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Protection of extreme ultraviolet lithography masks. II. Showerhead flow mitigation of nanoscale particulate contamination

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics

Klebanoff, Leonard E.; Torczynski, J.R.; Geller, Anthony S.; Gallis, Michael A.; Rader, Daniel J.; Chilese, Frank C.; Garcia, Rudy F.; Delgado, Gil

An analysis is presented of a method to protect the reticle (mask) in an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) mask inspection tool using a showerhead plenum to provide a continuous flow of clean gas over the surface of a reticle. The reticle is suspended in an inverted fashion (face down) within a stage/holder that moves back and forth over the showerhead plenum as the reticle is inspected. It is essential that no particles of 10-nm diameter or larger be deposited on the reticle during inspection. Particles can originate from multiple sources in the system, and mask protection from each source is explicitly analyzed. The showerhead plate has an internal plenum with a solid conical wall isolating the aperture. The upper and lower surfaces of the plate are thin flat sheets of porous-metal material. These porous sheets form the top and bottom showerheads that supply the region between the showerhead plate and the reticle and the region between the conical aperture and the Optics Zone box with continuous flows of clean gas. The model studies show that the top showerhead provides robust reticle protection from particles of 10-nm diameter or larger originating from the Reticle Zone and from plenum surfaces contaminated by exposure to the Reticle Zone. Protection is achieved with negligible effect on EUV transmission. The bottom showerhead efficiently protects the reticle from nanoscale particles originating from the Optics Zone. With similar mass flow rates from the two showerheads, this system provides efficient protection even when a significant overpressure exists between the Optics Zone and the Reticle Zone. Performance is insensitive to the fraction of incident particles that sticks to walls, the accommodation coefficient, the aperture geometry, and the gas pressure. The showerheads also protect the aperture (and therefore the Optics Zone) during mask loading and unloading. Commercially available porous-metal media have properties suitable for these showerheads at the required flow rates. The benefits of the approach compared to a conceptual EUV pellicle are described.

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DSMC moving-boundary algorithms for simulating mems geometries with opening and closing gaps

AIP Conference Proceedings

Rader, Daniel J.; Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.

Moving-boundary algorithms for the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method are investigated for a microbeam that moves toward and away from a parallel substrate. The simpler but analogous one-dimensional situation of a piston moving between two parallel walls is investigated using two moving-boundary algorithms. In the first, molecules are reflected rigorously from the moving piston by performing the reflections in the piston frame of reference. In the second, molecules are reflected approximately from the moving piston by moving the piston and subsequently moving all molecules and reflecting them from the moving piston at its new or old position. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.

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Determination of thermal accommodation coefficients from heat transfer measurements between parallel plates

Trott, Wayne T.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.; Castaneda, Jaime N.

Thermal accommodation coefficients have been derived for a variety of gas-surface combinations using an experimental apparatus developed to measure the pressure dependence of the conductive heat flux between parallel plates at unequal temperature separated by a gas-filled gap. The heat flux is inferred from temperature-difference measurements across the plates in a configuration where the plate temperatures are set with two carefully controlled thermal baths. Temperature-controlled shrouds provide for environmental isolation of the opposing test plates. Since the measured temperature differences in these experiments are very small (typically 0.3 C or less over the entire pressure range), high-precision thermistors are used to acquire the requisite temperature data. High-precision components have also been utilized on the other control and measurement subsystems in this apparatus, including system pressure, gas flow rate, plate alignment, and plate positions. The apparatus also includes the capability for in situ plasma cleaning of the installed test plates. Measured heat-flux results are used in a formula based on Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) code calculations to determine the thermal accommodation coefficients. Thermal accommodation coefficients have been determined for three different gases (argon, nitrogen, helium) in contact with various surfaces. Materials include metals and alloys such as aluminum, gold, platinum, and 304 stainless steel. A number of materials important to fabrication of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices have also been examined. For most surfaces, coefficient values are near 0.95, 0.85, and 0.45 for argon, nitrogen, and helium, respectively. Only slight differences in accommodation as a function of surface roughness have been seen. Surface contamination appears to have a more significant effect: argon plasma treatment has been observed to reduce thermal accommodation by as much as 0.10 for helium. Mixtures of argon and helium have also been examined, and the results have been compared to DSMC simulations incorporating thermal-accommodation values from single-species experiments.

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Nanoparticle aerosols form Knudsen layers at walls

AIP Conference Proceedings

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.

