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Progress in Modeling the 2019 Extended Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL) and Courtyard Environment Trial at HERMES-III

Cartwright, Keith C.; Pointon, Tim P.; Powell, Troy C.; Grabowski, Theodore C.; Shields, Sidney S.; Sirajuddin, David S.; Jensen, Daniel S.; Renk, Timothy J.; Cyr, Eric C.; Stafford, David S.; Swan, Matthew S.; Mitra, Sudeep M.; McDoniel, William M.; Moore, Christopher H.

This report documents the progress made in simulating the HERMES-III Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL) and courtyard with EMPIRE and ITS. This study focuses on the shots that were taken during the months of June and July of 2019 performed with the new MITL extension. There were a few shots where there was dose mapping of the courtyard, 11132, 11133, 11134, 11135, 11136, and 11146. This report focuses on these shots because there was full data return from the MITL electrical diagnostics and the radiation dose sensors in the courtyard. The comparison starts with improving the processing of the incoming voltage into the EMPIRE simulation from the experiment. The currents are then compared at several location along the MITL. The simulation results of the electrons impacting the anode are shown. The electron impact energy and angle is then handed off to ITS which calculates the dose on the faceplate and locations in the courtyard and they are compared to experimental measurements. ITS also calculates the photons and electrons that are injected into the courtyard, these quantities are then used by EMPIRE to calculated the photon and electron transport in the courtyard. The details for the algorithms used to perform the courtyard simulations are presented as well as qualitative comparisons of the electric field, magnetic field, and the conductivity in the courtyard. Because of the computational burden of these calculations the pressure was reduce in the courtyard to reduce the computational load. The computation performance is presented along with suggestion on how to improve both the computational performance as well as the algorithmic performance. Some of the algorithmic changed would reduce the accuracy of the models and detail comparison of these changes are left for a future study. As well as, list of code improvements there is also a list of suggested experimental improvements to improve the quality of the data return.

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Fluid-Kinetic Coupling: Advanced Discretizations for Simulations on Emerging Heterogeneous Architectures (LDRD FY20-0643)

Roberts, Nathan V.; Bond, Stephen D.; Miller, Sean A.; Cyr, Eric C.

Plasma physics simulations are vital for a host of Sandia mission concerns, for fundamental science, and for clean energy in the form of fusion power. Sandia's most mature plasma physics simulation capabilities come in the form of particle-in-cell (PIC) models and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) models. MHD models for a plasma work well in denser plasma regimes when there is enough material that the plasma approximates a fluid. PIC models, on the other hand, work well in lower-density regimes, in which there is not too much to simulate; error in PIC scales as the square root of the number of particles, making high-accuracy simulations expensive. Real-world applications, however, almost always involve a transition region between the high-density regimes where MHD is appropriate, and the low-density regimes for PIC. In such a transition region, a direct discretization of Vlasov is appropriate. Such discretizations come with their own computational costs, however; the phase-space mesh for Vlasov can involve up to six dimensions (seven if time is included), and to apply appropriate homogeneous boundary conditions in velocity space requires meshing a substantial padding region to ensure that the distribution remains sufficiently close to zero at the velocity boundaries. Moreover, for collisional plasmas, the right-hand side of the Vlasov equation is a collision operator, which is non-local in velocity space, and which may dominate the cost of the Vlasov solver. The present LDRD project endeavors to develop modern, foundational tools for the development of continuum-kinetic Vlasov solvers, using the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) methodology, for discretization of Vlasov, and machine-learning (ML) models to enable efficient evaluation of collision operators. DPG affords several key advantages. First, it has a built-in, robust error indicator, allowing us to adapt the mesh in a very natural way, enabling a coarse velocity-space mesh near the homogeneous boundaries, and a fine mesh where the solution has fine features. Second, it is an inherently high-order, high-intensity method, requiring extra local computations to determine so-called optimal test functions, which makes it particularly suited to modern hardware in which floating-point throughput is increasing at a faster rate than memory bandwidth. Finally, DPG is a residual-minimizing method, which enables high-accuracy computation: in typical cases, the method delivers something very close to the $L^2$ projection of the exact solution. Meanwhile, the ML-based collision model we adopt affords a cost structure that scales as the square root of a standard direct evaluation. Moreover, we design our model to conserve mass, momentum, and energy by construction, and our approach to training is highly flexible, in that it can incorporate not only synthetic data from direct-simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) codes, but also experimental data. We have developed two DPG formulations for Vlasov-Poisson: a time-marching, backward-Euler discretization and a space-time discretization. We have conducted a number of numerical experiments to verify the approach in a 1D1V setting. In this report, we detail these formulations and experiments. We also summarize some new theoretical results developed as part of this project (published as papers previously): some new analysis of DPG for the convection-reaction problem (of which the Vlasov equation is an instance), a new exponential integrator for DPG, and some numerical exploration of various DPG-based time-marching approaches to the heat equation. As part of this work, we have contributed extensively to the Camellia open-source library; we also describe the new capabilities and their usage. We have also developed a well-documented methodology for single-species collision operators, which we applied to argon and demonstrated with numerical experiments. We summarize those results here, as well as describing at a high level a design extending the methodology to multi-species operators. We have released a new open-source library, MLC, under a BSD license; we include a summary of its capabilities as well.

