
79 Results
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Solar Transposition Modeling via Deep Neural Networks with Sky Images

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Pierce, Benjamin G.; Braid, Jennifer L.; Stein, Joshua S.; Augustyn, Jim; Riley, Daniel R.

This article presents a notable advance toward the development of a new method of increasing the single-axis tracking photovoltaic (PV) system power output by improving the determination and near-term prediction of the optimum module tilt angle. The tilt angle of the plane receiving the greatest total irradiance changes with Sun position and atmospheric conditions including cloud formation and movement, aerosols, and particulate loading, as well as varying albedo within a module's field of view. In this article, we present a multi-input convolutional neural network that can create a profile of plane-of-array irradiance versus surface tilt angle over a full 180^{\circ } arc from horizon to horizon. As input, the neural network uses the calculated solar position and clear-sky irradiance values, along with sky images. The target irradiance values are provided by the multiplanar irradiance sensor (MPIS). In order to account for varying irradiance conditions, the MPIS signal is normalized by the theoretical clear-sky global horizontal irradiance. Using this information, the neural network outputs an N-dimensional vector, where N is the number of points to approximate the MPIS curve via Fourier resampling. The output vector of the model is smoothed with a Gaussian kernel to account for error in the downsamping and subsequent upsampling steps, as well as to smooth the unconstrained output of the model. These profiles may be used to perform near-term prediction of angular irradiance, which can then inform the movement of a PV tracker.

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Effects of Solar Angle of Incidence on Intramodular Photovoltaic Irradiance Uniformity

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Coston, Joseph; Robinson, Charles D.; King, Bruce H.; Braid, Jennifer L.; Riley, Daniel R.; Stein, Joshua S.

Using a photovoltaic module where each of the 72 cells are monitored separately, we have measured the optical effects of sunlight hitting the module at different angles. As the angle of incidence increased to 60-70 degrees, we observed an increase in the nonuniformity of the light reaching the cells across the module area (up to 4% as measured by resulting cell current). The effect is hypothesized to be the result of a combination of two mechanisms: light trapping within the top sheet glass layer and reflection from the aluminum frame at the edge of the module. We confirm these effects with time-series measurements on split reference cells fielded outdoors, and with ray-tracing modeling to determine how this phenomenon may affect PV performance and module characterization.

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Transient Weighted Moving-Average Model of Photovoltaic Module Back-Surface Temperature

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Prilliman, Matthew; Stein, Joshua S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Tamizhmani, Govindasamy

Accurate modeling of photovoltaic (PV) performance requires the precise calculation of module temperature. Currently, most temperature models rely on steady-state assumptions that do not account for the transient climatic conditions and thermal mass of the module. On the other hand, complex physics-based transient models are computationally expensive and difficult to parameterize. In order to address this, a new approach to transient thermal modeling was developed, in which the steady-state predictions from previous timesteps are weighted and averaged to accurately predict the module temperature at finer time scales. This model is informed by 3-D finite-element analyses, which are used to calculate the effect of wind speed and module unit mass on module temperature. The model, in application, serves as an added filter over existing steady-state models that smooths out erroneous values that are a result of intermittency in solar resource. Validation of this moving-Average model has shown that it can improve the overall PV energy performance model accuracy by as much as 0.58% over steady-state models based on mean absolute error improvements and can significantly reduce the variability between the model predictions and measured temperature times series data.

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Differences in Snow Shedding in Photovoltaic Systems with Framed and Frameless Modules

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Riley, Daniel R.; Burnham, Laurie B.; Walker, Bevan; Pearce, Joshua M.

Energy losses due to snow coverage can be high in climates with large annual snowfall. These losses may be reduced with region-specific system design guidelines. One possible factor in snow retention on PV systems could be frame presence and/or shape. Sandia is studying the effect of module frame presence on photovoltaic module snow shedding for a pair of otherwise-identical PV systems in Vermont. The results of this study provide a summary of the findings after the 2018-2019 winter period. The results clearly show that the presence of a frame inhibits PV performance in mild winter conditions.

