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Lasergate: A windowless gas target for enhanced laser preheat in magnetized liner inertial fusion

Physics of Plasmas

Galloway, B.R.; Slutz, S.A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Weis, M.R.; Jennings, C.A.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Looker, Q.; Colombo, Anthony P.; Edens, Aaron E.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, J.E.; Speas, C.S.; Speas, Robert J.; Spann, A.P.; Sin, J.; Gautier, S.; Sauget, V.; Treadwell, P.A.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.

At the Z Facility at Sandia National Laboratories, the magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) program aims to study the inertial confinement fusion in deuterium-filled gas cells by implementing a three-step process on the fuel: premagnetization, laser preheat, and Z-pinch compression. In the laser preheat stage, the Z-Beamlet laser focuses through a thin polyimide window to enter the gas cell and heat the fusion fuel. However, it is known that the presence of the few μm thick window reduces the amount of laser energy that enters the gas and causes window material to mix into the fuel. These effects are detrimental to achieving fusion; therefore, a windowless target is desired. The Lasergate concept is designed to accomplish this by "cutting"the window and allowing the interior gas pressure to push the window material out of the beam path just before the heating laser arrives. In this work, we present the proof-of-principle experiments to evaluate a laser-cutting approach to Lasergate and explore the subsequent window and gas dynamics. Further, an experimental comparison of gas preheat with and without Lasergate gives clear indications of an energy deposition advantage using the Lasergate concept, as well as other observed and hypothesized benefits. While Lasergate was conceived with MagLIF in mind, the method is applicable to any laser or diagnostic application requiring direct line of sight to the interior of gas cell targets.

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Lasergate: a windowless gas target for enhanced laser preheat in MagLIF

Galloway, B.R.; Slutz, Stephen A.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Geissel, Matthias G.; Harvey-Thompson, Adam J.; Weis, Matthew R.; Jennings, Christopher A.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Looker, Quinn M.; Colombo, Anthony P.; Edens, Aaron E.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Speas, Christopher S.; Speas, Robert J.; Spann, Andrew S.; Sin, Justin S.; Gautier, Sophie G.; Sauget, Vincent S.; Treadwell, Paul T.; Rochau, G.A.; Porter, John L.

Abstract not provided.

Dual-wavelength laser-induced damage threshold of a HfO2/SiO2 dichroic coating developed for high transmission at 527 nm and high reflection at 1054 nm

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Galloway, B.R.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Smith, Ian C.

Dichroic coatings have been developed for high transmission at 527 nm and high reflection at 1054 nm for laser operations in the nanosecond pulse regime. The coatings consist of HfO2 and SiO2 layers deposited with e-beam evaporation, and laser-induced damage thresholds as high as 12.5 J/cm2 were measured at 532 nm with 3.5 ns pulses (22.5 degrees angle of incidence, in S-polarization). However, laser damage measurements at the single wavelength of 532 nm do not adequately characterize the laser damage resistance of these coatings, since they were designed to operate at dual wavelengths simultaneously. This became apparent after one of the coatings damaged prematurely at a lower fluence in the beam train, which inspired further investigations. To gain a more complete understanding of the laser damage resistance, results of a dual-wavelength laser damage test performed at both 532 nm and 1064 nm are presented.

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Polycapillary x-ray lenses for single-shot, laser-driven powder diffraction

Review of Scientific Instruments

Schollmeier, Marius; Ao, Tommy A.; Field, Ella S.; Galloway, B.R.; Kalita, Patricia K.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Morgan, D.V.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Shores, J.E.; Smith, Ian C.; Speas, C.S.; Benage, John F.; Porter, John L.

X-ray diffraction measurements to characterize phase transitions of dynamically compressed high-Z matter at Mbar pressures require both sufficient photon energy and fluence to create data with high fidelity in a single shot. Large-scale laser systems can be used to generate x-ray sources above 10 keV utilizing line radiation of mid-Z elements. However, the laser-to-x-ray energy conversion efficiency at these energies is low, and thermal x-rays or hot electrons result in unwanted background. We employ polycapillary x-ray lenses in powder x-ray diffraction measurements using solid target x-ray emission from either the Z-Beamlet long-pulse or the Z-Petawatt (ZPW) short-pulse laser systems at Sandia National Laboratories. Polycapillary lenses allow for a 100-fold fluence increase compared to a conventional pinhole aperture while simultaneously reducing the background significantly. This enables diffraction measurements up to 16 keV at the few-photon signal level as well as diffraction experiments with ZPW at full intensity.

