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Residually Stressed Bimaterial Beam Specimen for Measuring Environmentally Assisted Crack Growth

Experimental Mechanics

Grutzik, Scott J.; Aduloju, S.; Truster, T.; Reedy, Earl D.

Background:: Subcritical crack growth can occur in a brittle material when the stress intensity factor is smaller than the fracture toughness if an oxidizing agent (such as water) is present at the crack tip. Objective:: We present a novel bi-material beam specimen which can measure environmentally assisted crack growth rates. The specimen is “self-loaded” by residual stress and requires no external loading. Methods:: Two materials with different coefficient of thermal expansion are diffusion bonded at high temperature. After cooling to room temperature a subcritical crack is driven by thermal residual stresses. A finite element model is used to design the specimen geometry in terms of material properties in order to achieve the desired crack tip driving force. Results:: The specimen is designed so that the crack driving force decreases as the crack extends, thus enabling the measurement of the crack velocity versus driving force relationship with a single test. The method is demonstrated by measuring slow crack growth data in soda lime silicate glass and validated by comparison to previously published data. Conclusions:: The self-loaded nature of the specimen makes it ideal for measuring the very low crack velocities needed to predict brittle failure at long lifetimes.

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Interfacial toughness: dependence on surface roughness and test temperature

International Journal of Fracture

Reedy, Earl D.; Stavig, Mark E.

Interfacial toughness quantifies resistance to crack growth along an interface and in this investigation the toughness of an aluminum/epoxy interface was measured as a function of surface roughness and test temperature. The large strain response of the relatively ductile epoxy adhesive used in this study was also characterized. This epoxy adhesive exhibits intrinsic strain-softening after initial compressive yield and then deforms plastically at a roughly constant flow stress until it rapidly hardens at large compressive strains. We find that interface toughness scales as the product of the temperature dependent epoxy yield strength and a length scale that characterizes surface roughness. The proposed scaling is based upon dimensional considerations of a model problem that assumes that the characteristic length scale of both the roughness and the crack-tip yield zone is small relative to the region dominated by the linear elastic asymptotic crack-tip stress field. Furthermore, the model assumes that interfacial failure occurs only after the epoxy begins to harden at large strains. The proposed relationship is validated by our interfacial toughness measurements.

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Designing brittle fracture specimens to investigate environmentally assisted crack growth

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Aduloju, Sunday; Gu, Wenjia; Truster, Timothy; Emery, John M.; Reedy, Earl D.; Grutzik, Scott J.

Subcritical crack growth can occur in a glass when the stress intensity factor is less than the fracture toughness if water molecules are present. A novel bi-material beam specimen is proposed to investigate environmentally assisted crack growth (EACG). Two materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion are diffusion bonded at high temperature and cooled to the room temperature which introduces residual stress in the beam. A Finite element (FE) model is developed and initially validated with an analytical model. Steady-state crack (SSC) depth at which mode II stress intensity factor (KII) is zero and the corresponding mode I stress intensity factor (KI) value are obtained for different material pairs and thickness ratios of the top and bottom materials using the FE model. Crack propagation path is also predicted. We finally modify the geometry of the specimen to generate non-constant KI values as the crack propagates.

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Crack Path Selection in Thermally Loaded Borosilicate/Steel Bibeam Specimen

Experimental Mechanics

Grutzik, Scott J.; Reedy, Earl D.

We have developed a novel specimen for studying crack paths in glass. Under certain conditions, the specimen reaches a state where the crack must select between multiple paths satisfying the KII = 0 condition. This path selection is a simple but challenging benchmark case for both analytical and numerical methods of predicting crack propagation. We document the development of the specimen, using an uncracked and instrumented test case to study the effect of adhesive choice and validate the accuracy of both a simple beam theory model and a finite element model. In addition, we present preliminary fracture test results and provide a comparison to the path predicted by two numerical methods (mesh restructuring and XFEM). The directional stability of the crack path and differences in kink angle predicted by various crack kinking criteria is analyzed with a finite element model.

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Development of glass/steel bibeam specimen for study of brittle crack path stability

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Grutzik, Scott J.; Reedy, Earl D.

We have developed a novel specimen for studying crack paths in glass. Under certain conditions, the specimen reaches a state where the crack must select between multiple paths satisfying the Kπ 0 condition. This path selection is a simple but difficult benchmark case for both analytical and numerical methods of predicting crack propagation. We document the development of the specimen, using an uncracked and instrumented test case to study the effect of adhesive choice and validate the accuracy of both a simple beam theory model and a finite element model. In addition, we present preliminary fracture test results and provide a comparison to the path predicted by two numerical methods (mesh restructuring and XFEM).

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Tensile cracking of a brittle conformal coating on a rough substrate

International Journal of Fracture

Reedy, Earl D.

This note examines the effect of interfacial roughness on the initiation and growth of channel cracks in a brittle film. A conformal film with cusp-like surface flaws that replicate the substrate roughness is investigated. This type of surface flaw is relatively severe in the sense that stress diverges as the cusp-tip is approached (i.e., there is a power-law stress singularity). For the geometry and range of film properties considered, the analysis suggests that smoothing the substrate could substantially increase the film’s resistance to the formation of the through-the-thickness cracks that precede channel cracking. However, smoothing the substrate’s surface has a relatively modest effect on the film stress needed to propagate a channel crack.

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A Process and Environment Aware Sierra/SolidMechanics Cohesive Zone Modeling Capability for Polymer/Solid Interfaces

Reedy, Earl D.; Hughes, Lindsey G.; Kropka, Jamie M.; Stavig, Mark E.; Stevens, Mark J.; Chambers, Robert S.

The performance and reliability of many mechanical and electrical components depend on the integrity of po lymer - to - solid interfaces . Such interfaces are found in adhesively bonded joints, encapsulated or underfilled electronic modules, protective coatings, and laminates. The work described herein was aimed at improving Sandia's finite element - based capability to predict interfacial crack growth by 1) using a high fidelity nonlinear viscoelastic material model for the adhesive in fracture simulations, and 2) developing and implementing a novel cohesive zone fracture model that generates a mode - mixity dependent toughness as a natural consequence of its formulation (i.e., generates the observed increase in interfacial toughness wi th increasing crack - tip interfacial shear). Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations were used to study fundamental material/interfa cial physics so as to develop a fuller understanding of the connection between molecular structure and failure . Also reported are test results that quantify how joint strength and interfacial toughness vary with temperature.

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Results 1–25 of 97
Results 1–25 of 97