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Application of the Sandia Array Performance Model to Assess Multiyear Performance of Fielded CIGS PV Arrays

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

King, Bruce H.; Robinson, Charles D.; Carmignani, Craig K.; Riley, Daniel R.; Jones, C.B.

Copper indium gallium (di)serenade (CIGS) photovoltaic cell technology has long been promoted as a cost-effective alternative to traditional PV modules based on crystalline silicon cells. However, adoption of CIGS is hindered by significant uncertainties regarding long-term reliability and performance stability, as well as a lack of accurate modeling tools to predict CIGS system performance. Sandia is conducting a multi-year study of fielded CIGS systems that range in age from 3-6 years and represent a cross-section of commercial manufacturing and packaging. Most of these arrays include modules that were thoroughly characterized prior to deployment. In this paper, we explore uncertainty in the long-term reliability and performance stability of CIGS modules by analyzing real world performance and degradation rates of these systems.

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Performance of Bifacial PV Modules with MLPE vs. String Inverters

2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, WCPEC 2018 - A Joint Conference of 45th IEEE PVSC, 28th PVSEC and 34th EU PVSEC

Riley, Daniel R.; Stein, Joshua S.; Carmignani, Craig K.

Sandia National Laboratories' continued work with bifacial PV modules has found discrepancies in the capability of bifacial PVmodules to generate energy depending on systemdesign. We have also found significant nonuniformity in rear-side irradiance across strings of bifacial PV modules, thus creating electrical mismatch between modules. Module level power electronics (MLPE) that track the maximum power point of each module alleviate some of theelectrical mismatch caused by nonuniform rear-side irradiance on bifacial PV modules. The bifacial gain of the bifacial PV modules can be increased significantly through MLPE, although the net energy gain may not be significant forunshaded bifacial PV systems. Here we present the results of a test between bifacial PV systems equipped with MLPE and the same systems without MLPE.

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Outdoor test and analysis procedures for generating coefficients for the Sandia Array Performance Model

Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

King, Bruce H.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Riley, Daniel R.; Robinson, Charles D.; Pratt, Larry

The Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM), a semi-empirical model for predicting PV system power, has been in use for more than a decade. While several studies have presented laboratory intercomparisons of measurements and analysis, detailed procedures for determining model coefficients have never been published. Independent test laboratories must develop in-house procedures to determine SAPM coefficients, which contributes to uncertainty in the resulting models. In response to requests from commercial laboratories and module manufacturers, Sandia has formally documented the measurement and analysis methods as a supplement to the original model description. In this paper we present a description of the measurement procedures and an example analysis for calibrating the SAPM.

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The Regional Test Center Data Transfer System

Riley, Daniel R.; Stein, Joshua S.

The Regional Test Centers are a group of several sites around the US for testing photovoltaic systems and components related to photovoltaic systems. The RTCs are managed by Sandia National Laboratories. The data collected by the RTCs must be transmitted to Sandia for storage, analysis, and reporting. This document describes the methods that transfer the data between remote sites and Sandia as well as data movement within Sandia’s network. The methods described are in force as of September, 2016.

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Pattern Effects of Soil on Photovoltaic Surfaces

IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

Burton, Patrick D.; Hendrickson, Alex; Ulibarri, Stephen S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Boyson, William E.; King, Bruce H.

The texture or patterning of soil on PV surfaces may influence light capture at various angles of incidence (AOI). Accumulated soil can be considered a microshading element, which changes with respect to AOI. Laboratory deposition of simulated soil was used to prepare test coupons for simultaneous AOI and soiling loss experiments. A mixed solvent deposition technique was used to consistently deposit patterned test soils onto glass slides. Transmission decreased as soil loading and AOI increased. Dense aggregates significantly decreased transmission. However, highly dispersed particles are less prone to secondary scattering, improving overall light collection. In order to test AOI losses on relevant systems, uniform simulated soil coatings were applied to split reference cells to further examine this effect. The measured optical transmission and area coverage correlated closely to the observed ISC. Angular losses were significant at angles as low as 25°.

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A Photovoltaic System Payback Calculator

Riley, Daniel R.; Fleming, Jeffrey F.; Gallegos, Gerald R.

