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Infrasound direction of arrival determination using a balloon-borne aeroseismometer

JASA Express Letters

Bowman, Daniel B.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Krishnamoorthy, S.K.; Silber, Elizabeth A.

Free-floating balloons are an emerging platform for infrasound recording, but they cannot host arrays sufficiently wide for multi-sensor acoustic direction finding techniques. Because infrasound waves are longitudinal, the balloon motion in response to acoustic loading can be used to determine the signal azimuth. This technique, called “aeroseismometry,” permits sparse balloon-borne networks to geolocate acoustic sources. This is demonstrated by using an aeroseismometer on a stratospheric balloon to measure the direction of arrival of acoustic waves from successive ground chemical explosions. A geolocation algorithm adapted from hydroacoustics is then used to calculate the location of the explosions.

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Modeling the Vertical Response of an Aeroseismometer Balloon System

Rouse, Jerry W.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Sinclair, Alexandra M.; Silber, Elizabeth A.

Aeroseismometery is a novel, cutting edge capability that involves balloon based systems for detecting and geolocating sources of infrasound. The incident infrasound from a range of sources such as volcanos, earthquakes, explosions, supersonic aircraft impinges upon the balloon system causing it to respond dynamically. The dynamic response is post-processed to locate the infrasound source. This report documents the derivation of an analytical model that predicts the balloon dynamics. Governing equations for the system are derived as well as a transfer function relating the infrasound signal to the net force on the balloon components. Experimental measurements of the infrasound signals are convolved with the transfer function and the governing equations numerically time integrated to obtain predictions of the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the balloon system. The predictions are compared to the experimental measurements with good agreement observed. The derivation focuses only on the vertical dynamics of the balloon system. Future work will develop governing equations for the swinging response of the balloon to the incident infrasound.

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Skyfall: Signal Fusion from a Smartphone Falling from the Stratosphere


Garces, M.A.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Zeiler, C.Z.; Christe, A.C.; Yoshiyama, T.Y.; Williams, B.S.; Colet, M.C.; Takazawa, S.T.; Popenhagen, S.P.

A smartphone plummeted from a stratospheric height of 36 km, providing a near-real-time record of its rapid descent and ground impact. An app recorded and streamed useful internal multi-sensor data at high sample rates. Signal fusion with external and internal sensor systems permitted a more detailed reconstruction of the Skyfall chronology, including its descent speed, rotation rate, and impact deceleration. Our results reinforce the potential of smartphones as an agile and versatile geophysical data collection system for environmental and disaster monitoring IoT applications. We discuss mobile environmental sensing capabilities and present a flexible data model to record and stream signals of interest. The Skyfall case study can be used as a guide to smartphone signal processing methods that are transportable to other hardware platforms and operating systems.

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Topographically Scattered Infrasound Waves Observed on Microbarometer Arrays in the Lower Stratosphere

Earth and Space Science

Bird, E.J.; Lees, J.M.; Kero, J.; Bowman, Daniel B.

When an acoustic wave strikes a topographic feature, some of its energy is scattered. Sensors on the ground cannot capture these scattered signals when they propagate at high angles. We report observations of upwardly-scattered acoustic waves prior to refraction back to the ground, intercepting them with a set of balloon-borne infrasound microbarometers in the lower stratosphere over northern Sweden. We show that these scattered waves generate a coda whose presence can be related to topography beneath balloons and low-altitude acoustic ducts. The inclination of the coda signals changes systematically with time, as expected from waves arriving from scatterers successively closer to receivers. The codas are present when a temperature inversion channels infrasound from a set of ground chemical explosions along the ground, but are absent following the inversion's dissipation. Since scattering partitions energy away from the main arrival, these observations imply a mechanism of amplitude loss that had previously been inaccessible to measurement. As such, these data and results allow for a better comprehension of interactions between atmospheric infrasound propagation and the solid earth.

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Identification of Acoustic Wave Signatures in the Ionosphere From Conventional Surface Explosions Using MF/HF Doppler Sounding

Radio Science

Obenberger, K.S.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Dao, E.

