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Irradiation-induced grain boundary facet motion: In situ observations and atomic-scale mechanisms

Science Advances

Barr, Christopher M.; Chen, Elton Y.; Nathaniel, James E.; Lu, Ping L.; Adams, David P.; Dingreville, Remi P.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Medlin, Douglas L.

Metals subjected to irradiation environments undergo microstructural evolution and concomitant degradation, yet the nanoscale mechanisms for such evolution remain elusive. Here, we combine in situ heavy ion irradiation, atomic resolution microscopy, and atomistic simulation to elucidate how radiation damage and interfacial defects interplay to control grain boundary (GB) motion. While classical notions of boundary evolution under irradiation rest on simple ideas of curvature-driven motion, the reality is far more complex. Focusing on an ion-irradiated Pt Σ3 GB, we show how this boundary evolves by the motion of 120° facet junctions separating nanoscale {112} facets. Our analysis considers the short- and mid-range ion interactions, which roughen the facets and induce local motion, and longer-range interactions associated with interfacial disconnections, which accommodate the intergranular misorientation. We suggest how climb of these disconnections could drive coordinated facet junction motion. These findings emphasize that both local and longer-range, collective interactions are important to understanding irradiation-induced interfacial evolution.

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Semi-Automated, Object-Based Tomography of Dislocation Structures

Microscopy and Microanalysis

Sills, R.B.S.; Medlin, Douglas L.

The characterization of the three-dimensional arrangement of dislocations is important for many analyses in materials science. Dislocation tomography in transmission electron microscopy is conventionally accomplished through intensity-based reconstruction algorithms. Although such methods work successfully, a disadvantage is that they require many images to be collected over a large tilt range. Here, we present an alternative, semi-automated object-based approach that reduces the data collection requirements by drawing on the prior knowledge that dislocations are line objects. Our approach consists of three steps: (1) initial extraction of dislocation line objects from the individual frames, (2) alignment and matching of these objects across the frames in the tilt series, and (3) tomographic reconstruction to determine the full three-dimensional configuration of the dislocations. Drawing on innovations in graph theory, we employ a node-line segment representation for the dislocation lines and a novel arc-length mapping scheme to relate the dislocations to each other across the images in the tilt series. We demonstrate the method for a dataset collected from a dislocation network imaged by diffraction-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy. Based on these results and a detailed uncertainty analysis for the algorithm, we discuss opportunities for optimizing data collection and further automating the method.

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Defects in Layered van der Waals Heterostructures: Implications for Thermoelectrics

ACS Applied Nano Materials

Gannon, Renae N.; Hamann, Danielle M.; Ditto, Jeffrey; Mitchson, Gavin; Bauers, Sage R.; Merrill, Devin R.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Johnson, David C.

Layered van der Waals heterostructures provide extraordinary opportunities for applications such as thermoelectrics and allow for tunability of optical and electronic properties. The performance of devices made from these heterostructures will depend on their properties, which are sensitive to the nanoarchitecture (constituent layer thicknesses, layer sequence, etc.). However, performance will also be impacted by defects, which will vary in concentration and identity with the nanoarchitecture and preparation conditions. Here, we identify several types of defects and propose mechanisms for their formation, focusing on compounds in the ([SnSe]1+δ)m(TiSe2)n system prepared using the modulated elemental reactants method. The defects were observed by atomic resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy and can be broadly categorized into those that form domain boundaries as a result of rotational disorder from the self-assembly process and those that are layer-thickness-related and result from local or global deviations in the amount of material deposited. Defect type and density were found to depend on the nanoarchitecture of the heterostructure. Categorizing the defects provides insights into defect formation in these van der Waals layered heterostructures and suggests strategies for controlling their concentrations. Strategies for controlling defect type and concentration are proposed, which would have implications for transport properties for applications in thermoelectrics.

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Synthesis and Electrical Properties of a New Compound (BiSe)0.97(Bi2Se3)1.26(BiSe)0.97(MoSe2) Containing Metallic 1T-MoSe2

Chemistry of Materials

Choffel, Marisa A.; Gannon, Renae N.; Göhler, Fabian; Miller, Aaron M.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Seyller, Thomas; Johnson, David C.

The synthesis and electrical properties of a new misfit compound containing BiSe, Bi2Se3, and MoSe2 constituent layers are reported. The reaction pathway involves competition between the formation of (BiSe)1+x(Bi2Se3)1+y(BiSe)1+x(MoSe2) and [(Bi2Se3)1+y]2(MoSe2). Excess Bi and Se are required in the precursor to synthesize (BiSe)1+x(Bi2Se3)1+y(BiSe)1+x(MoSe2). High-angle annular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) confirm the stacking sequence of the heterostructure. Small grains of both 2H-and 1T-MoSe2 are observed in the MoSe2 layers. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) indicates that there is a significantly higher percentage of 1T-MoSe2 in (BiSe)1+x(Bi2Se3)1+y(BiSe)1+x(MoSe2) than in (BiSe)0.97(MoSe2), suggesting that more charge transfer to MoSe2 occurs due to the additional BiSe layer. The additional charge transfer results in (BiSe)1+x(Bi2Se3)1+y(BiSe)1+x(MoSe2) having a low resistivity (14-19 μω m) with metallic temperature dependence. The heterogeneous mix of MoSe2 polytypes observed in the XPS complicates the interpretation of the Hall data as two bands contribute to the electrical continuity.

