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3D simulations of spinlike flames in Co/Al multilayers with enhanced conduction losses

Combustion and Flame

Kittell, David E.; Abere, Michael J.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Adams, David P.

Reactive Co/Al multilayers are uniformly structured materials that may be ignited to produce rapid and localized heating. Prior studies varying the bilayer thickness (i.e., sum of two individual layers of Co and Al) have revealed different types of flame morphologies, including: (a) steady/planar, (b) wavy/periodic, and (c) transverse bands, originating in the flame front. These instabilities resemble the “spin waves” first observed in the early studies of solid combustion (i.e., Ti cylinder in a N2 atmosphere), and are likewise thought to be due to the balance of heat released by reaction and heat conduction forward into the unreacted multilayer. However, the multilayer geometry and three-dimensional (3D) edge effects are relatively unexplored. In this work, a new diffusion-limited reaction model for Co/Al multilayers was implemented in large, novel 3D finite element analysis (FEA) simulations, in order to study the origins of these spinlike flames. This reaction model builds upon previous work by introducing three new phase-dependent property models for: (1) the diffusion coefficient, (2) anisotropic thermal conductivity tensor, and (3) bulk heat capacity, as well as one additional model for the bilayer-dependent heat of reaction. These novel 3D simulations are the first to predict both steady and unsteady flames in Co/Al multilayers. Moreover, two unsteady modes of flame propagation are identified, which depend on the enhanced conduction losses with slower flames, as well as flame propagation around notched edges. Future work will consider the generality of the current modeling approach and also seek to define a more generalized set of stability criteria for additional multilayer systems.

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Investigating growth to detonation in vapor-deposited hexanitrostilbene and pentaerythritol tetranitrate films using high-throughput methods

Journal of Applied Physics

Knepper, Robert; Rupper, Stephen G.; DeJong, Stephanie D.; Marquez, Michael P.; Kittell, David E.; Schmitt, Randal L.; Tappan, Alexander S.

In this work, a high-throughput experimental setup was used to characterize initiation threshold and growth to detonation in the explosives hexanitrostilbene (HNS) and pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). The experiment sequentially launched an array of laser-driven flyers to shock samples arranged in a 96-well microplate geometry, with photonic Doppler velocimetry diagnostics to characterize flyer velocity and particle velocity at the explosive–substrate interface. Vapor-deposited films of HNS and PETN were used to provide numerous samples with various thicknesses, enabling characterization of the evolution of growth to detonation. One-dimensional hydrocode simulations were performed with reactions disabled to illustrate where the experimental data deviate from the predicted inert response. Prompt initiation was observed in 144 μm thick HNS films at flyer velocities near 3000 m/s and in 125 μm thick PETN films at flyer velocities near 2400 m/s. This experimental setup enables rapid quantification of the growth of reactions in explosive materials that can reach detonation at sub-millimeter length scales. These data can subsequently be used for parameterizing reactive burn models in hydrocode simulations, as discussed in Paper II [D. E. Kittell, R. Knepper, and A. S. Tappan, J. Appl. Phys. 131, 154902 (2022)].

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Reactive burn model calibration using high-throughput initiation experiments at sub-millimeter length scales

Journal of Applied Physics

Kittell, David E.; Knepper, Robert; Tappan, Alexander S.

A first-of-its-kind model calibration was performed using Sandia National Laboratories' high-throughput initiation (HTI) experiment for two types of vapor-deposited explosive films consisting of hexanitrostilbene (HNS) or pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). These films exhibit prompt initiation, and they reach steady detonation at sub-millimeter length scales. Following prior work on HNS, we test the hypothesis of approximating these explosive films as fine-grained homogeneous solids with simple Arrhenius kinetics burn models. The model calibration process is described herein using a single-step as well as a two-step Arrhenius rate law, and it consists of systematic parameter sampling leading to a reduction in the model degrees of freedom. Multiple local minima are observed; results are given for seven different optimized parameter sets. Each model set is further evaluated in a two-dimensional simulation of the critical failure thickness for a sustained detonation. Overall, the two-step Arrhenius kinetics model captures the observed behavior for HNS; however, neither model produces a good fit to the PETN data. We hypothesize that the HTI results for PETN correspond to a heterogeneous response, owing to the smaller reaction zone of PETN compared to HNS (i.e., it does not homogenize the fine-grained hot spots as well). Future work should consider using the ignition and growth model for PETN, as well as other reactive burn models such as xHVRB, AWSD, PiSURF, and CREST.

