
48 Results
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Proton Tunable Analog Transistor for Low Power Computing

Robinson, Donald A.; Foster, Michael R.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Bhandarkar, Austin B.; Fuller, Elliot J.; Stavila, Vitalie S.; Spataru, Dan C.; Krishnakumar, Raga K.; Cole-Filipiak, Neil C.; Schrader, Paul E.; Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Talin, A.A.

This project was broadly motivated by the need for new hardware that can process information such as images and sounds right at the point of where the information is sensed (e.g. edge computing). The project was further motivated by recent discoveries by group demonstrating that while certain organic polymer blends can be used to fabricate elements of such hardware, the need to mix ionic and electronic conducting phases imposed limits on performance, dimensional scalability and the degree of fundamental understanding of how such devices operated. As an alternative to blended polymers containing distinct ionic and electronic conducting phases, in this LDRD project we have discovered that a family of mixed valence coordination compounds called Prussian blue analogue (PBAs), with an open framework structure and ability to conduct both ionic and electronic charge, can be used for inkjet-printed flexible artificial synapses that reversibly switch conductance by more than four orders of magnitude based on electrochemically tunable oxidation state. Retention of programmed states is improved by nearly two orders of magnitude compared to the extensively studied organic polymers, thus enabling in-memory compute and avoiding energy costly off-chip access during training. We demonstrate dopamine detection using PBA synapses and biocompatibility with living neurons, evoking prospective application for brain - computer interfacing. By application of electron transfer theory to in-situ spectroscopic probing of intervalence charge transfer, we elucidate a switching mechanism whereby the degree of mixed valency between N-coordinated Ru sites controls the carrier concentration and mobility, as supported by density functional theory (DFT) .

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Electronic Structure and Stacking Arrangement of Tungsten Disulfide at the Gold Contact

ACS Nano

Thomas, Cherrelle J.; Fonseca, Jose J.; Spataru, Dan C.; Robinson, Jeremy T.; Ohta, Taisuke O.

There is an intensive effort to control the nature of attractive interactions between ultrathin semiconductors and metals and to understand its impact on the electronic properties at the junction. Here, we present a photoelectron spectroscopy study on the interface between WS2 films and gold, with a focus on the occupied electronic states near the Brillouin zone center (i.e., the point). To delineate the spectra of WS2 supported on crystalline Au from the suspended WS2, we employ a microscopy approach and a tailored sample structure, in which the WS2/Au junction forms a semi-epitaxial relationship and is adjacent to suspended WS2 regions. The photoelectron spectra, as a function of WS2 thickness, display the expected splitting of the highest occupied states at the point. In multilayer WS2, we discovered variations in the electronic states that spatially align with the crystalline grains of underlying Au. Corroborated by density functional theory calculations, we attribute the electronic structure variations to stacking variations within the WS2 films. We propose that strong interactions exerted by Au grains cause slippage of the interfacing WS2 layer with respect to the rest of the WS2 film. Our findings illustrate that the electronic properties of transition metal dichalcogenides, and more generally 2D layered materials, are physically altered by the interactions with the interfacing materials, in addition to the electron screening and defects that have been widely considered.

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Charge Transfer Screening and Energy Level Alignment at Complex Organic-Inorganic Interfaces: A TractableAb InitioGW Approach

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Cheng, Nicholas L.; Xuan, Fengyuan; Spataru, Dan C.; Quek, Su Y.

Complex organic-inorganic interfaces are important for device and sensing applications. Charge transfer doping is prevalent in such applications and can affect the interfacial energy level alignments (ELA), which are determined by many-body interactions. We develop an approximateab initiomany-body GW approach that can capture many-body interactions due to interfacial charge transfer. The approach uses significantly less resources than a regular GW calculation but gives excellent agreement with benchmark GW calculations on an F4TCNQ/graphene interface. We find that many-body interactions due to charge transfer screening result in gate-tunable F4TCNQ HOMO-LUMO gaps. We further predict the ELA of a large system of experimental interest—4,4′-bis(dimethylamino)bipyridine (DMAP-OED) on monolayer MoS2, where charge transfer screening results in an ∼1 eV reduction of the molecular HOMO-LUMO gap. Comparison with a two-dimensional electron gas model reveals the importance of explicitly considering the intraband transitions in determining the charge transfer screening in organic-inorganic interface systems.

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Tuning the critical Li intercalation concentrations for MoX2 (X = S, Se, or Te) bilayer phase transitions

Physical Review Materials

Spataru, Dan C.

