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Spurious effects of analog-to-digital conversion nonlinearities on radar range-Doppler maps

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Doerry, Armin; Dubbert, Dale F.; Tise, Bertice L.

High-performance radar operation, particularly Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) radar modes, are very sensitive to anomalous effects of system nonlinearities. System nonlinearities generate harmonic spurs that at best degrade, and at worst generate false target detections. One significant source of nonlinear behavior is the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). One measure of its undesired nonlinearity is its Integral Nonlinearity (INL) specification. We examine in this paper the relationship of INL to radar performance; in particular its manifestation in a range-Doppler map or image.

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Radome effects on coherent change detection radar systems

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Raynal, Ann M.; Dubbert, Dale F.; Burns, Bryan L.; Hensley, William H.

A radome, or radar dome, protects a radar system from exposure to the elements. Unfortunately, radomes can affect the radiation pattern of the enclosed antenna. The co-design of a platform"™s radome and radar is ideal to mitigate any deleterious effects of the radome. However, maintaining structural integrity and other platform flight requirements, particularly when integrating a new radar onto an existing platform, often limits radome electrical design choices. Radars that rely heavily on phase measurements such as monopulse, interferometric, or coherent change detection (CCD) systems require particular attention be paid to components, such as the radome, that might introduce loss and phase variations as a function of the antenna scan angle. Material properties, radome wall construction, overall dimensions, and shape characteristics of a radome can impact insertion loss and phase delay, antenna beamwidth and sidelobe level, polarization, and ultimately the impulse response of the radar, among other things, over the desired radar operating parameters. The precision-guided munitions literature has analyzed radome effects on monopulse systems for well over half a century. However, to the best of our knowledge, radome-induced errors on CCD performance have not been described. The impact of radome material and wall construction, shape, dimensions, and antenna characteristics on CCD is examined herein for select radar and radome examples using electromagnetic simulations.

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Bistatic SAR: Proof of Concept

Yocky, David A.; Doren, Neall; Bacon, Terry A.; Wahl, Daniel E.; Eichel, Paul H.; Jakowatz, Charles V.; Delaplain, Gilbert G.; Dubbert, Dale F.; Tise, Bertice L.; White, Kyle R.

Typical synthetic aperture RADAR (SAR) imaging employs a co-located RADAR transmitter and receiver. Bistatic SAR imaging separates the transmitter and receiver locations. A bistatic SAR configuration allows for the transmitter and receiver(s) to be in a variety of geometric alignments. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) / New Mexico proposed the deployment of a ground-based RADAR receiver. This RADAR receiver was coupled with the capability of digitizing and recording the signal collected. SNL proposed the possibility of creating an image of targets the illuminating SAR observes. This document describes the developed hardware, software, bistatic SAR configuration, and its deployment to test the concept of a ground-based bistatic SAR. In the proof-of-concept experiments herein, the RADAR transmitter will be a commercial SAR satellite and the RADAR receiver will be deployed at ground level, observing and capturing RADAR ground/targets illuminated by the satellite system.

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Effects of Analog-to-Digital Converter Nonlinearities on Radar Range-Doppler Maps

Doerry, Armin; Dubbert, Dale F.; Tise, Bertice L.

Radar operation, particularly Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) radar modes, are very sensitive to anomalous effects of system nonlinearities. These throw off harmonic spurs that are sometimes detected as false alarms. One significant source of nonlinear behavior is the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). One measure of its undesired nonlinearity is its Integral Nonlinearity (INL) specification. We examine in this report the relationship of INL to GMTI performance.

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A portfolio of fine resolution Ka-band SAR images: Part II

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Doerry, Armin; Dubbert, Dale F.; Thompson, M.; Gutierrez, Vivian G.

