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Probing the Atomic-Scale Mechanisms of Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown in Si/SiO2 MOSFETs (June 2022)

IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability

Sharov, Fedor V.; Moxim, Stephen J.; Haase, Gad S.; Hughart, David R.; McKay, Colin G.; Lenahan, Patrick M.

We report on an atomic-scale study of trap generation in the initial/intermediate stages of time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) in high-field stressed (100) Si/SiO2 MOSFETs using two powerful analytical techniques: electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) and near-zero-field magnetoresistance (NZFMR). We find the dominant EDMR-sensitive traps generated throughout the majority of the TDDB process to be silicon dangling bonds at the (100) Si/SiO2 interface ( { boldsymbol {P}}-{ boldsymbol {b} boldsymbol {0}} and { boldsymbol {P}}-{ boldsymbol {b} boldsymbol {1}} centers) for both the spin-dependent recombination (SDR) and trap-assisted tunneling (SDTAT) processes. We find this generation to be linked to both changes in the calculated interface state densities as well as changes in the NZFMR spectra for recombination events at the interface, indicating a redistribution of mobile magnetic nuclei which we conclude could only be due to the redistribution of hydrogen at the interface. Additionally, we observe the generation of traps known as boldsymbol {E}' centers in EDMR measurements at lower experimental temperatures via SDR measurements at the interface. Our work strongly suggests the involvement of a rate-limiting step in the tunneling process between the silicon dangling bonds generated at the interface and the ones generated throughout the oxide.

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A Comparison of Radiation-Induced and High-Field Electrically Stress-Induced Interface Defects in Si/SiO MOSFETs via Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Sharov, Fedor V.; Moxim, Stephen J.; Haase, Gad S.; Hughart, David R.; Lenahan, Patrick M.

We utilize electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) measurements to compare high-field stressed, and gamma irradiated Si/SiO2 metal-oxide-silicon (MOS) structures. We utilize spin-dependent recombination (SDR) EDMR detected using the Fitzgerald and Grove dc $I-V$ approach to compare the effects of high-field electrical stressing and gamma irradiation on defect formation at and near the Si/SiO2 interface. As anticipated, both greatly increase the concentration of $P_{b}$ centers (silicon dangling bonds at the interface) densities. The irradiation also generated a significant increase in the dc $I-V$ EDMR response of $E^{\prime }$ centers (oxygen vacancies in the SiO2 films), whereas the generation of an $E^{\prime }$ EDMR response in high-field stressing is much weaker than in the gamma irradiation case. These results likely suggest a difference in their physical distribution resulting from radiation damage and high electric field stressing.

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Atomic-scale defects generated in the early/intermediate stages of dielectric breakdown in Si/SiO2transistors

Applied Physics Letters

Moxim, Stephen J.; Sharov, Fedor V.; Hughart, David R.; Haase, Gad S.; McKay, Colin G.; Lenahan, Patrick M.

Electrically detected magnetic resonance and near-zero-field magnetoresistance measurements were used to study atomic-scale traps generated during high-field gate stressing in Si/SiO2 MOSFETs. The defects observed are almost certainly important to time-dependent dielectric breakdown. The measurements were made with spin-dependent recombination current involving defects at and near the Si/SiO2 boundary. The interface traps observed are Pb0 and Pb1 centers, which are silicon dangling bond defects. The ratio of Pb0/Pb1 is dependent on the gate stressing polarity. Electrically detected magnetic resonance measurements also reveal generation of E′ oxide defects near the Si/SiO2 interface. Near-zero-field magnetoresistance measurements made throughout stressing reveal that the local hyperfine environment of the interface traps changes with stressing time; these changes are almost certainly due to the redistribution of hydrogen near the interface.

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Impacts of Substrate Thinning on FPGA Performance and Reliability [Slides]

Leonhardt, Darin L.; Cannon, Matthew J.; Dodds, Nathaniel A.; Fellows, Matthew W.; Grzybowski, Thomas A.; Haase, Gad S.; Lee, David S.; LeBoeuf, Thomas L.; rice, William r.