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Neural-network based collision operators for the Boltzmann equation

Journal of Computational Physics

Roberts, Nathan V.; Bond, Stephen D.; Cyr, Eric C.; Miller, Sean T.

Kinetic gas dynamics in rarefied and moderate-density regimes have complex behavior associated with collisional processes. These processes are generally defined by convolution integrals over a high-dimensional space (as in the Boltzmann operator), or require evaluating complex auxiliary variables (as in Rosenbluth potentials in Fokker-Planck operators) that are challenging to implement and computationally expensive to evaluate. In this work, we develop a data-driven neural network model that augments a simple and inexpensive BGK collision operator with a machine-learned correction term, which improves the fidelity of the simple operator with a small overhead to overall runtime. The composite collision operator has a tunable fidelity and, in this work, is trained using and tested against a direct-simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) collision operator.

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Numerical simulation of a relativistic magnetron using a fluid electron model

Physics of Plasmas

Roberds, Nicholas R.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Sandoval, Andrew J.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Cyr, Eric C.; Glines, Forrest W.

An approach to numerically modeling relativistic magnetrons, in which the electrons are represented with a relativistic fluid, is described. A principal effect in the operation of a magnetron is space-charge-limited (SCL) emission of electrons from the cathode. We have developed an approximate SCL emission boundary condition for the fluid electron model. This boundary condition prescribes the flux of electrons as a function of the normal component of the electric field on the boundary. We show the results of a benchmarking activity that applies the fluid SCL boundary condition to the one-dimensional Child–Langmuir diode problem and a canonical two-dimensional diode problem. Simulation results for a two-dimensional A6 magnetron are then presented. Computed bunching of the electron cloud occurs and coincides with significant microwave power generation. Numerical convergence of the solution is considered. Sharp gradients in the solution quantities at the diocotron resonance, spanning an interval of three to four grid cells in the most well-resolved case, are present and likely affect convergence.

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Thermodynamically consistent physics-informed neural networks for hyperbolic systems

Journal of Computational Physics

Patel, Ravi G.; Manickam, Indu; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Lee, Myoungkyu N.; Tomas, Ignacio T.; Cyr, Eric C.

Physics-informed neural network architectures have emerged as a powerful tool for developing flexible PDE solvers that easily assimilate data. When applied to problems in shock physics however, these approaches face challenges related to the collocation-based PDE discretization underpinning them. By instead adopting a least squares space-time control volume scheme, we obtain a scheme which more naturally handles: regularity requirements, imposition of boundary conditions, entropy compatibility, and conservation, substantially reducing requisite hyperparameters in the process. Additionally, connections to classical finite volume methods allows application of inductive biases toward entropy solutions and total variation diminishing properties. For inverse problems in shock hydrodynamics, we propose inductive biases for discovering thermodynamically consistent equations of state that guarantee hyperbolicity. This framework therefore provides a means of discovering continuum shock models from molecular simulations of rarefied gases and metals. The output of the learning process provides a data-driven equation of state which may be incorporated into traditional shock hydrodynamics codes.

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Learning an Algebriac Multrigrid Interpolation Operator Using a Modified GraphNet Architecture

Moore, Nicholas S.; Cyr, Eric C.; Siefert, Christopher S.

