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Demonstration of a MOT in a sub-millimeter membrane hole

Scientific Reports

Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant; Mudrick, John M.; Douglas, Erica A.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We demonstrate the generation of a cold-atom ensemble within a sub-millimeter diameter hole in a transparent membrane, a so-called “membrane MOT”. With a sub-Doppler cooling process, the atoms trapped by the membrane MOT are cooled down to 10 μ K. The atom number inside the unbridged/bridged membrane hole is about 10 4 to 10 5, and the 1 / e2-diameter of the MOT cloud is about 180 μ m for a 400 μ m-diameter membrane hole. Such a membrane device can, in principle, efficiently load cold atoms into the evanescent-field optical trap generated by the suspended membrane waveguide for strong atom-light interaction and provide the capability of sufficient heat dissipation at the waveguide. This represents a key step toward the photonic atom trap integrated platform (ATIP).

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Residual stress analysis of aluminum nitride piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers using Raman spectroscopy

Journal of Applied Physics

Lundh, James S.; Coleman, Kathleen; Song, Yiwen; Griffin, Benjamin A.; Esteves, Giovanni E.; Douglas, Erica A.; Edstrand, Adam E.; Badescu, Stefan C.; Moore, Elizabeth A.; Leach, Jacob H.; Moody, Baxter; Trolier-Mckinstry, Susan; Choi, Sukwon

In this study, the Raman biaxial stress coefficients KII and strain-free phonon frequencies ω0 have been determined for the E2 (low), E2 (high), and A1 (LO) phonon modes of aluminum nitride, AlN, using both experimental and theoretical approaches. The E2 (high) mode of AlN is recommended for the residual stress analysis of AlN due to its high sensitivity and the largest signal-to-noise ratio among the studied modes. The E2 (high) Raman biaxial stress coefficient of -3.8 cm-1/GPa and strain-free phonon frequency of 656.68 cm-1 were then applied to perform both macroscopic and microscopic stress mappings. For macroscopic stress evaluation, the spatial variation of residual stress was measured across an AlN-on-Si wafer prepared by sputter deposition. A cross-wafer variation in residual stress of ∼150 MPa was observed regardless of the average stress state of the film. Microscopic stress evaluation was performed on AlN piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers (pMUTs) with submicrometer spatial resolution. These measurements were used to assess the effect of device fabrication on residual stress distribution in an individual pMUT and the effect of residual stress on the resonance frequency. At ∼20 μm directly outside the outer edge of the pMUT electrode, a large lateral spatial variation in residual stress of ∼100 MPa was measured, highlighting the impact of metallization structures on residual stress in the AlN film.

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Ultra-Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors: Challenges and Opportunities (invited)

Kaplar, Robert K.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Pickrell, Gregory P.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Flicker, Jack D.; Neely, Jason C.; Paisley, Elizabeth A.; Baca, Albert G.; Klein, Brianna A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Reza, Shahed R.; Binder, Andrew B.; Yates, Luke Y.; Slobodyan, Oleksiy S.; Sharps, Paul; Simmons, Jerry S.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Hollis, Mark A.; Johnson, Noble J.; Jones, Ken J.; Pavlidis, Dimitris P.; Goretta, Ken G.; Nemanich, Bob N.; Goodnick, Steve G.; Chowdhury, Srabanti C.

Abstract not provided.

AlGaN High Electron Mobility Transistor for Power Switches and High Temperature Logic

Klein, Brianna A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Neely, Jason C.; Reza, Shahed R.; Douglas, Erica A.; Van Heukelom, Michael V.; Rice, Anthony R.; Patel, Victor J.; Matins, Benjamin M.; Fortune, Torben R.; Rosprim, Mary R.; Caravello, Lisa N.; DeBerry, Rebecca N.; Pipkin, Jennifer R.; Abate, Vincent M.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Abstract not provided.

High-Al-content heterostructures and devices

Semiconductors and Semimetals

Kaplar, Robert K.; Baca, A.G.; Douglas, Erica A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Reza, Shahed R.

