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Randomized Cholesky Preconditioning for Graph Partitioning Applications

Espinoza, Heliezer J.; Loe, Jennifer A.; Boman, Erik G.

Graph partitioning has emerged as an area of interest due to its use in various applications in computational research. One way to partition a graph is to solve for the eigenvectors of the corresponding graph Laplacian matrix. This project focuses on the eigensolver LOBPCG and the evaluation of a new preconditioner: Randomized Cholesky Factorization (rchol). This proconditioner was tested for its speed and accuracy against other well-known preconditioners for the method. After experiments were run on several known test matrices, rchol appears to be a better preconditioner for structured matrices. This research was sponsored by National Nuclear Security Administration Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program (NNSA-MSIIP) and completed at host facility Sandia National Laboratories. As such, after discussion of the research project itself, this report contains a brief reflection on experience gained as a result of participating in the NNSA-MSIIP.

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Randomized Cholesky Preconditioning for Graph Partitioning Applications

Espinoza, Heliezer J.; Loe, Jennifer A.; Boman, Erik G.

A graph is a mathematical representation of a network; we say it consists of a set of vertices, which are connected by edges. Graphs have numerous applications in various fields, as they can model all sorts of connections, processes, or relations. For example, graphs can model intricate transit systems or the human nervous system. However, graphs that are large or complicated become difficult to analyze. This is why there is an increased interest in the area of graph partitioning, reducing the size of the graph into multiple partitions. For example, partitions of a graph representing a social network might help identify clusters of friends or colleagues. Graph partitioning is also a widely used approach to load balancing in parallel computing. The partitioning of a graph is extremely useful to decompose the graph into smaller parts and allow for easier analysis. There are different ways to solve graph partitioning problems. For this work, we focus on a spectral partitioning method which forms a partition based upon the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian (details presented in Acer, et. al.). This method uses the LOBPCG algorithm to compute these eigenvectors. LOBPCG can be accelerated by an operator called a preconditioner. For this internship, we evaluate a randomized Cholesky (rchol) preconditioner for its effectiveness on graph partitioning problems with LOBPCG. We compare it with two standard preconditioners: Jacobi and Incomplete Cholesky (ichol). This research was conducted from August to December 2021 in conjunction with Sandia National Laboratories.

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Sphynx: A parallel multi-GPU graph partitioner for distributed-memory systems

Parallel Computing

Acer, Seher A.; Boman, Erik G.; Glusa, Christian A.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Graph partitioning has been an important tool to partition the work among several processors to minimize the communication cost and balance the workload. While accelerator-based supercomputers are emerging to be the standard, the use of graph partitioning becomes even more important as applications are rapidly moving to these architectures. However, there is no distributed-memory-parallel, multi-GPU graph partitioner available for applications. We developed a spectral graph partitioner, Sphynx, using the portable, accelerator-friendly stack of the Trilinos framework. In Sphynx, we allow using different preconditioners and exploit their unique advantages. We use Sphynx to systematically evaluate the various algorithmic choices in spectral partitioning with a focus on the GPU performance. We perform those evaluations on two distinct classes of graphs: regular (such as meshes, matrices from finite element methods) and irregular (such as social networks and web graphs), and show that different settings and preconditioners are needed for these graph classes. The experimental results on the Summit supercomputer show that Sphynx is the fastest alternative on irregular graphs in an application-friendly setting and obtains a partitioning quality close to ParMETIS on regular graphs. When compared to nvGRAPH on a single GPU, Sphynx is faster and obtains better balance and better quality partitions. Sphynx provides a good and robust partitioning method across a wide range of graphs for applications looking for a GPU-based partitioner.

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Advances in Mixed Precision Algorithms: 2021 Edition

Abdelfattah, Ahmad A.; Anzt, Hartwig A.; Ayala, Alan A.; Boman, Erik G.; Carson, Erin C.; Cayrols, Sebastien C.; Cojean, Terry C.; Dongarra, Jack D.; Falgout, Rob F.; Gates, Mark G.; Gr\"{u}tzmacher, Thomas G.; Higham, Nicholas J.; Kruger, Scott E.; Li, Sherry L.; Lindquist, Neil L.; Liu, Yang L.; Loe, Jennifer A.; Nayak, Pratik N.; Osei-Kuffuor, Daniel O.; Pranesh, Sri P.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Ribizel, Tobias R.; Smith, Bryce B.; Swirydowicz, Kasia S.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Tomov, Stanimire T.; M. Tsai, Yaohung M.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Yang, Urike M.