This work, building on previous efforts, develops a suite of new graph neural network machine learning architectures that generate data-driven prolongators for use in Algebraic Multigrid (AMG). Algebraic Multigrid is a powerful and common technique for solving large, sparse linear systems. Its effectiveness is problem dependent and heavily depends on the choice of the prolongation operator, which interpolates the coarse mesh results onto a finer mesh. Previous work has used recent developments in graph neural networks to learn a prolongation operator from a given coefficient matrix. In this paper, we expand on previous work by exploring architectural enhancements of graph neural networks. A new method for generating a training set is developed which more closely aligns to the test set. Asymptotic error reduction factors are compared on a test suite of 3-dimensional Poisson problems with varying degrees of element stretching. Results show modest improvements in asymptotic error factor over both commonly chosen baselines and learning methods from previous work.

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A block coordinate descent optimizer for classification problems exploiting convexity

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Patel, Ravi G.; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Gulian, Mamikon G.; Cyr, Eric C.

Second-order optimizers hold intriguing potential for deep learning, but suffer from increased cost and sensitivity to the non-convexity of the loss surface as compared to gradient-based approaches. We introduce a coordinate descent method to train deep neural networks for classification tasks that exploits global convexity of the cross-entropy loss in the weights of the linear layer. Our hybrid Newton/Gradient Descent (NGD) method is consistent with the interpretation of hidden layers as providing an adaptive basis and the linear layer as providing an optimal fit of the basis to data. By alternating between a second-order method to find globally optimal parameters for the linear layer and gradient descent to train the hidden layers, we ensure an optimal fit of the adaptive basis to data throughout training. The size of the Hessian in the second-order step scales only with the number weights in the linear layer and not the depth and width of the hidden layers; furthermore, the approach is applicable to arbitrary hidden layer architecture. Previous work applying this adaptive basis perspective to regression problems demonstrated significant improvements in accuracy at reduced training cost, and this work can be viewed as an extension of this approach to classification problems. We first prove that the resulting Hessian matrix is symmetric semi-definite, and that the Newton step realizes a global minimizer. By studying classification of manufactured two-dimensional point cloud data, we demonstrate both an improvement in validation error and a striking qualitative difference in the basis functions encoded in the hidden layer when trained using NGD. Application to image classification benchmarks for both dense and convolutional architectures reveals improved training accuracy, suggesting gains of second-order methods over gradient descent. A Tensorflow implementation of the algorithm is available at

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Towards Predictive Plasma Science and Engineering through Revolutionary Multi-Scale Algorithms and Models (Final Report)

Laity, George R.; Robinson, Allen C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Alam, Mary K.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Bennett, Nichelle L.; Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Bond, Stephen D.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Cyr, Eric C.; De Zetter, Karen J.; Drake, Richard R.; Evstatiev, Evstati G.; Fierro, Andrew S.; Gardiner, Thomas A.; Glines, Forrest W.; Goeke, Ronald S.; Hamlin, Nathaniel D.; Hooper, Russell H.; Koski, Jason K.; Lane, James M.; Larson, Steven R.; Leung, Kevin L.; McGregor, Duncan A.; Miller, Philip R.; Miller, Sean M.; Ossareh, Susan J.; Phillips, Edward G.; Simpson, Sean S.; Sirajuddin, David S.; Smith, Thomas M.; Swan, Matthew S.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Tranchida, Julien G.; Bortz-Johnson, Asa J.; Welch, Dale R.; Russell, Alex M.; Watson, Eric D.; Rose, David V.; McBride, Ryan D.

This report describes the high-level accomplishments from the Plasma Science and Engineering Grand Challenge LDRD at Sandia National Laboratories. The Laboratory has a need to demonstrate predictive capabilities to model plasma phenomena in order to rapidly accelerate engineering development in several mission areas. The purpose of this Grand Challenge LDRD was to advance the fundamental models, methods, and algorithms along with supporting electrode science foundation to enable a revolutionary shift towards predictive plasma engineering design principles. This project integrated the SNL knowledge base in computer science, plasma physics, materials science, applied mathematics, and relevant application engineering to establish new cross-laboratory collaborations on these topics. As an initial exemplar, this project focused efforts on improving multi-scale modeling capabilities that are utilized to predict the electrical power delivery on large-scale pulsed power accelerators. Specifically, this LDRD was structured into three primary research thrusts that, when integrated, enable complex simulations of these devices: (1) the exploration of multi-scale models describing the desorption of contaminants from pulsed power electrodes, (2) the development of improved algorithms and code technologies to treat the multi-physics phenomena required to predict device performance, and (3) the creation of a rigorous verification and validation infrastructure to evaluate the codes and models across a range of challenge problems. These components were integrated into initial demonstrations of the largest simulations of multi-level vacuum power flow completed to-date, executed on the leading HPC computing machines available in the NNSA complex today. These preliminary studies indicate relevant pulsed power engineering design simulations can now be completed in (of order) several days, a significant improvement over pre-LDRD levels of performance.

