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Materials assurance through orthogonal materials measurements: X-ray fluorescence aspects

Powder Diffraction

Rodriguez, Mark A.; Van Benthem, Mark V.; Susan, D.F.; Griego, James J.M.; Yang, Pin Y.; Mowry, Curtis D.; Enos, David E.

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) has been employed as one of several orthogonal means of screening materials to prevent counterfeit and adulterated products from entering the product stream. We document the use of principal component analysis (PCA) of XRF data on compositionally similar and dissimilar stainless steels for the purpose of testing the feasibility of employing XRF spectra to parse and bin these alloys as the same or significantly different alloy materials. The results indicate that XRF spectra can separate and assign alloys via PCA, but that important corrections for detector drift and scaling must be performed in order to achieve valid results.

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Understanding function and performance of carbon additives in lead-acid batteries

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Enos, David E.; Ferreira, Summer R.; Barkholtz, Heather B.; Baca, W.; Fenstermacher, S.

While the low cost and strong safety record of lead-acid batteries make them an appealing option compared to lithium-ion technologies for stationary storage, they can be rapidly degraded by the extended periods of high rate, partial state-of-charge operation required in such applications. Degradation occurs primarily through a process called hard sulfation, where large PbSO4 crystals are formed on the negative battery plates, hindering charge acceptance and reducing battery capacity. Various researchers have found that the addition of some forms of excess carbon to the negative active mass in lead-acid batteries can mitigate hard sulfation, but the mechanism through which this is accomplished is unclear. In this work, the effect of carbon composition and morphology was explored by characterizing four discrete types of carbon additives, then evaluating their effect when added to the negative electrodes within a traditional valve-regulated lead-acid battery design. The cycle life for the carbon modified cells was significantly larger than an unmodified control, with cells containing a mixture of graphitic carbon and carbon black yielding the greatest improvement. The carbons also impacted other electrochemical aspects of the battery (e.g., float current, capacity, etc.) as well as physical characteristics of the negative active mass, such as the specific surface area.

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Final Report: Characterization of Canister Mockup Weld Residual Stresses

Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of interim storage containers has been indicated as a high priority data gap by the Department of Energy (DOE) (Hanson et al., 2012), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, 2011), the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (NWTRB, 2010a), and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC, 2012a, 2012b). Uncertainties exist in terms of the environmental conditions that prevail on the surface of the storage containers, the stress state within the container walls associated both with weldments as well as within the base metal itself, and the electrochemical properties of the storage containers themselves. The goal of the work described in this document is to determine the stress states that exists at various locations within a typical storage canister by evaluating the properties of a full-diameter cylindrical mockup of an interim storage canister. This mockup has been produced using the same manufacturing procedures as the majority of the fielded spent nuclear fuel interim storage canisters. This document describes the design and procurement of the mockup and the characterization of the stress state associated with various portions of the container. It also describes the cutting of the mockup into sections for further analyses, and a discussion of the potential impact of the results from the stress characterization effort.

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Analysis of Dust Samples Collected from an In-Service Interim Storage System at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