Over the last year, the ECP xSDK-multiprecision effort has made tremendous progress in developing and deploying new mixed precision technology and customizing the algorithms for the hardware deployed in the ECP flagship supercomputers. The effort also has succeeded in creating a cross-laboratory community of scientists interested in mixed precision technology and now working together in deploying this technology for ECP applications. In this report, we highlight some of the most promising and impactful achievements of the last year. Among the highlights we present are: Mixed precision IR using a dense LU factorization and achieving a 1.8× speedup on Spock; results and strategies for mixed precision IR using a sparse LU factorization; a mixed precision eigenvalue solver; Mixed Precision GMRES-IR being deployed in Trilinos, and achieving a speedup of 1.4× over standard GMRES; compressed Basis (CB) GMRES being deployed in Ginkgo and achieving an average 1.4× speedup over standard GMRES; preparing hypre for mixed precision execution; mixed precision sparse approximate inverse preconditioners achieving an average speedup of 1.2×; and detailed description of the memory accessor separating the arithmetic precision from the memory precision, and enabling memory-bound low precision BLAS 1/2 operations to increase the accuracy by using high precision in the computations without degrading the performance. We emphasize that many of the highlights presented here have also been submitted to peer-reviewed journals or established conferences, and are under peer-review or have already been published.

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Experimental Evaluation of Multiprecision Strategies for GMRES on GPUs

2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2021 - In conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2021

Loe, Jennifer A.; Glusa, Christian A.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Boman, Erik G.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Support for lower precision computation is becoming more common in accelerator hardware due to lower power usage, reduced data movement and increased computational performance. However, computational science and engineering (CSE) problems require double precision accuracy in several domains. This conflict between hardware trends and application needs has resulted in a need for multiprecision strategies at the linear algebra algorithms level if we want to exploit the hardware to its full potential while meeting the accuracy requirements. In this paper, we focus on preconditioned sparse iterative linear solvers, a key kernel in several CSE applications. We present a study of multiprecision strategies for accelerating this kernel on GPUs. We seek the best methods for incorporating multiple precisions into the GMRES linear solver; these include iterative refinement and parallelizable preconditioners. Our work presents strategies to determine when multiprecision GMRES will be effective and to choose parameters for a multiprecision iterative refinement solver to achieve better performance. We use an implementation that is based on the Trilinos library and employs Kokkos Kernels for performance portability of linear algebra kernels. Performance results demonstrate the promise of multiprecision approaches and demonstrate even further improvements are possible by optimizing low-level kernels.

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An Analog Preconditioner for Solving Linear Systems [Slides]

Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Wong, Ryan; Xiao, Tianyao X.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Boman, Erik G.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Ipek, Engin I.

This presentation concludes in situ computation enables new approaches to linear algebra problems which can be both more effective and more efficient as compared to conventional digital systems. Preconditioning is well-suited to analog computation due to the tolerance for approximate solutions. When combined with prior work on in situ MVM for scientific computing, analog preconditioning can enable significant speedups for important linear algebra applications.

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An Analog Preconditioner for Solving Linear Systems

Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture

Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Wong, Ryan; Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Boman, Erik G.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Ipek, Engin

Over the past decade as Moore's Law has slowed, the need for new forms of computation that can provide sustainable performance improvements has risen. A new method, called in situ computing, has shown great potential to accelerate matrix vector multiplication (MVM), an important kernel for a diverse range of applications from neural networks to scientific computing. Existing in situ accelerators for scientific computing, however, have a significant limitation: These accelerators provide no acceleration for preconditioning-A key bottleneck in linear solvers and in scientific computing workflows. This paper enables in situ acceleration for state-of-The-Art linear solvers by demonstrating how to use a new in situ matrix inversion accelerator for analog preconditioning. As existing techniques that enable high precision and scalability for in situ MVM are inapplicable to in situ matrix inversion, new techniques to compensate for circuit non-idealities are proposed. Additionally, a new approach to bit slicing that enables splitting operands across multiple devices without external digital logic is proposed. For scalability, this paper demonstrates how in situ matrix inversion kernels can work in tandem with existing domain decomposition techniques to accelerate the solutions of arbitrarily large linear systems. The analog kernel can be directly integrated into existing preconditioning workflows, leveraging several well-optimized numerical linear algebra tools to improve the behavior of the circuit. The result is an analog preconditioner that is more effective (up to 50% fewer iterations) than the widely used incomplete LU factorization preconditioner, ILU(0), while also reducing the energy and execution time of each approximate solve operation by 1025x and 105x respectively.

