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Prospects and Limitations of Predicting Fuel Ignition Properties from Low-Temperature Speciation Data

Energy and Fuels

Buras, Zachary; Hansen, Nils H.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Using chemical kinetic modeling and statistical analysis, we investigate the possibility of correlating key chemical "markers"-typically small molecules-formed during very lean (φ ∼0.001) oxidation experiments with near-stoichiometric (φ ∼1) fuel ignition properties. One goal of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of designing a fuel-screening platform, based on small laboratory reactors that operate at low temperatures and use minimal fuel volume. Buras et al. [Combust. Flame 2020, 216, 472-484] have shown that convolutional neural net (CNN) fitting can be used to correlate first-stage ignition delay times (IDTs) with OH/HO2measurements during very lean oxidation in low-T flow reactors with better than factor-of-2 accuracy. In this work, we test the limits of applying this correlation-based approach to predict the low-temperature heat release (LTHR) and total IDT, including the sensitivity of total IDT to the equivalence ratio, φ. We demonstrate that first-stage IDT can be reliably correlated with very lean oxidation measurements using compressed sensing (CS), which is simpler to implement than CNN fitting. LTHR can also be predicted via CS analysis, although the correlation quality is somewhat lower than for first-stage IDT. In contrast, the accuracy of total IDT prediction at φ = 1 is significantly lower (within a factor of 4 or worse). These results can be rationalized by the fact that the first-stage IDT and LTHR are primarily determined by low-temperature chemistry, whereas total IDT depends on low-, intermediate-, and high-temperature chemistry. Oxidation reactions are most important at low temperatures, and therefore, measurements of universal molecular markers of oxidation do not capture the full chemical complexity required to accurately predict the total IDT even at a single equivalence ratio. As a result, we find that φ-sensitivity of ignition delay cannot be predicted at all using solely correlation with lean low-T chemical speciation measurements.

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Dramatic Conformer-Dependent Reactivity of the Acetaldehyde Oxide Criegee Intermediate with Dimethylamine Via a 1,2-Insertion Mechanism

Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment, and General Theory

Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The reactivity of carbonyl oxides has previously been shown to exhibit strong conformer and substituent dependencies. Through a combination of synchrotron multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry experiments (298 K, 4 Torr) and high-level theory (CCSD(T)-F12/cc-pVTZ-F12//B2PLYP-D3/cc-pVTZ with an added CCSDT(Q) correction), we explore the conformer dependence of the reaction of acetaldehyde oxide (CH3CHOO) with dimethyl amine (DMA). The experimental data supports the theoretically predicted 1,2-insertion mechanism and the formation of an amine-functionalized hydroperoxide reaction product. Tunable-VUV photoionization probing of anti- or anti- + syn-CH3CHOO reveals a strong conformer dependence of the title reaction. Here, the rate coefficient of DMA with anti-CH3CHOO is predicted to exceed that for the reaction with syn-CH3CHOO by a factor of ~34,000, which is attributed to submerged barrier (syn) vs. barrierless (anti) mechanisms for energetically downhill reactions.

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Experimental Observation of Hydrocarbon Growth by Resonance-Stabilized Radical–Radical Chain Reaction

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition

Couch, David E.; Zhang, Angie J.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Hansen, Nils H.

Rapid molecular-weight growth of hydrocarbons occurs in flames, in industrial synthesis, and potentially in cold astrochemical environments. A variety of high- and low-temperature chemical mechanisms have been proposed and confirmed, but more facile pathways may be needed to explain observations. We provide laboratory confirmation in a controlled pyrolysis environment of a recently proposed mechanism, radical–radical chain reactions of resonance-stabilized species. The recombination reaction of phenyl (c-C6H5) and benzyl (c-C6H5CH2) radicals produces both diphenylmethane and diphenylmethyl radicals, the concentration of the latter increasing with rising temperature. A second phenyl addition to the product radical forms both triphenylmethane and triphenylmethyl radicals, confirming the propagation of radical–radical chain reactions under the experimental conditions of high temperature (1100–1600 K) and low pressure (ca. 3 kPa). Similar chain reactions may contribute to particle growth in flames, the interstellar medium, and industrial reactors.

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Influence of functional groups on low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels

Progress in Energy and Combustion Science

Rotavera, Brandon; Taatjes, Craig A.

Ongoing progress in synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, and catalysis continues to produce a diverse array of advanced biofuels with complex molecular structure and functional groups. In order to integrate biofuels into existing combustion systems, and to optimize the design of next-generation combustion systems, understanding connections between molecular structure and ignition at low-temperature conditions (< 1000 K) remains a priority that is addressed in part using chemical kinetics modeling. The development of predictive models relies on detailed information, derived from experimental and theoretical studies, on molecular structure and chemical reactivity, both of which influence the balance of chain reactions that occur during combustion – propagation, termination, and branching. In broad context, three main categories of reactions affect ignition behavior: (i) initiation reactions that generate a distribution of organic radicals, R˙; (ii) competing unimolecular decomposition of R˙ and bimolecular reaction of R˙ with O2; (iii) decomposition mechanisms of peroxy radical adducts (ROO˙), including isomerization via ROO˙ ⇌ Q˙OOH. All three categories are influenced by functional groups in different ways, which causes a shift in the balance of chain reactions that unfold over complex temperature- and pressure-dependent mechanisms. The objective of the present review is three-fold: (1) to provide a historical account of research on low-temperature oxidation of biofuels, including initiation reactions, peroxy radical reactions, Q˙OOH-mediated reaction mechanisms, and chain-branching chemistry; (2) to summarize the influence of functional groups on chemical kinetics relevant to chain-branching reactions, which are responsible for the accelerated production of radicals that leads to ignition; (3) to identify areas of research that are needed – experimentally and computationally – to address fundamental questions that remain. Results from experimental, quantum chemical, and chemical kinetics modeling studies are reviewed for several classes of biofuels – alcohols, esters, ketones, acyclic ethers and cyclic ethers – and are compared against analogous results in alkane oxidation. The review is organized into separate sections for each biofuel class, which include studies on thermochemistry and bond dissociation energies, rate coefficients for initiation reactions via H-abstraction and related branching fractions, reaction mechanisms and product formation from reactive intermediates, ignition delay times, and chemical kinetics modeling. Each section is then summarized in order to identify areas for which additional functional group-specific work is required. The review concludes with an outline for research directions for improving the fundamental understanding of biofuel ignition chemistry and related chemical kinetics modeling.

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Investigation of the Production of Trifluoroacetic Acid from Two Halocarbons, HFC-134a and HFO-1234yf and Its Fates Using a Global Three-Dimensional Chemical Transport Model

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

Holland, Rayne; Khan, M.A.; Driscoll, Isabel; Chhantyal-Pun, Rabi; Derwent, Richard G.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.; Percival, Carl J.; Shallcross, Dudley E.

Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), a highly soluble and stable organic acid, is photochemically produced by certain anthropogenically emitted halocarbons such as HFC-134a and HFO-1234yf. Both these halocarbons are used as refrigerants in the automobile industry, and the high global warming potential of HFC-134a has promoted regulation of its use. Industries are transitioning to the use of HFO-1234yf as a more environmentally friendly alternative. We investigated the environmental effects of this change and found a 33-fold increase in the global burden of TFA from an annual value of 65 tonnes formed from the 2015 emissions of HFC-134a to a value of 2220 tonnes formed from an equivalent emission of HFO-1234yf. The percentage increase in surface TFA concentrations resulting from the switch from HFC-134a to HFO-1234yf remains substantial with an increase of up to 250-fold across Europe. The increase in emissions greater than the current emission scenario of HFO-1234yf is likely to result in significant TFA burden as the atmosphere is not able to disperse and deposit relevant oxidation products. The Criegee intermediate initiated loss process of TFA reduces the surface level atmospheric lifetime of TFA by up to 5 days (from 7 days to 2 days) in tropical forested regions.

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Reaction mechanisms of a cyclic ether intermediate: Ethyloxirane

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics

Christianson, Matthew G.; Doner, Anna C.; Davis, Matthew M.; Koritzke, Alanna L.; Turney, Justin M.; Schaefer, Henry F.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Rotavera, Brandon

Oxiranes are a class of cyclic ethers formed in abundance during low-temperature combustion of hydrocarbons and biofuels, either via chain-propagating steps that occur from unimolecular decomposition of β-hydroperoxyalkyl radicals (β-̇QOOH) or from reactions of HOȮ with alkenes. Ethyloxirane is one of four alkyl-substituted cyclic ether isomers produced as an intermediate from n-butane oxidation. While rate coefficients for β-̇QOOH → ethyloxirane + ȮH are reported extensively, subsequent reaction mechanisms of the cyclic ether are not. As a result, chemical kinetics mechanisms commonly adopt simplified chemistry to describe ethyloxirane consumption by convoluting several elementary reactions into a single step, which may introduce mechanism truncation error—uncertainty derived from missing or incomplete chemistry. The present work provides fundamental insight on reaction mechanisms of ethyloxirane in support of ongoing efforts to minimize mechanism truncation error. Reaction mechanisms are inferred from the detection of products during chlorine atom-initiated oxidation experiments using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry conducted at 10 Torr and temperatures of 650 K and 800 K. To complement the experiments, calculations of stationary point energies were conducted using the ccCA-PS3 composite method on ̇R + O2 potential energy surfaces for the four ethyloxiranyl radical isomers, which produced barrier heights for 24 reaction pathways. In addition to products from ̇QOOH → cyclic ether + ȮH and ̇R + O2 → conjugate alkene + HOȮ, both of which were significant pathways and are prototypical to alkane oxidation, other species were identified from ring-opening of both ethyloxiranyl and ̇QOOH radicals. The latter occurs when the unpaired electron is localized on the ether group, causing the initial ̇QOOH structure to ring-open and form a resonance-stabilized ketohydroperoxide-type radical. The present work provides the first analysis of ethyloxirane oxidation chemistry, which reveals that consumption pathways are complex and may require an expansion of submechanisms to increase the fidelity of chemical kinetics mechanisms.

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The impact of the third O2addition reaction network on ignition delay times of neo-pentane

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Hansen, Nils H.; Kukkadapu, G.; Chen, B.; Dong, S.; Curran, H.J.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Eskola, A.J.; Osborn, D.L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Pitz, W.J.; Moshammer, K.; Jasper, A.W.; Chen, W.; Yang, J.; Wang, Z.

The oxidation of neo-pentane was studied by combining experiments, theoretical calculations, and mechanistic developments to elucidate the impact of the 3rd O2 addition reaction network on ignition delay time predictions. The experiments were based on photoionization mass spectrometry in jet-stirred and time-resolved flow reactors allowing for sensitive detection of the keto-hydroperoxide (KHP) and keto-dihydroperoxide (KDHP) intermediates. With neo-pentane exhibiting a unique symmetric molecular structure, which consequently results only in single KHP and KDHP isomers, theoretical calculations of ionization and fragment appearance energies and of absolute photoionization cross sections enabled the unambiguous identification and quantification of the KHP intermediate. Its temperature and time-resolved profiles together with calculated and experimentally observed KHP-to-KDHP signal ratios were compared to simulation results based on a newly developed mechanism that describes the 3rd O2 addition reaction network. A satisfactory agreement was observed between the experimental data points and the simulation results, adding confidence to the model’s overall performance.

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Formic acid catalyzed isomerization and adduct formation of an isoprene-derived Criegee intermediate: Experiment and theory

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Vansco, Michael F.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Pandit, Shubhrangshu; Zuraski, Kristen; Winiberg, Frank A.F.; Au, Kendrew; Bhagde, Trisha; Trongsiriwat, Nisalak; Walsh, Patrick J.; Osborn, David L.; Percival, Carl J.; Klippenstein, Stephen J.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Lester, Marsha I.