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Disconnection-Mediated Transition in Segregation Structures at Twin Boundaries

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Hu, Chongze H.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Dingreville, Remi P.

Twin boundaries play an important role in the thermodynamics, stability, and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metals. Understanding their structure and chemistry at the atomic scale is key to guide strategies for fabricating nanocrystalline materials with improved properties. In this work, we report an unusual segregation phenomenon at gold-doped platinum twin boundaries, which is arbitrated by the presence of disconnections, a type of interfacial line defect. By using atomistic simulations, we show that disconnections containing a stacking fault can induce an unexpected transition in the interfacial-segregation structure at the atomic scale, from a bilayer, alternating-segregation structure to a trilayer, segregation-only structure. This behavior is found for faulted disconnections of varying step heights and dislocation characters. Supported by a structural analysis and the classical Langmuir–McLean segregation model, we reveal that this phenomenon is driven by a structurally induced drop of the local pressure across the faulted disconnection accompanied by an increase in the segregation volume.

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Interrogating the Effects of Hydrogen on the Behavior of Planar Deformation Bands in Austenitic Stainless Steel

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

Sabisch, J.E.C.; Sugar, J.D.; Ronevich, J.; San Marchi, Christopher W.; Medlin, Douglas L.

The effects of internal hydrogen on the deformation microstructures of 304L austenitic stainless steel have been characterized using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD), transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD), high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM), and nanoprobe diffraction. Samples, both thermally precharged with hydrogen and without thermal precharging, were subjected to tensile deformation of 5 and 20 pct true strain followed by multiple microscopic interrogations. Internal hydrogen produced widespread stacking faults within the as-forged initially unstrained material. While planar deformation bands developed with tensile strain in both the hydrogen-precharged and non-precharged material, the character of these bands changed with the presence of internal hydrogen. As shown by nanobeam diffraction and HRSTEM observations, in the absence of internal hydrogen, the bands were predominantly composed of twins, whereas for samples deformed in the presence of internal hydrogen, ε-martensite became more pronounced and the density of deformation bands increased. For the 20 pct strain condition, α′-martensite was observed at the intersection of ε-martensite bands in hydrogen-precharged samples, whereas in non-precharged samples α′-martensite was only observed along grain boundaries. We hypothesize that the increased prevalence of α′-martensite is a secondary effect of increased ε-martensite and deformation band density due to internal hydrogen and is not a signature of internal hydrogen itself.

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Effect of microstructural and environmental variables on ductility of austenitic stainless steels

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

San Marchi, Christopher W.; Ronevich, Joseph A.; Sabisch, J.E.C.; Sugar, J.D.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Somerday, B.P.

Austenitic stainless steels are used extensively in harsh environments, including for high-pressure gaseous hydrogen service. However, the tensile ductility of this class of materials is very sensitive to materials and environmental variables. While tensile ductility is generally insufficient to qualify a material for hydrogen service, ductility is an effective tool to explore microstructural and environmental variables and their effects on hydrogen susceptibility, to inform understanding of the mechanisms of hydrogen effects in metals, and to provide insight to microstructural variables that may improve relative performance. In this study, hydrogen precharging was used to simulate high-pressure hydrogen environments to evaluate hydrogen effects on tensile properties. Several austenitic stainless steels were considered, including both metastable and stable alloys. Room temperature and subambient temperature tensile properties were evaluated with three different internal hydrogen contents for type 304L and 316L austenitic stainless steels and one hydrogen content for XM-11. Significant ductility loss was observed for both metastable and stable alloys, suggesting the stability of the austenitic phase is not sufficient to characterize the effects of hydrogen. Internal hydrogen does influence the character of deformation, which drives local damage accumulation and ultimately fracture for both metastable and stable alloys. While a quantitative description of hydrogen-assisted fracture in austenitic stainless steels remains elusive, these observations underscore the importance of the hydrogen-defect interactions and the accumulation of damage at deformation length scales.

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Thickness-Independent Vibrational Thermal Conductance across Confined Solid-Solution Thin Films

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Giri, Ashutosh; Cheaito, Ramez; Gaskins, John T.; Mimura, Takanori; Brown-Shaklee, Harlan J.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Ihlefeld, Jon F.; Hopkins, Patrick E.

We experimentally show that the thermal conductance across confined solid-solution crystalline thin films between parent materials does not necessarily lead to an increase in thermal resistances across the thin-film geometries with increasing film thicknesses, which is counterintuitive to the notion that adding a material serves to increase the total thermal resistance. Confined thin epitaxial Ca0.5Sr0.5TiO3 solid-solution films with systematically varying thicknesses in between two parent perovskite materials of calcium titanate and (001)-oriented strontium titanate are grown, and thermoreflectance techniques are used to accurately measure the thermal boundary conductance across the confined solid-solution films, showing that the thermal resistance does not substantially increase with the addition of solid-solution films with increasing thicknesses from μ1 to μ10 nm. Contrary to the macroscopic understanding of thermal transport where adding more material along the heat propagation direction leads to larger thermal resistances, our results potentially offer experimental support to the computationally predicted concept of vibrational matching across interfaces. This concept is based on the fact that a better match in the available heat-carrying vibrations due to an interfacial layer can lead to lower thermal boundary resistances, thus leading to an enhancement in thermal boundary conductance across interfaces driven by the addition of a thin "vibrational bridge"layer between two solids.

