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Quantifying Thermal Output of Energetic Materials (LDRD Final Report)

Kearney, S.P.; Swain, William E.; Stacy, Shawn C.; Halls, Benjamin R.; wwerik, wwerik; Marinis, Ryan T.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Marsh, Andrew W.; Mazumdar, Yi C.

We present the results of an LDRD project, funded by the Nuclear Deterrence IA, to develop capabilities for quantitative assessment of pyrotechnic thermal output. The thermal battery igniter is used as an exemplar system. Experimental methodologies for thermal output evaluation are demonstrated here, which can help designers and engineers better specify pyrotechnic components , provide thermal output guidelines for new formulations, and generate new metrics for assessing component performance and margin given a known failure condition. A heat-transfer analysis confirms that the dominant mode of energy transfer from the pyrotechnic output plume to the heat pellet is conduction via deposition of hot titanium particles. A simple lumped-parameter model of titanium particle heat transfer and a detailed multi-phase model of deposition heat transfer are discussed. Pyrotechnic function, as defined by "go/no-go" standoff testing of a heat pellet, is correlated with experimentally measured igniter plume temperature, titanium metal particle temperature, and energy deposition. Three high-speed thermal diagnostics were developed for this task. A three-color imaging pyrometer, acquiring 100k images per second on three color channels, is deployed for measurement of titanium particle temperatures. Complimentary measurements of the overall igniter plume emission ("color") temperature were conducted using a transmission-grating spectrograph in line-imaging mode. Heat flux and energy deposition to a cold wall at the heat-pellet location were estimated using an eroding thermocouple probe, with a frequency response of ~5 kHz. Ultimate "go/no-go" function in the igniter/heat-pellet system was correlated with quantitative thermal metrics, in particular surface energy deposition and plume color temperature. Titanium metal-particle and plume color temperatures both experience an upper bound approximated by the 3245-K boiling point of TiO2. Average metal-particle temperatures remained nearly constant for all standoff distances at T = 2850 K, ± 300 K, while plume color temperature and heat flux decay with standoff—suggesting that heat-pellet failure results from a drop in metal-particle flux and not particle temperature. At 50% likelihood of heat-pellet failure, peak time-resolved plume color temperatures drop well below TiO2 boiling to ~2000 - 2200 K, near the TiO2 melting point. Estimates of peak heat flux decline from up to 1 GW/m2 for near-field standoffs to below 320 MW/m2 at 50% failure likelihood.

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Time-domain self-broadened and air-broadened nitrogen S-branch Raman linewidths at 80-200 K recorded in an underexpanded jet

Journal of Chemical Physics

Retter, Jonathan E.; Koll, Matthew K.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.

We report pure-rotational N2-N2, N2-air, and O2-air S-branch linewidths for temperatures of 80-200 K by measuring the time-dependent decay of rotational Raman coherences in an isentropic free-jet expansion from a sonic nozzle. We recorded pure-rotational hybrid femtosecond/picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (fs/ps CARS) spectra along the axial centerline of the underexpanded jet, within the barrel shock region upstream of the Mach disk. The dephasing of the pure-rotational Raman coherence was monitored using probe-time-delay scans at different axial positions in the jet, corresponding to varying local temperatures and pressures. The local temperature was obtained by fitting CARS spectra acquired at zero probe time delay, where the impact of collisions was minimal. The measured decay of each available Raman transition was fit to a dephasing constant and corrected for the local pressure, which was obtained from the CARS-measured static temperature and thermodynamic relationships for isentropic expansion from the known stagnation state. Nitrogen self-broadened transitions decayed more rapidly than those broadened in air for all temperatures, corresponding to higher Raman linewidths. In general, the measured S-branch linewidths deviated significantly in absolute and relative magnitudes from those predicted by extrapolating the modified exponential gap model to low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the Raman linewidth for each measured rotational state of nitrogen (J ≤ 10) and oxygen (N ≤ 11) was fit to a temperature-dependent power law over the measurable temperature domain (80-200 K) and extrapolated to both higher rotational states and room temperature. The measured and modeled low-temperature linewidth data provided here will aid low temperature gas-phase pressure measurements with fs/ps CARS.

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Dotted-line FLEET for two-component velocimetry

Optics Letters

Zhang, Yibin Z.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Marshall, Garrett J.; Beresh, Steven J.; Casper, Katya M.

