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Biodiesel Ethers: Fatty Acid-Derived Alkyl Ether Fuels as Improved Bioblendstocks for Mixing-Controlled Compression Ignition Engines

Energy and Fuels

Carlson, Joseph S.; Monroe, Eric M.; Dhaoui, Rakia; Zhu, Junqing; McEnally, Charles S.; Shinde, Somnath D.; Pfefferle, Lisa D.; George, Anthe G.; Davis, Ryan D.

In the last 20 years, biodiesel consumption in the United States has rapidly increased to ∼2 billion gallons per year as a renewable supplement to fossil fuel. However, further expansion of biodiesel use is currently limited in part by poor cold weather performance, which prevents year-round blending and necessitates blend walls ≤5% v/v. In order to provide a diesel fuel blendstock with improved cold weather performance (cloud point, pour point, and cold filter plug point), while at the same time maintaining other required fuel performance specifications, several biodiesel redox analogues were synthesized and tested. The best performing candidate fuels from this class showed improvement in the derived cetane number (29.3% shorter ignition delay), lower heating value (+4.7 MJ/kg), relative sooting tendency (-7.4 YSI/MJ), and cloud point (15 °C lower) when compared to a B100 biodiesel composed of an identical fatty acid profile. It was observed as a general trend that the reduced form of biodiesel, fatty alkyl ethers (FAEs), shows performance improvements in all fuel property metrics. The suite of improved properties provided by FAEs gives biodiesel producers the opportunity to diversify their portfolio of products derived from lipid and alcohol feedstocks to include long-chain alkyl ethers, a biodiesel alternative with particular applicability for winter weather conditions across the US.

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Superior performance biodiesel from biomass-derived fusel alcohols and low grade oils: Fatty acid fusel esters (FAFE)


Monroe, Eric M.; Shinde, Somnath D.; Carlson, Joseph S.; Eckles, Tyler P.; Liu, Fang L.; Varman, Arul M.; George, Anthe G.; Davis, Ryan W.

We demonstrated production of a superior performance biodiesel referred to here as fatty acid fusel alcohol esters (FAFE) – by reacting fusel alcohols (isobutanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, and (S)-(-)-2-methyl-1-butanol) with oil (glyceryl trioleate) using lipase from Aspergillus oryzae. Reaction conditions corresponding to a molar ratio of 5:1 (fusel alcohols to oil), enzyme loading of 2% w/w, reaction temperature of 35 °C, shaking speed of 250 rpm, and reaction time of 24 h achieved >97% conversion to FAFE. Further, FAFE obtained from reacting a fusel alcohol mixture with corn oil were evaluated for use as a fuel for diesel engines. FAFE mixtures showed superior combustion and cold-flow properties, with the derived cetane numbers up to 4.8 points higher, cloud points up to -6 °C lower, and the heat of combustion up to 2.1% higher than the corresponding FAME samples, depending on the fusel mixture used. This represents a significant improvement for all three metrics, which are typically anti-correlated. Finally, FAFE provides a new opportunity for expanded usage of biodiesel by addressing feedstock limitations, fuel performance, and low temperature tolerance.

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Monoterpene production by the carotenogenic yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides

Microbial Cell Factories

Zhuang, Xun; Kilian, Oliver K.; Monroe, Eric M.; Ito, Masakazu; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Liu, Fang L.; Davis, Ryan W.; Mirsiaghi, Mona; Sundstrom, Eric; Pray, Todd; Skerker, Jeffrey M.; George, Anthe G.; Gladden, John M.

Background: Due to their high energy density and compatible physical properties, several monoterpenes have been investigated as potential renewable transportation fuels, either as blendstocks with petroleum or as drop-in replacements for use in vehicles (both heavy and light-weight) or in aviation. Sustainable microbial production of these biofuels requires the ability to utilize cheap and readily available feedstocks such as lignocellulosic biomass, which can be depolymerized into fermentable carbon sources such as glucose and xylose. However, common microbial production platforms such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are not naturally capable of utilizing xylose, hence requiring extensive strain engineering and optimization to efficiently utilize lignocellulosic feedstocks. In contrast, the oleaginous red yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides is capable of efficiently metabolizing both xylose and glucose, suggesting that it may be a suitable host for the production of lignocellulosic bioproducts. In addition, R. toruloides naturally produces several carotenoids (C40 terpenoids), indicating that it may have a naturally high carbon flux through its mevalonate (MVA) pathway, providing pools of intermediates for the production of a wide range of heterologous terpene-based biofuels and bioproducts from lignocellulose. Results: Sixteen terpene synthases (TS) originating from plants, bacteria and fungi were evaluated for their ability to produce a total of nine different monoterpenes in R. toruloides. Eight of these TS were functional and produced several different monoterpenes, either as individual compounds or as mixtures, with 1,8-cineole, sabinene, ocimene, pinene, limonene, and carene being produced at the highest levels. The 1,8-cineole synthase HYP3 from Hypoxylon sp. E74060B produced the highest titer of 14.94 ± 1.84 mg/L 1,8-cineole in YPD medium and was selected for further optimization and fuel properties study. Production of 1,8-cineole from lignocellulose was also demonstrated in a 2L batch fermentation, and cineole production titers reached 34.6 mg/L in DMR-EH (Deacetylated, Mechanically Refined, Enzymatically Hydorlized) hydrolysate. Finally, the fuel properties of 1,8-cineole were examined, and indicate that it may be a suitable petroleum blend stock or drop-in replacement fuel for spark ignition engines. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that Rhodosporidium toruloides is a suitable microbial platform for the production of non-native monoterpenes with biofuel applications from lignocellulosic biomass.

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30 Results
30 Results