Sandia National Laboratories designs and builds Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems capable of forming high-quality exceptionally fine resolution images. During the spring of 2004 a series of test flights were completed with a Ka-band testbed SAR on Sandia's DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft. A large data set was collected including real-time fine-resolution images of a variety of target scenes. This paper offers a sampling of high quality images representative of the output of Sandia's Ka-band testbed radar with resolutions as fine as 4 inches. Images will be annotated with descriptions of collection geometries and other relevant image parameters.

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Implementation of a High Throughput Variable Decimation Pane Filter Using the Xilinx System Generator

Dubbert, Dale F.

In a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system, the purpose of the receiver is to process incoming radar signals in order to obtain target information and ultimately construct an image of the target area. Incoming raw signals are usually in the microwave frequency range and are typically processed with analog circuitry, requiring hardware designed specifically for the desired signal processing operations. A more flexible approach is to process the signals in the digital domain. Recent advances in analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology allow direct digital processing of wideband intermediate frequency (IF) signals. Modern ADCs can achieve sampling rates in excess of 1GS/s, and modern FPGAs can contain millions of logic gates operating at frequencies over 100 MHz. The combination of these technologies is necessary to implement a digital radar receiver capable of performing high speed, sophisticated and scalable DSP designs that are not possible with analog systems. Additionally, FPGA technology allows designs to be modified as the design parameters change without the need for redesigning circuit boards, potentially saving both time and money. For typical radars receivers, there is a need for operation at multiple ranges, which requires filters with multiple decimation rates, i.e., multiple bandwidths. In previous radar receivers, variable decimation was implemented by switching between SAW filters to achieve an acceptable filter configuration. While this method works, it is rather ''brute force'' because it duplicates a large amount of hardware and requires a new filter to be added for each IF bandwidth. By implementing the filter digitally in FPGAs, a larger number of decimation values (and consequently a larger number of bandwidths) can be implemented with no need for extra components. High performance, wide bandwidth radar systems also place high demands on the DSP throughput of a given digital receiver. In such applications, the maximum clock frequency of a given FPGA is not adequate to support the required data throughput. This problem can be overcome by employing a parallel implementation of the pane filter. The parallel pane filter uses a polyphase parallelization technique to achieve an aggregate data rate which is twice that of the FPGA clock frequency. This is achieved at the expense of roughly doubling the FPGA resource usage.

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Characterization of a Track-and-Hold Amplifier for Application to a High Performance SAR

Dubbert, Dale F.; Hardin, Terry H.; Delaplain, Gilbert G.

A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) which employs direct IF sampling can significantly reduce the complexity of the analog electronics prior to the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). For relatively high frequency IF bands, a wide-bandwidth track-and-hold amplifier (THA) is required prior to the ADC. The THA functions primarily as a means of converting, through bandpass sampling, the IF signal to a baseband signal which can be sampled by the ADC. For a wide-band, high dynamic-range receiver system, such as a SAR receiver, stringent performance requirements are placed on the THA. We first measure the THA parameters such as gain, gain compression, third-order intercept (TOI), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), spurious-free dynamic-range (SFDR), noise figure (NF), and phase noise. The results are then analyzed in terms of their respective impact on the overall performance of the SAR. The specific THA under consideration is the Rockwell Scientific RTH010.

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Quadrature Mixer LO Leakage Suppression Through Quadrature DC Bias

Baldwin, Jesse B.; Dubbert, Dale F.; Dubbert, Dale F.

A new concept has been developed which allows direct-to-RF conversion of digitally synthesized waveforms. The concept named Quadrature Error Corrected Digital Waveform Synthesis (QECDWS) employs quadrature amplitude and phase predistortion to the complex waveform to reduce the undesirable quadrature image. Another undesirable product of QECDWS-based RF conversion is the Local Oscillator (LO) leakage through the quadrature upconverter (mixer). A common technique for reducing this LO leakage is to apply a quadrature bias to the mixer I and Q inputs. This report analyzes this technique through theory, lab measurement, and data analysis for a candidate quadrature mixer for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) applications.

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15 Results
15 Results