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Scalable asynchronous domain decomposition solvers

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Glusa, Christian A.; Boman, Erik G.; Chow, Edmond; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Szyld, Daniel B.

Parallel implementations of linear iterative solvers generally alternate between phases of data exchange and phases of local computation. Increasingly large problem sizes and more heterogeneous compute architectures make load balancing and the design of low latency network interconnects that are able to satisfy the communication requirements of linear solvers very challenging tasks. In particular, global communication patterns such as inner products become increasingly limiting at scale. We explore the use of asynchronous communication based on one-sided Message Passing Interface primitives in the context of domain decomposition solvers. In particular, a scalable asynchronous two-level Schwarz method is presented. We discuss practical issues encountered in the development of a scalable solver and show experimental results obtained on a state-of-the-art supercomputer system that illustrate the benefits of asynchronous solvers in load balanced as well as load imbalanced scenarios. Using the novel method, we can observe speedups of up to four times over its classical synchronous equivalent.

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Towards Use of Mixed Precision in ECP Math Libraries [Exascale Computing Project]

Antz, Hartwig A.; Boman, Erik G.; Gates, Mark G.; Kruger, Scott E.; Li, Sherry L.; Loe, Jennifer A.; Osei-Kuffuor, Daniel O.; Tomov, Stan T.; Tsai, Yaohung M.; Meier Yang, Ulrike M.

The use of multiple types of precision in mathematical software has the potential to increase its performance on new heterogeneous architectures. The xSDK project focuses both on the investigation and development of multiprecision algorithms as well as their inclusion into xSDK member libraries. This report summarizes current efforts on including and/or using mixed precision capabilities in the math libraries Ginkgo, heFFTe, hypre, MAGMA, PETSc/TAO, SLATE, SuperLU, and Trilinos, including KokkosKernels. It contains both numerical results from libraries that already provide mixed precision capabilities, as well as descriptions of the strategies to incorporate multiprecision into established libraries.

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Distributed Memory Graph Coloring Algorithms for Multiple GPUs

Proceedings of IA3 2020: 10th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms, Held in conjunction with SC 2020: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

Bogle, Ian; Boman, Erik G.; Devine, Karen D.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Slota, George M.

Graph coloring is often used in parallelizing scientific computations that run in distributed and multi-GPU environments; it identifies sets of independent data that can be updated in parallel. Many algorithms exist for graph coloring on a single GPU or in distributed memory, but hybrid MPI+GPU algorithms have been unexplored until this work, to the best of our knowledge. We present several MPI+GPU coloring approaches that use implementations of the distributed coloring algorithms of Gebremedhin et al. and the shared-memory algorithms of Deveci et al. The on-node parallel coloring uses implementations in KokkosKernels, which provide parallelization for both multicore CPUs and GPUs. We further extend our approaches to solve for distance-2 coloring, giving the first known distributed and multi-GPU algorithm for this problem. In addition, we propose novel methods to reduce communication in distributed graph coloring. Our experiments show that our approaches operate efficiently on inputs too large to fit on a single GPU and scale up to graphs with 76.7 billion edges running on 128 GPUs.