Isoprene is the most abundant non-methane hydrocarbon emitted into the Earth's atmosphere. Ozonolysis is an important atmospheric sink for isoprene, which generates reactive carbonyl oxide species (R1R2CO+O-) known as Criegee intermediates. This study focuses on characterizing the catalyzed isomerization and adduct formation pathways for the reaction between formic acid and methyl vinyl ketone oxide (MVK-oxide), a four-carbon unsaturated Criegee intermediate generated from isoprene ozonolysis. syn-MVK-oxide undergoes intramolecular 1,4 H-atom transfer to form a substituted vinyl hydroperoxide intermediate, 2-hydroperoxybuta-1,3-diene (HPBD), which subsequently decomposes to hydroxyl and vinoxylic radical products. Here, we report direct observation of HPBD generated by formic acid catalyzed isomerization of MVK-oxide under thermal conditions (298 K, 10 torr) using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry. The acid catalyzed isomerization of MVK-oxide proceeds by a double hydrogen-bonded interaction followed by a concerted H-atom transfer via submerged barriers to produce HPBD and regenerate formic acid. The analogous isomerization pathway catalyzed with deuterated formic acid (D2-formic acid) enables migration of a D atom to yield partially deuterated HPBD (DPBD), which is identified by its distinct mass (m/z 87) and photoionization threshold. In addition, bimolecular reaction of MVK-oxide with D2-formic acid forms a functionalized hydroperoxide adduct, which is the dominant product channel, and is compared to a previous bimolecular reaction study with normal formic acid. Complementary high-level theoretical calculations are performed to further investigate the reaction pathways and kinetics.

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Criegee intermediates: production, detection and reactivity

International Reviews in Physical Chemistry

Chhantyal-Pun, Rabi; Khan, M.A.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Percival, Carl J.; Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.; Shallcross, Dudley E.

In the context of tropospheric chemistry, Criegee intermediates denote carbonyl oxides with biradical/zwitterionic character (R1R2COO) that form during the ozonolysis of alkenes. First discovered almost 70 years ago, stabilised versions of Criegee intermediates formed via collisional removal of excess energy have interesting kinetic and mechanistic properties. The direct production and detection of these intermediates were not reported in the literature until 2008. However, recent advances in their generation through the ultraviolet irradiation of the corresponding diiodoalkanes in excess O2 and detection by various spectroscopic techniques (photoionisation, ultraviolet, infrared, microwave and mass spectrometry) have shown that these species can react rapidly with closed-shell molecules, in many cases at or exceeding the classical gas-kinetic limit, via multiple reaction pathways. These reactions can be complex, and laboratory measurements of products and the temperature and pressure dependence of the reaction kinetics have also revealed unusual behaviour. The potential role of these intermediates in atmospheric chemistry is significant, altering models of the oxidising capacity of the Earth's atmosphere and the rate of generation of secondary organic aerosol.

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Experimental Evidence of Dioxole Unimolecular Decay Pathway for Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediates

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Vansco, Michael F.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Zuraski, Kristen; Winiberg, Frank A.F.; Au, Kendrew; Trongsiriwat, Nisalak; Walsh, Patrick J.; Osborn, David L.; Percival, Carl J.; Khan, M.A.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Lester, Marsha I.

Ozonolysis of isoprene, one of the most abundant volatile organic compounds emitted into the Earth's atmosphere, generates two four-carbon unsaturated Criegee intermediates, methyl vinyl ketone oxide (MVK-oxide) and methacrolein oxide (MACR-oxide). The extended conjugation between the vinyl substituent and carbonyl oxide groups of these Criegee intermediates facilitates rapid electrocyclic ring closures that form five-membered cyclic peroxides, known as dioxoles. This study reports the first experimental evidence of this novel decay pathway, which is predicted to be the dominant atmospheric sink for specific conformational forms of MVK-oxide (anti) and MACR-oxide (syn) with the vinyl substituent adjacent to the terminal O atom. The resulting dioxoles are predicted to undergo rapid unimolecular decay to oxygenated hydrocarbon radical products, including acetyl, vinoxy, formyl, and 2-methylvinoxy radicals. In the presence of O2, these radicals rapidly react to form peroxy radicals (ROO), which quickly decay via carbon-centered radical intermediates (QOOH) to stable carbonyl products that were identified in this work. The carbonyl products were detected under thermal conditions (298 K, 10 Torr He) using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS). The main products (and associated relative abundances) originating from unimolecular decay of anti-MVK-oxide and subsequent reaction with O2 are formaldehyde (88 ± 5%), ketene (9 ± 1%), and glyoxal (3 ± 1%). Those identified from the unimolecular decay of syn-MACR-oxide and subsequent reaction with O2 are acetaldehyde (37 ± 7%), vinyl alcohol (9 ± 1%), methylketene (2 ± 1%), and acrolein (52 ± 5%). In addition to the stable carbonyl products, the secondary peroxy chemistry also generates OH or HO2 radical coproducts.

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Investigating the atmospheric sources and sinks of perfluorooctanoic acid using a global chemistry transport model


Holland, Rayne; Khan, M.A.; Chhantyal-Pun, Rabi; Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.; Percival, Carl J.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Shallcross, Dudley E.

Perfluorooctanoic acid, PFOA, is one of the many concerning pollutants in our atmosphere; it is highly resistant to environmental degradation processes, which enables it to accumulate biologically. With direct routes of this chemical to the environment decreasing, as a consequence of the industrial phase out of PFOA, it has become more important to accurately model the effects of indirect production routes, such as environmental degradation of precursors; e.g., fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs). The study reported here investigates the chemistry, physical loss and transport of PFOA and its precursors, FTOHs, throughout the troposphere using a 3D global chemical transport model, STOCHEM-CRI. Moreover, this investigation includes an important loss process of PFOA in the atmosphere via the addition of the stabilised Criegee intermediates, hereby referred to as the "Criegee Field. " Whilst reaction with Criegee intermediates is a significant atmospheric loss process of PFOA, it does not result in its permanent removal from the atmosphere. The atmospheric fate of the resultant hydroperoxide product from the reaction of PFOA and Criegee intermediates resulted in a ≈0.04 Gg year-1 increase in the production flux of PFOA. Furthermore, the physical loss of the hydroperoxide product from the atmosphere (i.e., deposition), whilst decreasing the atmospheric concentration, is also likely to result in the reformation of PFOA in environmental aqueous phases, such as clouds, precipitation, oceans and lakes. As such, removal facilitated by the "Criegee Field" is likely to simply result in the acceleration of PFOA transfer to the surface (with an expected decrease in PFOA atmospheric lifetime of ≈10 h, on average from ca. ≈80 h without Criegee loss to 70 h with Criegee loss).

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Reaction of Perfluorooctanoic Acid with Criegee Intermediates and Implications for the Atmospheric Fate of Perfluorocarboxylic Acids

Environmental Science and Technology

Taatjes, Craig A.; Khan, M.A.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Percival, Carl J.; Osborn, David L.; Wallington, Timothy J.; Shallcross, Dudley E.

The reaction of perfluorooctanoic acid with the smallest carbonyl oxide Criegee intermediate, CH 2 OO, has been measured and is very rapid, with a rate coefficient of (4.9 ± 0.8) × 10 -10 cm 3 s -1 , similar to that for reactions of Criegee intermediates with other organic acids. Evidence is shown for the formation of hydroperoxymethyl perfluorooctanoate as a product. With such a large rate coefficient, reaction with Criegee intermediates can be a substantial contributor to atmospheric removal of perfluorocarboxylic acids. However, the atmospheric fates of the ester product largely regenerate the initial acid reactant. Wet deposition regenerates the perfluorocarboxylic acid via condensed-phase hydrolysis. Gas-phase reaction with OH is expected principally to result in formation of the acid anhydride, which also hydrolyzes to regenerate the acid, although a minor channel could lead to destruction of the perfluorinated backbone.

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The reaction of hydroxyl and methylperoxy radicals is not a major source of atmospheric methanol

Nature Communications

Caravan, Rebecca L.; Khan, M.A.; Zador, Judit Z.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Rotavera, Brandon; Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Au, Kendrew; Chen, Ming W.; Rösch, Daniel; Osborn, David L.; Fittschen, Christa; Schoemaecker, Coralie; Duncianu, Marius; Grira, Asma; Dusanter, Sebastien; Tomas, Alexandre; Percival, Carl J.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Methanol is a benchmark for understanding tropospheric oxidation, but is underpredicted by up to 100% in atmospheric models. Recent work has suggested this discrepancy can be reconciled by the rapid reaction of hydroxyl and methylperoxy radicals with a methanol branching fraction of 30%. However, for fractions below 15%, methanol underprediction is exacerbated. Theoretical investigations of this reaction are challenging because of intersystem crossing between singlet and triplet surfaces – ∼45% of reaction products are obtained via intersystem crossing of a pre-product complex – which demands experimental determinations of product branching. Here we report direct measurements of methanol from this reaction. A branching fraction below 15% is established, consequently highlighting a large gap in the understanding of global methanol sources. These results support the recent high-level theoretical work and substantially reduce its uncertainties.

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Investigating the Tropospheric Chemistry of Acetic Acid Using the Global 3-D Chemistry Transport Model, STOCHEM-CRI

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Khan, M.A.; Lyons, Kyle; Chhantyal-Pun, Rabi; McGillen, Max R.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.; Percival, Carl J.; Shallcross, Dudley E.

Acetic acid (CH3COOH) is one of the most abundant carboxylic acids in the troposphere. In the study, the tropospheric chemistry of CH3COOH is investigated using the 3-D global chemistry transport model, STOCHEM-CRI. The highest mixing ratios of surface CH3COOH are found in the tropics by as much as 1.6 ppb in South America. The model predicts the seasonality of CH3COOH reasonably well and correlates with some surface and flight measurement sites, but the model drastically underpredicts levels in urban and midlatitudinal regions. The possible reasons for the underprediction are discussed. The simulations show that the lifetime and global burden of CH3COOH are 1.6–1.8 days and 0.45–0.61 Tg, respectively. The reactions of the peroxyacetyl radical (CH3CO3) with the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2) and other organic peroxy radicals (RO2) are found to be the principal sources of tropospheric CH3COOH in the model, but the model-measurement discrepancies suggest the possible unknown or underestimated sources which can contribute large fractions of the CH3COOH burden. The major sinks of CH3COOH in the troposphere are wet deposition, dry deposition, and OH loss. However, the reaction of CH3COOH with Criegee intermediates is proposed to be a potentially significant chemical loss process of tropospheric CH3COOH that has not been previously accounted for in global modeling studies. Inclusion of this loss process reduces the tropospheric CH3COOH level significantly which can give even larger discrepancies between model and measurement data, suggesting that the emissions inventory and the chemical production sources of CH3COOH are underpredicted even more so in current global models.

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Criegee intermediates and their impacts on the troposphere

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts

Khan, M.A.H.; Percival, C.J.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Shallcross, D.E.

