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Optimal Electric Grid Black Start Restoration Subject to Intentional Threats

Stamber, Kevin L.; Arguello, Bryan A.; Garrett, Richard A.; Beyeler, Walter E.; Doyle, Casey L.; Ojetola, Samuel; Schoenwald, David A.

Efficient restoration of the electric grid from significant disruptions – both natural and manmade – that lead to the grid entering a failed state is essential to maintaining resilience under a wide range of threats. Restoration follows a set of black start plans, allowing operators to select among these plans to meet the constraints imposed on the system by the disruption. Restoration objectives aim to restore power to a maximum number of customers in the shortest time. Current state-of-the-art for restoration modeling breaks the problem into multiple parts, assuming a known network state and full observability and control by grid operators. These assumptions are not guaranteed under some threats. This paper focuses on a novel integration of modeling and analysis capabilities to aid operators during restoration activities. A power flow-informed restoration framework, comprised of a restoration mixed-integer program informed by power flow models to identify restoration alternatives, interacts with a dynamic representation of the grid through a cognitive model of operator decision-making, to identify and prove an optimal restoration path. Application of this integrated approach is illustrated on exemplar systems. Validation of the restoration is performed for one of these exemplars using commercial solvers, and comparison is made between the steps and time involved in the commercial solver, and that required by the restoration optimization in and of itself, and by the operator model in acting on the restoration optimization output. Publications and proposals developed under this work, along with a path forward for additional expansion of the work, and summary of what was achieved, are also documented.

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Simulink Modeling and Dynamic Study of Fixed-Speed, Variable-Speed, and Ternary Pumped Storage Hydropower

Jimenez Aparicio, Miguel J.; Wilches-Bernal, Felipe W.; Darbali-Zamora, Rachid; Haines, Thad; Schoenwald, David A.; Shafiul Alam, S.M.; Gevorgian, Vahan G.; Yan, Weihang Y.

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Enabling Extended-Term Simulation of Power Systems with High PV Penetration. Final Report

Schoenwald, David A.

This is the final Technical Report for DOE-SETO Project Award # DE-EE0036461. The goal of this project is to advance the understanding of the grid impact of high penetration of photovoltaic (PV) generation by developing novel numerical methods to solve the differential algebraic equations (DAEs) that define power systems. This will overcome the limitations of current software packages – namely that they only consider fast dynamics over brief time periods. The work presented in this final project report covers results over the entire period of the project. This includes results on model development, code development for the PST repository, datasets in the PST repository, algorithm development and results from variable time-step simulations, development and results from multirate simulations, and sensitivity analysis of key parameter in variable time-step methods. In addition, this report discusses project outreach activities to stakeholders, and a summary of project products. Also covered in this final report is the writing of two conference papers (one of which has already been accepted) and a journal paper. In addition, the updating of two inverter models (both grid forming and grid following) to be compatible with the latest version of PST software is discussed.

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Visualizing the Inter-Area Modes of the Western Interconnection

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

Elliott, Ryan T.; Schoenwald, David A.

This paper presents a visualization technique for incorporating eigenvector estimates with geospatial data to create inter-area mode shape maps. For each point of measurement, the method specifies the radius, color, and angular orientation of a circular map marker. These characteristics are determined by the elements of the right eigenvector corresponding to the mode of interest. The markers are then overlaid on a map of the system to create a physically intuitive visualization of the mode shape. This technique serves as a valuable tool for differentiating oscillatory modes that have similar frequencies but different shapes. This work was conducted within the Western Interconnection Modes Review Group (WIMRG) in the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC). For testing, we employ the WECC 2021 Heavy Summer base case, which features a high-fidelity, industry standard dynamic model of the North American Western Interconnection. Mode estimates are produced via eigen-decomposition of a reduced-order state matrix identified from simulated ringdown data. The results provide improved physical intuition about the spatial characteristics of the inter-area modes. In addition to offline applications, this visualization technique could also enhance situational awareness for system operators when paired with online mode shape estimates.

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Control of High Voltage DC Links between Interconnections for Small Signal Stability

2020 52nd North American Power Symposium, NAPS 2020

Pierre, Brian J.; Wilches-Bernal, Felipe; Schoenwald, David A.

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Potential of Solid-State Transformers to Improve Grid Resilience

IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting

Schoenwald, David A.; Pierre, Brian J.; Munoz-Ramos, Karina M.

A methodology for the design of control systems for wide-area power systems using solid-state transformers (SSTs) as actuators is presented. Due to their ability to isolate the primary side from the secondary side, an SST can limit the propagation of disturbances, such as frequency and voltage deviations, from one side to the other. This paper studies a control strategy based on SSTs deployed in the transmission grid to improve the resilience of power grids to disturbances. The control design is based on an empirical model of an SST that is appropriate for control design in grid level applications. A simulation example illustrating the improvement provided by an SST in a large-scale power system via a reduction in load shedding due to severe disturbances are presented.

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Results 1–25 of 158
Results 1–25 of 158