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Processing Particle Data Flows with SmartNICs

Liu, Jianshen L.; Maltzahn, Carlos M.; Curry, Matthew L.; Ulmer, Craig D.

Many distributed applications implement complex data flows and need a flexible mechanism for routing data between producers and consumers. Recent advances in programmable network interface cards, or SmartNICs, represent an opportunity to offload data-flow tasks into the network fabric, thereby freeing the hosts to perform other work. System architects in this space face multiple questions about the best way to leverage SmartNICs as processing elements in data flows. In this paper, we advocate the use of Apache Arrow as a foundation for implementing data-flow tasks on SmartNICs. We report on our experiences adapting a partitioning algorithm for particle data to Apache Arrow and measure the on-card processing performance for the BlueField-2 SmartNIC. Our experiments confirm that the BlueField-2’s (de)compression hardware can have a significant impact on in-transit workflows where data must be unpacked, processed, and repacked.

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Viability of S3 Object Storage for the ASC Program at Sandia

Kordenbrock, Todd H.; Templet, Gary J.; Ulmer, Craig D.; widenerpm, widenerpm

Recent efforts at Sandia such as DataSEA are creating search engines that enable analysts to query the institution’s massive archive of simulation and experiment data. The benefit of this work is that analysts will be able to retrieve all historical information about a system component that the institution has amassed over the years and make better-informed decisions in current work. As DataSEA gains momentum, it faces multiple technical challenges relating to capacity storage. From a raw capacity perspective, data producers will rapidly overwhelm the system with massive amounts of data. From an accessibility perspective, analysts will expect to be able to retrieve any portion of the bulk data, from any system on the enterprise network. Sandia’s Institutional Computing is mitigating storage problems at the enterprise level by procuring new capacity storage systems that can be accessed from anywhere on the enterprise network. These systems use the simple storage service, or S3, API for data transfers. While S3 uses objects instead of files, users can access it from their desktops or Sandia’s high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. S3 is particularly well suited for bulk storage in DataSEA, as datasets can be decomposed into object that can be referenced and retrieved individually, as needed by an analyst. In this report we describe our experiences working with S3 storage and provide information about how developers can leverage Sandia’s current systems. We present performance results from two sets of experiments. First, we measure S3 throughput when exchanging data between four different HPC platforms and two different enterprise S3 storage systems on the Sandia Restricted Network (SRN). Second, we measure the performance of S3 when communicating with a custom-built Ceph storage system that was constructed from HPC components. Overall, while S3 storage is significantly slower than traditional HPC storage, it provides significant accessibility benefits that will be valuable for archiving and exploiting historical data. There are multiple opportunities that arise from this work, including enhancing DataSEA to leverage S3 for bulk storage and adding native S3 support to Sandia’s IOSS library.

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Performance Characteristics of the BlueField-2 SmartNIC

Liu, Jianshen L.; Maltzahn, Carlos M.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Curry, Matthew L.

High-performance computing (HPC) researchers have long envisioned scenarios where application workflows could be improved through the use of programmable processing elements embedded in the network fabric. Recently, vendors have introduced programmable Smart Network Interface Cards (SmartNICs) that enable computations to be offloaded to the edge of the network. There is great interest in both the HPC and high-performance data analytics (HPDA) communities in understanding the roles these devices may play in the data paths of upcoming systems. This paper focuses on characterizing both the networking and computing aspects of NVIDIA’s new BlueField-2 SmartNIC when used in a 100Gb/s Ethernet environment. For the networking evaluation we conducted multiple transfer experiments between processors located at the host, the SmartNIC, and a remote host. These tests illuminate how much effort is required to saturate the network and help estimate the processing headroom available on the SmartNIC during transfers. For the computing evaluation we used the stress-ng benchmark to compare the BlueField-2 to other servers and place realistic bounds on the types of offload operations that are appropriate for the hardware. Our findings from this work indicate that while the BlueField-2 provides a flexible means of processing data at the network’s edge, great care must be taken to not overwhelm the hardware. While the host can easily saturate the network link, the SmartNIC’s embedded processors may not have enough computing resources to sustain more than half the expected bandwidth when using kernel-space packet processing. From a computational perspective, encryption operations, memory operations under contention, and on-card IPC operations on the SmartNIC perform significantly better than the general-purpose servers used for comparisons in our experiments. Therefore, applications that mainly focus on these operations may be good candidates for offloading to the SmartNIC.

