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Hydrogen Plus Other Alternative Fuels Risk Assessment Models (HyRAM+) Version 5.0 Technical Reference Manual

Ehrhart, Brian D.; Hecht, Ethan S.

The HyRAM+ software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen, natural gas, and autogas systems. HyRAM+ is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM+ integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying leak sizes and rates, predicting physical effects, characterizing hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, overpressure effects from delayed ignition), and assessing impacts on people. HyRAM+ is developed at Sandia National Laboratories to support the development and revision of national and international codes and standards, and to provide developed models in a publicly-accessible toolkit usable by all stakeholders. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in HyRAM+ version 5.0. The most significant change for HyRAM+ version 5.0 from HyRAM+ version 4.1 is the ability to model blends of different fuels. HyRAM+ was previously only suitable for use with hydrogen, methane, or propane, with users having the ability to use methane as a proxy for natural gas and propane as a proxy for autogas/liquefied petroleum gas. In version 5.0, real natural gas or autogas compositions can be modeled as the fuel, or even blends of natural gas with hydrogen. These blends can be used in the standalone physics models, but not yet in the quantitative risk assessment mode of HyRAM+.

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Quantifying the effect of CO2 gasification on pulverized coal char oxy-fuel combustion

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Shaddix, Christopher R.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Haynes, Brian S.

Previous research has provided strong evidence that CO2 and H2O gasification reactions can provide non-negligible contributions to the consumption rates of pulverized coal (pc) char during combustion, particularly in oxy-fuel environments. Fully quantifying the contribution of these gasification reactions has proven to be difficult, due to the dearth of knowledge of gasification rates at the elevated particle temperatures associated with typical pc char combustion processes, as well as the complex interaction of oxidation and gasification reactions. Gasification reactions tend to become more important at higher char particle temperatures (because of their high activation energy) and they tend to reduce pc oxidation due to their endothermicity (i.e. cooling effect). The work reported here attempts to quantify the influence of the gasification reaction of CO2 in a rigorous manner by combining experimental measurements of the particle temperatures and consumption rates of size-classified pc char particles in tailored oxy-fuel environments with simulations from a detailed reacting porous particle model. The results demonstrate that a specific gasification reaction rate relative to the oxidation rate (within an accuracy of approximately +/- 20% of the pre-exponential value), is consistent with the experimentally measured char particle temperatures and burnout rates in oxy-fuel combustion environments. Conversely, the results also show, in agreement with past calculations, that it is extremely difficult to construct a set of kinetics that does not substantially overpredict particle temperature increase in strongly oxygen-enriched N2 environments. This latter result is believed to result from deficiencies in standard oxidation mechanisms that fail to account for falloff in char oxidation rates at high temperatures.

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Liquid Hydrogen Heavy-Duty Vehicle Safety Review and Refueling Facility Design

Baird, Austin R.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Ehrhart, Brian D.; Muna, Alice B.

Liquid hydrogen (LH2) used as a fuel onboard a heavy-duty vehicle can result in increased storage capacity and faster refueling relative to compressed gas. However, there are concerns about hydrogen losses from boil-off, potential safety issues, gaps in codes and standards for cryogenic hydrogen fuel, and technical challenges with LH2 systems for widespread transportation applications. A failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), a safety codes and standards review, and a design review of the onboard liquid hydrogen system for a heavy-duty vehicle identified some of these potential safety issues and gaps in the codes and standards. The FMEA identified some medium and low risk failure points of the conceptual design, and the design review identified how carefully pressure relief needs to be considered for LH2 systems. In addition, a conceptual design for a LH2 refueling station was developed. Rough capital costs for the refueling station design were $\$1 million$ and the layout occupied approximately 13,000 ft2. These results can be used to inform future designs and analyses for LH2 heavy-duty vehicles.

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Hydrogen Plus Other Alternative Fuels Risk Assessment Models (HyRAM+) Version 4.1 Technical Reference Manual

Ehrhart, Brian D.; Hecht, Ethan S.

The HyRAM+ software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen, methane, and propane systems. HyRAM+ is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM+ integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, characterizing hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, overpressure effects from delayed ignition), and assessing impacts on people. HyRAM+ is developed at Sandia National Laboratories to support the development and revision of national and international codes and standards, and to provide developed models in a publicly-accessible toolkit usable by all stakeholders. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in HyRAM+ version 4.1. The two most significant changes for HyRAM+ version 4.1 from HyRAM+ version 4.0 are direct incorporation of unconfined overpressure into the QRA calculations and modification of the models for cryogenic liquid flow through an orifice. In QRA mode, the user no longer needs to input peak overpressure and impulse values that were calculated separately; rather, the unconfined overpressure is estimated for the given system inputs, leak size, and occupant location. The orifice flow model now solves for the maximum mass flux through the orifice at constant entropy while conserving energy, which does not require a direct speed of sound calculation. This does not affect the mass flow for all-gaseous releases; the method results in the same speed of sound for choked flow. However, this method does result in a higher (and more realistic) mass flow rate for a given leak size for liquid releases than was previously calculated.