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Influence of Nanoarchitecture on Charge Donation and the Electrical-Transport Properties in [(SnSe)1+δ][TiSe2]q Heterostructures

Chemistry of Materials

Hamann, DM H.; D, Bardgett D.; SR, Bauers S.; TW, Kasel T.; AM, Mroz A.; CH, Hendon C.; Medlin, Douglas L.; DC., Johnson DC.

A series of [(SnSe)1+δ][TiSe2]q heterostructures with systematic changes in the number of TiSe2 layers in the repeating unit were synthesized, and both the structure and electronic-transport properties were characterized. The c-axis lattice parameter increased linearly as q increased, and the slope was consistent with the thickness of a TiSe2 layer. In-plane lattice constants for SnSe and TiSe2 were independent of q. Temperature-dependent resistivity and Hall coefficient data varied systematically as q was increased. The low-temperature electrical data was modeled assuming that only electrons were involved, and the data was fit to a variable range hopping mechanism. The number of carriers involved in this low-temperature transport decreased as q increased, indicating that approximately 1/10th of an electron per SnSe bilayer was transferred to the TiSe2. Calculations also indicated that there was charge donation from the SnSe layer to the TiSe2 layer, resulting in an ionic bond between the layers, which aided in stabilizing the heterostructures. The charge donation created a TiSe2–SnSe–TiSe2 block with the properties distinct from the constituent bulk properties. At high temperatures in large q samples, the transport data required holes to be activated across a band gap to be successfully modeled. Furthermore, this high-temperature transport scales with the number of TiSe2 layers that are not adjacent to SnSe. Using a consistent model across all of the samples significantly constrained the adjustable parameters. The charge transfer between the two constituents results in the stabilization of the heterostructure by an ionic interaction and the formation of a conducting TiSe2–SnSe–TiSe2 block. We find this is consistent with prior reports, where interactions between two-dimensional (2D) layers and their surroundings (i.e., adjacent layers, substrate, or atmosphere) have been shown to strongly influence the properties.

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Nanoscale conditions for ductile void nucleation in copper: Vacancy condensation and the growth-limited microstructural state

Acta Materialia

Noell, Philip N.; Sabisch, Julian E.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Boyce, Brad B.

Ductile rupture or tearing usually involves structural degradation from the nucleation and growth of voids and their coalescence into cracks. Although some materials contain preexisting pores, the first step in failure is often the formation of voids. Because this step can govern both the failure strain and the fracture mechanism, it is critical to understand the mechanisms of void nucleation and the enabling microstructural configurations which give rise to nucleation. To understand the role of dislocations during void nucleation, the present study presents ex-situ cross-sectional observations of interrupted deformation experiments revealing incipient, subsurface voids in a copper material containing copper oxide inclusions. The local microstructural state was evaluated using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), electron channeling contrast (ECC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and transmission kikuchi diffraction (TKD). Surprisingly, before substantial growth and coalescence had occurred, the deformation process had resulted in the nucleation of a high density of nanoscale (≈50 nm) voids in the deeply deformed neck region where strains were on the order of 1.5. Such a proliferation of nucleation sites immediately suggests that the rupture process is limited by void growth, not nucleation. With regard to void growth, analysis of more than 20 microscale voids suggests that dislocation boundaries facilitate the growth process. The present observations call into question prior assumptions on the role of dislocation pile-ups and provide new context for the formulation of revised ductile rupture models. While the focus of this study is on damage accumulation in a highly ductile metal containing small, well-dispersed particles, these results are also applicable to understanding void nucleation in engineering alloys.

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Unraveling the dislocation core structure at a van der Waals gap in bismuth telluride

Nature Communications

Medlin, Douglas L.; Yang, N.; Spataru, C.D.; Hale, L.M.; Mishin, Y.

Tetradymite-structured chalcogenides such as bismuth telluride (Bi 2 Te 3 ) are of significant interest for thermoelectric energy conversion and as topological insulators. Dislocations play a critical role during synthesis and processing of such materials and can strongly affect their functional properties. The dislocations between quintuple layers present special interest since their core structure is controlled by the van der Waals interactions between the layers. In this work, using atomic-resolution electron microscopy, we resolve the basal dislocation core structure in Bi 2 Te 3 , quantifying the disregistry of the atomic planes across the core. We show that, despite the existence of a stable stacking fault in the basal plane gamma surface, the dislocation core spreading is mainly due to the weak bonding between the layers, which leads to a small energy penalty for layer sliding parallel to the van der Waals gap. Calculations within a semidiscrete variational Peierls-Nabarro model informed by first-principles calculations support our experimental findings.

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Topological Quantum Materials for Quantum Computation

Nenoff, T.M.; Chou, Stanley S.; Dickens, Peter D.; Modine, N.A.; Yu, Wenlong Y.; Lee, Stephen R.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Wang, George T.; Wendt, J.R.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Leonard, Francois L.; Pan, Wei P.

