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Inductive coupling for increased bandwidth of aluminum nitride contour-mode microresonator filters

IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest

Nordquist, Christopher N.; Henry, M.D.; Nguyen, Janet H.; Clews, Peggy; Lepkowski, Stefan M.; Grine, Alejandro J.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Olsson, Roy H.

Inductive coupling and matching networks are used to increase the bandwidth of filters realized with aluminum nitride contour-mode resonators. Filter bandwidth has been doubled using a wirebonded combination of a wafer-level-packaged resonator chip and a high-Q integrated inductor chip. The three-pole filters have a center frequency near 500 MHz, an area of 9 mm × 9 mm, insertion loss of < 5 dB for a bandwidth of 0.4%, and a resonator unloaded Q of 1600.

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Carbon Composite Microelectromechanical Systems (CMEMS)

Dyck, Christopher D.; Washburn, Cody M.; Rector, Michael N.; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Pfeifer, Kent B.; Beechem, Thomas E.; Blecke, Jill B.; Satches, Michael R.; Massey, Lee T.; Dyck, Christopher D.

Pyrolyzed carbon as a mechanical material is promising for applications in harsh environments. In this work, we characterized the material and developed novel processes for fabricating carbon composite micro-electromechanical systems (CMEMS) structures. A novel method of increasing Young's modulus and the conductivity of pyrolyzed AZ 4330 was demonstrated by loading the films with graphene oxide prior to pyrolysis. By incorporating 2 wt.% graphene stiffeners into the film, a 65% increase in Young's modulus and 11% increase in conductivity were achieved. By reactive ion etching pyrolyzed blanket AZ 50XT thick film photoresist, a high aspect ratio process was demonstrated with films >7.5um thick. Two novel multi-level, volume-scalable CMEMS processes were developed on 6" diameter wafers. Young's modulus of 23 GPa was extracted from nanoindentation measurements of pyrolyzed AZ 50XT films. The temperature-dependent resistance was characterized from room temperature to 500C and found to be nearly linear over this range. By fitting the results of self-heated bridges in an inert ambient, we calculated that the bridges survived to 1000C without failure. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results showed the film to be largely amorphous, containing some sub-micrometer sized graphite crystallites. This was consistent with our Raman analysis, which also showed the film to be largely sp 2 bonded. The calculated average density of pyrolyzed AZ 4330 films was 1.32 g/cm 2 . Thin level of disorder and the conductivity of thin film resistors were found to unchanged by 2Mrad gamma irradiation from a Co 60 source. Thin film pyrolyzed carbon resistors were hermetically sealed in a nitrogen ambient in 24-pin dual in-line packages (DIP's). The resistance was measured periodically and remained constant over 6 months' time.

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Ku-band six-bit RF MEMS time delay network

2008 IEEE CSIC Symposium: GaAs ICs Celebrate 30 Years in Monterey, Technical Digest 2008

Nordquist, Christopher N.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Kraus, Garth K.; Sullivan, Charles T.; Austin IV, Franklin; Finnegan, Patrick S.; Ballance, Mark H.

A six-bit time delay circuit operating from DC to 18 GHz is reported. Capacitively loaded transmission lines are used to reduce the physical length of the delay elements and shrink the die size. Additionally, selection of the reference line lengths to avoid resonances allows the replacement of series-shunt switching elements with only series elements. With through-wafer transitions and a packaging seal ring, the 7 mm x 10 mm circuit demonstrates <2.8 dB of loss and 60 ps of delay with good delay flatness and accuracy through 18 GHz. © 2008 IEEE.

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A soft-landing waveform for actuation of a single-pole single-throw ohmic RF MEMS switch

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Czaplewski, David A.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Sumali, Hartono S.; Massad, Jordan M.; Kuppers, Jaron D.; Reines, Isak C.; Cowan, William D.; Tigges, Chris P.

