Spectroscopic Measurements of Recent Aluminum Wire Array Z-Pinch Implosions on the Z-Accelerator
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AIP Conference Proceedings
The study of implosion dynamics and spectroscopy of X-pinches and wire arrays with Al wires alloyed or coated with other near-Z or higher-Z materials is discussed. In particular, X-pinches from two combined Al 5056 and Mo wires and composed from four identical Al 5056 (5%Mg) wires and Cu clad Al (90% Al and 10%Cu) are studied. In addition, wire arrays with Alumel wires (95% Ni and 5% Al) and with Al 5056 wires (uncoated) and coated with 5% NaF are investigated. Spatially-resolved and integrated x-ray spectral data and time integrated and time-gated pinhole x-ray images accumulated in these X-pinch and wire array experiments on the UNR 1MA Zebra generator are analyzed. Modeling of K-shell radiation from Mg provides K-shell plasma parameters for all Al 5056 wire experiments, whereas modeling of L-shell radiation from Ni, Cu, and Mo provide parameters for L-shell plasmas. The importance of using different materials or dopants for understanding of implosion dynamics of different wire materials is illustrated. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
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Controlled seeding of perturbations is employed to study the evolution of wire array z-pinch implosion instabilities which strongly impact x-ray production when the 3D plasma stagnates on axis. Wires modulated in radius exhibit locally enhanced magnetic field and imploding bubble formation at discontinuities in wire radius due to the perturbed current path. Wires coated with localized spectroscopic dopants are used to track turbulent material flow. Experiments and MHD modeling offer insight into the behavior of z-pinch instabilities.
Experiments to study the implosion dynamics and radiation characteristics of copper z-pinches have been fielded at the 1 MA Zebra facility and the 20 MA Z facility. The impact of initial load mass, initial load diameter, and nesting of wire arrays on the precursor and the stagnated plasma has been evaluated through spectroscopy, shadowgraphy, and fluence measurements. Plasma parameters extracted from modeling of the time-integrated L-shell spectra indicate the presence of more than one plasma source contributing to the radiation, likely due to non-uniform hot spot x-ray emission or temporal gradients.
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Three-dimensional hybrid simulation of a plasma current-carrying column reveal two different regimes of sausage and kink instability development. In the first regime, with small Hall parameter, development of instabilities leads to the appearance of large-scale axial perturbations and eventually to bending of the plasma column. In the second regime, with a four-times-larger Hall parameter, small-scale perturbations dominate and no bending of the plasma column is observed. Simulation results are compared with laser probing experimental data obtained during wire array implosions on the Zebra pulse power generator at the Nevada Terawatt Facility.
The conclusions of this report are: (1) 1D and 2D RMHD simulations indicate feasibility of producing high thermonuclear neutron yields in deuterium and DT gas-puff Z-pinches -- (a) Z 1.7 x 10{sup 13} DD neutrons at 70 kV, 13 MA (Z1384); (b) (3 to 6) x 10{sup 14} at 90 kV, 17 MA (Z1422); (c) Predicted for ZR 2 x 10{sup 15} DD and 6 x 10{sup 16} DT neutrons; (2) Theory and modeling issues -- collisionless ions, nonthermal ions; (3) Experimental data on the origin of the neutrons not yet conclusive, need more shots; and (4) Applications -- (a) Fusion 2.5 and 14 MeV neutron source; (b) Pulsed subcritical neutron source with uranium blanket for {approx}10x neutron and {approx}1000x energy multiplication (Smirnov, Feoktistov and Klimov); and (c) Fusion-assisted keV x-ray plasma radiation source.
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X-ray spectra and images from Al (with 5% of Mg and some with 5% of NaF dopants) and Cu (pure and with 4% of Ni) wire arrays and X-pinches were accumulated in experiments on the 1 MA pulsed power generator at UNR. In particular, axially and radially resolved K-shell X-ray spectra of Al, Mg, and Na and L-shell X-ray spectra of Cu and Ni were recorded by a KAP crystal (in a spectral region from 6 to 15 Aring) through different slits from 50 mum to 3 mm. In addition, spatially integrated harder X-ray spectra were monitored by a LiF crystal. Non-LTE kinetic models of Al, Mg, and Na, and of Cu and Ni provided spatially resolved electron temperatures and densities for experiments with Al and Cu loads, respectively. Advantages of using alloys and dopants with small concentrations for spectroscopic plasma diagnostics will be presented. Dependence of the plasma's spatial structures, temperatures, and densities from wire material and load configurations, sizes, and masses will be discussed .