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Hydrogen Plus Other Alternative Fuels Risk Assessment Models (HyRAM+) (Technical Reference Manual V.4)

Hecht, Ethan S.; Ehrhart, Brian D.

The HyRAM+ software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen, methane, and propane infrastructure and transportation systems. HyRAM+ is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art science and engineering models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM+ includes generic probabilities for equipment failures, probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux on humans and structures, and experimentally validated first-order models of release and flame physics. HyRAM+ integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, overpressure effects from delayed ignition), and assessing impact on people and structures. HyRAM+ is developed at Sandia National Laboratories to support the development and revision of national and international codes and standards. HyRAM+ is a research software in active development and thus the models and data may change. This report will be updated at appropriate developmental intervals. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in HyRAM+ version 4.0. The most significant change for HyRAM+ version 4.0 from HyRAM version 3.1 is the incorporation of other alternative fuels, namely methane (as a proxy for natural gas) and propane into the toolkit. This change necessitated significant changes to the installable graphical user interface as well as changes to the back-end Python models. A second major change is the inclusion of physics models for the overpressure associated with the delayed ignition of an unconfined jet/plume of flammable gas.

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Benchmark Comparison of HyRAM and ALDEA Software for Hydrogen Release Behavior

Glover, Austin M.; Ehrhart, Brian D.; Muna, Alice B.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Bernard, Laurence B.; Houssin, Deborah H.; Jallais, Simon J.; Vyazmina, Elena V.

There are several different calculation approaches and tools that can be used to evaluate the risk of hydrogen energy applications. A comparative study of Air Liquide’s ALDEA (Air Liquide Dispersion and Explosion Assessment) tools suite and Sandia’s HyRAM (Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models) toolkit has been conducted. The purpose of this study was to understand and evaluate the differences between the two calculation approaches, and identify areas for model improvements. There were several scenarios examined in this effort regarding hydrogen release dynamics. These scenarios include free jet release cases at varying pressures, vessel blowdown, and hydrogen build-up scenarios with and without ventilation. For each scenario, the input and output of the HyRAM calculations are documented, along with a comparison to the ALDEA results. Generally, the results from the two different tools were reasonably aligned. However, there were fundamental differences in evaluation methodology and functional limitations in HyRAM that caused discrepancies in some calculations.

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Influence of Non-Equilibrium Conditions on Liquid Hydrogen Storage Tank Behavior [Slides]

Bran Anleu, Gabriela A.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Machalek, Derek M.

Understanding liquid hydrogen tank fluid dynamics is key for modeling liquid hydrogen systems. The tank is the source for nearly all liquid hydrogen systems. Accurate flow modeling out of the tank is needed to predict flows through downstream components. Tank contains liquid and gas that may not be at equilibrium. Questions to be addressed are: Does heat and mass transfer between liquid and vapor affect the flow rate? Is boiling an important consideration? For what conditions is a pressure relief valve (PRV) sufficient to relieve pressure and when is the burst disc needed?

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Validation and Comparison of HyRAM Physics Models

Ehrhart, Brian D.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Mohmand, Jamal A.

The Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models (HyRAM) software version 3 uses a real gas equation of state rather than the Abel-Noble equation of state that is used in 2.0 and previous versions. This change enables the use of HyRAM 3 for cryogenic hydrogen flows, whereas the Abel-Noble equation of state is not accurate at low temperatures. HyRAM 3.1 results were compared to experimental data from the literature in order to demonstrate the accuracy of the physics models. HyRAM 3.1 results were also compared to HyRAM 2.0 for high-pressure, non-cryogenic flows to highlight the differences in predictions between the two major versions of HyRAM. Validation data sets are from multiple groups and span the range of HyRAM physics models, including tank blowdown, unignited dispersion jet plume, ignited jet flame, and accumulation and overpressure inside an enclosure. Both versions 2.0 and 3.1 of HyRAM are accurate for predictions of blowdowns, diffusion jets, and diffusion flames of hydrogen at pressures up to 900 bar, and HyRAM 3.1 also shows good agreement with cryogenic hydrogen data. Overall, HyRAM 3.1 improves on the accuracy of the physical models relative to HyRAM 2.0. In most cases, this reduces the conservatism in risk calculations using HyRAM.

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Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models (HyRAM) (V.3.1) (Technical Reference Manual)

Ehrhart, Brian D.; Hecht, Ethan S.