In July, 2016, the Electric Power Research Institute and industry partners performed a field test at the Maine Yankee Nuclear Site, located near Wiscasset, Maine. The primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of an in-service interim storage canister within an overpack; however, as part of the demonstration, dust and soluble salt samples were collected from horizontal surfaces within the interim storage system. The storage system is a vertical system made by NAC International, consisting of a steel-lined concrete overpack containing a 304 stainless steel (SS) welded storage canister. The canister did not contain spent fuel but rather greater-than-class-C waste, which did not generate significant heat, limiting airflow through the storage system. The surfaces that were sampled for deposits included the top of the shield plug, the side of the canister, and a shelf at the bottom of the overpack, just below the level of the pillar on which the canister sits. The samples were sent to Sandia National Laboratories for analysis. This report summarizes the results of those analyses. Because the primary goal of the field test was to evaluate the use of robots in surveying the surface of the canister within the overpack, collection of dust samples was carried out in a qualitative fashion, using paper filters and sponges as the sampling media. The sampling focused mostly on determining the composition of soluble salts present in the dust. It was anticipated that a wet substrate would more effectively extract soluble salts from the surface that was sampled, so both the sponges and the filter paper were wetted prior to being applied to the surface of the metal. Sampling was accomplished by simply pressing the damp substrate against the metal surface for two minutes, and then removing it. It is unlikely that the sampling method quantitatively collected dust or salts from the metal surface; however, both substrates did extract a significant amount of material. The paper filters collected both particles, trapped within the cellulose fibers of the filter, and salts, while the sponges collected only the soluble salts, with very few particles. Upon delivery to Sandia, both collection media were analyzed using the same methods. The soluble salts were leached from the substrates and analyzed via ion chromatography, and insoluble minerals were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The insoluble minerals were found to consist largely of terrestrially-derived mineral fragments, dominantly quartz and biotite. Large (mm-sized) aggregates of calcium carbonate, calcium silicate, and calcium aluminum silicate were also present. The aggregates had one flat, smooth surface and one well crystallized surface, and were interpreted to be efflorescence on the inside of the overpack and in the vent, formed by seepage of cement pore fluids through joints in the steel liner of the overpack. Such efflorescence was commonly observed during the boroscope inspection of the storage system at the site. The material may have flaked off and fallen to the point where the dust was collected, or may have brushed off onto the sponges when the robot was retrieved through the inlet vent. Chemical analysis showed that the soluble salts on the shield plug were Ca- and Na-rich, with lesser K and minor Mg; the anionic component was dominated by SO 4 and Cl, with minor amounts of NO 3 . The cation composition of the soluble salts from the overpack shelf and the canister surface was similar to the filter samples, but the anions differed significantly, being dominantly NO 3 with lesser Cl and only trace SO 4 . The salts appear to represent a mixture of sea-salts (probably partially converted to nitrates and sulfates by particle-gas conversion reactions) and continental salt aerosols. Ammonium, a common component in continental aerosols, was not observed and may have been lost by degassing from the canister surface or after collection during sample storage and transportation. The demonstration at Maine Yankee has shown that the robot and sampling method used for the test can successfully be used to collect soluble salts from metal surfaces within an interim storage system overpack. The results were consistent from sample to sample, suggesting that a representative sample of the soluble salts was being collected. However, it is unlikely that the salt samples collected here represent quantitative sampling of the salts on the surfaces evaluated; for that reason, chloride densities per unit area are not presented here. It should also be noted that the relevance to storage systems at the site that contain SNF may be limited, because a heat- generating canister will result in greater airflow through the overpack, affecting dust deposition rates and possibly salt compositions.

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Understanding the risk of chloride induced stress corrosion cracking of interim storage containers for the dry storage of spent nuclear fuel: Residual stresses in typical welded containers

NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series

Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

The majority of current dry storage systems used for spent nuclear fuel consist of a welded 304 stainless steel container placed within a passively-ventilated concrete or steel overpack. In service, atmospheric salts, a portion of which will be chloride bearing, will be deposited on the surface of these containers. As the canister surface cools over time, these salts will deliquesce to form potentially corrosive chloride-rich brines. Because austenitic stainless steels are prone to chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC), the concern has been raised that SCC may significantly impact long-Term canister performance. While the susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to CISCC is well known, uncertainties exist in terms of the residual stress states that will exist at the container welds. A full- scale cylindrical mock-up was produced, and the residual stresses associated with the weldments in that structure characterized. Results to date indicate that residual stresses will.

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SNF Interim Storage Canister Corrosion and Surface Environment Investigations

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

This progress report describes work being done at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Of particular concern is stress corrosion cracking (SCC), by which a through-wall crack could potentially form in a canister outer wall over time intervals that are shorter than possible dry storage times. In order for SCC to occur, three criteria must be met. A corrosive environment must be present on the canister surface, the metal must susceptible to SCC, and sufficient tensile stress to support SCC must be present through the entire thickness of the canister wall. SNL is currently evaluating the potential for each of these criteria to be met.

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Status report. Characterization of Weld Residual Stresses on a Full-Diameter SNF Interim Storage Canister Mockup

Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

This report documents the mockup specifications and manufacturing processes; the initial cutting of the mockup into three cylindrical pieces for testing and the measured strain changes that occurred during the cutting process; and the planned weld residual stress characterization activities and the status of those activities.

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The long-term corrosion performance of alloy 22 in heated brine solutions


Enos, David E.; Bryan, Charles R.

Long-term corrosion experiments have been performed on Alloy 22 (UNS N06022), in a series of heated brines formulated to represent evaporatively concentrated ground water, to evaluate the long-term corrosion performance of the material. These solutions included 0.5 M NaCl, in addition to two simulated concentrated ground water solutions. Under conditions where Alloy 22 was anticipated to be passive, the corrosion rate was found to be vanishingly small (i.e., below the resolution of the weight-loss technique used to quantify corrosion in this study). However, under low pH conditions where Alloy 22 was anticipated to be active, or more specifically, where the chromium oxide passive film was not thermodynamically stable, the corrosion rate was appreciable. Furthermore, under such conditions the corrosion rate was observed to be a strong function of temperature, with an activation energy of 72.9±1.8 kJ/mol. Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy analysis of the oxide layer revealed that, while sulfur was present within the oxide for all test conditions, no accumulation was observed at or near the metal/oxide interface. These observations confirm that inhibition of passive film formation via sulfur accumulation does not occur during the corrosion of Alloy 22.