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Proposed for publication in Physics of Plasmas.
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Proposed for publication in Physics of Plasma.
Three nested molybdenum wire arrays with initial outer diameters of 45, 50, and 55 mm were imploded by the - 20 MA, 90 ns rise-time current pulse of Sandia's Z accelerator. The implosions generated Mo plasmas with {approx} 10% of the array's initial mass reaching Ne-like and nearby ionization stages. These ions emitted 2-4 keV L-shell x rays with radiative powers approaching 10 TW. Mo L-shell spectra with axial and temporal resolution were captured and have been analyzed using a collisional-radiative model. The measured spectra indicate significant axial variation in the electron density, which increases from a few times 10{sup 20} cm{sup -3} at the cathode up to - 3 x 10{sup 21} cm{sup -3} near the middle of the 20 mm plasma column (8 mm from the anode). Time-resolved spectra indicate that the peak electron density is reached before the peak of the L-shell emission and decreases with time, while the electron temperature remains within 10% of 1.7 keV over the 20-30 ns L-shell radiation pulse. Finally, while the total yield, peak total power, and peak L-shell power all tended to decrease with increasing initial wire array diameters, the L-shell yield and the average plasma conditions varied little with the initial wire array diameter.
Proposed for publication in Physics of Plasma.
Experimental evidence suggests that the energy balance between processes in play during wire array implosions is not well understood. In fact the radiative yields can exceed by several times the implosion kinetic energy. A possible explanation is that the coupling from magnetic energy to kinetic energy as magnetohydrodynamic plasma instabilities develop provides additional energy. It is thus important to model the instabilities produced in the after implosion stage of the wire array in order to determine how the stored magnetic energy can be connected with the radiative yields. To this aim three-dimensional hybrid simulations have been performed. They are initialized with plasma radial density profiles, deduced in recent experiments [C. Deeney et al., Phys. Plasmas 6, 3576 (1999)] that exhibited large x-ray yields, together with the corresponding magnetic field profiles. Unlike previous work, these profiles do not satisfy pressure balance and differ substantially from those of a Bennett equilibrium. They result in faster growth with an associated transfer of magnetic energy to plasma motion and hence kinetic energy.
Proposed for publication in Nature.
Pulsed power driven metallic wire-array Z pinches are the most powerful and efficient laboratory x-ray sources. Furthermore, under certain conditions the soft x-ray energy radiated in a 5 ns pulse at stagnation can exceed the estimated kinetic energy of the radial implosion phase by a factor of 3 to 4. A theoretical model is developed here to explain this, allowing the rapid conversion of magnetic energy to a very high ion temperature plasma through the generation of fine scale, fast-growing m=0 interchange MHD instabilities at stagnation. These saturate nonlinearly and provide associated ion viscous heating. Next the ion energy is transferred by equipartition to the electrons and thus to soft x-ray radiation. Recent time-resolved iron spectra at Sandia confirm an ion temperature T{sub i} of over 200 keV (2 x 10{sup 9} degrees), as predicted by theory. These are believed to be record temperatures for a magnetically confined plasma.
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Physics of Plasmas (special issue)
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The impact of 3D structure on wire array z-pinch dynamics is a topic of current interest, and has been studied by the controlled seeding of wire perturbations. First, Al wires were etched at Sandia, creating 20% radial perturbations with variable axial wavelength. Observations of magnetic bubble formation in the etched regions during experiments on the MAGPIE accelerator are discussed and compared to 3D MHD modeling. Second, thin NaF coatings of 1 mm axial extent were deposited on Al wires and fielded on the Zebra accelerator. Little or no axial transport of the NaF spectroscopic dopant was observed in spatially resolved K-shell spectra, which places constraints on particle diffusivity in dense z-pinch plasmas. Finally, technology development for seeding perturbations is discussed.
Journal of Applied Physics
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Recent 3D hybrid simulation of a plasma current-carrying column revealed two regimes of sausage and kink instability development. In the first regime, with small Hall parameter, development of instabilities leads to appearance of large-scale axial perturbations and eventually to the bending of the plasma column. In the second regime, with five times larger Hall parameter, small-scale perturbations dominated and no bending of the plasma column was observed. Simulation results are compared to recent experimental data, including laser probing, x-ray spectroscopy and time-gated x-ray imaging during wire array implosions at NTF.
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Physical Review Letters
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