The HyRAM software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen infrastructure and transportation systems. HyRAM is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art science and engineering models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of hydrogen safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM includes generic probabilities for hydrogen equipment failures, probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux on humans and structures, and experimentally validated first-order models of hydrogen release and flame physics. HyRAM integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet res, overpressure effects from deflagrations), and assessing impact on people and structures. HyRAM is developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Department of Energy to increase access to technical data about hydrogen safety and to enable the use of that data to support development and revision of national and international codes and standards. HyRAM is a research software in active development and thus the models and data may change. This report will be updated at appropriate developmental intervals. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in HyRAM version 3.1. There have been several impactful updates since version 3.0. HyRAM 3.1 contains a correction to use the volume fraction for two-phase speed of sound calculations; this only affects cryogenic releases in which two-phase ow (vapor and liquid) is predicted in the orifice. Other changes include clarifications that inputs for tank pressure should be given in absolute pressure, not gauge pressure. Additionally, the interface now rejects invalid inputs to probability distributions, and the less accurate single-point radiative source model selection was removed from the interface.

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Validation of two-layer model for underexpanded hydrogen jets

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Li, Xuefang; Chowdhury, Bikram R.; He, Qian; Christopher, David M.; Hecht, Ethan S.

Previous studies have shown that the two-layer model more accurately predicts hydrogen dispersion than the conventional notional nozzle models without significantly increasing the computational expense. However, the model was only validated for predicting the concentration distribution and has not been adequately validated for predicting the velocity distributions. In the present study, particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure the velocity field of an underexpanded hydrogen jet released at 10 bar from a 1.5 mm diameter orifice. The two-layer model was the used to calculate the inlet conditions for a two-dimensional axisymmetric CFD model to simulate the hydrogen jet downstream of the Mach disk. The predicted velocity spreading and centerline decay rates agreed well with the PIV measurements. The predicted concentration distribution was consistent with data from previous planar Rayleigh scattering measurements used to verify the concentration distribution predictions in an earlier study. The jet spreading was also simulated using several widely used notional nozzle models combined with the integral plume model for comparison. These results show that the velocity and concentration distributions are both better predicted by the two-layer model than the notional nozzle models to complement previous studies verifying only the predicted concentration profiles. Thus, this study shows that the two-layer model can accurately predict the jet velocity distributions as well as the concentration distributions as verified earlier. Though more validation studies are needed to improve confidence in the model and increase the range of validity, the present work indicates that the two-layer model is a promising tool for fast, accurate predictions of the flow fields of underexpanded hydrogen jets.

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Dispersion of cryogenic hydrogen through high-aspect ratio nozzles

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Chowdhury, Bikram R.; Hecht, Ethan S.

Liquid hydrogen is increasingly being used as a delivery and storage medium for stations that provide compressed gaseous hydrogen for fuel cell electric vehicles. In efforts to provide scientific justification for separation distances for liquid hydrogen infrastructure in fire codes, the dispersion characteristics of cryogenic hydrogen jets (50–64 K) from high aspect ratio nozzles have been measured at 3 and 5 barabs stagnation pressures. These nozzles are more characteristic of unintended leaks, which would be expected to be cracks, rather than conventional round nozzles. Spontaneous Raman scattering was used to measure the concentration and temperature field along the major and minor axes. Within the field of interrogation, the axis-switching phenomena was not observed, but rather a self-similar Gaussian-profile flow regime similar to room temperature or cryogenic hydrogen releases through round nozzles. The concentration decay rate and half-widths for the planar cryogenic jets were found to be nominally equivalent to that of round nozzle cryogenic hydrogen jets indicating a similar flammable envelope. The results from these experiments will be used to validate models for cryogenic hydrogen dispersion that will be used for simulations of alternative scenarios and quantitative risk assessment.

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Characteristic of cryogenic hydrogen flames from high-aspect ratio nozzles

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Hecht, Ethan S.; Chowdhury, Bikram R.

Unintentional leaks at hydrogen fueling stations have the potential to form hydrogen jet flames, which pose a risk to people and infrastructure. The heat flux from these jet flames are often used to develop separation distances between hydrogen components and buildings, lot-lines, etc. The heat flux and visible flame length is well understood for releases from round nozzles, but real unintended leaks would be expected to be from higher aspect-ratio cracks. In this work, we measured the visible flame length and heat-flux characteristics of cryogenic hydrogen flames from high-aspect ratio nozzles. Heat flux measurements from 5 radiometers were used to assess the single-point vs the multi-point methods for interpretation of heat flux sensor data, finding the axial distance of the sensor for a single-point heat flux measurement to be important. We compare the flame length and heat flux data to flames of both cryogenic and compressed hydrogen from round nozzles. The aspect ratio of the release does not affect the flame length or heat flux significantly, for a given mass flow under the range of conditions studied. The engineering correlations presented in this work enable the prediction of flame length and heat flux which can be used to assess risk at hydrogen fueling stations with liquid hydrogen and develop science-based separation distances for these stations.

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Validation of the HyRAM+ physics models for use with propane

Blaylock, Myra L.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Shum, Jessica G.

