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Hybridizing Classifiers and Collection Systems to Maximize Intelligence and Minimize Uncertainty in National Security Data Analytics Applications

Staid, Andrea S.; Valicka, Christopher G.

There are numerous applications that combine data collected from sensors with machine-learning based classification models to predict the type of event or objects observed. Both the collection of the data itself and the classification models can be tuned for optimal performance, but we hypothesize that additional gains can be realized by jointly assessing both factors together. Through this research, we used a seismic event dataset and two neural network classification models that issued probabilistic predictions on each event to determine whether it was an earthquake or a quarry blast. Real world applications will have constraints on data collection, perhaps in terms of a budget for the number of sensors or on where, when, or how data can be collected. We mimicked such constraints by creating subnetworks of sensors with both size and locational constraints. We compare different methods of determining the set of sensors in each subnetwork in terms of their predictive accuracy and the number of events that they observe overall. Additionally, we take the classifiers into account, treating them both as black-box models and testing out various ways of combining predictions among models and among the set of sensors that observe any given event. We find that comparable overall performance can be seen with less than half the number of sensors in the full network. Additionally, a voting scheme that uses the average confidence across the sensors for a given event shows improved predictive accuracy across nearly all subnetworks. Lastly, locational constraints matter, but sometimes in unintuitive ways, as better-performing sensors may be chosen instead of the ones excluded based on location. This being a short-term research effort, we offer a lengthy discussion on interesting next-steps and ties to other ongoing research efforts that we did not have time to pursue. These include a detailed analysis of the subnetwork performance broken down by event type, specific location, and model confidence. This project also included a Campus Executive research partnership with Texas A&M University. Through this, we worked with a professor and student to study information gain for UAV routing. This was an alternative way of looking at the similar problem space that includes sensor operation for data collection and the resulting benefit to be gained from it. This work is described in an Appendix.

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Footprint placement for mosaic imaging by sampling and optimization

Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS

Mitchell, Scott A.; Valicka, Christopher G.; Rowe, Stephen R.; Zou, Simon Z.

We consider the problem of selecting a small set (mosaic) of sensor images (footprints) whose union covers a two-dimensional Region Of Interest (ROI) on Earth. We take the approach of modeling the mosaic problem as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP). This allows solutions to this subproblem to feed into a larger remote-sensor collection-scheduling MILP. This enables the scheduler to dynamically consider alternative mosaics, without having to perform any new geometric computations. Our approach to set up the optimization problem uses maximal disk sampling and point-in-polygon geometric calculations. Footprints may be of any shape, even non-convex, and we show examples using a variety of shapes that may occur in practice. The general integer optimization problem can become computationally expensive for large problems. In practice, the number of placed footprints is within an order of magnitude of ten, making the time to solve to optimality on the order of minutes. This is fast enough to make the approach relevant for near real-time mission applications. We provide open source software for all our methods, "GeoPlace."

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Algorithms for a Satellite Constellation scheduling Problem

IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering

Sundar, Kaarthik; Qin, Jianglei; Rathinam, Sivakumar; Ntaimo, Lewis; Darbha, Swaroop; Valicka, Christopher G.

Remote sensing systems such as a constellation of satellites periodically observe regions on the surface of the earth to collect visual imagery and other sensory data that is both spatial and temporal. Efficiently scheduling sensing activities on a constellation of satellites is a natural problem that arises while managing these systems. Given a set of satellites, a set of sensing activities with their priorities and timing constraints, the objective of the problem is to assign activities to the satellites over a given time period such that at most one activity is assigned to a satellite at any time and the quality of information collected by the satellites is maximized. This problem is computationally challenging to solve and is NP-Hard. In this research, heuristics are first developed to find feasible solutions based on a greedy approach and by dividing the given time period into smaller blocks of time. To determine the quality of a feasible solution, an integer linear programming approach is also developed. Numerical results show that good feasible solutions can be obtained in the order of seconds on a standard computer for a constellation of up to eight satellites and thousand activities using the proposed algorithms.

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Review of Tracktable for Satellite Maneuver Detection

Acquesta, Erin A.; Valicka, Christopher G.; Hinga, Mark B.; Helinski, Carollan B.