Femtosecond laser electronic excitation tagging (FLEET) is a powerful unseeded velocimetry technique typically used to measure one component of velocity along a line, or two or three components from a dot. In this Letter, we demonstrate a dotted-line FLEET technique which combines the dense profile capability of a line with the ability to perform two-component velocimetry with a single camera on a dot. Our set-up uses a single beam path to create multiple simultaneous spots, more than previously achieved in other FLEET spot configurations. We perform dotted-line FLEET measurements downstream of a highly turbulent, supersonic nitrogen free jet. Dotted-line FLEET is created by focusing light transmitted by a periodic mask with rectangular slits of 1.6 × 40 mm2 and an edge-to-edge spacing of 0.5 mm, then focusing the imaged light at the measurement region. Up to seven symmetric dots spaced approximately 0.9 mm apart, with mean full-width at half maximum diameters between 150 and 350 µm, are simultaneously imaged. Both streamwise and radial velocities are computed and presented in this Letter.

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Emission spectroscopy with coded apertures for enhanced dimensionality

Journal of Applied Physics

Richardson, Daniel R.

A coded aperture is used to demonstrate emission spectroscopy from multiple one-dimensional measurement locations simultaneously with a single camera. The coded aperture mask has several columns of periodic apertures, each with a unique spatial frequency. Light transmitted through all mask columns is detected through an imaging spectrometer. Dispersed light from the various mask columns overlaps on the spectrometer camera but is separated using Fourier-domain filtering using the known spatial frequencies of the mask. As the coded aperture is placed at an image plane, each Fourier-filtered spectrogram comes from a unique one-dimensional measurement location. This technique represents a significant increase in the amount of spatially and spectrally resolved emission data available using a single emission spectrometer and camera at the expense of some spatial resolution due to the Fourier filtering. This instrument is particularly useful for studying transient, non-repeating events. Megahertz-rate emission spectroscopy from five one-dimensional measurement locations is demonstrated with explosive fireballs using a single camera. Optical design parameters and instrument performance characteristics are discussed.

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Instantaneous Three-Dimensional Temperature Measurements via Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy with Structured Light

Richardson, Daniel R.

Detonations and flames are characterized by three-dimensional (3D) temperature fields, yet state-of- the-art temperature measurement techniques yield information at a point or along a line. The goal of the research documented here was to combine ultrafast laser spectroscopy and structured illumination to deliver an unprecedented measurement capability—three-dimensional, instantaneous temperature measurements in a gas-phase volume. To achieve this objective, different parts of the proposed technique were developed and tested independently. Structured illumination was used to image particulate matter (soot) in a turbulent flame at multiple planes using a single laser pulse and a single camera. Emission spectroscopy with structured detection was demonstrated for emission- based measurements of explosives with enhance dimensionality. Finally, an instrument for multi- planar laser-based temperature measurement technique was developed. Structured illumination techniques will continue to be developed for multi-dimensional and multi-parameter measurements. These new measurement capabilities will be important for heat transfer and fluid dynamic research areas.

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Spatially and Temporally Resolved Velocimetry for Hypersonic Flows

Zhang, Yibin Z.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Marshall, Garrett J.; Beresh, Steven J.; Casper, Katya M.

The development of new hypersonic flight vehicles is limited by the physical understanding that may be obtained from ground test facilities. This has motivated the present development of a temporally and spatially resolved velocimetry measurement for Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Hypersonic Wind Tunnel (HWT) using Femtosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging (FLEET). First, a multi-line FLEET technique has been created for the first time and tested in a supersonic jet, allowing simultaneous measurements of velocities along multiple profiles in a flow. Secondly, two different approaches have been demonstrated for generating dotted FLEET lines. One employs a slit mask pattern focused into points to yield a dotted line, allowing for two- or three-component velocity measurements free of contamination between components. The other dotted-line approach is based upon an optical wedge array and yields a grid of points rather than a dotted line. Two successful FLEET measurement campaigns have been conducted in SNL’s HWT. The first effort established optimal diagnostic configurations in the hypersonic environment based on earlier benchtop reproductions, including validation of the use of a 267 nm beam to boost the measurement signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with minimal risk of perturbing the flow and greater simplicity than a comparable resonant technique at 202 nm. The same FLEET system subsequently was reconstituted to demonstrate the ability to make velocimetry measurements of hypersonic turbulence in a realistic flow field. Mean velocity profiles and turbulence intensity profiles of the shear layer in the wake of a hypersonic cone model were measured at several different downstream stations, proving the viability of FLEET as a hypersonic diagnostic.

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Developing multi-line fleet using periodic mask design

AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum

Marshall, Garrett J.; Zhang, Yibin Z.; Beresh, Steven J.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Casper, Katya M.