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Carnac for Emulytics (HPC Annual Report V.1.0)

Lacy, Susan L.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Friesen, Jerrold A.

Carnac, located at Sandia's California site, is an institutional cluster for Emulytics that provides security researchers with resources to model enterprise computer networks and evaluate how resilient they are from attacks. While multiple Emulytics cluster computers have been built at Sandia, Carnac is the first system that was developed as an institutional resource that can be shared among different groups with disparate requirements.

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An Evaluation of Ethernet Performance for Scientific Workloads

Proceedings of INDIS 2020: Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science, Held in conjunction with SC 2020: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

Kenny, Joseph P.; Wilke, Jeremiah J.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Baker, Gavin M.; Knight, Samuel K.; Friesen, Jerrold A.

Priority-based Flow Control (PFC), RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) and Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) are three enhancements to Ethernet networks which allow increased performance and may make Ethernet attractive for systems supporting a diverse scientific workload. We constructed a 96-node testbed cluster with a 100 Gb/s Ethernet network configured as a tapered fat tree. Tests representing important network operating conditions were completed and we provide an analysis of these performance results. RoCE running over a PFC-enabled network was found to significantly increase performance for both bandwidth-sensitive and latency-sensitive applications when compared to TCP. Additionally, a case study of interfering applications showed that ETS can prevent starvation of network traffic for latency-sensitive applications running on congested networks. We did not encounter any notable performance limitations for our Ethernet testbed, but we found that practical disadvantages still tip the balance towards traditional HPC networks unless a system design is driven by additional external requirements.

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The case for explicit reuse semantics for RDMA communication

Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 34th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2020

Levy, Scott; Widener, Patrick W.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Kordenbrock, Todd H.

Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is an increasingly important technology in high-performance computing (HPC). RDMA provides low-latency, high-bandwidth data transfer between compute nodes. Additionally, it does not require explicit synchronization with the destination processor. Eliminating unnecessary synchronization can significantly improve the communication performance of large-scale scientific codes. A long-standing challenge presented by RDMA communication is mitigating the cost of registering memory with the network interface controller (NIC). Reusing memory once it is registered has been shown to significantly reduce the cost of RDMA communication. However, existing approaches for reusing memory rely on implicit memory semantics. In this paper, we introduce an approach that makes memory reuse semantics explicit by exposing a separate allocator for registered memory. The data and analysis in this paper yield the following contributions: (i) managing registered memory explicitly enables efficient reuse of registered memory; (ii) registering large memory regions to amortize the registration cost over multiple user requests can significantly reduce cost of acquiring new registered memory; and (iii) reducing the cost of acquiring registered memory can significantly improve the performance of RDMA communication. Reusing registered memory is key to high-performance RDMA communication. By making reuse semantics explicit, our approach has the potential to improve RDMA performance by making it significantly easier for programmers to efficiently reuse registered memory.

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RoCE: Promising Technology for Ethernet as a High Performance Networking Fabric

Kenny, Joseph P.; Ulmer, Craig D.

Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) has the potential to provide performance that rivals traditional high performance fabrics. If this potential proves out, significant impacts on system procurement decisions could follow. This work provides a series of small scale performance results which are used to compare and contrast the performance of RoCE-enabled Ethernet with TCP-based Ethernet and an HPC network. Additionally, a discussion of the maturity of RoCE firmware/software stacks and documentation is provided along with useful approaches for probing performance. A detailed description of two experimental setups known to have good RoCE performance is given, including step-by-step configuration and the exact hardware and software revisions employed. At small scales, RoCE is found to have significant performance advantages over "out-of-the-box" TCP protocols and is competitive with state-of-the-art high performance networks. Further examination of RoCE using a wider array of benchmarks and at greater scale is warranted.

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An Initial Investigation of the Design Challenges Associated with Reliable 100GigE Packet Capture

Wang, Haoda W.; Baker, Gavin M.; Kenny, Joseph P.; Ulmer, Craig D.