As a tool developed to translate geospatial data into geometrical descriptors, Tracktable offers a highly efficient means to detect anomalous flight and maritime behavior. Following the success of using geometrical descriptors for detecting anomalous trajectory behavior, the question of whether Tracktable could be used to detect satellite maneuvers arose. In answering this question, this re- port will introduce a brief description of how Tracktable has been used in the past, along with an introduction to the fundamental properties of astrodynamics for satellite trajectories. This will then allow us to compare the two problem spaces, addressing how easily the methods used by Tracktable will translate to orbital mechanics. Based on these results, we will then be able to out- line the current limitations as well as possible path forward for using Tracktable to detect satellite maneuvers.

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Dynamic Multi-Sensor Multi-Mission Optimal Planning Tool

Valicka, Christopher G.; Rowe, Stephen R.; Zou, Simon Z.; Mitchell, Scott A.; Irelan, William R.; Pollard, Eric L.; Garcia, Deanna G.; Hackebeil, Gabriel A.; Staid, Andrea S.; Rintoul, Mark D.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Hart, William E.; Rathinam, Sivakumar R.; Ntaimo, Lewis N.

Remote sensing systems have firmly established a role in providing immense value to commercial industry, scientific exploration, and national security. Continued maturation of sensing technology has reduced the cost of deploying highly-capable sensors while at the same time increased reliance on the information these sensors can provide. The demand for time on these sensors is unlikely to diminish. Coordination of next-generation sensor systems, larger constellations of satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, ground telescopes, etc. is prohibitively complex for existing heuristics- based scheduling techniques. The project was a two-year collaboration spanning multiple Sandia centers and included a partnership with Texas A&M University. We have developed algorithms and software for collection scheduling, remote sensor field-of-view pointing models, and bandwidth- constrained prioritization of sensor data. Our approach followed best practices from the operations research and computational geometry communities. These models provide several advantages over state of the art techniques. In particular, our approach is more flexible compared to heuristics that tightly couple models and solution techniques. First, our mixed-integer linear models afford a rig- orous analysis so that sensor planners can quantitatively describe a schedule relative to the best possible. Optimal or near-optimal schedules can be produced with commercial solvers in opera- tional run-times. These models can be modified and extended to incorporate different scheduling and resource constraints and objective function definitions. Further, we have extended these mod- els to proactively schedule sensors under weather and ad hoc collection uncertainty. This approach stands in contrast to existing deterministic schedulers which assume a single future weather or ad hoc collection scenario. The field-of-view pointing algorithm produces a mosaic with the fewest number of images required to fully cover a region of interest. The bandwidth-constrained al- gorithms find the highest priority information that can be transmitted. All of these are based on mixed-integer linear programs so that, in the future, collection scheduling, field-of-view, and band- width prioritization can be combined into a single problem. Experiments conducted using the de- veloped models, commercial solvers, and benchmark datasets have demonstrated that proactively scheduling against uncertainty regularly and significantly outperforms deterministic schedulers. Acknowledgement We would like to acknowledge John T. Feddema, Brian N. Post, John H. Ganter, and Swaroop Darbha for providing critical project stewardship and fruitful remote sensing utilization discus- sions. A special thanks to Mohamed S. Ebeida for his contributions to the development of the Maximal Poisson Sampling technique. We would also like to thank Kaarthik Sundar and Jianglei Qin for their significant scheduling algorithm and model development contributions to the project. The authors would like to acknowledge the Sandia LDRD program for their support of this work. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Cor- poration, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

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PANTHER. Trajectory Analysis

Rintoul, Mark D.; Wilson, Andrew T.; Valicka, Christopher G.; Kegelmeyer, William P.; Shead, Timothy M.; Czuchlewski, Kristina R.; Newton, Benjamin D.

We want to organize a body of trajectories in order to identify, search for, classify and predict behavior among objects such as aircraft and ships. Existing compari- son functions such as the Fr'echet distance are computationally expensive and yield counterintuitive results in some cases. We propose an approach using feature vectors whose components represent succinctly the salient information in trajectories. These features incorporate basic information such as total distance traveled and distance be- tween start/stop points as well as geometric features related to the properties of the convex hull, trajectory curvature and general distance geometry. Additionally, these features can generally be mapped easily to behaviors of interest to humans that are searching large databases. Most of these geometric features are invariant under rigid transformation. We demonstrate the use of different subsets of these features to iden- tify trajectories similar to an exemplar, cluster a database of several hundred thousand trajectories, predict destination and apply unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

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26 Results
26 Results