A soft-landing actuation waveform was designed to reduce the bounce of a single-pole single-throw (SPST) ohmic radio frequency (RF) microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) switch during actuation. The waveform consisted of an actuation voltage pulse, a coast time, and a hold voltage. The actuation voltage pulse had a short duration relative to the transition time of the switch and imparted the kinetic energy necessary to close the switch. After the actuation pulse was stopped, damping and restoring forces slowed the switch to near-zero velocity as it approached the closed position. This is referred to as the coast time. The hold voltage was applied upon reaching closure to keep the switch from opening. An ideal waveform would close the switch with near zero impact velocity. The switch dynamics resulting from an ideal waveform were modeled using finite element methods and measured using laser Doppler vibrometry. The ideal waveform closed the switch with an impact velocity of less than 3 cm/s without rebound. Variations in the soft-landing waveform closed the switch with impact velocities of 12.5 cm/s with rebound amplitudes ranging from 75 to 150 nm compared to impact velocities of 22.5 cm/s and rebound amplitudes of 150 to 200 nm for a step waveform. The ideal waveform closed the switch faster than a simple step voltage actuation because there was no rebound and it reduced the impact force imparted on the contacting surfaces upon closure. © 2006 IEEE.

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Investigating the impact of carbon contamination on RF MEMS reliability

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest)

Carton, Andrew J.; Christodoulou, C.G.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Nordquist, Christopher N.

Radio Frequency Microelectromechanical Systems (RF MEMS) are advantageous for reconfigurable antennas providing the potential for steering, frequency agility, and tunable directivity. Until RF MEMS switches can consistently reach cycles into the billions (if not trillions), limited reliability outweighs the promised benefits, preventing the deployment of RF MEMS into systems. Understanding failure mechanisms is essential to improving reliability. This paper describes preliminary reliability results and tests conducted in a vacuum chamber to investigate and understand the impact of contamination related failure mechanisms. © 2006 IEEE.

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Novel in situ mechanical testers to enable integrated metal surface micro-machines

Hearne, Sean J.; De Boer, Maarten P.; Foiles, Stephen M.; Kotula, Paul G.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Buchheit, Thomas E.

The ability to integrate metal and semiconductor micro-systems to perform highly complex functions, such as RF-MEMS, will depend on developing freestanding metal structures that offer improved conductivity, reflectivity, and mechanical properties. Three issues have prevented the proliferation of these systems: (1) warpage of active components due to through-thickness stress gradients, (2) limited component lifetimes due to fatigue, and (3) low yield strength. To address these issues, we focus on developing and implementing techniques to enable the direct study of the stress and microstructural evolution during electrodeposition and mechanical loading. The study of stress during electrodeposition of metal thin films is being accomplished by integrating a multi-beam optical stress sensor into an electrodeposition chamber. By coupling the in-situ stress information with ex-situ microstructural analysis, a scientific understanding of the sources of stress during electrodeposition will be obtained. These results are providing a foundation upon which to develop a stress-gradient-free thin film directly applicable to the production of freestanding metal structures. The issues of fatigue and yield strength are being addressed by developing novel surface micromachined tensile and bend testers, by interferometry, and by TEM analysis. The MEMS tensile tester has a ''Bosch'' etched hole to allow for direct viewing of the microstructure in a TEM before, during, and after loading. This approach allows for the quantitative measurements of stress-strain relations while imaging dislocation motion, and determination of fracture nucleation in samples with well-known fatigue/strain histories. This technique facilitates the determination of the limits for classical deformation mechanisms and helps to formulate a new understanding of the mechanical response as the grain sizes are refined to a nanometer scale. Together, these studies will result in a science-based infrastructure to enhance the production of integrated metal--semiconductor systems and will directly impact RF MEMS and LIGA technologies at Sandia.

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Modeling, simulation, and testing of the mechanical dynamics of and RF MEMS switch

Sumali, Hartono S.; Epp, David E.; Dyck, Christopher D.