Recent years have seen an explosion in research efforts discovering and understanding novel electronic and optical properties of topological quantum materials (TQMs). In this LDRD, a synergistic effort of materials growth, characterization, electrical-magneto-optical measurements, combined with density functional theory and modeling has been established to address the unique properties of TQMs. Particularly, we have carried out extensive studies in search for Majorana fermions (MFs) in TQMs for topological quantum computation. Moreover, we have focused on three important science questions. 1) How can we controllably tune the properties of TQMs to make them suitable for quantum information applications? 2) What materials parameters are most important for successfully observing MFs in TQMs? 3) Can the physical properties of TQMs be tailored by topological band engineering? Results obtained in this LDRD not only deepen our current knowledge in fundamental quantum physics but also hold great promise for advanced electronic/photonic applications in information technologies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work at Sandia National Labs was supported by a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project. Device fabrication was performed at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. We are grateful to many people inside and outside Sandia for their support and fruitful collaborations. This report describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

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High temperature synthesis and characterization of ultrathin tellurium nanostructures

APL Materials

Sapkota, Keshab R.; Lu, Ping L.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Wang, George T.

Thin tellurium (Te) has been predicted as a potential two dimensional system exhibiting superior thermoelectric and electrical properties. Here, we report the synthesis of high quality ultrathin Te nanostructures and the study of their electrical properties at room temperature. High quality ultrathin Te nanostructures are obtained by high temperature vapor phase deposition on c-plane sapphire substrates. The obtained nanostructures are as thin as 3 nm and exhibit α-Te phase with trigonal crystal structure. Room temperature electrical measurements show significantly higher electrical conductivity compared to prior reports of Te in bulk form or in nanostructure form synthesized by low temperature vapor deposition or wet chemical methods. Additionally, these nanostructures exhibit high field effect hole mobility comparable to black-phosphorous measured previously under similar conditions.

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Correlating thermoelectric (Bi,Sb)2Te3 film electric transport properties with microstructure

Journal of Applied Physics

Siegal, Michael P.; Podkaminer, J.; Lima-Sharma, Ana L.; Sharma, Peter A.; Medlin, Douglas L.

The room temperature electronic transport properties of 1 μm thick Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 (BST) films correlate with overall microstructural quality. Films with homogeneous composition are deposited onto fused silica substrates, capped with SiN to prevent both oxidation and Te loss, and postannealed to temperatures ranging from 200 to 450 °C. BST grain sizes and (00l) orientations improve dramatically with annealing to 375 °C, with smaller increases to 450 °C. Tiny few-nanometer-sized voids in the as-deposited film grain boundaries coalesce into larger void sizes up to 300 nm with annealing to 350 °C; the smallest voids continue coalescing with annealing to 450 °C. These voids are decorated with few-nanometer-sized Sb clusters that increase in number with increasing annealing temperatures, reducing the Sb content of the remaining BST film matrix. Resistivity decreases linearly with increasing temperature over the entire range studied, consistent with improving crystalline quality. The Seebeck coefficient also improves with crystalline quality to 350 °C, above which void coalescence and reduced Sb content from the BST matrix correlate with a decrease in the Seebeck coefficient. Nevertheless, a plateau exists for an optimal power factor between 350 and 450 °C, implying thermal stability to higher temperatures than previously reported.

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Elucidating the contribution of mobile hydrogen-deformation interactions to hydrogen-induced intergranular cracking in polycrystalline nickel

Acta Materialia

Harris, Zachary D.; Lawrence, Samantha K.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Guetard, Gael; Burns, James T.; Somerday, Brian P.

Uniaxial mechanical testing conducted at room temperature (RT) and 77 K on hydrogen (H)-exposed nickel was coupled with targeted microscopy to evaluate the influence of deformation temperature, and therefore mobile H-deformation interactions, on intergranular cracking in nickel. Results from interrupted tensile tests conducted at cryogenic temperatures (77 K), where mobile H-deformation interactions are effectively precluded, and RT, where mobile H-deformation interactions are active, indicate that mobile H-deformation interactions are not an intrinsic requirement for H-induced intergranular fracture. Moreover, an evaluation of the true strain for intergranular microcrack initiation for testing conducted at RT and 77 K suggests that H which is segregated to grain boundaries prior to the onset of straining dominates the H-induced fracture process for the prescribed H concentration of 4000 appm. Finally, recent experiments suggesting that H-induced fracture is predominately driven by mobile H-deformation interactions, as well as the increased susceptibility of coherent twin boundaries to H-induced crack initiation, are re-examined in light of these new results.

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Materials and Hydrogen Isotope Science at Sandia's California Laboratory

Zimmerman, Jonathan A.; Balch, Dorian K.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Buchenauer, D.A.; Catarineu, Noelle R.; Cowgill, D.F.; El Gabaly Marquez, Farid E.; Karnesky, Richard A.; Kolasinski, Robert K.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Robinson, David R.; Ronevich, Joseph A.; Sabisch, Julian E.; San Marchi, Christopher W.; Sills, Ryan B.; Smith, Thale R.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.

Abstract not provided.

High-Efficiency Thin-Film Superlattice Thermoelectric Cooler Modules Enabled by Low Resistivity Contacts

Advanced Electronic Materials

He, Yuping H.; Leonard, Francois L.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Baldasaro, Nicholas; Temple, Dorota S.; Barletta, Philip; Spataru, Dan C.