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SPHYNX: Spectral partitioning for HYbrid and aXelerator-enabled systems

Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 34th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2020

Acer, Seher A.; Boman, Erik G.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Graph partitioning has been an important tool to partition the work among several processors to minimize the communication cost and balance the workload. While accelerator-based supercomputers are emerging to be the standard, the use of graph partitioning becomes even more important as applications are rapidly moving to these architectures. However, there is no scalable, distributed-memory, multi-GPU graph partitioner available for applications. We developed a spectral graph partitioner, Sphynx, using the portable, accelerator-friendly stack of the Trilinos framework. We use Sphnyx to systematically evaluate the various algorithmic choices in spectral partitioning with a focus on GPU performance. We perform those evaluations on irregular graphs, because state-of-the-art partitioners have the most difficulty on them. We demonstrate that Sphynx is up to 17x faster on GPUs compared to the case on CPUs, and up to 580x faster compared to a state-of-the-art multilevel partitioner. Sphynx provides a robust alternative for applications looking for a GPU-based partitioner.

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An algebraic sparsified nested dissection algorithm using low-rank approximations

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Cambier, Leopold; Chen, Chao; Boman, Erik G.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Darve, Eric

We propose a new algorithm for the fast solution of large, sparse, symmetric positive-definite linear systems, spaND (sparsified Nested Dissection). It is based on nested dissection, sparsification, and low-rank compression. After eliminating all interiors at a given level of the elimination tree, the algorithm sparsifies all separators corresponding to the interiors. This operation reduces the size of the separators by eliminating some degrees of freedom but without introducing any fill-in. This is done at the expense of a small and controllable approximation error. The result is an approximate factorization that can be used as an efficient preconditioner. We then perform several numerical experiments to evaluate this algorithm. We demonstrate that a version using orthogonal factorization and block-diagonal scaling takes fewer CG iterations to converge than previous similar algorithms on various kinds of problems. Furthermore, this algorithm is provably guaranteed to never break down and the matrix stays symmetric positive-definite throughout the process. We evaluate the algorithm on some large problems show it exhibits near-linear scaling. The factorization time is roughly \scrO (N), and the number of iterations grows slowly with N.

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A robust hierarchical solver for ill-conditioned systems with applications to ice sheet modeling

Journal of Computational Physics

Chen, Chao; Cambier, Leopold; Boman, Erik G.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Darve, Eric

A hierarchical solver is proposed for solving sparse ill-conditioned linear systems in parallel. The solver is based on a modification of the LoRaSp method, but employs a deferred-compression technique, which provably reduces the approximation error and significantly improves efficiency. Moreover, the deferred-compression technique introduces minimal overhead and does not affect parallelism. As a result, the new solver achieves linear computational complexity under mild assumptions and excellent parallel scalability. To demonstrate the performance of the new solver, we focus on applying it to solve sparse linear systems arising from ice sheet modeling. The strong anisotropic phenomena associated with the thin structure of ice sheets creates serious challenges for existing solvers. To address the anisotropy, we additionally developed a customized partitioning scheme for the solver, which captures the strong-coupling direction accurately. In general, the partitioning can be computed algebraically with existing software packages, and thus the new solver is generalizable for solving other sparse linear systems. Our results show that ice sheet problems of about 300 million degrees of freedom have been solved in just a few minutes using 1024 processors.

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A distributed-memory hierarchical solver for general sparse linear systems

Parallel Computing

Chen, Chao; Pouransari, Hadi; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Boman, Erik G.; Darve, Eric

We present a parallel hierarchical solver for general sparse linear systems on distributed-memory machines. For large-scale problems, this fully algebraic algorithm is faster and more memory-efficient than sparse direct solvers because it exploits the low-rank structure of fill-in blocks. Depending on the accuracy of low-rank approximations, the hierarchical solver can be used either as a direct solver or as a preconditioner. The parallel algorithm is based on data decomposition and requires only local communication for updating boundary data on every processor. Moreover, the computation-to-communication ratio of the parallel algorithm is approximately the volume-to-surface-area ratio of the subdomain owned by every processor. We present various numerical results to demonstrate the versatility and scalability of the parallel algorithm.

