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Maestro-a model-based systems engineering environment for complex electronic systems

22nd Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering, INCOSE 2012 and the 8th Biennial European Systems Engineering Conference 2012, EuSEC 2012

Bajaj, Manas; Scott, Andrew; Deming, Douglas M.; Wickstrom, Gregory L.; De Spain, Mark; Zwemer, Dirk; Peak, Russell

In this paper we present Maestro, a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) environment for design and simulation of complex electronic systems using Orchestra-a simulation tool developed at Sandia National Laboratories. Maestro is deployed as a plugin for MagicDraw and uses Orchestra domain-specific language (DSL) which is based on SysML. Maestro enables a model-based design and analysis approach that replaces the traditional document-based systems engineering process. It provides a unified graphical modeling environment to domain experts who have had to depend on drawing tools for defining system architecture and manual transcription of system topology in creating complex simulation models.

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