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EMPIRE-PIC: A performance portable unstructured particle-in-cell code

Communications in Computational Physics

Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Brown, Dominic A.S.; Cartwright, Keith L.; Cyr, Eric C.; Glusa, Christian A.; Lin, Paul T.; Moore, Stan G.; McGregor, Duncan A.O.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Phillips, Edward G.; Roberts, Nathan V.; Wright, Steven A.; Maheswaran, Satheesh; Jones, John P.; Jarvis, Stephen A.

In this paper we introduce EMPIRE-PIC, a finite element method particle-in-cell (FEM-PIC) application developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The code has been developed in C++ using the Trilinos library and the Kokkos Performance Portability Framework to enable running on multiple modern compute architectures while only requiring maintenance of a single codebase. EMPIRE-PIC is capable of solving both electrostatic and electromagnetic problems in two- and three-dimensions to second-order accuracy in space and time. In this paper we validate the code against three benchmark problems - a simple electron orbit, an electrostatic Langmuir wave, and a transverse electromagnetic wave propagating through a plasma. We demonstrate the performance of EMPIRE-PIC on four different architectures: Intel Haswell CPUs, Intel's Xeon Phi Knights Landing, ARM Thunder-X2 CPUs, and NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs attached to IBM POWER9 processors. This analysis demonstrates scalability of the code up to more than two thousand GPUs, and greater than one hundred thousand CPUs.

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A physics-informed operator regression framework for extracting data-driven continuum models

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Patel, Ravi G.; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Cyr, Eric C.

The application of deep learning toward discovery of data-driven models requires careful application of inductive biases to obtain a description of physics which is both accurate and robust. We present here a framework for discovering continuum models from high fidelity molecular simulation data. Our approach applies a neural network parameterization of governing physics in modal space, allowing a characterization of differential operators while providing structure which may be used to impose biases related to symmetry, isotropy, and conservation form. Here, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework for a variety of physics, including local and nonlocal diffusion processes and single and multiphase flows. For the flow physics we demonstrate this approach leads to a learned operator that generalizes to system characteristics not included in the training sets, such as variable particle sizes, densities, and concentration.

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A linearity preserving nodal variation limiting algorithm for continuous Galerkin discretization of ideal MHD equations

Journal of Computational Physics

Mabuza, Sibusiso M.; Shadid, John N.; Cyr, Eric C.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Kuzmin, Dmitri

In this work, a stabilized continuous Galerkin (CG) method for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is presented. Ideal, compressible inviscid MHD equations are discretized in space on unstructured meshes using piecewise linear or bilinear finite element bases to get a semi-discrete scheme. Stabilization is then introduced to the semi-discrete method in a strategy that follows the algebraic flux correction paradigm. This involves adding some artificial diffusion to the high order, semi-discrete method and mass lumping in the time derivative term. The result is a low order method that provides local extremum diminishing properties for hyperbolic systems. The difference between the low order method and the high order method is scaled element-wise using a limiter and added to the low order scheme. The limiter is solution dependent and computed via an iterative linearity preserving nodal variation limiting strategy. The stabilization also involves an optional consistent background high order dissipation that reduces phase errors. The resulting stabilized scheme is a semi-discrete method that can be applied to inviscid shock MHD problems and may be even extended to resistive and viscous MHD problems. To satisfy the divergence free constraint of the MHD equations, we add parabolic divergence cleaning to the system. Various time integration methods can be used to discretize the scheme in time. We demonstrate the robustness of the scheme by solving several shock MHD problems.

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Layer-Parallel Training of Deep Residual Neural Networks

SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science

Guenther, Stefanie G.; Ruthotto, Lars R.; Schroder, Jacob B.; Cyr, Eric C.; Gauger, Nicolas R.

