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Laser-driven ionization mechanisms of aluminum for single particle aerosol mass spectrometry

Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy

Lietz, Amanda M.; Yee, Benjamin T.; Musk, Jeffrey H.; Moffat, Harry K.; Wiemann, Dora K.; Settecerri, Taylor S.; Fergenson, David F.; Omana, Michael A.; Hopkins, Matthew M.

Single particle aerosol mass spectrometry (SPAMS), an analytical technique for measuring the size and composition of individual micron-scale particles, is capable of analyzing atmospheric pollutants and bioaerosols much more efficiently and with more detail than conventional methods which require the collection of particles onto filters for analysis in the laboratory. Despite SPAMS’ demonstrated capabilities, the primary mechanisms of ionization are not fully understood, which creates challenges in optimizing and interpreting SPAMS signals. In this paper, we present a well-stirred reactor model for the reactions involved with the laser-induced vaporization and ionization of an individual particle. The SPAMS conditions modeled in this paper include a 248 nm laser which is pulsed for 8 ns to vaporize and ionize each particle in vacuum. The ionization of 1 μm, spherical Al particles was studied by approximating them with a 0-dimensional plasma chemistry model. The primary mechanism of absorption of the 248 nm photons was pressure-broadened direct photoexcitation to Al(y2D). Atoms in this highly excited state then undergo superelastic collisions with electrons, heating the electrons and populating the lower energy excited states. We found that the primary ionization mechanism is electron impact ionization of various excited state Al atoms, especially Al(y2D). Because the gas expands rapidly into vacuum, its temperature decreases rapidly. The rate of three-body recombination (e- + e- + Al+ → Al + e-) increases at low temperature, and most of the electrons and ions produced recombine within several μs of the laser pulse. The importance of the direct photoexcitation indicates that the relative peak heights of different elements in SPAMS mass spectra may be sensitive to the available photoexcitation transitions. We also discuss the effects of laser intensity, particle diameter, and expansion dynamics.

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Extended use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic - Thermal conditioning and spray-on surface disinfection

Polymer Degradation and Stability

Celina, Mathias C.; Martinez, Estevan J.; Omana, Michael A.; Sanchez, A.L.; Wiemann, Dora K.; Tezak, Matthew T.; Dargaville, Tim R.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in globally constrained supplies for face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE). Production capacity is limited in many countries and the future course of the pandemic will likely continue with shortages for high quality masks and PPE in the foreseeable future. Hence, expectations are that mask reuse, extended wear and similar approaches will enhance the availability of personal protective measures. Repeated thermal disinfection could be an important option and likely easier implemented in some situations, at least on the small scale, than UV illumination, irradiation or hydrogen peroxide vapor exposure. An overview on thermal responses and ongoing filtration performance of multiple face mask types is provided. Most masks have adequate material properties to survive a few cycles (i.e. 30 min disinfection steps) of thermal exposure in the 75°C regime. Some are more easily affected, as seen by the fusing of plastic liner or warping, given that preferred conditioning temperatures are near the softening point for some of the plastics and fibers used in these masks. Hence adequate temperature control is equally important. As guidance, disinfectants sprayed via dilute solutions maintain a surface presence over extended time at 25 and 37°C. Some spray-on alcohol-based solutions containing disinfectants were gently applied to the top surface of masks. Neither moderate thermal aging (less than 24 h at 80 and 95°C) nor gentle application of surface disinfectant sprays resulted in measurable loss of mask filter performance. Subject to bio-medical concurrence (additional checks for virus kill efficiency) and the use of low risk non-toxic disinfectants, such strategies, either individually or combined, by offering additional anti-viral properties or short term refreshing, may complement reuse options of professional masks or the now ubiquitous custom-made face masks with their often unknown filtration effectiveness.

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A Parameterization Study of Sew-EZ Materials: Types #6 and #8

Omana, Michael A.; Dallman, Ann R.; Wiemann, Dora K.; Settecerri, Taylor S.

