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True triaxial testing of castlegate sandstone

44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 5th US/Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium

Ingraham, M.D.; Issen, K.A.; Holcomb, David J.

Deformation bands in high porosity sandstone are an important geological feature for geologists and petroleum engineers; however, formation of these bands is not fully understood. The theoretical framework for deformation band formation in high porosity geomaterials is well established. It suggests that the intermediate principal stress influences the predicted deformation band type; however, these predictions have yet to be fully validated through experiments. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of the intermediate principal stress on failure and the formation of deformation bands in Castlegate sandstone. Mean stresses for these tests range from 30 to 150 MPa, covering brittle to ductile behavior. Deformation band orientations are measured with external observation as well as through acoustic emission locations. Results of experiments conducted at Lode angles of 30 and 14.5 degrees show trends that qualitatively agree with localization theory. The band angle (between the band normal and maximum compression) decreases with increasing mean stress. For tests at the same mean stress, band angle decreases with increasing Lode angle. Copyright 2010 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association.

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Crushed salt reconsolidation at elevated temperatures

Clayton, Daniel J.; Lee, Moo Y.; Holcomb, David J.; Bronowski, David R.

There is a long history of testing crushed salt as backfill for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant program, but testing was typically done at 100 C or less. Future applications may involve backfilling crushed salt around heat-generating waste packages, where near-field temperatures could reach 250 C or hotter. A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of hydrostatic stress on run-of-mine salt at temperatures up to 250 C and pressures to 20 MPa. The results of these tests were compared with analogous modeling results. By comparing the modeling results at elevated temperatures to the experimental results, the adequacy of the current crushed salt reconsolidation model was evaluated. The model and experimental results both show an increase in the reconsolidation rate with temperature. The current crushed salt model predicts the experimental results well at a temperature of 100 C and matches the overall trends, but over-predicts the temperature dependence of the reconsolidation. Further development of the deformation mechanism activation energies would lead to a better prediction of the temperature dependence by the crushed salt reconsolidation model.

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True triaxial testing of Castlegate sandstone

Holcomb, David J.

Deformation bands in high porosity sandstone are an important geological feature for geologists and petroleum engineers; however, their formation is not fully understood. Axisymmetric compression, the common test for this material, is not sufficient to fully evaluate localization criteria. This study seeks to investigate the influence of the second principal stress on the failure and the formation of deformation bands in Castlegate sandstone. Experimental results from tests run in the axisymmetric compression stress state, as well as a stress state between axisymmetric compression and pure shear will be presented. Samples are tested using a custom triaxial testing rig at Sandia National Laboratories capable of applying stresses up to 400 MPa. Acoustic emissions are used to locate deformation bands should they not be visible on the specimen exterior. It is suspected that the second invariant of stress has a strong contribution to the failure mode and band formation. These results could have significant bearing on petroleum extraction as well as carbon dioxide sequestration.

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Estimating the extent of the disturbed rock zone around a WIPP disposal room

43rd U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 4th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium

Herrick, Courtney G.; Park, B.Y.; Lee, Moo Y.; Holcomb, David J.

The disturbed rock zone (DRZ) is an important feature which is evaluated in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) performance assessment (PA) to predict post-closure repository performance. Mining of a WIPP disposal room disturbs the stress state sufficiently to cause fracturing of the surrounding rock, and this fracturing will alter the mechanical and hydrological properties of the salt. DRZ extent, and permeability, controls the majority of the brine that enters or exits the repository in PA modeling of the undisturbed scenario. Extensive laboratory data from experiments performed on rock salt demonstrate that damage can be modeled in terms of stress invariants. In this paper the DRZ extent is calculated based on a dilatant damage criterion. The calibrated damage factor C in the damage criterion is determined by comparing ultrasonic wave velocity field measurements obtained in the S-90 drift with a numerical analysis that predicts the salt's behavior. Ultrasonic velocities decrease in the presence of microcracks and loosened grain boundaries associated with salt damage. The most extensive DRZ exists during early times, within the first ten years of mining. The maximum predicted DRZ surrounding a WIPP disposal room is approximately 2.25 m below, 4.75 m above, and 2 m laterally. This paper also presents several lines of evidence, based on previous studies, that support the prediction of DRZ size by applying a WIPP specific damage criterion calibrated using ultrasonic velocity measurements. Copyright 2009 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association.

