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PRO-X Fuel Cycle Transportation and Crosscutting Progress Report

Honnold, Philip H.; Crabtree, Lauren M.; Higgins, Michael H.; Williams, Adam D.; Finch, Robert F.; Cipiti, Benjamin B.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Farnum, Cathy O.; Kalinina, Elena A.; Ruehl, Matthew R.; Hawthorne, Krista H.

The PRO-X program is actively supporting the design of nuclear systems by developing a framework to both optimize the fuel cycle infrastructure for advanced reactors (ARs) and minimize the potential for production of weapons-usable nuclear material. Three study topics are currently being investigated by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) with support from Argonne National Laboratories (ANL). This multi-lab collaboration is focused on three study topics which may offer proliferation resistance opportunities or advantages in the nuclear fuel cycle. These topics are: 1) Transportation Global Landscape, 2) Transportation Avoidability, and 3) Parallel Modular Systems vs Single Large System (Crosscutting Activity).

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Seismic Shake Table Test Plan

Kalinina, Elena A.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Lujan, Lucas A.

This report is a preliminary test plan of the seismic shake table test. The final report will be developed when all decisions regarding the test hardware, instrumentation, and shake table inputs are made. A new revision of this report will be issued in spring of 2022. The preliminary test plan documents the free-field ground motions that will be used as inputs to the shake table, the test hardware, and instrumentation. It also describes the facility at which the test will take place in late summer of 2022.

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30 CM horizontal drop of a surrogate 17x17 pwr fuel assembly

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Kalinina, Elena A.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Grey, Carissa A.; Flores, Gregg J.; Lujan, Lucas; Saltzstein, Sylvia J.; Michel, Danielle M.

The 30 cm drop is the remaining NRC normal conditions of transport (NCT) regulatory requirement (10 CFR 71.71) for which there are no data on the response of spent fuel. While obtaining data on the spent fuel is not a direct requirement, it allows for quantifying the risk of fuel breakage resulting from a cask drop from a height of 30 cm or less. Because a full-scale cask and impact limiters are very expensive, 3 consecutive drop tests were conducted to obtain strains on a full-scale surrogate 17x17 PWR assembly. The first step was a 30 cm drop of a 1/3 scale cask loaded with dummy assemblies. The second step was a 30 cm drop test of a full-scale dummy assembly. The third step was a 30 cm drop of a full-scale surrogate assembly. The results of this final test are presented in this paper. The test was conducted in May 2020. The acceleration pulses on the surrogate assembly were in good agreement with the expected pulses derived from steps 1 and 2. This confirmed that during the 30 cm drop the surrogate assembly experienced the same conditions as it would have if it had been dropped in a full-scale cask with impact limiters. The surrogate assembly was instrumented with 27 strain gauges. Pressure paper was inserted between the rods within the two long and two short spacer grid spans in order to register the pressure in case of rod-to-rod contact. The maximum observed peak strain on the surrogate assembly was 1,724 microstrain at the bottom end of the assembly. The pressure paper sheets from the two short spans were blank. The pressure paper sheets from the two long spans, except a few middle ones, showed marks indicating rod-to-rod contact. The maximum estimated contact pressure was 4,100 psi. The longitudinal bending stress corresponding to the maximum observed strain value (calculated from the stress-strain curve for low burnup cladding) was 22,230 psi. Both values are significantly below the yield strength of the cladding. The major conclusion is that the fuel rods will maintain their integrity following a 30 cm drop inside of a transportation cask.

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Full-Scale Assembly 30 cm Drop Test

MRS Advances

Kalinina, Elena A.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Grey, Carissa A.; Flores, Gregg J.; Saltzstein, Sylvia J.; Klymyshyn, Nicholas

Can Spent Nuclear Fuel withstand the shocks and vibrations experienced during normal conditions of transport? This question was the motivation for the multi-modal transportation test (MMTT) (Summer 2017), 1/3-scale cask 30 cm drop test (December 2018), and full-scale assembly 30 cm drop tests (June 2019). The full-scale ENSA ENUN 32P cask with 3 surrogate 17x17 PWR assemblies was used in the MMTT. The 1/3-scale cask was a mockup of this cask. The 30 cm drop tests provided the accelerations on the 1/3-scale dummy assemblies. These data were used to design full-scale assembly drop tests with the goal to quantify the strain fuel rods experience inside a cask when dropped from a height of 30 cm. The drop tests were first done with the dummy and then with the surrogate assembly. This paper presents the preliminary results of the tests.