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Addressing the Gap between Meso(grain) and Continuum Scales with Stochastic Burn Models and Probability Density Function Theory

AIP Conference Proceedings

Kittell, David E.

Within the energetics community, considerable effort is being put forth to find a robust scale-bridging link between unreacted material microstructures and the observed material responses, e.g. detonation and sub-detonative phenomena. Specifically, one area where this scale-bridging capability is needed is mesoscale modeling of explosives initiation (MMEI); here, material microstructures are imported directly or as statistical reconstructions into a hydrocode. While MMEI is attractive for simulating the shock initiation process with ever-increasing model fidelity, a large gap remains between the data being generated at the mesoscale and the calibration of burn model parameters. In this work, stochastic burn models are explored as a paradigm-shift to address possible scale-bridging schemes. These stochastic, particle-based methods are similar to those used for granular and droplet-laden flows, with Langevin-type equations. Further parallels are drawn to turbulent combustion modeling and preliminary developments using probability density function (pdf) theory by Baer, Gartling, and DesJardin. In order to implement these new scale-bridging schemes, one example of a stochastic burn model is explained in greater detail. Results from the stochastic burn model and MMEI simulations are given to illustrate the proposed approach. Ultimately, the execution of this work will be a community endeavor; to achieve such a capability, research efforts should focus on full-field data mining and pdf evolution, in addition to new numerical techniques for hydrocodes.

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An improved temperature-dependent specific heat model for unreacted explosive equations of state

AIP Conference Proceedings

Kerschen, Nicholas E.; Kittell, David E.

The any Mie-Grüneisen Equation of State (AMEOS) model in CTH, a shock was calibrated for four unreacted homogeneous explosives in temperature-volume space: HMX, TATB, PETN, and RDX. AMEOS employs a multi-term Einstein oscillator function, which is used to fit the specific heat over a range of temperature values. Here, this model is used to calculate a family of Hugoniot temperature curves that are much lower than for a constant specific heat approximation. Moreover, there is limited thermal EOS data which is extrapolated to the classic Dulong-Petit limit. Mesoscale simulations with Arrhenius burn models require this type of thermodynamically complete EOS for accurate temperature-based reaction rates. The improvements with temperature dependent versus constant specific heat are discussed, in addition to the Einstein oscillator coefficient fits for the four different homogeneous explosives considered.

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Prediction of Probabilistic Detonation Threshold via Millimeter-Scale Microstructure-Explicit and Void-Explicit Simulations

Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

Miller, Christopher; Kittell, David E.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Zhou, Min

We present an approach and relevant models for predicting the probabilistic shock-to-detonation transition (SDT) behavior and Pop plot (PP) of heterogeneous energetic materials (HEM) via mesoscopic microstructure-explicit (ME) and void explicit (VE) simulations at the millimeter (mm) sample size scale. Although the framework here is general, the particular material considered in this paper is pressed Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,2,3,5-tetrazocine (HMX). To systematically delineate the effects of material heterogeneities, four material cases are considered. These cases are homogeneous material, material with granular microstructure but no voids, homogeneous material with voids, and material with both granular microstructure and voids. Statistically equivalent microstructure sample sets (SEMSS) are generated and used. Eulerian hydrocode simulations explicitly resolve the material heterogeneities, voids, and the coupled mechanical-thermal-chemical processes. In particular, it is found that both microstructure and voids strongly influence the SDT behavior and PP. The effects of different combinations of microstructure heterogeneity and voids on the SDT process and PP are quantified and rank-ordered. The overall framework uses the Mie–Grüneisen equation of state and a history variable reactive burn model (HVRB). A novel probabilistic representation for quantifying the PP is developed, allowing the calculation of (1) the probability of observing SDT at a given combination of shock pressure and run distance, (2) the run-distance to detonation under a given combination of shock pressure and prescribed probability, and (3) the shock pressure required for achieving SDT at a given run distance with a prescribed probability. The results are in agreement with general trends in experimental data in the literature.

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Evaluation of XHVRB for capturing shock desensitization

AIP Conference Proceedings

Tuttle, Leah W.; Schmitt, Robert G.; Kittell, David E.; Harstad, Eric N.

