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Melting and density of MgSiO3 determined by shock compression of bridgmanite to 1254GPa

Nature Communications

Fei, Yingwei; Seagle, Christopher T.; Townsend, Joshua P.; McCoy, C.A.; Boujibar, Asmaa; Driscoll, Peter; Shulenburger, Luke N.; Furnish, Michael D.

The essential data for interior and thermal evolution models of the Earth and super-Earths are the density and melting of mantle silicate under extreme conditions. Here, we report an unprecedently high melting temperature of MgSiO3 at 500 GPa by direct shockwave loading of pre-synthesized dense MgSiO3 (bridgmanite) using the Z Pulsed Power Facility. We also present the first high-precision density data of crystalline MgSiO3 to 422 GPa and 7200 K and of silicate melt to 1254 GPa. The experimental density measurements support our density functional theory based molecular dynamics calculations, providing benchmarks for theoretical calculations under extreme conditions. The excellent agreement between experiment and theory provides a reliable reference density profile for super-Earth mantles. Furthermore, the observed upper bound of melting temperature, 9430 K at 500 GPa, provides a critical constraint on the accretion energy required to melt the mantle and the prospect of driving a dynamo in massive rocky planets.

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Multi-megabar Dynamic Strength Measurements of Ta, Au, Pt, and Ir

Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials

Brown, Justin L.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Seagle, Christopher T.

Magnetic loading was used to shocklessly compress four different metals to extreme pressures. Velocimetry monitored the behavior of the material as it was loaded to a desired peak state and then decompressed back down to lower pressures. Two distinct analysis methods, including a wave profile analysis and a novel Bayesian calibration approach, were employed to estimate quantitative strength metrics associated with the loading reversal. Specifically, we report for the first time on strength estimates for tantalum, gold, platinum, and iridium under shockless compression at strain rates of ∼ 5 × 10 5/s in the pressure range of ∼ 100–400 GPa. The magnitude of the shear stresses supported by the different metals under these extreme conditions are surprisingly similar, representing a dramatic departure from ambient conditions.

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Equation of State Measurements on Iron Near the Melting Curve at Planetary Core Conditions by Shock and Ramp Compressions

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Grant, S.C.; Ao, Tommy A.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Porwitzky, Andrew J.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Dolan, Daniel H.; Lin, J.F.; Ditmire, T.; Bernstein, A.C.

The outer core of the Earth is composed primarily of liquid iron, and the inner core boundary is governed by the intersection of the melt line and the geotherm. While there are many studies on the thermodynamic equation of state for solid iron, the equation of state of liquid iron is relatively unexplored. We use dynamic compression to diagnose the high-pressure liquid equation of state of iron by utilizing the shock-ramp capability at Sandia National Laboratories’ Z-Machine. This technique enables measurements of material states off the Hugoniot by initially shocking samples and subsequently driving a further, shockless compression. Planetary studies benefit greatly from isentropic, off-Hugoniot experiments since they can cover pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions that are close to adiabatic profiles found in planetary interiors. We used this method to drive iron to P-T conditions similar to those of the Earth’s outer-inner core boundary, along an elevated-temperature isentrope in the liquid from 275 GPa to 400 GPa. We derive the equation of state using a hybrid backward integration – forward Lagrangian technique on particle velocity traces to determine the pressure-density history of the sample. Our results are in excellent agreement with SESAME 92141, a previously published equation of state table. With our data and previous experimental data on liquid iron we provide new information on the iron melting line and derive new parameters for a Vinet-based equation of state. The table and our parameterized equation of state are applied to provide an updated means of modeling the pressure, mass, and density of liquid iron cores in exoplanetary interiors.

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A spherical crystal diffraction imager for Sandia’s Z Pulsed Power Facility

Review of Scientific Instruments

Ao, Tommy A.; Schollmeier, Marius; Kalita, Patricia K.; Gard, Paul D.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Speas, Christopher S.; Seagle, Christopher T.

Sandia’s Z Pulsed Power Facility is able to dynamically compress matter to extreme states with exceptional uniformity, duration, and size, which are ideal for investigating fundamental material properties of high energy density conditions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a key atomic scale probe since it provides direct observation of the compression and strain of the crystal lattice and is used to detect, identify, and quantify phase transitions. Because of the destructive nature of Z-Dynamic Material Property (DMP) experiments and low signal vs background emission levels of XRD, it is very challenging to detect a diffraction signal close to the Z-DMP load and to recover the data. We have developed a new Spherical Crystal Diffraction Imager (SCDI) diagnostic to relay and image the diffracted x-ray pattern away from the load debris field. The SCDI diagnostic utilizes the Z-Beamlet laser to generate 6.2-keV Mn–Heα x rays to probe a shock-compressed material on the Z-DMP load. Finally, a spherically bent crystal composed of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite is used to collect and focus the diffracted x rays into a 1-in. thick tungsten housing, where an image plate is used to record the data.