The Roof Asset Management Program (RAMP) is a DOE NNSA initiative to manage roof repairs and replacement at NNSA facilities. In some cases, installation of a photovoltaic system on new roofs may be possible and desired for financial reasons and to meet federal renewable energy goals. One method to quantify the financial benefits of PV systems is the payback period, or the length of time required for a PV system to generate energy value equivalent to the system's cost. Sandia Laboratories created a simple spreadsheet-based solar energy valuation tool for use by RAMP personnel to quickly evaluate the estimated payback period of prospective or installed photovoltaic systems.

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Procedure to Determine Coefficients for the Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM)

King, Bruce H.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Riley, Daniel R.; Robinson, Charles D.; Pratt, Larry P.

The Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM), a semi-empirical model for predicting PV system power, has been in use for more than a decade. While several studies have presented comparisons of measurements and analysis results among laboratories, detailed procedures for determining model coefficients have not yet been published. Independent test laboratories must develop in-house procedures to determine SAPM coefficients, which contributes to uncertainty in the resulting models. Here we present a standard procedure for calibrating the SAPM using outdoor electrical and meteorological measurements. Analysis procedures are illustrated with data measured outdoors for a 36-cell silicon photovoltaic module.

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Monitoring current, voltage and power in photovoltaic systems

2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2015

Driesse, Anton; Stein, Joshua S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Carmignani, Craig K.

Accurate photovoltaic system performance monitoring is critical for profitable long-term operation. Irradiance, temperature, power, current and voltage signals contain rapid fluctuations that are not observable by typical monitoring systems. Nevertheless these fluctuations can affect the accuracy of the data that are stored. We closely examine electrical signals in one operating PV system recorded at 2000 samples per second. Rapid fluctuations are analyzed, caused by line-frequency harmonics, anti-islanding detection, MPPT and others. The operation of alternate monitoring systems is simulated using a wide range of sampling intervals, archive intervals and filtering options to assess how these factors influence final data accuracy.

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Final Technical Report: Characterizing Emerging Technologies

King, Bruce H.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Stein, Joshua S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.

The Characterizing Emerging Technologies project focuses on developing, improving and validating characterization methods for PV modules, inverters and embedded power electronics. Characterization methods and associated analysis techniques are at the heart of technology assessments and accurate component and system modeling. Outputs of the project include measurement and analysis procedures that industry can use to accurately model performance of PV system components, in order to better distinguish and understand the performance differences between competing products (module and inverters) and new component designs and technologies (e.g., new PV cell designs, inverter topologies, etc.).

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Predicting the spectral effects of soils on high concentrating photovoltaic systems

Solar Energy

Burton, Patrick D.; King, Bruce H.; Riley, Daniel R.

Soiling losses on high concentrating photovoltaic (HCPV) systems may be influenced by the spectral properties of accumulated soil. We have predicted the response of an isotype cell to changes in spectral content and reduction in transmission due to soiling using measured UV/vis transmittance through soil films. Artificial soil test blends deposited on glass coupons were used to supply the transmission data, which was then used to calculate the effect on model spectra. The wavelength transparency of the test soil was varied by incorporating red and yellow mineral pigments into graded sand. The more spectrally responsive (yellow) soils were predicted to alter the current balance between the top and middle subcells throughout a range of air masses corresponding to daily and seasonal variation.

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Sun-relative pointing for dual-axis solar trackers employing azimuth and elevation rotations

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME

Riley, Daniel R.; Hansen, Clifford H.

We present an algorithm to calculate the azimuth and elevation angles for a dual axis tracker to be pointed away from the sun with a desired orientation between the sun and the tracker face. Desired tracker positions are specified in terms of angle of incidence (AOI) and AOI direction, i.e., the direction of the projection of the sun beam onto the plane of the tracker face. This algorithm was developed to enable characterization of the electro-optical response of photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating PV (CPV) modules with anisotropic response to AOI.

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Photovoltaic Microinverter Testbed for Multiple Device Interoperability

Quiroz, Jimmy E.; Gonzalez, Sigifredo G.; King, Bruce H.; Riley, Daniel R.; Johnson, Jay; Stein, Joshua S.

