-mode VCSELs for photonic logic circuits''. Leaky-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) offer new possibilities for integration of microcavity lasers to create optical microsystems. A leaky-mode VCSEL output-couples light laterally, in the plane of the semiconductor wafer, which allows the light to interact with adjacent lasers, modulators, and detectors on the same wafer. The fabrication of leaky-mode VCSELs based on effective index modification was proposed and demonstrated at Sandia in 1999 but was not adequately developed for use in applications. The aim of this LDRD has been to advance the design and fabrication of leaky-mode VCSELs to the point where initial applications can be attempted. In the first and second years of this LDRD we concentrated on overcoming previous difficulties in the epitaxial growth and fabrication of these advanced VCSELs. In the third year, we focused on applications of leaky-mode VCSELs, such as all-optical processing circuits based on gain quenching.

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Electrically-pumped 850-nm micromirror VECSELs

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Keeler, Gordon A.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Geib, K.M.; Peake, Gregory M.; Mar, Alan M.

Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) combine high optical power and good beam quality in a device with surface-normal output. In this paper, we describe the design and operating characteristics of an electrically-pumped VECSEL that employs a wafer-scale fabrication process and operates at 850 nm. A curved micromirror output coupler is heterogeneously integrated with AlGaAs-based semiconductor material to form a compact and robust device. The structure relies on flip-chip bonding the processed epitaxial material to an aluminum nitride mount; this heatsink both dissipates thermal energy and permits high frequency modulation using coplanar traces that lead to the VECSEL mesa. Backside emission is employed, and laser operation at 850 nm is made possible by removing the entire GaAs substrate through selective wet etching. While substrate removal eliminates absorptive losses, it simultaneously compromises laser performance by increasing series resistance and degrading the spatial uniformity of current injection. Several aspects of the VECSEL design help to mitigate these issues, including the use of a novel current-spreading n-type distributed Bragg reflector (DBR). Additionally, VECSEL performance is improved through the use of a p-type DBR that is modified for low thermal resistance.

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Photonics technology development for optical fuzing

Geib, K.M.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Peake, Gregory M.; Mar, Alan M.

This paper describes the photonic component development, which exploits pioneering work and unique expertise at Sandia National Laboratories, ARDEC and the Army Research Laboratory by combining key optoelectronic technologies to design and demonstrate components for this fuzing application. The technologies under investigation for the optical fuze design covered in this paper are vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VECSELs), integrated resonant cavity photodetectors (RCPD), and diffractive micro-optics. The culmination of this work will be low cost, robust, fully integrated, g-hardened components designed suitable for proximity fuzing applications. The use of advanced photonic components will enable replacement of costly assemblies that employ discrete lasers, photodetectors, and bulk optics. The integrated devices will be mass produced and impart huge savings for a variety of Army applications.

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In-situ OTDR for low-cost optical networks using a single-mode 850-nm VCSEL

Proposed for publication in Electronics Letters.

Keeler, Gordon A.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Geib, K.M.; Peake, Gregory M.

A new approach to optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) is proposed that will enable distributed fault monitoring in singlemode VCSEL-based networks. In situ OTDR uses the transmitter VCSEL already resident in data transceivers as both emitter and resonant-cavity photodiode for fault location measurements. Also valuable at longer wavelengths, the concept is demonstrated here using an 850 nm oxide-confined VCSEL and simple electronics. The dead times and sensitivity obtained are adequate to detect the majority of faults anticipated in local- and metropolitan-area networks.

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Final report on LDRD project 52722 : radiation hardened optoelectronic components for space-based applications

Blansett, Ethan B.; Klem, John F.; Hawkins, Samuel D.; Sanchez, Victoria S.; Sullivan, Charles T.; Wrobel, Theodore F.; Blansett, Ethan B.; Serkland, Darwin K.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Geib, K.M.; Karpen, Gary D.; Diaz, Melissa R.; Peake, Gregory M.; Hargett, Terry H.

This report describes the research accomplishments achieved under the LDRD Project 'Radiation Hardened Optoelectronic Components for Space-Based Applications.' The aim of this LDRD has been to investigate the radiation hardness of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and photodiodes by looking at both the effects of total dose and of single-event upsets on the electrical and optical characteristics of VCSELs and photodiodes. These investigations were intended to provide guidance for the eventual integration of radiation hardened VCSELs and photodiodes with rad-hard driver and receiver electronics from an external vendor for space applications. During this one-year project, we have fabricated GaAs-based VCSELs and photodiodes, investigated ionization-induced transient effects due to high-energy protons, and measured the degradation of performance from both high-energy protons and neutrons.

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75 Results
75 Results