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Imaging Fracture Networks Using Joint Seismic and Electrical Change Detection Techniques - Final Report

Knox, Hunter A.; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan B.; Johnson, Timothy J.; Morris, Joseph P.; Grubelich, Mark C.; James, Stephanie J.; Rinehart, Alex R.; Preston, Leiph A.; Vermeul, Vince V.; Strickland, Chris S.; Knox, James M.; King, Dennis K.; Ulrich, Craig U.

During the initial phase of this SubTER project, we conducted a series of high resolution seis- mic imaging campaigns designed to characterize induced fractures. Fractures were emplaced using a novel explosive source, designed at Sandia National Laboratories, that limits damage to the borehole. This work provided evidence that fracture locations could be imaged at inch scales using high-frequency seismic tomography but left many fracture properties (i.e. per- meability) unresolved. We present here the results of the second phase of the project, where we developed and demonstrated emerging seismic and electrical geophysical imaging tech- nologies that characterize 1) the 3D extent and distribution of fractures stimulated from the explosive source, 2) 3D fluid transport within the stimulated fracture network through use of a contrasting tracer, and 3) fracture attributes through advanced data analysis. Focus was placed upon advancing these technologies toward near real-time acquisition and processing in order to help provide the feedback mechanism necessary to understand and control frac- ture stimulation and fluid flow. Results from this study include a comprehensive set of 4D crosshole seismic and electrical data that take advantage of change detection methodologies allowing for perturbations associated with the fracture emplacement and particulate tracer to be isolated. During the testing the team also demonstrated near real-time 4D electri- cal resistivity tomography imaging and 4D seismic tomography using the CASSM approach with a temporal resolution approaching 1 minute. All of the data collected were used to develop methods of estimating fracture attributes from seismic data, develop methods of as- similating disparate and transient data sets to improve fracture network imaging resolution, and advance capabilities for near real-time inversion of cross-hole tomographic data. These results are illustrated here. Advancements in these areas are relevant to all situations where fracture emplacement is used for reservoir stimulation (e.g. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) and tight shale gases).

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High energy stimulations imaged with geophysical change detection techniques

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Knox, Hunter A.; Ajo-Franklin, Jonathan B.; Johnson, Timothy C.; Morris, Joseph P.; Grubelich, Mark C.; Preston, Leiph A.; Knox, James M.; King, Dennis K.

During the initial phase of this Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) SubTER project, we conducted a series of high-energy stimulations in shallow wells, the effects of which were evaluated with high resolution seismic imaging campaigns designed to characterize induced fractures. The high-energy stimulations use a novel explosive source that limits damage to the borehole, which was paramount for change detection seismic imaging and re-fracturing experiments. This work provided evidence that the high-energy stimulations were generating self-propping fractures and that these fracture locations could be imaged at inch scales using high-frequency seismic tomography. While the seismic testing certainly provided valuable feedback on fracture generation for the suite of explosives, it left many fracture properties (i.e. permeability) unresolved. We present here the methodology for the second phase of the project, where we are developing and demonstrating emerging seismic and electrical geophysical imaging technologies that have been designed to characterize 1) the 3D extent and distribution of fractures stimulated from the explosive source, 2) 3D fluid transport within the stimulated fracture network through use of a contrasting tracer, and 3) fracture attributes through advanced data analysis. Focus is being placed upon advancing these technologies toward near real-time acquisition and processing in order to help provide the feedback mechanism necessary to understand and control fracture stimulation and fluid flow.

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Imaging fracture networks using joint seismic and electrical change detection techniques

50th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2016

Knox, Hunter A.; Ajo-Franklin, J.B.; Johnson, T.C.; Morris, J.P.; Grubelich, Mark C.; Preston, Leiph A.; Knox, James M.; King, Dennis K.