Residual neural networks (ResNets) are a promising class of deep neural networks that have shown excellent performance for a number of learning tasks, e.g., image classification and recognition. Mathematically, ResNet architectures can be interpreted as forward Euler discretizations of a nonlinear initial value problem whose time-dependent control variables represent the weights of the neural network. Hence, training a ResNet can be cast as an optimal control problem of the associated dynamical system. For similar time-dependent optimal control problems arising in engineering applications, parallel-in-time methods have shown notable improvements in scalability. This paper demonstrates the use of those techniques for efficient and effective training of ResNets. The proposed algorithms replace the classical (sequential) forward and backward propagation through the network layers with a parallel nonlinear multigrid iteration applied to the layer domain. This adds a new dimension of parallelism across layers that is attractive when training very deep networks. From this basic idea, we derive multiple layer-parallel methods. The most efficient version employs a simultaneous optimization approach where updates to the network parameters are based on inexact gradient information in order to speed up the training process. Finally, using numerical examples from supervised classification, we demonstrate that the new approach achieves a training performance similar to that of traditional methods, but enables layer-parallelism and thus provides speedup over layer-serial methods through greater concurrency.

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Enabling Scalable Multifluid Plasma Simulations Through Block Preconditioning

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

Phillips, Edward G.; Shadid, John N.; Cyr, Eric C.; Miller, Sean M.

Recent work has demonstrated that block preconditioning can scalably accelerate the performance of iterative solvers applied to linear systems arising in implicit multiphysics PDE simulations. The idea of block preconditioning is to decompose the system matrix into physical sub-blocks and apply individual specialized scalable solvers to each sub-block. It can be advantageous to block into simpler segregated physics systems or to block by discretization type. This strategy is particularly amenable to multiphysics systems in which existing solvers, such as multilevel methods, can be leveraged for component physics and to problems with disparate discretizations in which scalable monolithic solvers are rare. This work extends our recent work on scalable block preconditioning methods for structure-preserving discretizatons of the Maxwell equations and our previous work in MHD system solvers to the context of multifluid electromagnetic plasma systems. We argue how a block preconditioner can address both the disparate discretization, as well as strongly-coupled off-diagonal physics that produces fast time-scales (e.g. plasma and cyclotron frequencies). We propose a block preconditioner for plasma systems that allows reuse of existing multigrid solvers for different degrees of freedom while capturing important couplings, and demonstrate the algorithmic scalability of this approach at time-scales of interest.

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Regular sensitivity computation avoiding chaotic effects in particle-in-cell plasma methods

Journal of Computational Physics

Chung, Seung W.; Bond, Stephen D.; Cyr, Eric C.; Freund, Jonathan B.

Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation methods are attractive for representing species distribution functions in plasmas. However, as a model, they introduce uncertain parameters, and for quantifying their prediction uncertainty it is useful to be able to assess the sensitivity of a quantity-of-interest (QoI) to these parameters. Such sensitivity information is likewise useful for optimization. However, computing sensitivity for PIC methods is challenging due to the chaotic particle dynamics, and sensitivity techniques remain underdeveloped compared to those for Eulerian discretizations. This challenge is examined from a dual particle–continuum perspective that motivates a new sensitivity discretization. Two routes to sensitivity computation are presented and compared: a direct fully-Lagrangian particle-exact approach provides sensitivities of each particle trajectory, and a new particle-pdf discretization, which is formulated from a continuum perspective but discretized by particles to take the advantages of the same type of Lagrangian particle description leveraged by PIC methods. Since the sensitivity particles in this approach are only indirectly linked to the plasma-PIC particles, they can be positioned and weighted independently for efficiency and accuracy. The corresponding numerical algorithms are presented in mathematical detail. The advantage of the particle-pdf approach in avoiding the spurious chaotic sensitivity of the particle-exact approach is demonstrated for Debye shielding and sheath configurations. In essence, the continuum perspective makes implicit the distinctness of the particles, which circumvents the Lyapunov instability of the N-body PIC system. The cost of the particle-pdf approach is comparable to the baseline PIC simulation.

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ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone #6358: Assess Status of Next Generation Components and Physics Models in EMPIRE

Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Kramer, Richard M.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Phillips, Edward G.; Ober, Curtis C.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Swan, Matthew S.; Kalashnikova, Irina; Phipps, Eric T.; Conde, Sidafa C.; Cyr, Eric C.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Kordenbrock, Todd H.; Levy, Scott L.; Templet, Gary J.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Lin, Paul L.; Glusa, Christian A.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Glass, Micheal W.