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), such as MoS2, are known to undergo a structural phase transformation as well as a change in the electronic conductivity upon Li intercalation. These properties make them candidates for charge-tunable ion-insertion materials that could be used in electro-chemical devices. In this work we study the phase stability and electronic structure of H and T’ Li-intercalated MoX2 bilayers with X=S, Se, or Te. Here, using first-principles calculations in combination with classical and machine learning modeling approaches, we find that the H phase is more stable at low Li concentration for all X, and the critical Li concentration at which the T’→H transition occurs decreases with increasing mass of X. Furthermore the relative free energy of the two phases becomes less sensitive to Li insertion with increasing atomic mass of the chalcogen atom X. While the electronic conductivity increases with increasing ion concentration at low concentrations, we do not observe a (positive) conductivity jump at the phase transition from H to T’.

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Nanoscale functionalized superconducting transport channels as photon detectors

Physical Review B

Spataru, Dan C.; Leonard, Francois L.

Single-photon detectors have typically consisted of macroscopic materials where both the photon absorption and transduction to an electrical signal happen. Newly proposed designs suggest that large arrays of nanoscale detectors could provide improved performance in addition to decoupling the absorption and transduction processes. Here we study the properties of such a detector consisting of a nanoscale superconducting (SC) transport channel functionalized by a photon absorber. We explore two detection mechanisms based on photoinduced electrostatic gating and magnetic effects. To this end we model the narrow channel as a one-dimensional atomic chain and use a self-consistent Keldysh-Nambu Green's function formalism to describe nonequilibrium effects and SC phenomena. We consider cases where the photon creates electrostatic and magnetic changes in the absorber, as well as devices with strong and weak coupling to the metal leads. Our results indicate that the most promising case is when the SC channel is weakly coupled to the leads and in the presence of a background magnetic field, where photoexcitation of a magnetic molecule can trigger a SC-to-normal transition in the channel that leads to a change in the device current several times larger than in the case of a normal-phase channel device.

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Molecular Statics Analyses of Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Hydrogen Cottrell Atmosphere Formation Around Edge Dislocations in Aluminum


Spataru, Dan C.; Chu, Kevin; Sills, Ryan B.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.

Aluminum alloys are being explored as lightweight structural materials for use in hydrogen-containing environments.To understand hydrogen effects on deformation, we perform molecular statics studies of the hydrogen Cottrell atmosphere around edge dislocations in aluminum. First, we calculate the hydrogen binding energies at all interstitial sites in a periodic aluminum crystal containing an edge dislocation dipole. This allows us to use the Boltzmann equation to quantify the hydrogen Cottrell atmosphere. Based on these binding energies, we then construct a continuum model to study the kinetics of the hydrogen Cottrell atmosphere formation. Finally, we compare our results with existing theories and discuss the effects of hydrogen on deformation of aluminum-based alloys.

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Hydrogen diffusion across interfaces in zirconium

Jones, Reese E.; Reyes, Royce R.; Zhou, Xiaowang Z.; Foster, Michael E.; Spataru, Dan C.; Spearot , Doug S.

In order to study the effects of Ni oxidation barriers on H diffusion in Zr, a Ni-Zr-H potential was developed based on an existing Ni-Zr potential. Using this and existing binary potentials H diffusion characteristics were calculated and some limited findings for the performance of Ni on Zr coatings are made.

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High-Efficiency Thin-Film Superlattice Thermoelectric Cooler Modules Enabled by Low Resistivity Contacts

Advanced Electronic Materials

He, Yuping H.; Leonard, Francois L.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Baldasaro, Nicholas; Temple, Dorota S.; Barletta, Philip; Spataru, Dan C.

V-telluride superlattice thin films have shown promising performance for on-chip cooling devices. Recent experimental studies have indicated that device performance is limited by the metal/semiconductor electrical contacts. One challenge in realizing a low resistivity contact is the absence of fundamental knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of interfaces between metal and V-telluride materials. This study presents a combination of experimental and theoretical efforts to understand, design, and harness low resistivity contacts to V-tellurides. Ab initio calculations are used to explore the effects of interfacial structure and chemical compositions on the electrical contacts, and an ab initio based macroscopic model is employed to predict the fundamental limit of contact resistivity as a function of both carrier concentration and temperature. Under the guidance of theoretical studies, an experimental approach is developed to fabricate low resistivity metal contacts to V-telluride thin film superlattices, achieving a 100-fold reduction compared to previous work. Interfacial characterization and analysis using both scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy show unusual interfacial morphology and the potential for further improvement in contact resistivity. Finally, the improved contacts are harnessed to realize an improved high-performance thermoelectric cooling module.

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Interlayer Coupling and Gate-Tunable Excitons in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures

Nano Letters

Gao, Shiyuan; Yang, Li; Spataru, Dan C.

