
62 Results
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IMoFi (Intelligent Model Fidelity): Physics-Based Data-Driven Grid Modeling to Accelerate Accurate PV Integration Updated Accomplishments

Reno, Matthew J.; Blakely, Logan; Trevizan, Rodrigo D.; Pena, Bethany D.; Lave, Matthew S.; Azzolini, Joseph A.; Yusuf, Jubair Y.; Jones, Christian B.; Furlani Bastos, Alvaro F.; Chalamala, Rohit C.; Korkali, Mert K.; Sun, Chih-Che S.; Donadee, Jonathan D.; Stewart, Emma M.; Donde, Vaibhav D.; Peppanen, Jouni P.; Hernandez, Miguel H.; Deboever, Jeremiah D.; Rocha, Celso R.; Rylander, Matthew R.; Siratarnsophon, Piyapath S.; Grijalva, Santiago G.; Talkington, Samuel T.; Mason, Karl M.; Vejdan, Sadegh V.; Khan, Ahmad U.; Mbeleg, Jordan S.; Ashok, Kavya A.; Divan, Deepak D.; Li, Feng L.; Therrien, Francis T.; Jacques, Patrick J.; Rao, Vittal R.; Francis, Cody F.; Zaragoza, Nicholas Z.; Nordy, David N.; Glass, Jim G.; Holman, Derek H.; Mannon, Tim M.; Pinney, David P.

This report summarizes the work performed under a project funded by U.S. DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO), including some updates from the previous report SAND2022-0215, to use grid edge measurements to calibrate distribution system models for improved planning and grid integration of solar PV. Several physics-based data-driven algorithms are developed to identify inaccuracies in models and to bring increased visibility into distribution system planning. This includes phase identification, secondary system topology and parameter estimation, meter-to-transformer pairing, medium-voltage reconfiguration detection, determination of regulator and capacitor settings, PV system detection, PV parameter and setting estimation, PV dynamic models, and improved load modeling. Each of the algorithms is tested using simulation data and demonstrated on real feeders with our utility partners. The final algorithms demonstrate the potential for future planning and operations of the electric power grid to be more automated and data-driven, with more granularity, higher accuracy, and more comprehensive visibility into the system.

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Graph theory and nighttime imagery based microgrid design

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Lugo-Alvarez, Melvin L.; Kleissl, Jan K.; Khurram, Adil K.; Lave, Matthew S.; Jones, Christian B.

Reducing the duration and frequency of blackouts in remote communities poses an engineering challenge for grid operators. Outage effects can also be mitigated locally through microgrids. This paper develops a systematic procedure to account for these challenges by creating microgrids prioritizing high value assets within vulnerable communities. Nighttime satellite imagery is used to identify vulnerable communities. Using an asset classification and rating system, multi-asset clusters within these communities are prioritized. Infrastructure data, geographic information systems, satellite imagery, and spectral clustering are used to form and rank microgrid candidates. A microgrid sizing algorithm is included to guide through the microgrid design process. Finally, an application of the methodology is presented using real event, location, and asset data.

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COVID-19 Technical Assistance Program: Agrivoltaic for Rural Economic Development and Electric Grids Resilience

Jones, Christian B.; Ropp, Michael E.; Martinez, Mason J.

Over the past 50 years, the Renewable Energy Program at Sandia has advanced research in the field with a focus on three key goals; 1) reduce the cost, 2) improve resilience and reliability and, 3) decrease the regulatory burden of renewable energy. Sandia’s expertise, coupled with the Village of Questa’s expanding renewable energy portfolio, presents the opportunity to deploy the Labs’ deep science and engineering capabilities towards the energy goals of KCEC and the Village of Questa. Preliminary research efforts by Sandia technical staff has broadly identified early opportunities for further research, development, and demonstration in the emerging renewable energy segment of agrivoltaics. Agrivoltaics is an emerging and promising area of photovoltaics which entails land use considerations as well as concerns regarding landscape transformation, biodiversity, and ecosystem well-being. In recent years, agrivoltaics systems have been the subject of numerous studies due to their potential in the food-energy (and water) nexus. This document is a preliminary evaluation of the projects performance opportunities of agrivoltaics as a renewable energy technology strategy in the region of Questa, NM.

