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Extension of the neutron scatter camera sensitivity to the ∼ 10-200 MeV neutron energy range

Review of Scientific Instruments

Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Gerling, Mark D.; Reyna, David R.

The Neutron Scatter Camera (NSC) is a neutron spectrometer and imager that has been developed and improved by the Sandia National Laboratories for several years. Built for special nuclear material searches, the instrument was configured by the design to reconstruct neutron sources within the fission energy range 1-10 MeV. In this work, we present modifications that attempt to extend the NSC sensitivity to neutron energies in the range ∼10-200 MeV and discuss the corresponding consequences for the event processing. We present simulation results that manifest important aspects of the NSC response to those intermediate energy neutrons. The simulation results also evidence that the instrument's spectroscopic capabilities severely deteriorate at those energies, mainly due to the uncertainties in measuring energy, time, and distance between the two neutron scattering interactions. This work is motivated by the need to characterize neutron fluxes at particle accelerators as they may represent important backgrounds for neutrino experiments.

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In-situ Calibration of Detectors using Muon-induced Neutrons

Marleau, Peter M.; Reyna, David R.

In this work we investigate a method that confirms the operability of neutron detectors requiring neither radiological sources nor radiation-generating devices. This is desirable when radiological sources are not available, but confidence in the functionality of the instrument is required. The “source”, based on the production of neutrons in high-Z materials by muons, provides a tagged, low-background and consistent rate of neutrons that can be used to check the functionality of or calibrate a detector. Using a Monte Carlo guided optimization, an experimental apparatus was designed and built to evaluate the feasibility of this technique. Through a series of trial measurements in a variety of locations we show that gated muon-induced neutrons appear to provide a consistent source of neutrons (35.9 ± 2.3 measured neutrons/10,000 muons in the instrument) under normal environmental variability (less than one statistical standard deviation for 10,000 muons) with a combined environmental + statistical uncertainty of ~18% for 10,000 muons. This is achieved in a single 21-22 minute measurement at sea level.

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Enabling the First Ever Measurement of Coherent Neutrino Scattering Through Background Neutron Measurements

Reyna, David R.; Betty, Rita B.

Using High Performance Computing to Examine the Processes of Neurogenesis Underlying Pattern Separation/Completion of Episodic Information - Sandia researchers developed novel methods and metrics for studying the computational function of neurogenesis,thus generating substantial impact to the neuroscience and neural computing communities. This work could benefit applications in machine learning and other analysis activities. The purpose of this project was to computationally model the impact of neural population dynamics within the neurobiological memory system in order to examine how subareas in the brain enable pattern separation and completion of information in memory across time as associated experiences.

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Above-ground antineutrino detection for nuclear reactor monitoring

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Sweany, Melinda; Brennan, James S.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Kiff, S.; Reyna, David R.; Throckmorton, Daniel J.

Antineutrino monitoring of nuclear reactors has been demonstrated many times (Klimov et al., 1994 [1]; Bowden et al., 2009 [2]; Oguri et al., 2014 [3]), however the technique has not as of yet been developed into a useful capability for treaty verification purposes. The most notable drawback is the current requirement that detectors be deployed underground, with at least several meters-water-equivalent of shielding from cosmic radiation. In addition, the deployment of liquid-based detection media presents a challenge in reactor facilities. We are currently developing a detector system that has the potential to operate above ground and circumvent deployment problems associated with a liquid detection media: the system is composed of segments of plastic scintillator surrounded by 6LiF/ZnS:Ag. ZnS:Ag is a radio-luminescent phosphor used to detect the neutron capture products of 6Li. Because of its long decay time compared to standard plastic scintillators, pulse-shape discrimination can be used to distinguish positron and neutron interactions resulting from the inverse beta decay (IBD) of antineutrinos within the detector volume, reducing both accidental and correlated backgrounds. Segmentation further reduces backgrounds by identifying the positron's annihilation gammas, a signature that is absent for most correlated and uncorrelated backgrounds. This work explores different configurations in order to maximize the size of the detector segments without reducing the intrinsic neutron detection efficiency. We believe that this technology will ultimately be applicable to potential safeguards scenarios such as those recently described by Huber et al. (2014) [4,5].

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A High-Sensitivity Fast Neutron Imager

Goldsmith, John E.; Brennan, James S.; Brubaker, Erik B.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Gerling, Mark D.; Marleau, Peter M.; Mascarenhas, Nick M.; Reyna, David R.

A wide range of NSC (Neutron Scatter Camera) activities were conducted under this lifecycle plan. This document outlines the highlights of those activities, broadly characterized as system improvements, laboratory measurements, and deployments, and presents sample results in these areas. Additional information can be found in the documents that reside in WebPMIS.

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Neutron detection and identification using ZnS:Ag/6LiF in segmented antineutrino detectors

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Kiff, Scott D.; Bowden, Nathaniel; Lund, Jim; Reyna, David R.

Antineutrino detection using inverse beta-decay conversion has demonstrated capability to measure nuclear reactor power and fissile material content for nuclear safeguards. Current efforts focus on aboveground deployment scenarios, for which a successful background rejection strategy will be needed to measure the anticipated antineutrino event rates. In this paper, we report on initial studies to quantify the intrinsic capture efficiency and particle identification capabilities of a new scintillation-based segmented design that uses layers of ZnS:Ag/6LiF to capture and identify neutrons created in the inverse beta-decay reaction. Laboratory efficiency measurements are consistent with MCNP5 calculations, estimating 6Li neutron conversion efficiency above 50% for practical full-scale detector configurations. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

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Integrated readout of organic scintillator and ZnS:Ag/6LiF for segmented antineutrino detectors

Kiff, Scott D.; Reyna, David R.