This report documents the outcome from the ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone 6358: Assess Status of Next Generation Components and Physics Models in EMPIRE. This Milestone is an assessment of the EMPIRE (ElectroMagnetic Plasma In Realistic Environments) application and three software components. The assessment focuses on the electromagnetic and electrostatic particle-in-cell solu- tions for EMPIRE and its associated solver, time integration, and checkpoint-restart components. This information provides a clear understanding of the current status of the EMPIRE application and will help to guide future work in FY19 in order to ready the application for the ASC ATDM L 1 Milestone in FY20. It is clear from this assessment that performance of the linear solver will have to be a focus in FY19.

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Scalable preconditioners for structure preserving discretizations of maxwell equations in first order form

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Phillips, Edward G.; Shadid, John N.; Cyr, Eric C.

Multiple physical time-scales can arise in electromagnetic simulations when dissipative effects are introduced through boundary conditions, when currents follow external time-scales, and when material parameters vary spatially. In such scenarios, the time-scales of interest may be much slower than the fastest time-scales supported by the Maxwell equations, therefore making implicit time integration an efficient approach. The use of implicit temporal discretizations results in linear systems in which fast time-scales, which severely constrain the stability of an explicit method, can manifest as so-called stiff modes. This study proposes a new block preconditioner for structure preserving (also termed physics compatible) discretizations of the Maxwell equations in first order form. The intent of the preconditioner is to enable the efficient solution of multiple-time-scale Maxwell type systems. An additional benefit of the developed preconditioner is that it requires only a traditional multigrid method for its subsolves and compares well against alternative approaches that rely on specialized edge-based multigrid routines that may not be readily available. Results demonstrate parallel scalability at large electromagnetic wave CFL numbers on a variety of test problems.

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LDRD Report: Topological Design Optimization of Convolutes in Next Generation Pulsed Power Devices

Cyr, Eric C.; von Winckel, Gregory J.; Kouri, Drew P.; Gardiner, Thomas A.; Ridzal, Denis R.; Shadid, John N.; Miller, Sean M.

This LDRD project was developed around the ambitious goal of applying PDE-constrained opti- mization approaches to design Z-machine components whose performance is governed by elec- tromagnetic and plasma models. This report documents the results of this LDRD project. Our differentiating approach was to use topology optimization methods developed for structural design and extend them for application to electromagnetic systems pertinent to the Z-machine. To achieve this objective a suite of optimization algorithms were implemented in the ROL library part of the Trilinos framework. These methods were applied to standalone demonstration problems and the Drekar multi-physics research application. Out of this exploration a new augmented Lagrangian approach to structural design problems was developed. We demonstrate that this approach has favorable mesh-independent performance. Both the final design and the algorithmic performance were independent of the size of the mesh. In addition, topology optimization formulations for the design of conducting networks were developed and demonstrated. Of note, this formulation was used to develop a design for the inner magnetically insulated transmission line on the Z-machine. The resulting electromagnetic device is compared with theoretically postulated designs.

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Teko: A block preconditioning capability with concrete example applications in Navier-Stokes and MHD

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Cyr, Eric C.; Shadid, John N.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

This paper describes the design of Teko, an object-oriented C++ library for implementing advanced block preconditioners. Mathematical design criteria that elucidate the needs of block preconditioning libraries and techniques are explained and shown to motivate the structure of Teko. For instance, a principal design choice was for Teko to strongly reflect the mathematical statement of the preconditioners to reduce development burden and permit focus on the numerics. Additional mechanisms are explained that provide a pathway to developing an optimized production capable block preconditioning capability with Teko. Finally, Teko is demonstrated on fluid flow and magnetohydrodynamics applications. In addition to highlighting the features of the Teko library, these new results illustrate the effectiveness of recent preconditioning developments applied to advanced discretization approaches.