Network security researchers often rely on EmulyticsTM to provide a way to evaluate the safety and security of real world systems. This work involves running a large number of virtual machines on a distributed platform to observe how software and hardware will respond to different types of attacks. While EmulyticsTM software such as minimega [2] provide a scalable system for conducting experiments, the sheer volume of network traffic produced in an experiment can easily exceed the rate at which data can be recorded for offline analysis. As such, researchers must perform live analytics, narrow their monitoring scope or accept that they must run an experiment multiple times to capture all the information they require. In support of Sandia's commitment to EmulyticsTM, we are developing new storage components for the Carlin cluster that will enable researchers to capture significantly more network traffic from their experiments. This report provides a summary of Haoda Wang's initial investigation of how new AMD Epyc storage nodes can be adapted to perform packet capture at 100Gbps speeds with minimal loss. This work found that the NVMe storage capabilities of the Epyc architecture are suitable for capturing 100Gbps Ethernet traffic. While capturing traffic with existing libraries was surprisingly challenging, we were able to develop a DPDK-based software tool that recorded network traffic to disk with minimal packet loss.

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Mediating Data Center Storage Diversity in HPC Applications with FAODEL

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Widener, Patrick W.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Levy, Scott; Kordenbrock, Todd H.; Templet, Gary J.

Composition of computational science applications into both ad hoc pipelines for analysis of collected or generated data and into well-defined and repeatable workflows is becoming increasingly popular. Meanwhile, dedicated high performance computing storage environments are rapidly becoming more diverse, with both significant amounts of non-volatile memory storage and mature parallel file systems available. At the same time, computational science codes are being coupled to data analysis tools which are not filesystem-oriented. In this paper, we describe how the FAODEL data management service can expose different available data storage options and mediate among them in both application- and FAODEL-directed ways. These capabilities allow applications to exploit their knowledge of the different types of data they may exchange during a workflow execution, and also provide FAODEL with mechanisms to proactively tune data storage behavior when appropriate. We describe the implementation of these capabilities in FAODEL and how they are used by applications, and present preliminary performance results demonstrating the potential benefits of our approach.

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ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone #6358: Assess Status of Next Generation Components and Physics Models in EMPIRE

Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Kramer, Richard M.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Phillips, Edward G.; Ober, Curtis C.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Swan, Matthew S.; Kalashnikova, Irina; Phipps, Eric T.; Conde, Sidafa C.; Cyr, Eric C.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Kordenbrock, Todd H.; Levy, Scott L.; Templet, Gary J.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Lin, Paul L.; Glusa, Christian A.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Glass, Micheal W.

This report documents the outcome from the ASC ATDM Level 2 Milestone 6358: Assess Status of Next Generation Components and Physics Models in EMPIRE. This Milestone is an assessment of the EMPIRE (ElectroMagnetic Plasma In Realistic Environments) application and three software components. The assessment focuses on the electromagnetic and electrostatic particle-in-cell solu- tions for EMPIRE and its associated solver, time integration, and checkpoint-restart components. This information provides a clear understanding of the current status of the EMPIRE application and will help to guide future work in FY19 in order to ready the application for the ASC ATDM L 1 Milestone in FY20. It is clear from this assessment that performance of the linear solver will have to be a focus in FY19.

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Faodel: Data management for next-generation application workflows

Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing, ScienceCloud 2018 - Co-located with HPDC 2018

Ulmer, Craig D.; Mukherjee, Shyamali M.; Templet, Gary J.; Kordenbrock, Todd; Levy, Scott; Lofstead, Jay; Widener, Patrick W.; Lawson, Margaret R.

Composition of computational science applications, whether into ad hoc pipelines for analysis of simulation data or into well-defined and repeatable workflows, is becoming commonplace. In order to scale well as projected system and data sizes increase, developers will have to address a number of looming challenges. Increased contention for parallel filesystem bandwidth, accomodating in situ and ex situ processing, and the advent of decentralized programming models will all complicate application composition for next-generation systems. In this paper, we introduce a set of data services, Faodel, which provide scalable data management for workflows and composed applications. Faodel allows workflow components to directly and efficiently exchange data in semantically appropriate forms, rather than those dictated by the storage hierarchy or programming model in use. We describe the architecture of Faodel and present preliminary performance results demonstrating its potential for scalability in workflow scenarios.

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SPARC: Demonstrate burst-buffer-based checkpoint/restart on ATS-1

Oldfield, Ron A.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Widener, Patrick W.; Ward, Harry L.