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Results of stainless steel canister corrosion studies and environmental sample investigations

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

This progress report describes work being done at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of used nuclear fuel. The work involves both characterization of the potential physical and chemical environment on the surface of the storage canisters and how it might evolve through time, and testing to evaluate performance of the canister materials under anticipated storage conditions. To evaluate the potential environment on the surface of the canisters, SNL is working with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to collect and analyze dust samples from the surface of in-service SNF storage canisters. In FY 13, SNL analyzed samples from the Calvert Cliffs Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI); here, results are presented for samples collected from two additional near-marine ISFSI sites, Hope Creek NJ, and Diablo Canyon CA. The Hope Creek site is located on the shores of the Delaware River within the tidal zone; the water is brackish and wave action is normally minor. The Diablo Canyon site is located on a rocky Pacific Ocean shoreline with breaking waves. Two types of samples were collected: SaltSmart™ samples, which leach the soluble salts from a known surface area of the canister, and dry pad samples, which collected a surface salt and dust using a swipe method with a mildly abrasive ScotchBrite™ pad. The dry samples were used to characterize the mineralogy and texture of the soluble and insoluble components in the dust via microanalytical techniques, including mapping X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. For both Hope Creek and Diablo Canyon canisters, dust loadings were much higher on the flat upper surfaces of the canisters than on the vertical sides. Maximum dust sizes collected at both sites were slightly larger than 20 μm, but Phragmites grass seeds ~1 mm in size, were observed on the tops of the Hope Creek canisters. At both sites, the surface dust could be divided into fractions generated by manufacturing processes and by natural processes. The fraction from manufacturing processes consisted of variably-oxidized angular and spherical particles of stainless steel and iron, generated by machining and welding/cutting processes, respectively. Dust from natural sources consisted largely of detrital quartz and aluminosilicates (feldspars and clays) at both sites. At Hope Creek, soluble salts were dominated by sulfates and nitrates, mostly of calcium. Chloride was a trace component and the only chloride mineral observed by SEM was NaCl. Chloride surface loads measured by the Saltsmart™ sensors were very low, less than 60 mg m–2 on the canister top, and less than 10 mg m–2 on the canister sides. At Diablo Canyon, sea-salt aggregates of NaCl and Mg-SO4, with minor K and Ca, were abundant in the dust, in some cases dominating the observed dust assemblage. Measured Saltsmart™ chloride surface loads were very low (<5 mg m–2); however, high canister surface temperatures damaged the Saltsmart™ sensors, and, in view of the SEM observations of abundant sea-salts on the package surfaces, the measured surface loads may not be valid. Moreover, the more heavily-loaded canister tops at Diablo Canyon were not sampled with the Saltsmart™ sensors. The observed low surface loads do not preclude chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking (CISCC) at either site, because (1) the measured data may not be valid for the Diablo Canyon canisters; (2) the surface coverage was not complete (for instance, the 45º offset between the outlet and inlet vents means that near-inlet areas, likely to have heavier dust and salt loads, were not sampled); and (3) CISCC has been experimentally been observed at salt loads as low as 5-8 mg/m2. Experimental efforts at SNL to assess corrosion of interim storage canister materials include three tasks in FY14. First, a full-diameter canister mockup, made using materials and techniques identical to those used to make interim storage canisters, was designed and ordered from Ranor Inc., a cask vendor for Areva/TN. The mockup will be delivered prior to the end of FY14, and will be used for evaluating weld residual stresses and degrees of sensitization for typical interim storage canister welds. Following weld characterization, the mockup will be sectioned and provided to participating organizations for corrosion testing purposes. A test plan is being developed for these efforts. In a second task, experimental work was carried out to evaluate crevice corrosion of 304SS in the presence of limited reactants, as would be present on a dustcovered storage canister. This work tests the theory that limited salt loads will limit corrosion penetration over time, and is a continuation of work carried out in FY13. Laser confocal microscopy was utilized to assess the volume and depth of corrosion pits formed during the crevice corrosion tests. Results indicate that for the duration of the current experiments (100 days), no stifling of corrosion occurred due to limitations in the amount of reactants present at three different salt loadings. Finally, work has been carried out this year perfecting an instrument for depositing sea-salts onto metal surfaces for atmospheric corrosion testing purposes. The system uses an X-Y plotter system with a commercial airbrush, and deposition is monitored with a quartz crystal microbalance. The system is capable of depositing very even salt loadings, even at very low total deposition rates.