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X-ray diffraction of dynamically compressed matter on Sandia?s Z Pulsed Power Facility

Ao, Tommy A.; Schollmeier, Marius; Kalita, Patricia K.; Gard, Paul D.; Williams, James R.; Blada, Caroline B.; Hanshaw, Heath L.; Smith, Ian C.; Shores, Jonathon S.; Speas, Christopher S.; Seagle, Christopher T.

Sandia's Z Pulsed Power Facility is able to dynamically compress matter to extreme states with exceptional uniformity, duration, and size, which are ideal for investigations of fundamental material properties of high energy density conditions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a key atomic scale probe since it provides direct observation of the compression and strain of the crystal lattice, and is used to detect, identify, and quantify phase transitions. Because of the destructive nature of Z-Dynamic Materials Properties (DMP) experiments and low signal vs background emission levels of XRD, it is very challenging to detect the XRD pattern close to the Z-DMP load and to recover the data. We developed a new Spherical Crystal Diffraction Imager (SCDI) diagnostic to relay and image the diffracted x-ray pattern away from the load debris field. The SCDI diagnostic utilizes the Z-Beamlet laser to generate 6.2-keV Mn-He c , x-rays to probe a shock-compressed sample on the Z-DMP load. A spherically bent crystal composed of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite is used to collect and focus the diffracted x-rays into a 1-inch thick tungsten housing, where an image plate is used to record the data. We performed experiments to implement the SCDI diagnostic on Z to measure the XRD pattern of shock compressed beryllium samples at pressures of 1.8-2.2 Mbar.

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X-Ray Diffraction Measurements on Laser-Compressed Polycrystalline Samples Using a Short-Pulse Laser Generated X-Ray Source

Schollmeier, Marius; Ao, Tommy A.; Field, Ella S.; Galloway, B.R.; Kalita, Patricia K.; Kimmel, Mark W.; Long, Joel L.; Morgan, Dane D.; Rambo, Patrick K.; Schwarz, Jens S.; Seagle, Christopher T.

Existing models for most materials do not describe phase transformations and associated lattice dy- namics (kinetics) under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Dynamic x-ray diffraction (DXRD) allows material investigations in situ on an atomic scale due to the correlation between solid-state structures and their associated diffraction patterns. In this LDRD project we have devel- oped a nanosecond laser-compression and picosecond-to-nanosecond x-ray diffraction platform for dynamically-compressed material studies. A new target chamber in the Target Bay in building 983 was commissioned for the ns, kJ Z-Beamlet laser (ZBL) and the 0.1 ns, 250 J Z-Petawatt (ZPW) laser systems, which were used to create 8-16 keV plasma x-ray sources from thin metal foils. The 5 ns, 15 J Chaco laser system was converted to a high-energy laser shock driver to load material samples to GPa stresses. Since laser-to-x-ray energy conversion efficiency above 10 keV is low, we employed polycapillary x-ray lenses for a 100-fold fluence increase compared to a conventional pinhole aperture while simultaneously reducing the background significantly. Polycapillary lenses enabled diffraction measurements up to 16 keV with ZBL as well as diffraction experiments with ZPW. This x-ray diffraction platform supports experiments that are complementary to gas guns and the Z facility due to different strain rates. Ultimately, there is now a foundation to evaluate DXRD techniques and detectors in-house before transferring the technology to Z. This page intentionally left blank.

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Shock-ramp compression of tin near the melt line

AIP Conference Proceedings

Seagle, Christopher T.; Porwitzky, Andrew J.

Tin has been shock compressed to ∼69 GPa on the Hugoniot using Sandia's Z Accelerator. A shockless compression wave closely followed the shock wave to ramp compress the shocked tin and probe a high temperature quasi-isentrope near the melt line. A new hybrid backwards integration - Lagrangian analysis routine was applied to the velocity waveforms to obtain the Lagrangian sound velocity of the tin as a function of particle velocity. Surprisingly, an elastic wave was observed on initial compression from the shock state. The presence of the elastic wave indicates tin possess a small but finite strength at this shock pressure, strongly indicating a (mostly) solid state. High fidelity shock Hugoniot measurements on tin sound velocities in this stress range may be required to refine the shock melting stress for pure tin.

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Enhanced dual confocal measurement system

Fusion Science and Technology

Tomlinson, K.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Huang, H.; Smith, G.E.; Taylor, J.L.; Paguio, R.R.