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Monolithic multigrid methods for two-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamics

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Adler, James H.; Benson, Thomas R.; Cyr, Eric C.; Maclachlan, Scott P.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) representations are used to model a wide range of plasma physics applications and are characterized by a nonlinear system of partial differential equations that strongly couples a charged fluid with the evolution of electromagnetic fields. The resulting linear systems that arise from discretization and linearization of the nonlinear problem are generally difficult to solve. In this paper, we investigate multigrid preconditioners for this system. We consider two well-known multigrid relaxation methods for incompressible fluid dynamics: Braess-Sarazin relaxation and Vanka relaxation. We first extend these to the context of steady-state one-fluid viscoresistive MHD. Then we compare the two relaxation procedures within a multigrid-preconditioned GMRES method employed within Newton's method. To isolate the effects of the different relaxation methods, we use structured grids, inf-sup stable finite elements, and geometric interpolation. We present convergence and timing results for a two-dimensional, steady-state test problem.

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A time-parallel method for the solution of PDE-constrained optimization problems

Ridzal, Denis R.; Cyr, Eric C.; Hajghassem, Mona H.

We study a time-parallel approach to solving quadratic optimization problems with linear time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) constraints. These problems arise in formulations of optimal control, optimal design and inverse problems that are governed by parabolic PDE models. They may also arise as subproblems in algorithms for the solution of optimization problems with nonlinear time-dependent PDE constraints, e.g., in sequential quadratic programming methods. We apply a piecewise linear finite element discretization in space to the PDE constraint, followed by the Crank-Nicolson discretization in time. The objective function is discretized using finite elements in space and the trapezoidal rule in time. At this point in the discretization, auxiliary state variables are introduced at each discrete time interval, with the goal to enable: (i) a decoupling in time; and (ii) a fixed-point iteration to recover the solution of the discrete optimality system. The fixed-point iterative schemes can be used either as preconditioners for Krylov subspace methods or as smoothers for multigrid (in time) schemes. We present promising numerical results for both use cases.

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A block preconditioner for an exact penalty formulation for stationary MHD

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Phillips, Edward G.; Elman, Howard C.; Cyr, Eric C.; Shadid, John N.; Pawlowski, Roger P.

The magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are used to model the flow of electrically conducting fluids in such applications as liquid metals and plasmas. This system of nonself-adjoint, nonlinear PDEs couples the Navier-Stokes equations for fluids and Maxwell's equations for electromagnetics. There has been recent interest in fully coupled solvers for the MHD system because they allow for fast steady-state solutions that do not require pseudo-time-stepping. When the fully coupled system is discretized, the strong coupling can make the resulting algebraic systems difficult to solve, requiring effective preconditioning of iterative methods for efficiency. In this work, we consider a finite element discretization of an exact penalty formulation for the stationary MHD equations posed in two-dimensional domains. This formulation has the benefit of implicitly enforcing the divergence-free condition on the magnetic field without requiring a Lagrange multiplier. We consider extending block preconditioning techniques developed for the Navier-Stokes equations to the full MHD system. We analyze operators arising in block decompositions from a continuous perspective and apply arguments based on the existence of approximate commutators to develop new preconditioners that account for the physical coupling. This results in a family of parameterized block preconditioners for both Picard and Newton linearizations. We develop an automated method for choosing the relevant parameters and demonstrate the robustness of these preconditioners for a range of the physical nondimensional parameters and with respect to mesh refinement.

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Enhancing least-squares finite element methods through a quantity-of-interest

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

Chaudhry, Jehanzeb H.; Cyr, Eric C.; Liu, Kuo; Manteuffel, Thomas A.; Olson, Luke N.; Tang, Lei

In this paper we introduce an approach that augments least-squares finite element formulations with user-specified quantities-of-interest. The method incorporates the quantity-ofinterest into the least-squares functional and inherits the global approximation properties of the standard formulation as well as increased resolution of the quantity-of-interest. We establish theoretical properties such as optimality and enhanced convergence under a set of general assumptions. Central to the approach is that it offers an element-level estimate of the error in the quantity-ofinterest. As a result, we introduce an adaptive approach that yields efficient, adaptively refined approximations. Several numerical experiments for a range of situations are presented to support the theory and highlight the effectiveness of our methodology. Notably, the results show that the new approach is effective at improving the accuracy per total computational cost.

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Thermal hydraulic simulations, error estimation and parameter sensitivity studies in Drekar::CFD

Shadid, John N.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Cyr, Eric C.; Wildey, Timothy M.