Bilayer van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures such as MoS2/WS2 and MoSe2/WSe2 have attracted much attention recently, particularly because of their type II band alignments and the formation of interlayer exciton as the lowest-energy excitonic state. In this work, we calculate the electronic and optical properties of such heterostructures with the first-principles GW+Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) method and reveal the important role of interlayer coupling in deciding the excited-state properties, including the band alignment and excitonic properties. Our calculation shows that due to the interlayer coupling, the low energy excitons can be widely tuned by a vertical gate field. In particular, the dipole oscillator strength and radiative lifetime of the lowest energy exciton in these bilayer heterostructures is varied by over an order of magnitude within a practical external gate field. We also build a simple model that captures the essential physics behind this tunability and allows the extension of the ab initio results to a large range of electric fields. Our work clarifies the physical picture of interlayer excitons in bilayer vdW heterostructures and predicts a wide range of gate-tunable excited-state properties of 2D optoelectronic devices.

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Molecule@MOF: A New Class of Opto-electronic Materials

Talin, A.A.; Jones, Reese E.; Spataru, Dan C.; Leonard, Francois L.; He, Yuping H.; Foster, Michael E.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Stavila, Vitalie S.

Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are extended, nanoporous crystalline compounds consisting of metal ions interconnected by organic ligands. Their synthetic versatility suggest a disruptive class of opto - electronic materials with a high degree of electrical tunability and without the property - degrading disorder of organic conductors. In this project we determined the factors controlling charge and energy transport in MOFs and evaluated their potential for thermoelectric energy conversion. Two strategies for a chieving electronic conductivity in MOFs were explored: 1) using redox active 'guest' molecules introduced into the pores to dope the framework via charge - transfer coupling (Guest@MOF), 2) metal organic graphene analogs (MOGs) with dispersive band structur es arising from strong electronic overlap between the MOG metal ions and its coordinating linker groups. Inkjet deposition methods were developed to facilitate integration of the guest@MOF and MOG materials into practical devices.

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Dynamic Wavelength-Tunable Photodetector Using Subwavelength Graphene Field-Effect Transistors

Scientific Reports

Leonard, Francois L.; Spataru, Dan C.; Goldflam, Michael G.; Peters, D.W.; Beechem, Thomas E.

Dynamic wavelength tunability has long been the holy grail of photodetector technology. Because of its atomic thickness and unique properties, graphene opens up new paradigms to realize this concept, but so far this has been elusive experimentally. Here we employ detailed quantum transport modeling of photocurrent in graphene field-effect transistors (including realistic electromagnetic fields) to show that wavelength tunability is possible by dynamically changing the gate voltage. We reveal the phenomena that govern the behavior of this type of device and show significant departure from the simple expectations based on vertical transitions. We find strong focusing of the electromagnetic fields at the contact edges over the same length scale as the band-bending. Both of these spatially-varying potentials lead to an enhancement of non-vertical optical transitions, which dominate even in the absence of phonon or impurity scattering. We also show that the vanishing density of states near the Dirac point leads to contact blocking and a gate-dependent modulation of the photocurrent. Several of the effects discussed here should be applicable to a broad range of one-and two-dimensional materials and devices.

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Metallic behavior in the graphene analogue Ni3(HITP)2 and a strategy to render the material a semiconductor

Journal of Physical Chemistry. C

Foster, Michael E.; Sohlberg, Karl S.; Spataru, Dan C.; Allendorf, Mark D.

The metal organic framework material Ni3(2,3,6,7,10,11 - hexaiminotriphenylene)2, (Ni3(HITP)2) is composed of layers of extended conjugated planes analogous to graphene. We carried out Density functional theory (DFT) calculations to model the electronic structure of bulk and monolayer Ni3(HITP)2. The layered 3D material is metallic, similar to graphene. Our calculations predict that there is appreciable band dispersion not only in-plane, but perpendicular to the stacking planes as well, suggesting that, unlike graphene, the conductivity may be nearly isotropic. In contrast, a 2D monolayer of the material exhibits a band gap, consistent with previously published results. Insight obtained from studies of the evolution of the material from semiconducting to metallic as the material is transitioned from 2D to 3D suggests the possibility of modifying the material to render it semiconducting by changing the metal center and inserting spacer moieties between the layers. Furthermore, the DFT calculations predict that the modified material will be structurally stable and exhibit a band gap.

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Oxidation of ultrathin GaSe

Applied Physics Letters

Beechem, Thomas E.; Kowalski, Brian M.; Brumbach, Michael T.; McDonald, Anthony E.; Spataru, Dan C.; Howell, Stephen W.; Ohta, Taisuke O.; Pask, Jesse A.; Kalugin, Nikolai G.