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Materials for Consideration in Standardized Canister Design Activities

Bryan, Charles R.; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Enos, David E.; Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie T.; Hardin, Ernest H.

This document identifies materials and material mitigation processes that might be used in new designs for standardized canisters for storage, transportation, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. It also addresses potential corrosion issues with existing dual-purpose canisters (DPCs) that could be addressed in new canister designs. The major potential corrosion risk during storage is stress corrosion cracking of the weld regions on the 304 SS/316 SS canister shell due to deliquescence of chloride salts on the surface. Two approaches are proposed to alleviate this potential risk. First, the existing canister materials (304 and 316 SS) could be used, but the welds mitigated to relieve residual stresses and/or sensitization. Alternatively, more corrosion-resistant steels such as super-austenitic or duplex stainless steels, could be used. Experimental testing is needed to verify that these alternatives would successfully reduce the risk of stress corrosion cracking during fuel storage. For disposal in a geologic repository, the canister will be enclosed in a corrosion-resistant or corrosion-allowance overpack that will provide barrier capability and mechanical strength. The canister shell will no longer have a barrier function and its containment integrity can be ignored. The basket and neutron absorbers within the canister have the important role of limiting the possibility of post-closure criticality. The time period for corrosion is much longer in the post-closure period, and one major unanswered question is whether the basket materials will corrode slowly enough to maintain structural integrity for at least 10,000 years. Whereas there is extensive literature on stainless steels, this evaluation recommends testing of 304 and 316 SS, and more corrosion-resistant steels such as super-austenitic, duplex, and super-duplex stainless steels, at repository-relevant physical and chemical conditions. Both general and localized corrosion testing methods would be used to establish corrosion rates and component lifetimes. Finally, it is unlikely that the aluminum-based neutron absorber materials that are commonly used in existing DPCs would survive for 10,000 years in disposal environments, because the aluminum will act as a sacrificial anode for the steel. We recommend additional testing of borated and Gd-bearing stainless steels, to establish general and localized corrosion resistance in repository-relevant environmental conditions.

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Draft report: Results of stainless steel canister corrosion studies and environmental sample investigations

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

This progress report describes work being done at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to assess the localized corrosion performance of container/cask materials used in the interim storage of used nuclear fuel. The work involves both characterization of the potential physical and chemical environment on the surface of the storage canisters and how it might evolve through time, and testing to evaluate performance of the canister materials under anticipated storage conditions.

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Analysis of dust samples collected from spent nuclear fuel interim storage containers at Hope Creek, Delaware, and Diablo Canyon, California

Bryan, Charles R.; Enos, David E.

Potentially corrosive environments may form on the surface of spent nuclear fuel dry storage canisters by deliquescence of deposited dusts. To assess this, samples of dust were collected from in-service dry storage canisters at two near-marine sites, the Hope Creek and Diablo Canyon storage installations, and have been characterized with respect to mineralogy, chemistry, and texture. At both sites, terrestrially-derived silicate minerals, including quartz, feldspars, micas, and clays, comprise the largest fraction of the dust. Also significant at both sites were particles of iron and iron-chromium metal and oxides generated by the manufacturing process. Soluble salt phases were minor component of the Hope Creek dusts, and were compositionally similar to inland salt aerosols, rich in calcium, sulfate, and nitrate. At Diablo Canyon, however, sea-salt aerosols, occurring as aggregates of NaCl and Mg-sulfate, were a major component of the dust samples. The seasalt aerosols commonly occurred as hollow spheres, which may have formed by evaporation of suspended aerosol seawater droplets, possibly while rising through the heated annulus between the canister and the overpack. The differences in salt composition and abundance for the two sites are attributed to differences in proximity to the open ocean and wave action. The Diablo Canyon facility is on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, while the Hope Creek facility is on the shores of the Delaware River, several miles from the open ocean.

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Impact of atmospherically deposited solid contaminants on materials of interest for the interim and long term storage of high level nuclear waste

NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series

Enos, David E.

For both the interim and long term storage of high level nuclear waste, the storage casks/containers will be exposed to conditions under which considerable dust and/or atmospheric aerosols may be deposited on the surface. These dust layers may contain a sizeable portion of water soluble salts, particularly in marine environments where many interim storage systems are located. These soluble salts will deliquesce if sufficient moisture is present, resulting in the formation of potentially corrosive brine on the material surface. While this is not a concern for highly corrosion resistant materials such as Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) (which was pursued for long term geologic storage), it could be an issue for the less corrosion resistant stainless steels and carbon steels used for interim storage applications. Experimental results have illustrated that some stainless steels can and will undergo localized corrosion in elevated temperature conditions where a chloride rich brine has formed on the surface. In this presentation, the results of this test program, as well as efforts to address the potential for corrosion stifling under conditions where a limited quantity of reactant is present will be discussed. ©2012 by NACE International.