IEEE Standard 1547-2003 [1] conformance of several interconnected microinverters was performed by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to determine if there were emergent adverse behaviors of co-located aggregated distributed energy resources. Experiments demonstrated the certification tests could be expanded for multi- manufacturer microinverter interoperability. Evaluations determined the microinverters' response to abnormal conditions in voltage and frequency, interruption in grid service, and cumulative power quality. No issues were identified to be caused by the interconnection of multiple devices.

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Sampling and Filtering in Photovoltaic System Performance Monitoring

Driesse, Anton D.; Stein, Joshua S.; Riley, Daniel R.; Carmignani, Craig K.

The performance of photovoltaic systems must be monitored accurately to ensure profitable long-term operation. The most important signals to be measured—irradiance and temperature, as well as power, current and voltage on both DC and AC sides of the system—contain rapid fluctuations that are not observable by typical monitoring systems. Nevertheless these fluctuations can affect the accuracy of the data that are stored. This report closely examines the main signals in one operating PV system, which were recorded at 2000 samples per second. It analyzes the characteristics and causes of the rapid fluctuations that are found, such as line-frequency harmonics, perturbations from anti-islanding detection, MPPT searching action and others. The operation of PV monitoring systems is then simulated using a wide range of sampling intervals, archive intervals and filtering options to assess how these factors influence data accuracy. Finally several potential sources of error are discussed with real-world examples.

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HCPV characterization: Analysis of fielded system data

AIP Conference Proceedings

King, Bruce; Riley, Daniel R.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Erdman, Matt; Gabriel, John; Ghosal, Kanchan

Sandia and Semprius have partnered to evaluate the operational performance of a 3.5 kW (nominal) R&D system using 40 Semprius modules. Eight months of operational data has been collected and evaluated. Analysis includes determination of Pmp, Imp and Vmp at CSTC conditions, Pmp as a function of DNI, effect of wind speed on module temperature and seasonal variations in performance. As expected, on-sun Pmp and Imp of the installed system were found to be ~10% lower than the values determined from flash testing at CSTC, while Vmp was found to be nearly identical to the results of flash testing. The differences in the flash test and outdoor data are attributed to string mismatch, soiling, seasonal variation in solar spectrum, discrepancy in the cell temperature model, and uncertainty in the power and current reported by the inverter. An apparent limitation to the degree of module cooling that can be expected from wind speed was observed. The system was observed to display seasonal variation in performance, likely due to seasonal variation in spectrum.

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Flat plate concentrators with large acceptance angle enabled by micro cells and mini lenses: performance evaluation

Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Anderson, Benjamin J.; Gupta, Vipin P.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Paap, Scott M.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Nielson, Gregory N.; Saavedra, Michael P.; Ballance, Mark H.; Nguyen, Janet N.; Alford, Charles A.; Riley, Daniel R.; Okandan, Murat O.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Sweatt, W.C.; Jared, Bradley H.; Resnick, Paul J.; Kratochvil, Jay A.

Abstract not provided.

Performance model assessment for multi-junction concentrating photovoltaic systems

Riley, Daniel R.; Stein, Joshua S.

Four approaches to modeling multi-junction concentrating photovoltaic system performance are assessed by comparing modeled performance to measured performance. Measured weather, irradiance, and system performance data were collected on two systems over a one month period. Residual analysis is used to assess the models and to identify opportunities for model improvement. Large photovoltaic systems are typically developed as projects which supply electricity to a utility and are owned by independent power producers. Obtaining financing at favorable rates and attracting investors requires confidence in the projected energy yield from the plant. In this paper, various performance models for projecting annual energy yield from Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) systems are assessed by comparing measured system output to model predictions based on measured weather and irradiance data. The results are statistically analyzed to identify systematic error sources.

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Performance model assessment for multi-junction concentrating photovoltaic systems

Riley, Daniel R.; Stein, Joshua S.

Four approaches to modeling multi-junction concentrating photovoltaic system performance are assessed by comparing modeled performance to measured performance. Measured weather, irradiance, and system performance data were collected on two systems over a one month period. Residual analysis is used to assess the models and to identify opportunities for model improvement.

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79 Results
79 Results