We present an experiment to detect one ton TNT-equivalent chemical explosions using pulsed Doppler radar observations of isodensity layers in the ionospheric E region during two campaigns. The first campaign, conducted on 15 October 2019, produced potential detections of all three shots. The detections closely resemble the temporal and spectral properties predicted using the InfraGA ray tracing and weakly nonlinear waveform propagation model. Here the model predicts that within 6.5–7.25 min of each shot a waveform peaking between 0.9 and 0.4 Hz will impact the ionosphere at 100 km. As the waves pass through this region, they will imprint their signal on an isodensity layer, which is detectable using a Doppler radar operating at the plasma frequency of the isodensity. Within the time windows of each of the three shots in the first campaign, we detect enhanced wave activity peaking near 0.5 Hz. These waves were imprinted on the Doppler signal probing an isodensity layer at 2.785 MHz near 100 km altitude. Despite these detections, the method appears to be unreliable as none of the six shots from the second campaign, conducted on 10 July 2020 were detected. The observations from this campaign were characterized by an increased acoustic noise environment in the microbarom band and persistent scintillation on the radar returns. These effects obscured any detectable signal from these shots and the baseline noise was well above the detection levels of the first campaign.

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Data Report: TurboWave I and II Data Release

Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.; Bowman, Daniel B.

The TurboWave I and II infrasound campaigns were conducted to examine short term variability in acoustic propagation at local and regional distances. The tests were conducted in nearly co-located regions at the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center in Socorro, NM between 2019 and 2020 and recorded across a variety of acoustic microbarometer sensors. This report details the waveform data recorded from the experiment and coincides with data archival at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. The report includes a description of the experiment along with the types of data and instruments. The data release includes raw waveform data as well as metadata information.

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Airborne Infrasound Makes a Splash

Geophysical Research Letters

Bowman, Daniel B.

Natural and anthropogenic events may create low frequency sound waves, or infrasound, that can travel for vast distances in planetary atmospheres. They permit the remote monitoring of geophysical activity over local to global scales. Most studies have utilized ground-based recorders, but it is possible to deploy acoustic sensors to altitudes of over 50 km. Such elevated platforms can capture sounds that their surface analogs cannot access. High altitude balloons and low altitude aerostats are filling this observation gap, but key environments remain out of reach of both of these. Recent work by den Ouden, Smets et al. (2021) addressed this with a new instrumentation platform—a large seabird flying just above the ocean's surface. Their work demonstrates that, infrasound sensing using heavier-than-air platforms in windy environments is possible, which has implications both terrestrially (e.g., extending sensor networks over the oceans) and extraterrestrially (proposed or planned missions to Venus and Titan).

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Search for Infrasound Signals in InSight Data Using Coupled Pressure/Ground Deformation Methods

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Garcia, Raphael F.; Murdoch, Naomi; Lorenz, Ralph; Spiga, Aymeric; Bowman, Daniel B.; Lognonné, Philippe; Banfield, Don; Banerdt, William B.

The unprecedented quality and sampling rate of seismometer and pressure sensors of the InSight Mars mission allow us to investigate infrasound through its pressure and ground deformation signals. This study focuses on compliance effects induced by acoustic waves propagating almost horizontally close to the surface. The compliance of acoustic waves is first estimated using the compliance estimates from pressure perturbations moving at wind speed. Then, a marker of compliance events is used to detect events of ground deformation induced by pressure variations, in three frequency bands from 0.4 to 3.2 Hz, from InSight sol 180 to 690. Additional selection criteria are imposed on the detected events to focus on acoustic waves and to remove various noise sources (e.g., wind effects or seismometer artifacts). After an automated selection, the visual inspection of the records allows us to validate two infrasound candidates that cannot be related to pressure perturbations moving at wind speed nor to known noise sources. For our highest quality infrasound candidate, the relation between this event and a convective vortex occuring 10 s later is tested. The azimuth of the vortex position at the time of infrasound detection is not consistent with the arrival azimuth of the suspected infrasound inferred from the polarization of seismometer records, thus the link between these two phenomena cannot be demonstrated. Further investigations would require a better understanding of wind-related noise impacting InSight sensors and of the effects of lateral variations of subsurface mechanical properties on the ground deformations induced by atmospheric pressure variations.

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Directional infrasound sensing using acoustic metamaterials

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Rouse, Jerry W.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Walsh, Timothy W.

