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Correlation of a Bipolar-Transistor-Based Neutron Displacement Damage Sensor Methodology with Proton Irradiations

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Tonigan, Andrew M.; Arutt, Charles N.; Parma, Edward J.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Fleetwood, Daniel M.; Schrimpf, Ronald D.

A bipolar-transistor-based sensor technique has been used to compare silicon displacement damage from known and unknown neutron energy spectra generated in nuclear reactor and high-energy-density physics environments. The technique has been shown to yield 1-MeV(Si) equivalent neutron fluence measurements comparable to traditional neutron activation dosimetry. This paper significantly extends previous results by evaluating three types of bipolar devices utilized as displacement damage sensors at a nuclear research reactor and at a Pelletron particle accelerator. Ionizing dose effects are compensated for via comparisons with 10-keV X-ray and/or cobalt-60 gamma ray irradiations. Nonionizing energy loss calculations adequately approximate the correlations between particle and device responses and provide evidence for the use of one particle type to screen the sensitivity of the other.

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Feasibility Study for a Combined Radiation Environment in the ACRR-FRECII Cavity

Parma, Edward J.

The objective of this report is to determine the feasibility of a combined pulsed - power accelerator machine, similar to HERMES - III, with the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) Fueled - Ring External Cavity (FREC - II) in a new facility. The document is conceptual in nature, and includes some neutronic analysis that i llustrates that that the physics of such a concept would be feasible. There would still be many engineering design considerations and issues that would need to be investigated in order to determine the true viability of such a concept. This report does n ot address engineering design details, the cost of such a facility, or what would be required to develop the safety authorization of the concept. The radiation requirements for the "on - target" gamma - ray dose and dose rate are not addressed in this report . It is assumed that if the same general on - target specifications for a HERMES - III type machine could be met with the proposed concept, that the machine would b e considered highly useful as a radiation effects sciences platform. In general, the combined accelerator/ACRR reactor concept can be shown to be feasible with no major issues that would preclude the usefulness of such a facility. The new facility would provide a capability that currently does not exist in the radiation testing complex.

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The Development of a High Sensitivity Neutron Displacement Damage Sensor

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Tonigan, Andrew M.; Parma, Edward J.; Martin, William J.

The capability to characterize the neutron energy spectrum and fluence received by a test object is crucial to understanding the damage effects observed in electronic components. For nuclear research reactors and high energy density physics facilities this can pose exceptional challenges, especially with low level neutron fluences. An ASTM test method for characterizing neutron environments utilizes the 2N2222A transistor as a 1-MeV equivalent neutron fluence sensor and is applicable for environments with 1 × 1012 - 1 × 1014 1 -MeV(Si)-Eqv.-n/cm2. In this work we seek to extend the range of this test method to lower fluence environments utilizing the 2N1486 transistor. The 2N1486 is shown to be an effective neutron displacement damage sensor as low as 1 × 1010 1-MeV(Si)-Eqv.-n/cm2.

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Radiation Characterization Summary: ACRR Cadmium-Polyethylene (CdPoly) Bucket Located in the Central Cavity on the 32-Inch Pedestal at the Core Centerline

Parma, Edward J.; Naranjo, Gerald E.; Kaiser, Krista I.; Arnold, James F.; Lippert, Lance L.; Clovis, Ralph D.; Martin, Lonnie E.; Quirk, Thomas J.; Vehar, David W.

This document presents the facility-recommended characterization of the neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) for the cadmium-polyethylene (CdPoly) bucket in the central cavity on the 32-inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environment is ACRR-CdPoly-CC-32-cl. The neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray energy spectra, uncertainties, and covariance matrices are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma-ray fluence profiles within the experiment area of the bucket. Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse operations are presented with conversion examples. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Annular Core Research Reactor staff and the Radiation Metrology Laboratory staff for their support of this work. Also thanks to Drew Tonigan for helping field the activation experiments in ACRR, David Samuel for helping to finalize the drawings and get the parts fabricated, and Elliot Pelfrey for preparing the active dosimetry plots.