Recent high-performance computing (HPC) platforms such as the Trinity Advanced Technology System (ATS-1) feature burst buffer resources that can have a dramatic impact on an application’s I/O performance. While these non-volatile memory (NVM) resources provide a new tier in the storage hierarchy, developers must find the right way to incorporate the technology into their applications in order to reap the benefits. Similar to other laboratories, Sandia is actively investigating ways in which these resources can be incorporated into our existing libraries and workflows without burdening our application developers with excessive, platform-specific details. This FY18Q1 milestone summaries our progress in adapting the Sandia Parallel Aerodynamics and Reentry Code (SPARC) in Sandia’s ATDM program to leverage Trinity’s burst buffers for checkpoint/restart operations. We investigated four different approaches with varying tradeoffs in this work: (1) simply updating job script to use stage-in/stage out burst buffer directives, (2) modifying SPARC to use LANL’s hierarchical I/O (HIO) library to store/retrieve checkpoints, (3) updating Sandia’s IOSS library to incorporate the burst buffer in all meshing I/O operations, and (4) modifying SPARC to use our Kelpie distributed memory library to store/retrieve checkpoints. Team members were successful in generating initial implementation for all four approaches, but were unable to obtain performance numbers in time for this report (reasons: initial problem sizes were not large enough to stress I/O, and SPARC refactor will require changes to our code). When we presented our work to the SPARC team, they expressed the most interest in the second and third approaches. The HIO work was favored because it is lightweight, unobtrusive, and should be portable to ATS-2. The IOSS work is seen as a long-term solution, and is favored because all I/O work (including checkpoints) can be deferred to a single library.

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A Reference Architecture For EmulyticsTM Clusters

Floren, John F.; Friesen, Jerrold A.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Jones, Stephen T.

In this document we describe a reference architecture developed for EmulyticsTM clusters at Sandia National Laboratories. Taking into consideration the constraints of our Emulytics software and the requirements for integration with the larger computing facilities at Sandia, we developed a cluster platform suitable for use by Sandia's several Emulytics toolsets and also useful for more general large-scale computing tasks.

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Investigating the integration of supercomputers and data-Warehouse appliances

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Oldfield, Ron A.; Davidson, George; Ulmer, Craig D.; Wilson, Andrew T.

Two decades of experience with massively parallel supercomputing has given insight into the problem domains where these architectures are cost effective. Likewise experience with database machines and more recently massively parallel database appliances has shown where these architectures are valuable. Combining both architectures to simultaneously solve problems has received much less attention. In this paper, we describe a motivating application for economic modeling that requires both HPC and database capabilities. Then we discuss hardware and software integration issues related to a direct integration of a Cray XT supercomputer and a Netezza database appliance. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

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Scientific data analysis on data-parallel platforms

Roe, Diana C.; Choe, Yung R.; Ulmer, Craig D.

As scientific computing users migrate to petaflop platforms that promise to generate multi-terabyte datasets, there is a growing need in the community to be able to embed sophisticated analysis algorithms in the computing platforms' storage systems. Data Warehouse Appliances (DWAs) are attractive for this work, due to their ability to store and process massive datasets efficiently. While DWAs have been utilized effectively in data-mining and informatics applications, they remain largely unproven in scientific workloads. In this paper we present our experiences in adapting two mesh analysis algorithms to function on five different DWA architectures: two Netezza database appliances, an XtremeData dbX database, a LexisNexis DAS, and multiple Hadoop MapReduce clusters. The main contribution of this work is insight into the differences between these DWAs from a user's perspective. In addition, we present performance measurements for ten DWA systems to help understand the impact of different architectural trade-offs in these systems.

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A configurable-hardware document-similarity classifier to detect web attacks

Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum, IPDPSW 2010

Ulmer, Craig D.; Gokhale, Maya

This paper describes our approach to adapting a text document similarity classifier based on the Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) metric [11] to reconfigurable hardware. The TFIDF classifier is used to detect web attacks in HTTP data. In our reconfigurable hardware approach, we design a streaming, real-time classifier by simplifying an existing sequential algorithm and manipulating the classifier's model to allow decision information to be represented compactly. We have developed a set of software tools to help automate the process of converting training data to synthesizable hardware and to provide a means of trading off between accuracy and resource utilization. The Xilinx Virtex 5-LX implementation requires two orders of magnitude less memory than the original algorithm. At 166MB/s (80X the software) the hardware implementation is able to achieve Gigabit network throughput at the same accuracy as the original algorithm.