Oxidation of exfoliated gallium selenide (GaSe) is investigated through Raman, photoluminescence, Auger, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies. Photoluminescence and Raman intensity reductions associated with spectral features of GaSe are shown to coincide with the emergence of signatures emanating from the by-products of the oxidation reaction, namely, Ga2Se3 and amorphous Se. Photoinduced oxidation is initiated over a portion of a flake highlighting the potential for laser based patterning of two-dimensional heterostructures via selective oxidation.

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Fermi-level pinning, charge transfer, and relaxation of spin-momentum locking at metal contacts to topological insulators

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Spataru, Dan C.; Léonard, François

Topological insulators are of interest for many applications in electronics and optoelectronics, but harnessing their unique properties requires detailed understanding and control of charge injection at electrical contacts. Here we present large-scale ab initio calculations of the electronic properties of Au, Ni, Pt, Pd, and graphene contacts to Bi2Se3. We show that regardless of the metal, the Fermi level is located in the conduction band, leading to n-type Ohmic contact to the first quintuplet. Furthermore, we find strong charge transfer and band bending in the first few quintuplets, with no Schottky barrier for charge injection even when the topological insulator is undoped. Our calculations indicate that Au and graphene leave the spin-momentum locking mostly unaltered, but on the other hand, Ni, Pd, and Pt strongly hybridize with Bi2Se3 and relax spin-momentum locking. Our results indicate that judicious choice of the contact metal is essential to reveal the unique surface features of topological insulators. © 2014 American Physical Society.

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Electronic and optical gap renormalization in carbon nanotubes near a metallic surface

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Spataru, Dan C.

Renormalization of quasiparticles and excitons in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) near a metallic surface has been studied within a many-body formalism using an embedding approach newly implemented in the GW and Bethe-Salpeter methods. The quasiparticle band-gap renormalization in semiconducting CNTs is found to scale as -1/(2ha), with ha the apparent nanotube height, and it can exceed half an eV. Also, the binding energy of excitons is reduced dramatically - by as much as 75% - near the surface. Compensation between quasiparticle and excitonic effects results in small changes in the optical gap. The important role played by the nanotube screening response in establishing these effects is emphasized and a simple electrostatic model with no adjustable parameters explains the results of state-of-the-art calculations and generalizes them to a large variety of CNTs. © 2013 American Physical Society.

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Many-body effects on the electronic and optical properties of strained semiconducting carbon nanotubes

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Spataru, Dan C.; Leonard, Francois L.

We present many-body ab initio calculations of the electronic and optical properties of semiconducting zigzag carbon nanotubes under uniaxial strain. The GW approach is utilized to obtain the quasiparticle band gaps and is combined with the Bethe-Salpeter equation to obtain the optical absorption spectrum. We find that the dependence of the electronic band gaps on strain is more complex than previously predicted based on tight-binding models or density functional theory. In addition, we show that the exciton energy and exciton binding energy depend significantly on strain, with variations of tens of milli-electron-volts per percent strain, but despite these strong changes the absorbance is found to be nearly independent of strain. Our results provide new guidance for the understanding and design of optomechanical systems based on carbon nanotubes. © 2013 American Physical Society.

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GW approach to Anderson model in and out of equilibrium : scaling properties in the Kondo regime

Spataru, Dan C.

The low-energy properties of the Anderson model for a single impurity coupled to two leads are studied using the GW approximation. We find that quantities such as the spectral function at zero temperature, the linear-response conductance as function of temperature or the differential conductance as function of bias voltage exhibit universal scaling behavior in the Kondo regime. We show how the form of the GW scaling functions relates to the form of the scaling functions obtained from the exact solution at equilibrium. We also compare the energy scale that goes inside the GW scaling functions with the exact Kondo temperature, for a broad range of the Coulomb interaction strength in the asymptotic regime. This analysis allows to clarify a presently suspended question in the literature, namely whether or not the GW solution captures the Kondo resonance.

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Extreme solid state refrigeration using nanostructured Bi-Te alloys

Sharma, Peter A.; Morales, Alfredo M.; Spataru, Dan C.

Materials are desperately needed for cryogenic solid state refrigeration. We have investigated nanostructured Bi-Te alloys for their potential use in Ettingshausen refrigeration to liquid nitrogen temperatures. These alloys form alternating layers of Bi{sub 2} and Bi{sub 2}Te{sub 3} blocks in equilibrium. The composition Bi{sub 4}Te{sub 3} was identified as having the greatest potential for having a high Ettingshausen figure of merit. Both single crystal and polycrystalline forms of this material were synthesized. After evaluating the Ettingshausen figure of merit for a large, high quality polycrystal, we simulated the limits of practical refrigeration in this material from 200 to 77 K using a simple device model. The band structure was also computed and compared to experiments. We discuss the crystal growth, transport physics, and practical refrigeration potential of Bi-Te alloys.

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48 Results
48 Results