Two material types identified by Sew-EZ were tested in various configurations, and under various conditions, by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). The primary focus of this study was to assess the filtration performance of these two materials and identify if they perform similarly to certified N95 respirators. Testing was conducted on two systems which use distinctly different techniques to characterize the aerosol penetration characteristics of materials: a) R&D Filtration System: A large-scale R&D filtration system was used with testing parameters that mimicked NIOSH guidelines, where possible. Efficiency data as a function of particle size was attained using NaC1 as the test aerosol and a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) for measurements. A more detailed system description can be found in Omana et al. 2020. b) Automated Tester: A commercial, automated filter tester (100Xs, Air Techniques International) was used to provide penetration/efficiency data for Sew EZ materials. The 100Xs aerosolizes a polydisperse NaC1 aerosol with a consistent concentration and size profile. The 100Xs manual (Air Techniques International 2018) states, "The aerosol particle size and distribution are designed to meet all requirements as defined in the relevant sections of NIOSH 42 CFR, Part 84 (pg. 32)."

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High Air-Flow Aerosol Filtration Testing

Hubbard, Joshua A.; Wiemann, Dora K.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.

Pressure losses and aerosol collection efficiencies were measured for fibrous filter materials at air-flow rates consistent with high efficiency filtration (hundreds of cubic feet per minute). Microfiber filters coated with nanofibers were purchased and fabricated into test assemblies for a 12-inch duct system designed to mimic high efficiency filtration testing of commercial and industrial processes. Standards and specifications for high efficiency filtration were studied from a variety of institutions to assess protocols for design, testing, operations and maintenance, and quality assurance (e.g., DOE, ASHRAE, ASME). Three materials with varying Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) were challenged with sodium chloride aerosol. Substantial filter loading was observed where aerosol collection efficiencies and pressure losses increased during experiments. Filter designs will be optimized and characterized in subsequent years of this study. Additional testing will be performed with higher hazard aerosols at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

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New radiological material detection technologies for nuclear forensics: Remote optical imaging and graphene-based sensors

Harrison, Richard K.; Martin, Jeffrey B.; Wiemann, Dora K.; Choi, Junoh C.; Howell, Stephen W.

We developed new detector technologies to identify the presence of radioactive materials for nuclear forensics applications. First, we investigated an optical radiation detection technique based on imaging nitrogen fluorescence excited by ionizing radiation. We demonstrated optical detection in air under indoor and outdoor conditions for alpha particles and gamma radiation at distances up to 75 meters. We also contributed to the development of next generation systems and concepts that could enable remote detection at distances greater than 1 km, and originated a concept that could enable daytime operation of the technique. A second area of research was the development of room-temperature graphene-based sensors for radiation detection and measurement. In this project, we observed tunable optical and charged particle detection, and developed improved devices. With further development, the advancements described in this report could enable new capabilities for nuclear forensics applications.

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Preliminary Investigation of the Thermal Decomposition of Ablefoam and EF-AR20 Foam (Ablefoam Replacement)

Ulibarri, Tamara A.; Erickson, Kenneth L.; Wiemann, Dora K.; Erickson, Kenneth L.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Borek, Theodore T.; Renlund, Anita M.; Miller, Jill C.

Preliminary thermal decomposition experiments with Ablefoam and EF-AR20 foam (Ablefoam replacement) were done to determine the important chemical and associated physical phenomena that should be investigated to develop the foam decomposition chemistry sub-models that are required in numerical simulations of the fire-induced response of foam-filled engineered systems for nuclear safety applications. Although the two epoxy foams are physically and chemically similar, the thermal decomposition of each foam involves different chemical mechanisms, and the associated physical behavior of the foams, particularly ''foaming'' and ''liquefaction,'' have significant implications for modeling. A simplified decomposition chemistry sub-model is suggested that, subject to certain caveats, may be appropriate for ''scoping-type'' calculations.

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Final report for the designed synthesis of controlled degradative materials LDRD

Loy, Douglas A.; Ulibarri, Tamara A.; Curro, John G.; Wiemann, Dora K.; Guess, Tommy R.

The main goal of this research was to develop degradable systems either by developing weaklink-containing polymers or identifying commercial polymeric systems which are easily degraded. In both cases, the degradation method involves environmentally friendly chemistries. The weaklinks are easily degradable fragments which are introduced either randomly or regularly in the polymer backbone or as crosslinking sites to make high molecular weight systems via branching. The authors targeted three general application areas: (1) non-lethal deterrents, (2) removable encapsulants, and (3) readily recyclable/environmentally friendly polymers for structural and thin film applications.

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42 Results
42 Results