The Hydrogen Risk Assessment Model Plus (HyRAM+) toolkit combines quantitative risk assessment with simulations of unignited dispersion, ignited turbulent diffusion flames, and indoor accumulation with delayed ignition of fuels. HyRAM+ is differentiated from HyRAM in that it includes models and leak data for other alternate fuels. The models of the physical phenomena need to be validated for each of the fuels in the toolkit. This report shows the validation for propane which is being used as a surrogate for autogas, which is a mixture of propane and butane and used in internal combustion engines in vehicles. For flame length comparisons, five previously published experiments from peer reviewed journals were used to validate our models. The validation looked at flame lengths and flame widths with respect to different leak diameters, mass flow rates, and source pressures. Most of the sources included more than one set of experimental data, which were collected using different methods (CCD cameras, IR visualization etc.). In general, HyRAM+ overpredicts the flame lengths by around 65%. For heat and radiation models, we compared the heat flux and radiation data reported from two different sources to the values calculated by HyRAM+. For higher mass flow rates, the HyRAM+ calculated flame length results gave a better estimate of what is found in the experiments (65% error), but a higher error (85%) is observed between the HyRAM+ calculated lengths and the experimental flame lengthsfor lower mass flows. Some differences can be attributed to outdoor environmental effects (i.e. wind speed) and uncertainties in jet flame shapes. The propane flame trajectory is predicted for a high Reynolds number case with Re = 12,500 and a low Reynolds number case where Re = 2,000. The Re=12,500 case which is momentum dominated matches well with the experimental flame trajectory, but the agreement for the bouancy driven low Reynolds number case is not as good. Dispersion modeling for unignited propane was also analyzed. We compared the mole fraction, mixture fraction, mean velocity, concentration half width, and inverse mass concentration over an axial distance from different credible journals to the values calculated by HyRAM+. The results display good agreement but generally, HyRAM+ predicts a wider profile for mole fraction and mixture fraction experiments. Overall, HyRAM+’s results are reasonable for predicting the flame length, heat flux, flame trajectory, and dispersion for propane and can be used in risk analyses

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Computational fluid dynamics analysis of char conversion in Sandia's pressurized entrained flow reactor

Review of Scientific Instruments

Bösenhofer, Markus; Hecht, Ethan S.; Shaddix, Christopher R.; König, Bernhard; Rieger, Johannes; Harasek, Michael

Design and analysis of practical reactors utilizing solid feedstocks rely on reaction rate parameters that are typically generated in lab-scale reactors. Evaluation of the reaction rate information often relies on assumptions of uniform temperature, velocity, and species distributions in the reactor, in lieu of detailed measurements that provide local information. This assumption might be a source of substantial error, since reactor designs can impose significant inhomogeneities, leading to data misinterpretation. Spatially resolved reactor simulations help understand the key processes within the reactor and support the identification of severe variations of temperature, velocity, and species distributions. In this work, Sandia's pressurized entrained flow reactor is modeled to identify inhomogeneities in the reaction zone. Tracer particles are tracked through the reactor to estimate the residence times and burnout ratio of introduced coal char particles in gasifying environments. The results reveal a complex mixing environment for the cool gas and particles entering the reactor along the centerline and the main high-speed hot gas reactor flow. Furthermore, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results show that flow asymmetries are introduced through the use of a horizontal gas pre-heating section that connects to the vertical reactor tube. Computed particle temperatures and residence times in the reactor differ substantially from the idealized plug flow conditions typically evoked in interpreting experimental measurements. Furthermore, experimental measurements and CFD analysis of heat flow through porous refractory insulation suggest that for the investigated conditions (1350 °C, <20 atm), the thermal conductivity of the insulation does not increase substantially with increasing pressure.

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Modeling of underexpanded hydrogen jets through square and rectangular slot nozzles

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Li, Xuefang; Chen, Qi; Chen, Mingjia; He, Qian; Christopher, David M.; Cheng, Xu; Chowdhury, Bikram R.; Hecht, Ethan S.

The development and revision of safety codes and standards for hydrogen infrastructure requires a solid scientific basis, including studies of unignited releases from high pressure systems for various scenarios. Most hydrogen releases are modeled as axisymmetric jets, but real leaks are more likely to be non-axisymmetric jets issuing from high aspect ratio cracks or slots. In the present study, underexpanded hydrogen jets from square and rectangular nozzles with aspect ratios of 1–16 were numerically modeled for stagnation pressures up to 20 MPa. The near and far flow fields were modeled separately using two sequential computational domains to accurately and efficiently capture the flow characteristics. The numerical models were first validated with experimental data from a previous experimental study and literature data. The mass fraction and velocity distributions show that the centerline decay rates increase as the nozzle aspect ratio increases, but this increase is dependent on the pressure. This means that the canonical decay law of round turbulent jets and plumes no longer applies to the slot nozzle jets for high pressures. The radial profiles collapse onto a Gaussian curve in the major axis plane, but neither collapse, nor are they Gaussian in the minor axis plane with peaks away from the jet centerline. Different shock patterns were identified along the major and minor axes and the axis switching phenomenon seen in the literature was also reproduced. The axis switching resulted in significantly wider flattened concentration distributions compared with the axisymmetric jet which may require consideration during safety analyses for non-circular nozzles. A scaling factor taking both the nozzle shape and pressure effects into account was then developed to better scale the centerline decay rates for jets from both the square and rectangular nozzles. The present study demonstrates that the nozzle shape effects on the jet spreading should not be overlooked and proper scaling factors are required to collapse the data and calculate decay rates.