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Parallel Graph Coloring for Manycore Architectures

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2016

Deveci, Mehmet D.; Boman, Erik G.; Devine, Karen D.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Graph algorithms are challenging to parallelize on manycore architectures due to complex data dependencies and irregular memory access. We consider the well studied problem of coloring the vertices of a graph. In many applications it is important to compute a coloring with few colors in near-lineartime. In parallel, the optimistic (speculative) coloring method by Gebremedhin and Manne is the preferred approach but it needs to be modified for manycore architectures. We discuss a range of implementation issues for this vertex-based optimistic approach. We also propose a novel edge-based optimistic approach that has more parallelism and is better suited to GPUs. We study the performance empirically on two architectures(Xeon Phi and GPU) and across many data sets (from finite element problems to social networks). Our implementation uses the Kokkos library, so it is portable across platforms. We show that on GPUs, we significantly reduce the number of colors (geometric mean 4X, but up to 48X) as compared to the widely used cuSPARSE library. In addition, our edge-based algorithm is 1.5 times faster on average than cuSPARSE, where it hasspeedups up to 139X on a circuit problem. We also show the effect of the coloring on a conjugate gradient solver using multi-colored Symmetric Gauss-Seidel method as preconditioner, the higher coloring quality found by the proposed methods reduces the overall solve time up to 33% compared to cuSPARSE.

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An empirical comparison of graph laplacian solvers

Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments

Boman, Erik G.; Deweese, Kevin; Gilbert, John R.

Solving Laplacian linear systems is an important task in a variety of practical and theoretical applications. This problem is known to have solutions that perform in linear times polylogarithmic work in theory, but these algorithms are difficult to implement in practice. We examine existing solution techniques in order to determine the best methods currently available and for which types of problems are they useful. We perform timing experiments using a variety of solvers on a variety of problems and present our results. We discover differing solver behavior between web graphs and a class of synthetic graphs designed to model them.

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Evaluating the Potential of a Laplacian Linear Solver

Boman, Erik G.; Deweese, Kevin D.; Gilbert, John R.

A new approach for solving Laplacian linear systems proposed by Kelner et al. involves the random sampling and update of fundamental cycles in a graph. We evaluate the performance of this approach on a variety of real world graphs. We examine di erent ways to choose the set of cycles and their sequence of updates with the goal of providing more exibility and potential parallelism. We propose a parallel model of the Kelner et al. method for evaluating potential parallelism concerned with minimizing the span of edges updated at every iteration. We provide experimental results comparing the potential parallelism of the fundamental cycle basis and the extended basis. Our preliminary experiments show that choosing a non-fundamental set of cycles can save signi cant work compared to a fundamental cycle basis.

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LDRD Report: Scheduling Irregular Algorithms

Boman, Erik G.

This LDRD project was a campus exec fellowship to fund (in part) Donald Nguyen’s PhD research at UT-Austin. His work has focused on parallel programming models, and scheduling irregular algorithms on shared-memory systems using the Galois framework. Galois provides a simple but powerful way for users and applications to automatically obtain good parallel performance using certain supported data containers. The naïve user can write serial code, while advanced users can optimize performance by advanced features, such as specifying the scheduling policy. Galois was used to parallelize two sparse matrix reordering schemes: RCM and Sloan. Such reordering is important in high-performance computing to obtain better data locality and thus reduce run times.

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Domain Decomposition Preconditioners for Communication-Avoiding Krylov Methods on a Hybrid CPU/GPU Cluster

International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC

Yamazaki, Ichitaro; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Boman, Erik G.; Hoemmen, Mark F.; Heroux, Michael A.; Tomov, Stanimire

Krylov subspace projection methods are widely used iterative methods for solving large-scale linear systems of equations. Researchers have demonstrated that communication avoiding (CA) techniques can improve Krylov methods' performance on modern computers, where communication is becoming increasingly expensive compared to arithmetic operations. In this paper, we extend these studies by two major contributions. First, we present our implementation of a CA variant of the Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method, called CAGMRES, for solving no symmetric linear systems of equations on a hybrid CPU/GPU cluster. Our performance results on up to 120 GPUs show that CA-GMRES gives a speedup of up to 2.5x in total solution time over standard GMRES on a hybrid cluster with twelve Intel Xeon CPUs and three Nvidia Fermi GPUs on each node. We then outline a domain decomposition framework to introduce a family of preconditioners that are suitable for CA Krylov methods. Our preconditioners do not incur any additional communication and allow the easy reuse of existing algorithms and software for the sub domain solves. Experimental results on the hybrid CPU/GPU cluster demonstrate that CA-GMRES with preconditioning achieve a speedup of up to 7.4x over CAGMRES without preconditioning, and speedup of up to 1.7x over GMRES with preconditioning in total solution time. These results confirm the potential of our framework to develop a practical and effective preconditioned CA Krylov method.