Substrate thinning is necessary in devices with flip-chip BGA packages to enable both radiation testing and component qualification and high-spatial resolution beam-based failure analysis methods. We investigated three factors affecting device performance: subsurface damage from the thinning process, reduced heat spreading in thin substrates, and changes in device switching speed. We conclude subsurface damage to crystalline Si caused by the thinning process is removable with sufficient SiO2 slurry polishing. Local temperature differences increase minimally in devices thinned to 3 μm. Compressive stress in the Si increases globally after device thinning and leads to slowing of ring oscillator frequency by about 0.5% compared to full-thickness devices. Future work will include extending the results to submicron Si thickness values, which also has important benefits for failure analysis, debug, and security assessments. We also plan to extend this type of work to other FPGAs and other devices like memory and processors.

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Understanding the Initial Stages of Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown in Si/SiO2MOSFETs Utilizing EDMR and NZFMR

IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report

Sharov, Fedor V.; Moxim, Stephen J.; Lenahan, Patrick M.; Hughart, David R.; Haase, Gad S.; McKay, Colin G.

We investigate the initial stages of time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) in high-field stressed Si/SiO2 MOSFETs via electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR). As anticipated, we find that the defects dominating the initial stages of TDDB include silicon dangling bonds at the (100) Si/SiO2 interface (Pb0 and Pb1 centers). We find that the densities of these defects increase with stress time. With similar stressing and optimized measurement temperature, we do observe EDMR of generated oxide defects known as E′ centers. The results indicate that the initial stages of TDDB in the Si/SiO2 system involves a rate limiting step of tunneling between a silicon dangling bond and an oxide defect. Additionally, we have made near-zero field magnetoresistance spectroscopy measurements, which show clear differences with stressing time; these differences are almost certainly due to a redistribution of hydrogen atoms in the oxide.

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Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance Study of High-Field Stress Induced Si/SiO2Interface Defects

IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report

Moxim, Stephen J.; Lenahan, Patrick M.; Sharov, Fedor V.; Haase, Gad S.; Hughart, David R.

We report electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) results in metal-oxidesemiconductor field effect transistors before and after high field gate stressing. The measurements utilize EDMR detected through interface recombination currents. These interface recombination measurements provide information about one aspect of the stressing damage: The chemical and physical identity of trapping centers generated at and very near the interface. EDMR signal demonstrates that interface defects known as centers play important roles in the stress-induced damage.

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Defect localization, characterization and reliability assessment in emerging photovoltaic devices

Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Haase, Gad S.; Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Okandan, Murat O.; Nielson, Gregory N.

Microsystems-enabled photovoltaics (MEPV) can potentially meet increasing demands for light-weight, portable, photovoltaic solutions with high power density and efficiency. The study in this report examines failure analysis techniques to perform defect localization and evaluate MEPV modules. CMOS failure analysis techniques, including electroluminescence, light-induced voltage alteration, thermally-induced voltage alteration, optical beam induced current, and Seabeck effect imaging were successfully adapted to characterize MEPV modules. The relative advantages of each approach are reported. In addition, the effects of exposure to reverse bias and light stress are explored. MEPV was found to have good resistance to both kinds of stressors. The results form a basis for further development of failure analysis techniques for MEPVs of different materials systems or multijunction MEPVs. The incorporation of additional stress factors could be used to develop a reliability model to generate lifetime predictions for MEPVs as well as uncover opportunities for future design improvements.

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Failure analysis techniques for microsystems-enabled photovoltaics

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Yang, Benjamin B.; Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Haase, Gad S.; Cole, Edward I.; Tangyunyong, Paiboon T.; Resnick, Paul J.; Kilgo, Alice C.; Okandan, Murat O.; Nielson, Gregory N.

Microsystems-enabled photovoltaics (MEPV) has great potential to meet the increasing demands for light-weight, photovoltaic solutions with high power density and efficiency. This paper describes effective failure analysis techniques to localize and characterize nonfunctional or underperforming MEPV cells. The defect localization methods such as electroluminescence under forward and reverse bias, as well as optical beam induced current using wavelengths above and below the device band gap, are presented. The current results also show that the MEPV has good resilience against degradation caused by reverse bias stresses. © 2013 IEEE.

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30 Results
30 Results