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Securing Inverter Communication: Proactive Intrusion Detection and Mitigation System to Tap, Analyze, and Act

Hossain-McKenzie, Shamina S.; Chavez, Adrian R.; Jacobs, Nicholas J.; Jones, Christian B.; Summers, Adam; Wright, Brian J.

The electric grid has undergone rapid, revolutionary changes in recent years; from the addition of advanced smart technologies to the growing penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) to increased interconnectivity and communications. However, these added communications, access interfaces, and third-party software to enable autonomous control schemes and interconnectivity also expand the attack surface of the grid. To address the gap of DER cybersecurity and secure the grid-edge to motivate a holistic, defense-in-depth approach, a proactive intrusion detection and mitigation system (PIDMS) device was developed to secure PV smart inverter communications. The PIDMS was developed as a distributed, flexible bump-in-the-wire (BITW) solution for protecting PV smart inverter communications. Both cyber (network traffic) and physical (power system measurements) are processed using network intrusion monitoring tools and custom machinelearning algorithms for deep packet analysis and cyber-physical event correlation. The PIDMS not only detects abnormal events but also deploys mitigations to limit or eliminate system impact; the PIDMS communicates with peer PIDMSs at different locations using the MQTT protocol for increased situational awareness and alerting. The details of the PIDMS methodology and prototype development are detailed in this report as well as the evaluation results within a cyber-physical emulation environment and subsequent industry feedback.

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IMoFi - Intelligent Model Fidelity: Physics-Based Data-Driven Grid Modeling to Accelerate Accurate PV Integration (Final Report)

Reno, Matthew J.; Blakely, Logan; Trevizan, Rodrigo D.; Pena, Bethany D.; Lave, Matthew S.; Azzolini, Joseph A.; Yusuf, Jubair Y.; Jones, Christian B.; Furlani Bastos, Alvaro F.; Chalamala, Rohit C.; Korkali, Mert K.; Sun, Chih-Che S.; Donadee, Jonathan D.; Stewart, Emma M.; Donde, Vaibhav D.; Peppanen, Jouni P.; Hernandez, Miguel H.; Deboever, Jeremiah D.; Rocha, Celso R.; Rylander, Matthew R.; Siratarnsophon, Piyapath S.; Grijalva, Santiago G.; Talkington, Samuel T.; Gomez-Peces, Cristian G.; Mason, Karl M.; Vejdan, Sadegh V.; Khan, Ahmad U.; Mbeleg, Jordan S.; Ashok, Kavya A.; Divan, Deepak D.; Li, Feng L.; Therrien, Francis T.; Jacques, Patrick J.; Rao, Vittal S.; Francis, Cody F.; Zaragoza, Nicholas Z.; Nordy, David N.; Glass, Jim G.

This report summarizes the work performed under a project funded by U.S. DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) to use grid edge measurements to calibrate distribution system models for improved planning and grid integration of solar PV. Several physics-based data-driven algorithms are developed to identify inaccuracies in models and to bring increased visibility into distribution system planning. This includes phase identification, secondary system topology and parameter estimation, meter-to-transformer pairing, medium-voltage reconfiguration detection, determination of regulator and capacitor settings, PV system detection, PV parameter and setting estimation, PV dynamic models, and improved load modeling. Each of the algorithms is tested using simulation data and demonstrated on real feeders with our utility partners. The final algorithms demonstrate the potential for future planning and operations of the electric power grid to be more automated and data-driven, with more granularity, higher accuracy, and more comprehensive visibility into the system.

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Geospatial Assessment Methodology to Estimate Power Line Restoration Access Vulnerabilities After a Hurricane in Puerto Rico

IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy

Jones, Christian B.; Bresloff, Cynthia J.; Darbali-Zamora, Rachid; Lave, Matthew S.; Aponte-Bezares, Erick

Limited access to transmission lines after a major contingency event can inhibit restoration efforts. After Hurricane Maria, for example, flooding and landslides damaged roads and thus limited travel. Transmission lines are also often situated far from maintained roadways, further limiting the ability to access and repair them. Therefore, this paper proposes a methodology for assessing Puerto Rico’s infrastructure (i.e., roads and transmission lines) to identify potentially hard to reach areas due to natural risks or distance to roads. The approach uses geographic information system (GIS) data to define vulnerable areas, that may experience excessive restoration times. The methodology also uses graph theory analysis to find transmission lines with high centrality (or importance). Comparison of these important transmission lines with the vulnerability results found that many reside near roads that are at risk for landslides or floods.