Ultra-wide-bandgap aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) possesses several material properties that make it attractive for use in a variety of applications. This chapter focuses on power switching and radio-frequency (RF) devices based on Al-rich AlGaN heterostructures. The relevant figures of merit for both power switching and RF devices are discussed as motivation for the use of AlGaN heterostructures in such applications. The key physical parameters impacting these figures of merit include critical electric field, channel mobility, channel carrier density, and carrier saturation velocity, and the factors influencing these and the trade-offs between them are discussed. Surveys of both power switching and RF devices are given and their performance is described including in special operating regimes such as at high temperatures. Challenges to be overcome, such as the formation of low-resistivity Ohmic contacts, are presented. Finally, an overview of processing-related challenges, especially related to surfaces and interfaces, concludes the chapter.

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Membrane MOT: Trapping Dense Cold Atoms in a Sub-Millimeter Diameter Hole of a Microfabricated Membrane Device

Optics Letter

Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant B.; Mudrick, John M.; Douglas, Erica A.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We present an implementation that can keep a coldatom ensemble within a sub-millimeter diameter hole in a transparent membrane. Based on the effective beam diameter of the magneto-optical trap (MOT), d = 400 mm-hole diameter, we measure the atom number that is 105 times higher than the predicted value using the conventional d6 scaling rule. Atoms trapped by the membrane MOT are cooled down to 10 mK with sub- Doppler cooling process and can be potentially coupled to the photonic/electronic integrated circuits that can be fabricated in the membrane device by taking a step toward the atom trap integrated platform.

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High temperature operation to 500 °c of AlGaN graded polarization-doped field-effect transistors

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B

Carey, Patrick H.; Ren, Fan; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Baca, A.G.; Pearton, Stephen J.

AlGaN polarization-doped field-effect transistors were characterized by DC and pulsed measurements from room temperature to 500 °C in ambient. DC current-voltage characteristics demonstrated only a 70% reduction in on-state current from 25 to 500 °C and full gate modulation, regardless of the operating temperature. Near ideal gate lag measurement was realized across the temperature range that is indicative of a high-quality substrate and sufficient surface passivation. The ability for operation at high temperature is enabled by the high Schottky barrier height from the Ni/Au gate contact, with values of 2.05 and 2.76 eV at 25 and 500 °C, respectively. The high barrier height due to the insulatorlike aluminum nitride layer leads to an ION/IOFF ratio of 1.5 × 109 and 6 × 103 at room temperature and 500 °C, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy was used to confirm the stability of the heterostructure even after an extended high-temperature operation with only minor interdiffusion of the Ni/Au Schottky contact. The use of refractory metals in all contacts will be key to ensure a stable extended high-temperature operation.

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Al-rich AlGaN based transistors

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films

Baca, A.G.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Kaplar, Robert J.

Research results for AlGaN-channel transistors are reviewed as they have progressed from low Al-content and long-channel devices to Al-rich and short-channel RF devices. Figure of merit (FOM) analysis shows encouraging comparisons relative to today's state-of-the-art GaN devices for high Al-content and elevated temperatures. Critical electric field (EC), which fuels the AlGaN transistor FOM for high Al-composition, is not measured directly, but average gate-drain electric field at breakdown is substantially better in multiple reported AlGaN-channel devices compared to GaN. Challenges for AlGaN include the constraints arising from relatively low room temperature mobility dominated by ternary alloy scattering and the difficulty of making low-resistivity Ohmic contacts to high Al-content materials. Nevertheless, considerable progress has been made recently in the formation of low-resistivity Ohmic contacts to Al-rich AlGaN by using reverse compositional grading in the semiconductor, whereby a contact to a lower-Al alloy (or even to GaN) is made. Specific contact resistivity (ρc) approaching ρc ∼2 × 10-6ωcm2 to AlGaN devices with 70% Al-content in the channel has been reported. Along with scaling of the channel length and tailoring of the threshold voltage, this has enabled a dramatic increase in the current density, which has now reached 0.6 A/mm. Excellent ION/IOFF current ratios have been reported for Schottky-gated structures, in some cases exceeding 109. Encouraging RF performance in Al-rich transistors has been reported as well, with fT and fmax demonstrated in the tens of gigahertz range for devices with less than 150 nm gates. Al-rich transistors have also shown lesser current degradation over temperature than GaN in extreme high-temperature environments up to 500 °C, while maintaining ION/IOFF ratios of ∼106 at 500 °C. Finally, enhancement-mode devices along with initial reliability and radiation results have been reported for Al-rich AlGaN transistors. The Al-rich transistors promise to be a very broad and exciting field with much more progress expected in the coming years as this technology matures.