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Hydrogen Quantitative Risk Assessment

Muna, Alice B.; Ehrhart, Brian D.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Bran Anleu, Gabriela A.; Blaylock, Myra L.; LaFleur, Chris B.

DOE has identified consistent safety, codes, and standards as a critical need for the deployment of hydrogen technologies, with key barriers related to the availability and implementation of technical information in the development of regulations, codes, and standards. Advances in codes and standards have been enabled by risk-informed approaches to create and implement revisions to codes, such as National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2, NFPA 55, and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Specification (TS)-19880-1. This project provides the technical basis for these revisions, enabling the assessment of the safety of hydrogen fuel cell systems and infrastructure using QRA and physics-based models of hydrogen behavior. The risk and behavior tools that are developed in this project are motivated by, shared directly with, and used by the committees revising relevant codes and standards, thus forming the scientific basis to ensure that code requirements are consistent, logical, and defensible.

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The effect of oxygen penetration on apparent pulverized coal char combustion kinetics

2018 Spring Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, WSSCI 2018

Shaddix, Christopher R.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Gonzalo-Tirado, Cristina

Apparent char kinetic rates are commonly used to predict pulverized coal char burning rates. These kinetic rates quantify the char burning rate based on the temperature of the particle and the oxygen concentration at the particle surface, thereby inherently neglecting the impact of variations in the penetration of oxygen into the char on the predicted burning rate. To investigate the impact of variable extents of penetration during Zone II burning conditions, experimental measurements were performed of char particle combustion temperature and burnout for a common U.S. subbituminous coal burning in an optical laminar entrained flow reactor with either helium or nitrogen diluents. The combination of much higher thermal conductivity and mass diffusivity in the helium environments resulted in substantially cooler char combustion temperatures than in equivalent N2 environments. Measured char burnout was similar in the two environments for a given bulk oxygen concentration but was approximately 60% higher in helium environments for a given char combustion temperature. Detailed particle simulations of the experimental conditions confirmed a 60% higher burning rate in the helium environments as a function of char temperature, whereas catalyst theory predicts that the burning rate in helium could be as high as 90% greater than in nitrogen, in the limit of large Thiele modulus (i.e. near the diffusion limit). For application combustion in CO2 environments (e.g. for oxy-fuel combustion), these results demonstrate that due to differences in oxygen diffusivity the apparent char oxidation rates will be lower, but by no more than 9% relative to burning rates measured in nitrogen environments.

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HyRAM: A methodology and toolkit for quantitative risk assessment of hydrogen systems

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Groth, Katrina G.; Hecht, Ethan S.

HyRAM is a methodology and accompanying software toolkit being developed to provide a platform for integration of state-of-the-art, validated science and engineering models and data relevant to hydrogen safety. The HyRAM software toolkit establishes a standard methodology for conducting quantitative risk assessment (QRA) and consequence analysis relevant to assessing the safety of hydrogen fueling and storage infrastructure. The HyRAM toolkit integrates fast-running deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying risk of accident scenarios, for predicting physical effects, and for characterizing the impact of hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, thermal and pressure effects from deflagrations and detonations in enclosures). HyRAM 1.0 incorporates generic probabilities for equipment failures for nine types of hydrogen system components, generic probabilities for hydrogen ignition, and probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux and pressure on humans and structures. These are combined with fast-running, computationally and experimentally validated models of hydrogen release and flame behavior. HyRAM can be extended in scope via user-contributed models and data. The QRA approach in HyRAM can be used for multiple types of analyses, including codes and standards development, code compliance, safety basis development, and facility safety planning. This manuscript discusses the current status and vision for HyRAM.

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Comparison of conventional vs. modular hydrogen refueling stations and on-site production vs. delivery

Hecht, Ethan S.; Pratt, Joseph W.

To meet the needs of public and private stakeholders involved in the development, construction, and operation of hydrogen fueling stations needed to support the widespread roll-out of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, this work presents publicly available station templates and analyses. These ‘Reference Stations’ help reduce the cost and speed the deployment of hydrogen stations by providing a common baseline with which to start a design, enable quick assessment of potential sites for a hydrogen station, identify contributors to poor economics, and suggest areas of research. This work presents layouts, bills of materials, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and detailed analyses of five new station designs. In the near term, delivered hydrogen results in a lower cost of hydrogen compared to on-site production via steam methane reforming or electrolysis, although the on-site production methods have other advantages. Modular station concepts including on-site production can reduce lot sizes from conventional assemble-on-site stations.

