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NEAMS VLTS project :

Hansen, Glen H.; Ostien, Jakob O.; Chen, Qiushi C.

The objective of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) Very Long Term Storage (VLTS) Project is to develop a simple, benchmark model that describes the performance of Zry4 d-hydrides in cladding, under conditions of long-term storage of used fuel. This model will be used to further explore the requirements of hydride modeling for used fuel storage and transport. It is expected that this model will be further developed as its weaknesses are understood, and as a basis of comparison as the Used Fuel Disposition (UFD) Campaign explores more comprehensive, multiscale approaches. Cladding hydride processes, a thermal model, a hydride model API, and the initial implementation of the J2Fiber hydride model is documented in this report.

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