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X-Ray Diffraction Measurements on Laser-Compressed Polycrystalline Samples Using a Short-Pulse Laser Generated X-Ray Source

Schollmeier, Marius; Ao, Tommy A.; Field, Ella S.; Galloway, B.R.; Kalita, Patricia K.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Long, Joel L.; Morgan, Dane D.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Seagle, Christopher T.

Existing models for most materials do not describe phase transformations and associated lattice dy- namics (kinetics) under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Dynamic x-ray diffraction (DXRD) allows material investigations in situ on an atomic scale due to the correlation between solid-state structures and their associated diffraction patterns. In this LDRD project we have devel- oped a nanosecond laser-compression and picosecond-to-nanosecond x-ray diffraction platform for dynamically-compressed material studies. A new target chamber in the Target Bay in building 983 was commissioned for the ns, kJ Z-Beamlet laser (ZBL) and the 0.1 ns, 250 J Z-Petawatt (ZPW) laser systems, which were used to create 8-16 keV plasma x-ray sources from thin metal foils. The 5 ns, 15 J Chaco laser system was converted to a high-energy laser shock driver to load material samples to GPa stresses. Since laser-to-x-ray energy conversion efficiency above 10 keV is low, we employed polycapillary x-ray lenses for a 100-fold fluence increase compared to a conventional pinhole aperture while simultaneously reducing the background significantly. Polycapillary lenses enabled diffraction measurements up to 16 keV with ZBL as well as diffraction experiments with ZPW. This x-ray diffraction platform supports experiments that are complementary to gas guns and the Z facility due to different strain rates. Ultimately, there is now a foundation to evaluate DXRD techniques and detectors in-house before transferring the technology to Z. This page intentionally left blank.

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Strategies for improving the laser-induced damage thresholds of dichroic coatings developed for high-transmission at 527 nm and high reflection at 1054 nm

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.

We report on progress for increasing the laser-induced damage threshold of dichroic beam combiner coatings for high transmission at 527 nm and high reflection at 1054 nm (22.5° angle of incidence, S-polarization). The initial coating consisted of HfO2 and SiO2 layers deposited with electron beam evaporation, and the laser-induced damage threshold was 7 J/cm2 at 532 nm with 3.5 ns pulses. This study introduces different coating strategies that were utilized to increase the laser damage threshold of this coating to 12.5 J/cm2.

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Analysis of laser damage tests on coatings designed for broad bandwidth high reflection of femtosecond pulses

Optical Engineering

Bellum, John C.; Winstone, Trevor; Lamaignere, Laurent; Sozet, Martin; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.

We designed an optical coating based on TiO2/SiO2 layer pairs for broad bandwidth high reflection (BBHR) at 45-deg angle of incidence (AOI), P polarization of femtosecond (fs) laser pulses of 900-nm center wavelength, and produced the coatings in Sandia's large optics coater by reactive, ion-assisted e-beam evaporation. This paper reports on laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) tests of these coatings. The broad HR bands of BBHR coatings pose challenges to LIDT tests. An ideal test would be in a vacuum environment appropriate to a high energy, fs-pulse, petawatt-class laser, with pulses identical to its fs pulses. Short of this would be tests over portions of the HR band using nanosecond or sub-picosecond pulses produced by tunable lasers. Such tests could, e.g., sample 10-nm-wide wavelength intervals with center wavelengths tunable over the broad HR band. Alternatively, the coating's HR band could be adjusted by means of wavelength shifts due to changing the AOI of the LIDT tests or due to the coating absorbing moisture under ambient conditions. We had LIDT tests performed on the BBHR coatings at selected AOIs to gain insight into their laser damage properties and analyze how the results of the different LIDT tests compare.