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Multithreaded algorithms for maxmum matching in bipartite graphs

Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2012

Azad, Ariful; Halappanavar, Mahantesh; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Boman, Erik G.; Khan, Arif; Pothen, Alex

We design, implement, and evaluate algorithms for computing a matching of maximum cardinality in a bipartite graph on multicore and massively multithreaded computers. As computers with larger numbers of slower cores dominate the commodity processor market, the design of multithreaded algorithms to solve large matching problems becomes a necessity. Recent work on serial algorithms for the matching problem has shown that their performance is sensitive to the order in which the vertices are processed for matching. In a multithreaded environment, imposing a serial order in which vertices are considered for matching would lead to loss of concurrency and performance. But this raises the question: Would parallel matching algorithms on multithreaded machines improve performance over a serial algorithm? We answer this question in the affirmative. We report efficient multithreaded implementations of three classes of algorithms based on their manner of searching for augmenting paths: breadth-first-search, depth-first-search, and a combination of both. The Karp-Sipser initialization algorithm is used to make the parallel algorithms practical. We report extensive results and insights using three shared-memory platforms (a 48-core AMD Opteron, a 32-coreIntel Nehalem, and a 128-processor Cray XMT) on a representative set of real-world and synthetic graphs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of augmentation-based parallel algorithms for bipartite cardinality matching that demonstrates good speedups on multithreaded shared memory multiprocessors. © 2012 IEEE.

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ShyLU: A hybrid-hybrid solver for multicore platforms

Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2012

Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Boman, Erik G.; Heroux, Michael A.

With the ubiquity of multicore processors, it is crucial that solvers adapt to the hierarchical structure of modern architectures. We present ShyLU, a "hybrid-hybrid" solver for general sparse linear systems that is hybrid in two ways: First, it combines direct and iterative methods. The iterative part is based on approximate Schur complements where we compute the approximate Schur complement using a value-based dropping strategy or structure-based probing strategy. Second, the solver uses two levels of parallelism via hybrid programming (MPI+threads). ShyLU is useful both in shared-memory environments and on large parallel computers with distributed memory. In the latter case, it should be used as a sub domain solver. We argue that with the increasing complexity of compute nodes, it is important to exploit multiple levels of parallelism even within a single compute node. We show the robustness of ShyLU against other algebraic preconditioners. ShyLU scales well up to 384 cores for a given problem size. We also study the MPI-only performance of ShyLU against a hybrid implementation and conclude that on present multicore nodes MPI-only implementation is better. However, for future multicore machines (96 or more cores) hybrid/ hierarchical algorithms and implementations are important for sustained performance. © 2012 IEEE.

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Factors impacting performance of multithreaded sparse riangular solvet

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Wolf, Michael M.; Heroux, Michael A.; Boman, Erik G.

As computational science applications grow more parallel with multi-core supercomputers having hundreds of thousands of computational cores, it will become increasingly difficult for solvers to scale. Our approach is to use hybrid MPI/threaded numerical algorithms to solve these systems in order to reduce the number of MPI tasks and increase the parallel efficiency of the algorithm. However, we need efficient threaded numerical kernels to run on the multi-core nodes in order to achieve good parallel efficiency. In this paper, we focus on improving the performance of a multithreaded triangular solver, an important kernel for preconditioning. We analyze three factors that affect the parallel performance of this threaded kernel and obtain good scalability on the multi-core nodes for a range of matrix sizes. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

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Sensor placement for municipal water networks

Phillips, Cynthia A.; Boman, Erik G.; Carr, Robert D.; Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, David B.; Mckenna, Sean A.; Riesen, Lee A.

We consider the problem of placing a limited number of sensors in a municipal water distribution network to minimize the impact over a given suite of contamination incidents. In its simplest form, the sensor placement problem is a p-median problem that has structure extremely amenable to exact and heuristic solution methods. We describe the solution of real-world instances using integer programming or local search or a Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian method is necessary for solution of large problems on small PCs. We summarize a number of other heuristic methods for effectively addressing issues such as sensor failures, tuning sensors based on local water quality variability, and problem size/approximation quality tradeoffs. These algorithms are incorporated into the TEVA-SPOT toolkit, a software suite that the US Environmental Protection Agency has used and is using to design contamination warning systems for US municipal water systems.