An aerosol of nanoparticles forms a Knudsen layer when diffusing in a Brownian fashion toward a solid wall. More specifically, the particle number density in the gas by the wall approaches a nonzero value proportional to the flux. An approximate theory for the coefficient of proportionality as a function of the particle sticking probability at the wall and the drift velocity normal to the wall is compared to Langevin particle simulations. The results are used to formulate a boundary condition that enables accurate advection-diffusion simulations of nanoparticle-aerosol transport. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.

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Particle-contamination analysis for reticles in carrier inner pods

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.

Particle contamination is analyzed for a reticle in the inner pod of a carrier with particular emphasis on the effect of raising the cover of the inner pod before removing the reticle from the carrier at atmospheric pressure (not low pressure). Two mechanisms for particle transport into the gap between the base plate and the reticle are considered: injection and advection-diffusion. It is shown that injection is not an important mechanism but that advection-diffusion transport can carry particles deeply into the gap, where they can deposit on the reticle surface. Closed-form expressions are presented for the transmission probability that particles at the reticle edge are transported inward past the exclusion zone around the reticle perimeter. The gas flow in the gap that occurs during cover-raising is found by numerical simulation, and the closed-form expressions are applied to determine the probability of contamination for different cover-raising scenarios.

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Convergence behavior of a new DSMC algorithm

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics.

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Rader, Daniel J.

The convergence rate of a new direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, termed 'sophisticated DSMC', is investigated for one-dimensional Fourier flow. An argon-like hard-sphere gas at 273.15K and 266.644Pa is confined between two parallel, fully accommodating walls 1mm apart that have unequal temperatures. The simulations are performed using a one-dimensional implementation of the sophisticated DSMC algorithm. In harmony with previous work, the primary convergence metric studied is the ratio of the DSMC-calculated thermal conductivity to its corresponding infinite-approximation Chapman-Enskog theoretical value. As discretization errors are reduced, the sophisticated DSMC algorithm is shown to approach the theoretical values to high precision. The convergence behavior of sophisticated DSMC is compared to that of original DSMC. The convergence of the new algorithm in a three-dimensional implementation is also characterized. Implementations using transient adaptive sub-cells and virtual sub-cells are compared. The new algorithm is shown to significantly reduce the computational resources required for a DSMC simulation to achieve a particular level of accuracy, thus improving the efficiency of the method by a factor of 2.

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Experimental measurements of thermal accommodation coefficients for microscale gas-phase heat transfer

Collection of Technical Papers - 39th AIAA Thermophysics Conference

Trott, Wayne T.; Rader, Daniel J.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.

An experimental apparatus is described that measures gas-surface thermal accommodation coefficients from the pressure dependence of the conductive heat flux between parallel plates separated by a gas-filled gap. Heat flux between the plates is inferred from measurements of temperature drop between the plate surface and an adjacent temperature-controlled water bath. Thermal accommodation coefficients are determined from the pressure dependence of the heat flux at a fixed plate separation. The apparatus is designed to conduct tests with a variety of gases in contact with interchangeable, well-characterized surfaces of various materials (e.g., metals, ceramics, semiconductors) with various surface finishes (e.g., smooth, rough). Experiments are reported for three gases (argon, nitrogen, and helium) in contact with pairs of 304 stainless steel plates prepared with one of two finishes: lathe-machined or mirror-polished. For argon and nitrogen, the measured accommodation coefficients for machined and polished plates are near unity and independent of finish to within experimental uncertainty. For helium, the accommodation coefficients are much lower and show a slight variation with surface roughness. Two different methods are used to determine the accommodation coefficient from experimental data: the Sherman-Lees formula and the GTR formula. These approaches yield values of 0.87 and 0.94 for argon, 0.80 and 0.86 for nitrogen, 0.36 and 0.38 for helium with the machined finish, and 0.40 and 0.42 for helium with the polished finish, respectively, with an uncertainty of ±0.02. The GTR values for argon and nitrogen are generally in better agreement with the results of other investigators than the Sherman-Lees values are, and both helium results are in reasonable agreement with values in the literature.

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Noncontinuum gas-phase heat transfer from a heated microbeam to the adjacent substrate

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems Division, (Publications) MEMS

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Rader, Daniel J.; Bainbridge, Bruce L.

Noncontinuum gas-phase heat transfer in two microscale geometries is investigated using two computational methods. The motivation is microscale thermal actuation produced by heating-induced expansion of a near-substrate microbeam in air. The first geometry involves a 1-μm microgap filled with gas and bounded by parallel solid slabs. The second geometry involves a heated I-shaped microbeam 2 μm from the adjacent substrate, with gas in between. Two computational methods are applied. The Navier-Stokes slip-jump (NSSJ) method uses continuum heat transfer in the gas, with temperature jumps at boundaries to treat noncontinuum effects. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method uses computational molecules to simulate noncontinuum gas behavior accurately. For the microgap, the heat-flux values from both methods are in good agreement for all pressures and accommodation coefficients. For the microbeam, there is comparably good agreement except for cases with low pressures and near-unity accommodation coefficients. The causes of this discrepancy are discussed. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.