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Synthesis of anticorrosion and antifouling nanoparticles for marine hydrokinetic technology

ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts

Montoya, Laura; Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A.; Zarick, Cory; Altman, Susan J.; Enos, David E.

Marine Hydrokinetic energy is the production of renewable electricity converted from the kinetic energy of ocean waves, current, tides, or by thermal gradients. Currently an emerging global industry is focused on developing novel technology to harness this sustainable power. These alternative energy devices require advances in anticorrosion and antibiofouling coatings to enhance lifetime and performance. In order to understand the microbial-nanomaterial interaction as well as nanomaterial corrosion process, we have elected to examine a variety of metallic, oxide and phosphate based nanomaterials. The synthesis of these materials using solution precipitation and solovothermal routes along with their full characterization will be presented.

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Understanding the function and performance of carbon-enhanced lead-acid batteries : milestone report for the DOE Energy Storage Systems Program (FY11 Quarter 4: July through September 2011)

Enos, David E.; Ferreira, Summer R.

This report describes the status of research being performed under CRADA No. SC10/01771.00 (Lead/Carbon Functionality in VRLA Batteries) between Sandia National Laboratories and East Penn Manufacturing, conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Storage Systems Program. The Quarter 4 Milestone was completed on time. The milestone entails the initiation of high rate, partial state of charge (HRPSoC) cycling of the carbon enhanced batteries. The morphology, porosity, and porosity distribution within the plates after 1k and 10k cycles were documented, illustrating the changes which take place in the early life of the carbon containing batteries, and as the battery approaches failure due to hard sulfation for the control battery. Longer term cycling on a subset of the received East Penn cells containing different carbons (and a control) continues, and will progress into FY12. Carbon has been explored as an addition to lead-acid battery electrodes in a number of ways. Perhaps the most notable to date has been the hybrid 'Ultrabattery' developed by CSIRO where an asymmetric carbon-based electrochemical capacitor is combined with a lead-acid battery into a single cell, dramatically improving high-rate partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) operation. As illustrated below, the 'Ultrabattery' is a hybrid device constructed using a traditional lead-acid battery positive plate (i.e., PbO2) and a negative electrode consisting of a carbon electrode in parallel with a lead-acid negative plate. This device exhibits a dramatically improved cycle life over traditional VRLA batteries, as well as increased charge power and charge acceptance. The 'Ultrabattery' has been produced successfully by both The Furukawa Battery Co. and East Penn Manufacturing. An example illustrating the dramatic improvement in cycle life of the Ultrabattery over a conventional VRLA battery is shown in a graph. In addition to the aforementioned hybrid device, carbon has also been added directly to traditional VRLA batteries as an admixture in both the positive and negative plates, the latter of which has been found to result in similar improvements to battery performance under high-rate partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) operation. It is this latter construction, where carbon is added directly to the negative active material (NAM) that is the specific incarnation being evaluated through this program. Thus, the carbon-modified (or Pb-C) battery (termed the 'Advanced' VRLA battery by East Penn Manufacturing) is a traditional VRLA battery where an additional component has been added to the negative electrode during production of the negative plate. The addition of select carbon materials to the NAM of VRLA batteries has been demonstrated to increase cycle life by an order of magnitude or more under (HRPSoC) operation. Additionally, battery capacity increases on cycling and, in fact, exceeds the performance of the batteries when new.

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Understanding the function and performance of carbon-enhanced lead-acid batteries : milestone report for the DOE energy storage systems program (FY11 Quarter 3: April through June 2011)

Enos, David E.; Ferreira, Summer R.

This report describes the status of research being performed under CRADA No. SC10/01771.00 (Lead/Carbon Functionality in VRLA Batteries) between Sandia National Laboratories and East Penn Manufacturing, conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Storage Systems Program. The Quarter 3 Milestone was completed on time. The milestone entails an ex situ analysis of a control as well as three carbon-containing negative plates in the raw, as cast form as well as after formation. The morphology, porosity, and porosity distribution within each plate was evaluated. In addition, baseline electrochemical measurements were performed on each battery to establish their initial performance. These measurements included capacity, internal resistance, and float current. The results obtained for the electrochemical testing were in agreement with previous evaluations performed at East Penn manufacturing. Cycling on a subset of the received East Penn cells containing different carbons (and a control) has been initiated.

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Differential imaging microscopy of physically complex surfaces undergoing atmospheric corrosion

NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series

Enos, David E.; Girard, Gerald R.