V-telluride superlattice thin films have shown promising performance for on-chip cooling devices. Recent experimental studies have indicated that device performance is limited by the metal/semiconductor electrical contacts. One challenge in realizing a low resistivity contact is the absence of fundamental knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of interfaces between metal and V-telluride materials. This study presents a combination of experimental and theoretical efforts to understand, design, and harness low resistivity contacts to V-tellurides. Ab initio calculations are used to explore the effects of interfacial structure and chemical compositions on the electrical contacts, and an ab initio based macroscopic model is employed to predict the fundamental limit of contact resistivity as a function of both carrier concentration and temperature. Under the guidance of theoretical studies, an experimental approach is developed to fabricate low resistivity metal contacts to V-telluride thin film superlattices, achieving a 100-fold reduction compared to previous work. Interfacial characterization and analysis using both scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy show unusual interfacial morphology and the potential for further improvement in contact resistivity. Finally, the improved contacts are harnessed to realize an improved high-performance thermoelectric cooling module.

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Interface-Driven Structural Distortions and Composition Segregation in Two-Dimensional Heterostructures

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition

Ditto, Jeffrey; Merrill, Devin R.; Mitchson, Gavin; Gabriel, Joshua J.; Mathew, Kiran; Hennig, Richard G.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Browning, Nigel D.; Johnson, David C.

The discovery of emergent phenomena in 2D materials has sparked substantial research efforts in the materials community. A significant experimental challenge for this field is exerting atomistic control over the structure and composition of the constituent 2D layers and understanding how the interactions between layers drive both structure and properties. While no segregation for single bilayers was observed, segregation of Pb to the surface of three bilayer thick PbSe–SnSe alloy layers was discovered within [(PbxSn1−xSe)1+δ]n(TiSe2)1 heterostructures using electron microscopy. This segregation is thermodynamically favored to occur when PbxSn1−xSe layers are interdigitated with TiSe2 monolayers. DFT calculations indicate that the observed segregation depends on what is adjacent to the PbxSn1−xSe layers. The interplay between interface- and volume-free energies controls both the structure and composition of the constituent layers, which can be tuned using layer thickness.

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Strong Photothermoelectric Response and Contact Reactivity of the Dirac Semimetal ZrTe5

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Leonard, Francois L.; Yu, Wenlong; Celio, Kimberlee C.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Sugar, Joshua D.; Talin, A.A.; Pan, Wei P.

The family of three-dimensional topological insulators opens new avenues to discover novel photophysics and to develop novel types of photodetectors. ZrTe5 has been shown to be a Dirac semimetal possessing unique topological, electronic, and optical properties. Here, we present spatially resolved photocurrent measurements on devices made of nanoplatelets of ZrTe5, demonstrating the photothermoelectric origin of the photoresponse. Because of the high electrical conductivity and good Seebeck coefficient, we obtain noise-equivalent powers as low as 42 pW/Hz1/2, at room temperature for visible light illumination, at zero bias. We also show that these devices suffer from significant ambient reactivity, such as the formation of a Te-rich surface region driven by Zr oxidation as well as severe reactions with the metal contacts. This reactivity results in significant stresses in the devices, leading to unusual geometries that are useful for gaining insight into the photocurrent mechanisms. Our results indicate that both the large photothermoelectric response and reactivity must be considered when designing or interpreting photocurrent measurements in these systems.

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Defect character at grain boundary facet junctions: Analysis of an asymmetric Σ = 5 grain boundary in Fe

Acta Materialia

Medlin, Douglas L.; Hattar, K.; Zimmerman, J.A.; Abdeljawad, F.; Foiles, S.M.

Grain boundaries often develop faceted morphologies in systems for which the interfacial free energy depends on the boundary inclination. Although the mesoscale thermodynamic basis for such morphological evolution has been extensively studied, the influence of line defects, such as secondary grain boundary dislocations, on the facet configurations has not been thoroughly explored. In this paper, through a combination of atomistic simulations and electron microscopic observations, we examine in detail the structure of an asymmetric Σ = 5 [001] grain boundary in well-annealed, body-centered cubic (BCC) Fe. The observed boundary forms with a hill-and-valley morphology composed of nanoscale {310} and {210} facets. Our analysis clarifies the atomic structure of the {310}/{210} facet junctions and identifies the presence of an array of secondary grain boundary dislocations that are localized to these junctions. Analysis of the Burgers vectors of the grain boundary dislocations, which are of type (1/5)<310> and (1/5)<120>, shows that the defect density is consistent with that required to accommodate a small observed angular deviation from the exact Σ = 5 orientation relationship. These observations and analysis suggest a crucial role for secondary grain boundary dislocations in dictating the length-scale of grain boundary facets, a consideration which has not been included in prior analyses of facet evolution and equilibrium facet length.

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Evolution of microstructural disorder in annealed bismuth telluride nanowires

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology

Erickson, Kristopher J.; Limmer, Steven J.; Graham Yelton, W.; Rochford, Caitlin; Siegal, Michael P.; Medlin, Douglas L.