This study seeks to simplify the optical requirements for multi-line FLEET (Femtosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging) generation by focusing the image of a periodic slit-mask with a cylindrical and spherical lens. Geometry effects on the signal were analyzed over fifteen mask iterations. The signal for each mask was found to vary with mask standoff from the focusing optics, which was optimized based on maximizing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for each mask. The number of generated lines was found to decrease with slit spacing while the separation of the lines increased. FLEET line spacing was determined by a constant magnification value of the imaged masks’ slit spacing. From the geometry study, two masks that produced three to five lines spaced at 0.8–1 mm apart with SNR > 4 were chosen to demonstrate the multi-line technique in a supersonic free-jet. Velocity calculations from this data showed good agreement with schlieren imaging of compressible flow structures.

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Post-detonation fireball thermometry via femtosecond-picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS)

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Accurate knowledge of post-detonation fireball temperatures is important for understanding device performance and for validation of numerical models. Such measurements are difficult to make even under controlled laboratory conditions. In this work temperature measurements were performed in the fireball of a commercial detonator (RP-80, Teledyne RISI). The explosion and fragments were contained in a plastic enclosure with glass windows for optical access. A hybrid femtosecond-picosecond (fs-ps) rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) instrument was used to perform gas-phase thermometry along a one-dimensional measurement volume in a single laser shot. The 13-mm-thick windows on the explosive-containment housing introduced significant nonlinear chirp on the fs lasers pulses, which reduced the Raman excitation bandwidth and did not allow for efficient excitation of high-J Raman transitions populated at flame temperatures. To overcome this, distinct pump and Stokes pulses were used in conjunction with spectral focusing, achieved by varying the relative timing between the pump and Stokes pulses to preferentially excite Raman transitions relevant to flame thermometry. Light scattering from particulate matter and solid fragments was a significant challenge and was mitigated using a new polarization scheme to isolate the CARS signal. Fireball temperatures were measured 35-40 mm above the detonator, 12-25 mm radially outward from the detonator centerline, and at 18 and 28 μs after initiation. At these locations and times, significant mixing between the detonation products and ambient air had occurred thus increasing the nitrogen-based CARS thermometry signal. Initial measurements show a distribution of fireball temperatures in the range 300-2000 K with higher temperatures occurring 28 μs after detonation.

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Three-beam rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy thermometry in scattering environments

Applied Optics

Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Three-beam rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) measurements performed in highly scattering environments are susceptible to contamination by two-beam CARS signals generated by the pump–probe and Stokes–probe interactions at the measurement volume. If this occurs, differences in the Raman excitation bandwidth between the two-beam and three-beam CARS signals can add significant errors to the spectral analysis. This interference, to the best of our knowledge, has not been acknowledged in previous three-beam rotational CARS experiments, but may introduce measurement errors up to 25% depending on the temperature, amount of scattering, and differences between the two-beam and three-beam Raman excitation bandwidths. In this work, the presence of two-beam CARS signal contamination was experimentally verified using a femtosecond–picosecond rotational CARS instrument in two scattering environments: (1) a fireball generated by a laboratory-scale explosion that contained particulate matter, metal fragments, and soot, and (2) a flow of air and small liquid droplets. A polarization scheme is presented to overcome this interference. By rotating the pump and Stokes polarizations +55◦ and −55◦ from the probe, respectively, the two-beam and three-beam CARS signals are orthogonally polarized and can be separated using a polarization analyzer. Using this polarization arrangement, the Raman-resonant three-beam CARS signal amplitude is reduced by a factor of 2.3 compared to the case where all polarizations are parallel. This method is successfully demonstrated in both scattering environments. A theoretical model is presented, and the temperature measurement error is studied for different experimental conditions. The criteria for when this interference may be present are discussed.

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Post-detonation fireball thermometry via femtosecond-picosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS)

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Accurate knowledge of post-detonation fireball temperatures is important for understanding device performance and for validation of numerical models. Such measurements are difficult to make even under controlled laboratory conditions. Here, temperature measurements were performed in the fireball of a commercial detonator (RP-80, Teledyne RISI). The explosion and fragments were contained in a plastic enclosure with glass windows for optical access. A hybrid femtosecond-picosecond (fs-ps) rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) instrument was used to perform gas-phase thermometry along a one-dimensional measurement volume in a single laser shot. The 13-mm-thick windows on the explosive-containment housing introduced significant nonlinear chirp on the fs lasers pulses, which reduced the Raman excitation bandwidth and did not allow for efficient excitation of high-J Raman transitions populated at flame temperatures. To overcome this, distinct pump and Stokes pulses were used in conjunction with spectral focusing, achieved by varying the relative timing between the pump and Stokes pulses to preferentially excite Raman transitions relevant to flame thermometry. Light scattering from particulate matter and solid fragments was a significant challenge and was mitigated using a new polarization scheme to isolate the CARS signal. Fireball temperatures were measured 35–40 mm above the detonator, 12–25 mm radially outward from the detonator centerline, and at 18 and 28 µs after initiation. At these locations and times, significant mixing between the detonation products and ambient air had occurred thus increasing the nitrogen-based CARS thermometry signal. Initial measurements show a distribution of fireball temperatures in the range 300–2000 K with higher temperatures occurring 28 µs after detonation.