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Broad bandwidth high reflection coatings for petawatt class lasers: Femtosecond pulse laser damage tests, and measurement of group delay dispersion

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bellum, John C.; Winstone, Trevor B.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.

We designed and produced optical coatings for broad bandwidth high reflection (BBHR) of femtosecond (fs) pulses for high energy petawatt (PW) lasers. These BBHR coatings consist of TiO2/SiO2 and/or HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs formed by reactive E-beam evaporation with ion-assisted deposition in Sandia's Large Optics Coating Facility. Specifications for the HR band and center wavelength of the coatings are for 45° angle of incidence (AOI), P polarization (Ppol), with use of the coatings at different AOIs and in humid or dry/vacuum environments providing corresponding different HR center wavelengths and spectral widths. These coatings must provide high laserinduced damage threshold (LIDT) to handle the PW fluences, and also low group delay dispersion (GDD) to reflect fs pulses without distortion of their temporal profiles. We present results of LIDT and GDD measurements on these coatings. The LIDT tests are at 45° or 65° AOI, Ppol in a dry environment with 100 fs laser pulses of 800 nm line center for BBHR coatings whose HR band line centers are near 800 nm. A GDD measurement for one of the BBHR coatings whose design HR center wavelength is near 900 nm shows reasonably low and smoothly varying GDD over the HR band. Our investigations include BBHR coatings designed for 45° AOI, Ppol with HR bands centered at 800 nm in dry or vacuum environments, and featuring three options: all TiO2/SiO2 layer pairs; all HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs; and TiO2/SiO2 inner layer pairs with 5 outer HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs. LIDT tests of these coatings with 100 fs, 800 nm line center pulses in their use environment show that replacing a few outer TiO2 layers of TiO2/SiO2 BBHR coatings with HfO2 leads to ∼ 80% higher LIDT with only minor loss of HR bandwidth.

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How reduced vacuum pumping capability in a coating chamber affects the laser damage resistance of HfO2/SiO2 antireflection and high-reflection coatings

Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Bellum, John C.; Kletecka, Damon E.

Optical coatings with the highest laser damage thresholds rely on clean conditions in the vacuum chamber during the coating deposition process. A low-base pressure in the coating chamber, as well as the ability of the vacuum system to maintain the required pressure during deposition, are important aspects of limiting the amount of defects in an optical coating that could induce laser damage. Our large optics coating chamber at Sandia National Laboratories normally relies on three cryo pumps to maintain low pressures for e-beam coating processes. However, on occasion, one or more of the cryo pumps have been out of commission. In light of this circumstance, we explored how deposition under compromised vacuum conditions resulting from the use of only one or two cryo pumps affects the laser-induced damage thresholds of optical coatings. The coatings of this study consist of HfO2 and SiO2 layer materials and include antireflection coatings for 527 nm at normal incidence and high-reflection coatings for 527 nm at 45-deg angle of incidence in P-polarization.

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Repair of a mirror coating on a large optic for high laser damage applications using ion milling and over-coating methods

Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Bellum, John C.; Kletecka, Damon E.

When an optical coating is damaged, deposited incorrectly, or is otherwise unsuitable, the conventional method to restore the optic often entails repolishing the optic surface, which can incur a large cost and long lead time. We propose three alternative options to repolishing, including (i) burying the unsuitable coating under another optical coating, (ii) using ion milling to etch the unsuitable coating completely from the optic surface and then recoating the optic, and (iii) using ion milling to etch through a number of unsuitable layers, leaving the rest of the coating intact, and then recoating the layers that were etched. Repairs were made on test optics with dielectric mirror coatings according to the above three options. The mirror coatings to be repaired were quarter wave stacks of HfO2 and SiO2 layers for high reflection at 1054 nm at 45 deg incidence in P-polarization. One of the coating layers was purposely deposited incorrectly as Hf metal instead of HfO2 to evaluate the ability of each repair method to restore the coating's high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of 64.0 J/cm2. The repaired coating with the highest resistance to laser-induced damage was achieved using repair method (ii) with an LIDT of 49.0 to 61.0 J/cm2.