Frequently, optical observation of component materials is the only viable technique to evaluate degradation processes in-situ. Unfortunately, due to the visually complex nature of many surfaces (e.g., scratches, occlusions, etc.), the degradation process, particularly at early stages, is difficult or impossible to resolve. As a result, studies are limited to evaluating degradation well after initiation has taken place. Thus, there is a need for a technique that could be implemented utilizing image processing that allows the de-convolution of changes due to the degradation process of interest from the background "noise". An automated differential imaging system was constructed for in-situ studies of both aqueous and atmospheric environments to fulfill this need. The basic functionality of the Differential imaging system was demonstrated on gold plated copper and gold /nickel plated copper coupons exposed to a sulfide containing atmosphere. © 2011 by NACE International.

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Understanding the function and performance of carbon-enhanced lead-acid batteries : milestone report for the DOE Energy Storage Systems program (FY11 Quarter 1: October through December 2010)

Enos, David E.; Hund, Thomas D.

This report describes the status of research being performed under CRADA No. SC10/01771.00 (Lead/Carbon Functionality in VRLA Batteries) between Sandia National Laboratories and East Penn Manufacturing, conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Storage Systems Program. The Quarter 1 Milestone was completed on time. The milestone entails conducting a thorough literature review to establish the current level of understanding of the mechanisms through which carbon additions to the negative active material improve valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries. Most studies have entailed phenomenological research observing that the carbon additions prevent/reduce sulfation of the negative electrode; however, no understanding is available to provide insight into why certain carbons are successful while others are not. Impurities were implicated in one recent review of the electrochemical behavior of carbon additions. Four carbon samples have been received from East Penn Manufacturing and impurity contents have been analyzed. Carbon has been explored as an addition to lead-acid battery electrodes in a number of ways. Perhaps the most notable to date has been the hybrid 'Ultrabattery' developed by CSIRO where an asymmetric carbon-based electrochemical capacitor is combined with a lead-acid battery into a single cell, dramatically improving high-rate partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) operation. As illustrated below, the 'Ultrabattery' is a hybrid device constructed using a traditional lead-acid battery positive plate (i.e., PbO{sub 2}) and a negative electrode consisting of a carbon electrode in parallel with a lead-acid negative plate. This device exhibits a dramatically improved cycle life over traditional VRLA batteries, as well as increased charge power and charge acceptance. The 'Ultrabattery' has been produced successfully by both The Furukawa Battery Co. and East Penn Manufacturing. An example illustrating the dramatic improvement in cycle life of the Ultrabattery over a conventional VRLA battery is shown in the graph.

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Understanding the function and performance of carbon-enhanced lead-acid batteries : milestone report for the DOE Energy Storage Systems program (FY11 Quarter 2: January through March 2011)

Enos, David E.; Hund, Thomas D.

This report describes the status of research being performed under CRADA No. SC10/01771.00 (Lead/Carbon Functionality in VRLA Batteries) between Sandia National Laboratories and East Penn Manufacturing, conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Storage Systems Program. The Quarter 2 Milestone was completed on time. The milestone entails an ex situ analysis of the four carbons that have been added to the negative active material of valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries for the purposes of this study. The four carbons selected for this study were a graphitic carbon, a carbon black, an activated carbon, and acetylene black. The morphology, crystallinity, and impurity contents of each of the four carbons were analyzed; results were consistent with previous data. Cycling on a subset of the received East Penn cells containing different carbons (and a control) has been initiated. Carbon has been explored as an addition to lead-acid battery electrodes in a number of ways. Perhaps the most notable to date has been the hybrid 'Ultrabattery' developed by CSIRO where an asymmetric carbon-based electrochemical capacitor is combined with a lead-acid battery into a single cell, dramatically improving high-rate partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) operation. As illustrated below, the 'Ultrabattery' is a hybrid device constructed using a traditional lead-acid battery positive plate (i.e., PbO{sub 2}) and a negative electrode consisting of a carbon electrode in parallel with a lead-acid negative plate. This device exhibits a dramatically improved cycle life over traditional VRLA batteries, as well as increased charge power and charge acceptance. The 'Ultrabattery' has been produced successfully by both The Furukawa Battery Co. and East Penn Manufacturing. An example illustrating the dramatic improvement in cycle life of the Ultrabattery over a conventional VRLA battery is shown.

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Carbon-enhanced VRLA batteries

Enos, David E.; Hund, Thomas D.