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Advanced UQ approaches to the validation of the IRDFF library

Physics of Reactors 2016, PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century

Griffin, Patrick J.; Parma, Edward J.; Vehar, David W.

The IRDFF cross section library provides the highest fidelity cross section characterization and is the recommended data library to be used for dosimetry in support of reactor pressure vessel surveillance programs. In order to support this critical application, quantified validation evidence is required for the cross section library. Results are reported here on the use of various advanced approaches to uncertainty quantification using metrics relevant to spectrum characterization applications. The use of a quantified least squares approach, combining a consistent treatment of uncertainty from the spectral characterizations, the dosimetry cross sections, and measured activation products, is identified as one of the most sensitive metrics by which to report validation evidence. Using this metric the status of the validation of the IRDFF library was investigated. This analysis began with a consideration of the best characterized 252Cf spontaneous fission standard neutron benchmark field. Good validation evidence is found for 39 of the 79 IRDFF reactions. The 235U thermal fission reference neutron field was then investigated, and found to yield good validation evidence for an additional 10 of the IRDFF reactions. Extending the analysis further to include four different reactor-based reference neutron benchmark fields, ranging from fast burst reactors to well-moderated pool-type reactors, yielded good validation evidence for an additional 6 IRDFF reactions. In total, evidence is reported here for 55 of the 79 reactions in the IRDFF library.

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GenSpec: A Genetic Algorithm for Neutron Energy Spectrum Adjustment

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.

Presented in this report is the description of a new method for neutron energy spectrum adjustment which uses a genetic algorithm to minimize the difference between calculated and measured reaction probabilities. The measured reaction probabilities are found using neutron activation analysis. The method adjusts a trial spectrum provided by the user which is typically calculated using a neutron transport code such as MCNP. Observed benefits of this method over currently existing methods include the reduction in unrealistic artefacts in the spectral shape as well as a reduced sensitivity to increases in the energy resolution of the derived spectrum. This report presents the adjustment results for various spectrum altering bucket environments in the central cavity of the Annular Core Research Reactor, as well as the adjustment results for the spectrum in the Sandia Pulse Reactor III. In each case, the results are compared to those generated using LSL-M2, which is a code commonly used for the purpose of spectrum adjustment. The genetic algorithm produces spectrum-averaged reaction probabilities with agreement to measured values, and comparable to those resulting from LSL-M2. The true benefit to this method, the reduction of shape artefacts in the spectrum, is difficult to quantify but can be clearly seen in the comparison of the final adjustments. Beyond these preliminary results, this report also gives a thorough description of the genetic algorithm and presents instructions for running the code using the graphical user interface. In its present state, the code does not provide uncertainties or correlations for the adjusted spectrum. This capability is currently being added, and will be presented in future work.

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Radiation Characterization Summary: ACRR Central Cavity Free-Field Environment with the 32-Inch Pedestal at the Core Centerline (ACRR-FF-CC-32-cl)

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.; Naranjo, Gerald E.; Lippert, Lance L.; Vehar, David W.; Griffin, Patrick J.

This document presents the facilit y - recommended characteri zation o f the neutron, prompt gamma - ray, and delayed gamma - ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor ( ACRR ) for the cen tral cavity free - field environment with the 32 - inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environmen t is ACRR - FF - CC - 32 - cl. The neutron, prompt gamma - ray , and delayed gamma - ray energy spectra , uncertainties, and covariance matrices are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma - ray fluence profiles within the experiment area of the cavity . Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse operations are presented with conversion examples . Acknowledgements The authors wish to th ank the Annular Core Research Reactor staff and the Radiation Metrology Laboratory staff for their support of this work . Also thanks to David Ames for his assistance in running MCNP on the Sandia parallel machines.

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Delayed Fission Gamma-ray Characteristics of Th-232 U-233 U-235 U-238 and Pu-239

Lane, Taylor L.; Parma, Edward J.