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Comparison of conventional vs. modular hydrogen refueling stations, and on-site production vs. delivery

Hecht, Ethan S.; Pratt, Joseph W.

To meet the needs of public and private stakeholders involved in the development, construction, and operation of hydrogen fueling stations needed to support the widespread roll-out of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles, this work presents publicly available station templates and analyses. These 'Reference Stations' help reduce the cost and speed the deployment of hydrogen stations by providing a common baseline with which to start a design, enable quick assessment of potential sites for a hydrogen station, identify contributors to poor economics, and suggest areas of research. This work presents layouts, bills of materials, piping and instrumentation diagrams, and detailed analyses of five new station designs. In the near term, delivered hydrogen results in a lower cost of hydrogen compared to on-site production via steam methane reforming or electrolysis, although the on-site production methods have other advantages. Modular station concepts including on-site production can reduce lot sizes from conventional assemble-on-site stations.

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Methodology for assessing the safety of Hydrogen Systems: HyRAM 1.1 technical reference manual

Groth, Katrina G.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Reynolds, John T.; Blaylock, Myra L.; Carrier, Erin E.

The HyRAM software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen infrastructure and transportation systems. HyRAM is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art science and engineering models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of hydrogen safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM is envisioned as a unifying platform combining validated, analytical models of hydrogen behavior, a stan- dardized, transparent QRA approach, and engineering models and generic data for hydrogen installations. HyRAM is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U. S. De- partment of Energy to increase access to technical data about hydrogen safety and to enable the use of that data to support development and revision of national and international codes and standards. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in the HyRAM version 1.1. HyRAM 1.1 includes generic probabilities for hydrogen equipment fail- ures, probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux on humans and structures, and computa- tionally and experimentally validated analytical and first order models of hydrogen release and flame physics. HyRAM 1.1 integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, overpressure effects from deflagrations), and assessing impact on people and structures. HyRAM is a prototype software in active development and thus the models and data may change. This report will be updated at appropriate developmental intervals.

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Ignition and flame characteristics of cryogenic hydrogen releases

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Panda, Pratikash P.; Hecht, Ethan S.

In this work, under-expanded cryogenic hydrogen jets were investigated experimentally for their ignition and flame characteristics. The test facility described herein, was designed and constructed to release hydrogen at a constant temperature and pressure, to study the dispersion and thermo-physical properties of cryogenic hydrogen releases and flames. In this study, a non-intrusive laser spark focused on the jet axis was used to measure the maximum ignition distance. The radiative power emitted by the corresponding jet flames was also measured for a range of release scenarios from 37 K to 295 K, 2–6 barabsthrough nozzles with diameters from 0.75 to 1.25 mm. The maximum ignition distance scales linearly with the effective jet diameter (which scales as the square root of the stagnant fluid density). A 1-dimensional (stream-wise) cryogenic hydrogen release model developed previously at Sandia National Laboratories (although this model is not yet validated for cryogenic hydrogen) was exercised to predict that the mean mole fraction at the maximum ignition distance is approximately 0.14, and is not dependent on the release conditions. The flame length and width were extracted from visible and infra-red flame images for several test cases. The flame length and width both scale as the square root of jet exit Reynolds number, as reported in the literature for flames from atmospheric temperature hydrogen. As shown in previous studies for ignited atmospheric temperature hydrogen, the radiative power from the jet flames of cold hydrogen scales as a logarithmic function of the global flame residence time. The radiative heat flux from jet flames of cold hydrogen is higher than the jet flames of atmospheric temperature hydrogen, for a given mass flow rate, due to the lower choked flow velocity of low-temperature hydrogen. This study provides critical information with regard to the development of models to inform the safety codes and standards of hydrogen infrastructure.

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Validation and uncertainty quantification analysis (VUQ) of a char oxidation model

10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting

Díaz-Ibarra, Oscar; Spinti, Jennifer; Smith, Philip; Shaddix, Christopher R.; Hecht, Ethan S.

The Reacting Particle and Boundary Layer (RPBL) model computes the transient-state conditions for a spherical, reacting, porous char particle and its reacting boundary layer. RPBL computes the transport of gaseous species with a Maxwell-Stefan multicomponent approach. Mass transfer diffusion coefficients are corrected to account for a non-stagnant bulk flow condition using a factor based on the Sherwood number. The homogeneous gas phase reactions are modeled with a syngas mechanism, and the heterogeneous reactions are calculated with a six-step reaction mechanism. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction mechanisms are implemented in Cantera. Carbon density (burnout) is computed using the Bhatia and Perlmutter model to estimate the evolution of the specific surface area. Energy equations are solved for the gas temperature and the particle temperature. The physical properties of the particle are computed from the fractions of ash, carbon, and voids in the particle. The void fraction is computed assuming a constant diameter particle during the reaction process. RPBL solves a particle momentum equation in order to estimate the position of the particle in a specific reactor. We performed a validation and uncertainty quantification study with RPBL using experimental char oxidation data obtained in an optically accessible, laminar, entrained flow reactor at Sandia National Laboratories. We used a consistency analysis to compare RPBL and experimental data (with its associated uncertainty) for three coal chars over a range of particle sizes. We found consistency for particle temperature and velocity across all experiments.

