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Power and energy of exploding wires

AIP Conference Proceedings

Valancius, Cole J.; Garasi, Christopher J.; O'Malley, Patrick D.

Exploding wires are used in many high-energy applications, such as initiating explosives. Previous work analyzing gold wire burst in detonator applications has shown burst current and action metrics to be inconsistent with burst phenomenon across multiple firing-sets. Energy density better captures the correlation between different wire geometries, different electrical inputs, and explosive initiation. This idea has been expanded upon, to analyze the burst properties in power-energy space. Further inconsistencies in the understanding of wire burst and its relation to peak voltage have been found. An argument will be made for redefining the definition of burst. The result is a more broad understanding of rapid metal phase transition and the initiation of explosives in EBW applications.

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Understanding the Electrical Interplay Between a Firing Set and Exploding Metal

O'Malley, Patrick D.; Garasi, Christopher J.

There is a significant body of work going back centuries that describes in detail the workings of metals that are rapidly transitioned from a solid to a vapor and beyond. These are known as exploding metals and have a variety of applications. A common way to cause metals to explode is through the use of a capacitive discharge circuit (CDC). In the past, methods have been used to simplify the complex, non-linear interaction between the CDC and the metal but in the process some important physics has been lost. This report provides insight into the complex interplay of the metal and the various elements of the CDC. In explaining the basic phenomena in greater detail than has been done before, other interesting cases such as "dwell" are understood in a new light. The net result is a detailed look at the mechanisms which shape the current pulses that scientists and engineers have observed for many decades.

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ALEGRA Update: Modernization and Resilience Progress

Robinson, Allen C.; Petney, Sharon P.; Drake, Richard R.; Weirs, Vincent G.; Adams, Brian M.; Vigil, Dena V.; Carpenter, John H.; Garasi, Christopher J.; Wong, Michael K.; Robbins, Joshua R.; Siefert, Christopher S.; Strack, Otto E.; Wills, Ann E.; Trucano, Timothy G.; Bochev, Pavel B.; Summers, Randall M.; Stewart, James R.; Ober, Curtis C.; Rider, William J.; Haill, Thomas A.; Lemke, Raymond W.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Love, Edward L.; Voth, Thomas E.; Mosso, Stewart J.; Niederhaus, John H.

Abstract not provided.

A smoothed two-and three-dimensional interface reconstruction method

Computing and Visualization in Science

Mosso, Stewart; Garasi, Christopher J.; Drake, Richard R.

The Patterned Interface Reconstruction algorithm reduces the discontinuity between material interfaces in neighboring computational elements. This smoothing improves the accuracy of the reconstruction for smooth bodies. The method can be used in two- and three-dimensional Cartesian and unstructured meshes. Planar interfaces will be returned for planar volume fraction distributions. The algorithm is second-order accurate for smooth volume fraction distributions. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.

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The Xygra gun simulation tool

Garasi, Christopher J.; Robinson, Allen C.; Russo, Thomas V.; Lamppa, Derek C.

Inductive electromagnetic launchers, or coilguns, use discrete solenoidal coils to accelerate a coaxial conductive armature. To date, Sandia has been using an internally developed code, SLINGSHOT, as a point-mass lumped circuit element simulation tool for modeling coilgun behavior for design and verification purposes. This code has shortcomings in terms of accurately modeling gun performance under stressful electromagnetic propulsion environments. To correct for these limitations, it was decided to attempt to closely couple two Sandia simulation codes, Xyce and ALEGRA, to develop a more rigorous simulation capability for demanding launch applications. This report summarizes the modifications made to each respective code and the path forward to completing interfacing between them.

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Results 1–25 of 52
Results 1–25 of 52