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Saturation Velocity Measurement of Al0.7Ga0.3N-Channel High Electron Mobility Transistors

Journal of Electronic Materials

Klein, Brianna A.; Baca, A.G.; Lepkowski, Stefan M.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Wendt, J.R.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Abate, Vincent M.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Gate length dependent (80 nm–5000 mm) radio frequency measurements to extract saturation velocity are reported for Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.7Ga0.3N high electron mobility transistors fabricated into radio frequency devices using electron beam lithography. Direct current characterization revealed the threshold voltage shifting positively with increasing gate length, with devices changing from depletion mode to enhancement mode when the gate length was greater than or equal to 450 nm. Transconductance varied from 10 mS/mm to 25 mS/mm, with the 450 nm device having the highest values. Maximum drain current density was 268 mA/mm at 10 V gate bias. Scattering-parameter characterization revealed a maximum unity gain bandwidth (fT) of 28 GHz, achieved by the 80 nm gate length device. A saturation velocity value of 3.8 × 106 cm/s, or 35% of the maximum saturation velocity reported for GaN, was extracted from the fT measurements.

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Visible- and solar-blind photodetectors using AlGaN high electron mobility transistors with a nanodot-based floating gate

Photonics Research

Armstrong, Andrew A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Baca, A.G.; Crawford, Mary H.; Podkaminer, Jacob; Perez, Carlos P.; Siegal, Michael P.; Douglas, Erica A.; Abate, Vincent M.; Leonard, Francois L.

AlGaN-channel high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) were operated as visible- and solar-blind photodetectors by using GaN nanodots as an optically active floating gate. The effect of the floating gate was large enough to switch an HEMT from the off-state in the dark to an on-state under illumination. This opto-electronic response achieved responsivity > 108 A/W at room temperature while allowing HEMTs to be electrically biased in the offstate for low dark current and low DC power dissipation. The influence of GaN nanodot distance from the HEMT channel on the dynamic range of the photodetector was investigated, along with the responsivity and temporal response of the floating gate HEMT as a function of optical intensity. The absorption threshold was shown to be controlled by the AlN mole fraction of the HEMT channel layer, thus enabling the same device design to be tuned for either visible- or solar-blind detection.

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Stability in Fluorine-Treated Al-Rich High Electron Mobility Transistors with 85% Al-Barrier Composition

IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings

Baca, A.G.; Klein, B.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Fortune, Torben R.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Combined with recess etching, Al-rich III-N high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) can be treated with a reactive ion etch plasma to implant F- ions into the HEMT's near surface region for a positive threshold voltage $(V-{TH})$ shift to achieve enhancement-mode (e-mode) operation. These HEMTs, along with depletion-mode (d-mode) controls that lack fluorine treatment, were evaluated for F- ion stability using step-stress and fixed-bias stress experiments. Step-stress experiments identified parametric shifts as a function of the drain-voltage $(V-{DS})$ stress prior to catastrophic failure that occurred at ${\it V-{DS}}$ ranging between 70-75 V. Fixed bias stressing at $V-{DS}=50\mathrm{V}$ was conducted at $190\ ^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ Both e- and d- mode HEMTs exhibited a negative $V-{TH}$ shift of $0.6-1.0 \mathrm{V}$ during early time stressing at 190°C, with minor on-resistance effects, but both HEMT types were thereafter stable up to 4 hours. The early time changes are common to both e-mode and d-mode HEMTs and the F-induced ${\it V-{TH}}$ delta between e- and d-mode HEMTs remains intact within the bias-temperature stressing conditions of this work.

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Enhancement-mode Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.7Ga0.3N high electron mobility transistor with fluorine treatment

Applied Physics Letters

Klein, Brianna A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Abate, Vincent M.; Fortune, Torben R.; Baca, A.G.