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HySafe research priorities workshop report Summary of the workshop organized in cooperation with US DOE and supported by EC JRC in Washington DC November 10-11 2014

Keller, Jay K.; Hill, Laura H.; Kiuru, Kristian K.; Groth, Katrina G.; Hecht, Ethan S.; James, Will J.

The HySafe research priorities workshop is held on the even years between the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS) which is held on the odd years. The research priorities workshop is intended to identify the state-of-the-art in understanding of the physical behavior of hydrogen and hydrogen systems with a focus on safety. Typical issues addressed include behavior of unintended hydrogen releases, transient combustion phenomena, effectiveness of mitigation measures, and hydrogen effects in materials. In the workshop critical knowledge gaps are identified. Areas of research and coordinated actions for the near and medium term are derived and prioritized from these knowledge gaps. The stimulated research helps pave the way for the rapid and safe deployment of hydrogen technologies on a global scale. To support the idea of delivering globally accepted research priorities for hydrogen safety the workshop is organized as an internationally open meeting. In attendance are stakeholders from the academic community (universities, national laboratories), funding agencies, and industry. The industry participation is critically important to ensure that the research priorities align with the current needs of the industry responsible for the deployment of hydrogen technologies. This report presents the results of the HySafe Research Priorities Workshop held in Washing- ton, D.C. on November 10-11, 2014. At the workshop the participants presented updates (since the previous workshop organized two years before in Berlin, Germany) of their research and development work on hydrogen safety. Following the workshop, participants were asked to provide feedback on high-priority topics for each of the research areas discussed and to rank research area categories and individual research topics within these categories. The research areas were ranked as follows (with the percentage of the vote in parenthesis): 1. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Tools (23%) 2. Reduced Model Tools (15%) 3. Indoor (13%) 4. Unintended Release-Liquid (11%) 5. Unintended Release-Gas (8%) 6. Storage (8%) 7. Integration Platforms (7%) 8. Hydrogen Safety Training (7%) 9. Materials Compatibility/Sensors (7%) 10. Applications (2%) The workshop participants ranked the need for Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) tools as the top priority by a large margin. QRA tools enable an informed expert to quantify the risk asso- ciated with a particular hydrogen system in a particular scenario. With appropriate verification and validation such tools will enable: * system designers to achieve a desired level of risk with suitable risk mitigation strategies, * permitting officials to determine if a particular system installation meets the desired risk level (performance based Regulations, Codes, and Standards (RCS) rather than prescrip- tive RCS), and * allow code developers to develop code language based on rigorous and validated physical models, statistics and standardized QRA methodologies. Another important research topic identified is the development of validated reduced physical models for use in the QRA tools. Improvement of the understanding and modeling of specific release phenomena, in particular liquid releases, are also highly ranked research topics. Acknowledgement The International Association HySafe, represented here by the authors, would like to thank all participants of the workshop for their valuable contributions. Particularly appreciated is the active participation of the industry representatives and the steady support by the European Com- mission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). Deep gratitude is owed for the great support by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office (EERE/FCTO) for the organization of the 2014 version of the hydrogen safety research priorities workshop. This page intentionally left blank.

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Methodology for assessing the safety of Hydrogen Systems: HyRAM 1.0 technical reference manual

Groth, Katrina G.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Reynolds, John T.

The HyRAM software toolkit provides a basis for conducting quantitative risk assessment and consequence modeling for hydrogen infrastructure and transportation systems. HyRAM is designed to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art science and engineering models to conduct robust, repeatable assessments of hydrogen safety, hazards, and risk. HyRAM is envisioned as a unifying platform combining validated, analytical models of hydrogen behavior, a standardized, transparent QRA approach, and engineering models and generic data for hydrogen installations. HyRAM is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the U. S. Department of Energy to increase access to technical data about hydrogen safety and to enable the use of that data to support development and revision of national and international codes and standards. This document provides a description of the methodology and models contained in the HyRAM version 1.0. HyRAM 1.0 includes generic probabilities for hydrogen equipment failures, probabilistic models for the impact of heat flux on humans and structures, and computationally and experimentally validated analytical and first order models of hydrogen release and flame physics. HyRAM 1.0 integrates deterministic and probabilistic models for quantifying accident scenarios, predicting physical effects, and characterizing hydrogen hazards (thermal effects from jet fires, overpressure effects from deflagrations), and assessing impact on people and structures. HyRAM is a prototype software in active development and thus the models and data may change. This report will be updated at appropriate developmental intervals.