Antineutrino detection using inverse beta decay conversion has demonstrated the capability to measure nuclear reactor power and fissile material content for nuclear safeguards. Current efforts focus on aboveground deployment scenarios, for which highly efficient capture and identification of neutrons is needed to measure the anticipated antineutrino event rates in an elevated background environment. In this submission, we report on initial characterization of a new scintillation-based segmented design that uses layers of ZnS:Ag/{sup 6}LiF and an integrated readout technique to capture and identify neutrons created in the inverse beta decay reaction. Laboratory studies with multiple organic scintillator and ZnS:Ag/{sup 6}LiF configurations reliably identify {sup 6}Li neutron captures in 60 cm-long segments using pulse shape discrimination.

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Remote safeguards and monitoring of reactors with antineutrinos

Reyna, David R.

The current state-of-the-art in antineutrino detection is such that it is now possible to remotely monitor the operational status, power levels and fissile content of nuclear reactors in real-time. This non-invasive and incorruptible technique has been demonstrated at civilian power reactors in both Russia and the United States and has been of interest to the IAEA Novel Technologies Unit for several years. Expert's meetings were convened at IAEA headquarters in 2003 and again in 2008. The latter produced a report in which antineutrino detection was called a 'highly promising technology for safeguards applications' at nuclear reactors and several near-term goals and suggested developments were identified to facilitate wider applicability. Over the last few years, we have been working to achieve some of these goals and improvements. Specifically, we have already demonstrated the successful operation of non-toxic detectors and most recently, we are testing a transportable, above-ground detector system, which is fully contained within a standard 6 meter ISO container. If successful, such a system could allow easy deployment at any reactor facility around the world. As well, our previously demonstrated ability to remotely monitor the data and respond in real-time to reactor operational changes could allow the verification of operator declarations without the need for costly site-visits. As the global nuclear power industry expands around the world, the burden on maintaining operational histories and safeguarding inventories will increase greatly. Such a system for providing remote data to verify operator's declarations could greatly reduce the need for frequent site inspections while still providing a robust warning of anomalies requiring further investigation.

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Integrated readout of organic scintillator and ZnS:Ag/6LiF for segmented antineutrino detectors

Kiff, Scott D.; Reyna, David R.

Antineutrino detection using inverse beta decay conversion has demonstrated the capability to measure nuclear reactor power and fissile material content for nuclear safeguards. Current efforts focus on aboveground deployment scenarios, for which highly efficient capture and identification of neutrons is needed to measure the anticipated antineutrino event rates in an elevated background environment. In this submission, we report on initial characterization of a new scintillation-based segmented design that uses layers of ZnS:Ag/{sup 6}LiF and an integrated readout technique to capture and identify neutrons created in the inverse beta decay reaction. Laboratory studies with multiple organic scintillator and ZnS:Ag/{sup 6}LiF configurations reliably identify {sup 6}Li neutron captures in 60 cm-long segments using pulse shape discrimination.

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Remote safeguards and monitoring of reactors with antineutrinos

Reyna, David R.; Cabrera-Palmer, Belkis C.; Kiff, Scott D.

The current state-of-the-art in antineutrino detection is such that it is now possible to remotely monitor the operational status, power levels and fissile content of nuclear reactors in real-time. This non-invasive and incorruptible technique has been demonstrated at civilian power reactors in both Russia and the United States and has been of interest to the IAEA Novel Technologies Unit for several years. Expert's meetings were convened at IAEA headquarters in 2003 and again in 2008. The latter produced a report in which antineutrino detection was called a 'highly promising technology for safeguards applications' at nuclear reactors and several near-term goals and suggested developments were identified to facilitate wider applicability. Over the last few years, we have been working to achieve some of these goals and improvements. Specifically, we have already demonstrated the successful operation of non-toxic detectors and most recently, we are testing a transportable, above-ground detector system, which is fully contained within a standard 6 meter ISO container. If successful, such a system could allow easy deployment at any reactor facility around the world. As well, our previously demonstrated ability to remotely monitor the data and respond in real-time to reactor operational changes could allow the verification of operator declarations without the need for costly site-visits. As the global nuclear power industry expands around the world, the burden on maintaining operational histories and safeguarding inventories will increase greatly. Such a system for providing remote data to verify operator's declarations could greatly reduce the need for frequent site inspections while still providing a robust warning of anomalies requiring further investigation.

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Towards above-ground antineutrino detectors for cooperative monitoring : background radiation studies

Mrowka, Stanley M.; Reyna, David R.; Krenz, Kevin D.; Sadler, Lorraine E.

We describe an assembly of detectors that quantifies the background radiation present at potential above ground antineutrino detector development and deployment sites. Antineutrino detectors show great promise for safeguard applications in directly detecting the total fission rate as well as the change in fissile content of nuclear power reactors. One major technical challenge that this safeguard application must overcome is the ability to distinguish signals from antineutrinos originating in the reactor core from noise due to background radiation created by terrestrial and cosmogenic sources. To date, existing detectors increase their ability to distinguish antineutrino signals by being surrounded with significant shielding and being placed underground. For the safeguard's agency, this is less than optimal, increasing the overall size and limiting the placement of this system. For antineutrino monitoring to be a widely deployable solution, we must understand the backgrounds found above ground at nuclear power plants that can mimic the antineutrino signal so that these backgrounds can be easily identified, separated, and subtracted rather than shielded. The design, construction, calibration, and results from the deployment of these background detectors at a variety of sites will be presented.

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63 Results
63 Results