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Emerging Opportunities in Manufacturing Bulk Soft-Magnetic Alloys for Energy Applications: A Review

JOM. Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

Kustas, Andrew K.; Susan, D.F.; Monson, Todd M.


Soft-magnetic alloys exhibit exceptional functional properties that are beneficial for a variety of electromagnetic applications. These alloys are conventionally manufactured into sheet or bar forms using well-established ingot metallurgy practices that involve hot- and cold-working steps. However, recent developments in process metallurgy have unlocked opportunities to directly produce bulk soft-magnetic alloys with improved, and often tailorable, structure–property relationships that are unachievable conventionally. The emergence of unconventional manufacturing routes for soft-magnetic alloys is largely motivated by the need to improve the energy efficiency of electromagnetic devices. In this review, literature that details emerging manufacturing approaches for soft-magnetic alloys is overviewed. This review covers (1) severe plastic deformation, (2) recent advances in melt spinning, (3) powder-based methods, and (4) additive manufacturing. These methods are discussed in comparison with conventional rolling and bar processing. Perspectives and recommended future research directions are also discussed.

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Microstructural Analysis of Cadmium Whiskers on Long-Term-Used Hardware

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

White, Rachel W.; Ghanbari, Zahra G.; Susan, D.F.; Dickens, Sara D.; Ruggles, Timothy R.; Perry, Daniel L.

A survey of cadmium plated field return hardware showed ubiquitous cadmium whisker growth. The most worn and debris-covered hardware showed the densest whisker growth. Whiskers were often found growing in agglomerates of nodules and whiskers. The hardware was rinsed with alcohol to transfer whiskers and debris from the hardware to a flat stub. Fifty whiskers were studied individually by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), including energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Most of the whiskers were single crystal, though three were found to contain grain boundaries at kinks. The whiskers ranged from 5 to 600 μm in length and 80 pct showed a <1 ¯ 2 1 ¯ 0> type growth direction. This growth direction facilitates the development of low energy side faces of the whisker, (0001) and {1010}.

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The Effects of Annealing After Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) on Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of 49Fe-49Co-2V Alloy

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

Susan, D.F.; Kustas, Andrew K.; Kellogg, Rick A.; Carroll, Jay D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Karaman, I.

Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of 49Fe-49Co-2V, also known as Hiperco® 50A or Permendur-2V, greatly improves the strength and ductility of this alloy, while sacrificing soft magnetic performance. ECAE Hiperco specimens were subjected to post-ECAE annealing in order to improve soft magnetic properties. The microstructure, mechanical properties, and magnetic performance are summarized in this study. Annealing begins above 650 °C and a steep decline in yield strength is observed for heat treatments between 700 °C and 840 °C due to grain growth and the Hall–Petch effect, although some strength benefit is still observed in fully annealed ECAE material compared to conventionally processed bar. Soft magnetic properties were assessed through B–H hysteresis curves from which coercivity (Hc) values were extracted. Hc decreases rapidly with annealing above 650 °C as well, i.e., improved soft magnetic behavior. The observed trend is attributed to annealing and grain growth in this temperature regime, which facilitates magnetic domain wall movement. The coercivity vs grain size results generally follow the trend predicted in the literature. The magnetic behavior of annealed ECAE material compares favorably to conventional bar, possibly due to mild crystallographic texturing which enhances properties in the post-ECAE annealed material. Overall, this study highlights a definitive tradeoff between mechanical and magnetic properties brought about by post-ECAE annealing and grain growth.

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Comparison of powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition for tailoring mechanical properties of traditionally brittle alloys

Manufacturing Letters

Babuska, Tomas F.; Krick, Brandon A.; Susan, D.F.; Kustas, Andrew K.

The mechanical performance of an Fe-Co intermetallic alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and laser directed energy deposition (L-DED) additive manufacturing is compared. L-PBF material was characterized by high strength (500–550 MPa) and high ductility (35%) in tension, corresponding to a ~250% increase in strength and an order-of-magnitude improvement in ductility relative to conventional material. Conversely, L-DED material exhibited similarly poor tensile properties to the conventional wrought alloy, with low strength (200–300 MPa) and low ductility (0–2.7%). The disparity in properties between L-PBF and L-DED material is discussed in the context of the fundamental differences between manufacturing methods.

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Nonlinear ultrasonic technique for the characterization of microstructure in additive materials

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Bellotti, Aurelio; Kim, Jin Y.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Jared, Bradley H.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Susan, D.F.; Noell, Philip N.; Jacobs, Laurence J.