Delayed fission gamma-rays play an important role in determining the time dependent ioniz- ing dose for experiments in the central irradiation cavity of the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR). Delayed gamma-rays are produced from both fission product decay and from acti- vation of materials in the core, such as cladding and support structures. Knowing both the delayed gamma-ray emission rate and the time-dependent gamma-ray energy spectrum is nec- essary in order to properly determine the dose contributions from delayed fission gamma-rays. This information is especially important when attempting to deconvolute the time-dependent neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray contribution to the response of a diamond photo-conducting diode (PCD) or fission chamber in time frames of milliseconds to seconds following a reactor pulse. This work focused on investigating delayed gamma-ray character- istics produced from fission products from thermal, fast, and high energy fission of Th-232, U-233, U-235, U-238, and Pu-239. This work uses a modified version of CINDER2008, a transmutation code developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, to model time and energy dependent photon characteristics due to fission. This modified code adds the capability to track photon-induced transmutations, photo-fission, and the subsequent radiation caused by fission products due to photo-fission. The data is compared against previous work done with SNL- modified CINDER2008 [ 1 ] and experimental data [ 2 , 3 ] and other published literature, includ- ing ENDF/B-VII.1 [ 4 ]. The ability to produce a high-fidelity (7,428 group) energy-dependent photon fluence at various times post-fission can improve the delayed photon characterization for radiation effects tests at research reactors, as well as other applications.

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Neutron Reference Benchmark Field Specifications: ACRR Polyethylene-Lead-Graphite (PLG) Bucket Environment (ACRR-PLG-CC-32-CL)

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Vehar, David W.

This report was put together to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REAL- 2016 activity to validate the dosimetry community’s ability to use a consistent set of activation data and to derive consistent spectral characterizations. The report captures details of integral measurements taken in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) central cavity with the Polyethylene-Lead-Graphite (PLG) bucket, reference neutron benchmark field. The field is described and an “a priori” calculated neutron spectrum is reported, based on MCNP6 calculations, and a subject matter expert (SME) based covariance matrix is given for this “a priori” spectrum. The results of 37 integral dosimetry measurements in the neutron field are reported.

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Neutron Reference Benchmark Field Specification: ACRR 44 Inch Lead-Boron (LB44) Bucket Environment (ACRR-LB44-CC-32-CL)

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Vehar, David W.

This report was put together to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REAL- 2016 activity to validate the dosimetry community’s ability to use a consistent set of activation data and to derive consistent spectral characterizations. The report captures details of integral measurements taken in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) central cavity with the 44 inch Lead-Boron (LB44) bucket, reference neutron benchmark field. The field is described and an “a priori” calculated neutron spectrum is reported, based on MCNP6 calculations, and a subject matter expert (SME) based covariance matrix is given for this “a priori” spectrum. The results of 31 integral dosimetry measurements in the neutron field are reported.

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Neutron Reference Benchmark Field Specification: ACRR Free-Field Environment (ACRR-FF-CC-32-CL)

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Vehar, David W.

This report was put together to support the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REAL- 2016 activity to validate the dosimetry community’s ability to use a consistent set of activation data and to derive consistent spectral characterizations. The report captures details of integral measurements taken in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) central cavity free-field reference neutron benchmark field. The field is described and an “a priori” calculated neutron spectrum is reported, based on MCNP6 calculations, and a subject matter expert (SME) based covariance matrix is given for this “a priori” spectrum. The results of 31 integral dosimetry measurements in the neutron field are reported.

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Radiation Characterization Summary: ACRR Polyethylene-Lead-Graphite (PLG) Bucket Located in the Central Cavity on the 32-Inch Pedestal at the Core Centerline (ACRR-PLG-CC-32-cl)

Parma, Edward J.; Vehar, David W.; Lippert, Lance L.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Naranjo, Gerald E.; Luker, Spencer M.

This document presents the facility-recommended characterization of the neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) for the polyethylene-lead-graphite (PLG) bucket in the central cavity on the 32-inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environment is ACRR-PLG-CC-32-cl. The neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray energy spectra, uncertainties, and covariance matrices are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma-ray fluence profiles within the experiment area of the bucket. Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse operations are presented with conversion examples. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Annular Core Research Reactor staff and the Radiation Metrology Laboratory staff for their support of this work. Also thanks to David Ames for his assistance in running MCNP on the Sandia parallel machines.