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Switch Location Identification for Integrating a Distant Photovoltaic Array Into a Microgrid

IEEE Access

Jones, Christian B.; Theristis, Marios; Darbali-Zamora, Rachid; Ropp, Michael E.; Reno, Matthew J.

Many Electric Power Systems (EPS) already include geographically dispersed photovoltaic (PV) systems. These PV systems may not be co-located with highest-priority loads and, thus, easily integrated into a microgrid; rather PV systems and priority loads may be far away from one another. Furthermore, because of the existing EPS configuration, non-critical loads between the distant PV and critical load(s) cannot be selectively disconnected. To achieve this, the proposed approach finds ideal switch locations by first defining the path between the critical load and a large PV system, then identifies all potential new switch locations along this path, and finally discovers switch locations for a particular budget by finding the ones the produce the lowest Loss of Load Probability (LOLP), which is when load exceed generation. Discovery of the switches with the lowest LOLP involves a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) implementation. The objective of the PSO is to minimize the microgird’s LOLP. The approach assumes dynamic microgrid operations, where both the critical and non-critical loads are powered during the day and only the critical load at night. To evaluate the approach, this paper includes a case study that uses the topology and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) data from an actual EPS. For this example, the assessment found new switch locations that reduced the LOLP by up to 50% for two distant PV location scenarios.

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City-Wide Distributed Roof-Top Photovoltaic System Adoption Forecast, Grid Impact Simulation, & Neighborhood Microgrid Contribution Assessment

Jones, Christian B.; Vining, William F.; Haines, Thad

The adoption of distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems grew significantly in recent years. Market projections anticipate future growth for both residential and commercial installations. To understand grid impacts associated with distributed PV, useful hosting capacity studies require accurate representations of the spatial distribution of PV adoptions. Prediction of PV locations and numbers depends on median income data, building use zoning maps, and permit records to understand existing trends and predict future adoption rates and locations throughout an entire city. Using the PV adoption data, advanced and realistic simulations were performed to capture the distributed PV impacts on the grid. Also, using graph theory community detection hundreds of neighborhood microgrids can be discovered for the entire city by identifying densely connected loads that are sparsely connected to other communities. Then, based on the PV adoption predictions, this work identified the contribution of PV within each of the newly discovered graph theory defined microgrid communities.

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Design Considerations for Distributed Energy Resource Honeypots and Canaries

Johnson, Jay; Jencka, Louis A.; Ortiz, Timothy O.; Jones, Christian B.; Chavez, Adrian R.; Wright, Brian J.; Summers, Adam

There are now over 2.5 million Distributed Energy Resource (DER) installations connected to the U.S. power system. These installations represent a major portion of American electricity critical infrastructure and a cyberattack on these assets in aggregate would significantly affect grid operations. Virtualized Operational Technology (OT) equipment has been shown to provide practitioners with situational awareness and better understanding of adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Deploying synthetic DER devices as honeypots and canaries would open new avenues of operational defense, threat intelligence gathering, and empower DER owners and operators with new cyber-defense mechanisms against the growing intensity and sophistication of cyberattacks on OT systems. Well-designed DER canary field deployments would deceive adversaries and provide early-warning notifications of adversary presence and malicious activities on OT networks. In this report, we present progress to design a high-fidelity DER honeypot/canary prototype in a late-start Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project.

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Review of Intrusion Detection Methods and Tools for Distributed Energy Resources

Lai, Christine L.; Chavez, Adrian R.; Jones, Christian B.; Jacobs, Nicholas J.; Hossain-McKenzie, Shamina S.; Johnson, Jay B.; Summers, Adam

Recent trends in the growth of distributed energy resources (DER) in the electric grid and newfound malware frameworks that target internet of things (IoT) devices is driving an urgent need for more reliable and effective methods for intrusion detection and prevention. Cybersecurity intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are responsible for detecting threats by monitoring and analyzing network data, which can originate either from networking equipment or end-devices. Creating intrusion detection systems for PV/DER networks is a challenging undertaking because of the diversity of the attack types and intermittency and variability in the data. Distinguishing malicious events from other sources of anomalies or system faults is particularly difficult. New approaches are needed that not only sense anomalies in the power system but also determine causational factors for the detected events. In this report, a range of IDS approaches were summarized along with their pros and cons. Using the review of IDS approaches and subsequent gap analysis for application to DER systems, a preliminary hybrid IDS approach to protect PV/DER communications is formed in the conclusion of this report to inform ongoing and future research regarding the cybersecurity and resilience enhancement of DER systems.