Controlling the distribution of structural defects in nanostructures is important since such defects can strongly affect critical properties, including thermal and electronic transport. However, characterizing the defect arrangements in individual nanostructures is difficult because of the small length scales involved. Here, we investigate the evolution of microstructural disorder with annealing in electrochemically deposited Bi2Te3 nanowires, which are of interest for thermoelectrics. We combine Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) to provide the necessary spatial and orientational resolution. We find that despite their large initial grain sizes and strong 1120 crystallographic texturing, the as-deposited nanowires still exhibit significant intragranular orientational disorder. Annealing drives both grain growth and a significant reduction in the intragranular disorder. The results are discussed in the context of the existing understanding of the initial microstructure of electrodeposited materials and the understanding of annealing microstructures in both electrochemically deposited and bulk-deformed materials. This analysis highlights the importance of assessing both the grain size and intragranular disorder in understanding the microstructural evolution of individual nanostructures.

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Misoriented grain boundaries vicinal to the twin in nickel Part I: Thermodynamics & temperature-dependent structure

Philosophical Magazine

O'Brien, Christopher J.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Foiles, Stephen M.

Grain boundary-engineered materials are of immense interest for their corrosion resistance, fracture resistance and microstructural stability. This work contributes to a larger goal of understanding both the structure and thermodynamic properties of grain boundaries vicinal (within) to the (coherent twin) boundary which is found in grain boundary-engineered materials. The misoriented boundaries vicinal to the twin show structural changes at elevated temperatures. In the case of nickel, this transition temperature is substantially below the melting point and at temperatures commonly reached during processing, making the existence of such boundaries very likely in applications. Thus, the thermodynamic stability of such features is thoroughly investigated in order to predict and fully understand the structure of boundaries vicinal to twins. Low misorientation angle grain boundaries () show distinct disconnections which accommodate misorientation in opposite senses. The two types of disconnection have differing lowerature structures which show different temperature-dependent behaviours with one type undergoing a structural transition at approximately 600 K. At misorientation angles greater than approximately, the discrete disconnection nature is lost as the disconnections merge into one another. Free energy calculations demonstrate that these high-angle boundaries, which exhibit a transition from a planar to a faceted structure, are thermodynamically more stable in the faceted configuration.

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Controlling compositional homogeneity and crystalline orientation in Bi0.8Sb0.2 thermoelectric thin films

APL Materials

Rochford, C.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Erickson, K.J.; Siegal, Michael P.

Compositional-homogeneity and crystalline-orientation are necessary attributes to achieve high thermoelectric performance in Bi1-xSbx thin films. Following deposition in vacuum, and upon air exposure, we find that 50%-95% of the Sb in 100-nm thick films segregates to form a nanocrystalline Sb2O3 surface layer, leaving the film bulk as Bi-metal. However, we demonstrate that a thin SiN capping layer deposited prior to air exposure prevents Sb-segregation, preserving a uniform film composition. Furthermore, the capping layer enables annealing in forming gas to improve crystalline orientations along the preferred trigonal axis, beneficially reducing electrical resistivity.

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Room-temperature voltage tunable phonon thermal conductivity via reconfigurable interfaces in ferroelectric thin films

Nano Letters

Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Foley, Brian M.; Scrymgeour, David S.; Michael, Joseph R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Wallace, Margeaux; Trolier-Mckinstry, Susan; Hopkins, Patrick E.

Dynamic control of thermal transport in solid-state systems is a transformative capability with the promise to propel technologies including phononic logic, thermal management, and energy harvesting. A solid-state solution to rapidly manipulate phonons has escaped the scientific community. We demonstrate active and reversible tuning of thermal conductivity by manipulating the nanoscale ferroelastic domain structure of a Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 film with applied electric fields. With subsecond response times, the room-temperature thermal conductivity was modulated by 11%.

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Ion beam modification of topological insulator bismuth selenide

Applied Physics Letters

Sharma, P.A.; Lima Sharma, A.L.; Hekmaty, Michelle A.; Hattar, K.; Stavila, Vitalie S.; Goeke, R.; Erickson, K.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Brahlek, M.; Koirala, N.; Oh, S.

We demonstrate chemical doping of a topological insulator Bi2Se3 using ion implantation. Ion beam-induced structural damage was characterized using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Ion damage was reversed using a simple thermal annealing step. Carrier-type conversion was achieved using ion implantation followed by an activation anneal in Bi2Se3 thin films. These two sets of experiments establish the feasibility of ion implantation for chemical modification of Bi2Se3, a prototypical topological insulator. Ion implantation can, in principle, be used for any topological insulator. The direct implantation of dopants should allow better control over carrier concentrations for the purposes of achieving low bulk conductivity. Ion implantation also enables the fabrication of inhomogeneously doped structures, which in turn should make possible new types of device designs.

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Glass-like thermal conductivity of (010)-textured lanthanum-doped strontium niobate synthesized with wet chemical deposition

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

Foley, Brian M.; Brown-Shaklee, Harlan J.; Campion, Michael J.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Clem, Paul G.; Ihlefeld, Jon I.; Hopkins, Patrick E.

We have measured the cross-plane thermal conductivity (κ) of (010)-textured, undoped, and lanthanum-doped strontium niobate (Sr2-xLaxNb2O7-δ) thin films via time-domain thermoreflectance. The thin films were deposited on (001)-oriented SrTiO3 substrates via the highly-scalable technique of chemical solution deposition. We find that both film thickness and lanthanum doping have little effect on κ, suggesting that there is a more dominant phonon scattering mechanism present in the system; namely the weak interlayer-bonding along the b-axis in the Sr2Nb2O7 parent structure. Furthermore, we compare our experimental results with two variations of the minimum-limit model for κ and discuss the nature of transport in material systems with weakly-bonded layers. The low cross-plane κ of these scalably-fabricated films is comparable to that of similarly layered niobate structures grown epitaxially.