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30 cm Drop Tests

Kalinina, Elena A.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Grey, Carissa A.; Arviso, Michael A.; Wright, Catherine W.; Lujan, Lucas A.; Flores, Gregg J.; Saltzstein, Sylvia J.

The data from the multi-modal transportation test conducted in 2017 demonstrated that the inputs from the shock events during all transport modes (truck, rail, and ship) were amplified from the cask to the spent commercial nuclear fuel surrogate assemblies. These data do not support common assumption that the cask content experiences the same accelerations as the cask itself. This was one of the motivations for conducting 30 cm drop tests. The goal of the 30 cm drop test is to measure accelerations and strains on the surrogate spent nuclear fuel assembly and to determine whether the fuel rods can maintain their integrity inside a transportation cask when dropped from a height of 30 cm. The 30 cm drop is the remaining NRC normal conditions of transportation regulatory requirement (10 CFR 71.71) for which there are no data on the actual surrogate fuel. Because the full-scale cask and impact limiters were not available (and their cost was prohibitive), it was proposed to achieve this goal by conducting three separate tests. This report describes the first two tests — the 30 cm drop test of the 1/3 scale cask (conducted in December 2018) and the 30 cm drop of the full-scale dummy assembly (conducted in June 2019). The dummy assembly represents the mass of a real spent nuclear fuel assembly. The third test (to be conducted in the spring of 2020) will be the 30 cm drop of the full-scale surrogate assembly. The surrogate assembly represents a real full-scale assembly in physical, material, and mechanical characteristics, as well as in mass.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase II-A

Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Gill, Walt; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Sanborn, Scott E.

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. However, POCs are now being used to store combustible Transuranic (TRU) waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), SNL started conducting a new series of fire tests in 2015 to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to overpressurize and release its inner content. In 2016, Phase II tests showed that POCs tested in a pool fire failed within 3 minutes of ignition with the POC lid ejecting. These POC lids were fitted with an all-metal (NUCFIL019DS) filter and revealed that this specific filter did not relieve sufficient pressure to prevent lid ejection. For the test phase discussed in this report, Phase II-A, the POCs are exposed to a 30-minute pool fire, with similar configurations to those tested in Phase II, except that the POC lids are fitted with a hybrid metal-polyethylene (UT9424S) filter instead. This report will: describe the various tests conducted in Phase II-A, present results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs based on the test results.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase I II & III

Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Lopez Mestre, Carlos L.; Gill, Walt

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. POCs are now being used to store combustible TRU waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), starting in 2015 SNL conducted a series of fire tests to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to over-pressurize and release its inner content. Tests conducted during 2015 and 2016 were done in three phases. The goal of the first phase was to see if the PC would reach high enough temperatures to decompose typical combustible materials inside the PC. The goal of the second test phase was to determine under what heating loads (i.e., incident heat fluxes) the 7A drum lid pops off from the POC drum. The goal of the third phase was to see if surrogate aerosol gets released from the PC when the drum lid is off. This report will describe the various tests conducted in phase I, II, and III, present preliminary results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs.

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Rail-Cask Tests: Normal-Conditionsof- Transport Tests of Surrogate PWR Fuel Assemblies in an ENSA ENUN 32P Cask

McConnell, Paul E.; Ross, Steven B.; Grey, Carissa A.; Uncapher, William L.; Arviso, Michael A.; Garmendia, Rafael Glez.; Fernandez Perez, Ismael F.; Palacio, Alejandro P.; Calleja, Guillermo C.; Garrido, David G.; Rodriguez Casas, Ana R.; Gonzalez Garcia, Luis G.; Chilton, Lyman W.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Walz, Jacob W.; Gershon, Sabina G.; Saltzstein, Sylvia J.; Sorenson, Ken S.; Klymyshyn, Nicholas K.; Hanson, Brady D.; Pena, Ruben P.; Walker, Russell W.