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Development of a genetic algorithm for neutron energy spectrum adjustment

Mathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo International Conference, M and C+SNA+MC 2015

Vega, Richard M.; Parma, Edward J.

We describe a new method for neutron energy spectrum adjustment which uses a genetic algorithm to minimize the difference between calculated and measured reaction probabilities. The measured reaction probabilities are found using neutron activation analysis. The method adjusts a trial spectrum provided by the user which is typically calculated using a neutron transport code such as MCNP. Observed benefits of this method over currently existing methods include the reduction in unrealistic artifacts in the spectral shape as well as a reduced sensitivity to increases in the energy resolution of the derived spectrum. The method has thus far been used to perform spectrum adjustments on several spectrum-modifying environments in the central cavity of the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) at Sandia National Laboratories, NM. Presented in this paper are the adjustment results for the polyethylene-lead-graphite (PLG) bucket environment along with a comparison to an adjustment obtained using the code LSL-M2, which uses a logarithmic least squares approach. The genetic algorithm produces spectrum-averaged reaction probabilities with agreement to measured values, and comparable to those resulting from LSL-M2. The true benefit to this method, the reduction of shape artifacts in the spectrum, is difficult to quantify but can be clearly seen in the comparison of the final adjustments.

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Radiation characterization summary :

Parma, Edward J.; Lippert, Lance L.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Naranjo, Gerald E.; Luker, Spencer M.

This document presents the facility-recommended characterization of the neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray radiation fields in the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) for the 44-inch-long lead-boron bucket in the central cavity on the 32-inch pedestal at the core centerline. The designation for this environment is ACRR-LB44-CC-32-cl. The neutron, prompt gamma-ray, and delayed gamma-ray energy spectra are presented as well as radial and axial neutron and gamma-ray flux profiles within the experiment area of the bucket. Recommended constants are given to facilitate the conversion of various dosimetry readings into radiation metrics desired by experimenters. Representative pulse and steady-state operations are presented with conversion examples.

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Burnup concept for a long-life fast reactor core using MCNPX

Parma, Edward J.; Lewis, Tom G.

This report describes a reactor design with a burnup concept for a long-life fast reactor core that was evaluated using Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX). The current trend in advanced reactor design is the concept of a small modular reactor (SMR). However, very few of the SMR designs attempt to substantially increase the lifetime of a reactor core, especially without zone loading, fuel reshuffling, or other artificial mechanisms in the core that %E2%80%9Cflatten%E2%80%9D the power profile, including non-uniform cooling, non-uniform moderation, or strategic poison placement. Historically, the limitations of computing capabilities have prevented acceptable margins in the temporal component of the spatial excess reactivity in a reactor design, due primarily to the error in burnup calculations. This research was performed as an initial scoping analysis into the concept of a long-life fast reactor. It can be shown that a long-life fast reactor concept can be modeled using MCNPX to predict burnup and neutronics behavior. The inherent characteristic of this conceptual design is to minimize the change in reactivity over the lifetime of the reactor. This allows the reactor to operate substantially longer at full power than traditional Light Water Reactors (LWRs) or other SMR designs. For the purpose of this study, a single core design was investigated: a relatively small reactor core, yielding a medium amount of power (~200 to 400 MWth). The results of this scoping analysis were successful in providing a preliminary reactor design involving metal U-235/U-238 fuel with HT-9 fuel cladding and sodium coolant at a 20% volume fraction.

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Development of advanced strain diagnostic techniques for reactor environments

Holschuh, Thomas V.; Fleming, Darryn F.; Parma, Edward J.; Hall, Aaron C.; Urrea, David A.