Explosive shock desensitization phenomena have been recognized for some time. It has been demonstrated that pressure-based reactive flow models do not adequately capture the basic nature of the explosive behavior. Historically, replacing the local pressure with a shock captured pressure has dramatically improved the numerical modeling approaches. A pseudo-entropy based formulation using the History Variable Reactive Burn model, as proposed by Starkenberg, was implemented into the Eulerian shock physics code CTH. Improvements in the shock capturing algorithm in the model were made that allow reproduction of single shock behavior consistent with published Pop-plot data. It is also demonstrated to capture a desensitization effect based on available literature data, and to qualitatively capture multi-dimensional desensitization behavior. This model shows promise for use in modeling and simulation problems that are relevant to the desensitization phenomena. Issues are identified with the current implementation and future work is proposed for improving and expanding model capabilities.

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Letter: Modeling reactive shock waves in heterogeneous solids at the continuum level with stochastic differential equations

Physics of Fluids

Kittell, David E.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Lechman, Jeremy B.; Baer, M.R.

A new paradigm is introduced for modeling reactive shock waves in heterogeneous solids at the continuum level. Inspired by the probability density function methods from turbulent reactive flows, it is hypothesized that the unreacted material microstructures lead to a distribution of heat release rates from chemical reaction. Fluctuations in heat release, rather than velocity, are coupled to the reactive Euler equations which are then solved via the Riemann problem. A numerically efficient, one-dimensional hydrocode is used to demonstrate this new approach, and simulation results of a representative impact calculation (inert flyer into explosive target) are discussed.

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A diffusion-limited reaction model for self-propagating Al/Pt multilayers with quench limits

Journal of Applied Physics

Kittell, David E.; Yarrington, Cole Y.; Hobbs, Michael L.; Abere, Michael J.; Adams, David P.

A diffusion-limited reaction model was calibrated for Al/Pt multilayers ignited on oxidized silicon, sapphire, and tungsten substrates, as well as for some Al/Pt multilayers ignited as free-standing foils. The model was implemented in a finite element analysis code and used to match experimental burn front velocity data collected from several years of testing at Sandia National Laboratories. Moreover, both the simulations and experiments reveal well-defined quench limits in the total Al + Pt layer (i.e., bilayer) thickness. At these limits, the heat generated from atomic diffusion is insufficient to support a self-propagating wave front on top of the substrates. Quench limits for reactive multilayers are seldom reported and are found to depend on the thermal properties of the individual layers. Here, the diffusion-limited reaction model is generalized to allow for temperature- and composition-dependent material properties, phase change, and anisotropic thermal conductivity. Utilizing this increase in model fidelity, excellent overall agreement is shown between the simulations and experimental results with a single calibrated parameter set. However, the burn front velocities of Al/Pt multilayers ignited on tungsten substrates are over-predicted. Possible sources of error are discussed and a higher activation energy (from 41.9 kJ/ to 47.5 kJ/ is shown to bring the simulations into agreement with the velocity data observed on tungsten substrates. This higher activation energy suggests an inhibited diffusion mechanism present at lower heating rates.

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A physically-based Mie–Grüneisen equation of state to determine hot spot temperature distributions

Combustion Theory and Modelling

Kittell, David E.; Yarrington, Cole Y.

A physically-based form of the Mie–Grüneisen equation of state (EOS) is derived for calculating 1d planar shock temperatures, as well as hot spot temperature distributions from heterogeneous impact simulations. This form utilises a multi-term Einstein oscillator model for specific heat, and is completely algebraic in terms of temperature, volume, an integrating factor, and the cold curve energy. Moreover, any empirical relation for the reference pressure and energy may be substituted into the equations via the use of a generalised reference function. The complete EOS is then applied to calculations of the Hugoniot temperature and simulation of hydrodynamic pore collapse using data for the secondary explosive, hexanitrostilbene (HNS). From these results, it is shown that the choice of EOS is even more significant for determining hot spot temperature distributions than planar shock states. The complete EOS is also compared to an alternative derivation assuming that specific heat is a function of temperature alone, i.e. cv(T). Temperature discrepancies on the order of 100–600 K were observed corresponding to the shock pressures required to initiate HNS (near 10 GPa). Overall, the results of this work will improve confidence in temperature predictions. By adopting this EOS, future work may be able to assign physical meaning to other thermally sensitive constitutive model parameters necessary to predict the shock initiation and detonation of heterogeneous explosives.

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44 Results
44 Results