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Advanced analytics of rig parameter data using rock reduction model constraints for improved drilling performance

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Raymond, David W.; Foris, Adam J.; Norton, Jaiden; McLennan, John

Drill rig parameter measurements are routinely used during deep well construction to monitor and guide drilling conditions for improved performance and reduced costs. While insightful into the drilling process, these measurements are of reduced value without a standard to aid in data evaluation and decision making. A method is demonstrated whereby rock reduction model constraints are used to interpret drilling response parameters; the method could be applied in real-time to improved decision-making in the field and to further discern technology performance during post-drilling evaluations. Drill rig parameter data were acquired by drilling contractor Frontier Drilling and evaluated for two wells drilled at the DOE-sponsored site, Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE). The subject wells include: 1) FORGE 16A(78)-32, a directional well with vertical depth to a kick-off point at 5892 ft and a 65 degree tangent to a measured depth of 10987 ft and, 2) FORGE 56-32, a vertical monitoring well to a measured depth of 9145 ft. Drilling parameters are evaluated using laboratory-validated rock reduction models for predicting the phenomenological response of drag bits (Detournay and Defourny, 1992) along with other model constraints in computational algorithms. The method is used to evaluate overall bit performance, develop rock strength approximations, determine bit aggressiveness, characterize frictional energy losses, evaluate bit wear rates, and detect the presence of drillstring vibrations contributing to bit failure; comparisons are made to observations of bit wear and damage. Analyses are also presented to correlate performance to bit run cost drivers to provide guidance on the relative tradeoff between bit penetration rate and life. The method presented has applicability to development of advanced analytics on future geothermal wells using real-time electronic data recording for improved performance and reduced drilling costs.

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Summary: High Temperature Downhole Motor

Raymond, David W.

Directional drilling can be used to enable multi-lateral completions from a single well pad to improve well productivity and decrease environmental impact. Downhole rotation is typically developed with a motor in the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) that develops drilling power (speed and torque) necessary to drive rock reduction mechanisms (i.e., the bit) apart from the rotation developed by the surface rig. Historically, wellbore deviation has been introduced by a “bent-sub,” located in the BHA, that introduces a small angular deviation, typically less than 3 degrees, to allow the bit to drill off-axis with orientation of the BHA controlled at the surface. The development of a high temperature downhole motor would allow reliable use of bent subs for geothermal directional drilling. Sandia National Laboratories is pursuing the development of a high temperature motor that will operate on either drilling fluid (water-based mud) or compressed air to enable drilling high temperature, high strength, fractured rock. The project consists of designing a power section based upon geothermal drilling requirements; modeling and analysis of potential solutions; and design, development and testing of prototype hardware to validate the concept. Drilling costs contribute substantially to geothermal electricity production costs. The present development will result in more reliable access to deep, hot geothermal resources and allow preferential wellbore trajectories to be achieved. This will enable development of geothermal wells with multi-lateral completions resulting in improved geothermal resource recovery, decreased environmental impact and enhanced well construction economics.

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Port function based modeling and control of an autonomously variable spring to suppress self-excited vibrations while drilling

Proceedings of the American Control Conference

Buerger, Stephen B.; Mesh, Mikhail M.; Raymond, David W.

Self-excited vibrations are a major problem for rotary drilling. They may be mitigated by introducing adjustable compliance near the bottom of the drillstring, but it is challenging to identify the appropriate stiffness, particularly in situ and with limited available data on the rapidly-changing overall system dynamics. We describe an approach to modeling and simulating self-excited vibrations in drillstrings. Our approach uses impedance and admittance port functions to represent and systematically combine subsystems, and integrates established models for drillstring vibrations and rock / bit interactions. Simulations predict that intermediate stiffnesses provide better stability than either compliant or stiff extremes, which aligns with results from earlier work. Results also indicate that at least two different mechanisms limit stability in different stiffness regimes, producing significant differences in the relationship between vibration frequency and controlled module stiffness. This suggests a potential means of developing autonomous stiffness controllers that depend only on measurements taken at the variable stiffness module, without requiring a dynamic model of the rest of the drillstring.

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DE-FOA-EE0005502 Advanced Percussive Drilling Technology for Geothermal Exploration and Development Phase II Report

Su, Jiann-Cherng S.; Raymond, David W.; Prasad, Somuri V.

Percussive hammers are a promising advance in drilling technology for geothermal since they rely upon rock reduction mechanisms that are well-suited for use in the hard, brittle rock characteristic of geothermal formations. The project research approach and work plan includes a critical path to development of a high-temperature (HT) percussive hammer using a two- phase approach. The work completed in Phase I of the project demonstrated the viability of percussive hammers and that solutions to technical challenges in design, material technology, and performance are likely to be resolved. Work completed in Phase II focused on testing the findings from Phase I and evaluating performance of the materials and designs at high- operating temperatures. A high-operating temperature (HOT) drilling facility was designed, built, and used to test the performance of the DTH under extreme conditions. Results from the testing indicate that a high-temperature capable hammer can be developed and is a viable alternative for user in the driller's toolbox.

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Advanced percussive drilling technology for geothermal exploration and development DE-FOA-EE0005502

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Su, Jiann-Cherng S.; Raymond, David W.; Prasad, Somuri V.; Wolfer, Dale

Percussive hammers are a promising advance in drilling technology for geothermal since they rely upon rock reduction mechanisms that are well-suited for use in the hard, brittle rock characteristic of geothermal formations. Also known as down-the-hole (DTH) hammers, they are also compatible with low-density fluids that are often used for geothermal drilling. Experience in mining and oil and gas drilling has demonstrated their utility for penetrating hard rock. One limitation to more wide-scale deployment is the ability of the tools to operate at high temperatures (∼300°C) due to elastomers used in the construction and the lubrication required for operation. As part of a United States Department of Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement award, Atlas Copco was tasked with developing a high-temperature DTH capable of being used in geothermal environments. A full-scale development effort including design, build, and testing was pursued for the project. This report summarizes the results of the percussive hammer development efforts between Atlas-Copco Secoroc and Sandia National Labs as part of DE-FOA-EE0005502. Certain design details have been omitted due to the proprietary nature of the information.

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Active Suppression of Drilling System Vibrations For Deep Drilling

Raymond, David W.; Blankenship, Douglas A.; Buerger, Stephen B.; Cashion, Avery T.; Mesh, Mikhail M.; Radigan, William T.; Su, Jiann-Cherng S.

The dynamic stability of deep drillstrings is challenged by an inability to impart controllability with ever-changing conditions introduced by geology, depth, structural dynamic properties and operating conditions. A multi-organizational LDRD project team at Sandia National Laboratories successfully demonstrated advanced technologies for mitigating drillstring vibrations to improve the reliability of drilling systems used for construction of deep, high-value wells. Using computational modeling and dynamic substructuring techniques, the benefit of controllable actuators at discrete locations in the drillstring is determined. Prototype downhole tools were developed and evaluated in laboratory test fixtures simulating the structural dynamic response of a deep drillstring. A laboratory-based drilling applicability demonstration was conducted to demonstrate the benefit available from deployment of an autonomous, downhole tool with self-actuation capabilities in response to the dynamic response of the host drillstring. A concept is presented for a prototype drilling tool based upon the technical advances. The technology described herein is the subject of U.S. Patent Application No. 62219481, entitled "DRILLING SYSTEM VIBRATION SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS AND METHODS", filed September 16, 2015.

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21 Results
21 Results