Natural and anthropogenic infrasound may travel vast distances, making it an invaluable resource for monitoring phenomena such as nuclear explosions, volcanic eruptions, severe storms, and many others. Typically, these waves are captured using pressure sensors, which cannot encode the direction of arrival—critical information when the source location is not known beforehand. Obtaining this information therefore requires arrays of sensors with apertures ranging from tens of meters to kilometers depending on the wavelengths of interest. This is often impractical in locations that lack the necessary real estate (urban areas, rugged regions, or remote islands); in any case, it requires multiple power, digitizer, and telemetry deployments. Here, the theoretical basis behind a compact infrasound direction of arrival sensor based on the acoustic metamaterials is presented. This sensor occupies a footprint that is orders of magnitude smaller than the span of a typical infrasound array. The diminutive size of the unit greatly expands the locations where it can be deployed. The sensor design is described, its ability to determine the direction of arrival is evaluated, and further avenues of study are suggested.

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Monitoring changes in human activity during the COVID-19 shutdown in Las Vegas using infrasound microbarometers

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Bird, Elijah B.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Seastrand, Douglas R.; Wright, Melissa A.; Lees, Jonathan M.; Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.

While studies of urban acoustics are typically restricted to the audio range, anthropogenic activity also generates infrasound (<20 Hz, roughly at the lower end of the range of human hearing). Shutdowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic unintentionally created ideal conditions for the study of urban infrasound and low frequency audio (20-500 Hz), as closures reduced human-generated ambient noise, while natural signals remained relatively unaffected. An array of infrasound sensors deployed in Las Vegas, NV, provides data for a case study in monitoring human activity during the pandemic through urban acoustics. The array records a sharp decline in acoustic power following the temporary shutdown of businesses deemed nonessential by the state of Nevada. This decline varies spatially across the array, with stations close to McCarran International Airport generally recording the greatest declines in acoustic power. Further, declines in acoustic power fluctuate with the time of day. As only signals associated with anthropogenic activity are expected to decline, this gives a rough indication of periodicities in urban acoustics throughout Las Vegas. The results of this study reflect the city's response to the pandemic and suggest spatiotemporal trends in acoustics outside of shutdowns.

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Flight Test of a Balloon-Borne Aeroseismometer

Bowman, Daniel B.

The azimuth of an incoming acoustic wave cannot be determined using microbarometers on a free floating balloon. A single observation of infrasound-induced acceleration on a large zero pressure balloon suggested that a motion sensing "aeroseismometer" could fill this gap. Here, a flight test of prototype balloon-borne aeroseismometers is presented. Two balloons, each carrying accelerometers and IMUs, recorded three sets of chemical explosions. The resulting balloon motion time series allows the explosive source to be geolocated. The future of this technology is discussed, along with a planned publication. Finally, recommendations and lessons learned from the campaign are discussed.

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Origin and mitigation of wind noise on balloon-borne infrasound microbarometers

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth; Bowman, Daniel B.; Komjathy, Attila; Pauken, Michael T.; Cutts, James A.

High-altitude monitoring of low-frequency acoustic waves (infrasound) on Earth has regained prominence in recent years, primarily driven by improvements in light-weight sensor technology and advances in scientific ballooning techniques. Balloon-borne infrasound monitoring is also being proposed as a remote sensing technique for planetary exploration. Contrary to ground-based infrasound monitoring, the infrasound noise background in the stratosphere as measured by a balloon remains uncharacterized and the efficacy of wind noise mitigation filters has not been investigated. In this study, an analysis of pressure data collected using infrasound microbarometers during the flight of a long-duration zero pressure balloon is presented. A dramatic reduction of background noise in the stratosphere is demonstrated and it is shown that wind noise mitigation filters are not effective at reducing wind noise under these conditions. Results from this study demonstrate stratospheric balloons as a low-noise platform for infrasound monitoring and motivate the development of improved noise mitigation tools.

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Multihour stratospheric flights with the heliotrope solar hot-air balloon

Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

Bowman, Daniel B.; Norman, Paul E.; Pauken, Michael T.; Albert, Sarah A.; Dexheimer, Darielle D.; Yang, Xiao; Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth; Komjathy, Attila; Cutts, James A.