A measurement instrument utilizing dual, chromatic, confocal, distance sensors has been jointly developed by General Atomics and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) for thickness and flatness measurement of target components used in dynamic materials properties (DMP) experiments on the SNL Z-Machine (Z). Compared to previous methods used in production of these types of targets, the tool saves time and yields a 4× reduction in thickness uncertainty which is one of the largest sources of error in equation of state measurements critical to supporting the National Nuclear Security Administration Stockpile Stewardship program and computer modeling of high energy density experiments. It has numerous differences from earlier instruments operating on the dual confocal sensor principle to accommodate DMP components including larger lateral travel, longer working distance, ability to measure flatness in addition to thickness, built-in thickness calibration standards for quickly checking calibration before and after each measurement, and streamlined operation. Thickness and flatness of 0.2- to 3.3-mm-thick sections of diamond-machined copper and aluminum can be measured to submicron accuracy. Sections up to 6 mm thick can be measured with as-yet undetermined accuracy. Samples must have one surface which is flat to within 300 µm, lateral dimensions of no more than 50 ×50 mm, and height less than 40 mm.

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Development of Dynamic Ellipsometry for Measurements or Iron Conductivity at Earth's Core Conditions

Grant, Sean C.; Ao, Tommy A.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Dolan, Daniel H.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Lin, Jung-Fu L.; Bernstein, Aaron B.

The CHEDS researchers are engaged in a collaborative research project to study the properties of iron and iron alloys under Earth’s core conditions. The Earth’s core, inner and outer, is composed primarily of iron, thus studying iron and iron alloys at high pressure and temperature conditions will give the best estimate of its properties. Also, comparing studies of iron alloys with known properties of the core can constrain the potential light element compositions found within the core, such as fitting sound speeds and densities of iron alloys to established inner- Earth models. One of the lesser established properties of the core is the thermal conductivity, where current estimates vary by a factor of three. Therefore, one of the primary goals of this collaboration is to make relevant measurements to elucidate this conductivity.

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Zero to 1,600 m/s in 40 microns: Sensitive pulse shaping for materials characterization on Z

Procedia Engineering

Porwitzky, Andrew J.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Jensen, Brian J.

Dynamic materials properties experiments on Sandia National Laboratories Z Machine require increasingly precise electrical current pulse shaping. In the experiment described here, a copper flyer plate is accelerated from rest to 1,600 m/s over a 40 micron flight gap in 50 ns. This flyer then impacts a cerium sample, shock melting the cerium, before subsequent quasi-isentropic ramping to mega-bar pressures. Through predictive simulations, postdicted analysis, and a new computational tool for characterizing inherent Z Machine timing accuracy, qualitative estimates of pulse controllability and experimental design robustness are arrived upon.

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Mechanical response of lithium fluoride under off-principal dynamic shock-ramp loading

Journal of Applied Physics

Seagle, Christopher T.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Knudson, Marcus D.

Single crystal lithium fluoride (LiF), oriented [100], was shock loaded and subsequently shocklessly compressed in two experiments at the Z Machine. Velocimetry measurements were employed to obtain an impactor velocity, shock transit times, and in-situ particle velocities for LiF samples up to ∼1.8 mm thick. A dual thickness Lagrangian analysis was performed on the in-situ velocimetry data to obtain the mechanical response along the loading path of these experiments. An elastic response was observed on one experiment during initial shockless compression from 100 GPa before yielding. The relatively large thickness differences utilized for the dual sample analyses (up to ∼1.8 mm) combined with a relative timing accuracy of ∼0.2 ns resulted in an uncertainty of less than 1% on density and stress at ∼200 GPa peak loading on one experiment and <4% on peak loading at ∼330 GPa for another. The stress-density analyses from these experiments compare favorably with recent equation of state models for LiF.

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High precision Hugoniot measurements on statically pre-compressed fluid helium

Journal of Applied Physics

Seagle, Christopher T.; Reinhart, William D.; Lopez, A.; Hickman, Randy J.; Thornhill, Tom F.

The capability for statically pre-compressing fluid targets for Hugoniot measurements utilizing gas gun driven flyer plates has been developed. Pre-compression expands the capability for initial condition control, allowing access to thermodynamic states off the principal Hugoniot. Absolute Hugoniot measurements with an uncertainty less than 3% on density and pressure were obtained on statically pre-compressed fluid helium utilizing a two stage light gas gun. Helium is highly compressible; the locus of shock states resulting from dynamic loading of an initially compressed sample at room temperature is significantly denser than the cryogenic fluid Hugoniot even for relatively modest (0.27-0.38 GPa) initial pressures. The dynamic response of pre-compressed helium in the initial density range of 0.21-0.25 g/cm3 at ambient temperature may be described by a linear shock velocity (us) and particle velocity (up) relationship: us = C0 + sup, with C0 = 1.44 ± 0.14 km/s and s = 1.344 ± 0.025.

