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Modeling fast-transient defect evolution and carrier recombination in pulse-neutron-irradiated Si devices

Physica B: Condensed Matter

Myers, S.M.; Wampler, W.R.; Cooper, P.J.; King, Donald B.

This work explores the feasibility of mechanistically modeling the transient behavior of defects and carriers in bipolar Si devices exposed to pulses of MeV neutrons. Our approach entails a detailed, finite-element treatment of the diffusion, field-drift, and reactions of well-established primal defects and reacted states, taking into account the localization of displacement damage within secondary cascades. The modeling captures a variety of the properties of pulse-neutron-irradiated transistors observed from electrical measurements and deep-level transient spectroscopy, using parameter values consistent with independently available information. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Metrics for comparison between displacement damage due to ion beam and neutron irradiation in silicon BJTs

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Bielejec, E.; Vizkelethy, G.; Fleming, Robert M.; King, Donald B.

We present a series of metrics for comparison between displacement damage due to heavy ion and neutron irradiation in silicon bipolar junction transistors. We have compared ion and fast neutron irradiations to determine an ion-to-neutron damage equivalence. We find that a combination of metrics (damage factor, Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and Annealing Factor) are needed to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the physics involved in the ion-to-neutron conversion. The linearity of the damage factor (primarily probing the base-emitter junction) is not enough to ensure a valid comparison; rather, we must also use additional techniques (DLTS and capacitance measurements) to ensure that collector compensation is not occurring. As a result, care must be taken in choosing the irradiation beam for ion exposures. The displacement damage should peak in the sensitive region of the device to both ensure maximum gain degradation and to minimize collector compensation. © 2007 IEEE.

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Damage equivalence of heavy ions in silicon bipolar junction transistors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Bielejec, E.; Vizkelethy, G.; Kolb, N.R.; King, Donald B.; Doyle, Barney L.

Results of displacement damage correlation between neutrons, light ions and heavy ions in bipolar junction transistors are presented. Inverse gain degradation as the function of fluence was measured. The inverse gain degradation due to heavy ion irradiation followed the Messenger-Spratt equation, while some deviation was found for light ions. © 2006 IEEE.

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Application of spallation neutron sources in support of radiation hardness studies

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Griffin, Patrick; King, Donald B.; Kolb, Norm

High-power spallation neutron sources offer a unique opportunity to gather critical measurements on the very early transient displacement damage in semiconductors. This paper discusses the important attributes of spallation neutron facilities used for investigating the transient radiation hardness of semiconductors. By comparing the attributes of some different types of radiation facilities currently used for semiconductor damage characterization, a new and important role for spallation neutron sources is identified. Comparisons are made between the attributes of the spallation neutron source and fast-burst reactors, water-moderated reactors, ion microbeams, and electron accelerators. By incorporating electromagnetic shielding, photocurrent shunts and new experimental techniques, testing at spallation neutron sources has permitted the earliest measurements of transient gain to be lowered from the previous time of 250 μs, achieved at fast-burst reactors, to 8 μs. This is over a factor of 30 improvement in the test capability. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Development of a silicon calorimeter for dosimetry applications in a water-moderated reactor

ASTM Special Technical Publication

Luker, Spencer M.; Griffin, Patrick J.; Depriest, Kendall D.; King, Donald B.; Naranjo, Gerald E.; Suo-Anttila, Ahti J.; Kellner, Ned

High fidelity active dosimetry in the mixed neutron/gamma field of a research reactor is a very complex issue. For passive dosimetry applications, the use of activation foils addresses the neutron environment while the use of low neutron response CaF2:Mn thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) addresses the gamma environment. While radiation-hardened diamond photoconducting detectors (PCD) have been developed that provide a very precise fast response (picosecond) dosimeter and can provide a time-dependent profile for the radiation environment, the mixed field response of the PCD is still uncertain and this interferes with the calibration of the PCD response. In order to address the research reactor experimenter's need for a dosimeter that reports silicon dose and dose rate at a test location during a pulsed reactor operation, a silicon calorimeter has been developed. This dosimeter can be used by itself to provide a dose in rad(Si) up to a point in a reactor pulsed operation, or, in conjunction with the diamond PCD, to provide a dose rate. This paper reports on the development, testing, and validation of this silicon calorimeter for applications in water-moderated research reactors. Copyright © 2006 by ASTM International.

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Low work function material development for the microminiature thermionic converter

King, Donald B.; King, Donald B.; Zavadil, Kevin R.; Jennison, Dwight R.; Battaile, Corbett C.; Marshall, Albert C.

Thermionic energy conversion in a miniature format shows potential as a viable, high efficiency, micro to macro-scale power source. A microminiature thermionic converter (MTC) with inter-electrode spacings on the order of microns has been prototyped and evaluated at Sandia. The remaining enabling technology is the development of low work function materials and processes that can be integrated into these converters to increase power production at modest temperatures (800 - 1300 K). The electrode materials are not well understood and the electrode thermionic properties are highly sensitive to manufacturing processes. Advanced theoretical, modeling, and fabrication capabilities are required to achieve optimum performance for MTC diodes. This report describes the modeling and fabrication efforts performed to develop micro dispenser cathodes for use in the MTC.

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BaO/W(100) thermionic emitters and the effects of Sc, Y, La, and the density functional used in computations

Proposed for publication in Surface Science Letters.

Jennison, Dwight R.; Jennison, Dwight R.; Schultz, Peter A.; King, Donald B.; Zavadil, Kevin R.

Density functional theory is used to predict workfunctions, {psi}. For relaxed clean W(1 0 0), the local density approximation (LDA) agrees with experiment better than the newer generalized gradient approximation, probably due to the surface electron self-energy. The large Ba metallic radius indicates it covers W(1 0 0) at about 0.5 monolayer (ML). However, Ba{sup 2+}, O{sup 2-}, and metallic W all have similar radii. Thus 1 ML of BaO (one BaO unit for each two W atoms) produces minimum strain, indicating commensurate interfaces. BaO (1 ML) and Ba (1/2 ML) have the same {psi} to within 0.02 V, so at these coverages reduction or oxidation is not important. Due to greater chemical activity of ScO vs. highly ionic BaO, when mixing the latter with this suboxide of scandia, the overlayer always has BaO as the top layer and ScO as the second layer. The BaO/ScO bilayer has a rocksalt structure, suggesting high stability. In the series BaO/ScO/, BaO/YO/, and BaO/LaO/W(1 0 0), the latter has a remarkably low {psi} of 1.3 V (LDA), but 2 ML of rocksalt BaO also has {psi} at 1.3 V. We suggest BaO (1 ML) does not exist and that it is worthwhile to attempt the direct synthesis and study of BaO (2 ML) and BaO/LaO.

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31 Results
31 Results