This report describes work directed towards completion of the Thermal Hydraulics Methods (THM) CFD Level 3 Milestone THM.CFD.P7.05 for the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors (CASL) Nuclear Hub effort. The focus of this milestone was to demonstrate the thermal hydraulics and adjoint based error estimation and parameter sensitivity capabilities in the CFD code called Drekar::CFD. This milestone builds upon the capabilities demonstrated in three earlier milestones; THM.CFD.P4.02 [12], completed March, 31, 2012, THM.CFD.P5.01 [15] completed June 30, 2012 and THM.CFD.P5.01 [11] completed on October 31, 2012.

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Spatially varying embedded stochastic galerkin methods for steady-state PDEs

Cyr, Eric C.

Existing discretizations for stochastic PDEs, based on a tensor product between the deterministic basis and the stochastic basis, treat the required resolution of uncertainty as uniform across the physical domain. However, solutions to many PDEs of interest exhibit spatially localized features that may result in uncertainty being severely over or under-resolved by existing discretizations. In this report, we explore the mechanics and accuracy of using a spatially varying stochastic expansion. This is achieved through an adaptive refinement algorithm where simple error estimates are used to independently drive refinement of the stochastic basis at each point in the physical domain. Results are presented comparing the accuracy of the adaptive techinque to the accuracy achieved using uniform refinement.

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A comparison of adjoint and data-centric verification techniques

Cyr, Eric C.; Shadid, John N.; Pawlowski, Roger P.

This document summarizes the results from a level 3 milestone study within the CASL VUQ effort. We compare the adjoint-based a posteriori error estimation approach with a recent variant of a data-centric verification technique. We provide a brief overview of each technique and then we discuss their relative advantages and disadvantages. We use Drekar::CFD to produce numerical results for steady-state Navier Stokes and SARANS approximations. 3

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Goal-oriented adaptivity and multilevel preconditioning for the poisson-boltzmann equation

Journal of Scientific Computing

Aksoylu, Burak; Bond, Stephen D.; Cyr, Eric C.; Holst, Michael

In this article, we develop goal-oriented error indicators to drive adaptive refinement algorithms for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. Empirical results for the solvation free energy linear functional demonstrate that goal-oriented indicators are not sufficient on their own to lead to a superior refinement algorithm. To remedy this, we propose a problem-specific marking strategy using the solvation free energy computed from the solution of the linear regularized Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The convergence of the solvation free energy using this marking strategy, combined with goal-oriented refinement, compares favorably to adaptive methods using an energy-based error indicator. Due to the use of adaptive mesh refinement, it is critical to use multilevel preconditioning in order to maintain optimal computational complexity. We use variants of the classical multigrid method, which can be viewed as generalizations of the hierarchical basis multigrid and Bramble-Pasciak-Xu (BPX) preconditioners. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media (outside the USA).

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Scalable stabilized fe formulations for simulating turbulent reacting flows in light water reactors

11AIChE - 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings

Pawlowski, Roger P.; Shadid, John N.; Smith, Tom M.; Cyr, Eric C.

This presentation will discuss progress towards developing a large-scale parallel CFD capability using stabilized finite element formulations to simulate turbulent reacting flow and heat transfer in light water nuclear reactors (LWRs). Numerical simultation plays a critical role in the design, certification, and operation of LWRs. The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors is a U. S. Department of Energy Innovation Hub that is developing a virtual reactor toolkit that will incorporate science-based models, state-of-the-art numerical methods, modern computational science and engineering practices, and uncertainty quantification (UQ) and validation against operating pressurized water reactors. It will couple state-of-the-art fuel performance, neutronics, thermal-hydraulics (T-H), and structural models with existing tools for systems and safety analysis and will be designed for implementation on both today's leadership-class computers and next-generation advanced architecture platforms. We will first describe the finite element discretization utilizing PSPG, SUPG, and discontinuity capturing stabilization. We will then discuss our initial turbulence modeling formulations (LES and URANS) and the scalable fully implicit, fully coupled solution methods that are used to solve the challenging systems. These include globalized Newton-Krylov methods for solving the nonlinear systems of equaitons and preconditioned Krylov techniques. The preconditioners are based on fully-coupled algebraic multigrid and approximate block factorization preconditioners. We will discuss how these methods provide a powerful integration path for multiscale coupling to the neutronics and structures applications. Initial results on scalabiltiy will be presented. Finally we will comment on our use of embedded technology and how this capbaility impacts the application of implicit methods, sensitivity analysis and UQ.

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187 Results
187 Results