Criegee intermediates (CIs), carbonyl oxides formed in ozonolysis of alkenes, play key roles in the troposphere. The decomposition of CIs can be a significant source of OH to the tropospheric oxidation cycle especially during nighttime and winter months. A variety of model-measurement studies have estimated surface-level stabilized Criegee intermediate (sCI) concentrations on the order of 1 × 104 cm-3 to 1 × 105 cm-3, which makes a non-negligible contribution to the oxidising capacity in the terrestrial boundary layer. The reactions of sCI with the water monomer and the water dimer have been found to be the most important bimolecular reactions to the tropospheric sCI loss rate, at least for the smallest carbonyl oxides; the products from these reactions (e.g. hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide, HMHP) are also of importance to the atmospheric oxidation cycle. The sCI can oxidise SO2 to form SO3, which can go on to form a significant amount of H2SO4 which is a key atmospheric nucleation species and therefore vital to the formation of clouds. The sCI can also react with carboxylic acids, carbonyl compounds, alcohols, peroxy radicals and hydroperoxides, and the products of these reactions are likely to be highly oxygenated species, with low vapour pressures, that can lead to nucleation and SOA formation over terrestrial regions.

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Direct kinetics study of CH2OO + methyl vinyl ketone and CH2OO + methacrolein reactions and an upper limit determination for CH2OO + CO reaction

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Eskola, Arkke J.; Döntgen, Malte; Rotavera, Brandon; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Welz, Oliver; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Percival, Carl J.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR) are important intermediate products in atmospheric degradation of volatile organic compounds, especially of isoprene. This work investigates the reactions of the smallest Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, with its co-products from isoprene ozonolysis, MVK and MACR, using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS), with either tunable synchrotron radiation from the Advanced Light Source or Lyman-α (10.2 eV) radiation for photoionization. CH2OO was produced via pulsed laser photolysis of CH2I2 in the presence of excess O2. Time-resolved measurements of reactant disappearance and of product formation were performed to monitor reaction progress; first order rate coefficients were obtained from exponential fits to the CH2OO decays. The bimolecular reaction rate coefficients at 300 K and 4 Torr are k(CH2OO + MVK) = (5.0 ± 0.4) × 10-13 cm3 s-1 and k(CH2OO + MACR) = (4.4 ± 1.0) × 10-13 cm3 s-1, where the stated ±2σ uncertainties are statistical uncertainties. Adduct formation is observed for both reactions and is attributed to the formation of a secondary ozonides (1,2,4-trioxolanes), supported by master equation calculations of the kinetics and the agreement between measured and calculated adiabatic ionization energies. Kinetics measurements were also performed for a possible bimolecular CH2OO + CO reaction and for the reaction of CH2OO with CF3CHCH2 at 300 K and 4 Torr. For CH2OO + CO, no reaction is observed and an upper limit is determined: k(CH2OO + CO) < 2 × 10-16 cm3 s-1. For CH2OO + CF3CHCH2, an upper limit of k(CH2OO + CF3CHCH2) < 2 × 10-14 cm3 s-1 is obtained.

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Seasonality of Formic Acid (HCOOH) in London during the ClearfLo Campaign

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Bannan, Thomas J.; Murray Booth, A.; Le Breton, Michael; Bacak, Asan; Muller, Jennifer B.A.; Leather, Kimberley E.; Khan, M.A.; Lee, James D.; Dunmore, Rachel E.; Hopkins, James R.; Fleming, Zoë L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Percival, Carl J.

Following measurements in the winter of 2012, formic acid (HCOOH) and nitric acid (HNO3) were measured using a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) during the Summer Clean Air for London (ClearfLo) campaign in London, 2012. Consequently, the seasonal dependence of formic acid sources could be better understood. A mean formic acid concentration of 1.3 ppb and a maximum of 12.7 ppb was measured which is significantly greater than that measured during the winter campaign (0.63 ppb and 6.7 ppb, respectively). Daily calibrations of formic acid during the summer campaign gave sensitivities of 1.2 ion counts s−1 parts per trillion (ppt) by volume−1 and a limit of detection of 34 ppt. During the summer campaign, there was no correlation between formic acid and anthropogenic emissions such as NOx and CO or peaks associated with the rush hour as was identified in the winter. Rather, peaks in formic acid were observed that correlated with solar irradiance. Analysis using a photochemical trajectory model has been conducted to determine the source of this formic acid. The contribution of formic acid formation through ozonolysis of alkenes is important but the secondary production from biogenic VOCs could be the most dominant source of formic acid at this measurement site during the summer.

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Direct Measurements of Unimolecular and Bimolecular Reaction Kinetics of the Criegee Intermediate (CH3)2COO

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Chhantyal-Pun, Rabi; Welz, Oliver; Savee, John D.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Lee, Edmond P.F.; Blacker, Lucy; Hill, Henry R.; Ashcroft, Matilda; Khan, M.A.; Lloyd-Jones, Guy C.; Evans, Louise; Rotavera, Brandon; Huang, Haifeng; Osborn, David L.; Mok, Daniel K.W.; Dyke, John M.; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Percival, Carl J.; Orr-Ewing, Andrew J.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The Criegee intermediate acetone oxide, (CH3)2COO, is formed by laser photolysis of 2,2-diiodopropane in the presence of O2 and characterized by synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry and by cavity ring-down ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy. The rate coefficient of the reaction of the Criegee intermediate with SO2 was measured using photoionization mass spectrometry and pseudo-first-order methods to be (7.3 ± 0.5) × 10-11 cm3 s-1 at 298 K and 4 Torr and (1.5 ± 0.5) × 10-10 cm3 s-1 at 298 K and 10 Torr (He buffer). These values are similar to directly measured rate coefficients of anti-CH3CHOO with SO2, and in good agreement with recent UV absorption measurements. The measurement of this reaction at 293 K and slightly higher pressures (between 10 and 100 Torr) in N2 from cavity ring-down decay of the ultraviolet absorption of (CH3)2COO yielded even larger rate coefficients, in the range (1.84 ± 0.12) × 10-10 to (2.29 ± 0.08) × 10-10 cm3 s-1. Photoionization mass spectrometry measurements with deuterated acetone oxide at 4 Torr show an inverse deuterium kinetic isotope effect, kH/kD = (0.53 ± 0.06), for reactions with SO2, which may be consistent with recent suggestions that the formation of an association complex affects the rate coefficient. The reaction of (CD3)2COO with NO2 has a rate coefficient at 298 K and 4 Torr of (2.1 ± 0.5) × 10-12 cm3 s-1 (measured with photoionization mass spectrometry), again similar to rate for the reaction of anti-CH3CHOO with NO2. Cavity ring-down measurements of the acetone oxide removal without added reagents display a combination of first- and second-order decay kinetics, which can be deconvolved to derive values for both the self-reaction of (CH3)2COO and its unimolecular thermal decay. The inferred unimolecular decay rate coefficient at 293 K, (305 ± 70) s-1, is similar to determinations from ozonolysis. The present measurements confirm the large rate coefficient for reaction of (CH3)2COO with SO2 and the small rate coefficient for its reaction with water. Product measurements of the reactions of (CH3)2COO with NO2 and with SO2 suggest that these reactions may facilitate isomerization to 2-hydroperoxypropene, possibly by subsequent reactions of association products.

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Hydroxyacetone Production from C3 Criegee Intermediates

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Taatjes, Craig A.; Liu, Fang; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Kumar, Manoj; Caravan, Rebecca; Osborn, David L.; Thompson, Ward H.; Lester, Marsha I.

Hydroxyacetone (CH3C(O)CH2OH) is observed as a stable end product from reactions of the (CH3)2COO Criegee intermediate, acetone oxide, in a flow tube coupled with multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometer detection. In the experiment, the isomers at m/z = 74 are distinguished by their different photoionization spectra and reaction times. Hydroxyacetone is observed as a persistent signal at longer reaction times at a higher photoionization threshold of ca. 9.7 eV than Criegee intermediate and definitively identified by comparison with the known photoionization spectrum. Complementary electronic structure calculations reveal multiple possible reaction pathways for hydroxyacetone formation, including unimolecular isomerization via hydrogen atom transfer and -OH group migration as well as self-reaction of Criegee intermediates. Varying the concentration of Criegee intermediates suggests contributions from both unimolecular and self-reaction pathways to hydroxyacetone. The hydroxyacetone end product can provide an effective, stable marker for the production of transient Criegee intermediates in future studies of alkene ozonolysis.

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Reaction mechanisms of R and QOOH radicals produced in low-temperature oxidation of butanone

10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting

Caravan, Rebecca L.; Rotavera, Brandon; Papajak, Ewa; Antonov, Ivan O.; Ramasesha, Krupa R.; Zador, Judit Z.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Product formation from the low-temperature oxidation of two isotopologues of the proposed biofuel butanone was studied via multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS) at 500 and 700 K to elucidate product branching ratios for R and QOOH pathways. Products were identified and branching ratios quantified for a number of species, with the aid of ab initio calculations. Chain-inhibiting C-C β-scission of R and select chain-propagating channels are discussed. Whilst methyl vinyl ketone and HOO, (from chain-inhibiting pathways) were found to be major products, chain propagation pathways leading to carbonyl and cyclic ether species following OH-elimination from QOOH were found to be pertinent at both temperatures. At 700 K, R C-C β-scission was significantly enhanced, as evident in the branching ratios, however the formation of QOOH-derived chain-propagation products remained relevant.

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Influence of oxygenation in cyclic hydrocarbons on chain-termination reactions from R + O2: Tetrahydropyran and cyclohexane

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Rotavera, Brandon R.; Savee, John D.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Caravan, Rebecca L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Zador, Judit Z.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Lignocellulosic-derived biofuels represent an important part of sustainable transportation en- ergy and often contain oxygenated functional groups due to the mono- and polysaccharide content in cellulose and hemicellulose. The yields of conjugate alkene + HO2 formation in low-temperature tetrahydropyran oxidation were studied and the influence of oxygen heteroatoms in cyclic hydrocarbons on the associated chain-termination pathways stemming from R + O2 were examined. Relative to the initial radical concentration the trend in conjugate alkene branching fraction showed monotonic positive temperature dependence in both cyclohexane and tetrahydropyran except for tetrahydropyran at 10 torr where increasing the temperature to 700 K caused a decrease. Conjugate alkene branching fractions measured at 1520 torr for cyclohexane and tetrahydropyran followed monotonic positive temperature dependence. In contrast to the results at higher temperature where ring-opening of tetrahydropyranyl radicals interrupted R + O2chemistry and reduces the formation of conjugate alkenes branching fractions measured below 700 K were higher in tetrahydropyran compared to cyclohexane at 10 torr.

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The reaction of Criegee intermediate CH2OO with water dimer: Primary products and atmospheric impact

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Sheps, Leonid S.; Rotavera, Brandon; Eskola, Arkke J.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Au, Kendrew; Shallcross, Dudley E.; Khan, M.A.; Percival, Carl J.

The rapid reaction of the smallest Criegee intermediate, CH2OO, with water dimers is the dominant removal mechanism for CH2OO in the Earth's atmosphere, but its products are not well understood. This reaction was recently suggested as a significant source of the most abundant tropospheric organic acid, formic acid (HCOOH), which is consistently underpredicted by atmospheric models. However, using time-resolved measurements of reaction kinetics by UV absorption and product analysis by photoionization mass spectrometry, we show that the primary products of this reaction are formaldehyde and hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide (HMHP), with direct HCOOH yields of less than 10%. Incorporating our results into a global chemistry-transport model further reduces HCOOH levels by 10-90%, relative to previous modeling assumptions, which indicates that the reaction CH2OO + water dimer by itself cannot resolve the discrepancy between the measured and predicted HCOOH levels.