This study employs nonlinear ultrasonic techniques to track microstructural changes in additively manufactured metals. The second harmonic generation technique based on the transmission of Rayleigh surface waves is used to measure the acoustic nonlinearity parameter, β. Stainless steel specimens are made through three procedures: traditional wrought manufacturing, laser-powder bed fusion, and laser engineered net shaping. The β parameter is measured through successive steps of an annealing heat treatment intended to decrease dislocation density. Dislocation density is known to be sensitive to manufacturing variables. In agreement with fundamental material models for the dislocation-acoustic nonlinearity relationship in the second harmonic generation, β drops in each specimen throughout the heat treatment before recrystallization. Geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) are measured from electron back-scatter diffraction as a quantitative indicator of dislocations; average GND density and β are found to have a statistical correlation coefficient of 0.852 showing the sensitivity of β to dislocations in additively manufactured metals. Moreover, β shows an excellent correlation with hardness, which is a measure of the macroscopic effect of dislocations.

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Relationship between ductility and the porosity of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg

Materials Science and Engineering: A

Laursen, Christopher M.; DeJong, Stephanie D.; Dickens, Sara D.; Exil, Andrea N.; Susan, D.F.; Carroll, Jay D.

Additive manufacturing via selective laser melting can result in variable levels of internal porosity both between build plates and within components from the same build. In this investigation, sample porosity levels were compared to tensile properties for 176 samples spanning eight different build plates. Sample porosity was measured both by Archimedes density, which provided an estimation of overall porosity, and by observation of voids in the fracture surface, which provided an estimation of the porosity at the failure plane. The porosity observed at the fracture surface consistently demonstrated higher porosity than that suggested by Archimedes density. The porosity values obtained from both methods were compared against the mechanical results. Sample porosity appears to have some correlation to the ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and modulus, but the strongest relationship is observed between porosity and ductility. Three different models were used to relate the fracture surface porosity to the ductility. The first method was a simple linear regression analysis, while the other two models have been used to relate porosity to ductility in cast alloys. It is shown that all three models fit the data well over the observed porosity ranges, suggesting that the models taken from casting theory can extend to additively manufactured metals. Finally, it is proposed that the non-destructive Archimedes method could be used to estimate an approximate sample ductility through the use of correlations realized here. Such a relationship could prove useful for design and for a deeper understanding of the impact of pores on tensile behavior.

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An additive manufacturing design approach to achieving high strength and ductility in traditionally brittle alloys via laser powder bed fusion

Additive Manufacturing

Babuska, Tomas F.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Verdonik, Trevor; Subia, Samuel R.; Krick, Brandon A.; Susan, D.F.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Additive Manufacturing (AM) presents unprecedented opportunities to enable design freedom in parts that are unachievable via conventional manufacturing. However, AM-processed components generally lack the necessary performance metrics for widespread commercial adoption. We present a novel AM processing and design approach using removable heat sink artifacts to tailor the mechanical properties of traditionally low strength and low ductility alloys. The design approach is demonstrated with the Fe-50 at.% Co alloy, as a model material of interest for electromagnetic applications. AM-processed components exhibited unprecedented performance, with a 300 % increase in strength and an order-of-magnitude improvement in ductility relative to conventional wrought material. These results are discussed in the context of product performance, production yield, and manufacturing implications toward enabling the design and processing of high-performance, next-generation components, and alloys.

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Dynamic Tensile Response of a Fe–49Co–2V Alloy at Various Strain Rates and Temperatures

Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

Song, Bo S.; Sanborn, Brett S.; Susan, D.F.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Dabling, Jeffrey D.; Carroll, Jay D.; Brink, Adam R.; Grutzik, S.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Soft ferromagnetic alloys are often utilized in electromagnetic applications due to their desirable magnetic properties. In support of these applications, the ferromagnetic alloys are also required to bear mechanical load under various loading and environmental conditions. In this study, a Fe–49Co–2V alloy was dynamically characterized in tension with a Kolsky tension bar and a Drop–Hopkinson bar at various strain rates and temperatures. Dynamic tensile stress–strain curves of the Fe–49Co–2V alloy were obtained at strain rates ranging from 40 to 230 s−1 and temperatures from − 100 to 100 °C. All dynamic tensile stress–strain curves exhibited an initial linear elastic response to an upper yield followed by Lüders band response and then a nearly linear work-hardening behavior. The yield strength of this material was found to be sensitive to both strain rate and temperature, whereas the hardening rate was independent of strain rate or temperature. The Fe–49Co–2V alloy exhibited a feature of brittle fracture in tension under dynamic loading with no necking being observed.

