
29 Results
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A Proposed Geospatial Data Preservation Strategy for DOE's Office of Legacy Management

Bleakly, Denise R.; Linard, Joshua L.; Cuneo, Matthew J.

Identifying and planning preservation and curation activities associated with geospatial data will improve the ability of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management (LM) to support their core mission of protecting human health and the environment. This report documents the development LM's strategy for preserving and curating geospatial data within the context of LM's data-lifecycle-management framework. The strategy consists of preservation and curation elements, specific activities, and key enabling factors that ensure LM's geospatial data is maintained. Preservation elements enable the effective preservation of LM's geospatial data and recognizes that strategies need to be flexible to adapt to ongoing changes in scale, technology, and standards. Key enabling factors are intended to highlight critical data management responsibilities that must be addressed by LM to meet its preservation and curation objectives. A summary of best practices for geospatial data preservation is provided as part of the strategy.

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Final report : PATTON Alliance gazetteer evaluation project

Bleakly, Denise R.

In 2005 the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) proposed that the PATTON Alliance provide assistance in evaluating and obtaining the Integrated Gazetteer Database (IGDB), developed for the Naval Space Warfare Command Research group (SPAWAR) under Advance Research and Development Activity (ARDA) funds by MITRE Inc., fielded to the text-based search tool GeoLocator, currently in use by NGIC. We met with the developers of GeoLocator and identified their requirements for a better gazetteer. We then validated those requirements by reviewing the technical literature, meeting with other members of the intelligence community (IC), and talking with both the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), the authoritative sources for official geographic name information. We thus identified 12 high-level requirements from users and the broader intelligence community. The IGDB satisfies many of these requirements. We identified gaps and proposed ways of closing these gaps. Three important needs have not been addressed but are critical future needs for the broader intelligence community. These needs include standardization of gazetteer data, a web feature service for gazetteer information that is maintained by NGA and USGS but accessible to users, and a common forum that brings together IC stakeholders and federal agency representatives to provide input to these activities over the next several years. Establishing a robust gazetteer web feature service that is available to all IC users may go a long way toward resolving the gazetteer needs within the IC. Without a common forum to provide input and feedback, community adoption may take significantly longer than anticipated with resulting risks to the war fighter.

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Long-Term Spatial Data Preservation and Archiving: What Are the Issues?

Bleakly, Denise R.

The Department of Energy (DOE) is moving towards Long-Term Stewardship (LTS) of many environmental restoration sites that cannot be released for unrestricted use. One aspect of information management for LTS is geospatial data archiving. This report discusses the challenges facing the DOE LTS program concerning the data management and archiving of geospatial data. It discusses challenges in using electronic media for archiving, overcoming technological obsolescence, data refreshing, data migration, and emulation. It gives an overview of existing guidance and policy and discusses what the United States Geological Service (USGS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are doing to archive the geospatial data that their agencies are responsible for. In the conclusion, this report provides issues for further discussion around long-term spatial data archiving.

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29 Results