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Factors impacting performance of multithreaded triangular solve

Wolf, Michael W.; Heroux, Michael A.; Boman, Erik G.

As computational science applications grow more parallel with multi-core supercomputers having hundreds of thousands of computational cores, it will become increasingly difficult for solvers to scale. Our approach is to use hybrid MPI/threaded numerical algorithms to solve these systems in order to reduce the number of MPI tasks and increase the parallel efficiency of the algorithm. However, we need efficient threaded numerical kernels to run on the multi-core nodes in order to achieve good parallel efficiency. In this paper, we focus on improving the performance of a multithreaded triangular solver, an important kernel for preconditioning. We analyze three factors that affect the parallel performance of this threaded kernel and obtain good scalability on the multi-core nodes for a range of matrix sizes.

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Modeling the fracture of ice sheets on parallel computers

Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Boman, Erik G.

The objective of this project is to investigate the complex fracture of ice and understand its role within larger ice sheet simulations and global climate change. At the present time, ice fracture is not explicitly considered within ice sheet models due in part to large computational costs associated with the accurate modeling of this complex phenomena. However, fracture not only plays an extremely important role in regional behavior but also influences ice dynamics over much larger zones in ways that are currently not well understood. Dramatic illustrations of fracture-induced phenomena most notably include the recent collapse of ice shelves in Antarctica (e.g. partial collapse of the Wilkins shelf in March of 2008 and the diminishing extent of the Larsen B shelf from 1998 to 2002). Other fracture examples include ice calving (fracture of icebergs) which is presently approximated in simplistic ways within ice sheet models, and the draining of supraglacial lakes through a complex network of cracks, a so called ice sheet plumbing system, that is believed to cause accelerated ice sheet flows due essentially to lubrication of the contact surface with the ground. These dramatic changes are emblematic of the ongoing change in the Earth's polar regions and highlight the important role of fracturing ice. To model ice fracture, a simulation capability will be designed centered around extended finite elements and solved by specialized multigrid methods on parallel computers. In addition, appropriate dynamic load balancing techniques will be employed to ensure an approximate equal amount of work for each processor.

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Low-memory Lagrangian relaxation methods for sensor placement in municipal water networks

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008

Berry, Jonathan W.; Boman, Erik G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Riesen, Lee A.

Placing sensors in municipal water networks to protect against a set of contamination events is a classic p-median problem for most objectives when we assume that sensors are perfect. Many researchers have proposed exact and approximate solution methods for this p-median formulation. For full-scale networks with large contamination event suites, one must generally rely on heuristic methods to generate solutions. These heuristics provide feasible solutions, but give no quality guarantee relative to the optimal placement. In this paper we apply a Lagrangian relaxation method in order to compute lower bounds on the expected impact of suites of contamination events. In all of our experiments with single objectives, these lower bounds establish that the GRASP local search method generates solutions that are provably optimal to to within a fraction of a percentage point. Our Lagrangian heuristic also provides good solutions itself and requires only a fraction of the memory of GRASP. We conclude by describing two variations of the Lagrangian heuristic: an aggregated version that trades off solution quality for further memory savings, and a multi-objective version which balances objectives with additional goals. © 2008 ASCE.

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Improved parallel data partitioning by nested dissection with applications to information retrieval

Proposed for publication in Parallel Computing.

Boman, Erik G.; Chevalier, Cedric C.

The computational work in many information retrieval and analysis algorithms is based on sparse linear algebra. Sparse matrix-vector multiplication is a common kernel in many of these computations. Thus, an important related combinatorial problem in parallel computing is how to distribute the matrix and the vectors among processors so as to minimize the communication cost. We focus on minimizing the total communication volume while keeping the computation balanced across processes. In [1], the first two authors presented a new 2D partitioning method, the nested dissection partitioning algorithm. In this paper, we improve on that algorithm and show that it is a good option for data partitioning in information retrieval. We also show partitioning time can be substantially reduced by using the SCOTCH software, and quality improves in some cases, too.