The addition of certain forms of carbon to the negative plate in valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries has been demonstrated to increase the cycle life of such batteries by an order of magnitude or more under high-rate, partial-state-of-charge operation. Such performance will provide a significant impact, and in some cases it will be an enabling feature for applications including hybrid electric vehicles, utility ancillary regulation services, wind farm energy smoothing, and solar photovoltaic energy smoothing. There is a critical need to understnd how the carbon interacts with the negative plate and achieves the aforementioned benefits at a fundamental level. Such an understanding will not only enable the performance of such batteries to be optimzied, but also to explore the feasibility of applying this technology to other battery chemistries. In partnership with the East Penn Manufacturing, Sandia will investigate the electrochemical function of the carbon and possibly identify improvements to its anti-sulfation properties. Shiomi, et al. (1997) discovered that the addition of carbon to the negative active material (NAM) substantially reduced PbSO{sub 4} accumulation in high rate, partial state of charge (HRPSoC) cycling applications. This improved performance with a minimal cost. Cycling applications that were uneconomical for traditional VRLA batteries are viable for the carbon enhanced VRLA. The overall goal of this work is to quantitatively define the role that carbon plays in the electrochemistry of a VRLA battery.

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Modeling pore corrosion in normally open gold- plated copper connectors

Moffat, Harry K.; Sun, Amy C.; Enos, David E.; Serna, Lysle M.; Sorensen, Neil R.; Battaile, Corbett C.

The goal of this study is to model the electrical response of gold plated copper electrical contacts exposed to a mixed flowing gas stream consisting of air containing 10 ppb H{sub 2}S at 30 C and a relative humidity of 70%. This environment accelerates the attack normally observed in a light industrial environment (essentially a simplified version of the Battelle Class 2 environment). Corrosion rates were quantified by measuring the corrosion site density, size distribution, and the macroscopic electrical resistance of the aged surface as a function of exposure time. A pore corrosion numerical model was used to predict both the growth of copper sulfide corrosion product which blooms through defects in the gold layer and the resulting electrical contact resistance of the aged surface. Assumptions about the distribution of defects in the noble metal plating and the mechanism for how corrosion blooms affect electrical contact resistance were needed to complete the numerical model. Comparisons are made to the experimentally observed number density of corrosion sites, the size distribution of corrosion product blooms, and the cumulative probability distribution of the electrical contact resistance. Experimentally, the bloom site density increases as a function of time, whereas the bloom size distribution remains relatively independent of time. These two effects are included in the numerical model by adding a corrosion initiation probability proportional to the surface area along with a probability for bloom-growth extinction proportional to the corrosion product bloom volume. The cumulative probability distribution of electrical resistance becomes skewed as exposure time increases. While the electrical contact resistance increases as a function of time for a fraction of the bloom population, the median value remains relatively unchanged. In order to model this behavior, the resistance calculated for large blooms has been weighted more heavily.

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Pore corrosion model for gold-plated copper contacts

IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies

Sun, Amy C.; Moffat, Harry K.; Enos, David E.; George, Carly S.

The goal of this study is to model the electrical response of gold plated copper electrical contacts exposed to a mixed flowing gas stream consisting of air containing 10 ppb H2S at 30 °C and a relative humidity of 70%. This environment accelerates the attack normally observed in a light industrial environment (essentially a simplified version of the Battelle class 2 environment). Corrosion rates were quantified by measuring the corrosion site density, size distribution, and the macroscopic electrical resistance of the aged surface as a function of exposure time. A pore corrosion numerical model was used to predict both the growth of copper sulfide corrosion product which blooms through defects in the gold layer and the resulting electrical contact resistance of the aged surface. Assumptions about the distribution of defects in the noble metal plating and the mechanism for how corrosion blooms affect electrical contact resistance were needed to close the numerical model. Comparisons are made to the experimentally observed number density of corrosion sites, the size distribution of corrosion product blooms, and the cumulative probability distribution of the electrical contact resistance. Experimentally, the bloom site density increases as a function of time, whereas the bloom size distribution remains relatively independent of time. These two effects are included in the numerical model by adding a corrosion initiation probability proportional to the surface area along with a probability for bloom-growth extinction proportional to the corrosion product bloom volume. The cumulative probability distribution of electrical resistance becomes skewed as exposure time increases. While the electrical contact resistance increases as a function of time for a fraction of the bloom population, the median value remains relatively unchanged. In order to model this behavior, the resistance calculated for large blooms has been weighted more heavily. © 2007 IEEE.

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Development of a novel technique to assess the vulnerability of micro-mechanical system components to environmentally assisted cracking

Enos, David E.; Goods, Steven H.

