
24 Results
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SOI-Enabled MEMS Processes Lead to Novel Mechanical Optical and Atomic Physics Devices Presentation

Herrera, Gilbert V.; McCormick, Frederick B.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Okandan, Murat O.; Olsson, Roy H.; Ortiz, Keith O.; Platzbecker, Mark R.; Resnick, Paul J.; Shul, Randy J.; Bauer, Todd B.; Sullivan, Charles T.; Watts, Michael W.; Blain, Matthew G.; Dodd, Paul E.; Dondero, Richard D.; Garcia, Ernest J.; Galambos, Paul; Hetherington, Dale L.; Hudgens, James J.

Abstract not provided.

SOI-Enabled MEMS Processes Lead to Novel Mechanical Optical and Atomic Physics Devices

Herrera, Gilbert V.; McCormick, Frederick B.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Okandan, Murat O.; Olsson, Roy H.; Ortiz, Keith O.; Platzbecker, Mark R.; Resnick, Paul J.; Shul, Randy J.; Bauer, Todd B.; Sullivan, Charles T.; Watts, Michael W.; Blain, Matthew G.; Dodd, Paul E.; Dondero, Richard D.; Garcia, Ernest J.; Galambos, Paul; Hetherington, Dale L.; Hudgens, James J.

Abstract not provided.

A Scalable Systems Approach for Critical Infrastructure Security

Baker, Arnold B.; Woodall, Tommy D.; Hines, W.C.; Hutchinson, Robert L.; Eagan, Robert J.; Moonka, Ajoy K.; Falcone, Patricia K.; Swinson, Mark S.; Harris, Joe M.; Webb, Erik K.; Herrera, Gilbert V.

Critical infrastructures underpin the domestic security, health, safety and economic well being of the United States. They are large, widely dispersed, mostly privately owned systems operated under a mixture of federal, state and local government departments, laws and regulations. While there currently are enormous pressures to secure all aspects of all critical infrastructures immediately, budget realities limit available options. The purpose of this study is to provide a clear framework for systematically analyzing and prioritizing resources to most effectively secure US critical infrastructures from terrorist threats. It is a scalable framework (based on the interplay of consequences, threats and vulnerabilities) that can be applied at the highest national level, the component level of an individual infrastructure, or anywhere in between. This study also provides a set of key findings and a recommended approach for framework application. In addition, this study develops three laptop computer-based tools to assist with framework implementation-a Risk Assessment Credibility Tool, a Notional Risk Prioritization Tool, and a County Prioritization tool. This study's tools and insights are based on Sandia National Laboratories' many years of experience in risk, consequence, threat and vulnerability assessments, both in defense- and critical infrastructure-related areas.

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Retention and Switching Kinetics of Protonated Gate Field Effect Transistors

Journal of Applied Physics

Herrera, Gilbert V.; Herrera, Gilbert V.

The switching and memory retention time has been measured in 50 {micro}m gatelength pseudo-non-volatile memory MOSFETs containing, protonated 40 nm gate oxides. Times of the order of 3.3 seconds are observed for fields of 3 MV cm{sup {minus}1}. The retention time with protons placed either at the gate oxide/substrate or gate oxide/gate electrode interfaces is found to better than 96% after 5,000 seconds. Measurement of the time dependence of the source-drain current during switching provides clear evidence for the presence of dispersive proton transport through the gate oxide.

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Retention and switching kinetics of protonated gate field effect transistors

Applied Physics Letters

Herrera, Gilbert V.; Herrera, Gilbert V.

The switching and memory retention time has been measured in 50 {micro}m gatelength pseudo-non-volatile memory MOSFETS containing, protonated 40 nm gate oxides. Times of the order of 3.3 seconds are observed for fields of 3 MV cm{sup {minus}1}. The retention time with protons placed either at the gate oxide/substrate or gate oxide/gate electrode interfaces is found to better than 96{percent} after 5,000 seconds. Measurement of the time dependence of the source-drain current during switching provides clear evidence for the presence of dispersive proton transport through the gate oxide.

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24 Results
24 Results