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Measurements of thermal accommodation coefficients

Rader, Daniel J.; Trott, Wayne T.; Torczynski, J.R.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Grasser, Thomas W.

A previously-developed experimental facility has been used to determine gas-surface thermal accommodation coefficients from the pressure dependence of the heat flux between parallel plates of similar material but different surface finish. Heat flux between the plates is inferred from measurements of temperature drop between the plate surface and an adjacent temperature-controlled water bath. Thermal accommodation measurements were determined from the pressure dependence of the heat flux for a fixed plate separation. Measurements of argon and nitrogen in contact with standard machined (lathed) or polished 304 stainless steel plates are indistinguishable within experimental uncertainty. Thus, the accommodation coefficient of 304 stainless steel with nitrogen and argon is estimated to be 0.80 {+-} 0.02 and 0.87 {+-} 0.02, respectively, independent of the surface roughness within the range likely to be encountered in engineering practice. Measurements of the accommodation of helium showed a slight variation with 304 stainless steel surface roughness: 0.36 {+-} 0.02 for a standard machine finish and 0.40 {+-} 0.02 for a polished finish. Planned tests with carbon-nanotube-coated plates will be performed when 304 stainless-steel blanks have been successfully coated.

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Modeling microscale heat transfer using Calore

Torczynski, J.R.; Wong, Chungnin C.; Piekos, Edward S.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.; Bainbridge, Bruce L.

Modeling microscale heat transfer with the computational-heat-transfer code Calore is discussed. Microscale heat transfer problems differ from their macroscopic counterparts in that conductive heat transfer in both solid and gaseous materials may have important noncontinuum effects. In a solid material, three noncontinuum effects are considered: ballistic transport of phonons across a thin film, scattering of phonons from surface roughness at a gas-solid interface, and scattering of phonons from grain boundaries within the solid material. These processes are modeled for polycrystalline silicon, and the thermal-conductivity values predicted by these models are compared to experimental data. In a gaseous material, two noncontinuum effects are considered: ballistic transport of gas molecules across a thin gap and accommodation of gas molecules to solid conditions when reflecting from a solid surface. These processes are modeled for arbitrary gases by allowing the gas and solid temperatures across a gas-solid interface to differ: a finite heat transfer coefficient (contact conductance) is imposed at the gas-solid interface so that the temperature difference is proportional to the normal heat flux. In this approach, the behavior of gas in the bulk is not changed from behavior observed under macroscopic conditions. These models are implemented in Calore as user subroutines. The user subroutines reside within Sandia's Source Forge server, where they undergo version control and regression testing and are available to analysts needing these capabilities. A Calore simulation is presented that exercises these models for a heated microbeam separated from an ambient-temperature substrate by a thin gas-filled gap. Failure to use the noncontinuum heat transfer models for the solid and the gas causes the maximum temperature of the microbeam to be significantly underpredicted.

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Bioaerosol collection and concentration for microseparations-based detectors

Wally, Karl W.; Rader, Daniel J.; Kanouff, Michael P.; Cummings, Eric B.

The ability to detect Weapons of Mass Destruction biological agents rapidly and sensitively is vital to homeland security, spurring development of compact detection systems at Sandia and elsewhere. One such system is Sandia's microseparations-based pChemLab. Many bio-agents are serious health threats even at extremely low concentrations. Therefore, a universal challenge for detection systems is the efficient collection and selective transport of highly diffuse bio-agents against the enormous background of benign particles and species ever present in the ambient environment. We have investigated development of a ''front end'' system for the collection, preconcentration, and selective transport of aerosolized biological agents from dilute (1-10 active particles per liter of air) atmospheric samples, to ultimate concentrations of {approx}20 active particles per microliter of liquid, for interface with microfluidic-based analyses and detection systems. Our approach employs a Sandia-developed aerosol particle-focusing microseparator array to focus size-selected particles into a mating microimpinger array of open microfluidic transport channels. Upon collection (i.e., impingement, submergence, and liquid suspension), microfluidic dielectrophoretic particle concentrators and sorters can be employed to further concentrate and selectively transport bio-agent particles to the sample preparation stages of microfluidic analyses and detection systems. This report documents results in experimental testing, modeling and analysis, component design, and materials fabrication critical to establishing proof-of-principle for this collection ''front end''. Outstanding results have been achieved for the aerodynamic microseparator, and for the post-collection dielectrophoretic concentrator and sorter. Results have been obtained for the microimpinger, too, but issues of particle-trapping by surface tension in liquid surfaces have proven difficult. Subsequent particle submergence into liquid suspension for microfluidic transport has been demonstrated only inefficiently despite significant and varied effort. Importantly, the separate technologies whose development is described, (inertial microseparator, dielectrophoretic corduroy concentrator/sorter) should each, independently, prove greatly useful in a variety of additional applications.

