
14 Results
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The Strange Case of Ground-Coupled Airwaves on Seismoacoustic Stations at Local to Near-Regional Scales

Berg, Elizabeth M.; Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.; Albert, Sarah A.; Koch, Clinton K.

Here we investigate the application of ground-coupled airwaves observed by seismoacoustic stations at local to near-regional scales to detect signals of interest and determine back-azimuth information. Ground-coupled airwaves are created from incident pressure waves traveling through the atmosphere that couple to the earth and transmit as a seismic wave with retrograde elliptical motion. Previous studies at sub-local scales (<10 km from a source of interest) found the back-azimuth to the source could be accurately determined from seismoacoustic signals recorded by acoustic and 3-component seismic sensors spatially separated on the order of 10 to 150 m. The potential back-azimuth directions are estimated from the coherent signals between the acoustic and vertical seismic data, via a propagation-induced phase shift of the seismoacoustic signal. A unique solution is then informed by the particle motion of the 3-component seismic station, which was previously found to be less accurate than the seismoacoustic-sensor method. We investigate the applicability of this technique to greater source-receiver distances, from 50-100 km and up to 400 km, which contains pressure waves with tropospheric and stratospheric ray paths, respectively. Specifically, we analyze seismoacoustic sources with ground truth from rocket motor fuel elimination events at the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) as well as a 2020 rocket launch in Southern California. From these sources we observe evidence that while coherent signals can be seen from both sources on multiple seismoacoustic station pairs, the determined ground-coupled airwave back-azimuths are more complicated than results at more local scales. Our findings suggest more complex factors including incidence angle, coupling location, subsurface material, and atmospheric propagation effects need to be fully investigated before the ground-coupled airwave back-azimuth determination method can be applied or assessed at these further distances.

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Modeling Urban Acoustic Noise in the Las Vegas, NV Region

Wynn, Nora C.; Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.

Ambient infrasound noise in quiet, rural environments has been extensively studied and well-characterized through noise models for several decades. More recently, creating noise models for high-noise rural environments has also become an area of active research. However, far less work has been done to create generalized low-frequency noise models for urban areas. The high ambient noise levels expected in cities and other highly populated areas means that these environments are regarded as poor locations for acoustic sensors, and historically, sensor deployment in urban areas were avoided for this reason. However, there are several advantages to placing sensors in urban environments, including convenience of deployment and maintenance, and increasingly, necessity, as more previously rural areas become populated. This study seeks to characterize trends in low-frequency urban noise by creating a background noise model for Las Vegas, NV, using the Las Vegas Infrasound Array (LVIA): a network of eleven infrasound sensors deployed throughout the city. Data included in this study spans from 2019 to 2021 and provides a largely uninterrupted record of noise levels in the city from 0.1–500 Hz, with only minor discontinuities on individual stations. We organize raw data from the LVIA sensors into hourly power spectral density (PSD) averages for each station and select from these PSDs to create frequency distributions for time periods of interest . These frequency distributions are converted into probability density functions (PDFs), which are then used to evaluate variations in frequency and amplitude over daily to seasonal timescale s. In addition to PDFs, the median, 5th percentile, and 95th percentile amplitude values are calculated across the entire frequency range. This methodology follows a well-established process for noise model creation.

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Evaluating the location capabilities of a regional infrasonic network in Utah, US, using both ray tracing-derived and empirical-derived celerity-range and backazimuth models

Geophysical Journal International

Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.; Blom, Philip B.; Stump, Brian S.; Hayward, Chris H.; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Carmichael, Joshua C.; Marcillo, Omar M.