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Dynamic Tensile Behavior of Soft Ferromagnetic Alloy Fe-Co-2V

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Sanborn, Brett S.; Song, Bo S.; Susan, D.F.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Dabling, Jeffrey D.; Carroll, Jay D.; Brink, Adam R.; Grutzik, Scott J.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Fe-Co-2V is a soft ferromagnetic alloy used in electromagnetic applications due to excellent magnetic properties. However, the discontinuous yielding (Luders bands), grain-size-dependent properties (Hall-Petch behavior), and the degree of order/disorder in the Fe-Co-2V alloy makes it difficult to predict the mechanical performance, particularly in abnormal environments such as elevated strain rates and high/low temperatures. Thus, experimental characterization of the high strain rate properties of the Fe-Co-2V alloy is desired, which are used for material model development in numerical simulations. In this study, the high rate tensile response of Fe-Co-2V is investigated with a pulse-shaped Kolsky tension bar over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures. Effects of temperature and strain rate on yield stress, ultimate stress, and ductility are discussed.

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Development of a Generalized Residual Stress Inversion Technique

Johnson, Kyle J.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Reu, Phillip L.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Farias, Paul A.; Jared, Bradley H.; Susan, D.F.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Chen, Mark J.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Bellotti, Aurelio B.; Jacobs, Laurence J.

Residual stress is a common result of manufacturing processes, but it is one that is often overlooked in design and qualification activities. There are many reasons for this oversight, such as lack of observable indicators and difficulty in measurement. Traditional relaxation-based measurement methods use some type of material removal to cause surface displacements, which can then be used to solve for the residual stresses relieved by the removal. While widely used, these methods may offer only individual stress components or may be limited by part or cut geometry requirements. Diffraction-based methods, such as X-ray or neutron, offer non-destructive results but require access to a radiation source. With the goal of producing a more flexible solution, this LDRD developed a generalized residual stress inversion technique that can recover residual stresses released by all traction components on a cut surface, with much greater freedom in part geometry and cut location. The developed method has been successfully demonstrated on both synthetic and experimental data. The project also investigated dislocation density quantification using nonlinear ultrasound, residual stress measurement using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Hole Drilling, and validation of residual stress predictions in Additive Manufacturing process models.

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Achieving high strength and ductility in traditionally brittle soft magnetic intermetallics via additive manufacturing

Acta Materialia

Babuska, Tomas F.; Wilson, Mark A.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Curry, John C.; Rodelas, Jeffrey R.; Atkinson, Cooper; Lu, Ping L.; Chandross, M.; Krick, Brandon A.; Michael, Joseph R.; Argibay, Nicolas A.; Susan, D.F.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Intermetallic alloys possess exceptional soft magnetic properties, including high permeability, low coercivity, and high saturation induction, but exhibit poor mechanical properties that make them impractical to bulk process and use at ideal compositions. We used laser-based Additive Manufacturing to process traditionally brittle Fe–Co and Fe–Si alloys in bulk form without macroscopic defects and at near-ideal compositions for electromagnetic applications. The binary Fe–50Co, as a model material, demonstrated simultaneous high strength (600–700 MPa) and high ductility (35%) in tension, corresponding to a ∼300% increase in strength and an order-of-magnitude improvement in ductility relative to conventionally processed material. Atomic-scale toughening and strengthening mechanisms, based on engineered multiscale microstructures, are proposed to explain the unusual combination of mechanical properties. This work presents an instance in which metal Additive Manufacturing processes are enabling, rather than limiting, the development of higher-performance alloys.

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Correction of specimen strain measurement in Kolsky tension bar experiments on work-hardening materials

International Journal of Impact Engineering

Song, Bo S.; Sanborn, Brett S.; Susan, D.F.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Dabling, Jeffrey D.; Carroll, Jay D.; Brink, Adam R.; Grutzik, Scott J.; Kustas, Andrew K.

Cylindrical dog-bone (or dumbbell) shaped samples have become a common design for dynamic tensile tests of ductile materials with a Kolsky tension bar. When a direct measurement of displacement between the bar ends is used to calculate the specimen strain, the actual strain in the specimen gage section is overestimated due to strain in the specimen shoulder and needs to be corrected. The currently available correction method works well for elastic-perfectly plastic materials but may not be applicable to materials that exhibit significant work-hardening behavior. In this study, we developed a new specimen strain correction method for materials possessing an elastic-plastic with linear work-hardening stress–strain response. A Kolsky tension bar test of a Fe-49Co-2V alloy (known by trade names Hiperco and Permendur) was used to demonstrate the new specimen strain correction method. This new correction method was also used to correct specimen strains in Kolsky tension bar experiments on two other materials: 4140 alloy, and 304L-VAR stainless steel, which had different work-hardening behavior.