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) will play an important functional role in future DOE weapon and Homeland Security applications. If these emerging technologies are to be applied successfully, it is imperative that the long-term degradation of the materials of construction be understood. Unlike electrical devices, MEMS devices have a mechanical aspect to their function. Some components (e.g., springs) will be subjected to stresses beyond whatever residual stresses exist from fabrication. These stresses, combined with possible abnormal exposure environments (e.g., humidity, contamination), introduce a vulnerability to environmentally assisted cracking (EAC). EAC is manifested as the nucleation and propagation of a stable crack at mechanical loads/stresses far below what would be expected based solely upon the materials mechanical properties. If not addressed, EAC can lead to sudden, catastrophic failure. Considering the materials of construction and the very small feature size, EAC represents a high-risk environmentally induced degradation mode for MEMS devices. Currently, the lack of applicable characterization techniques is preventing the needed vulnerability assessment. The objective of this work is to address this deficiency by developing techniques to detect and quantify EAC in MEMS materials and structures. Such techniques will allow real-time detection of crack initiation and propagation. The information gained will establish the appropriate combinations of environment (defining packaging requirements), local stress levels, and metallurgical factors (composition, grain size and orientation) that must be achieved to prevent EAC.

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Pore corrosion model for gold-plated copper contacts

Electrical Contacts, Proceedings of the Annual Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts

Sun, A.C.; Moffat, Harry K.; Enos, David E.; Glauner, C.S.

The research goal presented here is to model the electrical response of gold plated copper electrical contacts exposed to a mixed flowing gas stream consisting of air containing 10ppb H 2S at 30°C and a relative humidity of 70% This environment accelerates the attack normally observed in a light industrial environment (similar to, but less severe than, the Battelle class 2 environment). Corrosion rates were quantified by measuring the corrosion site density, size distribution, and the electrical resistance of a probe contact with the aged surface, as a function of exposure time. A pore corrosion numerical model was used to predict both the growth of copper sulfide corrosion product which blooms through defects in the gold layer and the resulting electrical contact resistance of the aged surface. Assumptions about the distribution of defects in the noble metal plating and the mechanism for how corrosion blooms affect electrical contact resistance were needed to close the numerical model. Comparisons are made to the experimentally observed corrosion-bloom number density, bloom size distribution, and the cumulative probability distribution of the electrical contact resistance. Experimentally, the bloom site density increases as a function of time, whereas the bloom size distribution remains relatively independent of time. These two effects are included in the numerical model by adding a corrosion initiation probability proportional to the surface area and a probability for bloom-growth extinction proportional to the bloom volume, due to Kirkendall voiding. The cumulative probability distribution of electrical resistance becomes skewed as exposure time increases. While the resistance increases as a function of time for a fraction of the bloom population, the median value remains relatively unchanged. In order to model this behavior, the resistance calculated for large blooms is heavily weighted by contributions from the halo region.

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Laboratory evaluation of corrosion mitigation strategies for large, once-through heat exchangers

Materials Performance

Enos, David E.; Levin, Bruce L.; Hinkebein, Thomas E.

Two mitigation strategies including the use of corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) for the tubing and the application of a corrosion inhibitor and anti-fouling package in the water were used in the laboratory simulation of corrosion in large oil coolers at US Strategic Petroleum Reserve. A closed-loop, recirculating system was designed and constructed. The corrosion sensors were monitored over time using a commercially available linear polarization resistance (LPR) meter. The ERW steel exhibited significant localized attack along the entire weld root, in addition to pitting along the rest of the surface, as observed on the seamless tubing.

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The evaluation of several corrosion mitigation strategies for oil coolers used by the strategic petroleum reserve

Enos, David E.; Levin, Bruce L.; Hinkebein, Thomas E.

The goal of this study was to first establish the fitness for service of the carbon steel based oil coolers presently located at the Bryan Mound and West Hackberry sites, and second, to compare quantitatively the performance of two proposed corrosion mitigation strategies. To address these goals, a series of flow loops were constructed to simulate the conditions present within the oil coolers allowing the performance of each corrosion mitigation strategy, as well as the baseline performance of the existing systems, to be assessed. As prior experimentation had indicated that the corrosion and fouling was relatively uniform within the oil coolers, the hot and cold side of the system were simulated, representing the extremes of temperature observed within a typical oil cooler. Upon completion of the experiment, the depth of localized attack observed on carbon steel was such that perforation of the tube walls would likely result within a 180 day drawdown procedure at West Hackberry. Furthermore, considering the average rate of wall recession (from LPR measurements), combined with the extensive localized attack (pitting) which occurred in both environments, the tubing wall thickness remaining after 180 days would be less than that required to contain the operating pressures of the oil coolers for both sites. Finally, the inhibitor package, while it did reduce the measured corrosion rate in the case of the West Hackberry solutions, did not provide a sufficient reduction in the observed attack to justify its use.

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118 Results
118 Results