Enhancement-mode Al0.7Ga0.3N-channel high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) were achieved through a combination of recessed etching and fluorine ion deposition to shift the threshold voltage (VTH) relative to depletion-mode devices by +5.6 V to VTH = +0.5 V. Accounting for the threshold voltage shift (ΔVTH), current densities of approximately 30 to 35 mA/mm and transconductance values of 13 mS/mm were achieved for both the control and enhancement mode devices at gate biases of 1 V and 6.6 V, respectively. Little hysteresis was observed for all devices, with voltage offsets of 20 mV at drain currents of 1.0 × 10-3mA/mm. Enhancement-mode devices exhibited slightly higher turn-on voltages (+0.38 V) for forward bias gate currents. Piecewise evaluation of a threshold voltage model indicated a ΔVTH of +3.3 V due to a gate recess etching of 12 nm and an additional +2.3 V shift due to fluorine ions near the AlGaN surface.

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Enhancement-mode AlGaN channel high electron mobility transistor enabled by p-AlGaN gate

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics

Douglas, Erica A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Baca, A.G.; Fortune, Torben R.; Armstrong, Andrew A.

This work exhibits the ability to shift the threshold voltage of an Al0.45Ga0.55N/Al0.3Ga0.7N high electron mobility transistor through the implementation of a 100 nm thick p-Al0.3Ga0.7N gate. A maximum threshold voltage of +0.3 V was achieved with a 3 μm gate length. In addition to achieving enhancement-mode operation, this work also shows the capability to obtain high saturated drain current (>50 mA/mm), no gate hysteresis, high ION,MAX/IOFF,MIN ratio of >109, and exceptionally low gate leakage current of 10-6 mA/mm even under high forward bias of Vgs = 8 V.

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Thickness dependence of Al0.88Sc0.12N thin films grown on silicon

Thin Solid Films

Knisely, Kathrine E.; Douglas, Erica A.; Mudrick, John M.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Kotula, Paul G.

The thickening behavior of aluminum scandium nitride (Al0.88Sc0.12N) films grown on Si(111) substrates has been investigated experimentally using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy, and residual stress measurement. Al0.88Sc0.12N films were grown with thicknesses spanning 14 nm to 1.1 um. TEM analysis shows that the argon sputter etch used to remove the native oxide prior to deposition produced an amorphous, oxygen-rich surface, preventing epitaxial growth. XRD analysis of the films show that the A1ScN(002) orientation improves as the films thicken and the XRD A1ScN(002) rocking curve full width half maximum decreases to 1.34 q for the 1.1 pm thick film. XRD analysis shows that the unit cell is expanded in both the a- and c-axes by Sc doping; the a-axis lattice parameter was measured to be 3.172 ± 0.007 A and the c-axis lattice parameter was measured to be 5.000 ± 0.001 A, representing 1.96% and 0.44% expansions over aluminum nitride lattice parameters, respectively. The grain size and roughness increase as the film thickness increases. A stress gradient forms through the film; the residual stress grows more tensile as the film thickens, from -1.24 GPa to +8.5MPa.

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Demonstration of a 9 kV reverse breakdown and 59 mΩ-cm2 specific on-resistance AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode

Solid-State Electronics

Colón, Albert; Douglas, Erica A.; Pope, Andrew J.; Klein, Brianna A.; Stephenson, Chad A.; Van Heukelom, Michael V.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Baca, A.G.

Al0.26Ga0.74N/GaN on SiC lateral Schottky diodes were fabricated with variable anode-to-cathode spacing and were analyzed for blocking and on-state device performance. On-chip normally-on High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) structures were also fabricated for a comparison of blocking characteristics. The Schottky diode displayed an ideality factor of 1.59 with a Ni/AlGaN zero bias barrier height of 1.18 eV and a flat band barrier height of 1.59 eV. For anode-to-cathode spacings between 10 and 100 μm, an increase in median breakdown voltages from 529 V to 8519 V and median specific on-resistance (Ron-sp) from 1.5 to 60.7 mΩ cm2 was observed with an increase in spacing. The highest performing diode had a lateral figure of merit of 1.37 GW/cm2 corresponding to a breakdown voltage upwards of 9 kV and a Ron-sp of 59 mΩ cm2. This corresponds to the highest Schottky diode breakdown voltage reported thus far with an Al0.26Ga0.74N/GaN lateral structure.