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Controlling the extent of atomic ordering in intermetallic alloys through additive manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing

Kustas, Andrew K.; Fancher, Chris M.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Dagel, Daryl D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Susan, D.F.

Control of the atomic structure, as measured by the extent of the embrittling B2 chemically ordered phase, is demonstrated in intermetallic alloys through additive manufacturing (AM) and characterized using high fidelity neutron diffraction. As a layer-by-layer rapid solidification process, AM was employed to suppress the extent of chemically ordered B2 phases in a soft ferromagnetic Fe-Co alloy, as a model material system of interest to electromagnetic applications. The extent of atomic ordering was found to be insensitive to the spatial location within specimens and suggests that the thermal conditions within only a few AM layers were most influential in controlling the microstructure, in agreement with the predictions from a thermal model for welding. Analysis of process parameter effects on ordering found that suppression of B2 phase was the result of an increased average cooling rate during processing. AM processing parameters, namely interlayer interval time and build velocity, were used to systematically control the relative fraction of ordered B2 phase in specimens from 0.49 to 0.72. Hardness of AM specimens was more than 150% higher than conventionally processed bulk material. Implications for tailoring microstructures of intermetallic alloys are discussed.

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Equal channel angular extrusion for bulk processing of Fe-Co-2V soft magnetic alloys, part II: Texture analysis and magnetic properties

Journal of Materials Research

Kustas, Andrew K.; Michael, Joseph R.; Susan, D.F.; Karaman, Ibrahim; Jozaghi, Taymaz

In Part I, equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) was demonstrated as a novel, simple-shear deformation process for producing bulk forms of the low ductility Fe-Co-2V (Hiperco 50A®) soft ferromagnetic alloy with refined grain sizes. Microstructures and mechanical properties were discussed. In this Part II contribution, the crystallographic textures and quasi-static magnetic properties of ECAE-processed Hiperco were characterized. The textures were of a simple-shear character defined by partial {110} and (111) fibers inclined relative to the extrusion direction, in agreement with the expectations for simple-shear deformation textures of BCC metals. These textures were observed throughout all processing conditions and only slightly reduced in intensity by subsequent recrystallization heat treatments. Characterization of the magnetic properties revealed a lower coercivity and higher permeability for ECAE-processed Hiperco specimens relative to the conventionally processed and annealed Hiperco bar. The effects of the resultant microstructure and texture on the coercivity and permeability magnetic properties are discussed.

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Characterization of the Fe-Co-1.5V soft ferromagnetic alloy processed by Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)

Additive Manufacturing

Kustas, Andrew K.; Susan, D.F.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Dagel, Daryl D.; Michael, Joseph R.; Keicher, David M.; Argibay, Nicolas A.

Processing of the low workability Fe-Co-1.5V (Hiperco ® equivalent) alloy is demonstrated using the Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) metals additive manufacturing technique. As an innovative and highly localized solidification process, LENS is shown to overcome workability issues that arise during conventional thermomechanical processing, enabling the production of bulk, near net-shape forms of the Fe-Co alloy. Bulk LENS structures appeared to be ductile with no significant macroscopic defects. Atomic ordering was evaluated and significantly reduced in as-built LENS specimens relative to an annealed condition, tailorable through selection of processing parameters. Fine equiaxed grain structures were observed in as-built specimens following solidification, which then evolved toward a highly heterogeneous bimodal grain structure after annealing. The microstructure evolution in Fe-Co is discussed in the context of classical solidification theory and selective grain boundary pinning processes. Magnetic properties were also assessed and shown to fall within the extremes of conventionally processed Hiperco ® alloys. Hiperco ® is a registered trademark of Carpenter Technologies, Readings, PA.

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Materials assurance through orthogonal materials measurements: X-ray fluorescence aspects

Powder Diffraction

Rodriguez, Mark A.; Van Benthem, Mark V.; Susan, D.F.; Griego, James J.M.; Yang, Pin Y.; Mowry, Curtis D.; Enos, David E.

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) has been employed as one of several orthogonal means of screening materials to prevent counterfeit and adulterated products from entering the product stream. We document the use of principal component analysis (PCA) of XRF data on compositionally similar and dissimilar stainless steels for the purpose of testing the feasibility of employing XRF spectra to parse and bin these alloys as the same or significantly different alloy materials. The results indicate that XRF spectra can separate and assign alloys via PCA, but that important corrections for detector drift and scaling must be performed in order to achieve valid results.