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Using galvanostatic electroforming of Bi1-xSbx nanowires to control composition, crystallinity, and orientation

Journal of Materials Research

Limmer, Steven J.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Siegal, Michael P.; Hekmaty, Michelle A.; Lensch-Falk, Jessica L.; Erickson, Kristopher J.; Pillars, Jamin R.; Yelton, W.G.

Using galvanostatic pulse deposition, we studied the factors influencing the quality of electroformed Bi1-xSbxnanowires with respect to composition, crystallinity, and preferred orientation for high thermoelectric performance. Two nonaqueous baths with different Sb salts were investigated. The Sb salts used played a major role in both crystalline quality and preferred orientations. Nanowire arrays electroformed using an SbI3-based chemistry were polycrystalline with no preferred orientation, whereas arrays electroformed from an SbCl3-based chemistry were strongly crystallographically textured with the desired trigonal orientation for optimal thermoelectric performance. From the SbCl3 bath, the electroformed nanowire arrays were optimized to have nanocompositional uniformity, with a nearly constant composition along the nanowire length. Nanowires harvested from the center of the array had an average composition of Bi0.75Sb0.25. However, the nanowire compositions were slightly enriched in Sb in a small region near the edges of the array, with the composition approaching Bi0.700.30.

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Morphological evolution of Ag2Te precipitates in thermoelectric PbTe

Sugar, Joshua D.; Hekmaty, Michelle A.; Medlin, Douglas L.

Nanostructuring of thermoelectric materials is expected to enhance thermoelectric properties by reducing the thermal conductivity and improving the power factor from that of homogeneous bulk materials. In multiphase, nanostructured thermoelectric materials, an understanding of precipitation mechanisms and phase stability is crucial for engineering systems with optimal thermoelectric performance. In this presentation we will discuss our investigations of the morphological evolution, orientation relationship, and composition of Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates in PbTe using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT). Annealing in the region of two phase equilibrium between Ag{sub 2}Te and PbTe results in the formation of monoclinic {beta}-Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates as determined by x-ray and electron diffraction studies. These precipitates are aligned to the PbTe matrix with an orientation relationship that aligns the Te sub-lattices in the monoclinic and rock salt structures. This relationship is the same as we have reported earlier for {beta}-Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates in rocksalt AgSbTe{sub 2}. Observations using TEM and APT suggest that the Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates initially form as coherent spherical precipitates which upon coarsening evolve into flattened semi-coherent disks along the <100>PbTe directions which is consistent with theoretical predictions for elastically strained precipitates in a matrix. Our HRTEM observations show that sufficiently small precipitates are coherently embedded, while larger precipitates exhibit misfit dislocations and multiple monoclinic variants to relieve the elastic strain. Analysis of the composition of both precipitate groups using APT indicates that the larger precipitates exhibit compositions close to equilibrium while the smaller nanoscale precipitates exhibit enhanced Pb compositions. This detailed analysis of the orientation relationship, morphology, composition, and coarsening behavior of embedded Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates may be helpful in understanding the precipitation mechanisms and microstructure of related thermoelectric materials, such as LAST.

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Morphological evolution of Ag2Te precipitates in thermoelectric PbTe

Sugar, Joshua D.; Hekmaty, Michelle A.; Medlin, Douglas L.

The precipitation of Ag{sub 2}Te in a PbTe matrix is investigated using electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. We observe the formation of oriented nanoscale Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates in PbTe. These precipitates initially form as coherent spherical nanoparticles and evolve into flattened semi-coherent disks during coarsening. This change in morphology is consistent with equilibrium shape theory for coherently strained precipitates. Upon annealing at elevated temperatures these precipitates eventually revert to an equiaxed morphology. We suggest this shape change occurs once the precipitates grow beyond a critical size, making it favorable to relieve the elastic coherency strains by forming interfacial misfit dislocations. These investigations of the shape and coherency of Ag{sub 2}Te precipitates in PbTe should prove useful in the design of nanostructured thermoelectric materials.

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Interfacial structure in Telluride-based thermoelectric materials

Medlin, Douglas L.

Chalcogenide compounds based on the rocksalt and tetradymite structures possess good thermoelectric properties and are widely used in a variety of thermoelectric devices. Examples include PbTe and AgSbTe2, which have the rocksalt structure, and Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, and Sb2Te3, which fall within the broad tetradymite-class of structures. These materials are also of interest for thermoelectric nanocomposites, where the aim is to improve thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency by harnessing interfacial scattering processes (e.g., reducing the thermal conductivity by phonon scattering or enhancing the Seebeck coefficient by energy filtering). Understanding the phase stability and microstructural evolution within such materials is key to designing processing approaches for optimal thermoelectric performance and to predicting the long-term nanostructural stability of the materials. In this presentation, we discuss our work investigating relationships between interfacial structure and formation mechanisms in several telluride-based thermoelectric materials. We begin with a discussion of interfacial coherency and its special aspects at interfaces in telluride compounds based on the rocksalt and tetradymite structures. We compare perfectly coherent interfaces, such as the Bi2Te3 (0001) twin, with semi-coherent, misfitting interfaces. We next discuss the formal crystallographic analysis of interfacial defects in these systems and then apply this methodology to high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) observations of interfaces in the AgSbTe2/Sb2Te3 and PbTe/Sb2Te3 systems, focusing on interfaces vicinal to {l_brace}111{r_brace}/{l_brace}0001{r_brace}. Through this analysis, we identify a defect that can accomplish the rocksalt-to-tetradymite phase transformation through diffusive-glide motion along the interface.