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RF Performance of Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.70Ga0.30N high electron mobility transistors with 80-nm Gates

IEEE Electron Device Letters

Baca, A.G.; Klein, Brianna A.; Wendt, J.R.; Lepkowski, Stefan M.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Al-rich AlGaN-channel high electron mobility transistors with 80-nm long gates and 85% (70%) Al in the barrier (channel) were evaluated for RF performance. The dc characteristics include a maximum current of 160 mA/mm with a transconductance of 24 mS/mm, limited by source and drain contacts, and an on/off current ratio of 109. fT of 28.4 GHz and fMAX of 18.5 GHz were determined from small-signal S-parameter measurements. Output power density of 0.38 W/mm was realized at 3 GHz in a power sweep using on-wafer load pull techniques.

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Method for controlling stress gradients in PVD aluminum nitride

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering

Knisely, Kathrine E.; Hunt, Bram; Troelsen, Brian; Douglas, Erica A.; Griffin, Benjamin G.; Stevens, James E.

In this paper we describe a method for controlling both the residual stress and the through-thickness stress gradient of aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films using a multi-step deposition process that varies the applied radio frequency (RF) substrate bias. The relationship between the applied RF substrate bias and the AlN residual stress is characterized using AlN films grown on oxidized silicon substrates is determined using 100 nm-1.5 μm thick blanket AlN films that are deposited with 60-100 W applied RF biases; the stress-bias relationship is found to be well described using a power law relationship. Using this relationship, we develop a model for varying the RF bias in a series of discrete deposition steps such that each deposition step has zero average stress. The applied RF bias power in these steps is tailored to produce AlN films that have minimized both the residual stress and the film stress gradient. AlN cantilevers were patterned from films deposited using this technique, which show reduced curvature compared to those deposited using a single RF bias setting, indicating a reduction of the stress gradient in the films.

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Reactive sputter deposition of piezoelectric Sc0.12Al0.88N for contour mode resonators

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B

Henry, Michael D.; Young, Travis R.; Douglas, Erica A.; Griffin, Benjamin G.

Substitution of Al by Sc has been predicted and demonstrated to improve the piezoelectric response in AlN for commercial market applications in radio frequency filter technologies. Although cosputtering with multiple targets have achieved Sc incorporation in excess of 40%, industrial processes requiring stable single target sputtering are currently limited. A major concern with sputter deposition of ScAl is the control over the presence of non-c-axis oriented crystal growth, referred to as inclusions here, while simultaneously controlling film stress for suspended microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures. This work describes 12.5% ScAl single target reactive sputter deposition process and establishes a direct relationship between the inclusion occurrences and compressive film stress allowing for the suppression of the c-axis instability on silicon (100) and Ti/TiN/AlCu seeding layers. An initial high film stress, for suppressing inclusions, is then balanced with a lower film stress deposition to control total film stress to prevent Euler buckling of suspended MEMS devices. Contour mode resonators fabricated using these films demonstrate effective coupling coefficients up to 2.7% with figures of merit of 42. Furthermore, this work provides a method to establish inclusion free films in ScAlN piezoelectric films for good quality factor devices.

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Reactive sputter deposition of piezoelectric Sc0.12Al0.88N for contour mode resonators

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B

Henry, Michael D.; Young, Travis R.; Douglas, Erica A.; Griffin, Benjamin G.

Substitution of Al by Sc has been predicted and demonstrated to improve the piezoelectric response in AlN for commercial market applications in radio frequency filter technologies. Although cosputtering with multiple targets have achieved Sc incorporation in excess of 40%, industrial processes requiring stable single target sputtering are currently limited. A major concern with sputter deposition of ScAl is the control over the presence of non-c-axis oriented crystal growth, referred to as inclusions here, while simultaneously controlling film stress for suspended microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) structures. In this paper, we describe 12.5% ScAl single target reactive sputter deposition process and establishes a direct relationship between the inclusion occurrences and compressive film stress allowing for the suppression of the c-axis instability on silicon (100) and Ti/TiN/AlCu seeding layers. An initial high film stress, for suppressing inclusions, is then balanced with a lower film stress deposition to control total film stress to prevent Euler buckling of suspended MEMS devices. Contour mode resonators fabricated using these films demonstrate effective coupling coefficients up to 2.7% with figures of merit of 42. Finally, this work provides a method to establish inclusion free films in ScAlN piezoelectric films for good quality factor devices.

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Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.70Ga0.30N High Electron Mobility Transistors with Schottky Gates and Large On/Off Current Ratio over Temperature

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

Baca, A.G.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Stephenson, Chad A.; Fortune, Torben R.; Kaplar, Robert K.