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FCLib: The Feature Characterization Library

Gentile, Ann C.; Kegelmeyer, William P.; Ulmer, Craig D.

The Feature Characterization Library (FCLib) is a software library that simplifies the process of interrogating, analyzing, and understanding complex data sets generated by finite element applications. This document provides an overview of the library, a description of both the design philosophy and implementation of the library, and examples of how the library can be utilized to extract understanding from raw datasets.

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Architectures and APIs: Assessing requirements for delivering FPGA performance to applications

Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, SC'06

Underwood, Keith; Hemmert, Karl S.; Ulmer, Craig D.

Reconfigurable computing leveraging field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is one of many accelerator technologies that are being investigated for application to high performance computing (HPC). Like most accelerators, FPGAs are very efficient at both dense matrix multiplication and FFT computations, but two important aspects of how to deliver that performance to applications have received too little attention. First, the standard API for important compute kernels hides parallelism from the system. Second, the issue of system architecture is virtually never addressed. This paper explores both issues and their implications for applications. We find that high bandwidth, low latency connectivity can be important, but the right API can be even more important. © 2006 IEEE.

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FPGAs in High Perfomance Computing: Results from Two LDRD Projects

Underwood, Keith; Ulmer, Craig D.; Hemmert, Karl S.

Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have been used as alternative computational de-vices for over a decade; however, they have not been used for traditional scientific com-puting due to their perceived lack of floating-point performance. In recent years, there hasbeen a surge of interest in alternatives to traditional microprocessors for high performancecomputing. Sandia National Labs began two projects to determine whether FPGAs wouldbe a suitable alternative to microprocessors for high performance scientific computing and,if so, how they should be integrated into the system. We present results that indicate thatFPGAs could have a significant impact on future systems. FPGAs have thepotentialtohave order of magnitude levels of performance wins on several key algorithms; however,there are serious questions as to whether the system integration challenge can be met. Fur-thermore, there remain challenges in FPGA programming and system level reliability whenusing FPGA devices.4 AcknowledgmentArun Rodrigues provided valuable support and assistance in the use of the Structural Sim-ulation Toolkit within an FPGA context. Curtis Janssen and Steve Plimpton provided valu-able insights into the workings of two Sandia applications (MPQC and LAMMPS, respec-tively).5

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An fpga-based network intrusion detection system with on-chip network interfaces

International Journal of Electronics

Clark, C.R.; Ulmer, Craig D.; Schimmel, D.E.

Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are critical network security tools that help protect computer installations from malicious users. Traditional software-based NIDS architectures are becoming strained as network data rates increase and attacks intensify in volume and complexity. In recent years, researchers have proposed using FPGAs to perform the computationally-intensive components of intrusion detection analysis. In this work, we present a new NIDS architecture that integrates the network interface hardware and packet analysis hardware into a single FPGA chip. This integration enables a higher performance and more flexible NIDS platform. To demonstrate the benefits of this technique, we have implemented a complete and functional NIDS in a Xilinx Virtex II Pro FPGA that performs in-line packet analysis and filtering on multiple Gigabit Ethernet links using rules from the open-source Snort attack database. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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A network interface for enabling visualization with FPGAs

Ulmer, Craig D.

Visualization in scientific computing refers to the process of transforming data produced by a simulation into graphical representations that help scientific users interpret the results. While the back-end rendering phase of this work can be performed efficiently in graphics card hardware, the front-end 'post processing' portion of visualization is currently performed entirely in software. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are an attractive option for accelerating post-processing operations because they enable users to offload computations into reconfigurable hardware. A key challenge in utilizing FPGAs for this work is developing an infrastructure that allows FPGAs to be integrated into a distributed visualization system. We propose a networked approach, where each post-processing FPGA is equipped with specialized network interface (NI) hardware that is capable of transporting graphics commands across the network to existing rendering resources. In this paper we discuss a NI for FPGAs that is comprised of a Chromium OpenGL interface, a TCP Offload Engine, and a Gigabit Ethernet module. A prototype system has been tested for a distributed isosurfacing application.

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48 Results
48 Results