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Mechanical and Functional Behavior of High-Temperature Ni-Ti-Pt Shape Memory Alloys

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

Buchheit, Thomas E.; Susan, D.F.; Massad, Jordan M.; McElhanon, James R.; Noebe, Ronald D.

A series of Ti-rich Ni-Ti-Pt ternary alloys with 13 to 18 at. pct Pt were processed by vacuum arc melting and characterized for their transformation behavior to identify shape memory alloys (SMA) that undergo transformation between 448 K and 498 K (175 °C and 225 °C) and achieve recoverable strain exceeding 2 pct. From this broader set of compositions, three alloys containing 15.5 to 16.5 at. pct Pt exhibited transformation temperatures in the vicinity of 473 K (200 °C), thus were targeted for more detailed characterization. Preliminary microstructural evaluation of these three compositions revealed a martensitic microstructure with small amounts of Ti2(Ni,Pt) particles. Room temperature mechanical testing gave a response characteristic of martensitic de-twinning followed by a typical work-hardening behavior to failure. Elevated mechanical testing, performed while the materials were in the austenitic state, revealed yield stresses of approximately 500 MPa and 3.5 pct elongation to failure. Thermal strain recovery characteristics were more carefully investigated with unbiased incremental strain-temperature tests across the 1 to 5 pct strain range, as well as cyclic strain-temperature tests at 3 pct strain. The unbiased shape recovery results indicated a complicated strain recovery path, dependent on prestrain level, but overall acceptable SMA behavior within the targeted temperature and recoverable strain range.

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3D RoboMET Characterization

Madison, Jonathan D.; Susan, D.F.; Kilgo, Alice C.

The goal of this project is to generate 3D microstructural data by destructive and non-destructive means and provide accompanying characterization and quantitative analysis of such data. This work is a continuing part of a larger effort to relate material performance variability to microstructural variability. That larger effort is called “Predicting Performance Margins” or PPM. In conjunction with that overarching initiative, the RoboMET.3D™ is a specific asset of Center 1800 and is an automated serialsectioning system for destructive analysis of microstructure, which is called upon to provide direct customer support to 1800 and non-1800 customers. To that end, data collection, 3d reconstruction and analysis of typical and atypical microstructures have been pursued for the purposes of qualitative and quantitative characterization with a goal toward linking microstructural defects and/or microstructural features with mechanical response. Material systems examined in FY15 include precipitation hardened 17-4 steel, laser-welds of 304L stainless steel, thermal spray coatings of 304L and geological samples of sandstone.

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High temperature oxidation of 304L stainless steel and its effects on glass-to-metal joining

Proceedings of the 3rd International Brazing and Soldering Conference

Susan, D.F.; Van Den Avyle, James A.; Monroe, Saundra L.; Sorensen, Neil R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Michael, Joseph R.; Christensen, J.E.; Walker, Charles A.

An oxidation treatment, often termed "pre-oxidation", is performed on austenitic stainless steel prior to glass/metal joining to produce hermetic seals. The resulting thin oxide acts as a transitional layer and a source of Cr and other elements which diffuse into the glass during the subsequent bonding process. Pre-oxidation is performed in a low pO 2 atmosphere to avoid iron oxide formation and the final oxide is composed of Cr 2O 3, MnCr 2O 4 spinel, and SiO 2. Significant heat-to-heat variations in the oxidation behavior of 304L stainless steel have been observed, which result in inconsistent glass/metal seal behavior. The objectives of this work were to characterize the oxidation kinetics, the oxide morphology and composition, and the stainless steel attributes that lead to robust glass/metal seals. The oxidation kinetics were determined by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and the oxide layers were characterized using metallography, SEM, focused ion beam (FIB) analysis, and image analysis. The results show that poor sealing behavior is associated with slower oxidation kinetics and a more continuous layer of SiO 2 at the metal/oxide interface. In addition, the effects of 304L heat composition on oxidation behavior will be discussed. Copyright © 2006 ASM International®.

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A Science-Based Understanding of Cermet Processing

Roach, R.A.; Kilgo, Alice C.; Susan, D.F.; Van Ornum, David J.