AlGaN-channel high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are among a class of ultra wide-bandgap transistors that are promising candidates for RF and power applications. Long-channel AlxGa1-xN HEMTs with x = 0.7 in the channel have been built and evaluated across the -50°C to +200°C temperature range. These devices achieved room temperature drain current as high as 46 mA/mm and were absent of gate leakage until the gate diode forward bias turn-on at ~2.8 V, with a modest -2.2 V threshold voltage. A very large Ion/Ioff current ratio, of 8 × 109 was demonstrated. A near ideal subthreshold slope that is just 35% higher than the theoretical limit across the temperature range was characterized. The ohmic contact characteristics were rectifying from -50°C to +50°C and became nearly linear at temperatures above 100°C. An activation energy of 0.55 eV dictates the temperature dependence of off-state leakage.

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Optomechanical spring effect readout in resonant micro-optical Sagnac gyroscopes design and scaling analysis

International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics

Grine, Alejandro J.; Siddiqui, A.; Keeler, Gordon A.; Shaw, M.J.; Eichenfield, Matthew S.; Friedmann, Thomas A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Wood, M.G.; Dagel, D.J.; Hains, C.; Koch, L.F.; Nordquist, C.D.; Serkland, Darwin K.

We propose and theoretically analyze a new cavity optomechanical oscillator gyroscope. Mechanical frequency acts as a sensitive readout of rotation through the optomechanical spring and Sagnac effects. Remarkably, reducing device size improves scale factor.

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Planar Ohmic Contacts to Al 0.45 Ga 0.55 N/Al 0.3 Ga 0.7 N High Electron Mobility Transistors

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

Klein, Brianna A.; Baca, A.G.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Miller, Mary A.; Kotula, Paul G.; Fortune, Torben R.; Abate, Vincent M.

Here, we present a low resistance, straightforward planar ohmic contact for Al0.45Ga0.55N/Al0.3Ga0.7N high electron mobility transistors. Five metal stacks (a/Al/b/Au; a = Ti, Zr, V, Nb/Ti; b = Ni, Mo, V) were evaluated at three individual annealing temperatures (850, 900, and 950°C). The Ti/Al/Ni/Au achieved the lowest specific contact resistance at a 900°C anneal temperature. Transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed a metal-semiconductor interface of Ti-Al-Au for an ohmic (900°C anneal) and a Schottky (850°C anneal) Ti/Al/Ni/Au stack. HEMTs were fabricated using the optimized recipe with resulting contacts that had room-temperature specific contact resistances of ρc = 2.5 × 10-5 Ω cm², sheet resistances of RSH = 3.9 kΩ/$\blacksquare$, and maximum current densities of 75 mA/mm (at VGATE of 2 V). Electrical measurements from -50 to 200°C had decreasing specific contact resistance and increasing sheet resistance, with increasing temperature. These contacts enabled state-of-the-art performance of Al0.45Ga0.55N/Al0.3Ga0.7N HEMTs.

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Ohmic contacts to Al-rich AlGaN heterostructures

Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science

Douglas, Erica A.; Reza, Shahed R.; Sanchez, C.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Klein, B.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Baca, A.G.

Due to the ultra-wide bandgap of Al-rich AlGaN, up to 5.8 eV for the structures in this study, obtaining low resistance ohmic contacts is inherently difficult to achieve. A comparative study of three different fabrication schemes is presented for obtaining ohmic contacts to an Al-rich AlGaN channel. Schottky-like behavior was observed for several different planar metallization stacks (and anneal temperatures), in addition to a dry-etch recess metallization contact scheme on Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.66Ga0.34N. However, a dry etch recess followed by n+-GaN regrowth fabrication process is reported as a means to obtain lower contact resistivity ohmic contacts on a Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.66Ga0.34N heterostructure. Specific contact resistivity of 5 × 10−3 Ω cm2 was achieved after annealing Ti/Al/Ni/Au metallization.

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High Temperature Operation of Al0.45Ga0.55N/Al0.30Ga0.70 N High Electron Mobility Transistors

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

Baca, A.G.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Fortune, Torben R.

