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Design and Optimization of a Complete Stokes Polarimeter for the MWIR

Phipps, G.S.; Phipps, G.S.; Sweatt, W.C.; Kemme, S.A.

A figure of merit for optimization of a complete Stokes polarimeter based on its measurement matrix is described from the standpoint of singular value decomposition and analysis of variance. It is applied to optimize a system featuring a rotatable retarder and fixed polarizer, and to study the effects of non-ideal retarder properties. A retardance of 132{degree} (approximately three-eighths wave) and retarder orientation angles of {+-}51.7{degree} and {+-}15.1{degree} are favorable when four measurements are used. An achromatic, form-birefringent retarder for the 3--5 {micro}m spectral region has been fabricated and characterized. The effects of non-idealities in the form-birefringent retarder are moderate, and performance superior to that of a quarter-wave plate is expected.

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Optimization of retardance for a complete Stokes polarimeter

Optics Letters

Sabatke, D.S.; Descour, M.R.; Dereniak, E.L.; Sweatt, W.C.; Kemme, S.A.; Phipps, G.S.

We present two figures of merit based on singular value decomposition, which can be used to assess the noise immunity of a complete Stokes polarimeter. These are used to optimize a polarimeter featuring a rotatable retarder and a fixed polarizer. A retardance of 132° (approximately three-eighths wave) and retarder orientation angles of ±51.7° and ±15.1° are found to be optimal when four measurements are used. Use of this retardance affords a factor-of-1.5 improvement in signal-to-noise ratio over systems employing a quarter-wave plate. A geometric means of visualizing the optimization process is discussed, and the advantages of the use of additional measurements are investigated. No advantage of using retarder orientation angles spaced uniformly through 360° is found over repeated measurements made at the four retarder orientation angles. © 2000 Optical Society of America .

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