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Twin boundary structure in Bi2Te3 : experiment and theory

Medlin, Douglas L.

Establishing the atomic structure and composition of interfaces in thermoelectric materials is important to understanding how these defects mediate thermal and electronic transport. Here, we discuss our experimental observations and theoretical calculations of the Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3} (0001) basal twin in nanocrystalline Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3}. This interface is important both because it is common in tetradymite-structured thermoelectric compounds and because it serves as a useful model system for more complex interfaces. Macroscopically, the (0001) twin corresponds to a 180 rotation of the crystal about the [0001] axis, which reverses the stacking of the basal planes. The basal planes of Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3} are arranged in 5-plane groupings of alternating Bi and Te layers. Microscopically, one envisions three possible interface terminations: at the Te layer in the middle of the 5-layer packet, at a Bi layer, or at the Te-double layer at the junction of the 5-layer packet. Using aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM imaging, we have established that the twin boundary terminates at the Te-double layer. This result is consistent with ab initio calculations, which predict that the lowest energy for the three candidate structures is for this termination.

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Science at the interface : grain boundaries in nanocrystalline metals

Foiles, Stephen M.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Holm, Elizabeth A.; Brewer, Luke N.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Knapp, J.A.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

Interfaces are a critical determinant of the full range of materials properties, especially at the nanoscale. Computational and experimental methods developed a comprehensive understanding of nanograin evolution based on a fundamental understanding of internal interfaces in nanocrystalline nickel. It has recently been shown that nanocrystals with a bi-modal grain-size distribution possess a unique combination of high-strength, ductility and wear-resistance. We performed a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the structure and motion of internal interfaces in nanograined metal and the resulting grain evolution. The properties of grain boundaries are computed for an unprecedented range of boundaries. The presence of roughening transitions in grain boundaries is explored and related to dramatic changes in boundary mobility. Experimental observations show that abnormal grain growth in nanograined materials is unlike conventional scale material in both the level of defects and the formation of unfavored phases. Molecular dynamics simulations address the origins of some of these phenomena.

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Compositional ordering and stability in nanostructured, bulk thermoelectric alloys

Medlin, Douglas L.

Thermoelectric materials have many applications in the conversion of thermal energy to electrical power and in solid-state cooling. One route to improving thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency in bulk material is to embed nanoscale inclusions. This report summarize key results from a recently completed LDRD project exploring the science underpinning the formation and stability of nanostructures in bulk thermoelectric and the quantitative relationships between such structures and thermoelectric properties.

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Formation of hexagonal close packing at a grain boundary in gold by the dissociation of a dense array of crystal lattice dislocations

Journal of Materials Science

Medlin, Douglas L.; Hamilton, J.C.

We analyze a thin (~1 nm) hexagonal-close-packed (HCP) intergranular layer at a 29°110 tilt grain boundary in gold. Our analysis, which is based on HRTEM observations and atomistic calculations, shows that this boundary consists of a dense array of 60°1/2 110 crystal lattice dislocations that are distributed one to every two {111} planes. These dislocations dissociate into paired Shockley partial dislocations, creating a stacking fault on every other plane and thereby producing the abab, or HCP, stacking sequence. This distribution of dislocations is consistent both with the measured intergranular misorientation and with the calculated rigid-body translation along the tilt axis. By establishing the interfacial dislocation arrangement, we also show how the HCP layer at the 29°boundary observed here is geometrically related to that found previously at the 80.6°∑ = 43 110 boundary. This result helps to link dislocation-based descriptions for boundary structures between the high- and low-angle misorientation regimes. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

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Characterization of twinning in electrodeposited Ni-Mn alloys

Proposed for publication in Philosophical Magazine A.

Lucadamo, Gene A.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Yang, Nancy Y.; Kelly, James J.; Talin, A.A.

Twinning is ubiquitous in electroplated metals. Here, we identify and discuss unique aspects of twinning found in electrodeposited Ni-Mn alloys. Previous reports concluded that the twin boundaries effectively refine the grain size, which enhances mechanical strength. Quantitative measurements from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images show that the relative boundary length in the as-plated microstructure primarily comprises twin interfaces. Detailed TEM characterization reveals a range of length scales associated with twinning beginning with colonies ({approx}1000 nm) down to the width of individual twins, which is typically <50 nm. We also consider the connection between the crystallographic texture of the electrodeposit and the orientation of the twin planes with respect to the plating direction. The Ni-Mn alloy deposits in this work possess a 110-fiber texture. While twinning can occur on {l_brace}111{r_brace} planes either perpendicular or oblique to the plating direction in {l_brace}110{r_brace}-oriented grains, plan-view TEM images show that twins form primarily on those planes parallel to the plating direction. Therefore, grains enclosed by twins and multiply twinned particles are produced. Another important consequence of a high twin density is the formation of large numbers of twin-related junctions. We measure an area density of twin junctions that is comparable to the density of dislocations in a heavily cold-worked metal.

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