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Microscale rarefied gas dynamics and surface interactions for EUVL and MEMS applications

Rader, Daniel J.; Trott, Wayne T.; Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Castaneda, Jaime N.; Grasser, Thomas W.

A combined experimental/modeling study was conducted to better understand the critical role of gas-surface interactions in rarefied gas flows. An experimental chamber and supporting diagnostics were designed and assembled to allow simultaneous measurements of gas heat flux and inter-plate gas density profiles in an axisymmetric, parallel-plate geometry. Measurements of gas density profiles and heat flux are made under identical conditions, eliminating an important limitation of earlier studies. The use of in situ, electron-beam fluorescence is demonstrated as a means to measure gas density profiles although additional work is required to improve the accuracy of this technique. Heat flux is inferred from temperature-drop measurements using precision thermistors. The system can be operated with a variety of gases (monatomic, diatomic, polyatomic, mixtures) and carefully controlled, well-characterized surfaces of different types (metals, ceramics) and conditions (smooth, rough). The measurements reported here are for 304 stainless steel plates with a standard machined surface coupled with argon, helium, and nitrogen. The resulting heat-flux and gas-density-profile data are analyzed using analytic and computational models to show that a simple Maxwell gas-surface interaction model is adequate to represent all of the observations. Based on this analysis, thermal accommodation coefficients for 304 stainless steel coupled with argon, nitrogen, and helium are determined to be 0.88, 0.80, and 0.38, respectively, with an estimated uncertainty of {+-}0.02.

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Molecular gas dynamics observations of Chapman-enskog behavior and departures therefrom in nonequilibrium gases

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Gallis, Michail A.; Torczynski, J.R.; Rader, Daniel J.

The molecular velocity distribution of a gas with heat flow was analyzed using Bird's direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Large numbers of computational molecules represented the gas in DSMC. Chapman-Enskog behavior was obtained for inverse-power-law molecules at continuum nonequilibrium conditions. It was shown that the Sonine-polynomial coefficients differ systematically from their continuum values as the local Knudsen number is increased, at noncontinuum nonequilibrium conditions.

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A generalized approximation for the thermophoretic force on a free-molecular particle

Proposed for publication in Aerosol Science and Technology.

Gallis, Michail A.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.; Torczynski, J.R.

A general, approximate expression is described that can be used to predict the thermophoretic force on a free-molecular, motionless, spherical particle suspended in a quiescent gas with a temperature gradient. The thermophoretic force is equal to the product of an order-unity coefficient, the gas-phase translational heat flux, the particle cross-sectional area, and the inverse of the mean molecular speed. Numerical simulations are used to test the accuracy of this expression for monatomic gases, polyatomic gases, and mixtures thereof. Both continuum and noncontinuum conditions are examined; in particular, the effects of low pressure, wall proximity, and high heat flux are investigated. The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to calculate the local molecular velocity distribution, and the force-Green's-function method is used to calculate the thermophoretic force. The approximate expression is found to predict the calculated thermophoretic force to within 10% for all cases examined.

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Using DSMC to compute the force on a particle in a rarefied gas flow

Torczynski, J.R.; Gallis, Michail A.; Rader, Daniel J.

An approach is presented to compute the force on a spherical particle in a rarefied flow of a monatomic gas. This approach relies on the development of a Green's function that describes the force on a spherical particle in a delta-function molecular velocity distribution function. The gas-surface interaction model in this development allows incomplete accommodation of energy and tangential momentum. The force from an arbitrary molecular velocity distribution is calculated by computing the moment of the force Green's function in the same way that other macroscopic variables are determined. Since the molecular velocity distribution function is directly determined in the DSMC method, the force Green's function approach can be implemented straightforwardly in DSMC codes. A similar approach yields the heat transfer to a spherical particle in a rarefied gas flow. The force Green's function is demonstrated by application to two problems. First, the drag force on a spherical particle at arbitrary temperature and moving at arbitrary velocity through an equilibrium motionless gas is found analytically and numerically. Second, the thermophoretic force on a motionless particle in a motionless gas with a heat flux is found analytically and numerically. Good agreement is observed in both situations.

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56 Results
56 Results