This report is a summary of the work completed in FY01 for science-based characterization of the processes used to fabricate 1) cermet vias in source feedthrus using slurry and paste-filling techniques and 2) cermet powder for dry pressing. Common defects found in cermet vias were characterized based on the ability of subsequent processing techniques (isopressing and firing) to remove the defects. Non-aqueous spray drying and mist granulation techniques were explored as alternative methods of creating CND50, the powder commonly used for dry pressed parts. Compaction and flow characteristics of these techniques were analyzed and compared to standard dry-ball-milled CND50. Due to processing changes, changes in microstructure can occur. A microstructure characterization technique was developed to numerically describe cermet microstructure. Machining and electrical properties of dry pressed parts were also analyzed and related to microstructure using this analytical technique.3 Executive SummaryThis report outlines accomplishments in the science-based understanding of cermet processing up to fiscal year 2002 for Sandia National Laboratories. The three main areas of work are centered on 1) increasing production yields of slurry-filled cermets, 2) evaluating the viability of high-solids-loading pastes for the same cermet components, and 3) optimizing cermet powder used in pressing processes (CND50). An additional development that was created as a result of the effort to fully understand the impacts of alternative processing techniques is the use of analytical methods to relate microstructure to physical properties. Recommendations are suggested at the end of this report. Summaries of these four efforts are as follows:1.Increase Production Yields of Slurry-Filled Cermet Vias Finalized slurry filling criteria were determined based on three designs of experiments where the following factors were analyzed: vacuum time, solids loading, pressure drop across the filter paper, slurry injection rate, via prewetting, slurry injection angle, filter paper prewetting, and slurry mixing time. Many of these factors did not have an influence on defect formation. In order of decreasing importance, critical factors for defect formation by slurry filling are vacuum time (20 sec. optimal), slurry solids loading (20.0 g of cermet with 13.00 g of DGBEA solvent (21.2 vol%)), filling with the pipette in a vertical position, and faster injection rates (%7E765 l/s) as preferable to slower. No further recommendations for improvement to this process can be suggested. All findings of the slurry filling process have been transferred to CeramTec, the supplier. Paste filling methods appear to show more promise of increasing production yields. The types of flaws commonly found in slurry-filled vias were identified and followed throughout the entire source feedthru process. In general, all sizes of cracks healed during isopressing and firing steps. Additionally, small to medium sized voids (less than 1/3 the via diameter) can be healed. Porosity will usually lead to via necking, which may cause the part to be out of specification. Large voids (greater 4 than 1/3 of the diameter) and partial fills are not healed or produce significant necking. 2.Viability of High-Solids-Loading-Cermet Paste for Filling Source Feedthru ViaThe paste-filling process is easy to implement and easier to use. The high solids loading (>40 vol %) reduces the incidence of drying defects, which are seen in slurry filled (%7E23 vol %) vias. Additionally, the way in which the vias are filled (the paste is pushed from entrance to exit, displacing air as the paste front progresses), reduces the chance of entrapped voids, which are common in the slurry filling process. From the fair number of samples already filled, the likelihood of this process being a viable and reliable process is very good. Issues of concern for the paste process, as with any new process, are any problems that may arise in subsequent manufacturing stages of the neutron tube that may be affected by subtle changes in microstructure. Both MC4277 and MC4300-type source feedthrus were paste-filled by hand. X-ray analysis showed a much lower existence of voids in the green parts as compared to slurry-filled parts. The paste shows improvements in shelf life (weeks) as compared to slurry (minutes). This method of introducing the cermet to the via also lends itself very well to an automated filling process where a machine can either drill vias or, with the aid of a vision system, find pre-drilled vias and fill them with paste. The pastes used in this work prove the concept of this automated filling process as MC4277 sources have been filled using such a prototype machine, however, better performing pastes can be developed which are less hazardous (aqueous systems). The paste process was also used to successfully fill MC4300 "dogleg" type sources.3.Optimize CND50 Two methods of creating granulated cermet powder for comparison with dry-ball milled CND50 were explored. The first method, non-aqueous spray drying, was performed at Niro Inc. used a 40/60 (wt %) ethanol/toluene solvent and three binder systems; polyvinyl butyral (B79), ethylcellulose (Ethocel), and hydroxypropylcellulose (Klucel). Due to the nature of small spray-dry systems, an excess amount of fines was present in the granulated powder, which may have contributed to the low angles of repose (68 to 78). This is a moderate increase in 5 flowability as standard dry-ball milled powder possesses an angle of repose of 79-89. Mist granulated powders were produced with a tert-butanol solvent and polyvinyl butyral binder system. The angles of repose were more promising (28). More investigation into the mist granulation method is required. Also, aqueous spray drying may be possible with cermet and should be explored. Compaction of all granulated powders is much closer to a proven pressing powder (Sandi94 - angle of repose 29) which should allow cermet to be pressed to near net shape where die filling is difficult for non-flowing powders.4.Microstructure Characterization An analytical technique was developed to numerically characterize microstructures in terms of molybdenum dispersion, homogeneity, and percolation indices. This technique was applied to dry-ball-milled samples of various ball-milling times (0.5 to 20 hours). Significant change in the microstructure could be seen with milling time. Increased milling time caused agglomeration of molybdenum particles, increasing the percolation index, whereas short milling times promoted higher dispersion indices. This phenomenon is contrary to conventional understanding of mixing. However, conventional ball milling does not usually incorporate granules with binder and separate particles. This discrepancy may explain the odd mixing behavior. It is important to note that the high percolation index possessed by long ball mill times showed lower electrical resistance than low-percolation-index microstructures. However, machinability of high percolation, low-dispersion-index microstructures were poor as compared to microstructures with high dispersion indices and moderate percolation indices. This trade-off between dispersion and percolation (at constant molybdenum levels) suggests that microstructures can be achieved that posses good mechanical and electrical properties. Coincidentally, microstructures that satisfy this condition are produced by the standard dry-ball-milled CND50 (4 hour ball mill time). The performance and sensitivity of the microstructure characterization technique should be evaluated, specifically for electrical conductivity. Processing techniques to decrease the percolation index (lowering molybdenum content, excess ball milling, 6 larger molybdenum particles, etc.) should be employed to determine the point where cermet is not conductive or falls below electrical conduction specifications.7