More realistic models for infrasound signal propagation across a region can be used to improve the precision and accuracy of spatial and temporal source localization estimates. Motivated by incomplete infrasound event bulletins in the Western US, the location capabilities of a regional infrasonic network of stations located between 84–458 km from the Utah Test and Training Range, Utah, USA, is assessed using a series of near-surface explosive events with complementary ground truth (GT) information. Signal arrival times and backazimuth estimates are determined with an automatic F-statistic based signal detector and manually refined by an analyst. This study represents the first application of three distinct celerity-range and backazimuth models to an extensive suite of realistic signal detections for event location purposes. A singular celerity and backazimuth deviation model was previously constructed using ray tracing analysis based on an extensive archive of historical atmospheric specifications and is applied within this study to test location capabilities. Similarly, a set of multivariate, season and location specific models for celerity and backazimuth are compared to an empirical model that depends on the observations across the infrasound network and the GT events, which accounts for atmospheric propagation variations from source to receiver. Discrepancies between observed and predicted signal celerities result in locations with poor accuracy. Application of the empirical model improves both spatial localization precision and accuracy; all but one location estimates retain the true GT location within the 90 per cent confidence bounds. Average mislocation of the events is 15.49 km and average 90 per cent error ellipse areas are 4141 km2. The empirical model additionally reduces origin time residuals; origin time residuals from the other location models are in excess of 160 s while residuals produced with the empirical model are within 30 s of the true origin time. We demonstrate that event location accuracy is driven by a combination of signal propagation model and the azimuthal gap of detecting stations. A direct relationship between mislocation, error ellipse area and increased station azimuthal gaps indicate that for sparse networks, detection backazimuths may drive location biases over traveltime estimates.

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Data Report: TurboWave I and II Data Release

Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.; Bowman, Daniel B.

The TurboWave I and II infrasound campaigns were conducted to examine short term variability in acoustic propagation at local and regional distances. The tests were conducted in nearly co-located regions at the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center in Socorro, NM between 2019 and 2020 and recorded across a variety of acoustic microbarometer sensors. This report details the waveform data recorded from the experiment and coincides with data archival at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. The report includes a description of the experiment along with the types of data and instruments. The data release includes raw waveform data as well as metadata information.

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Monitoring changes in human activity during the COVID-19 shutdown in Las Vegas using infrasound microbarometers

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Bird, Elijah B.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Seastrand, Douglas R.; Wright, Melissa A.; Lees, Jonathan M.; Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.

While studies of urban acoustics are typically restricted to the audio range, anthropogenic activity also generates infrasound (<20 Hz, roughly at the lower end of the range of human hearing). Shutdowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic unintentionally created ideal conditions for the study of urban infrasound and low frequency audio (20-500 Hz), as closures reduced human-generated ambient noise, while natural signals remained relatively unaffected. An array of infrasound sensors deployed in Las Vegas, NV, provides data for a case study in monitoring human activity during the pandemic through urban acoustics. The array records a sharp decline in acoustic power following the temporary shutdown of businesses deemed nonessential by the state of Nevada. This decline varies spatially across the array, with stations close to McCarran International Airport generally recording the greatest declines in acoustic power. Further, declines in acoustic power fluctuate with the time of day. As only signals associated with anthropogenic activity are expected to decline, this gives a rough indication of periodicities in urban acoustics throughout Las Vegas. The results of this study reflect the city's response to the pandemic and suggest spatiotemporal trends in acoustics outside of shutdowns.

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Evaluating factors influencing infrasonic signal detection and automatic processing performance utilizing a regional network

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.; Stump, Brian S.; Blom, Philip B.; Marcillo, Omar M.; Hayward, Chris H.; Carmichael, Joshua C.; Arrowsmith, Stephen A.

Physical and deployment factors that influence infrasound signal detection and assess automatic detection performance for a regional infrasound network of arrays in the Western U.S. are explored using signatures of ground truth (GT) explosions (yields). Despite these repeated known sources, published infrasound event bulletins contain few GT events. Arrays are primarily distributed toward the south-southeast and south-southwest at distances between 84 and 458 km of the source with one array offering azimuthal resolution toward the northeast. Events occurred throughout the spring, summer, and fall of 2012 with the majority occurring during the summer months. Depending upon the array, automatic detection, which utilizes the adaptive F-detector successfully, identifies between 14% and 80% of the GT events, whereas a subsequent analyst review increases successful detection to 24%–90%. Combined background noise quantification, atmospheric propagation analyses, and comparison of spectral amplitudes determine the mechanisms that contribute to missed detections across the network. This analysis provides an estimate of detector performance across the network, as well as a qualitative assessment of conditions that impact infrasound monitoring capabilities. Finally, the mechanisms that lead to missed detections at individual arrays contribute to network-level estimates of detection capabilities and provide a basis for deployment decisions for regional infrasound arrays in areas of interest.

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14 Results
14 Results