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Compaction localization and constitutive behavior of weak porous sandstone

Dewers, Thomas D.; Holcomb, David J.

A combined experimental and constitutive modeling program for weak porous sandstone deformation is described. A series of axisymmetric compression tests were performed over a range of mean stresses to study dilatational, compactional and transitional regimes. Experimental results were used both to derive constitutive parameters for testing localization theory and to parameterize a poroelastic-plastic model. Observed strain localization, imaged syn-deformationally using acoustic emissions, includes high- and low-angle shear and low angle compactional features or 'bands'. Isotropic elastic moduli measured via unloading loops show a progressive degradation pre-failure as decreasing functions of work-conjugate plastic strains and increasing functions of stress magnitude. The degradation pathway is unique for samples which underwent localization versus those that underwent spatially pervasive pore collapse. Total shear and volume strains are partitioned into elastic and plastic portions including the ''coupling'' strain associated with modulus degradation. Plastic strain calculated with and without the coupling term is compared with regard to localization predictions. Both coupled and uncoupled cases predict high angle shear bands for uniaxial and low mean stress conditions on the dilatational side of the yield surface. Uncoupled predictions show progressively lower angle shear bands approaching the transitional regime (stress conditions approaching the 'cap' surface). When elastic-plastic coupling is accounted for, compaction bands are predicted for the transitional regime, as are observed in the experiments. Finite element modeling efforts are described using a 3-invariant, mixed-hardening, continuous yield surface, elasto-plasticity model that includes several features important for porous sandstone constitutive behavior and observed experimentally, including non-associativity, nonlinear elasticity, elastic-plastic coupling, and kinematic hardening. Modeled deformational behavior attending stress paths relevant for several reservoir production scenarios are described.

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Advanced modeling and simulation to design and manufacture high performance and reliable advanced microelectronics and microsystems

Ewsuk, Kevin G.; Hinklin, Thomas R.; Neilsen, Michael K.; Tandon, Rajan T.; Arguello, Jose G.; Dempsey, James F.; Holcomb, David J.

An interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers having broad expertise in materials processing and properties, materials characterization, and computational mechanics was assembled to develop science-based modeling/simulation technology to design and reproducibly manufacture high performance and reliable, complex microelectronics and microsystems. The team's efforts focused on defining and developing a science-based infrastructure to enable predictive compaction, sintering, stress, and thermomechanical modeling in ''real systems'', including: (1) developing techniques to and determining materials properties and constitutive behavior required for modeling; (2) developing new, improved/updated models and modeling capabilities, (3) ensuring that models are representative of the physical phenomena being simulated; and (4) assessing existing modeling capabilities to identify advances necessary to facilitate the practical application of Sandia's predictive modeling technology.

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Geomechanics of penetration :laboratory analog experiments using a modified split hopkinson pressure bar/impact testing procedure

Gettemy, Glen L.; Holcomb, David J.; Bronowski, David R.