AlGaN-channel high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are among a class of ultra wide-bandgap transistors that have a bandgap greater than ~3.4 eV, beyond that of GaN and SiC, and are promising candidates for RF and power applications. Long-channel AlxGa1-xN HEMTs with x = 0.3 in the channel have been built and evaluated across the -50°C to +200°C temperature range. Room temperature drain current of 70 mA/mm, absent of gate leakage, and with a modest -1.3 V threshold voltage was measured. A very large Ion/Ioff current ratio, greater than 108 was demonstrated over the entire temperature range, indicating that off-state leakage is below the measurement limit even at 200°C. Finally, combined with near ideal subthreshold slope factor that is just 1.3× higher than the theoretical limit across the temperature range, the excellent leakage properties are an attractive characteristic for high temperature operation.

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Review - Ultra-wide-bandgap AlGaN power electronic devices

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

Kaplar, Robert K.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Baca, A.G.; Douglas, Erica A.

"Ultra" wide-bandgap semiconductors are an emerging class of materials with bandgaps greater than that of gallium nitride (EG >3.4 eV) that may ultimately benefit a wide range of applications, including switching power conversion, pulsed power, RF electronics, UV optoelectronics, and quantum information. This paper describes the progress made to date at Sandia National Laboratories to develop one of these materials, aluminum gallium nitride, targeted toward high-power devices. The advantageous material properties of AlGaN are reviewed, questions concerning epitaxial growth and defect physics are covered, and the processing and performance of vertical- and lateral-geometry devices are described. The paper concludes with an assessment of the outlook for AlGaN, including outstanding research opportunities and a brief discussion of other potential applications.

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Inductively coupled BCl3/Cl2 /Ar plasma etching of Al-rich AlGaN

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces and Films

Douglas, Erica A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Allerman, A.A.; Baca, A.G.

Varying atomic ratios in compound semiconductors is well known to have large effects on the etching properties of the material. The use of thin device barrier layers, down to 25 nm, adds to the fabrication complexity by requiring precise control over etch rates and surface morphology. The effects of bias power and gas ratio of BCl3 to Cl2 for inductively coupled plasma etching of high Al content AlGaN were contrasted with AlN in this study for etch rate, selectivity, and surface morphology. Etch rates were greatly affected by both bias power and gas chemistry. Here we detail the effects of small variations in Al composition for AlGaN and show substantial changes in etch rate with regards to bias power as compared to AlN.

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Isotropic plasma etching of Ge Si and SiNx films

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics

Henry, Michael D.; Douglas, Erica A.

This study reports on selective isotropic dry etching of chemically vapor deposited (CVD) Ge thin film, release layers using a Shibaura chemical downstream etcher (CDE) with NF3 and Ar based plasma chemistry. Relative etch rates between Ge, Si and SiNx are described with etch rate reductions achieved by adjusting plasma chemistry with O2. Formation of oxides reducing etch rates were measured for both Ge and Si, but nitrides or oxy-nitrides created using direct injection of NO into the process chamber were measured to increase Si and SiNx etch rates while retarding Ge etching.

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An AlN/Al0.85Ga0.15N high electron mobility transistor

Applied Physics Letters

Baca, A.G.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; King, Michael P.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Fortune, Torben R.; Kaplar, Robert K.

An AlN barrier high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) based on the AlN/Al0.85Ga0.15N heterostructure was grown, fabricated, and electrically characterized, thereby extending the range of Al composition and bandgap for AlGaN channel HEMTs. An etch and regrowth procedure was implemented for source and drain contact formation. A breakdown voltage of 810 V was achieved without a gate insulator or field plate. Excellent gate leakage characteristics enabled a high Ion/Ioff current ratio greater than 107 and an excellent subthreshold slope of 75 mV/decade. A large Schottky barrier height of 1.74 eV contributed to these results. In conclusion, the room temperature voltage-dependent 3-terminal off-state drain current was adequately modeled with Frenkel-Poole emission.

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Ultra-Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for Generation-After-Next Power Electronics

Kaplar, Robert K.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; King, Michael P.; Baca, A.G.; Douglas, Erica A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Neely, Jason C.; Flicker, Jack D.; Zutavern, Fred J.; Mauch, Daniel L.; Brocato, Robert W.; Rashkin, Lee; Delhotal, Jarod J.; Fang, Lu F.; Kizilyalli, Isik C.; Aktas, Ozgur A.

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101 Results
101 Results