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Multi-line FLEET by imaging periodic masks

Optics Letters

Zhang, Yibin Z.; Marshall, Garrett J.; Beresh, Steven J.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Casper, Katya M.

A simple linear configuration for multi-line femtosecond laser electronic excitation tagging (FLEET) velocimetry is used for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, to image an overexpanded unsteady supersonic jet. The FLEET lines are spaced 0.5-1.0mmapart, and up to six lines can be used simultaneously to visualize the flowfield. These lines are created using periodic masks, despite the mask blocking 25%-30%of the 10 mJ incident beam.Maps of mean singlecomponent velocity in the direction along the principal flow axis, and turbulence intensity in that same direction, are created using multi-line FLEET, and computed velocities agree well with those obtained from single-line (traditional) FLEET. Compared to traditional FLEET, multi-line FLEET offers increased simultaneous spatial coverage and the ability to produce spatial correlations in the streamwise direction. This FLEET permutation is especially well suited for short-duration test facilities.

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Tomographic time-resolved laser-induced incandescence

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Munz, Elise D.; Halls, Benjamin R.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Cenker, Emre; Paciaroni, Megan E.

Three ultra-high-speed, 10 MHz, cameras imaged the time-resolved decay of laser-induced incandescence (LII) from soot in a turbulent non-premixed ethylene jet flame. Cameras were equipped with a stereoscope allowing each CMOS array to capture two separate views of the flame. The resulting six views were reconstructed into a volumetric soot decay series using commercially available DaVis tomographic software by LaVision. Primary soot particle sizes were estimated from the decay time history on a per voxel basis by comparing measured signals to an LII model. Experimentally quantified soot particle sizes agree with existing predictions and previous measurements.

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Post-detonation fireball thermometry via 1d rotational cars

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

The temperature inside fireballs produced by detonations is an important quantity of interest for the validation of models. However, such measurements are very difficult to make due to the large pressure and temperature gradients and the harsh environment. In this abstract we will report on one-dimensional rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (1D RCARS) measurements performed in such fireballs. CARS measurements were performed at 18 and 28 µs after detonation of a commercial detonator, and the measured temperatures are in the range 300–1600 K.

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Simultaneous temperature/pressure monitoring in compressible flows using hybrid fs/ps pure-rotational cars

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Kearney, S.P.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Retter, Jonathan E.; Dedic, Chloe; Danehy, Paul M.

We demonstrate simultaneous monitoring of temperature and pressure using a hybrid femtosecond/picosecond pure-rotational CARS technique in a one-dimensional line-imaging configuration. The method employs two detection channels and two 60-ps-duration probe laser beams with independently adjustable time delays from the broadband 35-fs pump/Stokes pulse. Simultaneous temperature and pressure monitoring is demonstrated along the centerline of a canonical underexpanded compressible air jet flow emanating from a choked, sonic nozzle. Temperature is measured almost independently of pressure by analyzing CARS spectra obtained with a probe pulse near zero time delay for nearly collision-free acquisition. Pressure is obtained from spectra acquired with long probe time delays to sample the impact of gas-phase collisions. The CARS measurements were obtained in both time-averaged and single-laser-shot mode with 67 µm spatial resolution along the jet axis along a nominally 6-mm line. The measurements span a temperature and pressure range of T = 70-300 K and P = 0.05-1.2 atm.

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Tailoring fleet for cold hypersonic flows

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Zhang, Yibin Z.; Beresh, Steven J.; Casper, Katya M.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Soehnel, Melissa M.; Spillers, Russell W.