This report describes tests conducted using a full-size rail cask, the ENSA ENUN 32P, involving handling of the cask and transport of the cask via truck, ships, and rail. The purpose of the tests was to measure strains and accelerations on surrogate pressurized water reactor fuel rods when the fuel assemblies were subjected to Normal Conditions of Transport within the rail cask. In addition, accelerations were measured on the transport platform, the cask cradle, the cask, and the basket within the cask holding the assemblies. These tests were an international collaboration that included Equipos Nucleares S.A., Sandia National Laboratories, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Coordinadora Internacional de Cargas S.A., the Transportation Technology Center, Inc., the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency, and the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. All test results in this report are PRELIMINARY – complete analyses of test data will be completed and reported in FY18. However, preliminarily: The strains were exceedingly low on the surrogate fuel rods during the rail-cask tests for all the transport and handling modes. The test results provide a compelling technical basis for the safe transport of spent fuel.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase I & II

Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Lopez Mestre, Carlos L.; Gill, Walt

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. However, POCs are now being used to store combustible TRU waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), starting in 2015 SNL conducted a new series of fire tests to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to over-pressurize and release its inner content. Tests conducted during 2015 and 2016, and described herein, were done in two phases. The goal of the first phase was to see if the PC would reach high enough temperatures to decompose typical combustible materials inside the PC. The goal of the second test phase was to determine under what heating loads (i.e., incident heat fluxes) the 7A drum lid pops off from the POC drum. This report will describe the various tests conducted in phase I and II, present preliminary results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs.

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Spent fuel transportation risk assessment: Cask fire analyses

Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material

Lopez, C.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Figueroa, V.G.

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has recently completed an updated Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Assessment, NUREG-2125. This assessment considered the response of three certified casks to a range of fire accidents in order to determine whether or not they would lose their ability to contain the spent fuel or maintain effective shielding. The casks consisted of a lead shielded rail cask that can be transported either with or without an inner welded canister, an all steel rail cask that is transported with an inner welded canister, and a DU shielded truck cask that is transported with directly loaded fuel. For the two rail casks, large pool fires that were concentric (fully engulfing), offset from the casks by 3 m, and offset from the cask by 18 m were analysed using the computational fluid dynamics CAFE-3D fire modelling code coupled with the finite element analysis PATRAN-Thermal heat transfer code. All of the fires were assumed to last for 3 h. In addition to these extraregulatory fires, the regulatory 30 min fire was analysed using both the regulatory uniform 800°C boundary condition and the more realistic CAFE-3D fire modelling code. For the truck cask, only the engulfing fire case was analysed using a 1 h fire duration. In all of the fire analyses, the seal region of the cask stayed below the failure temperature; therefore, there would be no release of radioactive material. In addition, the temperature of the fuel rods stayed below their burst rupture temperature, providing another barrier to release. For the lead shielded cask, very severe fires cause some of the lead to melt. There is no leak path for this molten lead to exit the shield region, but its expansion during the melting and subsequent contraction due to solidification during cool down results in a reduction in gamma shielding effectiveness. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2014.

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Spent fuel transportation risk assessment: Cask impact analyses

Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material

Ammerman, Douglas J.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently completed an updated Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Assessment, NUREG-2125. This assessment considered the response of three certified casks to a range of impact accidents in order to determine whether or not they would lose their ability to contain the spent fuel or maintain effective shielding. The casks consisted of a lead shielded rail cask that can be transported either with or without an inner welded canister, an all-steel rail cask that is transported with an inner welded canister, and a DU shielded truck cask that is transported with directly loaded fuel. Finite element analyses were performed for impacts at speeds of 48, 97, 145 and 193 kilometres per hour into a rigid target. Impacts in end-on, side-on, and CG-over-corner orientations were analysed for each cask and impact speed. Calculations were performed to equate these impacts onto rigid targets with higher speed impacts onto the yielding targets that exist in the real world. These analyses indicated that a cask with an inner welded canister or a truck cask would not release radioactive material in any impact accident and that only very high-speed impacts onto hard rock targets could result in either release of material or significant degradation of shielding for rail casks without an inner canister. Impacts other than those onto flat unyielding targets were also considered. Analyses show that an impact that bypasses the impact limiters on the ends of the casks does not result in seal failure and neither does an impact by a locomotive also between the impact limiters. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2014.