The following research is operated as a Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) initiative at Sandia National Laboratories. The long-term goals of the program include sophisticated diagnostics of advanced fuels testing for nuclear reactors for the Department of Energy (DOE) Gen IV program, with the future capability to provide real-time measurement of strain in fuel rod cladding during operation in situ at any research or power reactor in the United States. By quantifying the stress and strain in fuel rods, it is possible to significantly improve fuel rod design, and consequently, to improve the performance and lifetime of the cladding. During the past year of this program, two sets of experiments were performed: small-scale tests to ensure reliability of the gages, and reactor pulse experiments involving the most viable samples in the Annulated Core Research Reactor (ACRR), located onsite at Sandia. Strain measurement techniques that can provide useful data in the extreme environment of a nuclear reactor core are needed to characterize nuclear fuel rods. This report documents the progression of solutions to this issue that were explored for feasibility in FY12 at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.

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The development of a realistic source term for sodium-cooled fast reactors : assessment of current status and future needs

Parma, Edward J.; Olivier, Tara J.; Phillips, Jesse P.; LaChance, Jeffrey L.

Sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) continue to be proposed and designed throughout the United States and the world. Although the number of SFRs actually operating has declined substantially since the 1980s, a significant interest in advancing these types of reactor systems remains. Of the many issues associated with the development and deployment of SFRs, one of high regulatory importance is the source term to be used in the siting of the reactor. A substantial amount of modeling and experimental work has been performed over the past four decades on accident analysis, sodium coolant behavior, and radionuclide release for SFRs. The objective of this report is to aid in determining the gaps and issues related to the development of a realistic, mechanistically derived source term for SFRs. This report will allow the reader to become familiar with the severe accident source term concept and gain a broad understanding of the current status of the models and experimental work. Further, this report will allow insight into future work, in terms of both model development and experimental validation, which is necessary in order to develop a realistic source term for SFRs.

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Fuel and core testing plan for a target fueled isotope production reactor

Dahl, James J.; Coats, Richard L.; Parma, Edward J.

In recent years there has been an unstable supply of the critical diagnostic medical isotope 99Tc. Several concepts and designs have been proposed to produce 99Mo the parent nuclide of 99Tc, at a commercial scale sufficient to stabilize the world supply. This work lays out a testing and experiment plan for a proposed 2 MW open pool reactor fueled by Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) 99Mo targets. The experiments and tests necessary to support licensing of the reactor design are described and how these experiments and tests will help establish the safe operating envelop for a medical isotope production reactor is discussed. The experiments and tests will facilitate a focused and efficient licensing process in order to bring on line a needed production reactor dedicated to supplying medical isotopes. The Target Fuel Isotope Reactor (TFIR) design calls for an active core region that is approximately 40 cm in diameter and 40 cm in fuel height. It contains up to 150 cylindrical, 1-cm diameter, LEU oxide fuel pins clad with Zircaloy (zirconium alloy), in an annular hexagonal array on a {approx}2.0 cm pitch surrounded, radially, by a graphite or a Be reflector. The reactor is similar to U.S. university reactors in power, hardware, and safety/control systems. Fuel/target pin fabrication is based on existing light water reactor fuel fabrication processes. However, as part of licensing process, experiments must be conducted to confirm analytical predictions of steady-state power and accident conditions. The experiment and test plan will be conducted in phases and will utilize existing facilities at the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories. The first phase is to validate the predicted reactor core neutronics at delayed critical, zero power and very low power. This will be accomplished by using the Sandia Critical Experiment (CX) platform. A full scale TFIR core will be built in the CX and delayed critical measurements will be taken. For low power experiments, fuel pins can be removed after the experiment and using Sandia's metrology lab, relative power profiles (radially and axially) can be determined. In addition to validating neutronic analyses, confirming heat transfer properties of the target/fuel pins and core will be conducted. Fuel/target pin power limits can be verified with out-of-pile (electrical heating) thermal-hydraulic experiments. This will yield data on the heat flux across the Zircaloy clad and establish safety margin and operating limits. Using Sandia's Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) a 4 MW TRIGA type research reactor, target/fuel pins can be driven to desired fission power levels for long durations. Post experiment inspection of the pins can be conducted in the Auxiliary Hot Cell Facility to observe changes in the mechanical properties of the LEU matrix and burn-up effects. Transient tests can also be conducted at the ACRR to observe target/fuel pin performance during accident conditions. Target/fuel pins will be placed in double experiment containment and driven by pulsing the ACRR until target/fuel failure is observed. This will allow for extrapolation of analytical work to confirm safety margins.