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Resonance stabilization effects on ketone autoxidation: Isomer-Specific cyclic ether and ketohydroperoxide formation in the low-Temperature (400−625 k) oxidation of diethyl ketone

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Scheer, Adam M.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Osborn, David L.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The pulsed photolytic chlorine-initiated oxidation of diethyl ketone [DEK; (CH3CH2)2CO], 2,2,4,4-d4-DEK [d4-DEK; (CH3CD2)2CO], and 1,1,1,5,5,5-d6-DEK [d6-DEK; (CD3CH2)2CO] is studied at 8 torr and 1−2 atm and from 400−625 K. Cl atoms produced by laser photolysis react with diethyl ketone to form either primary (3-pentan-on-1-yl, RP) or secondary (3-pentan-on-2-yl, RS) radicals, which in turn react with O2. Multiplexed time-of-flight mass spectrometry, coupled to either a hydrogen discharge lamp or tunable synchrotron photoionizing radiation, is used to detect products as a function of mass, time, and photon energy. At 8 torr, the nature of the chain propagating cyclic ether + OH channel changes as a function of temperature. At 450 K, the production of OH is mainly in conjunction with formation of 2,4-dimethyloxetan-3-one, resulting from reaction of the resonance-stabilized secondary RS with O2. In contrast, at 550 K and 8 torr, 2-methyl-tetrahydrofuran-3-one, originating from oxidation of the primary radical (RP), is observed as the dominant cyclic ether product. Formation of both of these cyclic ether production channels proceeds via a resonance-stabilized hydroperoxy alkyl (QOOH) intermediate. Little or no ketohydroperoxide (KHP) is observed under the low-pressure conditions. At higher O2 concentrations and higher pressures (1−2 atm), a strong KHP signal appears as the temperature is increased above 450 K. Definitive isomeric identification from measurements on the deuterated DEK isotopologues indicates the favored pathway produces a γ-KHP via resonance-stabilized alkyl, QOOH, and HOOPOOH radicals. Time-resolved measurements reveal the KHP formation becomes faster and signal more intense upon increasing temperature from 450 to 575 K before intensity drops significantly at 625 K. The KHP time profile also shows a peak followed by a gradual depletion for the extent of experiment. Several tertiary products exhibit a slow accumulation in coincidence with the observed KHP decay. These products can be associated with decomposition of KHP by β-scission pathways or via isomerization of a γ-KHP into a cyclic peroxide intermediate (Korcek mechanism). The oxidation of d4-DEK, where kinetic isotope effects disfavor γ-KHP formation, shows greatly reduced KHP formation and associated signatures from KHP decomposition products.

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Quantification of the Keto-Hydroperoxide (HOOCH2OCHO) and Other Elusive Intermediates during Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Moshammer, Kai F.; Jasper, Ahren W.; Popolan-Vaida, Denisia M.; Wang, Zhandong; Bhavani Shankar, Vijai S.; Ruwe, Lena; Taatjes, Craig A.; Dagaut, Philippe; Hansen, Nils H.

This work provides new temperature-dependent mole fractions of elusive intermediates relevant to the low-temperature oxidation of dimethyl ether (DME). It extends the previous study of Moshammer et al. [J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 7361-7374 ] in which a combination of a jet-stirred reactor and molecular beam mass spectrometry with single-photon ionization via tunable synchrotron-generated vacuum-ultraviolet radiation was used to identify (but not quantify) several highly oxygenated species. Here, temperature-dependent concentration profiles of 17 components were determined in the range of 450-1000 K and compared to up-to-date kinetic modeling results. Special emphasis is paid toward the validation and application of a theoretical method for predicting photoionization cross sections that are hard to obtain experimentally but essential to turn mass spectral data into mole fraction profiles. The presented approach enabled the quantification of the hydroperoxymethyl formate (HOOCH2OCH2O), which is a key intermediate in the low-temperature oxidation of DME. The quantification of this keto-hydroperoxide together with the temperature-dependent concentration profiles of other intermediates including H2O2, HCOOH, CH3OCHO, and CH3OOH reveals new opportunities for the development of a next-generation DME combustion chemistry mechanism.

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Pressure-dependent competition among reaction pathways from first- and second-O2 additions in the low-temperature oxidation of tetrahydrofuran

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Antonov, Ivan O.; Zador, Judit Z.; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Papajak, Ewa P.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Sheps, Leonid S.

We report a combined experimental and quantum chemistry study of the initial reactions in low-temperature oxidation of tetrahydrofuran (THF). Using synchrotron-based time-resolved VUV photoionization mass spectrometry, we probe numerous transient intermediates and products at P = 10-2000 Torr and T = 400-700 K. A key reaction sequence, revealed by our experiments, is the conversion of THF-yl peroxy to hydroperoxy-THF-yl radicals (QOOH), followed by a second O2 addition and subsequent decomposition to dihydrofuranyl hydroperoxide + HO2 or to γ-butyrolactone hydroperoxide + OH. The competition between these two pathways affects the degree of radical chain-branching and is likely of central importance in modeling the autoignition of THF. We interpret our data with the aid of quantum chemical calculations of the THF-yl + O2 and QOOH + O2 potential energy surfaces. On the basis of our results, we propose a simplified THF oxidation mechanism below 700 K, which involves the competition among unimolecular decomposition and oxidation pathways of QOOH.

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Low Temperature Chlorine-Initiated Oxidation of Small-Chain Methyl Esters: Quantification of Chain-Terminating HO2-Elimination Channels

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Muller, Giel; Scheer, Adam; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Meloni, Giovanni

Cl-initiated oxidation reactions of three small-chain methyl esters, methyl propanoate (CH3CH2COOCH3; MP), methyl butanoate (CH3CH2CH2COOCH3; MB), and methyl valerate (CH3CH2CH2CH2COOCH3; MV), are studied at 1 or 8 Torr and 550 and 650 K. Products are monitored as a function of mass, time, and photoionization energy using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry coupled to tunable synchrotron photoionization radiation. Pulsed photolysis of molecular chlorine is the source of Cl radicals, which remove an H atom from the ester, forming a free radical. In each case, after addition of O2 to the initial radicals, chain-terminating HO2-elimination reactions are observed to be important. Branching ratios among competing HO2-elimination channels are determined via absolute photoionization spectra of the unsaturated methyl ester coproducts. At 550 K, HO2-elimination is observed to be selective, resulting in nearly exclusive production of the conjugated methyl ester coproducts, methyl propenoate, methyl-2-butenoate, and methyl-2-pentenoate, respectively. However, in MV, upon raising the temperature to 650 K, other HO2-elimination pathways are observed that yield methyl-3-pentenoate and methyl-4-pentenoate. In each methyl ester oxidation reaction, a peak is observed at a mass consistent with cyclic ether formation, indicating chain-propagating OH loss/ring formation pathways via QOOH intermediates. Evidence is observed for the participation of resonance-stabilized QOOH in the most prominent cyclic ether pathways. Stationary point energies for HO2-elimination pathways and select cyclic ether formation channels are calculated at the CBS-QB3 level of theory and assist in the assignment of reaction pathways and final products.

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Additional chain-branching pathways in the low-temperature oxidation of branched alkanes

Combustion and Flame

Wang, Zhandong; Zhang, Lidong; Moshammer, Kai F.; Popolan-Vaida, Denisia M.; Shankar, Vijai S.; Lucassen, Arnas; Hemken, Christian; Taatjes, Craig A.; Leone, Stephen R.; Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina; Hansen, Nils H.; Dagaut, Philippe; Sarathy, S.M.

Chain-branching reactions represent a general motif in chemistry, encountered in atmospheric chemistry, combustion, polymerization, and photochemistry; the nature and amount of radicals generated by chain-branching are decisive for the reaction progress, its energy signature, and the time towards its completion. In this study, experimental evidence for two new types of chain-branching reactions is presented, based upon detection of highly oxidized multifunctional molecules (HOM) formed during the gas-phase low-temperature oxidation of a branched alkane under conditions relevant to combustion. The oxidation of 2,5-dimethylhexane (DMH) in a jet-stirred reactor (JSR) was studied using synchrotron vacuum ultra-violet photoionization molecular beam mass spectrometry (SVUV-PI-MBMS). Specifically, species with four and five oxygen atoms were probed, having molecular formulas of C8H14O4 (e.g., diketo-hydroperoxide/keto-hydroperoxy cyclic ether) and C8H16O5 (e.g., keto-dihydroperoxide/dihydroperoxy cyclic ether), respectively. The formation of C8H16O5 species involves alternative isomerization of OOQOOH radicals via intramolecular H-atom migration, followed by third O2 addition, intramolecular isomerization, and OH release; C8H14O4 species are proposed to result from subsequent reactions of C8H16O5 species. The mechanistic pathways involving these species are related to those proposed as a source of low-volatility highly oxygenated species in Earth's troposphere. At the higher temperatures relevant to auto-ignition, they can result in a net increase of hydroxyl radical production, so these are additional radical chain-branching pathways for ignition. The results presented herein extend the conceptual basis of reaction mechanisms used to predict the reaction behavior of ignition, and have implications on atmospheric gas-phase chemistry and the oxidative stability of organic substances.

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Formation and stability of gas-phase o-benzoquinone from oxidation of ortho-hydroxyphenyl: A combined neutral and distonic radical study

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Prendergast, Matthew B.; Kirk, Benjamin B.; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Masters, Kye S.; Blanksby, Stephen J.; Da Silva, Gabriel; Trevitt, Adam J.

Gas-phase product detection studies of o-hydroxyphenyl radical and O2 are reported at 373, 500, and 600 K, at 4 Torr (533.3 Pa), using VUV time-resolved synchrotron photoionisation mass spectrometry. The dominant products are assigned as o-benzoquinone (C6H4O2, m/z 108) and cyclopentadienone (C5H4O, m/z 80). It is concluded that cyclopentadienone forms as a secondary product from prompt decomposition of o-benzoquinone (and dissociative ionization of o-benzoquinone may contribute to the m/z 80 signal at photon energies ≳9.8 eV). Ion-trap reactions of the distonic o-hydroxyphenyl analogue, the 5-ammonium-2-hydroxyphenyl radical cation, with O2 are also reported and concur with the assignment of o-benzoquinone as the dominant product. The ion-trap study also provides support for a mechanism where cyclopentadienone is produced by decarbonylation of o-benzoquinone. Kinetic studies compare oxidation of the ammonium-tagged o-hydroxyphenyl and o-methylphenyl radical cations along with trimethylammonium-tagged analogues. Reaction efficiencies are found to be ca. 5% for both charge-tagged o-hydroxyphenyl and o-methylphenyl radicals irrespective of the charged substituent. G3X-K quantum chemical calculations are deployed to rationalise experimental results for o-hydroxyphenyl + O2 and its charge-tagged counterpart. The prevailing reaction mechanism, after O2 addition, involves a facile 1,5-H shift in the peroxyl radical and subsequent elimination of OH to yield o-benzoquinone that is reminiscent of the Waddington mechanism for β-hydroxyperoxyl radicals. These results suggest o-hydroxyphenyl + O2 and decarbonylation of o-benzoquinone serve as plausible OH and CO sources in combustion.

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Time- and Isomer-Resolved Measurements of Sequential Addition of Acetylene to the Propargyl Radical

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Savee, John D.; Selby, Talitha M.; Welz, Oliver; Taatjes, Craig A.; Osborn, David L.

Soot formation in combustion is a complex process in which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are believed to play a critical role. Recent works concluded that three consecutive additions of acetylene (C2H2) to propargyl (C3H3) create a facile route to the PAH indene (C9H8). However, the isomeric forms of C5H5 and C7H7 intermediates in this reaction sequence are not known. We directly investigate these intermediates using time- and isomer-resolved experiments. Both the resonance stabilized vinylpropargyl (vp-C5H5) and 2,4-cyclopentadienyl (c-C5H5) radical isomers of C5H5 are produced, with substantially different intensities at 800 K vs 1000 K. In agreement with literature master equation calculations, we find that c-C5H5 + C2H2 produces only the tropyl isomer of C7H7 (tp-C7H7) below 1000 K, and that tp-C7H7 + C2H2 terminates the reaction sequence yielding C9H8 (indene) + H. This work demonstrates a pathway for PAH formation that does not proceed through benzene.