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Thermo-mechanical study of bare 48Y UF6 containers exposed to the regulatory fire environment

Lopez Mestre, Carlos L.; Morrow, Charles W.; Ammerman, Douglas J.

Most of the regulatory agencies world-wide require that containers used for the transportation of natural UF6 and depleted UF6 must survive a fully-engulfing fire environment for 30 minutes as described in 10CFR71 and in TS-R-1. The primary objective of this project is to examine the thermo-mechanical performance of 48Y transportation cylinders when exposed to the regulatory hypothetical fire environment without the thermal protection that is currently used for shipments in those countries where required. Several studies have been performed in which UF6 cylinders have been analyzed to determine if the thermal protection currently used on UF6 cylinders of type 48Y is necessary for transport. However, none of them could clearly confirm neither the survival nor the failure of the 48Y cylinder when exposed to the regulatory fire environment without the additional thermal protection. A consortium of five companies that move UF6 is interested in determining if 48Y cylinders can be shipped without the thermal protection that is currently used. Sandia National Laboratories has outlined a comprehensive testing and analysis project to determine if these shipping cylinders are capable of withstanding the regulatory thermal environment without additional thermal protection. Sandia-developed coupled physics codes will be used for the analyses that are planned. A series of destructive and non-destructive tests will be performed to acquire the necessary material and behavior information to benchmark the models and to answer the question about the ability of these containers to survive the fire environment. Both the testing and the analysis phases of this project will consider the state of UF6 under thermal and pressure loads as well as the weakening of the steel container due to the thermal load. Experiments with UF6 are also planned to collect temperature- and pressure-dependent thermophysical properties of this material.

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Construction of an unyielding target for large horizontal impacts

Ammerman, Douglas J.; Davie, Neil T.; Kalan, Robert K.

Sandia National Laboratories has constructed an unyielding target at the end of its 2000-foot rocket sled track. This target is made up of approximately 5 million pounds of concrete, an embedded steel load spreading structure, and a steel armor plate face that varies from 10 inches thick at the center to 4 inches thick at the left and right edges. The target/track combination will allow horizontal impacts at regulatory speeds of very large objects, such as a full-scale rail cask, or high-speed impacts of smaller packages. The load-spreading mechanism in the target is based upon the proven design that has been in use for over 20 years at Sandia's aerial cable facility. That target, with a weight of 2 million pounds, has successfully withstood impact forces of up to 25 million pounds. It is expected that the new target will be capable of withstanding impact forces of more than 70 million pounds. During construction various instrumentation was placed in the target so that the response of the target during severe impacts can be monitored. This paper will discuss the construction of the target and provide insights on the testing capabilities at the sled track with this new target.

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Flat plate puncture test convergence study

Ammerman, Douglas J.

The ASME Task Group on Computational Mechanics for Explicit Dynamics is investigating the types of finite element models needed to accurately solve various problems that occur frequently in cask design. One type of problem is the 1-meter impact onto a puncture spike. The work described in this paper considers this impact for a relatively thin-walled shell, represented as a flat plate. The effects of mesh refinement, friction coefficient, material models, and finite element code will be discussed. The actual punch, as defined in the transport regulations, is 15 cm in diameter with a corner radius of no more than 6 mm. The punch used in the initial part of this study has the same diameter, but has a corner radius of 25 mm. This more rounded punch was used to allow convergence of the solution with a coarser mesh. A future task will be to investigate the effect of having a punch with a smaller corner radius. The 25-cm thick type 304 stainless steel plate that represents the cask wall is 1 meter in diameter and has added mass on the edge to represent the remainder of the cask. The amount of added mass to use was calculated using Nelm's equation, an empirically derived relationship between weight, wall thickness, and ultimate strength that prevents punch through. The outer edge of the plate is restrained so that it can only move in the direction parallel to the axis of the punch. Results that are compared include the deflection at the edge of the plate, the deflection at the center of the plate, the plastic strains at radius r=50 cm and r=100 cm , and qualitatively, the distribution of plastic strains. The strains of interest are those on the surface of the plate, not the integration point strains. Because cask designers are using analyses of this type to determine if shell will puncture, a failure theory, including the effect of the tri-axial nature of the stress state, is also discussed. The results of this study will help to determine what constitutes an adequate finite element model for analyzing the puncture hypothetical accident.