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Sulfuric acid decomposition for the sulfur based thermochemical cycles

2nd International Topical Meeting on Safety and Technology of Nuclear Hydrogen Production, Control, and Management 2010

Moore, Robert; Vernon, Milton E.; Parma, Edward J.; Pickard, Paul; Rochau, Gary E.

In this work, we describe a novel design for a H2SO 4decomposer. The decomposition of H2SO4 to produce SO2is a common processing operation in the sulfur-based thermochemical cycles for hydrogen production where acid decomposition takes place at 850°C in the presence of a catalyst. The combination of high temperature and sulfuric acid creates a very corrosive environment that presents significant design challenges. The new decomposer design is based on a bayonet-type heat exchanger tube with the annular space packed with a catalyst. The unit is constructed of silicon carbide and other highly corrosion resistant materials. The new design integrates acid boiling, superheating, decomposition and heat recuperation into a single process and eliminates problems of corrosion and failure of high temperature seals encountered in previous testing using metallic construction materials. The unit was tested by varying the acid feed rate and decomposition temperature and pressure.

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Photoneutron effects on pulse reactor kinetics for the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR)

Parma, Edward J.

The Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) is a swimming-pool type pulsed reactor that maintains an epithermal neutron flux and a nine-inch diameter central dry cavity. One of its uses is neutron and gamma-ray irradiation damage studies on electronic components under transient reactor power conditions. In analyzing the experimental results, careful attention must be paid to the kinetics associated with the reactor to ensure that the transient behavior of the electronic device is understood. Since the ACRR fuel maintains a substantial amount of beryllium, copious quantities of photoneutrons are produced that can significantly alter the expected behavior of the reactor power, especially following a reactor pulse. In order to understand these photoneutron effects on the reactor kinetics, the KIFLE transient reactor-analysis code was modified to include the photoneutron groups associated with the beryllium. The time-dependent behavior of the reactor power was analyzed for small and large pulses, assuming several initial conditions including following several pulses during the day, and following a long steady-state power run. The results indicate that, for these types of initial conditions, the photoneutron contribution to the reactor pulse energy can have a few to tens of percent effect.

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A laboratory-scale sulfuric acid decomposition apparatus for use in hydrogen production cycles

American Nuclear Society Embedded Topical Meeting - 2007 International Topical Meeting on Safety and Technology of Nuclear Hydrogen Production, Control, and Management

Moore, Robert C.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Parma, Edward J.; Vernon, Milton E.; Lenard, Roger X.; Pickard, Paul S.

As part of the US DOE Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative, Sandia National Laboratories is designing and constructing a process for the conversion of sulfuric acid to produce sulfur dioxide. This process is part of the thermochemical Sulfur-Iodine (S-I) cycle that produces hydrogen from water. The Sandia process will be integrated with other sections of the S-I cycle in the near future to complete a demonstration-scale S-I process. In the Sandia process, sulfuric acid is concentrated by vacuum distillation and then catalytically decomposed at high temperature (850°C) to produce sulfur dioxide, oxygen and water. Major problems in the process, corrosion, and failure of high-temperature connections of process equipment, have been eliminated through the development of an integrated acid decomposer constructed of silicon carbide. The unit integrates acid boiling, superheating and decomposition into a single unit operation and provides for exceptional heat recuperation. The design of acid decomposition process, the new acid decomposer, other process units, and materials of construction for the process are described and discussed.

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Status of initial testing of the H2SO4 section of the ILS experiment

Gelbard, Fred G.; Parma, Edward J.

A sulfuric acid catalytic decomposer section was assembled and tested for the Integrated Laboratory Scale experiments of the Sulfur-Iodine Thermochemical Cycle. This cycle is being studied as part of the U. S. Department of Energy Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative. Tests confirmed that the 54-inch long silicon carbide bayonet could produce in excess of the design objective of 100 liters/hr of SO{sub 2} at 2 bar. Furthermore, at 3 bar the system produced 135 liters/hr of SO{sub 2} with only 31 mol% acid. The gas production rate was close to the theoretical maximum determined by equilibrium, which indicates that the design provides adequate catalyst contact and heat transfer. Several design improvements were also implemented to greatly minimize leakage of SO{sub 2} out of the apparatus. The primary modifications were a separate additional enclosure within the skid enclosure, and replacement of Teflon tubing with glass-lined steel pipes.