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Comparison of aging effects in hafnia and titania thin films on the laser damage resistance of high reflection coatings for 1054 nm

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.

Optical coatings deposited using electron beam evaporation are subject to aging effects that change the spectral characteristics of the optical coating. The aim of this study was to determine whether aging effects can also negatively impact the laser damage resistance of an optical coating. Maintaining high resistance to laser damage is particularly important for the performance of high fluence laser systems. In 2013, we deposited different high reflection coatings for 1054 nm containing HfO2/TiO2/SiO2 layers. For this study, we re-measured the laser damage thresholds of these coatings at 3.5 ns to determine if aging effects cause the laser damage threshold to decline, and to compare whether HfO2 or TiO2 is superior in terms of long-term laser damage resistance.

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Summary Report: NMSBA CY 2016 - AEgis Technologies Group Inc. #12458

Bellum, John C.; Field, Ella S.

AEgis requires large area partial mirror optics consisting of partially reflecting optical coatings on large dimension substrates for high energy laser (HEL) applications. The partial mirrors should transmit nearly the same small fraction of HEL radiation incident from a wide range of angles of incidence (AOIs), and the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of the coatings should be high enough for them to be able to withstand direct exposure to near infrared CW HEL radiation at multi-kilowatt/cm2 power levels. The transmitted fraction of incident HEL radiation should reach an array of detectors at power levels high enough for reliable detection but low enough to not damage the detectors. The reflected fraction of incident HEL radiation should scatter into a divergent pattern so as to be eye safe at a distance of ~ 200 m from the mirror in the case of 100 kilowatt incident laser power. The detector array together with the partial mirror optic and possible additional optics that provide divergent scattering of reflected HEL radiation constitute what AEgis refers to as a target board. The target board use environment may vary from benign, indoor laboratory conditions to harsh, outdoor conditions in tests on the ground as well as in air. Under this NMSBA project, Sandia agreed to apply its extensive expertise and capability in the design and production of high LIDT coatings on large dimension optics for high power pulsed laser radiation to advise and assist AEgis in the design and development of high LIDT coatings for the partial mirror optic. Sandia and AEgis met several times to discuss the partial mirror and target board requirements, and Sandia was guided in its work by these discussions as well as by the partial mirror and target board requirement summaries of Tables 1 and 2, respectively, that were provided by AEgis.

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Design and laser damage properties of a dichroic beam combiner coating for 22.5-deg incidence and S polarization with high transmission at 527 nm and high reflection at 1054 nm

Optical Engineering

Bellum, John C.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Smith, Ian C.

We designed a dichroic beam combiner coating with 11 HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs and deposited it on a large substrate. It provides high transmission (HT) at 527 nm and high reflection (HR) at 1054 nm for a 22.5-deg angle of incidence (AOI), S polarization (Spol), and uses near half-wave layer thicknesses for HT at 527 nm, modified for HR at 1054 nm. The two options for the beam combiner each require that a high intensity beam be incident on the coating from within the substrate (from glass). We analyze the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) differences between the two options in terms of the 527- and 1054-nm E-field behaviors for air → coating and glass → coating incidences. This indicates that LIDTs should be higher for air → coating than for glass → coating incidence. LIDT tests at the use AOI, Spol with ns pulses at 532 and 1064 nm confirm this, with glass → coating LIDTs about half that of air → coating LIDTs. Lastly, these results clearly indicate that the best beam combiner option is for the high intensity 527 and 1054 nm beams to be incident on the coating from air and glass, respectively.

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Laser damage comparisons of broad-bandwidth, high-reflection optical coatings containing TiO2, Nb2O5, or Ta2O5 high-index layers

Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Bellum, John C.; Kletecka, Damon E.