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Multiplexed Photoionization Mass Spectrometry Investigation of the O(3P) + Propyne Reaction

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Savee, John D.; Borkar, Sampada; Welz, Oliver; Sztáray, Bálint; Taatjes, Craig A.; Osborn, David L.

The reaction of O(3P) + propyne (C3H4) was investigated at 298 K and 4 Torr using time-resolved multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry and a synchrotron-generated tunable vacuum ultraviolet light source. The time-resolved mass spectra of the observed products suggest five major channels under our conditions: C2H3 + HCO, CH3 + HCCO, H + CH3CCO, C2H4 + CO, and C2H2 + H2 + CO. The relative branching ratios for these channels were found to be 1.00, (0.35 ± 0.11), (0.18 ± 0.10), (0.73 ± 0.27), and (1.31 ± 0.62). In addition, we observed signals consistent with minor production of C3H3 + OH and H2 + CH2CCO, although we cannot conclusively assign them as direct product channels from O(3P) + propyne. The direct abstraction mechanism plays only a minor role (≤1%), and we estimate that O(3P) addition to the central carbon of propyne accounts for 10% of products, with addition to the terminal carbon accounting for the remaining 89%. The isotopologues observed in experiments using d1-propyne (CH3CCD) and analysis of product branching in light of previously computed stationary points on the singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces (PESs) relevant to O(3P) + propyne suggest that, under our conditions, (84 ± 14)% of the observed product channels from O(3P) + propyne result from intersystem crossing from the initial triplet PES to the lower-lying singlet PES.

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New Insights into Low-Temperature Oxidation of Propane from Synchrotron Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Multiscale Informatics Modeling

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Welz, Oliver; Burke, Michael P.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Goldsmith, C.F.; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Klippenstein, Stephen J.; Sheps, Leonid S.

Low-temperature propane oxidation was studied at P = 4 Torr and T = 530, 600, and 670 K by time-resolved multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS), which probes the reactants, intermediates, and products with isomeric selectivity using tunable synchrotron vacuum UV ionizing radiation. The oxidation is initiated by pulsed laser photolysis of oxalyl chloride, (COCl)2, at 248 nm, which rapidly generates a ∼1:1 mixture of 1-propyl (n-propyl) and 2-propyl (i-propyl) radicals via the fast Cl + propane reaction. At all three temperatures, the major stable product species is propene, formed in the propyl + O2 reactions by direct HO2 elimination from both n- and i-propyl peroxy radicals. The experimentally derived propene yields relative to the initial concentration of Cl atoms are (20 ± 4)% at 530 K, (55 ± 11)% at 600 K, and (86 ± 17)% at 670 K at a reaction time of 20 ms. The lower yield of propene at low temperature reflects substantial formation of propyl peroxy radicals, which do not completely decompose on the experimental time scale. In addition, C3H6O isomers methyloxirane, oxetane, acetone, and propanal are detected as minor products. Our measured yields of oxetane and methyloxirane, which are coproducts of OH radicals, suggest a revision of the OH formation pathways in models of low-temperature propane oxidation. The experimental results are modeled and interpreted using a multiscale informatics approach, presented in detail in a separate publication (Burke, M. P.; Goldsmith, C. F.; Klippenstein, S. J.; Welz, O.; Huang H.; Antonov I. O.; Savee J. D.; Osborn D. L.; Zádor, J.; Taatjes, C. A.; Sheps, L. Multiscale Informatics for Low-Temperature Propane Oxidation: Further Complexities in Studies of Complex Reactions. J. Phys. Chem A. 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b01003). The model predicts the time profiles and yields of the experimentally observed primary products well, and shows satisfactory agreement for products formed mostly via secondary radical-radical reactions.

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Low temperature (550-700 K) oxidation pathways of cyclic ketones: Dominance of HO2-elimination channels yielding conjugated cyclic coproducts

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Scheer, Adam M.; Welz, Oliver; Vasu, Subith S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The low-temperature oxidation of three cyclic ketones, cyclopentanone (CPO; C5H8O), cyclohexanone (CHO; C6H10O), and 2-methyl-cyclopentanone (2-Me-CPO; CH3-C5H7O), is studied between 550 and 700 K and at 4 or 8 Torr total pressure. Initial fuel radicals R are formed via fast H-abstraction from the ketones by laser-photolytically generated chlorine atoms. Intermediates and products from the subsequent reactions of these radicals in the presence of excess O2 are probed with time and isomeric resolution using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry with tunable synchrotron ionizing radiation. For CPO and CHO the dominant product channel in the R + O2 reactions is chain-terminating HO2-elimination yielding the conjugated cyclic coproducts 2-cyclopentenone and 2-cyclohexenone, respectively. Results on oxidation of 2-Me-CPO also show a dominant contribution from HO2-elimination. The photoionization spectrum of the co-product suggests formation of 2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone and/or 2-cyclohexenone, resulting from a rapid Dowd-Beckwith rearrangement, preceding addition to O2, of the initial (2-oxocyclopentyl)methyl radical to 3-oxocyclohexyl. Cyclic ethers, markers for hydroperoxyalkyl radicals (QOOH), key intermediates in chain-propagating and chain-branching low-temperature combustion pathways, are only minor products. The interpretation of the experimental results is supported by stationary point calculations on the potential energy surfaces of the associated R + O2 reactions at the CBS-QB3 level. The calculations indicate that HO2-elimination channels are energetically favored and product formation via QOOH is disfavored. The prominence of chain-terminating pathways linked with HO2 formation in low-temperature oxidation of cyclic ketones suggests little low-temperature reactivity of these species as fuels in internal combustion engines.

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Time-Resolved, NIR Two-Tone Frequency Modulation Spectroscopy for Quantitative Measurement of HO2 Radical in Fuel Oxidation Reactions

Huang, Haifeng H.; Carlen, Christopher R.; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Time-resolved two-tone frequency modulation (TTFM) absorption spectroscopy has been used to measure, in situ and quantitatively, hydroperoxy (HO2) radical in fuel oxidation reactions at the first overtone transitions (2v1) of HO2 near 1509nm. Typical HO2 detection limit is on the order of 1011 molecule cm-3, which corresponds to a relative absorption of 10-5. TTFM method successfully removes low frequency thermal lensing noise in measured HO2 kinetic time traces, which is a general noise source in fuel oxidation absorption experiments. Compared with previous works, we have upgraded the TTFM experiment with a NIR distributed feedback (DFB) diode laser, a fiber-coupled broadband phase modulator, and a two-channel wave generator, which have improve the performance of our experiment substantially.

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Synchrotron-based double imaging photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy of radicals produced in a flow tube: OH and OD

Journal of Chemical Physics

Garcia, Gustavo A.; Tang, Xiaofeng; Gil, Jean F.; Nahon, Laurent; Ward, Michael; Batut, Sebastien; Fittschen, Christa; Taatjes, Craig A.; Osborn, David L.; Loison, Jean C.

We present a microwave discharge flow tube coupled with a double imaging electron/ion coincidence device and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation. The system has been applied to the study of the photoelectron spectroscopy of the well-known radicals OH and OD. The coincidence imaging scheme provides a high selectivity and yields the spectra of the pure radicals, removing the ever-present contributions from excess reactants, background, or secondary products, and therefore obviating the need for a prior knowledge of all possible byproducts. The photoelectron spectra encompassing the X3Σ- ground state of the OH+ and OD+ cations have been extracted and the vibrational constants compared satisfactorily to existing literature values. Future advantages of this approach include measurement of high resolution VUV spectroscopy of radicals, their absolute photoionization cross section, and species/isomer identification in chemical reactions as a function of time.

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Detection and Identification of the Keto-Hydroperoxide (HOOCH 2 OCHO) and Other Intermediates during Low-Temperature Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether

Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment, and General Theory

Moshammer, Kai F.; Jasper, Ahren W.; Popolan-Vaida, D P.; Lucassen, A L.; Dievart, P D.; Selim, H S.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Leone, S L.; Sarathy, S.M.; Ju, Y J.; Dagaut, P D.; Kohse-Hoinghaus, K K.; Hansen, Nils H.

Abstract not provided.

Direct observation and kinetics of a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (QOOH)


Savee, John D.; Papajak, Ewa P.; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Huang, Haifeng; Eskola, Arkke J.; Welz, Oliver; Sheps, Leonid S.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Zador, Judit Z.; Osborn, David L.

Oxidation of organic compounds in combustion and in Earth's troposphere is mediated by reactive species formed by the addition of molecular oxygen (O2) to organic radicals. Among the most crucial and elusive of these intermediates are hydroperoxyalkyl radicals, often denoted "QOOH." These species and their reactions with O2 are responsible for the radical chain branching that sustains autoignition and are implicated in tropospheric autoxidation that can form low-volatility, highly oxygenated organic aerosol precursors. We report direct observation and kinetics measurements of a QOOH intermediate in the oxidation of 1,3-cycloheptadiene, a molecule that offers insight into both resonance-stabilized and nonstabilized radical intermediates. The results establish that resonance stabilization dramatically changes QOOH reactivity and, hence, that oxidation of unsaturated organics can produce exceptionally long-lived QOOH intermediates.

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Chlorine atom-initiated low-temperature oxidation of prenol and isoprenol: The effect of CC double bonds on the peroxy radical chemistry in alcohol oxidation

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Welz, Oliver; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The chlorine atom-initiated oxidation of two unsaturated primary C5 alcohols, prenol (3-methyl-2-buten-1-ol, (CH3)2CCHCH2OH) and isoprenol (3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol, CH2C(CH3)CH2CH2OH), is studied at 550 K and low pressure (8 Torr). The time- and isomer-resolved formation of products is probed with multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS) using tunable vacuum ultraviolet ionizing synchrotron radiation. The peroxy radical chemistry of the unsaturated alcohols appears much less rich than that of saturated C4 and C5 alcohols. The main products observed are the corresponding unsaturated aldehydes - prenal (3-methyl-2-butenal) from prenol oxidation and isoprenal (3-methyl-3-butenal) from isoprenol oxidation. No significant products arising from QOOH chemistry are observed. These results can be qualitatively explained by the formation of resonance stabilized allylic radicals via H-abstraction in the Cl + prenol and Cl + isoprenol initiation reactions. The loss of resonance stabilization upon O2 addition causes the energies of the intermediate wells, saddle points, and products to increase relative to the energy of the initial radicals and O2. These energetic shifts make most product channels observed in the peroxy radical chemistry of saturated alcohols inaccessible for these unsaturated alcohols. The experimental findings are underpinned by quantum-chemical calculations for stationary points on the potential energy surfaces for the reactions of the initial radicals with O2. Under our conditions, the dominant channels in prenol and isoprenol oxidation are the chain-terminating HO2-forming channels arising from radicals, in which the unpaired electron and the -OH group are on the same carbon atom, with stable prenal and isoprenal co-products, respectively. These findings suggest that the presence of CC double bonds in alcohols will reduce low-temperature reactivity during autoignition.