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Global nuclear energy partnership fuels transient testing at the Sandia National Laboratories nuclear facilities : planning and facility infrastructure options

Parma, Edward J.; Vernon, Milton E.; Wright, Steven A.; Tikare, Veena T.; Pickard, Paul S.

The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership fuels development program is currently developing metallic, oxide, and nitride fuel forms as candidate fuels for an Advanced Burner Reactor. The Advance Burner Reactor is being designed to fission actinides efficiently, thereby reducing the long-term storage requirements for spent fuel repositories. Small fuel samples are being fabricated and evaluated with different transuranic loadings and with extensive burnup using the Advanced Test Reactor. During the next several years, numerous fuel samples will be fabricated, evaluated, and tested, with the eventual goal of developing a transmuter fuel database that supports the down selection to the most suitable fuel type. To provide a comparative database of safety margins for the range of potential transmuter fuels, this report describes a plan to conduct a set of early transient tests in the Annular Core Research Reactor at Sandia National Laboratories. The Annular Core Research Reactor is uniquely qualified to perform these types of tests because of its wide range of operating capabilities and large dry central cavity which extents through the center of the core. The goal of the fuels testing program is to demonstrate that the design and fabrication processes are of sufficient quality that the fuel will not fail at its design limit--up to a specified burnup, power density, and operating temperature. Transient testing is required to determine the fuel pin failure thresholds and to demonstrate that adequate fuel failure margins exist during the postulated design basis accidents.

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Operational aspects of an externally driven neutron multiplier assembly concept using a Z-pinch 14-MeV Neutron Source (ZEDNA)

Parma, Edward J.

This report documents the key safety and operational aspects of a Z-pinch Externally Driven Nuclear Assembly (ZEDNA) reactor concept which is envisioned to be built and operated at the Z-machine facility in Technical Area IV. Operating parameters and reactor neutronic conditions are established that would meet the design requirements of the system. Accident and off-normal conditions are analyzed using a point-kinetics, one-dimensional thermo-mechanical code developed specifically for ZEDNA applications. Downwind dose calculations are presented to determine the potential dose to the collocated worker and public in the event of a hypothetical catastrophic accident. Current and magnetic impulse modeling and the debris shield design are examined for the interface between the Z machine and the ZEDNA. This work was performed as part of the Advanced Fusion Grand Challenge Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program. The conclusion of this work is that the ZEDNA concept is feasible and could be operated at the Z-machine facility without undue risk to collocated workers and the public.

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Pressurized sulfuric acid decomposition experiments for the Sulfur-Iodine thermochemical cycle

16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2006, WHEC 2006

Gelbard, Fred G.; Moore, Robert C.; Vernon, Milton E.; Parma, Edward J.; Rivera, Dion A.; Andazola, James C.; Naranjo, Gerald E.; Velasquez, Carlos E.; Reay, Andrew R.

A series of pressurized sulfuric acid decomposition tests are being performed to (1) obtain data on the fraction of sulfuric acid catalytically converted to sulfur dioxide, oxygen, and water as a function of temperature and pressure, (2) demonstrate real-time measurements of acid conversion for use as process control in the Sulfur-Iodine (SI) thermochemical cycle, and (3) obtain multiple measurements of conversion as a function of temperature within a single experiment. Acid conversion data are presented at pressures of 6 and 11 bars in the temperature range of 750 - 875 °C. The design for an acid decomposer section with heat and mass recovery of undecomposed acid using a direct contact heat exchanger are presented.

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MCNP/MCNPX model of the annular core research reactor

Depriest, Kendall D.; Cooper, Philip J.; Parma, Edward J.