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Effect of porosity on ductility variation in investment cast 17-4PH

Susan, D.F.; Crenshaw, Thomas B.; Grant, Richard P.; Kilgo, Alice C.; Wright, Robert D.

The stainless steel alloy 17-4PH contains a martensitic microstructure and second phase delta ({delta}) ferrite. Strengthening of 17-4PH is attributed to Cu-rich precipitates produced during age hardening treatments at 900-1150 F (H900-H1150). For wrought 17-4PH, the effects of heat treatment and microstructure on mechanical properties are well-documented [for example, Ref. 1]. Fewer studies are available on cast 17-4PH, although it has been a popular casting alloy for high strength applications where moderate corrosion resistance is needed. Microstructural features and defects particular to castings may have adverse effects on properties, especially when the alloy is heat treated to high strength. The objective of this work was to outline the effects of microstructural features specific to castings, such as shrinkage/solidification porosity, on the mechanical behavior of investment cast 17-4PH. Besides heat treatment effects, the results of metallography and SEM studies showed that the largest effect on mechanical properties is from shrinkage/solidification porosity. Figure 1a shows stress-strain curves obtained from samples machined from castings in the H925 condition. The strength levels were fairly similar but the ductility varied significantly. Figure 1b shows an example of porosity on a fracture surface from a room-temperature, quasi-static tensile test. The rounded features represent the surfaces of dendrites which did not fuse or only partially fused together during solidification. Some evidence of local areas of fracture is found on some dendrite surfaces. The shrinkage pores are due to inadequate backfilling of liquid metal and simultaneous solidification shrinkage during casting. A summary of percent elongation results is displayed in Figure 2a. It was found that higher amounts of porosity generally result in lower ductility. Note that the porosity content was measured on the fracture surfaces. The results are qualitatively similar to those found by Gokhale et al. and Surappa et al. in cast A356 Al and by Gokhale et al. for a cast Mg alloys. The quantitative fractography and metallography work by Gokhale et al. illustrated the strong preference for fracture in regions of porosity in cast material. That is, the fracture process is not correlated to the average microstructure in the material but is related to the extremes in microstructure (local regions of high void content). In the present study, image analysis on random cross-sections of several heats indicated an overall porosity content of 0.03%. In contrast, the area % porosity was as high as 16% when measured on fracture surfaces of tensile specimens using stereology techniques. The results confirm that the fracture properties of cast 17-4PH cannot be predicted based on the overall 'average' porosity content in the castings.

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Oxidation of Ni-Al-base electrodeposited composite coatings. I: Oxidation kinetics and morphology at 800°C

Oxidation of Metals

Susan, D.F.; Marder, A.R.