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Numerical analyses of locomotive impacts on a spent fuel truck cask and trailer

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Ammerman, Douglas J.; Stevens, Dave; Barsotti, Matt

During the transportation of spent nuclear fuel by truck, the possibility exists that a train could run into the spent fuel cask at a grade crossing. Sandia National Laboratories has conducted a numerical study to assess the possibility of cask breach or material release in the event of a high-speed, broadside locomotive collision. A numerical approach has the advantage over conducting a physical test as was done in the 1970s [1] in that varying parameters can be examined. For example, one of the criticisms of the 1970s test was the height of the cask. In the test, the centerline of the cask was above the main frame-rails of the locomotive. In this study the position of the cask with respect to the locomotive was varied. The response of the cask and trailer in different collision scenarios was modeled numerically with LS-DYNA [2]. The simulations were performed as a collaborative endeavor between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) and Foster-Miller, Inc (FMI). ARA developed the GA-4 Spent Fuel Cask and Cask Transporter models described in this report. These models were then combined with two existing FMI heavy freight locomotive finite element models to create the overall simulation scenarios. The modeling effort, results, and conclusions are presented in this paper. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.

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Accident Conditions versus Regulatory Test for NRC-Approved UF6 Packages

Mills, G.S.; Mills, G.S.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Lopez Mestre, Carlos L.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approves new package designs for shipping fissile quantities of UF{sub 6}. Currently there are three packages approved by the NRC for domestic shipments of fissile quantities of UF{sub 6}: NCI-21PF-1; UX-30; and ESP30X. For approval by the NRC, packages must be subjected to a sequence of physical tests to simulate transportation accident conditions as described in 10 CFR Part 71. The primary objective of this project was to relate the conditions experienced by these packages in the tests described in 10 CFR Part 71 to conditions potentially encountered in actual accidents and to estimate the probabilities of such accidents. Comparison of the effects of actual accident conditions to 10 CFR Part 71 tests was achieved by means of computer modeling of structural effects on the packages due to impacts with actual surfaces, and thermal effects resulting from test and other fire scenarios. In addition, the likelihood of encountering bodies of water or sufficient rainfall to cause complete or partial immersion during transport over representative truck routes was assessed. Modeled effects, and their associated probabilities, were combined with existing event-tree data, plus accident rates and other characteristics gathered from representative routes, to derive generalized probabilities of encountering accident conditions comparable to the 10 CFR Part 71 conditions. This analysis suggests that the regulatory conditions are unlikely to be exceeded in real accidents, i.e. the likelihood of UF{sub 6} being dispersed as a result of accident impact or fire is small. Moreover, given that an accident has occurred, exposure to water by fire-fighting, heavy rain or submersion in a body of water is even less probable by factors ranging from 0.5 to 8E-6.

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Use of inelastic analysis in cask design

Ammerman, Douglas J.; Breivik, Nicole L.

In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of inelastic analysis are discussed. Example calculations and designs showing the implications and significance of factors affecting inelastic analysis are given. From the results described in this paper it can be seen that inelastic analysis provides an improved method for the design of casks. It can also be seen that additional code and standards work is needed to give designers guidance in the use of inelastic analysis. Development of these codes and standards is an area where there is a definite need for additional work. The authors hope that this paper will help to define the areas where that need is most acute.

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105 Results
105 Results