Broad bandwidth coatings allow angle of incidence flexibility and accommodate spectral shifts due to aging and water absorption. Higher refractive index materials in optical coatings, such as TiO2, Nb2O5, and Ta2O5, can be used to achieve broader bandwidths compared to coatings that contain HfO2 high index layers. We have identified the deposition settings that lead to the highest index, lowest absorption layers of TiO2, Nb2O5, and Ta2O5, via e-beam evaporation using ion-assisted deposition. We paired these high index materials with SiO2 as the low index material to create broad bandwidth high reflection coatings centered at 1054 nm for 45 deg angle of incidence and P polarization. Furthermore, high reflection bandwidths as large as 231 nm were realized. Laser damage tests of these coatings using the ISO 11254 and NIF-MEL protocols are presented, which revealed that the Ta2O5/SiO2 coating exhibits the highest resistance to laser damage, at the expense of lower bandwidth compared to the TiO2/SiO2 and Nb2O5/SiO2 coatings.

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Low group delay dispersion optical coating for broad bandwidth high reflection at 45° Incidence, P polarization of femtosecond pulses with 900 nm center wavelength


Bellum, John C.; Field, Ella S.; Winstone, Trevor B.; Kletecka, Damon E.

We describe an optical coating design suitable for broad bandwidth high reflection (BBHR) at 45° angle of incidence (AOI), P polarization (Ppol) of femtosecond (fs) laser pulses whose wavelengths range from 800 to 1000 nm. Our design process is guided by quarter-wave HR coating properties. The design must afford low group delay dispersion (GDD) for reflected light over the broad, 200 nm bandwidth in order to minimize temporal broadening of the fs pulses due to dispersive alteration of relative phases between their frequency components. The design should also be favorable to high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT). We base the coating on TiO 2 /SiO 2 layer pairs produced by means of e-beam evaporation with ion-assisted deposition, and use OptiLayer Thin Film Software to explore designs starting with TiO 2 /SiO 2 layers having thicknesses in a reverse chirped arrangement. This approach led to a design with R > 99% from 800 to 1000 nm and GDD < 20 fs 2 from 843 to 949 nm (45° AOI, Ppol). The design's GDD behaves in a smooth way, suitable for GDD compensation techniques, and its electric field intensities show promise for high LIDTs. Reflectivity and GDD measurements for the initial test coating indicate good performance of the BBHR design. Subsequent coating runs with improved process calibration produced two coatings whose HR bands satisfactorily meet the design goals. For the sake of completeness, we summarize our previously reported transmission spectra and LIDT test results with 800 ps, 8 ps and 675 fs pulses for these two coatings, and present a table of the LIDT results we have for all of our TiO 2 /SiO 2 BBHR coatings, showing the trends with test laser pulse duration from the ns to sub-ps regimes.

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Analysis of laser damage tests on a coating for broad bandwidth high reflection of femtosecond pulses

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bellum, John C.; Winstone, Trevor; Lamaignere, Laurent; Sozet, Martin; Kimmel, Mark W.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.

We have designed and produced an optical coating suitable for broad bandwidth high reflection (BBHR) at 45° angle of incidence (AOI), P polarization (Ppol) of petawatt (PW) class fs laser pulses of ∼ 900 nm center wavelength. We have produced such BBHR coatings consisting of TiO2/SiO2 layer pairs deposited by ion assisted e-beam evaporation using the large optics coater at Sandia National Laboratories. This paper focuses on laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) tests of these coatings. LIDT is difficult to measure for such coatings due to the broad range of wavelengths over which they can operate. An ideal test would be in the vacuum environment of the fs-pulse PW use laser using fs pulses identical to of the PW laser. Short of this ideal testing would be tests over portions of the HR band of the BBHR coating using ns or sub-ps pulses produced by tunable lasers. Such tests could be over ∼ 10 nm wide wavelength intervals whose center wavelengths could be tuned over the BBHR coating's operational band. Alternatively, the HR band of the BBHR coating could be adjusted by means of wavelength shifts due to changing the AOI of the LIDT tests or due to absorbed moisture by the coating under ambient conditions. We conduct LIDT tests on the BBHR coatings at selected AOIs to gain insight into the coatings' laser damage properties, and analyze how the results of the different LIDT tests compare.

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Design and laser damage properties of a dichroic beam combiner coating for 22.5° incidence and S polarization with high-transmission at 527nm and high-reflection at 1054nm

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Bellum, John C.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Smith, Ian C.