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Optimization of Isentropic Compression Loads on Current-Adder Pulsed Power Accelerator Architectures

Reisman, David R.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.; Stygar, William A.; Cuneo, M.E.; Haill, Thomas H.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Brown, Justin L.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Spielman, Rick S.

The Thor pulsed power generator is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories . The design consists of up to 288 decoupled an d transit time isolated ca pacitor - switch units , called "bricks" , that can be individually triggered to achieve a high degree of p ulse tailoring for magnetically - driven isentropic compression experiments (ICE). The connecting transmission lines are impedance matched to the bricks, a llowing the capacitor energy to be efficiently delivered to an ICE strip - line load with pe ak pressures of over 100 GPa . Thor will drive experiments to expl ore equation of state, material strength, and phase transition properties of a wide variety of materi als. We present an optimization process for producing tailored current pulses, a requirement for many material studies, on the Thor generator . This technique, which is unique to the novel "current - adder" architecture used by Thor, entirely avoids the itera tive use of complex circuit models to converge to the desired electrical pulse . We describe the optimization procedure for the Thor design and show results for various materials of interest. Also, we discuss the extension of these concepts to the megajoule - class Neptune machine design. Given this design, we are able to design shockless ramp - driven experiments in the 1 TPa range of material pressure.

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Pulsed power accelerator for material physics experiments

Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams

Reisman, David R.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.; Stygar, William A.; Austin, Kevin N.; Waisman, Eduardo M.; Hickman, Randy J.; Davis, Jean-Paul D.; Haill, Thomas A.; Knudson, Marcus D.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Brown, Justin L.; Goerz, D.A.; Spielman, R.B.; Goldlust, J.A.; Cravey, W.R.

We have developed the design of Thor: a pulsed power accelerator that delivers a precisely shaped current pulse with a peak value as high as 7 MA to a strip-line load. The peak magnetic pressure achieved within a 1-cm-wide load is as high as 100 GPa. Thor is powered by as many as 288 decoupled and transit-time isolated bricks. Each brick consists of a single switch and two capacitors connected electrically in series. The bricks can be individually triggered to achieve a high degree of current pulse tailoring. Because the accelerator is impedance matched throughout, capacitor energy is delivered to the strip-line load with an efficiency as high as 50%. We used an iterative finite element method (FEM), circuit, and magnetohydrodynamic simulations to develop an optimized accelerator design. When powered by 96 bricks, Thor delivers as much as 4.1 MA to a load, and achieves peak magnetic pressures as high as 65 GPa. When powered by 288 bricks, Thor delivers as much as 6.9 MA to a load, and achieves magnetic pressures as high as 170 GPa. We have developed an algebraic calculational procedure that uses the single brick basis function to determine the brick-triggering sequence necessary to generate a highly tailored current pulse time history for shockless loading of samples. Thor will drive a wide variety of magnetically driven shockless ramp compression, shockless flyer plate, shock-ramp, equation of state, material strength, phase transition, and other advanced material physics experiments.

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Single Stage Light Gas Gun Control System

Barnes, Paul M.; Reinhart, William D.; Seagle, Christopher T.

The intermediate light gas gun at the STAR facility is used for shock wave physics testing with projectile speeds between 25 m/s and 1000 m/s. In order to operate the gun, there are several remote valves, pumps, and sensors that must be operated from the control room. In an effort to improve the engineered safety and efficiency of the gun's operation, a new gas plumbing and controls system must be implemented to simplify operator interaction with high pressure and lower the chance of human error. A new plumbing system has been designed which will allow the bottle farm system, where high pressure gas is stored, to be remotely operated during gun pressurization in addition to a new control system. This new system utilizes LabVIEW, which will communicate directly with a data acquisition and control device located in the gun bay to easily operate the gun pressurization and firing.

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Dynamic temperature measurements with embedded optical sensors

Dolan, Daniel H.; Seagle, Christopher T.; Ao, Tommy A.

This report summarizes LDRD project number 151365, \Dynamic Temperature Measurements with Embedded Optical Sensors". The purpose of this project was to develop an optical sensor capable of detecting modest temperature states (<1000 K) with nanosecond time resolution, a recurring diagnostic need in dynamic compression experiments at the Sandia Z machine. Gold sensors were selected because the visible re ectance spectrum of gold varies strongly with temperature. A variety of static and dynamic measurements were performed to assess re ectance changes at di erent temperatures and pressures. Using a minimal optical model for gold, a plausible connection between static calibrations and dynamic measurements was found. With re nements to the model and diagnostic upgrades, embedded gold sensors seem capable of detecting minor (<50 K) temperature changes under dynamic compression.

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71 Results
71 Results