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Influence of temperature and resonance-stabilization on the ortho-effect in cymene oxidation

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Rotavera, Brandon R.; Scheer, Adam M.; Huang, Haifeng H.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Cymenes are monoterpene derivatives composed of a benzene ring with iso-propyl and methyl substituents, and the proximity of the two alkyl groups enables relevant analysis into the ortho-effect of polysubstituted aromatics, in which low-temperature autoignition is more facile for ortho-substitution. The initial steps of ROO-related reactions from Cl-initiated oxidation of ortho-, meta- and para-cymene were studied at low pressure (8 Torr) over the temperature range 450-750 K using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS). Ratios of cyclic ether formation (related to chain-propagation and OH formation) relative to HO2-loss (related to chain-termination) were measured to characterize the ortho-effect as a function of temperature. The main results are twofold: Cyclic ether measurements indicate significant chain-propagation below 700 K only in o-cymene oxidation; above 700 K, chain-propagation of the three cymene isomers converge.The competition between chain-propagation channels stemming from resonance- and non-resonance-stabilized initial cymene radicals changes significantly with temperature, with chain-propagation near 700 K arising predominantly from non-resonance-stabilized R radicals. Cyclic ether yields in m- and p-cymene oxidation are negligible below 650 K, indicating minimal chain-propagation. In contrast, o-cymene exhibits significant cyclic ether formation, attributed to the favorable 6- and 7-membered-ring transition states in the formation of hydroperoxyalkyl (QOOH) intermediates from peroxy radicals (ROO). The cyclic ether/HO2-loss ratio in o-cymene oxidation is defined as unity at 450 K and decreases to ∼0.10 at 700 K. The ratio converges to ∼0.10 at 700 K for the three cymene isomers, indicating an upper limit of temperature for the ortho-effect. Photoionization spectra of cyclic ether formation from o-cymene oxidation indicate a competition between both resonance- and non-resonance-stabilized initial radicals at the lower range of temperature. With increasing temperature, cyclic ether formation shifts from pathways involving resonance-stabilized initial radicals towards pathways solely from non-resonance-stabilized initial radicals because of back-dissociation of weakly bound ROO adducts.

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Probing the low-temperature chain-branching mechanism of n-butane autoignition chemistry via time-resolved measurements of ketohydroperoxide formation in photolytically initiated n-C4H10 oxidation

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Eskola, A.J.; Welz, O.; Zador, Judit Z.; Antonov, Ivan O.; Sheps, L.; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Ketohydroperoxide formation in Cl-atom initiated low-temperature (550-700 K) oxidation of n-butane was investigated using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and either tunable synchrotron radiation or a H2 discharge for photoionization. Experiments were performed at 1-2 atm pressure using a new high-pressure reactor and also at ∼5 Torr pressure for comparison. Direct kinetic observations of ketohydroperoxide formation qualitatively agree with previous atmospheric pressure jet-stirred reactor studies of Battin-Leclerc et al. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49 (2010) 3169-3172) where the maximum ketohydroperoxide signal was observed near 600 K. Oxidation of partially deuterated n-butanes provided additional information on the QOOH radical intermediates that proceed to form ketohydroperoxides. The photoionization spectrum of the observed ketohydroperoxide is independent of pressure and is the same when using different deuterium substituted n-butanes, suggesting that one ketohydroperoxide isomer dominates in n-butane oxidation. We conclude that 4-hydroperoxy-2-butyl + O2 is the main reaction leading to ketohydroperoxide and 3-hydroperoxybutanal is the sole ketohydroperoxide that is observed.

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The physical chemistry of Criegee intermediates in the Gas Phase

International Reviews in Physical Chemistry

Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Carbonyl oxides, also known as Criegee intermediates, are key intermediates in both gas phase ozonolysis of unsaturated hydrocarbons in the troposphere and solution phase organic synthesis via ozonolysis. Although the study of Criegee intermediates in both arenas has a long history, direct studies in the gas phase have only recently become possible through new methods of generating stabilised Criegee intermediates in sufficient quantities. This advance has catalysed a large number of new experimental and theoretical investigations of Criegee intermediate chemistry. In this article we review the physical chemistry of Criegee intermediates, focusing on their molecular structure, spectroscopy, unimolecular and bimolecular reactions. These recent results have overturned conclusions from some previous studies, while confirming others, and have clarified areas of investigation that will be critical targets for future studies. In addition to expanding our fundamental understanding of Criegee intermediates, the rapidly expanding knowledge base will support increasingly predictive models of their impacts on society.

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Photoionization mass spectrometric measurements of initial reaction pathways in low-temperature oxidation of 2,5-dimethylhexane

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Rotavera, Brandon R.; Zador, Judit Z.; Welz, Oliver; Sheps, Leonid S.; Scheer, Adam M.; Savee, John D.; Akbar Ali, Mohamad; Lee, Taek S.; Simmons, Blake S.; Osborn, David L.; Violi, Angela; Taatjes, Craig A.

Product formation from R + O2 reactions relevant to low-temperature autoignition chemistry was studied for 2,5-dimethylhexane, a symmetrically branched octane isomer, at 550 and 650 K using Cl-atom initiated oxidation and multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry (MPIMS). Interpretation of time- and photon-energy-resolved mass spectra led to three specific results important to characterizing the initial oxidation steps: (1) quantified isomer-resolved branching ratios for HO2 + alkene channels; (2) 2,2,5,5-tetramethyltetrahydrofuran is formed in substantial yield from addition of O2 to tertiary 2,5-dimethylhex-2-yl followed by isomerization of the resulting ROO adduct to tertiary hydroperoxyalkyl (QOOH) and exhibits a positive dependence on temperature over the range covered leading to a higher flux relative to aggregate cyclic ether yield. The higher relative flux is explained by a 1,5-hydrogen atom shift reaction that converts the initial primary alkyl radical (2,5-dimethylhex-1-yl) to the tertiary alkyl radical 2,5-dimethylhex-2-yl, providing an additional source of tertiary alkyl radicals. Quantum-chemical and master-equation calculations of the unimolecular decomposition of the primary alkyl radical reveal that isomerization to the tertiary alkyl radical is the most favorable pathway, and is favored over O2-addition at 650 K under the conditions herein. The isomerization pathway to tertiary alkyl radicals therefore contributes an additional mechanism to 2,2,5,5-tetramethyltetrahydrofuran formation; (3) carbonyl species (acetone, propanal, and methylpropanal) consistent with β-scission of QOOH radicals were formed in significant yield, indicating unimolecular QOOH decomposition into carbonyl + alkene + OH. (Chemical Equation Pesented).

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Time-Resolved Quantitative Measurement of OH HO2 and CH2O in Fuel Oxidation Reactions by High Resolution IR Absorption Spectroscopy

Huang, Haifeng H.; Rotavera, Brandon R.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Combined with a Herriott-type multi-pass slow flow reactor, high-resolution differential direct absorption spectroscopy has been used to probe, in situ and quantitatively, hydroxyl (OH), hydroperoxy (HO 2 ) and formaldehyde (CH 2 O) molecules in fuel oxidation reactions in the reactor, with a time resolution of about 1 micro-second. While OH and CH 2 O are probed in the mid-infrared (MIR) region near 2870nm and 3574nm respectively, HO 2 can be probed in both regions: near-infrared (NIR) at 1509nm and MIR at 2870nm. Typical sensitivities are on the order of 10 10 - 10 11 molecule cm -3 for OH at 2870nm, 10 11 molecule cm -3 for HO 2 at 1509nm, and 10 11 molecule cm -3 for CH 2 O at 3574nm. Measurements of multiple important intermediates (OH and HO 2 ) and product (CH 2 O) facilitate to understand and further validate chemical mechanisms of fuel oxidation chemistry.

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Criegee intermediates in the indoor environment. New insights

Indoor Air

Taatjes, Craig A.

Criegee intermediates are formed in the ozonolysis of alkenes and play an important role in indoor chemistry, notably as a source of OH radicals. Recent studies have shown that these Criegee intermediates react very quickly with NO2, SO2, and carbonyls, and in this study, steady-state calculations are used to inspect the potential impact of these data on indoor chemistry. It is shown that these reactions could accelerate NO3 formation and SO2 removal in the indoor environment significantly. In addition, reaction between Criegee intermediates and halogenated carbonyls could provide a significant loss process indoors, where currently one does not exist.

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Tailoring next-generation biofuels and their combustion in next-generation engines

Taatjes, Craig A.; Gladden, John M.; Wu, Weihua W.; O'Bryan, Gregory O.; Powell, Amy J.; Scheer, Adam M.; Turner, Kevin T.; Yu, Eizadora T.

Increasing energy costs, the dependence on foreign oil supplies, and environmental concerns have emphasized the need to produce sustainable renewable fuels and chemicals. The strategy for producing next-generation biofuels must include efficient processes for biomass conversion to liquid fuels and the fuels must be compatible with current and future engines. Unfortunately, biofuel development generally takes place without any consideration of combustion characteristics, and combustion scientists typically measure biofuels properties without any feedback to the production design. We seek to optimize the fuel/engine system by bringing combustion performance, specifically for advanced next-generation engines, into the development of novel biosynthetic fuel pathways. Here we report an innovative coupling of combustion chemistry, from fundamentals to engine measurements, to the optimization of fuel production using metabolic engineering. We have established the necessary connections among the fundamental chemistry, engine science, and synthetic biology for fuel production, building a powerful framework for co-development of engines and biofuels.

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Facile rearrangement of 3-oxoalkyl radicals is evident in low-temperature gas-phase oxidation of ketones

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Scheer, Adam M.; Welz, Oliver W.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The pulsed photolytic chlorine-initiated oxidation of methyl-tert-butyl ketone (MTbuK), di-tert-butyl ketone (DTbuK), and a series of partially deuterated diethyl ketones (DEK) is studied in the gas phase at 8 Torr and 550-650 K. Products are monitored as a function of reaction time, mass, and photoionization energy using multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry with tunable synchrotron ionizing radiation. The results establish that the primary 3-oxoalkyl radicals of those ketones, formed by abstraction of a hydrogen atom from the carbon atom in γ-position relative to the carbonyl oxygen, undergo a rapid rearrangement resulting in an effective 1,2-acyl group migration, similar to that in a Dowd-Beckwith ring expansion. Without this rearrangement, peroxy radicals derived from MTbuK and DTbuK cannot undergo HO2 elimination to yield a closed-shell unsaturated hydrocarbon coproduct. However, not only are these coproducts observed, but they represent the dominant oxidation channels of these ketones under the conditions of this study. For MTbuK and DTbuK, the rearrangement yields a more stable tertiary radical, which provides the thermodynamic driving force for this reaction. Even in the absence of such a driving force in the oxidation of partially deuterated DEK, the 1,2-acyl group migration is observed. Quantum chemical (CBS-QB3) calculations show the barrier for gas-phase rearrangement to be on the order of 10 kcal mol-1. The MTbuK oxidation experiments also show several minor channels, including β-scission of the initial radicals and cyclic ether formation. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

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Note: Absolute photoionization cross-section of the vinyl radical

Journal of Chemical Physics

Savee, John D.; Lockyear, Jessica F.; Borkar, Sampada; Eskola, Arkke J.; Welz, Oliver W.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Osborn, David L.

This work measures the absolute photoionization cross-section of the vinyl radical (σvinyl(E)) between 8.1 and 11.0 eV. Two different methods were used to obtain absolute cross-section measurements: 193 nm photodissociation of methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and 248 nm photodissociation of vinyl iodide (VI). The values of the photoionization cross-section for the vinyl radical using MVK, σvinyl(10.224 eV) = (6.1 ± 1.4) Mb and σvinyl(10.424 eV) = (8.3 ± 1.9) Mb, and using VI, σvinyl(10.013 eV) = (4.7 ± 1.1) Mb, σ vinyl(10.513 eV) = (9.0 ± 2.1) Mb, and σ vinyl(10.813 eV) = (12.1 ± 2.9) Mb, define a photoionization cross-section that is ∼1.7 times smaller than a previous determination of this value. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.