We have designed a dichroic beam combiner coating consisting of 11 HfO2/SiO2 layer pairs deposited on a large fused silica substrate. The coating provides high transmission (HT) at 527 nm and high reflection (HR) at 1054 nm for light at 22.5° angle of incidence (AOI) in air in S polarization (Spol). The coating's design is based on layers of near half-wave optical thickness in the design space for stable HT at 527 nm, with layer modifications that provide HR at 1054 nm while preserving HT at 527 nm. Its implementation in the 527 nm/1054 nm dual wavelength beam combiner arrangement has two options, with each option requiring one or the other of the high intensity beams to be incident on the dichroic coating from within the substrate (from glass). We show that there are differences between the two options with respect to the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) properties of the coating, and analyze the differences in terms of the 527 nm and 1054 nm E-field intensity behaviors for air → coating and glass → coating incidence. Our E-field analysis indicates that LIDTs for air → coating incidence should be higher than for glass → coating incidence. LIDT measurements for Spol at the use AOI with ns pulses at 532 nm and 1064 nm confirm this analysis with the LIDTs for glass → coating incidence being about half those for air → coating incidence at both wavelengths. These LIDT results and the E-field analysis clearly indicate that the best beam combiner option is the one for which the high intensity 527 nm beam is incident on the coating from air and the 1054 nm high intensity beam is incident on the coating from glass.

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How reduced vacuum pumping capability in a coating chamber affects the laser damage resistance of HfO2/SiO2 antireflection and high-reflection coatings

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Bellum, John C.; Kletecka, Damon E.

Optical coatings with the highest laser damage thresholds rely on clean conditions in the vacuum chamber during the coating deposition process. A low base pressure in the coating chamber, as well as the ability of the vacuum system to maintain the required pressure during deposition, are important aspects of limiting the amount of defects in an optical coating that could induce laser damage. Our large optics coating chamber at Sandia National Laboratories normally relies on three cryo pumps to maintain low pressures for e-beam coating processes. However, on occasion, one or more of the cryo pumps have been out of commission. In light of this circumstance, we decided to explore how deposition under compromised vacuum conditions resulting from the use of only one or two cryo pumps affects the laser-induced damage thresholds of optical coatings. The coatings of this study consist of HfO2 and SiO2 layer materials and include antireflection coatings for 527 nm at normal incidence, and high reflection coatings for 527 nm, 45° angle of incidence (AOI), in P-polarization (P-pol).

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Design and development of laser damage resistant low group delay dispersion optical coatings for high reflection at 45o incidence P polarization and wavelengths from 800 to 1000 nm

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Bellum, John C.; Field, Ella S.; Winstone, Trevor W.; Kletecka, Damon E.

This paper describes the modelling and design development of an optical coating that is suitable for broad bandwidth high reflection (BBHR) at 45° angle of incidence (AOI), P polarization (Ppol) and fs-class laser pulses whose frequencies correspond to wavelengths from 800 to 1000 nm, and that can eventually be produced uniformly on meter-class optical substrates. The coating design process was guided by specifications of not only high reflection but also high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) as well as low group delay dispersion (GDD) for reflected light over the broad, 200 nm bandwidth in order to minimize temporal broadening of the fs pulses upon reflection. The coating is based on TiO2/SiO2layer pairs by means of e-beam evaporation with ion-assisted deposition (IAD). We used OptiLayer Thin Film Software to explore coating designs with a limited optimization process starting from TiO2/SiO2 layer pairs with layer thicknesses in an opposite “chirp” arrangement. This approach proved to be successful, leading to a design with R > 99.5% from 801 – 999 nm and GDD < 20 fs2 from 843 – 949 nm (45° AOI, Ppol). The GDD behaves in a smooth way that lends itself to compensation of GDD effects. Also, the electric field intensities are favorable to high LIDT in that they quench rapidly into the outer coating layers or are of moderate strength, or they are located in the higher band gap SiO2 layers.