During the initial phase of this SubTER project, we conducted a series of high resolution seismic imaging campaigns designed to characterize induced fractures. Fractures were emplaced using a novel explosive source that limits damage to the borehole. This work provided evidence that fracture locations could be imaged at inch scales using high-frequency seismic tomography but left many fracture properties (i.e. permeability) unresolved. We present here the methodology for the second phase of the project, where we will develop and demonstrate emerging seismic and electrical geophysical imaging technologies that characterize 1) the 3D extent and distribution of fractures stimulated from the explosive source, 2) 3D fluid transport within the stimulated fracture network through use of a contrasting tracer, and 3) fracture attributes through advanced data analysis. Focus will be placed upon advancing these technologies toward near real-time acquisition and processing in order to help provide the feedback mechanism necessary to understand and control fracture stimulation and fluid flow.

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Development of a high-temperature diagnostics-while-drilling tool

Blankenship, Douglas A.; Chavira, David C.; Henfling, Joseph A.; King, Dennis K.; Knudsen, Steven D.; Polsky, Yarom P.

The envisioned benefits of Diagnostics-While-Drilling (DWD) are based on the principle that high-speed, real-time information from the downhole environment will promote better control of the drilling process. Although in practice a DWD system could provide information related to any aspect of exploration and production of subsurface resources, the current DWD system provides data on drilling dynamics. This particular set of new tools provided by DWD will allow quicker detection of problems, reduce drilling flat-time and facilitate more efficient drilling (drilling optimization) with the overarching result of decreased drilling costs. In addition to providing the driller with an improved, real-time picture of the drilling conditions downhole, data generated from DWD systems provides researchers with valuable, high fidelity data sets necessary for developing and validating enhanced understanding of the drilling process. Toward this end, the availability of DWD creates a synergy with other Sandia Geothermal programs, such as the hard-rock bit program, where the introduction of alternative rock-reduction technologies are contingent on the reduction or elimination of damaging dynamic effects. More detailed descriptions of the rationale for the program and early development efforts are described in more detail by others [SAND2003-2069 and SAND2000-0239]. A first-generation low-temperature (LT) DWD system was fielded in a series of proof-of-concept tests (POC) to validate functionality. Using the LT system, DWD was subsequently used to support a single-laboratory/multiple-partner CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement) entitled Advanced Drag Bits for Hard-Rock Drilling. The drag-bit CRADA was established between Sandia and four bit companies, and involved testing of a PDC bit from each company [Wise, et al., 2003, 2004] in the same lithologic interval at the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) test facility near Catoosa, OK. In addition, the LT DWD system has been fielded in cost-sharing efforts with an industrial partner to support the development of new generation hard-rock drag bits. Following the demonstrated success of the POC DWD system, efforts were initiated in FY05 to design, fabricate and test a high-temperature (HT) capable version of the DWD system. The design temperature for the HT DWD system was 225 C. Programmatic requirements dictated that a HT DWD tool be developed during FY05 and that a working system be demonstrated before the end of FY05. During initial design discussions regarding a high-temperature system it was decided that, to the extent possible, the HT DWD system would maintain functionality similar to the low temperature system, that is, the HT DWD system would also be designed to provide the driller with real-time information on bit and bottom-hole-assembly (BHA) dynamics while drilling. Additionally, because of time and fiscal constraints associated with the HT system development, the design of the HT DWD tool would follow that of the LT tool. The downhole electronics package would be contained in a concentrically located pressure barrel and the use of externally applied strain gages with thru-tool connectors would also be used in the new design. Also, in order to maximize the potential wells available for the HT DWD system and to allow better comparison with the low-temperature design, the diameter of the tool was maintained at 7-inches. This report discusses the efforts associated with the development of a DWD system capable of sustained operation at 225 C. This report documents work performed in the second phase of the Diagnostics-While-Drilling (DWD) project in which a high-temperature (HT) version of the phase 1 low-temperature (LT) proof-of-concept (POC) DWD tool was built and tested. Descriptions of the design, fabrication and field testing of the HT tool are provided. Background on prior phases of the project can be found in SAND2003-2069 and SAND2000-0239.

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13 Results
13 Results