Bench-top tests are conducted to characterize Femtosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging (FLEET) in static low pressure (35 mTorr-760 Torr) conditions, and to measure the acoustic disturbance caused by the resulting filament as a function of tagging wavelength and energy. The FLEET line thickness as a function of pressure and delay is described by a simple diffusion model. Initial FLEET measurements in a Mach 8 flow show that gate times of ≥ 1µs can produce visible smearing of the FLEET emission and challenge the traditional Gaussian fitting methods used to find the line center. To minimize flow perturbations and uncertainty of the final line position, several recommendations are offered: using third harmonic FLEET at 267 nm for superior signal levels with lower energy deposition than both 800 nm and 400 nm FLEET, and short camera delays and exposure times to reduce fitting uncertainty. This guidance is implemented in a Mach 8 test condition and results are presented.

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Hydrogen thermometry in aluminized propellant burns by hybrid fs/ps coherent anti-stokes raman scattering

AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum

Retter, Jonathan E.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.

A hybrid femtosecond/picosecond CARS instrument probed the Q-branch of molecular hydrogen in the multiphase plume of an aluminized solid propellant burn. A single 50 fs regenerative amplifier pumped an OPA and etalon, providing the Stokes and probe pulses respectively. The spectra were recorded at 1 kHz and fit to synthetic spectra to infer the gas rotational temperature. Recorded spectra required dynamic background corrections due to the intense emission of the propellant plume. Two different days of propellant burns were studied, with the lessons learned from nonresonant background issues with the first test applied to the second. For the second attempt, three burns were examined, with mean temperatures differing only by 30 K with a combined mean of 2574 K.

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Hypersonic wake measurements behind a slender cone using fleet velocimetry

AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum

Zhang, Yibin Z.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Beresh, Steven J.; Casper, Katya M.; Soehnel, Melissa M.; Henfling, John F.; Spillers, Russell W.

Femtosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging (FLEET) is used to measure velocity flowfields in the wake of a sharp 7◦ half-angle cone in nitrogen at Mach 8, over freestream Reynolds numbers from 4.3∗106 /m to 13.8∗106 /m. Flow tagging reveals expected wake features such as the separation shear layer and two-dimensional velocity components. Frequency-tripled FLEET has a longer lifetime and is more energy efficient by tenfold compared to 800 nm FLEET. Additionally, FLEET lines written with 267 nm are three times longer and 25% thinner than that written with 800 nm at a 1 µs delay. Two gated detection systems are compared. While the PIMAX 3 ICCD offers variable gating and fewer imaging artifacts than a LaVision IRO coupled to a Photron SA-Z, its slow readout speed renders it ineffective for capturing hypersonic velocity fluctuations. FLEET can be detected to 25 µs following excitation within 10 mm downstream of the model base, but delays greater than 4 µs have deteriorated signal-to-noise and line fit uncertainties greater than 10%. In a hypersonic nitrogen flow, exposures of just several hundred nanoseconds are long enough to produce saturated signals and/or increase the line thickness, thereby adding to measurement uncertainty. Velocity calculated between the first two delays offer the lowest uncertainty (less than 3% of the mean velocity).

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Single-camera, single-shot, time-resolved laser-induced incandescence decay imaging

Optics Letters

Chen, Yi; Cenker, Emre; Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, S.P.; Halls, Benjamin R.; Skeen, Scott A.; Shaddix, Christopher R.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.

Knowledge of soot particle sizes is important for understanding soot formation and heat transfer in combustion environments. Soot primary particle sizes can be estimated by measuring the decay of time-resolved laser-induced incandescence (TiRe-LII) signals. Existing methods for making planar TiRe-LII measurements require either multiple cameras or time-gate sweeping with multiple laser pulses, making these techniques difficult to apply in turbulent or unsteady combustion environments. Here, we report a technique for planar soot particle sizing using a single high-sensitivity, ultra-high-speed 10 MHz camera with a 50 ns gate and no intensifier. With this method, we demonstrate measurements of background flame luminosity, prompt LII, and TiRe-LII decay signals for particle sizing in a single laser shot. The particle sizing technique is first validated in a laminar non-premixed ethylene flame. Then, the method is applied to measurements in a turbulent ethylene jet flame.

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Phase conjugate digital inline holography (PCDIH)

Optics Letters

Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; Guildenbecher, Daniel R.; hoffmeister, kathryn h.; Kunzler, William M.; Richardson, Daniel R.; Kearney, Sean P.

We report digital inline holography (DIH) provides instantaneous three-dimensional (3D) measurements of diffracting objects; however, phase disturbances in the beam path can distort the imaging. In this Letter, a phase conjugate digital inline holography (PCDIH) configuration is proposed for removal of phase disturbances. Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mixing produces a phase conjugate signal that back propagates along the DIH beam path. Finally, the results demonstrate the removal of distortions caused by gas-phase shocks to recover 3D images of diffracting objects.

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41 Results
41 Results