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Comparative STEREO-LID (Spatioorally REsolved Optical Laser-Induced Damage) studies of critical defect distributions in IBS, ALD, and electron-beam coated dielectric films

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Xu, Yejia; Khabbazi, Amir; Day, Travis; Brown, Andrew; Emmert, Luke A.; Talghader, Joseph J.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Bellum, John C.; Patel, Dinesh; Menoni, Carmen S.; Rudolph, Wolfgang

The laser damage behavior of high quality coatings under nanosecond pulse illumination is controlled by statistically distributed defects, whose physical nature and defect mechanisms are still largely unknown. Defect densities are often retrieved by modeling the fluence dependence of the damage probability measured by traditional damage test (TDT) methods, based on âdamage' or âño damage' observations. STEREO-LID (Spatioorally REsolved Optical LaserInduced Damage) allows the determination of the damage fluence (and intensity) in a single test by identifying the initiation of damage both temporally and spatially. The advantages of this test method over the TDT are discussed. In particular, its ability to retrieve detailed defect distribution functions is demonstrated by comparison of results from HfO2 films prepared by ion-assisted electron beam evaporation, ion-beam sputtering, and atomic layer deposition.

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Impact of different cleaning processes on the laser damage threshold of antireflection coatings for Z-Backlighter optics at Sandia National Laboratories

Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Bellum, John C.; Kletecka, Damon E.

We have examined how different cleaning processes affect the laser-induced damage threshold of antireflection coatings for large dimension, Z-Backlighter laser optics at Sandia National Laboratories. Laser damage thresholds were measured after the coatings were created, and again 4 months later to determine which cleaning processes were most effective. There is a nearly twofold increase in laser-induced damage threshold between the antireflection coatings that were cleaned and those that were not cleaned. Aging of the coatings after 4 months resulted in even higher laser-induced damage thresholds. Also, the laser-induced damage threshold results revealed that every antireflection coating had a high defect density, despite the cleaning process used, which indicates that improvements to either the cleaning or deposition processes should provide even higher laser-induced damage thresholds.

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Reactive ion-assisted deposition of e-beam evaporated titanium for high refractive index TiO2layers and laser damage resistant, broad bandwidth, high-reflection coatings

Applied Optics

Bellum, John C.; Field, Ella S.; Kletecka, Damon E.; Long, Finis W.

High-reflection coatings with broad bandwidth can be achieved by pairing a low refractive index material, such as SiO2, with a high refractive index material, such as TiO2. To achieve high refractive index, low absorption TiO2films, we optimized the reactive, ion-assisted deposition process (O2levels, deposition rate, and ion beam settings) using e-beam evaporated Ti. TiO2high-index layers were then paired with SiO2low-index layers in a quarter-wave-type coating to achieve a broader high-reflection bandwidth compared to the same coating composed of HfO2/SiO2layer pairs. However, the improved bandwidth exhibited by the TiO2/SiO2coating is associated with lower laser damage threshold. To improve the laser damage resistance of the TiO2/SiO2coating, we also created four coatings where HfO2replaced some of the outer TiO2layers. We present the laser damage results of these coatings to understand the trade-offs between good laser damage resistance and high-reflection bandwidth using TiO2and HfO2.

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Repair of a mirror coating on a large optic for high laser damage applications using ion milling and over-coating methods

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Field, Ella S.; Bellum, John C.; Kletecka, Damon E.

When an optical coating is damaged, deposited incorrectly, or is otherwise unsuitable, the conventional method to restore the optic often entails repolishing the optic surface, which can incur a large cost and long lead time. We propose three alternative options to repolishing, including (i) burying the unsuitable coating under another optical coating, (ii) using ion milling to etch the unsuitable coating completely from the optic surface, and then recoating the optic, and (iii) using ion milling to etch through a number of unsuitable layers, leaving the rest of the coating intact, and then recoating the layers that were etched. Repairs were made on test optics with dielectric mirror coatings according to the above three options. The mirror coatings to be repaired were quarter wave stacks of HfO2 and SiO2 layers for high reflection at 1054 nm at 45° incidence in P-polarization. One of the coating layers was purposely deposited incorrectly as Hf metal instead of HfO2 to evaluate the ability of each repair method to restore the coating's high laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of 64 J/cm2. The repaired coating with the highest resistance to laser-induced damage was achieved using repair method (ii) with an LIDT of 49-61 J/cm2.

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