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Regional Test Center Operations Manual

Stein, Joshua S.; Burnham, Laurie B.; Jones, Christian B.

The U.S. DOE Regional Test Center for Solar Technologies program was established to validate photovoltaic (PV) technologies installed in a range of different climates. The program is funded by the Energy Department's SunShot Initiative. The initiative seeks to make solar energy cost competitive with other forms of electricity by the end of the decade. Sandia National Laboratory currently manages four different sites across the country. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory manages a fifth site in Colorado. The entire PV portfolio currently includes 20 industry partners and almost 500 kW of installed systems. The program follows a defined process that outlines tasks, milestones, agreements, and deliverables. The process is broken out into four main parts: 1) planning and design, 2) installation, 3) operations, and 4) decommissioning. This operations manual defines the various elements of each part.

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Statistical Approach for Determining the Sandia Array Performance Model Coefficients that Considers String-Level Mismatch

Jones, Christian B.; Hansen, Clifford H.; King, Bruce H.

Commonly used performance models, such as PVsyst, Sandia Array Performance Model (SAPM), and PV LIB, treat the PV array as being constructed of identical modules. Each of the models attempts to account for mismatch losses by applying a simple percent reduction factor to the overall estimated power. The present work attempted to reduce uncertainty of mismatch losses by determining a representative set of performance coefficients for the SAPM that were developed from a characterization of a sample of modules. This approach was compared with current practice, where only a single module’s thermal and electrical properties are testing. However, the results indicate that minimal to no improvements in model predictions were achieved.

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Next Day Building Load Predictions based on Limited Input Features Using an On-Line Laterally Primed Adaptive Resonance Theory Artificial Neural Network

Buildings and Energy

Jones, Christian B.; Robinson, Matt R.; Yasaei, Yasser Y.; Caudell, Thomas C.; Martinez-Ramon, Manel M.; Mammoli, Andrea M.

Optimal integration of thermal energy storage within commercial building applications requires accurate load predictions. Several methods exist that provide an estimate of a buildings future needs. Methods include component-based models and data-driven algorithms. This work implemented a previously untested algorithm for this application that is called a Laterally Primed Adaptive Resonance Theory (LAPART) artificial neural network (ANN). The LAPART algorithm provided accurate results over a two month period where minimal historical data and a small amount of input types were available. These results are significant, because common practice has often overlooked the implementation of an ANN. ANN have often been perceived to be too complex and require large amounts of data to provide accurate results. The LAPART neural network was implemented in an on-line learning manner. On-line learning refers to the continuous updating of training data as time occurs. For this experiment, training began with a singe day and grew to two months of data. This approach provides a platform for immediate implementation that requires minimal time and effort. The results from the LAPART algorithm were compared with statistical regression and a component-based model. The comparison was based on the predictions linear relationship with the measured data, mean squared error, mean bias error, and cost savings achieved by the respective prediction techniques. The results show that the LAPART algorithm provided a reliable and cost effective means to predict the building load for the next day.

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Final Technical Report: PV Fault Detection Tool

King, Bruce H.; Jones, Christian B.

The PV Fault Detection Tool project plans to demonstrate that the FDT can (a) detect catastrophic and degradation faults and (b) identify the type of fault. This will be accomplished by collecting fault signatures using different instruments and integrating this information to establish a logical controller for detecting, diagnosing and classifying each fault.

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Final Technical Report: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of PV Derate Factors

King, Bruce H.; Burton, Patrick D.; Hansen, Clifford H.; Jones, Christian B.

The Advanced Measurement and Analysis of PV Derate Factors project focuses on improving the accuracy and reducing the uncertainty of PV performance model predictions by addressing a common element of all PV performance models referred to as “derates”. Widespread use of “rules of thumb”, combined with significant uncertainty regarding appropriate values for these factors contribute to uncertainty in projected energy production.

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62 Results
62 Results