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The TEVA-SPOT toolkit for drinking water contaminant warning system design

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008

Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Boman, Erik G.; Murray, Regan; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Riesen, Lee A.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

We present the TEVA-SPOT Toolkit, a sensor placement optimization tool developed within the USEPA TEVA program. The TEVA-SPOT Toolkit provides a sensor placement framework that facilitates research in sensor placement optimization and enables the practical application of sensor placement solvers to real-world CWS design applications. This paper provides an overview of its key features, and then illustrates how this tool can be flexibly applied to solve a variety of different types of sensor placement problems. © 2008 ASCE.

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Limited-memory techniques for sensor placement in water distribution networks

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Hart, William E.; Berry, Jonathan W.; Boman, Erik G.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Riesen, Lee A.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.

The practical utility of optimization technologies is often impacted by factors that reflect how these tools are used in practice, including whether various real-world constraints can be adequately modeled, the sophistication of the analysts applying the optimizer, and related environmental factors (e.g. whether a company is willing to trust predictions from computational models). Other features are less appreciated, but of equal importance in terms of dictating the successful use of optimization. These include the scale of problem instances, which in practice drives the development of approximate solution techniques, and constraints imposed by the target computing platforms. End-users often lack state-of-the-art computers, and thus runtime and memory limitations are often a significant, limiting factor in algorithm design. When coupled with large problem scale, the result is a significant technological challenge. We describe our experience developing and deploying both exact and heuristic algorithms for placing sensors in water distribution networks to mitigate against damage due intentional or accidental introduction of contaminants. The target computing platforms for this application have motivated limited-memory techniques that can optimize large-scale sensor placement problems. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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Solving elliptic finite element systems in near-linear time with support preconditioners

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

Boman, Erik G.; Hendrickson, Bruce A.; Vavasis, Stephen

We consider linear systems arising from the use of the finite element method for solving scalar linear elliptic problems. Our main result is that these linear systems, which are symmetric and positive semidefinite, are well approximated by symmetric diagonally dominant matrices. Our framework for defining matrix approximation is support theory. Significant graph theoretic work has already been developed in the support framework for preconditioners in the diagonally dominant case, and, in particular, it is known that such systems can be solved with iterative methods in nearly linear time. Thus, our approximation result implies that these graph theoretic techniques can also solve a class of finite element problems in nearly linear time. We show that the support number bounds, which control the number of iterations in the preconditioned iterative solver, depend on mesh quality measures but not on the problem size or shape of the domain. © 2008 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

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A nested dissection approach to sparse matrix partitioning for parallel computations

Proposed for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

Boman, Erik G.

We consider how to distribute sparse matrices among processes to reduce communication costs in parallel sparse matrix computations, specifically, sparse matrix-vector multiplication. Our main contributions are: (i) an exact graph model for communication with general (two-dimensional) matrix distribution, and (ii) a recursive partitioning algorithm based on nested dissection (substructuring). We show that the communication volume is closely linked to vertex separators. We have implemented our algorithm using hypergraph partitioning software to enable a fair comparison with existing methods. We present numerical results for sparse matrices from several application areas, with up to 9 million nonzeros. The results show that our new approach is superior to traditional 1d partitioning and comparable to a current leading partitioning method, the finegrain hypergraph method, in terms of communication volume. Our nested dissection method has two advantages over the fine-grain method: it is faster to compute, and the resulting distribution requires fewer communication messages.

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Parallel hypergraph partitioning for scientific computing

Boman, Erik G.; Devine, Karen D.; Heaphy, Robert T.; Hendrickson, Bruce A.

Graph partitioning is often used for load balancing in parallel computing, but it is known that hypergraph partitioning has several advantages. First, hypergraphs more accurately model communication volume, and second, they are more expressive and can better represent nonsymmetric problems. Hypergraph partitioning is particularly suited to parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication, a common kernel in scientific computing. We present a parallel software package for hypergraph (and sparse matrix) partitioning developed at Sandia National Labs. The algorithm is a variation on multilevel partitioning. Our parallel implementation is novel in that it uses a two-dimensional data distribution among processors. We present empirical results that show our parallel implementation achieves good speedup on several large problems (up to 33 million nonzeros) with up to 64 processors on a Linux cluster.

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Results 1–200 of 210
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