The oxidation of nickel-matrix/aluminum-particle composite coatings was studied using thermogravimetric (TG) analysis in air at 800°C for up to 100 hr. Long-term oxidation behavior was investigated with furnace exposures up to 2000 hr. The coatings were applied to nickel substrates by the composite electrodeposition technique and vacuum heat treated for 3-hr at 825°C prior to oxidation testing. The heat-treated coatings contained a two-phase γ(Ni) + γ′(Ni3Al) microstructure and the overall coating composition was approximately 7 wt.% Al. Also examined were uncoated nickel substrates and bulk Ni-Al alloys containing 6.2, 9.0, and 14 wt.% Al. For all samples, mass-gain kinetics were obtained from thermogravimetric (TG) experiments and furnace exposures and the composition and morphology of the oxidation products were examined using optical microscopy, scanning-electron microscopy (SEM), electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). An outer NiO layer and an inner γ-Al2O3 layer formed on the composite-coating surface. The addition of a small amount of Si (about 1-2 at.%) was found to have little effect on Ni-Al composite-coating oxidation behavior. The Ni-Al coatings behave similarly to bulk γ + γ′(Ni3Al) or single-phase γ′(Ni3Al). In addition, at lower temperatures, such as 800°C, the coatings benefit from a small grain size that enhances Al diffusion to the surface to form the protective alumina layer. Based on oxidation kinetics and morphology, a critical Al content of about 6 wt.% was found, below which internal oxidation and higher oxidation mass gains were observed.

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Oxidation of Ni-Al-base electrodeposited composite coatings. II: Oxidation kinetics and morphology at 1000°C

Oxidation of Metals

Susan, D.F.; Marder, A.R.

The oxidation behavior of nickel-matrix/aluminum-particle composite coatings was studied using thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and long-term furnace exposure in air at 1000°C. The coatings were applied by the composite-electrodeposition technique and vacuum heat treated for 3 hr at 825°C prior to oxidation testing. The heat-treated coatings consisted of a two-phase mixture of γ (Ni) + γ′(Ni3Al). During short-term exposure at 1000°C, a thin α-Al2O3 layer developed below a matrix of spinel NiAl2O4, with θ-Al2O3 needles at the outer oxide surface. After 100 hr of oxidation, remnants of θ-Al2O3 are present with spinel at the surface and an inner layer of θ-Al2O3. After 1000-2000 hr, a relatively thick layer of α-Al2O3 is found below a thin, outer spinel layer. Oxidation kinetics are controlled by the slow growth of the inner Al2O3 layer at short-term and intermediate exposures. At long times, an increase in mass gain is found due to oxidation at the coating-substrate interface and enhanced scale formation possibly in areas of reduced Al content. Ternary Si additions to Ni-Al composite coatings were found to have little effect on oxidation performance. Comparison of coatings with bulk Ni-Al alloys showed that low Al γ-alloys exhibit a healing Al2O3 layer after transient Ni-rich oxide growth. Higher Al alloys display Al2O3-controlled kinetics with low mass gain during TG analysis.

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Ni-Al composite coatings: Diffusion analysis and coating lifetime estimation

Acta Materialia

Susan, D.F.; Marder, A.R.

The interdiffusion of Ni matrix/Al particle composite coatings and nickel substrates was studied using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and a one-dimensional diffusion model. The initial coating microstructure was a two-phase mixture of γ(Ni) and γ′(Ni3Al). The coating/substrate assemblies were aged at 800 to 1100°C for times up to 2000 h. It was found that aluminum losses to the substrate are significant at 1000°C and above. The experimental results for the diffusion of Al into the substrate were compared with model predictions based on a diffusion equation for a finite layer on an infinite substrate. Using combined experimental and model results, the effects of temperature and coating thickness were determined and a rationale was developed for coating lifetime prediction.

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Reaction synthesis of Ni-Al-based particle composite coatings

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science

Susan, D.F.; Misiolek, W.Z.; Marder, A.R.

Electrodeposited metal matrix/metal particle composite (EMMC) coatings were produced with a nickel matrix and aluminum particles. By optimizing the process parameters, coatings were deposited with 20 vol pct aluminum particles. Coating morphology and composition were characterized using light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was employed to study reactive phase formation. The effect of heat treatment on coating phase formation was studied in the temperature range 415 °C to 1000 °C. Long-time exposure at low temperature results in the formation of several intermetallic phases at the Ni matrix/Al particle interfaces and concentrically around the original Al particles. Upon heating to the 500 °C to 600 °C range, the aluminum particles react with the nickel matrix to form NiAl islands within the Ni matrix. When exposed to higher temperatures (600 °C to 1000 °C), diffusional reaction between NiAl and nickel produces (γ′)Ni3Al. The final equilibrium microstructure consists of blocks of (γ′)Ni3Al in a γ(Ni) solid solution matrix, with small pores also present. Pore formation is explained based on local density changes during intermetallic phase formation, and microstructural development is discussed with reference to reaction synthesis of bulk nickel aluminides.

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134 Results
134 Results