Many experimenters at the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) have a need to predict the neutron/gamma environment prior to testing. In some cases, the neutron/gamma environment is needed to understand the test results after the completion of an experiment. In an effort to satisfy the needs of experimenters, a model of the ACRR was developed for use with the Monte Carlo N-Particle transport codes MCNP [Br03] and MCNPX [Wa02]. The model contains adjustable safety, transient, and control rods, several of the available spectrum-modifying cavity inserts, and placeholders for experiment packages. The ACRR model was constructed such that experiment package models can be easily placed in the reactor after being developed as stand-alone units. An addition to the 'standard' model allows the FREC-II cavity to be included in the calculations. This report presents the MCNP/MCNPX model of the ACRR. Comparisons are made between the model and the reactor for various configurations. Reactivity worth curves for the various reactor configurations are presented. Examples of reactivity worth calculations for a few experiment packages are presented along with the measured reactivity worth from the reactor test of the experiment packages. Finally, calculated neutron/gamma spectra are presented.

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Very High Efficiency Reactor (VHER) Concepts for Electrical Power Generation and Hydrogen Production

Parma, Edward J.; Parma, Edward J.; Pickard, Paul S.; Suo-Anttila, Ahti J.

The goal of the Very High Efficiency Reactor study was to develop and analyze concepts for the next generation of nuclear power reactors. The next generation power reactor should be cost effective compared to current power generation plant, passively safe, and proliferation-resistant. High-temperature reactor systems allow higher electrical generating efficiencies and high-temperature process heat applications, such as thermo-chemical hydrogen production. The study focused on three concepts; one using molten salt coolant with a prismatic fuel-element geometry, the other two using high-pressure helium coolant with a prismatic fuel-element geometry and a fuel-pebble element design. Peak operating temperatures, passive-safety, decay heat removal, criticality, burnup, reactivity coefficients, and material issues were analyzed to determine the technical feasibility of each concept.

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BURNCAL: A Nuclear Reactor Burnup Code Using MCNP Tallies

Parma, Edward J.

BURNCAL is a Fortran computer code designed to aid in analysis, prediction, and optimization of fuel burnup performance in a nuclear reactor. The code uses output parameters generated by the Monte Carlo neutronics code MCNP to determine the isotopic inventory as a function of time and power density. The code allows for multiple fueled regions to be analyzed. The companion code, RELOAD, can be used to shuffle fueled regions or reload regions with fresh fuel. BURNCAL can be used to study the reactivity effects and isotopic inventory as a function of time for a nuclear reactor system. Neutron transmutation, fission, and radioactive decay are included in the modeling of the production and removal terms for each isotope of interest. For a fueled region, neutron transmutation, fuel depletion, fission-product poisoning, actinide generation, and burnable poison loading and depletion effects are included in the calculation. Fueled and un-fueled regions, such as cladding and moderator, can be analyzed simultaneously. The nuclides analyzed are limited only by the neutron cross section availability in the MCNP cross-section library. BURNCAL is unique in comparison to other burnup codes in that it does not use the calculated neutron flux as input to other computer codes to generate the nuclide mixture for the next time step. Instead, BURNCAL directly uses the neutron absorption tally/reaction information generated by MCNP for each nuclide of interest to determine the nuclide inventory for that region. This allows for the full capabilities of MCNP to be incorporated into the calculation and a more accurate and robust analysis to be performed.

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Safety analysis for operating the Annular Core Research Reactor with Cintichem-type targets installed in the central region of the core

Parma, Edward J.

Production of the molybdenum-99 isotope at the Annular Core Research Reactor requires highly enriched, uranium oxide loaded targets to be irradiated for several days in the high neutron-flux region of the core. This report presents the safety analysis for the irradiation of up to seven Cintichem-type targets in the central region of the core and compares the results to the Annular Core Research Reactor Safety Analysis Report. A 19 target grid configuration is presented that allows one to seven targets to be irradiated, with the remainder of the grid locations filled with aluminum ''void'' targets. Analyses of reactor, neutronic, thermal hydraulics, and heat transfer calculations are presented. Steady-state operation and accident scenarios are analyzed with the conclusion that the reactor can be operated safely with seven targets in the grid, and no additional risk to the public.

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76 Results
76 Results