Mechanical dynamics can be a determining factor for the switching speed of radio-frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMS) switches. This paper presents the simulation of the mechanical motion of a microswitch under actuation. The switch has a plate suspended by springs. When an electrostatic actuation is applied, the plate moves toward the substrate and closes the switch. Simulations are calculated via a high-fidelity finite element model that couples solid dynamics with electrostatic actuation. It incorporates non-linear coupled dynamics and accommodates fabrication variations. Experimental modal analysis gives results in the frequency domain that verifies the natural frequencies and mode shapes predicted by the model. An effective 1D model is created and used to calculate an actuation voltage waveform that minimizes switch velocity at closure. In the experiment, the switch is actuated with this actuation voltage, and the displacements of the switch at various points are measured using a laser Doppler velocimeter through a microscope. The experiments are repeated on several switches from different batches. The experimental results verify the model.

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Si-based RF MEMS components

Dyck, Christopher D.; Stewart, Harold D.; Fleming, J.G.; Stevens, James E.; Nordquist, Christopher N.

Radio frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMS) are an enabling technology for next-generation communications and radar systems in both military and commercial sectors. RF MEMS-based reconfigurable circuits outperform solid-state circuits in terms of insertion loss, linearity, and static power consumption and are advantageous in applications where high signal power and nanosecond switching speeds are not required. We have demonstrated a number of RF MEMS switches on high-resistivity silicon (high-R Si) that were fabricated by leveraging the volume manufacturing processes available in the Microelectronics Development Laboratory (MDL), a Class-1, radiation-hardened CMOS manufacturing facility. We describe novel tungsten and aluminum-based processes, and present results of switches developed in each of these processes. Series and shunt ohmic switches and shunt capacitive switches were successfully demonstrated. The implications of fabricating on high-R Si and suggested future directions for developing low-loss RF MEMS-based circuits are also discussed.

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Nano-electromechanical oscillators (NEMOs) for RF technologies

Friedmann, Thomas A.; Boyce, Brad B.; Czaplewski, David A.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Webster, James R.; Carton, Andrew J.; Carr, Dustin W.; Keeler, Bianca E.; Wendt, J.R.; Tallant, David T.

Nano-electromechanical oscillators (NEMOs), capacitively-coupled radio frequency (RF) MEMS switches incorporating dissipative dielectrics, new processing technologies for tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films, and scientific understanding of dissipation mechanisms in small mechanical structures were developed in this project. NEMOs are defined as mechanical oscillators with critical dimensions of 50 nm or less and resonance frequencies approaching 1 GHz. Target applications for these devices include simple, inexpensive clocks in electrical circuits, passive RF electrical filters, or platforms for sensor arrays. Ta-C NEMO arrays were used to demonstrate a novel optomechanical structure that shows remarkable sensitivity to small displacements (better than 160 fm/Hz {sup 1/2}) and suitability as an extremely sensitive accelerometer. The RF MEMS capacitively-coupled switches used ta-C as a dissipative dielectric. The devices showed a unipolar switching response to a unipolar stimulus, indicating the absence of significant dielectric charging, which has historically been the major reliability issue with these switches. This technology is promising for the development of reliable, low-power RF switches. An excimer laser annealing process was developed that permits full in-plane stress relaxation in ta-C films in air under ambient conditions, permitting the application of stress-reduced ta-C films in areas where low thermal budget is required, e.g. MEMS integration with pre-existing CMOS electronics. Studies of mechanical dissipation in micro- and nano-scale ta-C mechanical oscillators at room temperature revealed that mechanical losses are limited by dissipation associated with mechanical relaxation in a broad spectrum of defects with activation energies for mechanical relaxation ranging from 0.35 eV to over 0.55 eV. This work has established a foundation for the creation of devices based on nanomechanical structures, and outstanding critical research areas that need to be addressed for the successful application of these technologies have been identified.

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Results 1–25 of 36
Results 1–25 of 36