Standard meteorological balloons can deliver small scientific payloads to the stratosphere for a few tens of minutes, but achieving multihour level flight in this region is more difficult. We have developed a solarpowered hot-air balloon named the heliotrope that can maintain a nearly constant altitude in the upper troposphere–lower stratosphere as long as the sun is above the horizon. It can accommodate scientific payloads ranging from hundreds of grams to several kilograms. The balloon can achieve float altitudes exceeding 24 km and fly for days in the Arctic summer, although sunset provides a convenient flight termination mechanism at lower latitudes. Two people can build an envelope in about 3.5 h, and the materials cost about $30. The low cost and simplicity of the heliotrope enables a class of missions that is generally out of reach of institutions lacking specialized balloon expertise. Here, we discuss the design history, construction techniques, trajectory characteristics, and flight prediction of the heliotrope balloon. We conclude with a discussion of the physics of solar hot-air balloon flight.

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Heliotrope: A Solar Powered Hot Air Balloon Flight System

Bowman, Daniel B.

What it is: A roughly spherical balloon constructed from light duty painter's plastic (0.31 mil high density polyethylene) and darkened with air float charcoal powder. Balloons typically range from 12-40 ft across depending on mission needs. How it works: Sunlight shines on the balloon, heating the air inside. The density difference due to the hot air in the balloon is sufficient to lift it up to 80,000 ft in the air

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How to build a heliotrope solar hot air balloon

Bowman, Daniel B.

This document describes how to build a 5-gore, 5.8 m diameter heliotrope solar hot air balloon. This is a fairly straightforward process, but it is painstaking. When making the balloons, make sure not to wear anything that can snag the material (badges, etc). Sharp objects or corners should not be present. When laying out, folding, and cutting gores, it is best to wear socks instead of shoes. Tape should never be pulled off of a balloon. If it accidentally touches the balloon material, it should be left in place or cut free. Also, when adding tape (either intentionally or not), no sticky parts should be left. Sticky parts should either be cut free or taped over. Otherwise, the sticky part will grab the balloon envelope and tear it. You are building a 20 ft sphere out of material thinner than a grocery bag — the best guidance is just to use common sense.

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Infrasound and Gravity Waves Over the Andes Observed by a Pressure Sensor on Board a Stratospheric Balloon

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Poler, Guerman; Garcia, Raphaël F.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Martire, Léo

The study of infrasound (acoustic) and gravity waves sources and propagation in the atmosphere of a planet gives us precious insight on atmosphere dynamics, climate, and even internal structure. The implementation of modern pressure sensors with high rate sampling on stratospheric balloons is improving their study. We analyzed the data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ultra Long Duration Balloon mission (16 May to 30 June 2016). Here, we focus on the balloon's transit of the Andes Mountains. We detected gravity waves that are associated to troposphere convective activity and mountain waves. An increase of the horizontal wavelengths from 50 to 70 km with increasing distance to the mountains is favoring the presence of mountain waves. We also report on the detection of infrasounds generated by the mountains in the 0.01–0.1 Hz range with a pressure amplitude increase by a factor 2 relative background signal. Besides, we characterized the decrease of microbaroms power when the balloon was flying away from the ocean coast. These observations suggest, in a way similar to microseisms for seismometers, that microbaroms are the main background noise sources recorded in the stratosphere even far from the ocean sources. Finally, we observed a broadband signal above the Andes, between 0.45 and 2 Hz, probably associated with a thunderstorm. The diversity of geophysical phenomena captured in less than a day of observation stresses the interest of high rate pressure sensors on board long-duration balloon missions.

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Aerial seismology using balloon-based barometers

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Krishnamoorthy, Siddharth; Kassarian, Ervan; Martire, Leo; Sournac, Anthony; Cadu, Alexandre; Lai, Voon H.; Komjathy, Attila; Pauken, Michael T.; Cutts, James A.; Garcia, Raphael F.; Mimoun, David; Jackson, Jennifer M.; Bowman, Daniel B.

Seismology on Venus has long eluded planetary scientists due to extreme temperature and pressure conditions on its surface, which most electronics cannot withstand for mission durations required for ground-based seismic studies. We show that infrasonic (low-frequency) pressure fluctuations, generated as a result of ground motion, produced by an artificial seismic source known as a seismic hammer, and recorded using sensitive microbarometers deployed on a tethered balloon, are able to replicate the frequency content of ground motion. We also show that weak, artificial seismic activity thus produced may be geolocated by using multiple airborne barometers. The success of this technique paves the way for balloon-based aero-seismology, leading to a potentially revolutionary method to perform seismic studies from a remote airborne station on the earth and solar system objects with substantial atmospheres such as Venus and Titan.

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Results 1–50 of 126
Results 1–50 of 126