This research continues previous efforts to re-focus the question of penetrability away from the behavior of the penetrator itself and toward understanding the dynamic, possibly strain-rate dependent, behavior of the affected materials. A modified split Hopkinson pressure bar technique is prototyped to determine the value of reproducing the stress states, and mechanical responses, of geomaterials observed in actual penetrator tests within a laboratory setting. Conceptually, this technique simulates the passage of the penetrator surface past any fixed point in the penetrator trajectory by allowing for a controlled stress-time function to be transmitted into a sample, thereby mimicking the 1D radial projection inherent to analyses of the cavity expansion problem. Test results from a suite of weak (unconfined compressive strength, or UCS, of 22 MPa) concrete samples, with incident strain rates of 100-250 s{sup -1}, show that the complex mechanical response includes both plastic and anelastic wave propagation, and is critically dependent on incident particle velocity and saturation state. For instance, examination of the transmitted stress-time data, and post-test volumetric measurements of pulverized material, provide independent estimates of the plasticized zone length (1-2 cm) formed for incident particle velocity of {approx}16.7 m/s. The results also shed light on the elastic or energy propagation property changes that occur in the concrete. For example, the pre- and post-test zero-stress elastic wave propagation velocities show that the Young's modulus drops from {approx}19 GPa to <8 GPa for material within the first centimeter from the plastic transition front, while the Young's modulus of the dynamically confined, axially-stressed (in 6-18 MPa range) plasticized material drops to 0.5-0.6 GPa. The data also suggest that the critical particle velocity for formation of a plastic zone in the weak concrete is 13-15 m/s, with increased saturation tending to increase the critical particle velocity limit. Overall, the data produced from these experiments suggests that further pursuit of this approach is warranted for penetration research but also as a potential new method for dynamic testing of materials.

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Geomechanics of penetration : experimental and computational approaches : final report for LDRD project 38718

Holcomb, David J.; Fossum, Arlo F.; Gettemy, Glen L.; Hardy, Robert D.; Bronowski, David R.; Rivas, Raul R.; Preece, Dale S.

The purpose of the present work is to increase our understanding of which properties of geomaterials most influence the penetration process with a goal of improving our predictive ability. Two primary approaches were followed: development of a realistic, constitutive model for geomaterials and designing an experimental approach to study penetration from the target's point of view. A realistic constitutive model, with parameters based on measurable properties, can be used for sensitivity analysis to determine the properties that are most important in influencing the penetration process. An immense literature exists that is devoted to the problem of predicting penetration into geomaterials or similar man-made materials such as concrete. Various formulations have been developed that use an analytic or more commonly, numerical, solution for the spherical or cylindrical cavity expansion as a sort of Green's function to establish the forces acting on a penetrator. This approach has had considerable success in modeling the behavior of penetrators, both as to path and depth of penetration. However the approach is not well adapted to the problem of understanding what is happening to the material being penetrated. Without a picture of the stress and strain state imposed on the highly deformed target material, it is not easy to determine what properties of the target are important in influencing the penetration process. We developed an experimental arrangement that allows greater control of the deformation than is possible in actual penetrator tests, yet approximates the deformation processes imposed by a penetrator. Using explosive line charges placed in a central borehole, we loaded cylindrical specimens in a manner equivalent to an increment of penetration, allowing the measurement of the associated strains and accelerations and the retrieval of specimens from the more-or-less intact cylinder. Results show clearly that the deformation zone is highly concentrated near the borehole, with almost no damage occurring beyond 1/2 a borehole diameter. This implies penetration is not strongly influenced by anything but the material within a diameter or so of the penetration. For penetrator tests, target size should not matter strongly once target diameters exceed some small multiple of the penetrator diameter. Penetration into jointed rock should not be much affected unless a discontinuity is within a similar range. Accelerations measured at several points along a radius from the borehole are consistent with highly-concentrated damage and energy absorption; At the borehole wall, accelerations were an order of magnitude higher than at 1/2 a diameter, but at the outer surface, 8 diameters away, accelerations were as expected for propagation through an elastic medium. Accelerations measured at the outer surface of the cylinders increased significantly with cure time for the concrete. As strength increased, less damage was observed near the explosively-driven borehole wall consistent with the lower energy absorption expected and observed for stronger concrete. As it is the energy absorbing properties of a target that ultimately stop a penetrator, we believe this may point the way to a more readily determined equivalent of the S number.