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Product branching fractions of the CH + propene reaction from synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Trevitt, Adam J.; Prendergast, Matthew B.; Goulay, Fabien; Savee, John D.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Leone, Stephen R.

The CH(X2Π) + propene reaction is studied in the gas phase at 298 K and 4 Torr (533.3 Pa) using VUV synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry. The dominant product channel is the formation of C 4H6 (m/z 54) + H. By fitting experimental photoionization spectra to measured spectra of known C4H6 isomers, the following relative branching fractions are obtained: 1,3-butadiene (0.63 ± 0.13), 1,2-butadiene (0.25 ± 0.05), and 1-butyne (0.12 ± 0.03) with no detectable contribution from 2-butyne. The CD + propene reaction is also studied and two product channels are observed that correspond to C 4H6 (m/z 54) + D and C4H5D (m/z 55) + H, formed at a ratio of 0.4 (m/z 54) to 1.0 (m/z 55). The D elimination channel forms almost exclusively 1,2-butadiene (0.97 ± 0.20) whereas the H elimination channel leads to the formation of deuterated 1,3-butadiene (0.89 ± 0.18) and 1-butyne (0.11 ± 0.02); photoionization spectra of undeuterated species are used in the fitting of the measured m/z 55 (C 4H5D) spectrum. The results are generally consistent with a CH cycloaddition mechanism to the C-C bond of propene, forming 1-methylallyl followed by elimination of a H atom via several competing processes. The direct detection of 1,3-butadiene as a reaction product is an important validation of molecular weight growth schemes implicating the CH + propene reaction, for example, those reported recently for the formation of benzene in the interstellar medium (Jones, B. M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2011, 108, 452-457). © 2013 American Chemical Society.

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Directly measuring reaction kinetics of QOOH-a crucial but elusive intermediate in hydrocarbon autoignition

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Zador, Judit Z.; Huang, Haifeng H.; Welz, Oliver W.; Zetterberg, Johan; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Hydrocarbon autoignition has long been an area of intense fundamental chemical interest, and is a key technological process for emerging clean and efficient combustion strategies. Carbon-centered radicals containing an -OOH group, commonly denoted QOOH radicals, are produced by isomerization of the alkylperoxy radicals that are formed in the first stages of oxidation. These QOOH radicals are among the most critical species for modeling autoignition, as their reactions with O2 are responsible for chain branching below 1000 K. Despite their importance, no QOOH radicals have ever been observed by any means, and only computational and indirect experimental evidence has been available on their reactivity. Here, we directly produce a QOOH radical, 2-hydroperoxy-2-methylprop-1-yl, and experimentally determine rate coefficients for its unimolecular decomposition and its association reaction with O 2. The results are supported by high-level theoretical kinetics calculations. Our experimental strategy opens up a new avenue to study the chemistry of QOOH radicals in isolation. © 2013 the Owner Societies.

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Unconventional peroxy chemistry in alcohol oxidation: The water elimination pathway

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Welz, Oliver W.; Klippenstein, Stephen J.; Harding, Lawrence B.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Zador, Judit Z.

Predictive simulation for designing efficient engines requires detailed modeling of combustion chemistry, for which the possibility of unknown pathways is a continual concern. Here, we characterize a low-lying water elimination pathway from key hydroperoxyalkyl (QOOH) radicals derived from alcohols. The corresponding saddle-point structure involves the interaction of radical and zwitterionic electronic states. This interaction presents extreme difficulties for electronic structure characterizations, but we demonstrate that these properties of this saddle point can be well captured by M06-2X and CCSD(T) methods. Experimental evidence for the existence and relevance of this pathway is shown in recently reported data on the low-temperature oxidation of isopentanol and isobutanol. In these systems, water elimination is a major pathway, and is likely ubiquitous in low-temperature alcohol oxidation. These findings will substantially alter current alcohol oxidation mechanisms. Moreover, the methods described will be useful for the more general phenomenon of interacting radical and zwitterionic states. © 2013 American Chemical Society.

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Low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels: Pathways in the low-temperature (550-700 K) oxidation chemistry of isobutanol and tert-butanol

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Welz, Oliver W.; Savee, John D.; Eskola, Arkke J.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

Butanol isomers are promising next-generation biofuels. Their use in internal combustion applications, especially those relying on low-temperature autoignition, requires an understanding of their low-temperature combustion chemistry. Whereas the high-temperature oxidation chemistry of all four butanol isomers has been the subject of substantial experimental and theoretical efforts, their low-temperature oxidation chemistry remains underexplored. In this work we report an experimental study on the fundamental low-temperature oxidation chemistry of two butanol isomers, tert-butanol and isobutanol, in low-pressure (4-5.1 Torr) experiments at 550 and 700 K. We use pulsed-photolytic chlorine atom initiation to generate hydroxyalkyl radicals derived from tert-butanol and isobutanol, and probe the chemistry of these radicals in the presence of an excess of O2 by multiplexed time-resolved tunable synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry. Isomer-resolved yields of stable products are determined, providing insight into the chemistry of the different hydroxyalkyl radicals. In isobutanol oxidation, we find that the reaction of the a-hydroxyalkyl radical with O2 is predominantly linked to chain-terminating formation of HO2. The Waddington mechanism, associated with chain-propagating formation of OH, is the main product channel in the reactions of O2 with b-hydroxyalkyl radicals derived from both tert-butanol and isobutanol. In the tert-butanol case, direct HO2 elimination is not possible in the b-hydroxyalkyl + O2 reaction because of the absence of a beta C-H bond; this channel is available in the b-hydroxyalkyl + O2 reaction for isobutanol, but we find that it is strongly suppressed. Observed evolution of the main products from 550 to 700 K can be qualitatively explained by an increasing role of hydroxyalkyl radical decomposition at 700 K. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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New mechanistic insights to the O(3P) + propene reaction from multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Savee, John D.; Welz, Oliver W.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Osborn, David L.

The reaction of O(3P) with propene (C3H6) has been examined using tunable vacuum ultraviolet radiation and time-resolved multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry at 4 Torr and 298 K. The temporal and isomeric resolution of these experiments allow the separation of primary from secondary reaction products and determination of branching ratios of 1.00, 0.91 ± 0.30, and 0.05 ± 0.04 for the primary product channels CH3 + CH2CHO, C2H5 + HCO, and H2 + CH3CHCO, respectively. The H + CH3CHCHO product channel was not observable for technical reasons in these experiments, so literature values for the branching fraction of this channel were used to convert the measured product branching ratios to branching fractions. The results of the present study, in combination with past experimental and theoretical studies of O(3P) + C3H6, identify important pathways leading to products on the C3H6O potential energy surface (PES). The present results suggest that up to 40% of the total product yield may require intersystem crossing from the initial triplet C3H6O PES to the lower-lying singlet PES. © the Owner Societies.

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Synchrotron photoionization measurements of OH-initiated cyclohexene oxidation: Ring-preserving products in OH + cyclohexene and hydroxycyclohexyl + O 2 reactions

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Ray, Amelia W.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Welz, Oliver W.; Osborn, David L.; Meloni, Giovanni

Earlier synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry experiments suggested a prominent ring-opening channel in the OH-initiated oxidation of cyclohexene, based on comparison of product photoionization spectra with calculated spectra of possible isomers. The present work re-examines the OH + cyclohexene reaction, measuring the isomeric products of OH-initiated oxidation of partially and fully deuterated cyclohexene. In particular, the directly measured photoionization spectrum of 2-cyclohexen-1-ol differs substantially from the previously calculated Franck-Condon envelope, and the product spectrum can be fit with no contribution from ring-opening. Measurements of H 2O 2 photolysis in the presence of C 6D 10 establish that the addition-elimination product incorporates the hydrogen atom from the hydroxyl radical reactant and loses a hydrogen (a D atom in this case) from the ring. Investigation of OH + cyclohexene-4,4,5,5-d 4 confirms this result and allows mass discrimination of different abstraction pathways. Products of 2-hydroxycyclohexyl-d 10 reaction with O 2 are observed upon adding a large excess of O 2 to the OH + C 6D 10 system. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

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Absolute photoionization cross-section of the propargyl radical

Journal of Chemical Physics

Savee, John D.; Soorkia, Satchin; Welz, Oliver W.; Selby, Talitha M.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Osborn, David L.

Using synchrotron-generated vacuum-ultraviolet radiation and multiplexed time-resolved photoionization mass spectrometry we have measured the absolute photoionization cross-section for the propargyl (C 3H 3) radical, σ propargyl ion (E), relative to the known absolute cross-section of the methyl (CH 3) radical. We generated a stoichiometric 1:1 ratio of C 3H 3 : CH 3 from 193 nm photolysis of two different C 4H 6 isomers (1-butyne and 1,3-butadiene). Photolysis of 1-butyne yielded values of σ propargyl ion (10.213 eV)=(26.1±4.2) Mb and σ propargyl ion (10.413 eV)=(23.4±3.2) Mb, whereas photolysis of 1,3-butadiene yielded values of σ propargyl ion (10.213 eV)=(23.6±3.6) Mb and σ propargyl ion (10.413 eV)=(25.1±3.5) Mb. These measurements place our relative photoionization cross-section spectrum for propargyl on an absolute scale between 8.6 and 10.5 eV. The cross-section derived from our results is approximately a factor of three larger than previous determinations. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.

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Low-temperature combustion chemistry of biofuels: Pathways in the initial low-temperature (550 K-750 K) oxidation chemistry of isopentanol

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Welz, Oliver W.; Zador, Judit Z.; Savee, John D.; Ng, Martin Y.; Meloni, Giovanni; Fernandes, Ravi X.; Sheps, Leonid S.; Simmons, Blake S.; Lee, Taek S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The branched C 5 alcohol isopentanol (3-methylbutan-1-ol) has shown promise as a potential biofuel both because of new advanced biochemical routes for its production and because of its combustion characteristics, in particular as a fuel for homogeneous-charge compression ignition (HCCI) or related strategies. In the present work, the fundamental autoignition chemistry of isopentanol is investigated by using the technique of pulsed-photolytic Cl-initiated oxidation and by analyzing the reacting mixture by time-resolved tunable synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry in low-pressure (8 Torr) experiments in the 550-750 K temperature range. The mass-spectrometric experiments reveal a rich chemistry for the initial steps of isopentanol oxidation and give new insight into the low-temperature oxidation mechanism of medium-chain alcohols. Formation of isopentanal (3-methylbutanal) and unsaturated alcohols (including enols) associated with HO 2 production was observed. Cyclic ether channels are not observed, although such channels dominate OH formation in alkane oxidation. Rather, products are observed that correspond to formation of OH via β-C-C bond fission pathways of QOOH species derived from β- and γ-hydroxyisopentylperoxy (RO 2) radicals. In these pathways, internal hydrogen abstraction in the RO 2 QOOH isomerization reaction takes place from either the -OH group or the C-H bond in α-position to the -OH group. These pathways should be broadly characteristic for longer-chain alcohol oxidation. Isomer-resolved branching ratios are deduced, showing evolution of the main products from 550 to 750 K, which can be qualitatively explained by the dominance of RO 2 chemistry at lower temperature and hydroxyisopentyl decomposition at higher temperature. © 2012 The Owner Societies.

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Competing channels in the propene+OH reaction: Experiment and validated modeling over a broad temperature and pressure range

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie

Kappler, Claudia; Zador, Judit Z.; Welz, Oliver W.; Fernandes, Ravi X.; Olzmann, Matthias; Taatjes, Craig A.