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Design of the cryogenic hydrogen release laboratory

Hecht, Ethan S.; Zimmerman, Mark D.; LaFleur, Chris B.; Ciotti, Michael C.

A cooperative research and development agreement was made between Linde, LLC and Sandia to develop a plan for modifying the Turbulent Combustion Laboratory (TCL) with the necessary infrastructure to produce a cold (near liquid temperature) hydrogen jet. A three-stage heat exchanger will be used to cool gaseous hydrogen using liquid nitrogen, gaseous helium, and liquid helium. A cryogenic line from the heat exchanger into the lab will allow high-fidelity diagnostics already in place in the lab to be applied to cold hydrogen jets. Data from these experiments will be used to develop and validate models that inform codes and standards which specify protection criteria for unintended releases from liquid hydrogen storage, transport, and delivery infrastructure.

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Temperature Trends in Coal Char Combustion under Oxy-fuel Conditions for the Determination of Kinetics

Iqbal, Samira I.; Hecht, Ethan S.

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Development of the Sandia Cooler

Johnson, Terry A.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Spencer, Nathan S.; Vanness, Justin W.; Gorman, Ryan G.; Koplow, Jeffrey P.; Staats, Wayne L.; Curgus, Dita B.; Leick, Michael T.; Matthew, Ned D.; Zimmerman, Mark D.; Arienti, Marco A.; Gharagozloo, Patricia E.

This report describes an FY13 effort to develop the latest version of the Sandia Cooler, a breakthrough technology for air-cooled heat exchangers that was developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The project was focused on fabrication, assembly and demonstration of ten prototype systems for the cooling of high power density electronics, specifically high performance desktop computers (CPUs). In addition, computational simulation and experimentation was carried out to fully understand the performance characteristics of each of the key design aspects. This work culminated in a parameter and scaling study that now provides a design framework, including a number of design and analysis tools, for Sandia Cooler development for applications beyond CPU cooling.

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Review on the effects of hydrogen at extreme pressures and temperatures on the mechanical behavior of polymers

Hecht, Ethan S.

The effects of hydrogen on the mechanics (e.g. strength, ductility, and fatigue resistance) of polymer materials are outlined in this report. There are a small number of studies reported in the literature on this topic, and even fewer at the extreme temperatures to which hydrogen service materials will be exposed. Several studies found little evidence that hydrogen affects the static tensile properties, long term creep, or ductile fracture of high density polyethylene or polyamide. However, there has been a report that a recoverable drop in the modulus of high density polyethylene is observable under high hydrogen pressure. A research need exists on the mechanical effects of hydrogen on the wide range of polymers used or considered for use in the hydrogen economy, due to the lack of data in the literature.

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Development of efficient, integrated cellulosic biorefineries : LDRD final report

Shaddix, Christopher R.; Hecht, Ethan S.; Teh, Kwee-Yan T.; Buffleben, George M.; Dibble, Dean C.

Cellulosic ethanol, generated from lignocellulosic biomass sources such as grasses and trees, is a promising alternative to conventional starch- and sugar-based ethanol production in terms of potential production quantities, CO{sub 2} impact, and economic competitiveness. In addition, cellulosic ethanol can be generated (at least in principle) without competing with food production. However, approximately 1/3 of the lignocellulosic biomass material (including all of the lignin) cannot be converted to ethanol through biochemical means and must be extracted at some point in the biochemical process. In this project we gathered basic information on the prospects for utilizing this lignin residue material in thermochemical conversion processes to improve the overall energy efficiency or liquid fuel production capacity of cellulosic biorefineries. Two existing pretreatment approaches, soaking in aqueous ammonia (SAA) and the Arkenol (strong sulfuric acid) process, were implemented at Sandia and used to generated suitable quantities of residue material from corn stover and eucalyptus feedstocks for subsequent thermochemical research. A third, novel technique, using ionic liquids (IL) was investigated by Sandia researchers at the Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI), but was not successful in isolating sufficient lignin residue. Additional residue material for thermochemical research was supplied from the dilute-acid simultaneous saccharification/fermentation (SSF) pilot-scale process at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The high-temperature volatiles yields of the different residues were measured, as were the char combustion reactivities. The residue chars showed slightly lower reactivity than raw biomass char, except for the SSF residue, which had substantially lower reactivity. Exergy analysis was applied to the NREL standard process design model for thermochemical ethanol production and from a prototypical dedicated biochemical process, with process data supplied by a recent report from the National Research Council (NRC). The thermochemical system analysis revealed that most of the system inefficiency is associated with the gasification process and subsequent tar reforming step. For the biochemical process, the steam generation from residue combustion, providing the requisite heating for the conventional pretreatment and alcohol distillation processes, was shown to dominate the exergy loss. An overall energy balance with different potential distillation energy requirements shows that as much as 30% of the biomass energy content may be available in the future as a feedstock for thermochemical production of liquid fuels.

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164 Results
164 Results