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Naval submarine base Kings Bay and Bangor soil evaluations

Holcomb, David J.; Attaway, Stephen W.; Wesenberg, Donald L.

This report provides soil evaluation and characterization testing for the submarine bases at Kings Bay, Georgia, and Bangor, Washington, using triaxial testing at high confining pressures with different moisture contents. In general, the samples from the Bangor and Kings Bay sites appeared to be stronger than a previously used reference soil. Assuming the samples of the material were representative of the material found at the sites, they should be adequate for use in the planned construction. Since soils can vary greatly over even a small site, a soil specification for the construction contractor would be needed to insure that soil variations found at the site would meet or exceed the requirements. A suggested specification for the Bangor and Kings Bay soils was presented based on information gathered from references plus data obtained from this study, which could be used as a basis for design by the construction contractor.

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Assessing the disturbed rock zone (DRZ) around a 655 meter vertical shaft in salt using ultrasonic waves: An update

Hardy, Robert D.; Holcomb, David J.

An array of ultrasonic transducers was constructed consisting of three identical arrays at various depths in an air intake shaft at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP). Each array consists of transducers permanently installed in three holes arranged in an L shape. An active array, created by appropriate arrangement of the transducers and selection of transmitter-receiver pairs, allows the measurement of transmitted signal velocities and amplitudes (for attenuation studies) along 216 paths parallel, perpendicular and tangential to the shaft walls. Transducer positions were carefully surveyed, allowing absolute velocity measurements. Installation occurred over a period of about two years beginning in early 1989, with nearly continuous operation since that time, resulting in a rare, if not unique, record of the spatial and temporal variability of damage development around an underground opening. This paper reports results from the last two years of operation, updating the results reported by Holcomb, 1999. Results will be related to the damage, due to microcracking, required to produce the observed changes. It is expected that the results will be useful to other studies of the long-term deformation characteristics of salt.

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Growth of compaction bands: A new deformation mode for porous rock

Science Journal

Olsson, William A.; Holcomb, David J.

Compaction bands are thin, tabular zones of grain breakage and reduced porosity that are found in sandstones. These structures may form due to tectonic stresses or as a result of local stresses induced during production of fluids from wells, resulting in barriers to fluid (oil, gas, water) movement in sandstone reservoirs. To gain insight into the formation of compaction bands the authors have produced them in the laboratory. Acoustic emission locations were used to define and track the thickness of compaction bands throughout the stress history during axisymmetric compression experiments. Narrow zones of intense acoustic emission, demarcating the boundaries between the uncompacted and compacted regions were found to develop. Unexpectedly, these boundaries moved at velocities related to the fractional porosity reduction across the boundary and to the imposed specimen compression stress. This appears to be a previously unrecognized, fundamental mode of deformation of a porous, granular material subjected to compressive loading with significant implications for the production of hydrocarbons.

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Micromechanics of compaction in an analogue reservoir sandstone

Digiovanni, Anthony A.; Fredrich, Joanne T.; Holcomb, David J.; Olsson, William A.; Fredrich, Joanne T.

Energy production, deformation, and fluid transport in reservoirs are linked closely. Recent field, laboratory, and theoretical studies suggest that, under certain stress conditions, compaction of porous rocks may be accommodated by narrow zones of localized compressive deformation oriented perpendicular to the maximum compressive stress. Triaxial compression experiments were performed on Castlegate, an analogue reservoir sandstone, that included acoustic emission detection and location. Initially, acoustic emissions were focused in horizontal bands that initiated at the sample ends (perpendicular to the maximum compressive stress), but with continued loading progressed axially towards the center. This paper describes microscopy studies that were performed to elucidate the micromechanics of compaction during the experiments. The microscopy revealed that compaction of this weakly-cemented sandstone proceeded in two phases: an initial stage of porosity decrease accomplished by breakage of grain contacts and grain rotation, and a second stage of further reduction accommodated by intense grain breakage and rotation.

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18 Results
18 Results