Although the propene+OH reaction has been in the center of interest of numerous experimental and theoretical studies, rate coefficients have never been determined experimentally between ∼600 and ∼ 750 K, where the reaction is governed by the complex interaction of addition, back-dissociation and abstraction. In this work OH time-profiles are measured in two independent laboratories over a wide temperature region (200-950 K) and are analyzed incorporating recent theoretical results. The datasets are consistent both with each other and with the calculated rate coefficients. We present a simplified set of reactions validated over a broad temperature and pressure range, that can be used in smaller combustion models for propene+OH. In addition, the experimentally observed kinetic isotope effect for the abstraction is rationalized using ab initio calculations and variational transition-state theory. We recommend the following approximate description of the OH+C 3H6 reaction: C3H6+OH⇄C 3H6OH (R1a,R-1a) C3H6+OH→C 3H5+H2O (R1b) k1a(200K ≤ T ≤ 950 K;1 bar ≤ P) = 1.45×10-11 (T/K)-0.18e 460K/Tcm3 molecule-1s-1 k -1a(200 K ≤ T ≤ 950 K; 1 bar ≤ P) = 5.74×10 12e-12690K/Ts-1 k1b(200 K ≤ T ≤ 950 K) = 1.63×10-18 (T/K)2.36e -725K/T cm3 molecule-1s-1. © by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München.

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Branching fractions of the CN + C 3H 6 reaction using synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry: Evidence for the 3-cyanopropene product

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Trevitt, Adam J.; Soorkia, Satchin; Savee, John D.; Selby, Talitha S.; Osborn, David L.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Leone, Stephen R.

The gas-phase CN + propene reaction is investigated using synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry (SPIMS) over the 9.8 - 11.5 eV photon energy range. Experiments are conducted at room temperature in 4 Torr of He buffer gas. The CN + propene addition reaction produces two distinct product mass channels, C 3H 3N and C 4H 5N, corresponding to CH 3 and H elimination, respectively. The CH 3 and H elimination channels are measured to have branching fractions of 0.59 ± 0.15 and 0.41 ± 0.10, respectively. The absolute photoionization cross sections between 9.8 and 11.5 eV are measured for the three considered H-elimination coproducts: 1-, 2-, and 3-cyanopropene. Based on fits using the experimentally measured photoionization spectra for the C 4H 5N mass channel and contrary to the previous study (Int. J. Mass. Spectrom.2009, 280, 113 - 118), where it was concluded that 3-cyanopropene was not a significant product, the new data suggests 3-cyanopropene is produced in significant quantity along with 1-cyanopropene, with isomer branching fractions from this mass channel of 0.50 ± 0.12 and 0.50 ± 0.24, respectively. However, similarities between the 1-, 2-, and 3-cyanopropene photoionization spectra make an unequivocal assignment difficult based solely on photoionization spectra. The CN + CH 2CHCD 3 reaction is studied and shows, in addition to the H-elimination product signal, a D-elimination product channel (m/z 69, consistent with CH 2CHCD 2CN), providing further evidence for the formation of the 3-cyanopropene reaction product. © 2011 American Chemical Society.

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Analysis of advanced biofuels

Taatjes, Craig A.; Dec, John E.; Yang, Yi Y.; Welz, Oliver W.

Long chain alcohols possess major advantages over ethanol as bio-components for gasoline, including higher energy content, better engine compatibility, and less water solubility. Rapid developments in biofuel technology have made it possible to produce C{sub 4}-C{sub 5} alcohols efficiently. These higher alcohols could significantly expand the biofuel content and potentially replace ethanol in future gasoline mixtures. This study characterizes some fundamental properties of a C{sub 5} alcohol, isopentanol, as a fuel for homogeneous-charge compression-ignition (HCCI) engines. Wide ranges of engine speed, intake temperature, intake pressure, and equivalence ratio are investigated. The elementary autoignition reactions of isopentanol is investigated by analyzing product formation from laser-photolytic Cl-initiated isopentanol oxidation. Carbon-carbon bond-scission reactions in the low-temperature oxidation chemistry may provide an explanation for the intermediate-temperature heat release observed in the engine experiments. Overall, the results indicate that isopentanol has a good potential as a HCCI fuel, either in neat form or in blend with gasoline.

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Combustion chemistry and an evolving transportation fuel environment

Taatjes, Craig A.

The world currently faces tremendous energy challenges stemming from the need to curb potentially catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. In addition, many nations, including the United States, recognize increasing political and economic risks associated with dependence on uncertain and limited energy sources. For these and other reasons the chemical composition of transportation fuels is changing, both through introduction of nontraditional fossil sources, such as oil sands-derived fuels in the US stream, and through broader exploration of biofuels. At the same time the need for clean and efficient combustion is leading engine research towards advanced low-temperature combustion strategies that are increasingly sensitive to this changing fuel chemistry, particularly in the areas of pollutant formation and autoignition. I will highlight the new demands that advanced engine technologies and evolving fuel composition place on investigations of fundamental reaction chemistry. I will focus on recent progress in measuring product formation in elementary reactions by tunable synchrotron photoionization, on the elucidation of pressure-dependent effects in the reactions of alkyl and substituted alkyl radicals with O{sub 2}, and on new combined efforts in fundamental combustion chemistry and engine performance studies of novel potential biofuels.

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Advanced fuel chemistry for advanced engines

Taatjes, Craig A.; Miller, James A.; Fernandes, Ravi X.; Zador, Judit Z.; Jusinski, Leonard E.

Autoignition chemistry is central to predictive modeling of many advanced engine designs that combine high efficiency and low inherent pollutant emissions. This chemistry, and especially its pressure dependence, is poorly known for fuels derived from heavy petroleum and for biofuels, both of which are becoming increasingly prominent in the nation's fuel stream. We have investigated the pressure dependence of key ignition reactions for a series of molecules representative of non-traditional and alternative fuels. These investigations combined experimental characterization of hydroxyl radical production in well-controlled photolytically initiated oxidation and a hybrid modeling strategy that linked detailed quantum chemistry and computational kinetics of critical reactions with rate-equation models of the global chemical system. Comprehensive mechanisms for autoignition generally ignore the pressure dependence of branching fractions in the important alkyl + O{sub 2} reaction systems; however we have demonstrated that pressure-dependent 'formally direct' pathways persist at in-cylinder pressures.

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The reaction of hydroxyethyl radicals with O2: A theoretical analysis and experimental product study

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute

Zador, Judit Z.; Fernandes, Ravi X.; Georgievskii, Yuri; Meloni, Giovanni M.; Taatjes, Craig A.; Miller, James A.

Reactions of α-hydroxyethyl (CH3CHOH) and β-hydroxyethyl (CH2CH2OH) radicals with oxygen are of key importance in ethanol combustion. High-level ab initio calculations of the potential energy surfaces of these two reactions were coupled with master equation methods to compute rate coefficients and product branching ratios for temperatures of 250-1000 K. The α-hydroxyethyl + O2 reaction is controlled by the barrierless entrance channel and shows negligible pressure dependence; in contrast, the reaction of the β isomer displays pronounced pressure dependence. The high pressure limit rate coefficients of both reactions are about the same at the temperatures investigated. Products of the reactions were monitored experimentally at 4 Torr and 300-600 K using tunable synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry. Hydroxyethyl radicals were produced from the reaction of ethanol with chlorine atoms and the β isomer was also selectively produced by the addition reaction C2H4 + OH → CH2CH2OH. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol and H2O2 products were detected, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical predictions. © 2009 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Formally direct pathways and low-temperature chain branching in hydrocarbon autoignition : the cyclohexyl + O2 reaction at high pressure

Proposed for publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Taatjes, Craig A.; Miller, James A.; Jusinski, Leonard E.; Fernandes, Ravi X.; Zador, Judit Z.

The OH concentration in the Cl-initiated oxidation of cyclohexane has been measured between 6.5-20.3 bar and in the 586-828 K temperature range by a pulsed-laser photolytic initiation--laser-induced fluorescence method. The experimental OH profiles are modeled by using a master-equation-based kinetic model as well as a comprehensive literature mechanism. Below 700 K OH formation takes place on two distinct time-scales, one on the order of microseconds and the other over milliseconds. Detailed modeling demonstrates that formally direct chemical activation pathways are responsible for the OH formation on short timescales. These results establish that formally direct pathways are surprisingly important even for relatively large molecules at the pressures of practical combustors. It is also shown that remaining discrepancies between model and experiment are attributable to low-temperature chain branching from the addition of the second oxygen to hydroperoxycyclohexyl radicals.

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Combustion chemistry of the propanol isomers : investigated by electron ionization and VUV-photoionization molecular-beam mass spectrometry

Proposed for publication in Combustion and Flame.

Kasper, Tina K.; Taatjes, Craig A.

The combustion of 1-propanol and 2-propanol was studied in low-pressure, premixed flat flames using two independent molecular-beam mass spectrometry (MBMS) techniques. For each alcohol, a set of three flames with different stoichiometries was measured, providing an extensive data base with in total twelve conditions. Profiles of stable and intermediate species, including several radicals, were measured as a function of height above the burner. The major-species mole fraction profiles in the 1-propanol flames and the 2-propanol flames of corresponding stoichiometry are nearly identical, and only small quantitative variations in the intermediate species pool could be detected. Differences between flames of the isomeric fuels are most pronounced for oxygenated intermediates that can be formed directly from the fuel during the oxidation process. The analysis of the species pool in the set of flames was greatly facilitated by using two complementary MBMS techniques. One apparatus employs electron ionization (EI) and the other uses VUV light for single-photon ionization (VUV-PI). The photoionization technique offers a much higher energy resolution than electron ionization and as a consequence, near-threshold photoionization-efficiency measurements provide selective detection of individual isomers. The EI data are recorded with a higher mass resolution than the PI spectra, thus enabling separation of mass overlaps of species with similar ionization energies that may be difficult to distinguish in the photoionization data. The quantitative agreement between the EI- and PI-datasets is good. In addition, the information in the EI- and PI-datasets is complementary, aiding in the assessment of the quality of individual burner profiles. The species profiles are supplemented by flame temperature profiles. The considerable experimental efforts to unambiguously assign intermediate species and to provide reliable quantitative concentrations are thought to be valuable for improving the mechanisms for higher alcohol combustion.

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Temperature-dependent kinetics of the vinyl radical (C2H3) self-reaction

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A.

Taatjes, Craig A.; Zador, Judit Z.; Osborn, David L.; Selby, Talitha S.; Jusinski, Leonard E.

The rate coefficient for the self-reaction of vinyl radicals has been measured by two independent methods. The rate constant as a function of temperature at 20 Torr has been determined by a laser-photolysis/laser absorption technique. Vinyl iodide is photolyzed at 266 nm, and both the vinyl radical and the iodine atom photolysis products are monitored by laser absorption. The vinyl radical concentration is derived from the initial iodine atom concentration, which is determined by using the known absorption cross section of the iodine atomic transition to relate the observed absorption to concentration. The measured rate constant for the self-reaction at room temperature is approximately a factor of 2 lower than literature recommendations. The reaction displays a slightly negative temperature dependence, which can be represented by a negative activation energy, (E{sub a}/R) = -400 K. The laser absorption results are supported by independent experiments at 298 K and 4 Torr using time-resolved synchrotron-photoionization mass-spectrometric detection of the products of divinyl ketone and methyl vinyl ketone photolysis. The photoionization mass spectrometry experiments additionally show that methyl + propargyl are formed in the vinyl radical self-reaction, with an estimated branching fraction of 0.5 at 298 K and 4 Torr.

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Results 1–200 of 222
Results 1–200 of 222